Episode Transcript
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Are you team pool or are youteam beach? Where Mike and Diane on
ninety five point one WayV there wasa survey beach versus pool and it was
split right down the middle fifty tofifty, which I can see. Yeah,
So what do you think? Wouldyou rather go to the pool or
would you rather go to the beach? Mine? I think there's one classification
here. Is it my pool oris it somebody else's pool? It can
be any pool you want, Okay. So if it's my pool, I'm
picking pool, gotcha. If it'ssomebody else's pool, I'm picking pool I
am. So either way, it'sit's pool, okay, because a couple
of reasons. One, the sandis hot. Two the ocean there's things
in there that I don't know.I don't need. I don't need that
in my life, okay, betweenrip currents and the fact that they keep
telling us there's one thousand bajillion thingsin the ocean that can just kill you,
and they're usually one inch below thesurface, or you can't see them,
or they're masters at disguise. Butsomehow we've survived, have we a
lot? We have? But likesome people, haven't we Pool guy pool
guy. Forever I can see thebottom, I can swim around if I
need to go to the bathroom,and off the walk one hundred miles,
there's usual. There's always annoying kids, even if it's your own pool with
your own family. Sorry, kids, what else don't on? There's no
hike to the spot with all thestuff, a lot of stuff. I
miss the days of high school whenI just go there with like a towel.
Yeah, those were nice days.It does not happen anymore for me.
It is a lot to pack everythingup. And I would say,
with you having kids, I don'tblame you for saying team pool because I'll
look around and I'll see all thestuff that the families have to bring with
the kids, and then I'll seethe kids get bored. Unless they're true
water babies and they want to bein the water all the time. They
need to be doing something all thetime, Whereas I think they're they're more
self sufficient if they have their floatieson and you know, jumping in the
pool. So it's probably easier withyou having kids to go to the pool.
So the pool for me, let'sjust call it a backyard pool,
right, my backyard I can.We can go out there for a half
hour and be fine. If we'regoing to the beach, we're committed to
at least three hours. It's notworth packing everything up if you stay that
long. So for me, that'swhy I'm pool forever. That's actually a
great argument. I'm making the realreason, whatever lies beneath the surface,
that is why I am a poolguy. Listen, I love a pool,
but the beach is my happy place. I feel so at peace whether
you're in the water or notf it'stoo cold, I won't even go in.
But it is a lot to packup. I'll give you that.
A lot that my husband has tocart down. We have like the mac
Daddy cart with the big wheels,so big wheels. Yeah, it's not
that bad, so it's more workon him. I still have to picking
up and put it in the car. But when I'm sitting there, I
honestly do not worry about anything.It really is my happy place. When
I plan a vacation, I planeverything around a beach pretty much, so
I gotta go team beach. Beside note, I do love a pool
day as well. If I hadthe kids like you, Mike, Yes,
absolutely, pool Now, if it'sjust me and my wife and we're
on a resort and I get aI guess some shade, like give me,
give me that umbrella. I mightbe beach guy. Give me the
chair. I'm a chair guy.I need a chair. I need shade,
and I need somebody feeding me.Uh, Peanut Colada drinks or Margarita
drinks or some cold icy drink.Sounds good. He's a part time Team
Beach. Yeah. Yeah. Itall depends on the situation absolutely. So
you can place your vote on thefree iHeartRadio app. Just open the app,
search w A y V, tapthe red microphone and just say,
hey, Mike and Diane, Iam Team Pool because or I am Team
each because, And then we'll welet them all up in our survey.
But in the meantime, have funat the pool, have fun at the
beach. Team Beach, your teamPool. It's Mike and Diane on ninety
five point one WayV. Survey isfifty to fifty. Mike, we're fifty
to fifty. You say team Pool, I say Team Beach. Let's check
in with Corey from Summer's point.Which team were you on? Corey?
Hey, guys, I am alsoteam beat. I know. I'm sorry
this is a controversial take, butthe reason people usually don't like the beach
option is the stand and that's actuallywhy I like it. That's one of
the reasons I mentioned was the sand. Yes, he did. So you
have your toesies in the sand andyou just enjoy it. Yeah, exactly.
I like that. It's that it, you know, seats up.
I like that you can play withit. I don't know. The pool
just on the concrete, it's justnothing special. I actually enjoy laying out
on the sand. Yep. Yeah, boom, there was the answer right
there. You don't have kids,do you. I don't. Yeah.
See, I told you it's mucheasier. Yep. I had a lady
one time. She had three littleones, and they only stayed for an
hour. I guess the kids gotbored and they had so much stuff they
could have run it and you alland they're walking back and she looks at
me and I'm sitting there reading mybook and she said to me, have
fun. Yeah. I'll tell you, the moment you finally get everything unpacked
and sit down is not relaxing atall. Yeah, because it takes ten
minutes to get that stupid blanket,the lay flat as the wind's blown it
up in the air, they're saying, flying everywhere. Then you finally sit
down and you look around, andyou go, now what it's like.
We got to pack up? Believeall right? Here we go, all
right, well, just give methe pool. It can happen. But
now we're staying on team Beach.Thank you, Corey. And let's check
with Chris from Lynnwood. Chris,are you team Beach or Team Pool?
Do the right thing? You know. I like to think that I am
Team Beach, but I am TeamPool all the way. Every time I
go down, like I walk outinto the sand, I end up back
in the pool. In the pool, I don't get sanned in my in
my drink. I don't. I'mnot dirty all day. I'm not taking
that. I'm not taking sand homewith me. I'm not itching in places
because I've got sand all over theplace. I love the idea of the
beach, but in practicality, Iam completely team Pool. I forget what
her name was that we just hadon before, but she said literally the
exact ops. Cory, Yeah,Cory said the exact ops. She said,
most people hate the beach because ofthe sand. How you doing over
here? She loves it? Yeah, and she loved it. So it's
really funny that we had the exactcall reversed and we're fifty to fifty still
even with our survey. Chris,I could have sworn when you said sand
in your drink that you were goingto say sand in your crack. He
did. He worked out in someplaces. Yeah, I mean it was
to be fair, that was likethe fourth or fifth thing he worked sand
into in that break. But Iagree with him. Okay, well,
we're still fifty to fifty. We'rejust gonna have to leave it that way.
Guys, team beach versus team Pool. There you gool go beach more.
Adults are buying these as a hobby, definitely not just for kids.
It's Mike and Diane on ninety fivepoint one w A y V. We
already know that adults love to dolegos, to buy legos, especially Ed
Sheeran. Yeah, he with it. The first time he made any kind
of money, he went out andbought legos. Yeah. But it's really
just it's not stopping anytime soon becauseit was really big during the pandemic and
it's still continuing that so many adultsit may even take over from kids doing
legos that adults are doing more legosand get this, there's a booming black
market for legos. Unfortunately, alot of thefts are happening. There was
just a ring of like so expensive. Three thousand boxes were recovered of Legos
that were stolen. They were tryingto sell them on the black one hundred
million dollars in product there. Yeah, well, I wanted to ask you
how much they are because I didn'tlook it up. Very expensive, it
must be with this black So say, if you wanted to do trying to
think of something one of those bigships from Star Wars that you live,
have you picked the absolute worst thing? How much the Millennium falcon one is
like the creme de la creme?Is it one to get? And it's
like, I mean four hundred dollars? Ooh, that was a guest,
But they are that expensive? Imean you want to get a We went
in the other day because my son'snow back in the Legos Thank You Lego
movie that we just found on Netflix. They're like, if you want to
get something of substance, it's likeeighty dollars for a kids set. Yeah.
Wow. I mean if you wantto get like something minecraft and small,
that's like thirty pieces, it's liketwenty bucks. Wow, that's still
that's a lot. Because back inthe day, legos were the cheapest thing
you buy in the store. No, no, no, no, they're
now the most expensive thing you canbuy in the store. They still hurt
when you step on. So doyou have any projects going right now you
or your son? Oh, spaceshipyep, yep, spaceship. And I
completely understand what you're saying that adultslike to do it. I realized quickly
it is something you have to reallyfocus on. Like you have to read
the book, you have to readthe manual. It's not hard. So
you feel accomplished, like you feellike you're getting something done. And it
takes you away from the internet,Like you can't be on your phone,
you can't be with the TV on. Well, I guess you could do
with the TV and movie on,but like you can't be scrolling your phone
while you're doing it. You haveto focus. I think a lot of
people need legos. Then if it'staking away from the phone and actually engaging
people with something else, I thinkit's great. It's one hundred percent what
it is and it's great. Nowwhat you do with it when you're done?
That was my next question. Soyou have that there unless you have
I don't know, a man cavewhere you want to display all these things.
What do you do with it?I don't know. I'll let you
know when my son starts built.He wants to build a city. Oh
yay. Yeah, I just keepsaying, okay, knowing that that's not
going to happen. I mean,it sounds like fun doing that, and
you could do it together. Butall right, where are we putting this
sucker? Yeah exactly. All right, Well, keep us up to date
with your city that you're building,and hey, if you want something to
kind of occupy your mind and starta new hobby, get some legos.
Did everybody have a good trip thisweekend? Did you have a good trip?
Diane? Sure, back from thesurface of the sun because it was
that hot. Oh it was brutal. I walked outside. I knew it
was bad when I walked outside barefoot, like from my back door to the
pool. I had to do that. Oh yeah, that happened with my
hubby walked out on the deck bareFeet, and we rarely do that,
and he did not realize how hotthat was going to be. So we
have a runner that we put onthat, especially for our little puppy.
Yeah, and so even that's goingto get to pause. Yeah, so
we got to figure out what todo about that hose. Oh hose.
Yeah, you have to quick hostjust a walk it walk back. Would
you have to be a lot ofdoing that? This is how hot it
was over the past weekend. Yeah, did you go to Barefoot? I
didn't go to Barefoot. I wasI was in construction heck at my house
where I'm still rebuilding all the stuffthat the contractor we hired to build,
uh screwed up. So I'm nowthe contractor and rebuilding everything myself in a
hundred degree heat. I was gonnasay, that's not fun in the heat.
No, it was terrible. Ithink Barefoot would have been more fun
in the heat. I know,at least it's on the beach and there
was a breaze. Yeah, andI heard everybody had a blast over the
week and yeah, but having todo that kind of work, and I
always feel bad for people have towork. Yeah, I feel bad pulling
up to get guess I feel badif we have someone like landscapers doing something
when it's that hot outside. Sohopefully everybody's good, and a break in
the heat wave, woo hallelujah isstarting today. Only when we say only
in the mid eighties, then weknow it was hot over the weekend.
I'm gonna what I want to dois I want to record us being like,
oh my god, thank god,it's only mid eighties. Yes,
so we can go back and listento that in December. We do tend
to complain at every weather level cold, yeah, medium, hot, But
then it's the same in the samebreath. You hear from everybody else that
moves out of Jersey and they're like, they missed the four seasons. I'm
like, not, no, Iwon't give me, give me seventy five
to eighty. We skipped over springanyway, so we didn't went right to
ninety nine degrees. It was beautifulfor like a month, maybe a week,
auple weeks. Everybody loves spring,but everybody forgets about spring. Yeah,
maybe that's it. I don't know, but anyway, we'll take it
looking much better temperature wise this week, and glad everybody did well. Hopefully
over the weekend. It had funat Barefoot. Mike and Diane's second date
update on ninety five point one WayVConnor for May's Landing is looking for a
second date update with a woman namedCarrie. Good morning, Connor, How
are you good morning? I'm I'ma little confused. Okay, yeah,
we hear that a lot. Imet Carrie on one of the apps and
she was beautiful. We started chattingand like, she was really cool.
We talked for quite a while,like several weeks on the apps, and
decided it was time to do it. We went out on an early dinner.
It seemed to go really well.I can get her to call me
back. I sent her a coupleof text I don't want to be they
over too aggressive with it, butit was. It was a really really
good dinner, and you know,we'd had such a good time leading up
to dinner. I just kind ofwant to see where this thing can go.
Yeah, especially since you had beentalking for several weeks, it it
probably wasn't awkward as far as conversationand getting together. No, it wasn't
awkward at all. There wasn't youknow that weird first date fear, and
it kind of felt like a thirdday to me. And she's just she's
a spectacular woman. I love it. He said, it felt so comfortable.
It was like a third date already. Oh that's so nice. I
love that spectacular. We should usethat more often. Well, yeah,
what we will do as he's nevertry to get some answers from the spectacular
Carrie. We'll put you on hold, Connor, We'll play a song and
we'll try to get her on thephone. Coming up next on ninety five
point one way V ninety five pointone w a y with Mike and Diane's
second date update. A few minutesago, Connor told us about his first
date with Carrie. Had a dinnerdate after talking for several weeks before getting
together, and Connor, you said, it went well, you didn't see
any red flags, felt like athird date. Yeah, it felt like
a third date. It was socomfortable. But you haven't heard anything.
You've reached out to her and nothing. Connor called her spectacular. Boom,
that's a big word. That's whyI wanted that. Yeah, yeah,
I like that right. She isa spectacular woman. Thank you. Ah.
And even though she hasn't gone backto him. He's still calling her
spectacular. I love this, solet's get it right now. Hopefully it's
some answers. Hello. Hello,is this Carrie. This is right.
It's Mike and Diane from ninety fivepoint one WayV Radio. We host a
morning show. Say hi to myco host Mike. There he is,
and I'm Diana. Hello. We'rewondering if you have a few minutes.
Thank you for not hanging up onus, by the way, right away.
We appreciate that. Uh. Wegot a problem call on our radio
show from a guy named Connor,one of our radio family members, and
Connor was telling us he went ona date with you. He was highly
complimentary. Kerry. I have tosay, we've never had a guy call
a woman spectacular, but he did. He said, you're spectacular. Love
the date hasn't heard anything from you, So can you tell us on your
behalf why you're avoiding him? Ohmy gosh, wow, Okay, this
is unexpected. Uh, that's verysweet of him to check in this way.
Yeah, that's the first time thatit was. It was a great
date. You know, we havea lot in common. We had a
lot to talk about. Even thoughwe'd been talking for a few weeks already.
I thought everything was fine. Iwas attracted to him, were flowing
well, but maybe like halfway throughthe date, we were like eating and
he popped his phone out of hispocket, and he like steps something up,
you know, as we were talkingwithout telling me what he was doing,
and then propped his phone up likenext to his drink, and I
was like, oh, you Iassume it was like a football game or
something. I was like, oh, what, what are you watching?
And he was like, oh,it's my it's my son's soccer game.
You know, it happening right now. But I didn't. I didn't want
to get out of our date,and I didn't want to miss it.
So I thought this was just likethe best of both worlds, and I
live so weird. Yeah, yeah, Oh, I know they're doing that
quite often. Yeah, a lotof games they all do. Yeah,
they all do it. Now they'repretty much all done because there's one there's
a company money for that. Ohokay, yeah, because back in the
day, they didn't know you missedthe game. You miss it, okay.
So you just thought that that shouldn'tbe done on a date when he's
trying to get to know you andhe's watching his phone. Yeah, I
mean that was weird. But alsowhy you know, we talked for like
three weeks leading up to the date. Why not just pick another date.
We could have gone out the nextnight. I just thought it was a
little weird and like, you shouldn'tYou shouldn't be here, you know,
splitting your time. You should justbe at the Sun's game. Well,
but I didn't want to reschedule onyou. Yeah. By the way,
Connor's been listening in Hi Connor,Hi Connor, I carried, it's great
to hear your voice. I justI didn't want to reschedule. Like it
was. The game was supposed tobe the night before. We had this
plan for like a week and ahalf, and then it rained, so
they moved the game to the nextday. Like I kind of thought you
would think it was sweet that Iwas trying to do both, you know.
I mean, it's it's not likeit's his only game of the year.
He has a lot of games.And I love my son, but
also I'm really interested in getting toknow you, and maybe you can get
to know my son at some point. Maybe we can go to some of
those games together. I did wasthe first date. And I know I'm
jumping way far ahead, but Ithought you would think it was really sweet.
I just I feel like I feellike we could have rescheduled it and
found another night. I would havetotally understood with this for me, if
we'd done that, you know,I would have understood, and I wouldn't
have held it against you for rescheduling. Now this is just like kind of
a non starter for me. Ifeel like I was really worried if I
did. I was worried if Itried to reschedule that I might not ever
get a chance to go back outon the date with you. Now,
I mean that I would have understoodthis. I feel like this made it
a little too weird for me.Well, I just obviously I just made
a mistake, but like I won'tmake that mistake again. Could we maybe
go to his game together next time? Could we could we go to dinner?
Can I get a redo on allof this? I don't think so,
Connor, I'm sorry, Oh man, Connor? You yeah, you
just we don't have to I don'thave to ask anything. But I gotta
say Connor sounds like a really niceguy. He does. But Connor I
also need to say, go toyour kids game, like I know he
has a bunch every season. Inormally miss game. Connor. Connor.
Talk to any parent that as aparent of an eighteen, nineteen, or
twenty year old, any of them, they are consistent one hundred percent when
I tell them I have an eightyear old, and they're like, dude,
enjoy it. It goes fast.See every game I made him,
I just made a misas dude.But I don't. I didn't want to
even do this because I didn't wantto feel like I was chastising you.
Because it happens. I understand.There's not one human who hasn't made a
mistake. No, not one.I'm outside of me, but listen,
not one. Damn it, Diane, chill out over there. Definitely not
one. So let me ask thequestion instead of Connor. Yeah, yeah,
yeah, Okay, Carrie. Weknow Connor's answer. Carrie. It
is hard to find a nice guy. He's explained it, he admits to
me. It's huge that he admitshe made a mistake. Would you want
to give him another chance? Maybego to one of the games together.
I mean that's huge. A lotof guys even want to take a long
time before you would even meet theirkid. That's why he's really that much
into you. I do appreciate thatbecause I know what a big step that
is. But even all of thisis a little weird. And then now,
you know, wanting to take meto his son's game for a second
date is also a little weird.I just feel like we said we can
do dinner ways where we are,Okay, I guess just it's a no.
Sorry about that, Connor. ButI'm telling you, I've said this
before. We're going to be gettingcalls for you to get some dates.
Connor. Trust me, you youlearn from your mistakes, and I think
you did. And we want towish you both the best of luck and
and good luck to your son.It is it is games. Yeah,
thanks, thank you. It's ninetyfive point one w A y V.
It's Mike and I and Shoe andI brought somebody today. Yay. Hi,
Landon is the Mike and Diana andLandon show. Yeah, okay,
I asked you to speak normally.This is not your actual debut on the
show. Do you remember we didthe phone tap a few we called that
guy a few years ago? Uhyeah, yeah, you were trying to
break into Lucas's house. Yeah,that was fun. You did a great
job, Landon. I want toknow if Landon has any fun summer plans
lined up? What are you doing? Basically, I only just swim in
the pool in the Yeah, andthen just ride my dope bike. I'm
we have a dirt bike. That'smy question. I didn't know we had
a dirt bike. It's my it'smy dope bike at my grandpa's house and
my grandpa's house, and we alsoand I'm also going to I also like
to bike ride with my friends.Oh that's fun. I love so swimming,
dirt bike riding, riding bikes.You know what. I want to
be land in front of kids summerfully Now. We made a lot of
promises when we moved into our newhouse about the pool. We're like,
you're gonna swim every day, Bud, every day You're gonna swim. Little
did I realize that was the truth? Oh? Absolutely yes. Hey,
one more question, is there anythingyou've ever wanted to ask me that you
can do now on the air?And I have to answer, Oh,
yell at the top of my lungs. Oh no, no, no,
no, that's absolutely not gonna happen. You. I hear that all day
every day. You're not yelling atthe top of the lungs. That's not
happening. Hey, you said anything, Dad back in the cave, Sir,
you said anything. You can havea fun summer landing. I'm not
going back up. Do the dish. I make them sit under the desk.
Get out of there, all right, have fun in the pool.
Mike and Diane on ninety five pointone way V, Good morning. I
saw this on Facebook and it mademe think about this. When it's cold
out, people say, but dowe have a word like that for when
it's hot outside. I can't thinkof one as what the post said.
And I'm trying to think of aword because I say that all the time.
So what would the word be?I say, we have some fun
with this and make one up.Usually if I'm hot, I'm just like
ah or I say, oh boy, oh boy. We can do better
than that, though, So youcan go on the Free iHeart you can.
We can try. If you thinkwe're done one and done Free iHeartRadio
app Search WayV. We love toget your messages, so you tap that
red microphone it's fun also, andtell us if you have an idea,
because we need to get something thatpeople can say in the hot weather.
I mean it is summertime, solet us know or give us a call.
We're trying to make up a namefor being outside when it's hot,
because when it's cold outside, peoplesay bo. We're Mike and Diane.
By the way, on ninety fivepoint one WayV. Kristin from Atlantic City.
Did you make up a word?So instead of burr in the cold,
what do you say in the hotweather? Oh? Let me hear
that again. That sounds like mydog Hazel. I just want to make
sure somebody's on the phone. Actuallythere, are you okay, Kristen?
Do we need to send help?Are you what? I not a feeling
I'm hot on my I mean yeah, yeah, okay, okay, that
mean it does explain it. Imean to be fair, all of these
sound ridiculous, just like burr,but we do say it. When I
do the weather in the winter,I say, oh, it's going down
to a low of zero birr.Yeah, but I just yelled this sucks.
That's my sound for it's cold.And then he probably you probably uses
so it's going to be one hundredand ten. You say that this sucks
anyway, Yeah, Mike's got thesame one. Yeah, same one.
All right, Kristin one more time, let's hear it. I just I
don't I don't know if she's okay. To make sure, Kristin. I'm
sending help right over, okay,O, stay calm, stay calm.
I'm broke. It's over. That'sthe text I got from my wife.
Oh geez. And she didn't sayI'm she said war broke. Great,
awesome, it's ninety five point oneWayV. And then I was like,
okay, that's you feel like you'rebeing dramatic right now, Like it feels
like this is a very dramatic thingyou're saying. And then she told me
what was going on, and Iwent, wear broke, We're dead.
Oh, pes, So this happened. Uh, this happened a couple days
ago. My daughter, who isfive years old, was loves gymnastics.
And if you have a daughter wholoves gymnastics too, you know exactly what
I'm about to say. She wastested at her gymnastics class. Top marks
A plus is all around. Theywere shockingly high. Wow, well they
were credited to the team. Oh, they doll the gymnastics team. Yeah,
my god, is it so muchmoney to be a part of this
team? And I can't say nobecause my son is on a travel baseball
team and she's been and she isa good soldier. She is the sideline
sibling. She does so well goingto all the games and doing all the
things for her brother. It isMcKinley's time to shine. This is her
thing is gymnastics and soccer. Andsoccer we're not there yet because they're not
even kicking a ball at a goalieyet. It's just a pop up net.
But gymnastics, that is her thing. She is a beast. She
is strong. Hi, we havefinally found McKinley's thing, and that is
something that is potentially foreclosing on myhouse. Oh, I'm sure you'll find
the money somewhere. But yeah,these sports. When I talked to a
lot of parents around the neighborhod yep, it's so expensive. But yeah,
you can't deny her the gymnastics.I took gymnastics when I was a girl.
I probably didn't go as far asMcKinley will go, but it was
so much fun. Yeah, it'sit's she's very good at it too.
Like we have the bars at home, we have the rolling pad at home,
and she does very well. She'svery good and she really likes it.
It's just that's this is for her, Like finally we get the one
thing for her. She is absolutelyif you know what I'm talking about,
a sideline sibling. She is thatwhen it comes to baseball, well,
she should go for it. Thenif she has an interest in it and
she's good at it, then sheshould go for it. And mom and
dad will somehow, we'll figure outto make it happen, and she'll do
it as long as she feels thatyou want. Here's what you're going to
hear for the next long time wLAYYV is on location. Hey it's Mike.
I'm gonna be working my tail off. Hey it's Mike paying for gymnastics.
Please come out and see me atyou know the blank blank blank blank
blank. So just know when youhear that on the air or you see
articles online of where I'm going tobe around the area, giggle. I
want you to giggle because you knowexactly what's happening. I am paying for
gymnastics. It's two days a week, two hours a day. That'll be
fun. She's fine. Before youknow it, shall be in the Olympics
and Sho'll be making that endorsement money. Oh yeah yeah. By the way,
also in ten, twelve, fifteenyears, whenever she's in the Olympics
and you see me and they cutto the crowd shot of dad and he's
wearing like a ripped jeans and it'smay and like he looks homeless. Just
giggle again, We'll all giggle together. I know this story read like mad
libs. You remember mad libs.Yeah, I love mad libs. And
there's only one place that this storycan go. I've just been handed an
urgent and horrifying news story, andI eat all of you to stop what
you're doing. So you ready,we'll do the mad libs right now.
Just for the the headline, namean animal, any animal, dog,
dog breaks loose at name a state, Florida, okay, amusement park.
So your mad lib is dog breaksloose at Florida amusement park. And let
me read the real headline, whichis even weirder. Camel's break loose at
Ohio Amusement Park. Oh geezka,Ohio and not even close, not even
close. We're going to Ohio andexcuse me, camels. Camels. Two
camels got loose at Cedar Point AmusementPark in Ohio on Tuesday, causing onlookers
to scurry out of the way andavoid getting hurt. That's pretty much the
whole story, guys. I justwanted to say camels and Ohio in the
same sentence, which is probably beforethis story came out, the first time
that's ever been said. I yeah, I would not have imagined that I've
only been in front of one camel, one or two because at the Philadelphia
Zoo and I dared my mom toride the camel. Okay, what were
you all? Almas hooped her pants? Oh okay, yeah, we we
had to pay, but I didn'tdo it. I just dared my mom
to do it. And oh werethose good pictures we still have? I
wasn't sure if you told her,like, hey, climb that fence,
like, hey, climb that fence. Right there are there camels at the
Cape Masuk Mazoo. I'm not sure. I don't know, but they're big.
They're way bigger. Oh they Iguess she had to climb up the
ladder and everything, and it wasa long time ago. Yeah, they
are. And then I just heardsomething that I don't we may want to
fact check this, but I waswatching the show I forget which one,
and they had alpacas, which areso freaking cute. Yeah, I love
al pacas. Alpacas are in myretirement plan. They might be in mine
now. They were not on myradar, but I think they are now.
They're so cute, so nice.And then someone on the show said
that they're the smallest. They're inthe camel family. They're like the smallest
version of camels. Can we checkthat? I will double check that,
Thank you, fill the time,do do, okay, Mike is checking
on No Way News. Are camelsand alpacas? Yes, alpacas are related
to camels. Both are members ofa biological family on the which also includes
lamas, nice and two other thingsthat I can't pronounce. All right,
Well, they're in the family,so I'm happy with that answer, thank
you. Kamlid's are even toad ungluds. It's a group of large hooved mammals
that include sheep and giraffes. Oh, so drafts and camels are related.
I guess that makes sense. Yeah, I guess it does. Got the
height going. Hey, we learnedsomething new every day we do on this
show. I am on a mission, a nearly impossible mission, Mike and
Diana and I five point one wayV. I am already trying to even
out my tan lines. Ooh yeah, I feel that pain. Yeah.
I've been walking my dog obviously,and I have the T shirt tan the
upper part of my arm completely palelike snow white. The rest of it
for pretty nice tan going on.I want to even that out. So
what I'm thinking this is my strategy. Let me know what you think.
I'm thinking that I lay out inthe sun, and I put on sunscreen
on most of my arm except forthe upper part where the T shirt sleeve
usually covers. Let that be exposedto the sun, not too long,
because I don't want to get painfulsun poisoning or anything. Then maybe put
like a light SPF fifteen moisturizer onthat area, but the rest of the
arm, like I said, heavyduty SPF. And then I'm thinking that
that'll do. That'll at least helpget it a little. I don't think
it's gonna bee hundredercent even and thenmy feet don't even ask. They are
so pale compared to I usually wearcapri pants when I'm walking her, and
I have a tan on the bottompart of my leg, but my feet
are completely white. So anyway,I know there were bigger problems, but
I was wondering about the worst tanlines. Have you ever had it?
Socks? Yes, socks are,without a doubt the worst. Hey,
hey, gen Z, I knowyou make fun of millennials for wearing ankle
socks. How's your tan lines doing? But uh huh uh huh are we
understanding why the ankle socks are athing? Now? Enjoy that white ankle
losers? That is true. PSA, I gotta say, the worst hand
line in my family history. Andwe bust on my sister all the time.
Was I may they've even mentioned thison the show before. Was in
Miami, you know that Miami sonWoo, And my sister was laying out
in the sun all day and sheforgot to put sunscreen on her upper lip.
Oops. Oh it was burnt toa Christie ass. She had a
mustache and people from a disc sincewe're looking over and she had short hair
at the time, so they weren'tsure, like is that a guy with
a mustache? Or we never lether live that down, and now she
takes extra care, and so doI in making sure that the upper lip
that you have sunscreen on that.And then I had a strap one time,
a bathing suits strap with a ringin it. And then some bathing
suits were cutouts where you always getyea. So now I just get like
a really boring plane bathing. Wehad a we had a friend who when
we were in Miami, she shewore a cover up and the cover up
was stylish. Sure they are,yeah, except the tan line looked like
she laid on the mesh net toolong, so one was there for the
star? Did she literal tand lineslook like remember the game Perfection? We're
just all little shapes? No,yes, yes, yes, honestly,
like think about like the indents youget if you like lay on a hammock.
Oh yeah, yeah, that's thethe shapes like she had diamonds all
over her. Oh okay, thisis the greatest thing I've ever heard.
Yeah that is. That's that's anotherone hard to live down. So let
us know what is the worst handline you've ever had? Hey, it's
all happened to the best of us. Open the free iHeartRadio app and search
WayV. Tap that red microphone andleave us your message. Say hey,
Mike and Diane, this was myworst hand lines ever and we love to
get your messages. You will notwatch this series with your significant other.
It's Mike and Diane on ninety fivepoint one WayV. Travis Kelsey said he
does not watch Grey's Anatomy with TaylorSwift. She's on her own and Taylor
is a big fan. She evennamed one of her cats Meredith Gray.
Been watching since the beginning, nevermisses it, But he doesn't want to
watch Grey's Anatomy. What are yougonna do? What are you gonna do?
You can't. You can't make somebodydo something, especially the show.
It's almost better to watch alone whensomebodys else else doesn't want to watch the
show. That is true. Ido enjoy solo TV watching when it's something
my hubby wouldn't be interested in.So what is your flying solo series?
Because anything for me, anything thatI watch on the ID Network, any
of my crime TV I am onmy own. He is not interested.
Yeah, I've tried for years toget my wife to watch Drive to Survive
with Me, which is the Netflixdocumentary on f one. Oh, you
were telling me she does not wantanything to do with it. So I
fly. That's that's me. WhenI get home from work, Pop in
bed, sit up, thick mytootsies out, we'll put on some racing.
What a great feeling. Oh,it's fantastic. It's fantastic, it
really is. And then all myhousewives forget it. He does watch a
lot of reality TV, which isnot the housewives any system for husbands.
Again, great feeling. But Ido like our shows that we have together,
and I know you do with yourwife too. Yeah, but I
gotta be honest. The solo actis some times sometimes better. It's kind
of nice, especially with junk food, because you don't have to wait.
You don't have to like, didyou miss that, Oh you have to
go to the bathroom. Oh youneed water, you need food. You
can't miss that part. You mayrewind. You can't binge watch cheat you
got to watch it the same timeexactly. So what is your flying solo
series? We would love to hearfrom you on the free iHeartRadio app.
Just open the app search WayV tapthat red microphone and it's your direct line
to us and we'll get your messagesor give us a call. It's your
flying solo TV series. We're Mikeand Diane on ninety five point one WayV
because Travis Kelcey won't watch Gray's Anatomywith Taylor Swift. Sheila from Atlantic City.
What's your flying solo series? Thisis ridiculous, but it's it's Girls
five Ever? Have you seen it? I've heard of it. Girls five
Ever? Is that is Rebel Wilsonin that? No? No, oh
my god, it's Sarah Burrella's Andit's about these women who used to be
pop stars, like you know,Spice Girls Time. And it's just it's
terrible. It's so good, it'sterrible. That sounds like a good,
good, flying solo series. Idon't think I've ever heard of the it's
so good, it's terrible. I'veheard it's so terrible. It's good.
Yeah, I mean I love itso much, And that's why it's terrible,
because it's embarrassing how much I loveit. Yeah. I just realized
this whole thing has kind of turnedinto like the what show are you embarrassed
to tell people you watch so youwatch it by yourself, like, oh,
yeah, I've heard of this.Yeah, it looks like Busy Phillo
of Sarah Burrella's Paula pel and Iremember, Oh, Tina Fey maybe she
produces it. Yeah, tinafe producesit. She has a cameo as Dolly
Parton, which is hilarious. Theone of the women from Hamilton is the
other uh is the other lead Andit's just it's hilarious because they do flashbacks
of when they used to be likeSpice girls and like boy band era and
now they're like forty year old womentrying to do a comeback, and it's
just it's hilarious. I love it. I might watch this and they And
what's great is the I'm gonna singfor you right now for two seconds.
But the the they're like their themesong, like the opening of the show
is it's Girls five Eva because fullrig too short, and it's just so
it's so stupid, it's so stupid. Yeah, we're gonna be Girls five.
We're gonna be Girls five eva becausefour ever is too short. It's
so stupid. When you if you'regonna have a stupid show, commit commit
to the dumb commit to the cheese. And that is the the dumbest commitment
I've ever heard, and I'm allin on it. Well, I think
it sounds adorable. This may bemy new flying solo show because my hobby.
You'll say, like, what sogirls five ever? I love it,
Sheila, This is a this isa crappy story. Just gonna start
it off with that. And there'sonly one place this crappy story can go.
I've just been handed an urgent andhorrifying news story and I eat all
of you to stop what you're doingand listen. No so crappy. In
fact, it belongs on the Mikeand Diane Show here on ninety five point
one way. All right, we'retalking about the top ten beaches with the
highest levels of poop in the water. Oh yeah, do you think here's
a question for you, Diane.Yes, how many of these beaches in
the top ten are in New Jersey? Zero? Bingo, Zero of these
beaches are in New Jersey. Whonumber one is in New York? The
Hampton's, those rich little stupids.Oh can you imagine you have those multi
million dollar mansions and then you geta report like this that that poop is
in the water that would kill me. That is exactly where it is.
It is on the beaches of allthe multi millionaire ah Miyos Bay Flying Point
in Southampton, New York. Betterquestion, how many of these are in
Florida, Florida? Uhl? Two? Oh too? Okay, one in
Melbourne and one in Miami Beach.Well, I guess that makes sense,
But shockingly three of them are inHawaii. Really? Why again? Expense?
Why o wahoo? Uh Maui?There's a San Diego on here,
there's a Washington State. Well,Hawaii supposed to be that blackiest place.
That doesn't make me happy. No, no, no, there's a lot
of tourism in Hawaii that I don'tthink they love. I think they're like,
you guys can go back, youguys can stay out of here now,
Oh my goodness. Yeah, Hawaiitreats their tourists like we treat you
know, anybody from Philly or NewYork that comes to visit. We see
the license plame. We're like,get out of here please, But happy
to report that New Jersey some ofthe cleanest beaches in the world. All
right, that's probably not true.We might be eleven twelve thirteen, fourteen,
fifteen sixteen. But all I gotis the top ten. We don't
have the most poop. Let's applaudthat. Yeah woo, we're not on
the top ten list. That's allthat matters.