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June 14, 2024 10 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Welcome back to the Craig Way Showand the Voice of the Longhorns Craig Way.
Follow Craig on social media at HornVoice. Here on a Friday afternoon,

taking you through a lot of thethings that we'll set up your weekend,
and first of all, updating youon the College World Series. North
Carolina has caught Virginia to two?Is that score as they play now in

the top of the eighth inning?Tar Hill scoring a run in the bottom
of the seven, So they've goneto the top of the eighth inning and
the score is now tied to toNorth Carolin in Virginia. Okay, So
I'm here in Dallas tonight is Gamefour the NBA Finals. The Celtics are

so close to wrapping up a sweepof the Mavericks. Interestingly enough, all
of these great Celtics teams, allthese championship teams in the past, they've
only had one sweep in the finals, and it was in their eight their

eight in a row run as ithappened in nineteen fifty nine, nineteen sixty
as they beat the Lakers, sweptthem. That's the only time the Celtics
have ever had a full on fourgame sweep in the final series. In
order to prevent that from happening asecond time, the Mavericks have a lot

of different things that they're going tohave to do in this. Brian Martin
does some fine work for NBA dotcom, and he outlined what he said
would be three potential adjustments that themaverage would have to make if they're gonna
have a chance to be Boston tonightand send the series back to Boston for

a fifth game on Sunday. Numberone seems to go to a lot of
folks. What a lot of folksare pointing to, and that's Luka Dancic.
Luca made a point yesterday in theoff day press conference of saying he
is acknowledging that he's got a backoff of the complaining that he does to

the officials, and let's be honestthat there are times when he has an
excellent point where he has definitely takensome hard contact. Luca. You know,
if you watch him, he playsthe game at angles, and he

is able to shoot the ball atodd angles, dribble at odd angles,
pass at odd angles, even defendon occasion at odd angles. Well,
sometimes those angles bring him into contactwith an opposing player. Now, some
of the time that's Luca being Luca, doing his own thing, and he's

initiating the contact in there. Othertimes he probably does draw what could be
called a foul from an opponent,and sometimes it's called and sometimes it isn't.
Certainly, in Luka Anchi's mind,not enough fouls are called that should
be called in those situations. Butregardless of any of that, he made

a point of saying yesterday, Ijust have to play the game and have
fun and not worry about it andlet the rest of that stuff be how
it's going to be beyond that,the other stuff he has to do.
You know, Look, a fouledout as we know the other night with
a total of twenty seven points,which would be down from what he's done
in the playoffs. Also, heonly had six assists, and all of

those assists came in the two beststretches of the ball game for the Mavericks,
from the tip off to just underfive minutes to go in the first
quarter. Uh Luca and Kyrie Irvingscored nine points apiece in building that thirteen
point lead, and they also gotbuckets from Derek Jones Junior Derek Lively,

Daniel Gafford, all off of assistfrom Doncic in the fourth quarter from about
just over ten minutes to go tojust over six minutes ago when they were
down twenty one. One minute intothe fourth quarter, the Mavericks went on
a twenty to two run pulled thethem within three. And during this stretch
the Mavericks got eight points from PJ. Washington to three pointers assisted by Doncic

and two free throws, five pointsfrom Kyrie Irving a floater and three free
throws, and the combined seven pointfrom Luca on a layup, Lively on
a tipping and Josh Green a threepointer assisted by Dodges. All of that
happened, and then Luca filed outbefore twelve to go. So all together
in a total game span of elevenminutes and fifteen seconds, Luca had nine

points and seven assist and the Mavericksout scored the Celtics by thirty one points
in that eleven minute stretch of basketballearly in the game, like but you
can't play the game like that,as we know, you have to play
the game out. So they've gotto have more consistency from him now to
Brian's point, they also need helpfrom others. In Game three, Kyrie

Irving had thirty five, Luca hadtwenty seven. They combined sixty two points
at seventeen more than the average inthe first two games. But Jason Tatum
at thirty one Jaylen Brown at thirtyfor Boston, so that pretty much canceled
out what they were doing. Andthen the Celtics of course have the depth
advantage there, so they've got toget some other people going, and if

they can't get others going, they'reboth gonna just have to be Superman and
score probably over forty points apiece Bostonin order to sweep it has to continue
to put the pressure on Luca aswell. All of this from Brian Martin
for NBA dot Com. It's apretty in depth read on how adjustments for
either side can make a difference inwhether this series goes back to Boston for

Game five or if the Celtics windup wrapping up the series. Okay,
there's one other story. This issomething that Cole brought to my attention,
and I had read yesterday about theSuper Bowl rings that the Kansas City Chiefs

got and are pretty attractive stuff.They know, we know what rings look
like in pro sports are pretty gaudythings, right, They're very, very
big, thick. And even therings I've been you know, so generously
given by the University of Texas incalling national championships in baseball Elite eight,

in basketball men's and women's conference championships, even those rings they have a look
and a blame to them and allthat stuff. Well, you know,
the Super Bowl ring's going to belike that. And the Chiefs rings go
for more than forty thousand dollars eachper ring. So these rings were unveiled

and they at a ring ceremony lastnight. And they have a band that
lists the scores of all of thepostseason games. That's pretty impressive. They
also have the erawhead logo. Theyhave four Vince Lombardi trophies five hundred and
twenty nine total diamonds, including nineteenbag At diamonds to signify Kansas City becoming

the first NFL team to repeat asa champion in nineteen years. The reverse
side of the ring shows a diagramof the Tom and Jay. Remember that
in overtime, mahomes to me ColeHardman to seal it. So you had
all that kind of stuff. It'sreally really cool. The ring also lists
the seed of each opponent. Rememberthe Chiefs were the three seed. They

didn't get a bye in the firstround, so they had to play the
Dolphins. That was the really reallycold game in Kansas City. They won
twenty six to seven. So tocommemorate it, the ring reads Mia like
Miami and then in brackets seven tosignify that to the seventh seed. One
problem with that they were not theseventh seed. They were the sixth seed.

The Dolphins were the three seed.Had the era first noticed by several
fans when the release photos of theChiefs has not responded to USA Today's request
for comment. The team did confirmto The Athletic that the mistake does appear
on the rings, So that's goingto beg the question are they gonna do
a ring recall. Are they gonnacall Mahomes and say, Patrick, can

you bring your ring in? Wewant to make a change on that.
Do they want to do it likethat or or to prevent there from being
any counterfeiting of rings, keep itlike it is, sort of like oh,
I don't know the Beatles, Butchercover there yesterday or Yesterday and Today

album in nineteen sixty six, whichis really a Capitol release of American tunes
that had already appeared on Rubber Souland Revolver, you know. And it's
called the Butcher cover because that's wherethey're in these butcher smocks and they have
all these hacked up pieces of meatand decapitated baby dolls. It was a
very, you might say, untastefulalbum cover, and Capitol recalled the albums

and then they took a whole bunchof albums that had it, and they
put a sticker of a much moremundane look of the four lads on the
deal. But a lot of peopletook to steaming and peeling the labels off
so they could have the authentic butchercover. I don't think it'll go into
quite that detail on a forty thousanddollars ring. We'll see if they do
that. All right, We'll beback to wrap up our number two here

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