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July 25, 2024 7 mins
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Episode Transcript

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So we get to the third andfinal hour of this program on Sports Radio
AM thirteen under the Zone. CraigWay, alongside the producer Cameron Parker,
glad to have you with us.It's just gone final in Arlington, Texas
Rangers to feed the Chicago White SoxStudent one Max Scherzer picks up the win
for the Rangers. He went sixinnings, struck out nine, walk one,

scattered three hits, and David Robertsonpicked up the save. He went
the final two innings to get thesave. Two to one was the final
and the difference was a ground ballout that scored Nathaniel Lowe back in the
fourth inning. That was at MarcusSimion had a homer and that had tied
the score after the Socks had ticketan early one nothing lead. Elsewhere in

the bigs, the big story todaythe no hitter, uh and that happened
Dylan Sees throwing the second no hitterin Padre's history as he no hit the
Nationals w Washington. Padres scored allthree of the runs in the first inning
off of Patrick Corbyn, who wentseven innings, but he took the loss.

Patrick Corbin's a good pitcher, he'sbetter than a two to ten record
would indicate. But Dylan Sees gotthe win and struck out nine, walked
three, and did not allow ahit. Second no hitter in Padre's history.
Tampa Bay leads Toronto seven nothing,top of the seventh, top of
the fourth inning in Los Angeles,where the Giants lead the Dodgers two to

one, and Clayton Kershaw on hisfirst game back on the Mountains since last
October, and the Giants scored acouple of runs off of him as he
works in the top of the fourthin ten innings. Baltimore beat Miami today
seven to sixth I think I wasat lunch today and saw where that game
was on, and yes, theOrioles were up one, two, five,

six to nothing after five and itwound up going ten innings before Baltimore
ended winning. It ended up winningit in ten innings. Tigers shut out
the Guardians three to nothing. Sothat's your Major League Baseball scoreboard check.
As we mentioned, we're also givingaway copies of Dave Campbell's Texas Football magazine

through our talkback feature, So ifyou don't already have the iHeartRadio app downloaded
on your iPhone or your Android orwhatever your smartphone. Go ahead and do
that. This is how you canwin a copy of it. You then
go to AM thirteen under the zoneon the iHeartRadio app. The talkback features

that little red button with the microphoneon it. You push it, you
leave us a message of I don'tknow, fifteen, twenty, twenty five
seconds whatever. Don't go beyond thirtyor we'll cut you off. But if
you go whatever in the somewhere betweenfifteen and thirty seconds, you can tell
us what it is you look forwardto reading the most. Look what you

look forward to seeing the most.In the annual publication of the magazine.
Is it the cover story this year? Of course it has a long orange
quarterback when yours Texas A and Mquarterback Connor Wigman on the front with the
title of the story Rivalry Reborn.That story is in there. There's the
other the individual college football previews forTexas, Texas A and M and the

SEC for TCU, Baylor, TexasTech, and Houston in the Big Twelve
and the Big Twelve Preview SMU andan ACC preview as well, and then
the other Division One program SAM Houstonin the Division one FBS other conference previews

Sam Houston Median Conference USA, alongwith UTEP American Conference with North Texas and
Rice and UTSA. And then inaddition to those FCS previews, so there's
the whole lot Division two, Divisionthree, NAIA, the college football preview,

and then of course, as GregTemper, the editor in chief of
the magazine, a managing editor toldus last hour, he said, there's
about half of the magazine, nearlytwo hundred of the four hundred pages are
devoted to high school football previews.And we talked about Class five A in
the previews last hour as well.And by the way, obviously if you
miss any hour of the program whereyou want to hear it again, you

can go to our podcast page atAM thirteen under the Zone dot com.
All right, now, this isan example of what we're talking about.
Somebody else is going to get acopy of the magazine. Here's this is
the type of message done through ourtalk back that just tappened a little a
few minutes ago. Hi, myname is David Chambers, and what I

look for to the most with DaveCampus Football is seeing all the high school
recruits and what's gonna end up atut that's the next wave of our future
future, Long warns, absolutely,so, David'll get a copy of the
magazine. That's all we're asking youto do. You do that. We're

giving away ten copies a day.We've done close to them. We haven't
gotten to ten quite yet, butbut but we're giving away ten copies a
day this week and next week andthat'll and that'll be it. So we'll
see. So anyway, the theother thing that we're going to get to,

Like we said, we've been talkinga lot about the Dallas Cowboys.
You notice, if you notice,we don't really have much in the way
of drama with regard to the HoustonTexans. They're just kind of going about
their business and getting rid for theirpreseason opener. One week from tonight.
By the way, mark that onyour calendar. There will be a National

Football League game, or at leastguys in uniforms of two teams of the
NFL playing a game next Thursday night, a week from tonight, Kanton Ohio
Hall of Fame game Houston Texa andChicago Bears. I know it's rookies,
free agent stuff like that guy's tryingto make the club or help out their

position to earn more playing time andall that. But for those of you
who live for that and be allfired up about football being back, even
in an exhibition preseason form, oneweek from the night it'll get going.
The Loghorns report for fall camp workoutsnext week. That'll be on campus and

we'll hear from Longhorn coaches next weekwhen that goes down. So, yeah,
we're getting closer. We're getting alot closer to that sort of thing,
all right. Coming up next,we'll hear more from Jerry Jones and
more on the Cowboys as they're aliveand well and out kN Oxnard, California.
Although they are minus ceed Lamb atthe moment. They are minus well,

they're not minus Micah Parsons and DakPrescott yet, but they're minus a
renewed contract, a new deal.So we'll hear Jerry Jones discuss those types
of things and more when we continuehere on this Thursday afternoon on Sports Radio

AM thirteen under the zone of theiHeartRadio app
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