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I'm going to question a lotest answersto questions you won't here anywhere else.
The Q and A of the dayreaction from our government to Brian Musshow I
don't get that. Today's Q andA, what's the quality of life like
for illegal immigrants? Hey? Youever thought about that? What is the
quality of life like for illegal immigrants? Every day I feature a listener question
that is submitted by one of thesemethods. You may email me Brian Mud
at iHeartMedia dot com. Certainly hitme up socially at Brian Mudd Radio.
A lot of folks do that,and you may also use the iHeartRadio talkback
feature. Just go to w JNOor via o Patriot inside of the iHeart
Radio app follow us. Once youget there, you look for the little
microphone button. Once you see it, tap it. You may lay down
your message right there. May betopic good question for a future Q and
A. In today's note A veryfrustrated and I think thoughtful one Joeman said,
Hello, Brian, my name isJoe. I listen to your show
every morning. Want you to knowyour opinion. I want to know your
opinion on why American citizens like myselfhave to work harder and pay more for
these illegal immigrants to have better livesthan us hard working American citizens. My
grandparents were immigrants, but came tothe US legally. I am sick and
tired of these criminal democrats getting awaywith everything. In the meantime, they
are trying to convict President Trump foranything and everything. I have never in
my fifty three years of life seeinga president ruin this country like Joe and
his crooked Party. Thanks for allthe truth you tell the American people who
don't understand what's really going on,even though a lot of them are being
brainwashed by the radical left. Thankyou and keep up the great work.
Look, I hear your frustration loudand clear and understand it as well.
I think you speak for a lotof people. What you've introduced in your
node is the dynamic of illegal immigration. We have not specifically discussed what the
average quality of life is like forthe average illegal immigrant and how that compares
to the average American. What Ihave regularly shared is information related to how
many illegal immigrants are on government programsand what the cost of facilitating it is
to us. And here's refresh basedon the data from Center. The Center
for Immigration Studies, sixty three percentof households headed by a non citizen US
at least one government welfare program.Compared to native households, non citizen households
are more than twice as likely toend up on government assistant and the longer
an illegal immigrant is in the UnitedStates, the more likely they are to
end up on assistance. This isanother one of those big narrative busters,
because a lot of times we werelike, oh, you know, just
give them a little help right now, and then things get better than they
get on their No, they figureout how to scam the system even more
once they get established. Inside ofthe first ten years, fifty percent are
using more than one government welfare programfor non citizen households. After ten years
that jumps to seventy percent. Theprograms being exploited run the gamut from financial
welfare, housing, medicaid, snapWIX, school lunch. Then you got
the hard costs to the federal government, the hard costs ultimately to you and
me as federal taxpayers. And lastyear that was one one and fifty six
dollars. That was my message toyou heading into tax day was no that
whatever your tax liability was last year, if you paid federal income taxes,
you paid a one hundred and fiftysix dollars on average to facilitate illegal immigration
in this country. But what doesthat translate to in terms of quality of
life considerations? Last year, theKaiser Family Foundation studied this dynamic by surveying
three thousand, three hundred and fiftyeight immigrants, ranging from legal immigrants to
illegal immigrants. Now, unsurprisingly,quality of life was lower for those who
were undocumented. Quoting the study,challenges are more pronounced among some groups of
immigrants, including those who live inlower income households, Black and Hispanic immigrants,
those who are likely undocumented, andthose with limited English proficiency. Among
likely undocumented immigrants, seven and tensay they worry they or a family member
may be detained or deported, andfour intends say they have avoided things such
as talking to the police, applyingfor a job, or traveling because they
did not want to draw attention totheir family or a family member immigration status.
Still, with record millions point intothis country annually due to President Biden's
open border policies. You know,the word in the third world is that
life is generally much better here.And here is what KFF found. They
surveyed thousands of warm, fluffy migrants. They found seventy nine percent say education
opportunity is better than what they left, seventy eight percent say their financial situation
has improved, seventy five percent saytheir employment situation is better. And again
this is as an undocumented non citizenin this country. Sixty five percent say
they are safer Altogether, seventy sevenpercent signed an improved quality of life over
three quarters. And it's easy tosee why. According to the US Senate
Committee on the Budget, the averagehousehold headed by quote low skilled and or
illegal immigrants now receives forty four thousand, eight hundred dollars and government provided benefits
annually. Got that average household headedby a non citizen forty four thousand,
eight hundred dollars in government goodies annually? Isn't that outrageous. That's almost somebody's
income, the average income in thiscountry. And that's just where we're handing
out to people who don't even belonghere. That's independent of income produced by
the household. That's just the again, the government gravy train right there.
That is one heck of a headstartrelative to the average American family trying to
make their way in life. Well, the data shows is that due to
the extensive government provided benefits received bythe average nons that is, in household,
the floor for quality of life ishigh, while the ceiling for earning
opportunity often is low, as thoselacking illegal status seldom see high paying job
opportunities. However, that for isalso exponentially higher than the average situation in
native countries. Let me give youan idea Guatemala. Median income in Guatemala
three hundred and fifty dollars annually annually, and that's one of the highest incomes
in the region. For example,Venezuela is about half that. So it's
hard for even poor Americans to imaginewhat the conditions are like in these countries
where all the warm and fluffies arecoming from. So back to what it
means to you. As I previouslyhave illustrated, the average federal taxpayer pays
one one hundred and fifty six dollarsas of last year to support in legal
immigration into this country. However,if you're trying to quantify this, how
whatever the amount of additional work youmust conduct for that level of net income
to be realized is, at aminimum, the direct impact to you.
The average full time salary for aforty and it is now fifty five thousand,
nine hundred and eighty dollars fifty fivenine eighty, so that is you
know, you take a look atthat eleven hundred and fifty six year pain
annually net attaxes. Most people areworking about a week and a half a
year exclusively to facilitate illegal immigration intothis country. So in my view,
your frustration is certainly justified.