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June 11, 2024 5 mins
Al Green joins us on the morning show sharing a few updates. A few of the topics surround AI sampling, new music and an upcoming show.
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Mike Evans and the Memphis Morning Show. I'm your double e Ena Esco Mike
Evans over there and today we indeedhave a legend from Memphis in the building
with us, and I am talkingabout none other than the Al Green.
How are you? Yes? Andyou know what, mister Green. You

know so many artists in the businesssay that you were an influence to them.
Right when when you ask them whoinfluenced your career, A lot of
people say Al Green. But whatI want to know is who influenced you
when you begin, Oh, Iguess it would be Sam Cook, Otis

Redding like that. Yeah, yes, I like the gospel groups to uh
say, I'm cooking this solsas andyou know, yes, gospel of heavy
influence for you. So many artiststoday have been sampling your music. They've
been sampling it over the years,and uh, you know Kendrick Lamar and

Drake they had this big beef andKendrick Lamar sampled your music and everybody's oh
he got the Al Green in thebeginning. Did you know about that?
Yeah, I mean I read aboutit. I read I was trying to
read about my opinion of him samplingthe music yes, but I never did

get down to what I said,kept doing the computer, trying to make
it what his response was, wouldgive me that they would always give it
well. Al's response to, Yeah, I used to do a little tricky
things to get it to do whatyou wanted to do. Your music's changed
so much over the years now becausewe were pure instruments back in the day,

a lot of raw talent. Nowthere's AI, you know, computer
generator, all kinds of stuff.But do you often hear music that you
appreciate the way you would appreciate oldermusic? Yeah, I mean there's a
lot of good music out there.It's just the people sometimes go a little
bit over and trying to produce itto be like a machine or sound machine

like. But they don't have todo that. This machine is coming.
AI is coming right down here.But it is here. And I guess
the thing that was with AI isbeing sure who actually is singing a song?
Like they can copy voice, structureand everything. Yeah, that's that's
a scary thing in itself. Right. Yeah, I could be singing or

something and you won't even know it'ssound saying love and happiness. Right.
I can't think of a lot ofpeople that will want to be met that.
There are plenty of people that wantto be you know, that would
be a problem right there. Yourmusic, what you brought and what you
bring is one of the reasons I'mdoing what I've been doing now and have
been doing it so long I cansay truly, it's an odd to have
you in the studio. And Iknow you've got a lot going on in

the building this morning, uh,with some of our other sister stations here
in the building. But I havewe don't have well, I have a
concert coming up August to thirty first, Okay, okay, and it's uh
Lionel Richie uh uh uh, misterRoss okay, uh Supreme and Albert Okay.

Will it be here? No,It's going to be at the Hollywood
Bowl in Los Angeles. Oh wow, in August August thirty first, August
thirty first. Yeah, does itstill bring you the joy? You're touring
and traveling and performing in front ofthe folks that used to Yeah, because
if you got the right fellows behindyou and the right you gotta have the

you know what you gotta have,you gotta have the funk and all that.
You know. So it's it's it'sit's good. I've been doing it
a long time, long time,and we are. Yeah. What are
you most proud from your music legacy? H I love all of the music

just like that. My children likeTired of being Alone is one of my
children and let's say together as Willischildren. So mm hmmm. I'm still
in love with you as al L. Jackson's children because he played on that.
So you know, it's just alot of children. And then I

like, uh, the Lord tomake a way because everybody said, you
can't do that, you can't dothat. Well, it said, oh
come on, so but we didit and it did real well for us,
and we're proud of that too.Yes, yes, because you've all
in your music, you've always hadthat gospel rooted still in that. Well.

We appreciate you so much, misterGreen for stopping by today, and
we wish you nothing but the beston your upcoming show. You've been in
the studio recording new music. I'mrecording now, okay, okay, so
we got an album coming okay,okay, Well we're going to keep up
with you on that release date forthat new album. And we really appreciate

you for coming to iHeart Radio thismorning and spending some time. Yes,
I'm stealing off I told you.I told you that doesn't happen. It's
hard to keep me quiet, butit happened this morning. Thank you so
much. Thank you the legendary AlGreen, norw you're on the mic,

visit the myth this morning show.Appreciate
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