All Episodes

January 9, 2024 31 mins
Falen and Jenny discuss how their "ins" and "outs" are going so far, read an email with a very difficult dilemma...dealing with kids and more!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Welcome to should we say welcome?Jenny, do you feel like welcome is
welcoming or I don't know that's shouldI really nope, Yep, that's the
one. Okay, good, I'mglad. I'm glad we settled off the
one. The day today, theday that it comes out Tuesday, Jenny
and I we're gonna go see thenew Mean Girls movie tonight. I am

so excited. You know me,I'm not a movie person, but I
am super you like the first one, though, Okay, I'm a little
nervous about it being a musical.I'm not sure how I'm gonna feel about
that. It's Renee rap singing.You'll love it. I will tell you
this. I saw The Mean Girl'sBroadway Musical and it was granted. I

knew I was going to a musicalbecause I'm going to Broadway. It was
hilarious. It was so funny.It was I think this movie is going
to be just more modernized. Ialso get the vibe that Renee or Renee
Regina Renee plays her. She comesacross as the main character, and all
the kind of promo advertising for it. I don't know if it's just because
she's the biggest star in the movieas far as the plastics go, or

if it's going to be a lotmore about Regina. I'm curious. That's
what I was thinking too. Iactually never really thought about it because then
because you would have considered Katie.She was a lead in the first one.
Yeah, in the Broadway musical,Katie was still like the lead.
But I don't know, I'm soexcited. Yeah, there were so many

classic lines from the first movie,and Tina Fey's great with that. So
since she's still like hands on,I feel like really excited for it.
How is they say that week twoof January is when people fall off of
their goals or resolutions. They onlylast like a week. So from your
ins and outs, are there thingsthat you feel like you're doing well or

you've already fallen off? Okay,so I have been scrolling before bed and
I'll go upstairs with my book inhand. Yeah, reintention to be like
I'm gonna get twenty minutes in realquick. And the next thing I know,
I spent ten minutes scrolling and I'mlike, well, I only have
ten minutes left till I should reallygo to bed, And so that I
just keep scrolling. Yeah, yeah, so that is my big one that

I am struggling with. What aboutyou? I feel like this week I
nailed it, Like I'm week onenailing it, So I am still scrolling.
I didn't put like specific parameters onthat maybe I should have, because
I mean I have been scrolling andtrolling, not really trolling. I am
like all over it. But II actually thought about the other day.

I'm like, what am I lookingfor? Like? Am I looking for
like some genius new idea? AmI just? Am I some? I
mean, of course I find likecontent ideas for like the show and stuff.
I'm like, what am I actuallytrying to find here? I don't
think you are. And that's thepoint of mindless scrolling. But I said,
I want to drink like a fullglass of water when I wake up.
Every day. Been doing that andso that's good for my body.
Being outdoors more, I've been going. I was going to go for a

walk today, did not because ofthe snow, and I'm actually really happy
at didn't because my car almost slidoff my driveway, so I probably would
have slipped on my back and died. But every like every other day,
I've been going for at least likea two mile walk and my two other
things that I had put on thelist that I feel really excited about.
I put that I wanted to learnsomething new. So Jake and I signed

up Saturday. We're going to Lifetimeand we're taking an intro to pickleball class
so that we have something to dotogether. But like, we don't know
the rules and I don't either.Yeah, our promo director ted he got
pissed because he went to a placethe other day and paid seven dollars and
was teamed up with people who wentand played, so he spent the whole
time teaching him and he's like,I paid seven dollars to teach them to

play. He was pissed, andI was like, totally respect. I
don't want to be that person tosomeone else. So we're gonna go take
that intro class. And Jake boughtus cheap Well, okay, this is
a whole different argument. So Ibought like two years ago a pickleball set
at Target, one of the cheapones and has wooden paddles, blah bla
blah, and Jake says, wecannot those to Lifetime, and I go,

yes, we can. He goes, no, we can't. We're
going to stand out and people aregonna like mock us. And I said,
I go, I'm gonna be reallyhonest. I don't care what people
at Lifetime think of me. Andhe goes okay. So he didn't bring
it up again, but he tookall of to get ice skates that like
played against sports or whatever, andhe came home with two pickleball paddles.
He's like, they were twenty dollarseach, and I was like, he's
like, at least people look lessdumb. And I said, fine,

okay, for twenty dollars each,fine, because like someone were like one
hundred and twenty something dollars. Iwas never going to spend that. So
that's one. So learning something newwas on my list, and the other
one was to improve on like something, which I assumed would be painting for
me. So I signed up fora one day workshop. It's like all
day at Minnetonka Center of the Arts, and it's like for Winter Landscapes.

A lot of their classes like theydon't work with my schedule, you know
what I mean, Like it's eithersix to nine, which I couldn't do,
or it's like one to four andI'm like, I can't do any
of those. So anyway, Ifound like a one day workshop, so
I was like, Okay, cool, I can do that. And yeah,
so I feel like I'm accomplishing somethings good. And yeah, I

don't know, but I know thatlike a lot of people fall off.
But you just gotta get back intoit if you do, you know,
Jenny, just keep on trying toread. I don't think it's about being
perfect. It's just about Okay,it's already about perfection. We have a
problem. It's about trying to infiltratea new routine in your life. Speaking

of pickleball, though, Andrew hasbeen so all about like we need to
learn, we need to get intoa league, because I mean, his
job is very important for him tonetwork obviously as a real estate agent.
So he's just like trying to comeup with other things. And we went
to this fondue party over the holidaysand we met this couple and they're like,
oh, yeah, we just gotreal big into pick a ball lately,
and that's like their new thing.And Andrew's like, we have to

and so he's been on this kickthat we need to find a pick aball
league, and he found one Ithink in like South Minneapolis, maybe Richfield
or something, I don't really remember, and he's like, we should join
this, and I go, whatare the times? What's the driving time?
If it's going to be during rushhour, that's not an easy location
to get to. Like, Iam all first joining something because I really,
as you've heard many times before,I love kickball for the social aspect

of it, almost more than theactual game of it. And I think
it's just important to get out duringthe weekend, do something that isn't solely
work related or like working out orwhatever that's part of routine. So I'm
like, all for it, Butshould me, you, Jake, and
Andrew join a league together? Butalso it's probably gonna be too hard because
we're not gonna be able to findone that works for all our schedules.

Yeah, I was gonna say that'sgonna be the issue, is you I
find anyone that works with us withall of it's going to be hard.
Like we're planning on playing during theday when she's a daycare. So that's
the issue now we do have Iwill throw this out there at some point
if you want to play with us. Our neighborhood randomly has like a public
park in it, but no oneknows it's a public park, and they

just the city just paid to redothe whole thing, and so it's all
new kids play stuff and pickleball courts. Yeah, so we can literally just
walk to the pickleball courts course.Now, if you ever want to come
out and play, you can,or we can meet you at Lifetime.
Actually Lifetime, I think is reallyhard to get a court reserved, so
that's probably not gonna happen, butwe would come out your way, we
could play, We could just playin general. Side note, When I

did play tennis, some people describedmy attitude as poor, so I was
a Some would say bad sport.So I feel like you and Andrew are
just naturally good at things. SoI would get real pissy at Jake and
myself and it might be unpleasant tobe around. I don't know. Pickleball

and tennis are kind of sports thatyou weirdly might be talented at. I
mean, you might have to bein like decent shit. You definitely have
to be in like okay shape tobe really good at tennis. But I
feel like those are sports that you'rejust like uniquely talented at and I'm not
very good at tennis, you know, currently like disturbingly good at pickleball.
Tina, oh yeah, because shewon. Yeah, her friends do like

a thing and they're like and they'llbring it up and be like, Tina
is randomly so good at pickleball,and she's like, yeah, I am,
you know, just like agree withit. Oh that's fair. But
I don't know. I mean,I get the like everyone's it's like a
hype and a craze right now,but I wanted to find like something that
Jake and I can do together.I told him, I'm like, even
when we go to restaurants, like, I said, we should learn like

a card game or something. Ithink I brought this up last time because
he said we should play cribbage andI said, fuck no, because I'm
not doing that. So I waslike, this will be a good start
for us. And then I alsoasked him this week, actually yesterday we
were like together alone, all ofus asleep, so not alone alone,
but I said, is there anythingI could do that will just like make

you happier? And I feel likeJake constantly tends to my needs and he
thinks about what I would want beforeI would want it. And he said,
he's like, let me think,and he was like, well,
other than picking up your socks,because I still leave my socks everywhere.
He was like, one thing thatwould really be helpful is he does all
of his full bedtime routine by himself. He was like, it would be

really helpful if you took her downstairsand brush your teeth and got her pjs
on, and then I can dolike the book and good night. And
I said that's a very fair request, Like very fair. And I kind
of felt like a jerk for notreally offering that before, honestly, because
you could be like, oh,that's his one. No, Jake has
like a million routines with all ofLike, that's not like kids won the

contribution. I would argue that,like I'm the lacking one. So I
was like, for sure, andhe was like, what about me.
Jake's like, You're annoyingly perfect.I can't think of anything that you could
do better. And also I'm thekind of person that I would never wait
to be asked if you did somethingthat annoyed me or I needed more from
you, I would just immediately tellyou and you would fix it. And
he's like, that's fair. SoI don't know. I thought like,

maybe that's something you could ask yourpartner. You to the Villy Jenny,
but ask your partner and maybe likeyou'd be surprised to learn what they could
use from you. I mean,Andrew's very similar in that aspect as Jake
is, where he just is alwayslike I'm happy, like I get to
be, and I'm like, shutthem up, okay, like I know
that there's something I must do thatannoys you. And the one thing I

had learned was he's like a littlebit traumatized from hearing cabinet doors in the
kitchen slamming from his childhood, andso that's fair have to bring that up.
But that's a fair poe. Hesays that he'll hear me in the
kitchen and I just kind of naturally, like you know, push a door
shut and slams. And he needn'tget those easy closed cabinets in yours for

Andrew's sake, and he goes it'skind of triggering for me. He's like,
I feel like you're angry about something, and I was like, I'm
just in the kitchen I'm also likean extreme multitasker. When I'm cooking,
I'm usually like meal prepping multiple thingsat once or whatever, Like I go
quick in the kitchen, so I'mrunning around and I'm definitely probably slamming face.

I was like, Okay, Iwill work out not doing that.
But yeah, we have those conversationstoo. One thing that we were going
to try to do when we weretrying to find a thing for us to
do was we had research taking salsaclasses. We found a place really close
to us in Saint Louis Park.But the thing was it was on well
I think we found it back inMay, and it's like a month long

that you take it for every Tuesday, and for every month we've had it
since we've had something going on atleast like one of the tuesdays of the
month that we want to be ableto make it, and it's like you
learn more each week. So Iwas like, well, we have to
do it at a month where wecan be there at every Tuesday, you
know. So that's like something thatwhen I do my calendar, I like

take that and I copy it andI pays it to the next month.
And I was like, we'll getwell, maybe try it the next Yeah.
I was going to ask you,Oh, man, what was it?
I don't Oh, I are youstill like how often are you watching
dogs? Are you just have likeyour regulars now? No, we do
have a lot of regulars, yes, but I mean that's people who go

on vacation, and they're not onvacation that often, so it's really not
like quite often. I mean wetake dogs almost as often as we're asked.
In the summer was so heavy,people were always out of town weekends,
especially going up to cabins or whateverit might be, if they couldn't
bring their dog with them. Butthis month we have another dog coming for
like ten days, and then onedog coming at the beginning of February ten

days. Yeah, And those arethey commit I know, And those are
those are the ones. Honestly Ilike the best because it means that,
like I'm not going through different dogroutines all the time. I get to
have the same routine with the dog. But February is kind of pretty booked.
We just did a meet and greetwith these two dogs named Finn and
Gus, and they're coming for alsolike ten is days. I think in

February, and we have another dogschedule for February two. But it's it's
hard now because the people who areregulars, they'll text me and they don't
text me enough in advance, andI'll have someone else books and we don't
take more than two dogs at atime as of right now. Like that's
like our sweet spot. That's fair, and usually like it's great if they're

siblings, but if they're not,we always have to go through a process
and to make sure that the dogswould get along. And so the one
of my absolute favorite dogs needed tobe watched like next week, but we
have this other dog coming for tendays, and that dog I was told
doesn't do super well with other dogs, so I had to say no.
And then I get sad because wejust we have one dog who his name

is Boomer, and he's this hewas like this overweight Golden Retriever and he
had something was wrong with him,like his cells or something with his fat
cells or something, so he wasactually like sick or he was taking medicine
for it, and that's why hewas so overweight. But we're getting really
sad because we haven't heard anything fromthe owners since the summer, and we're

just like scared. Now we getlike attached to some of the yeah,
and we're scared that something's like happenedbecause we haven't heard anything from them,
and it's like, well, likemaybe you reach out. I was like
reach out to these people I've mettwice and be like, yeah, hey,
I have a dog hoos Boomer doingalive. Okay, serious, you
don't have to answer this. Tendays watching one dog with the app taking

money? Do you feel comfortable sharinglike how much you would get for ten
days with one dog? Yeah,I'm just curious. With one dog for
ten days, it's it's calculated withlike per night, so but I'll just
say ten nights to make it easy. It would be the app. So
it's five hundred dollars total for someoneto hire me, but the app takes
twenty percent of that, so theyget a portion of it. And I'm

not entirely sure if there's like anotherfee on top of that, but I
will see how much it costs them. But then Rover takes twenty percent off
of that once I get paid,Okay, So I don't know if there's
something above that for like five hundreddollars for ten days, and then if
you have two dogs, it's Icharged like fifty dollars for the first one
and forty for the second one,but once again, that's before Rover takes

the fees, so it's a littlebit less if you have two dogs to
have like a second dog. Okay, I don't know how kennels work,
because I know part of me feelslike wow, I thought I kind of
assumed you made more. Oh no, But then also part of me is
like, God, that's e finexpensive to have someone watch your dog,
I know, because you're already payingyourself for your trip, which is probably

expensive between flight and hotel and stuff, and then you have to do that
with your dog on top of it. Gosh, I know. I mean,
I tried to stay very I triedto make it enough money to make
it honestly worth it for me forsure, but like not too much that
no one was ever gonna hire me. So I looked around, like other
people around the neighborhood and stuff,and I'm pretty in the middle of what

people charge and stuff. And I'veonly been doing it for a year,
so other people have like five hundredratings already, and so they probably can
charge a little bit more, buteven they don't charge that much more because
you also have to compare it tolike how much it costs to go to
a kennel. And I don't thinkKennel's charge more than like fifty d ish
dollar dollars a day. Yeah,probably not. I don't know. I
guess I don't remember. I thinkI did, like maybe looked into Kennel's

once or twice. But then likethe roverop came into play pretty early on,
or I had like Tina Harry orwhoever, like a friend watching them.
My mom lives here now, sothat's like really convenient. We got
rid of our and I got ridof I mean, we adopted out Gravy
yesterday. And I've been fostering twoPalm Eranians, Gravy and Tato, and
they're going to change his name,and I was so sad about it,
like of course they can. Yeah, I didn't even care that they were

going to change Tato's name because I'mlike, I get that, but like
Gravy was just so cute, butthey're going to change his name and they're
such a lovely family. And thenI had a meet and greet Friday with
a family for Tato, and Ithink that hopefully, I'm like, hopefully
by the end of this week hewill be gone too. And I don't
mean that in a mean way,but like I am ready to stop cleaning
up p and poop every ten seconds. I mean, those puppies pe and

poop constantly, and I am overit. And it was a very good
experience for me. I think Ieven said this last week to know I
do not want a puppy, atleast for a long long time. I
mean, they are a lot ofwork. We haven't really watched many puppies
with like our app but like ifthere's like a not very well trained dog,

it becomes like really hard. Likehonestly, we watched too recently that
we watched them before and they neverhad accidents in the house, and then
this time they were having accidents constantly, and we were like, what is
going on? You guys were notlike this last time. Yeah. I
don't know if they picked up somebad habits since like the six months prior,
but it was kind of exhausting.And then my friend's dog, she

dropped her off and that night shejust started puking everywhere, like constantly,
and we had gone out for drinksor something and we came home and had
to spend like an hour cleaning uppuke in like seven different spots. And
it's always on the damn rugs.Like, oh yeah, they would,
they will. Animals they like justcannot do their business on the floor.

It would be way too easy forthem. Yeah, And then we found
out when my friend picked her upafter the weekend that she had ate a
chapstick, and so because we weremonitoring her because we were scared because she
was she's a little bit older too, and we're like, okay, she
got everything on Friday and then Saturdaya little low key chill and that's kind
of how she is anyways. Butwe just were like keeping an eye on

her to make sure nothing was likeactually really wrong. We just assumed she
had ate something, and Andrew thoughthe saw something plastic. But I mean,
yeah, like, don't get mewrong, I love watching dogs.
But we've had, yeah, likeour fair share of situations where we have
to deal with things that you don'tanticipate. But for the most part,
the joy of having a dog aroundcompletely outweys having to clean up some poop.

Everyone in a while, you saidyou had an email this week,
so I'm not sure. Okay,so we're gonna call her Abby. I
said, not my real name,and it says Hi, Jenny and Fallon.
I have a situation I'm trying towork through, and I'm hoping your
listeners can have some advice for me. I've been dating my boyfriend for about

ten months now. Things are goingamazing. I love him so much and
I can easily see myself spending therest of my life with him. He's
the greatest man I've ever known,and I can't imagine my life without him.
I've never felt this way about anyone, and I'm in my thirties.
The issue that I'm struggling with isthat he can't have any more kids.
He currently has a young child andis recently divorced. He was very upfront
with me right away about not beingable to have more kids because of a

vasectomy when we first started dating,but when I asked about potentially fostering or
adopting, he said that door wasslightly open. However, I could tell
he was hesitant about even that answer. Fast forward to now and he has
basically shut the door and said hereally doesn't want any more kids. I
told him when we first started datingthat I really wanted a kid, but
it wasn't a make or break dealin the beginning. But as we grow
closer, and as I grow closerto his child, I can't stop thinking

about it and how I want oneof my own. I'm really torn.
I love this man so much andhis child is so great, which helps
a time, but ultimately I'm nottheir mom. I'm curious if anyone else
has been in a similar situation,because now I feel like I have to
decide between wanting kids or marrying thelove of my life. What would you
do things happy? That's a That'sa very tough one because they say when

you get in a relationship, youhave to agree on like three or four
things that are very important. Ithink the top one is if we're having
kids or not. You said you'rein your thirties, so I'm going to
be like a jerk here. Yourtime is limited to have kids, and
some people fact, yeah, somepeople well, but some people are you

know, women have kids in theirforties and fifties or whatever, and that's
true. But everyone knows the olderyou get, the higher risk you have
with various things going wrong and whichshout out to women's biological clocks as like
like the men are having them whenthey're ninety years old. So for me,

I would say I find it interestingNumber one that he said he couldn't
have kids. V sectomies are reversible, and I mean don't think there are
many that aren't reversible this day andage. However, he was very clear
upfront about that. So that's somethingthat you guys talked about adoption very serious

commitment and discussion and conversation, andI don't know, I kind of get
like he's done it, so it'seasy for him to be like, I
don't really want anymore. I meanwhen I met Jake, he had kind
of nothing. He was closed off. He just had kind of decided in
his head he probably wasn't having anymorebecause Dylan was nine when I met him,
So I think Jake just kind ofthought, probably won't have any more
kids. I don't know. Atthe end of the day, it comes

down to how important is having akid with you. He's pretty much telling
you it's not happening with him,and I know the other kid isn't yours,
But I also I have a friendwho she met the love of her
life. She said, I justtalked to her. She used to work
here at the radio station, notKatie, but a different station, And
she met the love of her lifelater in life, and they already had

a kid who she loved, butthey were like, you know what,
let's try to have a kid.They went to the doctor and she said
at the time, the doctor laughedat I'm like, you two are too
old at this point, and they'relike, oh, okay. And she
said it took her a minute becauseshe had kind of decided I do want
a kid with him, and thenit took a minute and she's like,
and I'm okay with it, Likehe was enough for me and his kid
was enough for me, and I'mfine. But that's not always going to

be the case for everyone. Yeah, it's hard to say with someone like
me personally, I have zero experienceof like making a decision about a kid.
And Andrew and I are both veryup in the air on that decision
ourselves. So I feel like whenyou're so, I feel resentment is the

word I'm trying to find. Yeah, I think you have to like weigh
how much resentment you potentially could havetowards him if you decide to stay with
him and not have any kids thatare just your or two versus will your
life be fulfilling without him? Andthat's hard to say because that's the both
are the unknown, you know,And it's also it's like, of course

he is like the love of yourlife. I personally think that I think
you can find true love in multipledifferent ways and in different kinds of love.
So I'm not saying that if youleft him you wouldn't be able to
find someone else or anything. Ithink you very much could. But I
get that the fear of leaving someonewho you know is like perfect for you

and then never finding that again.Well that and also you do I mean,
my friend Abby has gone through this. You do the numbers game.
Okay, Let's say I even metsomeone in the next year, you would
need to be with them at leastwhat a year before you even get engaged,
and then maybe you get married withhim blah blah blah. And then
if you're lucky enough to get pregnant, like you start when women when they
hit a certain age, you startlike mentally playing this game. If you

want to be able to have akid. It sucks. Yeah, So
I think you're answer is within yourself. Wow, thank you Buddha. I
don't know, no, Okay,oh my god. I mean it's such
a serious topic. I like,don't I get it, Like you just
have to decide what is more important. I do agree with Jenny. I

I don't know that I believe inone soulmate. I almost think you can
have multiple soulmates. And I knowthat some people will never agree with that
because maybe they found like one andthey were happy with that one forever.
But I don't know. I justlike I think, like for me,
I don't want to ever be withanyone other than Jake. I can't imagine
anyone ever being better for me thanhim. But like if it's hard for

me to imagine too, because Ijust like, if he would have said
absolutely no kids, I think Iwould have been like, oh okay,
yeah, because I didn't want themthat much to begin with, right,
So it's different. I Mean I'vehad some friends who have been sort of
in similar situation, and the thingis is that one of the other person
kind of bended a little bit.Like I had a friend who thought that

they wanted kids that her partner waslike, I don't think so it's just
like not my thing. They almostbroke up. Then they talked about it
again and he kind of was like, no, it can be on the
table because that's how much I valuethe relationship. So I don't know.
If it's like really really something youwant and he is such a hard no,

then you really have to think aboutit. Yeah, our mutual well
more so my friend, but youknow him. He got a vasectomy and
then he got married and she wantedkids, and he's like, okay,
they like had that conversation before marriage, so he got a reversal. And
I don't know what their timeline isor if they've tried or none, that's
my business. But he was likedead set, I'll never have kids.
Then he met her and I waslike, oh, okay, I'm going

to get a reversal because she doeswant kids and I want kids with her.
So yeah, I don't, Imean, I don't. I guess
I don't love the idea that he'snot willing to be flexible in any way
for your desires. You know thatstinks, it does, But and I
don't know that we're any help Ifanyone has any advice for her that maybe
has been in a similar situation,then you can email either of a Stallin

or Jenny at kadiewb dot com.I'm like itching my skin right now as
you're like finishing that and I haveI just had this laser treatment done,
so I know I'm flaking dead skinall over the place. It's not my
studio. I don't care, you'reright, I'm just that we're in Drake's
studio actually right now, and it'sjust it's disgusting. Do you use my
microphone now, by the way,or do you use you still use yours?
Yeah, in the other studio whereI'm not putt my hot breath on

your microphone. I didn't think Ismelled you, so I thought we're good
there. But oh, I stilluse the other one because I got to
have access to the computer stuff,so I know over there. Yeah,
it's such a visual thing. I'msorry. I just like I was wondering,
but I always like go in.I have to use more of your
side of stuff now than I usedto, like with the phone and stuff,
and I get so frustrated because thephone is nowhere near me, and

so I have to get up andTed or Vaunt or someone is always sitting
in your seat and I have tolike almost lean over their lap to reach
the phone, like get out ofthe way. But yeah, anyway,
we are in Drake Studio today.Where about a time? So is there
anything else you would like to addto today's podcast? Jenny Andrew told me
over the weekend that he could looklike Nelly if you tried, And by

that, I mean he thinks thathe could have like a six pack of
abs if he tried, because hewas why did he pick Nelly of all
people? That's what? Why didhe pick someone like the guy who just
won the Golden Globe for the bearwho just had the amazing Calvin Klein as
why would he pick that? Saysomething real quickcause now I'm going to sidetrack
my own story. But I wantedto share his posts of him and tell

me too. But then I feltlike it's inappropriate because boyfriend. No,
no, no, That's not whyI felt like it was inappropriate, because
I was like, I have aboyfriend. I can't be like putting all
this like sexual content out there.Forget that, But God, did he
look good. I The reason Ididn't was because every time we do something
like that, people like you wouldbe so mad if a guy did that

with a woman, And so I'mlike, oh my god, you're right.
I don't think I would care ifyou share. If Margot Robbie had
a hot af Calvin Klein thing,I would probably share that as well.
And if a guy that I wouldn'tcare. But I get it. His
name is Jeremy Allen. White.By the way, just came in my
head. I couldn't think it,but I don't know. I also side
note, I started. I watchedtwo things this weekend. Good Grief,

the new Dan Levy movie on Netflix. He wrote, and he's the guy
from Shit's Creek he wrote, andI think either producer directed it, and
I thought it was good. Itwasn't like amazing, but it was like
good sweet. And then we startedwatching a new show on Apple TV.
It's actually on Showtime, so wemust have Showtime through Apple and it's called

The Curse or Cursed. I thinkit's the Curse, and it has Emma
Stone in it. It is oneof the weirdest shows ever and Jake and
I have been It's like that wasjust one for things on the Golden globes
or that's her movie Poor Things Okay, which also looks very bizarre and unique.
But Curse is like this couple.They're the most bizarre couple ever and

they're trying to get an HGTV showabout how like her homes where they're kind
of like self sustaining environments on theinside, and they're like rich white people
going into like this native I thinkit's mostly Native. There might be some
Spanish people in the community and almostkind of like gentrifying it, but they're
trying to angle it like they're notand it's like so bizarre and weird,

and he is one of the mostawkward characters I've ever experienced, and they
have no passion. And I don'twant to give anything away, but there
is like a scene in the firstepisode or two that shows is Penis and
you are not prepared for what itshows. Yeah, and Jake and I
both just stopped and we're like,wait a minute, and we started laughing,

and it was just unexpected. Andthere have been so many weird,
uncomfortable consistently. I don't know anyway, if you looking for something so weird
and different it's that would be arecommendation I have on Apple. Yeah it's
on Showtime Okay, okay, butwhat we watch it through Apple TV?

Nice? All right, that's itfor real. Okay, all right,
So Andrey's getting a six pack likeNellie? Then, yeah, I just
told them I look got distracted onCher Calvin. He had lifted his shirt
up and put his stomach in myface and I was just like feeling his
non existent abs, and which isI'm fine with. He doesn't need to
have abs. And I kind ofjust like started examining his like chest and

stomach area, and I go,babe, you have like really the build
of someone who could just he's likebe ripped. Oh yeah, I could
look like Nelly if I wanted to, is what he said. And I
go Nelly. He goes, yeah, oh I could of all the people,
That's what happened. And once again, I don't care that he doesn't
have abs. Some people are builtto be able to just kind of easily
have that physique. And he usand you have those apps if you wanted,

get one little abrowll ers Jenny.That's all he needs. All right,
Thanks for listening. Have a goodone
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