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All right, joining me right now, all the way from Are you in
la or where are you Shane?I'm oh, I mean I'm in Ireland.
You are home? Okay, allthe way from Ireland. Shane Conn
is joining us here on Pride Radio. And we're talking to Shane today because
he is going to be playing acool, awesome, I mean so incredible
sunset set at Disney's Typhoon Lagoon comingup for one Magical Weekend. Yeah,
I'm just so excited for this,man. I mean I went to Tyson
Lagoon when I was a kid withmy mother brought me and my sister over
on holidays. Yeah, we wentto the water parks and to be playing
there and it was amazing. Andobviously the weekend it looks like it's gonna
be amazing weekend. So yeah,I'm looking forward to getting over here.
Yeah, it's gonna be a lotof fun. When when we were when
I last saw you in Miami,it was so funny because you were excited
to tell me that we're going tobe coming to Orlando, and I didn't
know at the time that it wasfor one magical weekend. Amazing. Yeah,
yeah, yeah, yeah, Iwas always telling you like, you
have to come to the show ifyou're free. Yeah, yeah, you
know, I don't know if you'veseen what's been happening in Florida as far
as laws go. With the LGBTQcommunity, it's really important to show up
and be loud and be proud,which is why we're really glad this event
is still happening. You know.People are really excited about it because it's
a chance for us as a communityto be together and show that, you
know, we're not gonna stand down. So it's it's yeah, yeah,
you have to stand for you haveto stand for your for yourselves much you
believe in and all that. Andyeah, I'm not to be honest,
I'm not I'm not aware of likewhat goes on because obviously, as I
said, I'm over and right inOrland on the other side of the world.
But I'm just happy to be herehappily playing and get over and experience
the event and you know, andeven coming over again to meet yourself and
the whole team again. I'm justexcoited. So yeah, I'm glad because
it's gonna be it's gonna be somuch fun, um, you know,
and it's great to have someone likeyou supporting the event because you you've just
taken this event to the next level. It's already incredible because I told you
back in in Miami that the waythey set it up, you'll have this
big DJ booth that overlooks the giantwave pool that they have a typhoon lagoon
and everybody. Yeah, everybody's therein their bathing suits, you know,
dancing and jumping up and down.Is everybody in the water is oh yeah,
people in the water. Yeah amazing. Yeah. Yeah, the DJO
they're gonna have, They're gonna havethe slides on and everything. They're gonna
have everything. They will, they'llhave everything on. Yeah, all the
rides are operating. Um. TheDisney crew is so fantastic. Um,
you know, they make sure everybody'shaving a good time. But yeah,
the wave pool is right there,the water will be going, everybody will
be standing in the water. Soit's yeah, it's gonna be really really
cool. Um, So I'm excited. What kind of what kind of set
do you plan for an event likethat? So I've actually been thinking and
was set over the last couple ofweeks, and I think I'm gonna I've
got a lot of unreleased tracks nowthat I haven't released yet, kind of
on releasing this year, you know. So I'm gonna I'm gonna like,
I'm gonna play a lot of I'mgonna i'm gonna test the waters, test
the waters, no point in somenew tracks. I'm gonna play a lot
of the nineties and two thousands mixesthat maybe mixes that I've done or you
know, remixes from songs from thosetimes. I'm gonna play. I'm gonna
play a few classics in there aswell, you know, So hopefully,
hopefully it'll be a very fun set. You know. Oh that's gonna be
good. Yeah, because that's thething. This event attracts all kinds of
people, all age groups. Youknow, you're getting everybody, and it's
just it's so much fun. Andwhat I'm really excited about for you is
that you're doing the first part,so you're kind of setting the tone for
the whole night. But that alsomeans you get to enjoy yourself too,
right, you get to hang outafter Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
I'm looking forward to seeing this wholething, and I'll definitely I'll have
to bring the swimming shorts now,so I can get on these sloides,
so I'll have to bring the babes. So yeah, yeah, I'll say
Typhoon Lagoon's got some of the bestwater slides out of anywhere in central Florida.
So yeah, it's been so longsince I've been there, or it's
been I think it was maybe maybeseven. Was that built eight or nine?
Maybe no, way like years old, So it's yeah, it's been
a long time, so I'm reallylooking forward again. But hopefully I'll just
like remember when I see it inperson, you know. Yeah, yeah,
it probably still looks mostly the same. I think they haven't really changed
too much. They have a coupleof new water slides though. Yeah.
Yeah, yeah, So I'm justexcited. As soon as I heard that
you were coming for one magical weekend, I was like, holy crap.
If I had known that back inyou know, in Miami, I would
have asked you way more questions aboutit. Yeah, Britian, I'm excited,
man. Yeah, it was good. It was good to meet you
then in Miami as well, becausethen I suppose it now when we meet
then we've met before, it's easy, you know, Like that's the thing,
because I'm obviously coming home from Moreland, though I don't like I'm just
meeting everybody as I go, youknow, so I need to just build
the connections and make friends. Andalso I'm excited. Yeah that that's gonna
you know, that's a really goodquestion to ask you. When you're based
in Ireland and you're trying to makeit here in the States, how how
does that work for you? Areyou just traveling all the time whenever I
can, Yeah, whenever I can. Any excuse to play out there,
I'm there, you know. SoAnd yeah, as I said, I
was down to Mark for Miami MusicWeek, I've done it. I've done
a bit of a tour around then. I went to Texas a couple of
seas in Texas, I went toBoston. I had a residency in Boston
this year, and I've just finishedI think my third show so of another
one now and when I go backnow in June for one magical weekend,
I go up to Boston again.After that, you know, on Rhode
Island and stuff. So anytime Ican get out to the US, I
try and spend as much time asI can there as well. And you
know, I've got a great agentto the US, Paul who really like
you know, really looks after meout there, and great support out there
from from yourselves and all the guysfrom the label. The radio is like
really really supporting my music. AndI'm just happy and I'm so happy to
be able. I'm grateful to beable to go out there, as I
said, coming from a small townin Irreland to be playing out in America
at the eend, I'm just gratefuland excited. I want to keep going,
you know, yeah, no kidding, you know, are you ever
planning to move to the States orare you going to keep It's something I've
really thought about over here, youknow that, And I actually am really
thinking. I'm actually in the lovemoving into my own, my first place
in Ireland now, so I'll getmy mother's house, you know. Yeah,
So I'm just doing that. Somaybe when I get in there settled
for a year, then maybe Ican think about where I want to maybe
try the States for a year orwhere would you recommend? Would it be?
Would have to be Florida? Wellyeah, I mean that's where do
you think I'm partial to Florida becausethat's where I am now. It's not
where I started though. Yeah,originally I lived outside of Washington, d
C. In Maryland and that wasfine, but the winters can get really
cold and lots of snow. Yeahyeah, so if you don't want that,
I would highly recommend. I don'tlike cold, okay, yeah,
so then definitely somewhere from Ireland.I know it's cold all the time,
it's why you don't like it.But I guess if I'm going to move
from Ireland, I better moved tosomewhere sunny. So Florida should should be
the answer. I was gonna sayFlorida or California too, you know,
La, It's just it's expensive there. Sold. Yeah. I actually love
Orlando, like I love the wholevibe there and everything. I was Actually
I was there last year for ashow and I played in Guilt Nightclub and
I just loved it. Oh kindof it's a touristy void, but it's
very it's like just very friendly viobein Orlando, especially when you're going up
and down the International Drive there andstuff like that. I'll have to say,
no, Orlando could be a showto move this. You know it
is because we moved here two yearsago. And one thing I noticed right
away is that Orlando is as acity full of people that aren't from here.
Everybody has moved here from somewhere else, and I think that's why the
vibe is so cool. The onlything that scares me about Florida is alligators
and stuff like that. I'll belike, we don't we don't have any
of that in Ireland. Man,Oh yeah, you know, we don't.
I'll tell you. I think thebiggest spoiler we get as a house
spoiler. Oh okay, yeah,well we don't have We don't have crazy
spiders, trust me, is spidersare like I'm scared to death of them,
So I we don't. We don'tget crazy spiders. But alligators,
We've I've never seen one at thehouse, Like, never in our neighbor.
Yeah, no, I've seen I'veseen videos and I'm like climbing fences
and like Jesus, and I'm likeif I'm walking along, like if I'm
walking along with a little like bitof a river in in in Orlando or
wherever, and I'm like Jesus,like an alegar could just come out there
and grab me and I'd be gone. Like That's what That's why I think
that baby, I'm I mean,yeah, you're totally wrong. Yeah,
if you're walking near a river orlike, maybe keep an eye out.
But you know, I see thosemarshlands and I'm like, I'm staying clear
them. Like yeah, yeah,that's true. You don't want to go
near the marshlands because that's where theyhang out. But if you're in a
house, you know, you're fine. Yeah, I'll stay in my house,
right, I love it. No, that's so funny, oh my
gosh, um, because that wasone of my fears. Games. Yes,
I had the same fear when wemoved here. I'm like, how
often do you see an alligator?And everyone looked at me like I was
crazy. They're like, no,don't too often. No, in the
theme parks, like yeah, thelast one I saw was an animal kingdom.
Yeah in an enclosure. Exactly,yeah, right, exactly right.
Oh my gosh, that's still funny. Um. Well, the event's going
to be fantastic and tickets are stillavailable too, which is, uh,
you know, I can't wait forpeople to because this place holds so many
people, thousands, thousands of people. Yeah, yeah for sure, yeah,
and uh, you know there's anopportunity for people to get like a
cabana or a VIP ticket, andthey, you know, like a Disney
rolls out the carts of alcohol,so there'll be lots of fun to be
careful with that on lawyersh you know, we all know the Irish repentation for
drinks, so I wasn't gonna sayit, but since you brought it up,
I know that is so funny.Love Yeah, um no, I'm
really looking forward to this now.I really appreciate you taking time again,
Shane. It's always good to talkto you, and you know legends.
I'll seater, okay, all right, see you