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July 3, 2024 37 mins
Common and Pete Rock came through to talk about their new "The Auditorium Vol 1" -- they broke down their process of writing and producing, also gave love to kendrick, and their fav Hip Hop producers. Common also talked about some of his favorite bars & a bar he wish he had written. Then lechero got common to rhyme live.
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Realities said. I heard that shelikes the we live in a dream world.
Y'all know how I'm matter broke,yes, yes, y'all, and
you don't stop because we're talking abouty'all is hip hop? Yeah, this
is hip hop. Baby Time,the Baby, the Missus Street Ray Gio

for Unsung. He wrote, ridingin the Rego time of state, look
like this in the whole coach.If I don't like it, I don't
like it, that don't mean thatI'm having and we communicating. I've been
thinking about you, Ladily when theyreminisce over you. My god, he
brought this one for the crew.Can promoti what kind of I'm so brother?

Oh no, Black from the future, make beats on the table.
If I break my computer, it'sstill make hits like I used to keep
guitar five. I'm god favorite.That was excellent, My god, shut

man set it up. Awesome.Yeah, bro, that's d J Hewes
in the mix. Man, He'sawesome. That was crazy, Thank you,
glad. Hit it again, Hitit again, this reality and I
heard they seem like the we livein a dream world. Y'all know how

I'm mat broke, yes, yes, y'all and you don't stop because when
we talk, get out y'all thiship hop. Yeah, this is hip
hop, baby baby the business streamdio for Unsung, he wrote riding in
the regal time, the statement looklike this in the whole coat. If

I don't like it, I don'tlike it, that don't mean that I'm
important and we communicating. I've beenthinking about you, Ladily. When they
reminisce Silver, you my god.He brought this one for the crew from
him kind of you, I'm sure, brother. Oh no, Black from

the future. Make beats on thetable. If I break my computer,
it's still make hits like I usedto keep you talk five. I'm god
favorite man, so nice. Ihad to do that twice. I think
I think, I think that'll bein fellows. I appreciate it that these

infuses the truth. You know you'rea fan the You know what I mean?
Man, This is why it helps. That helps. Pete Rock is
here, comm sence comment is here. Let's get it man, cruise show.
I'd like to point out Common's jacket. It's a pro club. Very
l A, very out of you. Yes, brother, Yeah, I
love LA. I'm Chicago, butI got love for l A. Very

too of your ahead of your fellowon this. All good, yeah clean
right here, we're here like Buddhistswere Buddhists. That's right man, Yo,
listen again, Pete Rock Common,We're here, man, all kinds
of ideas. Congratulations on that.That's crazy. The project is on its

way. July twelfth, Auditorium,Volume one, Pete Rock. I don't
know if you want me to saythis, but I'm going to say it
anyway. You guys already started workingon volume two. Yeah. Yeah,
he's got beats, yeah ya know. Yeah, this man is infinite with
creating music. So I mean he'sbeen sending me beat since we started,
but it's like infinite sending records.This is like that process I love when

you get to just put your heartand soul into the music. It's about
the music. Music bars somestance.I'm saying estable, you know, lyrics
we could hear exactly. I understand, not just saying but like this is
this is hip hop. This iswhat it is about. Yes, yeah,

excitement, you know that's and healways been a carrier of hip hop.
Like this is like like when Igot to get around him even more.
We known each other for a longtime, say for how long ninety
one, Yeah, somewhere in theninety early nineties for sure, Like and
then you know, fuse play oneof the first records we did, which
was the Cube Song, but butthat was that was the first record we

did together or shout Out to cuteshout Out. But at that time,
that was a time broa. Yeah, but I think it and hip hop
we have to go through things likethat. You know. We got to
test deal with it exactly. Wekept it on Wax. Everything was good.
But we've been we've been brought brothersfor a minute and just being around,

like getting to connect with him onthe music and just see how much
he loved like creating beats and whatI love. I love him seeing man.
I love to say some bars thatthat that people respond to. You
know what I'm saying that My homieeslike, oh you said that. You
know what I'm saying that. Thatwas part of the way I started rapping.
It's just like I wanted to saysomething real dope like so that my

friends respond, you know. Andit's still that Common will freestyle wherever he
is. Common. I mean,he's just that artist, right He that's
his DNA. The freestyle is allthe way in his blood, you know
what I'm saying. So when Iheard a couple you know online, I've
seen this one that was like,Wow, I gotta post this one.

You know what I'm saying this,people got to see this this talent for
sure. How do we feel abouthip hop today? Man? As the
gods? I feel like, youknow, the only thing that's listening is
the realness of the music, andyou know, and making lyrics that people
could really understand. Sure, youknow what I'm saying. I mean,
yeah, you can make fun recordsand you can make the little simple joints,

you gotta really speak on reality.It is. It is. It's
like the ill thing is like,could I be listening to a lot of
like just hip hop or definitely thenineties is where my head is stuck.
And it was some of the songswas very simple. But it's just to
me, it's all about the spiritof the music, Like where is it
coming from? And it's some youngartists that's coming with dope stuff that's coming

from the love of the music.Like I can I can tell the difference
in the artists that like that thatof a new generation that actually listened to
hip hop from before. I cantell the difference. You could hear it
in the in the quality and thestandard that they have no matter what style
it is. That you could justtell that they know that the art form
of hip hop and that and Ithink and point blank you know, it's

been dope. The battle was dope, like the Drake Kendrick Battle added to
the culture of of of hip hopand like to me, it's it's hip
hop is in the thriving spot becauseyou have all these young artists doing doing
their thing, and now you haven'tpeople like Pete Rock and I dropping albums
and you know what Naves is gonnado with Primo or you know l L

and Q Tip. But you know, we all got our own things.
I ain't gonna try to put usexactly in the same like category, but
it's good to hear that, yo, you can actually evolve in the in
the art form and make new musicand make it fresh. Carry that.
So I think there's a lot ofartists today like Simba yeah yeah, yeah,

yeah yeah. Shout shoutout to LamarHindel. Lamar to me is one
that would in any generation is oneof the greats in any generation. He
just point blank is one of thegreats. I like Earl Sweatshirt, I
like, I like it's some it'ssome dope. Joey's my guy. Yeah
you were you not that yet,but I've been talking to him. We

didn't having, you know, conversations. I need to get done. Yeah,
for sure. Everything cyclical too.I mean, you got my kids.
The first music they ever heard wastripe called Quest Wow and Pete and
you because they're gen z right,so you were all up on y'all.
And the first thing is we playedfor them. So when they get ready
to start making music, you're gonnahear that sound. That's a promise.

Yeah, it's inevitable. You know, yo, I ain't go for I
love that. Man. When I'mlike, when I hear like youngest being
like they know, like nineties stuff. I remember I went to this college.
I went down to speak at thiscollege Pray if you down in Texas,
and this dude was wearing a tripcalled quest Sure. He was like
nineteen years old. I was like, but you know about Trial? He
was like low End Theory my favoritealbum. What It just blew my mind

and just let me know, likehow the seventies was. Seventies music was
for me growing up and for uslike nineties music that for the kids now
like and they hearing that, likeyou said, parents, parents, it's
crazy. I mean I think tome, it's like that's part of the

beauty of hip hop was it waspassing on like music that our parents listened
to because they were sampling that stuff. So we got to hear like all
the some of the music our parentslistened to it. We were just putting
it out in the way we do. So now the kids go take some
of the nineties stuff and put itout in the way that you know,
it's crazy, p rock. Whatyou did with jazz and hip hop and

mess those two change the game forever. Yeah, man, I mean help
change the sound. That's I haveto thank my dad for that resting piece.
He was jazz, like, yeah, what you making? So you
know what I'm saying. My popslisten to reggae, of course, but
it was always jazz, so classical. I mean, he had a variety,

and so I kept that in mindwhen I make beats, I want
to be able to make different kindof beats, not just one style.
You know, like various kinds ofyou know, yeah, because that like
the boom bap like that gets itdone. Yes, of course, once
you start adding certain elements from othergenres, that turns it into another movie,
something different, And it's beautiful.Man. Yes, the creation is

a beautiful thing. This is Jackie. She's sixteen years old. I looked,
like, hold up, what's goingon? But it's crazy to see
how like when you look back inyour guys' career and you're putting out music,

like still, how does that feelto be known that? Like for
people like me, you guys arelegends, Like, how does that feel
for you guys? You know,man, it feels great for one passion
in my heart and just like youknow, those are the things that drive
me to keep making hip hop.And I see the reaction of the people

and that inspires me even more tokeep putting out good music because it's needed.
You know what I'm saying, Weneed it. I feel like,
man, I just thank God forus being able to continue to make music,
Like that's that's the creator, that'sthe creator working through us. And
at the same token, it's yesterdaywe was doing a rehearsal and I was

like, Pete, this is crazy. We went from a record you made
in ninety one to a song offour new album right now, which is
you know, twenty twenty four.You could have never You couldn't have told
a young Rashi with my name youngCommon that when I got in on the
mic in ninety two with my album, that I was going to be like

thirty years later rapping and putting outa new album and the joining it too,
you know, like, because Iused to think, like what Nah
said on one in song, hewas like I thought like when you was
thirty, you was done like fortyeight, you never would think you would
be able to be like an artist. But man, we've shown because hip
hop was young for us at thattime, that we can't evolve as artists

and musicians and be like, youknow, experience and half years and decades
in this music and still be doingfresh things if you got the love for
and the purity and you got tostay humble to grow doubling off of that,
like you're saying, like you know, thirty years later, like it's
never too late for anybody to startit either. Yeah. No, I

always say age is nothing but anumber and if you know the feelings still
in you, because you know,hip hop is special. Man. Once
you get a good dose of it, you'll never let it go. Fact.
And so that's that's what I gothrough and I'll be thinking about like,
you know, when I was listeningto Michael Jackson, I wasn't thinking
how old he was with Stevie Wondoll. But I never thought about it age.

I look like, it's like ifthis music hit me and hit me,
like like, sometimes listen to musicthat was made before I was born
now, and sometimes I'm listening toto somebody that's like twenty one making music
and I'm like, it's just ifit's great, I just enjoy, you
know, and if it makes youhappy to create it, you gotta feed
that, Joey, That's what lifeis about. Yeah, that's the life,

yo. You got to feed thejoy. That's what yo. One
of the things I feel like Andhe made a record on on Yay and
jay Z's I'm Joy. It's calledjoy. Joy is so underestimated in life,
man, Like we talk about alot of things, but joy is
like one of the things that Iwas like, just real organic joy joy.
Joy. Like I'm starting to more, more and more, just appreciate

those moments of joy and just bepresent in it, not like be trying
to think, like, man,how is this and how is this gonna
be later or what happened yesterday.When I get those moments of joy,
I'm like, damn, I'm sittinghere right now, this I'm grateful with
what we were right here talking aboutworking on. It'll fly by, Yeah,
it'll fly by, and we andwe we spend so much time like

worrying about the future or holding onto things that happen to us that it's
like, man, just being ableto be present. It's one of the
things that I consistently try to workon because it's like, man, sometimes
people will come to me and tellme stuff that I mean, They'll tell
me like yo, like man,I was with you, we had a
dinner and blah blah blah. It'llbe somebody that's like a big celebrity.

I'd be like, how did Iforget that time? You know? You
know, like I mean, Imean, I'm like, wait, I
gotta start appreciating these moments and justbeing in it. Yeah, we acually
had that, right. There's youknow photos on your phone, this time
last year and I'm like, wait, we did that. Yeah. Yeah,
And it's crazy because we're always constantlythinking about tomorrow. Constantly constantly,

man, you know, point blank. Like within the past few years,
I learned to slow down a littlebit and just not like Phil I used
to think I had to do liketwelve things to be successful. I'm like,
yo, I could do it threeor four, but just doing them
at the highest level and give myheart and soul to it and enjoy the
process of it too. Like,yeah, that's right, that's right.

We were talking about this a fewdays ago. What do you guys think
besides the music, you guys makethe perfect hip hop song? What song
is that? Not? Like us? Not like it's the perfect hip hop
song. I'm serious, man,That joint is murderous. Yeah for a
Grammy too. Yeah, that's that'sthat's that is one of the most perfect

hip hop songs. But I'm Gonnago with the world is Yours too?
Produced by Pete Rock song that's oneof the most Like for some reason,
that song like had the lyrics,the inspiration. Yeah it's just raw Street,
but it's just he's sampled the jazzrecord. It ended up being a
hip hop boomback classic. Yeah,yes, sir, and yeah, that's

one of my doesn't get better thanthat, right. Also, the light
is a perfect So thank you,bro, thank you. Admit that woman
is my favorite. You know whatI said in the game, he got
kind of like some shipboard. Isaid, this is how we do it,

Jordan. I know, it's morelike it promotes that feel good times
a classic class. That's what thething is about music, man, is
what what you what you feel.That's why one thing I don't let nobody
do is determine what's supposed to bedope for me. There you know how
you feeling, how you feel freedom, It's called freedom. He rock.
You said, Jay Diller is yourfavorite producers J Dela, mad Lib and

some new guys you know, Theoryhas it, Vitamin D, a bunch
of you know, new guys thatare out here that get it, you
know what I'm saying. And soyeah, so yeah, man, there's
so much great music, so muchso. I mean there's there's hip hop
out there. Man, there's areal raw hip hop. And you guys
saw it the other night right atthe Hollywood. Yeah, just see it.

It was like hip hop Yeah,that dude. That was like the
Roots. The Roots are one ofthe greatest bands ever just not just only
a hip hop and and just thefact that they got two balls stage,
they got trombones and they playing PeteRocks to create it and it sounds incredible.
But it's like the sounds like therecord, and they presented like a

mixtape where you got Black Sheep comingout, and then you got Far Side
coming out. Then you got theJungle Brothers, who I'd never seen perform
live like that. Then Queen Latifor bringing out em C like Yo Yo
money Love, and then you know, it's just was like arrested development.
It's skill moment. Everyone was onon on a different planet. Yeah,
it was on high on that stage. Man's high and just man, I

ain't see no artists just go totheir dressing room. No, they ain't
go to Everybody was just sitting therewatching each other. You know what.
I think The artists also that makethe music also missed the nineties vibes.
Yeah, you know what I'm saying. Different, So that night we got
it all back. That's crazy.It was Dave Chappelle there because I feel

like if he wasn't he's kicking himself. Should have been there at life right
now. But he probably put togetheranother block party and do something like that.
You know. I said, watchedthat with my kids, man,
and they were just astonished. Watchenergy and the rain the rain bro it

rained that day. I was like, we didn't think it was gonna happen,
man like, and we have beenplanning for a long time. Yeah,
the first time the foujis that gotback together and remember ya yay.
It was like he had a showin Chicago that day, but it was
trying to stay that afternoon to atleast get to get to perform, like
and it was like it all workedout, bro. It was like divine,
divine nature. But knowing, knowing, Dave, you're throwing another block

party, We're going out there toperforming it Heights in Ohio. Yeah,
he had shows at his house.It's like it's like he got a house
out there that's on the corn fields. Yeah, comedy shows is incredible comedians
for just him and his friends.Him, we can't buy tickets, tell
me Live Nation doesn't want to cuttickets on Yo. He make you put

away your phone. That's right,Yes, that's about the moment the moment,
bro, It's about the moment.I think before this, no cell
phones and nothing, that's how ourlives was being lived. Like you know,
no listen, I was thinking aboutthis today, man. I mean
Pete Rock and Common they had toget famous the hard way super grind.

The super Grind was too red.But you know what, we didn't feel
that work because we loved what wewas doing. I was just talking about
I was talking about Troy. Youknow, Troy shot out to Troy marsh
because like my record the life,he he was the guy taking that,
taking me everywhere we had to go. And I was just telling the stories
about how man, then you haveto go see the DJs in the morning.

I mean you go ready on themorning, you go see somebody.
Afternoon you're going to do record stores. And then at night you got to
go to the DJ, go tomix show DJ, and then go to
the club that they work at.He wasn't getting paid, promotion promoted,
right, You scratched my back,I scratched, But Marshall had you at

the radio station that I worked atin Palm Springs At six am in Palm
Springs, commonists there to promote theLightning yes, bro, that's what it
is. And our videos started atsix am in the in the morning.
That's the work we were willing toput in. It was exactly. It's
about that work. It's like it'sa collective effort. It's a bigger picture,
right if it wasn't for those effortsof doing it for free. And

so you guys helped create what hiphop is today, how profitable it is,
for help change his lives and perspective, show people how to do it.
That part people eat off of it, they can keep their families off
of it. Yeah, but it'spart of that grind. Yeah, I'm
grateful that we can be a partof it and that more people are being
able to like get the fruits ofit. And I kind of be tripping
because I'll be looking at basketball playing. I think Michael Jordan didn't get paid.

No, he like off off ofa sport. He didn't get what
these dudes is getting like and likelike I'm like, wow, this dude
took it up, but you knowtimes he got and everything else got it
through Nike. Yea, the contractwas nowhere near nowhere. No, man,
I was looking at the money thesecats stuck to my been a million

dollars started. Read Big three forreal exactly for real? Man. You
know, all kinds of ideas outnow on all digital streaming platforms. The
Auditorium Volume one out July twelfth.What can we expect as far as features?
Can we talk about that? Yeah? Yeah, we got loud,

Yeah we got positive news. Yeahyeah. So and then this new artist
named PJ. But be honest,like this was one of those albums.
Initially, as Pete and I startedjust creating it, I was like,
we want to create a sound.At one point, I was like,
Pete, I don't want to haveno features because I just remember some of
the like MC's I love they haveto have a lot of people to do

it and done the matter with features. But I just was like, man,
we're gonna deliver this sound. Butthen it just organically happened with Prostitute
from Daylas Soul because they they've beeninspirations for me, and he just connected
with that beat. Butlile is oneof the greatest vocalists that a lot of
people don't know, but that dudeis one of the greatest. And then
you know PJ and Jennifer Hudson ison the joint. Yeah, it's good.

Great, that's great work that theworld to hear. And I think
the world needs it especially. Youknow. It's funny. I didn't even
ask him about features, you know, but when I heard Belial on that,
I said, okay, maybe one, Yeah, Jennifer Hudson came and
then you know, the whole thing. Yeah, and that was it.

Man, we need it, Likeall right, let's keep going, right,
At what point did we know wewere done? Because we I mean,
we can record and record and record. At the point someone's got to
say, yeah, well yeah,twenty thousand songs, guys, he send
you beats man. This is atreat like to like when he like sometimes
I get something at three in themorning, he'll send me like a record

or something that I'm like, yo. And then you know, when we
we we got to about fourteen songs, about thirteen songs, and I was
like, people were done, We'regood man. And then and then and
then people was like, because Imean, we recorded more than bro like,
people was like he started playing thisone sample of the bridge MC sharing
the bridge, and then and thenI was like, look that up.

Hooked that up. So then hehooked it up and he was like right,
and I wrote to it and thenI was like, this is gonna
be the bonus song. And wegot some mastering. The Iron people put
that joint right in the sequence likeno, but this this is going on
the album right here, like thisis going mastake Manna. But thank god
he did that. That became thefirst drop. We dropped that first to

wise up song and that that thatthat hit that hit the crowd, that
hit the peace boom yeah, andthe familiar simples yeah, the bridge right.
So man, we know it's fourteensongs on there, like fifteen including
the outro, but we wanted thisto be a piece of art. Man.
It just it just really just feltlike what Pete Rock and Common is
about. Like we're about the music. Were about putting that love out there,

great great music, great energy,joy and you know we're about hip
hop. Man COmON, what's theline out there that you didn't write that
you wish you did? Oh,that's a great question, you know,
you go. I love when LilWayne said real G's moving silence like Lasagna.
I thought that shit was clever becauseit's like like the way it slices

off the plate, it's real.You know, I love when somebody say
something like that, g Is Islandis in Lasagna and just to play a
real bad boys moving silence real G'sI always thought that was just a super
dope line. Many yeah, yeah, yeah. He also had that late
tax, late tax. Yeah,getting that Wayne is dope. I hope

we could get with him and dosomething that dude got. He got bars
for real for sure. Hey,we had Mustard on the other day,
right, and he told us thathe's gonna wrap for the first time ever
on the project. Yeah, sothis next one he's got coming out late
July is gonna he has some barson there. And he said he's obviously
very nervous, but we can't waitfor everybody here. He actually played for
Hope, and Hope loved it anda few other people. How nervous for

you that first time? Oh?Real, nervous, big time. I
mean, my first rap ever wroteby myself was Don't Curse d D and
the Boys, And then Poohba wrotethe Creator for me and he wrote so
brother number one. So I wasjust a young kid. He and when
I spoke, he liked my voiceand he said, maybe I could,
you know, make you an MCthat's dope. Window. I was his

I was his science project, that'sright. And it worked out. Yeah,
it worked out there pet rock Versus, Like, that's the one thing
I'll be like, man when Ihear shut them down remix or jump around
remix, you know, like youknow or down with the Kings, I'm
like, I love hearing the rockversus. They created something and I worked

closely with Messa Day on that song. Is that right? Yeah? Damn
yes, God bless God, blessall day. How are you people?
How are you clearing samples? Areyou friendly? When you're on top of
me? We on top of this. We know we have to do this,
so you know, it's a it'sa must for the music. If
I was a musician that someone sampledmy stuff, I mean, I wouldn't

want to get paid, but Iwouldn't like take a big shock whatever,
you know. But you got somemusicians that will take seventy and it just
be a little clip. Yeah,but they want the world. Yeah,
well listen sometimes to be honest,like one of the songs we just talked
about, the Light, God blesshis soul, Bobby Conwell, he wanted

one hundred percent and uh and andand my team was like my team was
at the time was they was like, Yo, you need to take this
song off the album. I said, no, I'm not taking this song.
And I thank God like that.I thank God that that that I
mean because that hundred percent that hegot. Man, I'm still performing this

song to this day, and it'sthe song that's seen people sing the most
that I do. Like it's likeit's worth it sometimes and it's worth it
sometimes absolutely because it lives on andit's bigger than just that. That song
is such a classic. I mean, there's so many classics between you two
and now we've created another classics Likemoney shouldn't stop your good feelings inside when

it comes to me. Yeah,you know, when you start something,
it shouldn't be because of money orform, right. I think that's an
l right, the money even andnot even awards either, to be honest,
Like people be asking me like,yo, I know you're trying to
get that Tony Award because you know, and I'm like, yeah, I
would want it, but I can'tgo into a project thinking like yo,
let me go get the ward.And you got to go in there with

the love and the passion and createand then and then once it's created.
Yeah, you want to get intothe world, and then you pray and
hope that you could be in theawards being celebrated by your peers. But
ultimately you got you gotta go inin with the love for sure. You
want that. He got Yes,yes, show premiree hundred percent. I

know he's dying to have a question. You got a question. Come here,
man, sit in on this interview. Man first off, Man,
Pete Rock, listen to man.I'm sorry. NBA Street Volume one of
my favorite video games all time,my favorite common top five all time.

Thank you, thank you, Iappreciate. I know you had a movie
where you were a basketball player.Yeah, right right, just right right,
I know, real home, bro, what's the question? Word?
Out of all the new cats rightnow, who do you think you could

beat on the one on one basketballbasketball player? Basketball players? Oh?
Man? Who could I bet onthe one one? At least get a
three pointer on? I mean,well, I could I could score on
Luca Dncis because he don't play defense. Being real, that's what it is

us. Yes, I do havea question. I feel like both of
you humans are very aware of thatwords are very powerful. With that being
said, is there a word orsomething someone told you throughout your life that
really stuck with you and help changethe trajectory of where you were headed?
Man? I mean, I guessit was. I remember being around some

of my brothers that was a partof the Nation of Islam, and they
had a phrase this that accept yourown and be yourself. That always stuck
with me because it's just like manto be able to love my own and
be able to be me just resonatedwith me. But I'm a word.
I read the Bible, man,I read the New Testament a lot,
so like it's this thing about lovekeeps no record or wrongs and love is

kindness, love is gentle. Irespect those words. So I try to
live by those words even in themost difficult times. It don't always happen.
I'm a human being, but Itry to abide by them words.
Yeah, I'm gonna say my cousinHeavy D always always recon peace, always
told me to be inspired. Youknow what I'm saying. That was like

his model. He took on forhimself and just passed it on to me.
Wow. Great words, right,those are words that just resonate forever.
Yep. And I'm still out heredoing it. We're still here.
Man, Hey coman, you gaveme one of the things that I like
to repeat a lot. You talkabout phrases. If I don't like it,
I don't like it, doesn't meanI'm hating, right, because not
every piece of music is for everybody. Not everybody's gonna brace everything. Everyone's

so quick to call each other ahater you don't like what they like,
and people have such a tough timenow accepting differences. We see how this
country is divided. I mean whenyou sat and wrote that line, was
it a particular time in your lifeor scenario that made you say that?
Yeah? Man, I mean Ijust was a at a point where I
was like, man, if Ididn't like something, everybody was saying,

yo, you a hater like I. And I looked back and was like,
man, that ain't what it is. I cannot like something, and
then that's that's okay. It's likeit was to me, it was reinforcing
that we got to think for ourselvesand like and it's and it's I to
express your truth. You know,it's hard in this in this day and
a to express your truth without withoutlike being ridiculed, without being like judged,

without being like, oh you hatingor you don't take this. We
complex individuals and human beings. SoI just was really expressing in that line,
like, man, I can saywhat I don't like. I'm a
grown person. Man, I'm gonnatell you I don't like that. I
don't like it. Down mean,it ain't got to be nothing personal.
I was known as the biggest hateror nothing because I wasn't used. I

wasn't used. Yeah, I wasn'tused to the new slang, like you
know, if you don't like something, they ain't gonna like you what they
like. So that's what I'm thebiggest hater. You were like, no,
no, no, no, nono. I love Kendrick like from
day one, I'm on butterfly.Yeah. But when he said that,
that resonated with yeah yeah yeah.But some of the youngins that I used

to listen to him be like,oh, he understands, he understands,
you know, So how easy isit to work with common? Very very
and he's fast, that's right,I said, I know if I give
him a beat, he's gonna comeback the next day what's something a full
song the easiest process you've had sofar throughout your care Yeah, that's great.

It's an artist that are quick,you know. Yeah, you know
I worked with Ross Rick Ross.He's pretty fair. He had a averse
back to me in like two hoursan hour. Wow. But this is
an album we're doing, so youknow, I give him the time to
write. You know, he wantto make corrections, he could do that,
you know. Common You've worked witha lot of producers, right,

is this the best situation you've had? This is definitely one of the greatest.
But I can't you know, takeaway from Jay Dilly too, you
know, and like, and Iwas going being blessed to work with some
incredible producers from Yay to No Id so, but this is a very
special connection, like because he isone of the greatest producers and not and
arrangers too, Like, like hearranges the music in a way that's something

that we kind of don't think about. And because you're like, yo,
this dude will make beats, buthe actually is arranging the song and making
sure that the drops is in theright place. So and he produced in
like in a way that it waslike it was time where if I didn't
lay the verse down right, hesaid, I think you should just take
it back a little bit, youknow, calming down a little bit,

because you know, sometime I getgeeked in the studio. I'm out,
you know. Yeah, so butthat's producing and you know, like one
of the things I ain't in front, just sitting around them. I was
like, man, this dude isone of the greatest musicians that music has
seen, because like when you listento the album, you go see that
it's like this, it's not it'snot throwback music. It's not throw back.

It got the spirit of it,and you feel like what you feel
when you hear that nineties music,but it's new sounds like this song Fortunate
you never heard Pete Rock makeup beatlike this like or you know even what
the song when the Sun Shines Againwith Whippops. It's just different, different
sounds. Man. So I appreciatedthe progress because people be like, yo,
I know it's gonna be throwback.I'm like, man, we can't

go backwards. We're going forward,but we can carry the spirit. The
spirit is as if this is newenergy. Yeah, as a producer,
like speak for all producers like,we're fans of you. So that's why
you know. I was happy aboutthis connection, and then we've been inspiring
them to do this for a longtime. Minute for a minute. As
a producer, we're fans of greatMC. You still have your dad's record

collection, of course, yeah,you have them all. That's how I
started it. Man, you wantto sell listen, maybe you got triples?
Maybe maybe if I do, thenI'll no doubt. I'm passing mine
out to my kids too. Isn'tthat great? How that's can't come all

the way back to man and thekids. My sons need that experience to
read the liner notes and open everythingup. Man, and artists are getting
smart because for you guys, it'salso a better money maker than the streams
for those physical So for the physical, I love it for both reasons.
Are you guys dropping the physical forsure? Yeah? I can't forget.

I'm a DJ too. Yeah,listen, not going down as long as
we physically here, we dropping exactlyselling copies of the swamp you got coming
out of my head was from theSan Fernando swap. Wow, that's what
I'm talking about. That's legs fuckcoming didn't see one dollar, but what

is that for me? Now?I'll give your money later. How much
were the twenty bucks? It was? It was thirteen bucks? I think
twenty interesting. An alternative cover wasa different cover. That's crazy, that's
crazy all day it Straightening Out wasabout boot legging and yeah, that stuff,

that's what it was about. Man. Honestly, you know, Pete
Rock, Common Sense, The Auditorium, Volume one, July twelfth, all
kinds of ideas and this is whatthey got. Man. It's out now
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