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July 11, 2024 29 mins
Felipe Esparza came by The Cruz Show to talk about his Podcast- Nace Una Leyenda: Chespirito launching with My Cultura Network on 7/23 + he joked about working at Dodgers Stadium, His Family, European Life Styles and More.
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Episode Transcript

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It was good, boy d whatwhat's good? Everybody? This is what's
good? This glove? Really?And you're checking out the Cruise Show podcast.
Make sure to subscribe rate. Sure, let's go go, let's go,
let's go real ninety two three?Law, what's up? What's up?
Everybody? What's what's up over there? What's dog? What up?

Man? What's up for? What'sgoing down? Man? How are you?
Man? I'm good, man,I'm good, good good. It's
Summer's a hundred degrees. You wearin a jacket, right? Yeah?
Man, it is a little chillyin here, so that's I or the
jacket. You know. When youhave the extra hips, you gotta wear
them, bro, you gotta hidethem. You gotta hid them. Show.
Yeah. Man's the saddle bags mylove do not for everybody? Bro,

That's right, that's right. Yougotta be private about that also.
Man, Like when there's a hundreddegrees in Los Angeles and if you live
like in the good neighborhoods, yougo to a supermarket, it's like one
degree, you know, so youget different, you get sick in there.
Bro, how do you feel naked? I feel good, bro.
Very slippery, that's right, slipperywhen I used to be bumping. But
I got rid of about my skintags. You know, no more I

need some of that. Yeah,yeah, Bro, I have skin tags
everywhere, brom what you use youknow? Bro? The doctor burned them
off? Burn them off? Yeah? What's that like? Procedure? Like,
what's that process? I don't evenknow how much your costs? Man?
Insurance? You got insurance? Bro. I had a big one,
Bro, and look like one ofthe ones, like the ones that the

black people have in their ear.It was big. You're talking about a
kiloid. That's a keyloid. Well, I half a keloidmember. I had
a little bump. I lott grabbingcruise brought keyloids up for the first time
last time. I don't know whatthey were. I was just thinking,
God, I didn't have one.That's funny. Man knew the homies that
they used to color his kiloids tomake it look a necklace. No,

you know what, you know whatthey're calling in Spanish? I'm not taking
rugas man skin tag? Is thatright? Yeah? I actually, but
this is the mole right Yeah?Yeah, okay, I hope people still
call it ruga even though it's not. Man. I see the dog you

can't Merchea. I went to aconcert and I saw her in Amsterdam.
Wow, you're a fan. Yeah, Man, that's right at the place
at the Ziggle Dome. Bro.When you tell your man, I've never
been to a concert out of Americaand it's different. Bro, is it
really totally different? Bro? Iguess when you've been bombed by Germany,

you know you behave afterwards. Hebecause I go to places where where Germany
bombed him during World War Two.The nicest people in the world. Bro,
Like an Amsterdam, bro pace broAn Amsterdam. Like you know when
you go to a concert, evenlike you go to down your stadium,
there's a there's like so many securityguards parking, lot of people tell you

where to go, Hey, don'tgo there. There were none of that
over there, Bro. Everybody justwalked into the concert like everyone knew what
to do. Everybody knew what todo. Bro. There was a line
for V I P. Everybody wentover there. Nobody tripping, nobody,
but it was stripping. Nobody wastripping, Brokay. Bro. I ordered

Uber Eats and they showed up atthree thirty in the morning and they were
knocking. They were knocking at theairbab guy had an nbarb and they were
knocking at the guy next door,and they woke that fool up. And
I went over there, all theWest coast out and I just grabbed a
bag and they didn't say nothing.Bro, And I went back to my
room and in the morning I askedthat guy. I am very sorry,

man, they woke up at thirtymorning. It's all right. It happens,
mate. It's a part of lifethat happens over here. It's a
problem, Bro. He would havegot robbed shot, he would have got
robbed by the people he woke up. He would have got beat up by
me for being so late. Eat. Hey, you work at Dodger Stadium,

right, Yeah, what did youdo there? I saw hot dogs?
No, I cooked hot dogs,and I cooked when I was working
there. Then at one time Ijust saw souvenirs. I my Virginia at
Dodger Stadium. Yeah, whereabout Jackieworks there? So I work at the

Dodger Stadium. I'm in the stadiumhost. So I'm the one on the
screens doing like all the cap shuffles. Oh no, I wasn't. I
was like signing souvenirs, Bro,with losers. Don't say that, Bro,
if you knew what these kids doon the side, Bro, They're
like they're just there enough because theydon't want a gang bang. Bro.
It's like victory outreachion though. Nah, man, they don fast we get

to eat. My brother. Ikicked out a victory our region. Nothing
against victory, but my brother wasnot the kind of gather you could control.
Yeah, bro, because that foolwas sneak out of whenever, because
there's time when people fast, theydon't need the whole day. Maybe it
was Wednesday and my brother when wheneverybody's like praying or sleeping, my brother

will sneak out and go to Jackin the Box and then come back.
And when they were selling the charitychocolates, he was so he would have
for donations and then he'll go byHamburgers and come back, and you know
he was still being scanless in there. Yeah. Yeah, for sure.
My brothers a criminal. Bro.How's he doing? He's in Mexico,

Bro, trying to get back in. Bro. Oh, how do we
how do we help? What dowe do? Well? I have to
come back, bro. Everybody elsedo a different names, different identity,
different blood. He's one he's theburn identity. You know. People always
say that, like, you wantthese commercials for identity theft? Have you

ever had your identity theft? Blahblah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
that they never and that commercial shouldbe should be the commercial that comes here
you see here in the morning onradio bro, right after Rams, you
know, because that happens to us, you know. And then the commercials
would be like this, did yourmom use your identity when you were little?

We're creditors at your high school graduation? Did someone buying rims in your
name when you were two? Maybeyou should call us identity death, you
know, that's the way what happens. Nobody goes bro. Hey man,
it's to my identity and they fixedmy life right right right right, No,
But it's funny when they when thewhen the when the bank realizes they

didn't you by that time, hebade so many purchases like it wasn't you
from the beginning. First of all, you don't buy nothing right right exactly,
Bro, I had a two bedroomapartment under my name when I was
ten. Damn, we're gonna havegood credit now. That's funny because rich
people do the opposite of what wedo. Rich people, well, when

their kids are born, they openup a bank a credit card in their
name with a thousand dollars and itbuilds interest. Poor people, nah man,
another another kid is born, that'sa new social Security card. We
could say, we're going You knowwhat's funny you say that, Bro,
you're talking about the supermarket or thecountry ship an Amsterdam. Hudasau in one

of the countries that the Dutch colonize. So I realized that when I'm over
there in Europe, I realized thatwhatever country you colonize or took all their
stuff, that's the people that aregoing to be living in your country later
on. Because in in Netherlands wherewas that, a lot of people from
Kudasau lived there, Bro, Alot of people from Guyana in the United

States, a lot of people fromMexico. We're here, Hey, we're
here, Bro, Venezuela over Yeah, that's right, that's right. They
occupy the land. Yeah, inLondon, all in Indians, Bro from
Bangladash. Yeah. The British Empire. Yeah, the British Empire was founded
in India there, Bro, wedid I did a cruise ship. Bro,

over there on a cruise ship,but one of one of the little
boats. And then one of theguys, one of the tour guy,
goes exactly like that. Bro.The tour guy goes, nybody know how
the Dutch made their money and nobodywill saying nothing. All right, eh,
so nobody want to say it slaves? Whoa? And then everybody said,

yes, that was one of them. And then then he went to
a horse. Yeah. The theDutch Indian Tea company did a lot of
exchanges during the Ivory Coast. Yeah, yeah, they were trying to ignore
the slaves Situa. Yeah, buta lot of the houses and in Amsterdam
they're together, and that was mostof the houses were that the where they

did all the TX change. Soall the houses have a big hook where
they will put all the cargo.Okay, hang it up. But yeah,
man got real quiet when I saidthat on the boat. But what
it wants to last? Bro,But nobody if you would have said that
in America, Hey, don't saythat, right, don't say that true.

Stick to comedy still the politics?Was history your favorite subject growing up
in schools? A history? Yeah? Man, I think I did.
Matt because I remember I had ateacher. His name was mister Shaughnessy.
He got kicked out of the Hegot kicked out of the school for being
a communist. Probably that full hewas. He was the guy that started.

He was starting. He took itto a pro He took it to
like two protests, one for teachers, one for something else. And he
took us to a school meeting inhis little bug, you know. And
I don't think there was no tripslips for that. He just asked,
who wants to go? Who wantsto go for extra credit? You know
me, man, anything to getaway from the projects, I'll go,

yeah, man. But but Iwas like, I always like history,
man, And which is why I'mdoing a new podcast in Spanish. Yeah.
Lellendas is produced by Sono. It'llbe on iHeartMedia. It's called Lellenda's
Nasa Leena Chespirito and eleven episodes ofthe life and times of Roberto Gomez Bolanos.
And I did the whole from thebeginning man of his life, which

I didn't even know. He wasin TV for fifty years and before he
did Chesspirito, he had been inTV twenty years because he had he was
the writer and producer of Happolina andthe other his partners to the show.
There, that's beyond legendary. Wayon bro, he wrote all the movies.
Wow, that's crazy, man,That's gotta be a great experience for

you, right, Yeah. ButI learn a lot of stuff, man,
Like I know that that little thatlittle Butterfly from the Simpsons it was
inspired by Chapoline. Wow, that'sinsane. Yeah, there's still there's there's
there's still so much story there andso much inspiration from that. Yeah.
Man, we go in debt Man, there's interviews with a Chiliandrina on it,

interviews with yeah, legend I drew, I grew. I dressed up
as chillingna on for Wow. No, he didn't cut on my astudness something
like this. I mean it hasto mean a lot just culturally speaking.
I think, Hell yeah, man, I feel amazing because I learned a

lot of by just because it wasnot it was it's a it's a scripted
podcast, so it's already written.I'm just given. I'm nail rating man.
Man. Learn a lot of Spanishand I forgot a lot of Spanish.
Well, no, only Tijuana Bro. After Hong Kong. You know
you got to recoup. Oh yeah, Bro had to bring back by fifty

euros. We gotta make our moneyback. But yeah, there's a lot
like I would I would read first, I would I read. They give
me the pages like ah, man, so many pages, and then I
read them over and over, anda lot of the words that I'm saying,
I didn't even know what I'm saying. But then I ask and one
there, man, what am Isaying right here? And sometimes you know,

you grew up speaking Spanish here inCalifornia, which is fake Spanish,
you know, different and that realSpanish that you're so used to saying it
this way that when somebody tells youthat's not the way you say it,
you think they're wrong. Let metell you, man, I agree,
but they don't want to tell youmea mina. I graduated from a high

school here, I went to university. I wrote this podcast. You know,
yeah, I target is no wayyou say it. So I just
you know, I'm just I'm astudent. Brod. You listened to what
they told me to do, andI did it. During the process of
Uh, what was that word thatyou learned that stood out to you in
Spanish like, oh shit, thisis a new word. And there's some
words that I messed up. Andthen they have to rewrite them in a

way that a man can say them. You know, they have to chop
it for real, Bro, becausesee I grew up. I realized that
your Spanish is only as good asyour parents high school education. Right,
you know what? So my dadgraduated, he passed out. He he
left school in fifth grade. SoI'm learning Spanish from a fifth grader here,

Bro, that's a great observation.It's true. My mom didn't go
she didn't go to college. SoI'm learning learning Spanish from a high school
student. You know, we neverwent to college. Yea, your Spanish,
so you're if your dad and nowthey said, somebody to tell you,
hey, Bro, my dad leftme. He started working. It
was five. Oh that's what yougot all idiots. Hu It was rough

hair. You're onto something, you'reonto something, So Bro, I would
have a list. One of themis I didn't I didn't know how to
say executive and Spanish over and overthat. I just said executive, yeah,

can it come out? And wouldn'tcome out? And when it when
it come out, no matter howmany trying to try, wouldn't come out.
I didn't know how to say.I didn't know how to say.
Hey, I don't know how tosay I don't know how to say the
show or the set list or whatever. It sounds like something that sounds like

a scenario scenario? What does thatmean? Stage? The stage that I
couldn't say it, Bro, AndI'm about to read the last episode like
a white person. Bro. Justdon't just want to come out, Bro,
because the brow because I have astudying problem growing up. Bro.

When you're a little kid, Bro, they don't take you to speech pair
man, Bro, valuable throat andtell you talk right exactly. They make
fun of you. I remember youtold us about that. Yeah, Bro,
my hero with Porky Pig. Bro. But I saw ourselves on TV
for taking on this challenge man,and ultimately made you, you know,

veteran Spanish. I think you takethe challenge all Bro. You know that's
great man. The thanks, butyou talk to a person that actually had
a bigger studying problem than you do, and like they never had help.
And when they finished the word,they're like they're like they flex ha huh.
They feel accomplished. I used toknow a crackhead, Bro, that

was they already had a speech impairment, and when that fool would be all
cracked out, that fool was speakingand morese code. Bro sounded like a
dolphin. I have a little bitof a stutter stopping, but I do
too. Bro was always know whenI'm kidnapped. You know toilet paper?

Have you been kidnapped? If not, what's the scary situation that you have
to live you have to live through? Oh man, I've been kidnapp Where
I jump in the car and thenwe're going to TJ, and I didn't
know we're going to TJ. Bro, you want to go? I didn't
go, Bro, you want togo right? And I'm in no money,
Bro, so that I gotta doeverything for everybody. I have no
money. Who gets some beers giveme the money? Who get it?

I became their pedal, Bro,the real perito Nah philipp has this good
bit by the way, like hewas sent to Mexico right because he's laying
bad and he was like ya Mexican, but not like this. My cousins
on the roof, Bro, Bro, they had dogs on the roof,
Bro with and then there was nobarbars, just broken glass everywhere. Life

is tough, bro, man likeyeah, man, I don't know,
man hard like, I don't know. Man like you stick about growing up
and you were all right, likesome kids, you know you can call
them like listen you mental, thisis how you do it. You know,
people get offended. Now you knowyou can't say listen, you eat
your your idiots. You want tolearn or you want to be an idiot?
Yeah, but you can't even seethe other word. Man, let's

get this star. You know,I didn't know that start was called Let's
get retarded, bro, right,that was the original. Yeah, and
they had to change it. Yeah, man, wow, I didn't know
that. Yeah, let's get retarded. Yeah bro, I can't say yeah,
and then retarded it's just obviously avery word and they were forced to
change it. Man, you wereyou were like go to a bathroom,
bro, like in the middle ofnowhere doing a gas station and you forget

your phone and you gotta read racistgraffit in the bathroom like a barstow or
or the Leno somewhere. You know, far bro far bro like far bro
like like places you never heard of, like those Banios and stuff. You
know, Portuville, you're a bathroomyou know, by by a Barnay Rockies,

you know, and then you're inthere eat reading and it's like,
wow, they even got racist stuffin Spanish for me so I could understand
it. One that I read wasLo Spica so on Changos, and I
was like, I was all madbroo, I was a mad dog.

You're joking, but it really saidthat. They really said that. Yeah,
really really really wrote that. ButI don't think you get easily offriended,
you know, no, man,but something that offended you. You're
like, what the kind of thatoffends me? More like like stuff that
like like if they're having a bigfestal with a bunch of white comics and

I don't see my name in aballoon, you know. Yeah, You're
like, but I'm in a bigshow, you know, then I feel
offend. Okay, there's some racismhere, or maybe the person they hired
is used to only seeing white people, you know, so you know she's
not used to putting a Latino namethat he's opposed to, so you're gonna
put this other white name here thatit's doing eighty person room instead they'mn offended.

They do that. I think tomake people feel comfortable. I guess
I don't know. Maybe, well, I've mean if you're gonna love discomfort,
So what's up show I'm doing.As far as the July twenty seventh
Terra Stater and Long Beach sold out, Bro sold out in four days,
four days, Bro, because I'venever been to Long Beach. Bro.
That's why I went to Long Beach. There used to be a ghetto roller

coaster over there, Bro. Right, yeah, Bro, Like it was
like a poor man's six Flags overthere, a Long Beach right where the
laugh Factory is right during that areaused to be like an amusement park,
Bro, where you'd be on aroller coaster, Bro, and then one
of those screws hits you in aforehead from a roller coaster. Now Queen
Mary, though, look, we'renot gonna mention her again. That was

one night people get offended about that. I went to the Queen Mary.
Bro. It's scary in there,Bro. I did a comedy showing that
I wish I knew what the nameof the what the name of the us
be in part there used to bein Long Beach back in the day in
that area. But I was alittle kid. Can look it up.
It was called a pike. Itwas called a pike, Bro, And

yeah, I was long. Beachis great though, Man, great fans
out there. Man, they lovecomedy. It's weird there. Weird laws
there, Bro, long Yeah,like like footloose laws. Bro. I
was at a club called the LiquidLounge and there are no dancing policy in
there, and they have a DJplaying music. And I started saying that

everybody that was that was black andwhite and Latino. This work with a
right here, man. This isthe bar that belongs in every America.
Bro. In this bar, yousee meth heads from every nationality in there,
divers diversity, Bro. You seesurf surfers there with a beach cruiser,
with a surfboard on a beach cruiser. You see uh, you see

that. You know that old darksolo with a backpack and a beast crewser
you see him to him. Butthe DJ just jamming, Bro. And
then and then me and my Istart dancing, you know security, you
know, dancing here. Then lookaround and everybody dancing in their stool.
Yes, you need a license toprovide dancing at a club in Long Beach,
or they shut you down. Soit's the liquid lounge. Then alsome

man to do stand up at that. Any club you need a cabaret license.
They go old school, bro,old laws, Bro, cabaret cabaret
license. That's not Long Beach,that's Lot Beach. That's crazy. You
have to go to the I don'tknow where Snoop double to been performing in
backyards, Bro, I don't knowwhat he was doing. Now he had
to come down here to perform.Man, who's the funniest person, you

know, Philipp as far as Ineed to promote him as much as I
can that it depends, man LikeI laugh at everything, man Like,
like somebody might show me April.You gotta check this guy out and he
has like one joke I like,but then the rest is like horrible,
But I love him for that onejoke, right right, There's a lot
of comedians out there, right andthis is with all due respect. They

have a set, and that's thatset for twenty years. Hey, don't
talk about the dove Master anyway.So I wish he could do that,
bro, But that's that's like,that's when you have a good set and
you write it down and I can't, man, because I go to a
place where people yell at you,you know, the young stuff out.

You know, you're okay with that. With hecklers, I get hecklers,
you know, but it's like thesame type of heacklers that George Lopez gets
that are happy. I love you, man, yeah, exactly. And
then you're performing. You're trying todo a joke. The Camacho family loves
you, by the way, Philippe, thank you, bro, thank you.
Let me just think this joke aboutyour loser family real quick and I
get a laugh. I do itwith a laugh. Yeah, that's right.

So Danny trayholl and noybody talked aboutthat. Yet you're scared Trade Hall
Man. No, Man, welove him, man, I mean he
he hold it down. Bro.You know when he was in that car,
Man, he's probably thinking about itgoing. You know what, Man,
I should have went right instead ofleft, because that's how it is,
man, Hey, but that hood, it just doesn't leave you.
Dog. He got out of thatcarro ty, Bro. People in San

Fernando Valley they gang bang to theirninety Bro, they'd be in they'd be
at the for real bro, They'llbe at the dialysis, Bro, Matt
dogging each other? Were you wereyou from Arlita? E? You're lucky
they're taking my leg off today,Bro. That's why. Man, if
they ever ever to do that,that parade, I'm not sure what security
was those machine guns with water bro. Yo, you know Danny Trey Hill?

Right? Yeah? Have you talkedto him since when? Since he
got into that city? No?Bro, I know a lot of people
don't have their phone numbers. Ican tell you right now, Bro,
all the people that are famous,I don't have none of their phone numbers.
Right Why what would you want tocall from me? A food?
What are you doing right now?What are you doing right now? And
Stee The only person I could justcall right now and they'll pick up will

probably be Lewis E K wow,who's half Mexican? That baby bash?
The first ring, Emilio Rivera,Tom Green? Okay, Eric Andrey is
like my daughter, Andre, that'syour guy. Yeah, man, did

some great work together, man.Hell yeah, I still do the show,
man. I love. I lovebeing a part of the show because
I get to be a different person. Yeah, because they only they don't
a lot of his fans don't knowme from stand up. They don't know
me from anything else but that show. So when I when I when I
they're doing like Eric Andre Live Now, and when I come out on stage,
they go crazy, bro, becausethey know me from the show,

but they don't know me from standup. Like when I was in England,
this guy goes filiperspoise off of theEric Andrey Show. What U bro?
And I showed him my belly?That's right, that's right anyways,
So mano on iHeartMedia starts in Julytwenty third boy with eleven. We can't

wait. Man. Also, Ihave a new special coming out, Bro.
I don't know when it comes out. They're doing it right now.
Raging fool, raging fool, ohlike raging bull. Okay, yeah,
so you already filmed it. They'reediting it now, they're in it.
Bro. Wow where'd you film itat the Sacramental Tower Theater? Bro?
Sorry? Christ Theater? Okay,we're gonna rewind that, right look,

no problem, no problem, I'llask you again. Where'd you fielm it
at the Christ Theatre and Sacramento Sacktown? Bro? Yeah? Man, shout
out to all the people that showedup over there early. Thank you.
Yeah. Thank you. I hada heckler a special too, bro special.
Yeah. I kept telling she keeptbe eyeing bro and it was all

loves I love, you know,and I kept telling her like no,
like to shut up. I knowthat they started roasting her and everybody started
liking her. But then after awhile, the crowd was starting to shut
up in a mean way. Butthen security came down and I totally listen

to you animal, you need toshut up, you know, I don't
know, you know, Security gottold her like that, but Mira,
K, we want to dance,We want to yo, No, Philippe,
Man, I enjoy all your bits, man, we love you dog.

The bit about really quick about bringingyour kids to your mom's house,
Oh yeah, man, She's like, have you guys eaten yet? This
is why we're here for real,man. I understand people like, are
you single moms out there? Man? Like I remember on a special,
I talk about how I was afraidto tell my mom that my lady was
pregnant because she was on like seventeen, and my mom was all mad.

She goes, you messed up yourlife, and that's her. No,
you messed up your life. You'regonna be your grandma thirty five. This
one's on you, mom. You'regonna babysit for free. And also mad
people make a lot of people makethe mistake of going to your mom and
asking her with can you calling heron the phone? Can you watch my

kids? Big mistake. You showup with your kids and while they're eating,
you moon walk out of there andyou leave your phone there. You
check a burn your phone, that'sit, and your mom calling you while
your mom's calling you are here thediaper bag buzzy. But it's crazy,
man, Like I remember my sister. Man, she didn't care. Man,

she will leave the kids at homealone. She's a dancing man with
a baby monitor. You know that'sfunny and sad. Hey, but that
kid grew up to be a nicekid. That's right, That's what's important.
You feel me. He was raisedby chess Benita every day every day

for real, Man, my momwill my mom will goes shopping forever.
Bro. I don't understand like peoplesay, oh, they left the kids
alone, were left alone? Bro, there should be a movie about that,
man, because like they always havea movie about home alone. You
know, like the family go onvacation and either kid alone, But that
never happened when you're when you grewup in a Latino family, Asian family,

Black family, there's always somebody home, always, Bro. You think
everybody left and you gotta take careof grandma. You're now in charge of
Grandma the real home alone when yourmom goes to like Walmart or go shopping
and leaves you with three kids towatch, that's that should be the movie,
right there, Bro. And you'retwelve something, and you're twelve and
you gotta this a little baby.You gotta learn how to change diapers on

YouTube Take Talkers teaching you, Philipit Man, thank you very much for
stopping by. We appreciate it.What some food not so July twenty third,
that's right, All day, CruiseShow. Hey Jacking Rich for the
Cruise Show. Thanks for listening tothe Cruise Show podcast. Make sure to
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