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What what what rab from? Then? Like a flowing to the cyling man.
I put the new fivey's on themiddle finger up to the middle with
you club shut up, well allthe all the hi must hand the beat.
Hey, hey five a year minuteparking lot o black trucks taking part
this class and got your Heyo mustardis here. Let's get to it.
Intro by d J Fuse right there. I learn that that was amazing.
It's crazy, right, I wasjust talking to Fuse in the elevator on
the way up today, like,Yo, there's so many songs we can
hear for another thing three hours now. You picked you picked the right one.
Those records are the one. Mostof those records helped change your life.
Yeah, yeah, it's definitely.Yeah, the radio changed your life.
That's why I never take it backon the radio. Radio is I
know it. I know it.Radio is extremely important. I think till
this day. Yeah, there's artistslike yourself that it's just it's just there.
There's proof that's you are the proofof radio. Yeah, because I
never forget, like growing up asa kid, you know, listening to
the radio. You know you're goingon your way to school listening to the
radio. I used to call theradio station to win tickets, you know
what I'm saying, Like literally,like I went to like all the summer
jams like one tickets, calling overand over and over. Right, I
even want a snow trip one timeI went to the snow with my sister.
That's right, pretty crazy crazy,Like radio radio is just like it's
a part of you. That's great. Once you were on the radio,
things just changed forever. That wasit. And then you helped create a
sound that changed West Coast radio andradio across the country. Yeah, it's
definitely that's that sound had that's thegoal. That's that was always the goal.
Yeah, and then you started hearinglike many mustards everywhere. That's to
go to to that that that's thatshould be the goal. Going back to
radio, though, do you feellike us at two three and just keep
it a book, do enough toput on for our West Coast artists?
I mean, yeah, I feellike the song is great. I don't
I think that it's excuse people makeit's like you don't play West Coach.
I don't. I don't know,because all my songs get played. I
don't know what anybody talking about yeah, I've seen that. But it's like
people like all my songs gotta playlike I mean, he was in it
was literally my song. Yeah,I mean all those but you know it's
like you get that hit, yougotta get the hit, get here,
you're gonna get played. I don'tthink it's and everybody like I feel like,
if you know something's hot in thecity, you guys are we can
d m you guys. People that'snot you know you you hear stuff.
It's like you get a hot record, ninety percent of the chance it's gonna
be on the radio. If youget a hot record, I don't mean
hot in your in your bedroom hot. Everybody listening to it and it's going
up social media, right right,people understand and get it right right?
Yeah, man, Mustard is here. So yo, shout to a parking
lot with Travis Scott. That's outnow, that's crazy, congratulating, appreciate.
Yeah, some of the barbecue time, barbecue, my son's out was
hot hot outside whos down? Yeah, pause, Yo, that's crazy Mustard
seed. We're gonna see it.July twenty sixth Yes, sir, Yeah,
the album's done. Vocals are allin. Yeah, all the vocals
in vocals are in, yeah,okay, any interludes, yeah, my
mom my sister watch on the Kwan. Yeah. He's been very much a
part of the whole process with likeme trying to the story that I'm trying
to tell so that can change hislife. Man. Yeah, it's gonna
be good for him. Is thereany pressure with this album putting it out?
Not no more. I think Ithink maybe, Like a couple of
months ago, I was like,all right, what I'm gonna do to
make everybody listen? It was like, what's the role got, what's the
role out? It's like, no, I don't think it's I mean,
it's always pressure, you know,you want people love your music and stuff
like that. But I think thatyou know, I make music with feeling,
and if you got any type ofheart or feeling in your body for
the West Coast sound and just forthe people that I work with, you'll
be fine. You're like the album. Yeah. Man, when he did
perfect ten on my last album,he did that song, he was telling
me I should name that album faithwith mustle See, and I was just
like, I already got the titles, you know. But we talked for
hours that night and I always keptin the back of my head because he
told me, like, man,if you before I saw, I said,
you need an album called Faith withmust See. And I'm like,
all right, bet Yeah. Andwhen I was making this album, I
was started off making a different albumand I'm not gonna say the title because
I'm couldn't use it. But andI made this song for my mom called
a song for Mom, and she'sa big Luther Van Draws fan. It
felt really soulful, and I wasjust like, Okay, maybe I should
go to like I think Faith imusSee fits it better. Yeah, how'd
you go about the samples? BecauseI know you're not necessarily a huge sample
guy. You find ways around it. You get very creative with sample.
Yeah, I usually don't sample,but I just I guess as of recent
I've just been like trying new thingsand stuff and trying to just make the
sound bigger. So there was alot of rumors about the not like a
sample. It's not ether, it'snot ether. I was telling people,
yeah he was, you heard it. It did sound similar, but it
wasn't talk. Man, I seena DJ playing everybody there wasn't that was
was originally I believe it. No, no, no, it's a blues
song. Its like again, Idon't think no know it is called I
believe. I think the sample iscalled it is right, I believe,
yeah, right, But I don'tknow if that part is there because we
didn' sample that part. Okay okay, Yeah, And the song was done
in thirty minutes and didn't heard untilwe heard it. Yeah. Yeah,
that's crazy. We have a lotin common now, Yeah, we are
the same say yeah, yeah,we all want Yeah. So you heard
it right online or I heard iton YouTube. My man just sent it
to me, and a couple ofthe other homies was just texting me and
stuff, and I was just like, what did I miss? I wouldn't
listen to it. I was like, I was on my way to a
baby shower and I was just likegoing crazy. I damn didn't want to
get out of the car. Nah, I was just listening. I kept
listening. Yeah, I was kept. I just kept listening to it.
And then I went in the babyshower and people next door was playing it.
Wow that fast? Yeah fast.I saw an interview said that you
were sending Kendrick five be today,right, Yeah, I just sent them
five beasts today. I sent fivebeats every day. Yeah. How long
have you been doing this? Maybeno? Five months? OK? Maybe
nah, not that long. MaybeI've been sending the beats forever beat list
send me, send me him.I can try. I got you,
I got you Spanish and find outa little faith. I got the faith.
I got you hard part of hisfaith though in this game, and
it's super important. Man, havingfaith. It is like the whole.
That's it. Like you, youcan I tell everybody only take one.
You know, one song will changeyour life. You know, even if
you the lowest artists of the highest, you can be off deck and get
one song, and it's just everythingis you know, you change yourself.
Having the faith and believing in yourselfis everything. You know. And people
may think it's easy for you toget Kendrick on the track your mustard,
right, I don't think anything.Even if it wasn't Kendrick, I think
getting a song on anybody isn't easy. You know. It's just you know,
being persistent and having faith and believingthat one day of the come and
your time is coming. That's whatit gets you. The song. It's
got to be right to the line. Because sometimes even artists threw in their
head about certain songs, like Idon't know if I want to put this
out anymore, because they were ina certain headspace when you first the song
was created. I'm sure Mustard Mustardhas had a song on the shelf for
ten years with songs like that.Yeah, never the last date, that's
crazy, something like that. Iwant to hear it. I don't think
anybody would ever hear I know rightYo, the the pop out was crazy.
You're set with out of here brothan congratulations, thank you man.
You're out there having fun. Man, it felt fun. It was in
the backyard at home. Now.You gave it a club vibe. That
was my That was my whole thing, is like I want to just make
this feel like a party. Yeah. When I heard fat Man Scoop,
I said, okay, Mustard isin his DJ. Yeah. Yeah that
was that was that was That waslike the second track. That was the
second track. Yeah, that wasthe second trick. Yeah. I knew
I wanted to start off with somethingof mine, which is pure water.
And then I was just like allright, let me go. We go
to the club real quick and likemake people know it's okay to party and
get the energy. Fat Man Schoolemailed me to day after that, It's
pretty crazy. I appreciate that manlike you. I appreciate I appreciate you.
Nah. But I remember back inthe day I was talking to him
about doing some stuff, but Inever worked on I'd be crazy as a
DJ doctor when it comes to thatset, Mustard, Are you giving complete
control? Are they you got aweek? Literally I don't even know if
I had a week, but Ithink yeah, it's complete control. Nobody
telling me what to do. Itwas more so like we want you to
do, you do what you thinkis best, and I'm like, all
right, okay, yeah I cando that. Yeah yeah. And it's
almost like it felt as if ifpreparation and opportunity met right at the right
time. We only rehearsed one day. We ain't really rehearsed. I was
just like, look, you comingin at this part. You coming in
this part, Steve Lacy like partI'm coming in, and you're coming there
right here. Tyler didn't show up, Like why you went there? You
went there? Guys. Yeah,it's cool. I think man. I
saw a video again on TikTok stayoff of TikTok Jesus Christ. I mean,
what happened? What was the video? So I saw the video,
right, and it's the side ofthe stage. Doctor Dre walks up to
you. You a big hug,whisper something in your ear. Yeah,
probably says a good job or goodship bro. Right, he definitely said
good job. Yeah, good job, right, and then he sees Yg
gives him a hug and says,call me, call me twice. That
means you got to call doctor Drey. Yeah. Yeah, I think it's
time for a Mustard co produce DoctorDre yg album. That would be amazing.
It would be I don't know ifthat would happen, but definitely that
would be amazing. It can happen, it can It's possible. Of course,
it's possible. You're here, bro, It's possible, like you want
it to be possible. I thinkthat would be crazy, and it's time.
I think it's time. Yeah,let's send him to the moon.
Yeah for sure, he got somegood stuff coming to Yeah. You know
what I was explaining to them,I thought it was common knowledge. You're
Mustard on the beat hole drop that'swhy g Yeah, from back in the
day, Like I said, everybodyknew. When I said it on the
air, it looked at me crazy. Yeah, even she was like,
yo, you're lying. Yeah Imight have. I might have missed the
dog. Yeah, don't be mad. Back in the day, from back
in the day, I'm good.I thought he was lying again because of
TikTok. Yeah, speaking of backof the day, do you remember doing
the show in Peko about like tenyears ago? It was you yg the
Rejects tied t C forty eight hundred. I believe, I think so and
Shi. It was crazy. Iwas that I was DJing for one of
the rappers. But I always Iwas like, yo, that's fucking nuts.
I was like, I wonder whathe wanted his paint these, I
wonder what a little bit and nothing? Crazy, Like I wonder how much
that pay? Because it was afucking it was a lineup. Yeah,
it was probably broke. It wasdefinitely like it probably wouldn't that much.
Five hundred piece. What's up,let's get to it and let's get super
fright. You have to do thatright, almost like like a comedian.
You gotta do little shows on yourway. You gotta work and skip that.
Yeah, that's not that don't.It don't work like that. You
gotta you gotta pay a dudes.And yeah, you can't hit all the
clubs. I feel like I hitall almost every club out here, I
would assume, I think, yeah, for sure, seen you at playhouse
a few times. Playhouse playhouses seemedto be crazy, right Mustard here his
eye when you said supper clubhouse,Yeah, they don't know, don't know
about that. Supper club was timethe couch, That was the time.
That was. That was a goodtime. That was a crazy we haven't
had no club like that like thatwas like, you know what crazyest we
made it out of live out ofthose motherfuckers. That was dangerous. What
was supper club? Mustard? Like, if you could revisit and and and
just man, that was DJ Mustardright there. I think it was a
little bit of the same. Ijust I don't know, man, I
was that was some crazy times.That was flowing, like yeah, forty
two, the Acespace coming out,the theme raq everywhere, it was TORAQ
was everywhere crazy at that time.Insane, man, Yeah, no,
that was some crazy times. Youknow, much of what I was thinking
about, right, we're at thepop out, We're broadcasting live. We
get to go in and witness historyone of the best concerts, if not
the most iconic rap concert we've everseen in our lifetime. Right, and
there you are in the middle ofit. And as a dad and as
someone who works every day, I'mthinking, like, you know, this
isn't just like this is just asmall part of what Mustard is going through.
There's also life happening. You haveto navigate through all the success and
all of it hitting you all atonce. Yeah, right, Like it
must have been so much going onwhile all of this good was happening.
Yeah, yeah, that's what we'resaying. I mean, but that's how
I go. You got to balanceit out and you know, take the
winds with the I don't take sinceyou know, that's how I go.
I feel like I was built forthis. And as a that too,
you know, I know you're adedicated father. Yeah, I'm my kids,
got my kids week on, weekoff every week at my hospital dad
school right now, that summer camp. But yeah, I'm very very telling
me it was like a serious andyou were like, yeah, my kids
about to get haircuts. It's thefirst day of school tomorrow, the first
day of school in an hour.That's definitely possible, but try to get
them to sleep around nine being apart of one. Like Cruise was saying,
history, what was the best concertthat you've ever been to as a
fan? Maybe one of the summergyms a long time ago. That was
with the Beat, right, Ithink the beat? It was the beat?
It was. I remember Usher performedand he did a back flip and
the chain came off and winning thecrowd, and I gave it back to
him. Wow, it was crazy. It might be on YouTube or something,
but I was in a concert comingfrom l A. You could have
kept that. I didn't. Ididn't catch it. Somebody else caught it,
but they gave it back to him, and I was just like,
it's crazy. Out of it backin the street, don't we call that
taxes paint? To give it backto speaking the street? Mustard? Right?
You know so many sections on stageright and for politics to be on
hold that definitely don't understand how massivethat is. That's why it's like the
beef is. It's like this isway bigger than beef. Like it's like
bigger than that. I don't thinkI've ever seen a place where like like
that. It was like nobody smirked, nobody looked at nobody, nobody banged
on, nobody was everybody was onstage having a good time. It's like,
man, this is way bigger thanany We didn't hear about anything happening.
Nothing happened, Everybody went home,everybody was cool, and everybody was
on Instagram happy and we I don'tthink we've ever seen that kind of fellowships
and last ride, Oh yeah,yeah, a thousand percent. We haven't
seen nothing like that. Watching thetrailer for the Faith of a Mustard Seed,
you get emotional, man, becauseit's almost like your personal history and
there's glimpses inside your life that wedon't normally get to see. Is there
a song on the project that makesyou emotional as well? Not so much
emotional, but it's a song onmy album where I'm rapping at the end,
And that's the most vulnerable because I'venever rapped or never done anything of
nothing like that. But you toldus once you would never do that.
Yeah, I definitely said that alot of times. But I think that
I've been behind the boards and thebeats so long that nobody's ever heard of
mind Side of things as far aswhen it comes to anything family or friends
or you have a voice. Yeah, so it's like I think it was
just the time. Do you feellike it's just time to unload everything I
bottled inside? I just feel likeI owed it to I owe it to
my fans to like show I letyou guys know where I've been in the
last five years and what's been goingon in my life, you know,
like the everything COVID divorced from everything, you know, so life just telling
people about your life. Sometimes peopleneed to hear it because you know,
from you and not from the internet. Sure, no, exactly, it's
gonna come from tiktokiktok damn TikTok.Sometimes you got to pop out and show
them. In fact, I can'tsay the way it was written. That's
my version. The video shoot waswild man crazy, super crazy man.
I love the video of you kDot in front of the tams. Yeah,
like that's that's it. Like thatfries is crazy. They got some
good fries. They got the bestfries best, but they got some good
fries better than interneut fries. Idon't like you know you like you know
fris inn out fries are good.Really, yeah, I know everybody hates
you have to ask for them,like, well done, that's what stake.
Fries are good too. I likethe big, thick fries. I
like, say, fries cool.You like like, yeah, does that
change your relationship a little bit?Fries is cool when you're hungry, of
course you'll cut that ship off.The interview and I got me looking crazy.
What's up Jack? When you getyour first number one song? Like,
how does that feel for you?I think it just feels like everything
I've been working towards is panning outthe way that I thought it would.
And like I said, like,I'm super grateful, but I'm not surprised
with all the all the work thatI do every day. So look good.
I feel like you're a type ofperson to like be humble but also
brag about like the stuff that Imean. I think at this point,
I don't really have to brag.It's like I don't got to say that.
It's like it's nothing you can reallysay this one. It's crazy to
see Steve Lacy after you mentioned Stevelasone creative Tyler. I didn't know Tyler's
coming out to the night before reallyreaction was nuts from Tyler invited himself.
He can Yeah, so you didn'tknow. So he was like, yo,
the night before they like Tyler coming, I'm like for real, alright,
bet Yeah. It was good tosee Steve Lacy up the Steve joined
himself the crowd going crazy, crazyman, insane. Yeah yeah, I
thought Tyler hurt himself. He jumpedoff the stage. Man, he's still
that guy is crazy, man,Yeah, that guy is crazy. Yeah.
I think there's nothing he can't do. There's nothing he can't do.
He's like a superhero or something.You know. Roddy did mention that he
canceled Fashion Week in Paris to bethere. Was there anything that you had,
like prior committed. I was supposedto go to fashion Week too.
I'm the one who told Riddy tocancel it. I told him, like,
bro, shit, he was like, I'm gonna still, I might
go. I don't know. Iwas like, man, shit, I
think you're gonna go to Paris andyou're gonna see this and be like dang,
I wasn't not there, And hethought about it. He's like,
I'm gonna go. I'm gonna stay. Bro. I was like, all
right, bit yeah, because it'slike, well, you don't want to
miss this. This is gonna behistoric, and it was historic. Yeah,
no, no, cancel your ownfuneral. Doctor. I definitely was
supposed to go to Paris as well. Are you really Yeah, I'm supposed
to go. I just didn't.You got to move a lot of stuff.
That does that cost you? Yeah? The don't call. It's like
what do you like? What doyou want? You know, like it's
like you pay for I'm doing musicright now, fashion weeks? I can
wait. I'll be there next year. I'll be there in the next one.
Is this is history, like it'sgonna be It's gonna be talked about
forever. Man, it is.Yeah, And it's the most watched Amazon
Music production my point. Ain't nofashion show out there like that right now?
No? Absolutely? Yeah, themost the most the biggest song that
we've seen in a long time,not like us. And it continues to
grow, It'll grow throughout the summer. It's only been off with like two
months. It's crazy and it's massiveand I don't even know what the words
to put for that, Like whatdo you do? What's going on?
Is there any way you celebrate thispersonally. Do we get a new car,
do we go on vacation. No, I ain't buying no cars right
now. I'm about to have akid, so I think that's my celebration.
That's right, and congratulations chilling man. I go out to you do
normal stuff. I play tennis everyday. I just do a lot of
normal things. I don't really dolike I feel like. I was talking
to my mentor the other day andhe was like, man, you remember
back in the day, you wouldhave probably like parking lot, came out,
even been in the club spending moneyfor no reason. I was just
like, you're right about that.I don't. I just I find fun
and like the normal ship, likebeing normal and going, yeah, like
going to play tennis or going outto eat with my girl. I don't
hang with a lot of people,so I keep you around it from out
right, I don't even think it'snothing. In my mind is like,
let's wild out like I don't.I don't even think that's cool anymore.
That's right. That's right. You'rean adult. You grew up grown man.
That's what it takes. Man.Would you consider yourself a good tennis
player? I like to think thatI could go pro. Yeah, you
have to go bro. You canget that Serena. I don't know if
I can get that Serena. ButI can hang. I think I can
probably hang. I can play acouple of points. I can play.
I can play. I can geta couple of points, maybe a point
stretch. I probably get a point. If she if she fought, she
messes up, not off me.If she's got COVID, I could beat
her. Yeah, something like that. How long you've been playing tennis for
maybe like two years and something.You got a coach? Yeah, I
got a couple of coaches. That'sright, man, Tennis was it?
I don't know. Man, LikeI walk, I used to walk every
I still walk every day, domy miles and stead. But I don't
like running on the traademill I wasborn is born, and you love running
the trimming when I do, I'vebeen running in a while. Look at
me. But what I'm saying isI'd rather run on a treadmill than run
outside. Really like tennis is likeI could run a thousand calories an hour
and a half, and tennis,you know you can't do that run.
I mean you can if you ranthe whole time. Yeah, I'm not
running the whole time. Have youtried pickleball yet? Nah? I ain't
playing on pickleball muster. Is therea verse that you can't wait for all
of us to hear on the album? Is there one? Like? Fuck,
I can't wait for everybody to hearthis ship? I think I feel
like that about every song on myI just feel like the songs are just
gonna resonate with everybody. So definitelya little nervous for like my song and
I'm rapping, But I feel likeanytime you're nervous, it's a good thing.
Yeah, you're nervous the first dayof school, you got a fresh
fit. I wanted, Like myfis nervous. When you have a kid,
You're nervous everything that you you know, you are nervous about. Every
time I played it for like jayZ and stuff, and I played it
for like who else play for jayZ, played it for Vince Staples,
maybe Tiger YG. Everybody's like wow, feeling itverybody. It's not like no
turned up song though, it's notlike that. It's like every real song
for sure. What hepes say Imean because he says this is beautiful beautif
he said, man, this isbeautiful. Man, it's that beautiful.
Just rap on the end of it. Give me a verse, this is
that beautiful. Let's he's not onit, but it's just my song.
Probably wouln't make sense for him tobe on anyway because it's literally personal about
me. So oh really yeah,it's all about my life, about your
life. You are to that pointthough, songs gott to make sense,
right, You just can't force somethingfor the look right. Yeah, No,
I don't do that. I'm ifthe verse is not good, I'm
not if it doesn't match. Ijust want to put random people on songs.
I think that's one of my gifts, to of putting different people with
different people. It just sounds ohyeah to me, that sounds good at
least is that you would never thinkis there a beat or song that you've
heard from someone else that you wishyou would have did? Uh could have
been an older song too. It'slike, yeah, damn shit, California
Love. I wish I made CaliforniaLive. I wish I may get Low
by Little John too, like Bro, like Man blow the Whistle, like
I wish I had made. There'sa lot of songs. I feel like
that about right, And it's thatkind of thinking that got you into not
like us right because you thought yourself, what would a song that Doctor D
produced for for Little John sound like? Yeah? Or like yeah, like
if they were both in the studio, what would you who would you want
to hear? And that's how you'relike done done, Dona. It's like
yeah, like you know, thisis how we do this, Like the
drum is just like some Little Johndon't don't don't like this crazy eight o
eight. Yeah, that was mythought process. Man, look at it
now, man, Yeah, itworked. We did it, man,
listen, man you put on man. Congratulations. Appreciate that all day.
Bro, thank you for the time. Yeah, most definitely appreciated. How
many times I've been d M andd d J. Mustard Bro, how
ain't you back though you did?Thank you? That's why that's like you
do it today. I'm like,all right, let's do it. That's
great, bro, definitely, AndI'm about to go play tennis time time.
Let's get to it. Man,parking lot is everywhere not like us
everywhere, of course. Faithful MustardSeed July twenty sixth, can't wait for
it? Brongrat appreciate our blast Bro. Thank you Bro always, Thank you
man It, Sir Muster, CruiseShow Real Naty two to three d JA.
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