All Episodes

April 23, 2024 24 mins
Broacasting live from ROMOFiHo for Game 2 of the CAVS Magic series. We got a Ghosted to and Eric is worried about being catfished. We also are hooking you up with the change to ride Top Thrill 2 before almost anyone else!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Get off on fourteenth Jeremi Show.Let's got ninety six five Kiss that's out.
Hello friends, we are here onceagain live Rocket Mortgage field House.
It is Calves playoff pre game gametwo Magic in town tonight. We're hoping
to put another dub on the board. I'm not saying I'm the good luck

Charm, but it's been pretty goodso far. Hanging out here in the
AH room all show long. Whendoors open, make sure you swing out
and say hi and send all thegood juju hour way. You got a
good vibe, you want to spreadthe show, reach out on the text
two one six eight ninety six five. I'm still hooking you up because it's
what we do. We'll send yousee Alec Benjamin also Top Thrilled two will
get you a little sneak right beforeanyone else. That's coming up at four

thirty on the show. But let'sget into it. To the Jeremi Show
Live at Rocket Mortgage field House.Kiss f M. The Jeremiah Show Broadcasting
Live. We're Rocket Mortgage field House, hanging out on the AH Room.
We're going to be here all showpre gaming, getting you ready for the
game tonight. We are taking onthe match if you don't know, Game
two, first round of the playoffs. Sending all the good juju the Calves
way and hopefully bringing my good lucks. We've had a pretty good record.

We whant to do the show fromhere. Stick around. Alec Benjamin tickets
on the way for you. Alsogood vibes Cleveland, sending them in appreciate
you for that. Shannon got tosee her friend who she hasn't seen since
high school. They got out andhad cocktails a few too many, she
says, so she's high trading today. I got some good vibes. We
had a great weekend of lacrosseco Wadsworthby the way, my fifth and sixth

grade boys, we had a bunchof wins, bunch of good lacrosse.
So there's some good vibes from me. We'll look up with those Alec Benjamin
tickets coming up next. Hang onCleveland's number one hit music station, ninety
six five Show in ninety six fiveKiss f and we broadcast in live Rocket
Mortgage Field House. Of course,we got ourselves a Cavs game tonight,

but we're still hooking up because that'swhat we do. How about we hook
up some Alec Benjamin, tickets,Donald and Wadsworth. Welcome into the show.
How you feel Donald, I'm blessedplaying We got ourselves a Calves game
tonight. Did you catch Saturday's game? Pretty heavy handed game? If you
ask me, I'm missed working man. You working tonight? Not working tonight?
No, there you go, popon the TV. Check out a
Calfs game. Maybe I'll try torun on the court and slide across my

belly. You gotta have some allright? Well, hey, your college
twelve doughter. You're going to seeAlec Benjamin who comes to the House of
Blue Dude. Congratulations, Oh mygod, I've been trouting the longest man.
There you go, my friend.Well, it's what we do.
We hook you up here it allthe time. You are. You are
our victim this time of the hookups. Oh I'd like to be that one.
I guess victim is really the wrongword to use, but you'll take
it right, can we go?It's you're the victory of it. I

love it? All right, Donald, sit tight for me. I'm gonna
get more info. Have the besttime at Alec Benjamin. All right,
man, you got it. Hikups. Continuing as we continue to broadcast live
today. Still got fifty bucks foryou to get blue hairing down in Medina
and then get ready for this.You want to ride top Thrill too before
anyone else, Your opportunity happens righthere in The Jeremiah Show at four point
thirty broadcasting live from the Rocket Mortgagefield House, Kiss FM. Stop staring

that red receipt and let the JeremiahShow find out why you got ghosted?
Eric? What's up? Did welcomeinto the show? You ghosted by Bianca?
Unfortunately tell us everything leading up toyou being ghosted, dude? So
uh yeah, we Well, I'mpretty sure I know why I got ghosted.
Oh okay, I've never gotten theactual reason, but I'm pretty sure

I was ghosted because I asked Biancafor proof that she was her and in
proof that she's her, well,I just asked her for you know,
some some photos before it went out, because I've been catfish before. Oh
I don't want to go through thatagain. I got you, and so
like I you know, I don'tthink it was that big of a deal.
I mean, like I said,I don't know this for sure,

but the kind of suspect that's thecase. But yeah, so after you
you asked for the proof, yougot ghosted. So I mean, hypothetically,
this could be another cat fishing situationthat you've dealt with most definitely interesting,
definitely. Okay's surprised. No,I wouldn't, but you know you're
we are. Well, here's whatwe'll do. We'll play a couple songs,
we will come back and we willsee if Bianca, if that's really

her, we'll tell us why sheghested you. Right dude, awesome,
I appreciate it. All right,we'll go Chris Bright Now, then after
Jack Harlowe more ghosted on the JeremiahShow to Jeremiah Show ninety six five Kiss
FM, you're ghosted today. Ericis pretty sure he was ghosted because he
you basically asked for proof that shewasn't cash fit catfishing you, right,

yeah, okay, and then yeah, and then she just went poof,
she gone after that ghost city.All right, So we're gonna give Bianca
a call as always on the program. Stay on the phone, but don't
say anything right away. Let uschat with her first, and at some
point we will bring you back inand see if she'll let us know why
you know she ghosted you. Okay, awesome, all right, good luck
dude. Hello, I looking forBianca Jeremiah Show ninety six five kiss FM.

Hey girl, Yeah, I knowyou're not expecting my call. I'll
get right to it. A guynamed Eric reached out to us and asked
asked to find out on his behalfwhy you ghosted him. Is there any
truth to this statement? Oh mygosh, yeah I did. I ghosted

him. He asked me for likethree full body pictures. What do you
mean, what type of pictures?Like sexy pictures? What are you talking
about? No, like full bodycloth pictures. It was so weird.
I just, I honestly just stoppedtalking to him because I just didn't know
what to do with that. Itwas just weird for you. It was

weird, like cool body, whatfool body? Like? I don't know,
so weird. We can get you. You have a few answers you're
looking get, and we can actuallyanswer them pretty quick because Eric's actually on
the phone. He's been here thewhole time. I forgot to mention that
up top. Eric, Eric,let's bring it because you told us why
you asked for the pictures. Apparentlyyou weren't as clear with Bianca why you

were searching for full body pictures.Now is your chance? Go ahead,
let's bring you back into the chat. What's going on, hey, Bianca?
Yeah, I mean look, Iwas just asking because I've been catfish
before and I didn't want it tohappen again. So yeah, that was
it. But I mean I hadagreed to go on the date already,
so like, don't most people whoget catfish avoid meeting up? Like,

isn't that part of it? Yeah? I mean sure, but like what
if you were catfishing and showed uplooking nothing like your pictures that it'd be
like, it'd be awkward, superawkward. So then you just don't go
out with me again, Like insteadyou're asking for three full body clothes pictures.
It was so weird. It waskind of creepy actually, Like I

honestly get that point. I'd ratheryou would have asked me for a nude
because it was just sold. Itwas kind of oh, because it's a
fetish. I don't understand, it'snot it's not that weird, right,
I mean, obviously you're aware ofcatfishing. You've seen you know, you've
heard of that before. Obviously I'massuming, right, and like yeah,

and so that's happened to me before, so like to save everybody, you
know, the awkwardness and time andeverything like that. It was just I
don't know, it wasn't It wasn'tlike trying to be a creep. It
wasn't like, you know, Idon't know, it sounds creepy. It's
not creepy to me because like threepictures, like what are you like like
measuring each picture and like taking notes. I mean, it just sounds so

strange to me. In my head, I was like free, like what
is this? I don't know,as the third person here who's not really
invested in the relationship, I think, Eric, I mean, I I
don't know the way you would say, but I think maybe if you gave
the context as to these are tomake sure you're not catfishing me not saying
it that way, that might havebeen better than just hey, send me

three full body picks. That doessound creepy out of context. Do you
see what I'm saying? I guess, But at the same time too,
I don't know, there's no likegood way to say, like, hey,
I'm I don't know, skeptical thatyou're saying who you are. Oh
yeah, I'm not saying I havethe answer either. I'm just saying in
a way you should have said it. I don't know the right words.

Well, well, thank you verymuch. Yeah, I'm super helpful guys,
awesome advice. Yeah exactly. Imean that's what I'm saying. Cool.
I apologize if like I offended you, but like that wasn't that wasn't
my intention of course, Like obviously, no, I mean if you I
know, I to agree if youwould have been like, hey, listen,
I've been catfish before. I don'tknow. We could have done a

FaceTime or something, but like toadd me a three full body like cloth
ficks. It was just really reallyweird. It just it was a good
red spot to me. The deliverywas all fair. Well, I'll tell
you what, Guys, we wentfor the awkwardness together, all three of
us. I won't be involved inthe relationship and in the future, but
we now know why. We've kindof explained ourselves. Bianci, you did

the ghosting, any chance you wantto go out again with Eric? Knowing
that it was was because of thiscat fishing situation. No, I feel
like we just started on badfoot andI'm not like excited about it anymore,
to be honest. No, that'sfine, and we appreciate your time,
Eric, Eric, we gave ita shot, my friend. If we

learned anything out of this, welearned that she is a real person and
she wasn't catfishing you, I guess. So any chance about some of those
games? Oh gosh, oh boy, were you ghosted? Flight into our
DMS at JA Show Radio and we'llget to the bottom of it on the
Jeremiah Shall Kiss FN. All right, we are broadcast in live Rocket morganfield

House. Game two. Calves playoffsare underway. It's such a lovely familiar
feeling to be in this situation.We're here once again. Chris Kaiser back
with us on the show. Chris, Go Calves, Baby go Calves.
Yep up. One Oh Place waselectric on Saturday. Oh my gosh,
it was awesome. It was justgreat to have playoff basketball in Cleveland.
Yeah, nothing like that. Andyou know what, to get people to

come watch something inside when it itwas a sunny day, it might have
been a little cold, but thatjust shows the commitment of our Calves fans.
It's play you got to kick itinto a different gear when it's the
playoff season. I mean, it'sjust the commitment of our fan base in
general. I mean they came outto this game and then I saw him
layer up and head to the Guardiansgame on six o'clock. So yeah,
so it was just it was itwas awesome. I mean, they showed
out, they were here early,they were allowed, and our players felt

it. And that's what we're hopingto do today. We want you to
get here as soon as possible.Doors open at five, right, doors
open at five, tip at seven, but everything you know, ten minutes
before is gonna be that's a bigintros light show, all that crazy stuff
with the mod get getting the crowdgoing. I know Donod Mitchell had some
postgame comments last game about how muchhe loved the rally towels, the fans,
all that stuff. So they canfeel it, and the players,

you know, they recognize that.I love it. I love it.
It's absolutely electric when it comes toCaves playoffs season. You guys do such
a great job of taking care ofus as fans and not only making sure
that we you know, we wehave a great game, but you guys
treat us. Right, we've gotAre we allowed to say what's in there
waiting for people yet? Are it'sstill secret? What do we got?
So we got every fan is gonnaget a t shirt, rally towel and

then a light up led bracelet.So and those will all be sync together
in a crazy light show to justmake this place as daunting as possible for
you magic. We don't need Taylor, Swift and Cleveland. We got the
Calves. No, but yes,same technology. It is a different different
purposes. Yeah, it'll be It'llbe good though, Yeah it was.
It was. Uh, you know, it was crazy in here on Saturday,
and we're hoping for the same atmosphere. You know, we have very
limited tickets available at Calves Dot Combatsthe playoffs, very limited though. It's

going to be a sellout. It'sgonna be awesome. It's gonna be packed
in here. There. You goget some tickets to get here. And
this is I always tell the Newbseveryone likes to get off on ninth when
they're coming up seventy seven. I'ma seventy seven guy, get off on
fourteenth. Did you know that lifeyou might not come off seventy storry I'm
usually already here. Yeah, thisis good. Yeah, that's good.
There you go, tell your friends, tell your kids, tell your wife's
get off on fourteenth, doors openat five, get here early, and

we're hoping for another big dub tonight. Thank yeah, let them know I
appreciate you, man, Thank you. Cleveland's number one hit music station Kiss
FM. Kiss FM hooking you upwith exclusives cops throat because we let you
write it before pretty much anyone elseand can't get you pair of port tickets
to come back later in the year. Color twenty is christ and she's at

Monroeville. Christy, Good afternoon,hancirl. Hey Crystal, what is your
favorite ride at Cedar Point? Oh? Boy, It's been a long time
since I've been there, but Iwill forever love the Magnum. Oh it's
a solid ride, it really is. All right, Well, let's see
if we can get you into topThrill two before anyone else can and get

your pair of Cedar Point tickets.We're gonna play lyrics yelled from a roller
coaster. Okay, okay, allright, here we go. I'm gonna
play you this clip. It's oneof my coworkers yelling the lyrics from a
Kiss FM song from a roller coaster. Tell me what the name of the
song is that you win? Allright? Okay, good luck? Tell
me what song do you think thatis? Oh? My goodness, gracious,

I'll play it again. My whatdo you think? Am I allowed
to hear it? One more time? One more time? Tell me it's
a lot harder to hear from aroller coaster, it is. What do
you think? I don't I it'sjust not loud enough for me to hear

it. I'm sorry. I hadto turn out my phone now one more
time. Don't tell me. Thosedang roller coasters are so loud. Yeah,
what's the name of the song.It's like I just jack harlow,
jack harlow? What's it? Allof it? I need the title?

Oh my gosh, what's the badof the song? Charley? I can't
remember the name of it? Man, you're right there, Christy, But
thank you for playing. I appreciateyou tremendously. Okay, thank you?
Two one six, five, seveneight ninety six five. Oh, she's
so close. Next contest, I'llgive you even a little longer version of

it. This is all to writetop Thrill two before any one House,
Good luck, Good share in Maiashow line from Rocket Morgage field House.
Morgage field House is just thundering rightnow a ninety six five Kiss FM,
just minutes away from doors opening hereat the Rocket Mortgage field House, hanging
out of the atrium free game inGame two Calves b Orlando Magic Game too

of the playoffs, by the way, at the playoff time goal caves.
All right, we're trying to lookyou up. Get you out to Cedar
Point on Sunday for the exclusive firstriding of Top Thrill two. You'll get
to ride with me. We'll behanging out and then we'll get you at
another paras theater point Tickets to comeback sometime later this summer. Let's get
to our next contestant and lyrics shoutedfrom a roller coaster. We've got Marissa
joining us on the show. She'sin the AKA riding Marissa, Good afternoon,

a girl. All right, Marissa, can you hear me? Yeah?
Hello, let's play the game.It's lyrics shouted from a roller coaster.
I'll give you a little bit longerof a clip. It's the title
of this song, Funny tell MeI'm still a baby. I get love
still a Baby. What song isthat? It's Loving on Me by Jack

Carlow. That is one correct youwar? There you go. So we're
gonna hook you up with a ParisCedar point tickets to come back later this
summer. But also you're gonna getto exclusively ride Top Thrill two on Sunday
with me and the rest of ourwinners before anyone else can. Oh my
god, that's awesome. Here wego. We're hooking you up. It's
what we do. Are you scared? Are you big roller coaster lover?

I love roller coasters. I wasso mad when I was younger because my
twin brother had a Grosper before me. There was a lot of going all
the roller coasters with my parents.Why the way trauma has still affected you?
Yeah, well trauma cured Marissa becauseyou're gonna ride Top Thrill two before
anyone else. Yes, all right, congratulations. Sit on, hold,

I'm gonna get some more info fromyou. Gonna continue to hook you up
Cleveland all week with that. Butlike I said, we're broadcasting live Rocket
Mortgage field House, Odd Crump he'sthe in host guy, you know me.
He does the starting lineup We're gonnatalk to him next about what's going
on tonight for your Cleveland Cavaliers gametoo, the playoffs right after this hang
on. Yeah, we're live broadcastingfrom the Rocket Mortgage field House, mere

feet away from the Larry O'Brien Trophy, one of the most legendary Cleveland pieces
of art. We've got here,another Cleveland legend. He's the arena host.
We know him, we love him. It's a odd crump. What's
up, man? What's going on, Jeremiah? How you doing, dude?
Go Calves, Go Calves. Let'sdo it. Let's do it.
So happy you stop by, man, It's it's Calves playoffs season. There's

a new vibe in the air,I mean, and you're the man responsible
for getting it going in the arena. How we feeling you were here for
game one? Yeah, to explainthe atmosphere because it's only gonna get crazier
from here. Right. Atmosphere wasabsolutely insane. The fans, they came,
they showed up, they showed out, they put the T shirts on
without all of them, but wehad a lot of people put their T

shirts on. But we had everybodywaving their fans, waving their towels in
the air, and the only peoplewho wasn't waving their towels well the sad
or Orlando Magic fans that was there. So back to Disney Way, Yeah,
exactly, you got Disney you know, we got the Rock and Roll
Hall of Fame, you know.So, I mean it's just a great

atmosphere. And you know, ticketsare still available. We have a couple
of tickets still available on calv dotcom. Slash playoffs to be a part
of this, of this, youknow, a part of this magical run.
I believe we went a half thisyear. Well, and it's so
you were here in twenty sixteen.I was actually right right by our heart
stations at Hodges watching on a patio. A little different situation. But tell

I mean, in twenty sixteen andtwenty twenty four, how is the vibe,
How is the vibe different than itwas back then? Obviously that was
a completely different animal. But thisis a completely different animal in a big
way because we've gotten such young talenteddudes. What's it been like from your
angle to just watch them grow asplayers and become cavaliers. I think that's
the biggest part for me is watchingthe team grow from where it came from,

you know, not going to theplayoffs for a few years, taking
those bumps and bruises, and thenyou get this phenom in don Donovan Mitchell
boy to get to get him tosign here, he actually traded here,
and he absolutely just embodies the spiritof Cleve Cleveland. He's a hard worker
and just watching him, you know, teach some of the younger guys,

you know what it takes to,you know, to try to get to
that next, next level. Youknow, it's absolutely a beautiful thing to
see. So watching Darius and watchingEvan grow, and watching Isaac grow,
you know, uh, those thoseare the guys that was drafted to the
organization. Just to see them grow, to see them where they've come this
far, it's absolutely amazing. Youseem like a proud big brother the way

you talk talk about him. I'lltell you because it's so crazy because you
know when they were drafted. Youknow, Darius Groland was drafted at number
at number five, you know,you know when when he was drafted,
you know, it wasn't the sexyname that that you hear, you know.
And then when Evan Mobley was draftedat number three, it wasn't the

sexy name. And then you know, Isaaca coorl was drafted and number five,
it wasn't the sexy name as theirstoo. So when you see them
come together and the way they're actuallyplaying now, you know, and how
how it's paying off, you knowfor the Cavs. Isaac on the defensive
end of the ball, shooting thethree pretty pretty well, having coming to
his own, getting physical download Dariusone of the best three point shooters in

the league right now. It's like, you know, it's a beautiful thing
to see. Tell me a moreCleveland way to get something done than what
you just explained, you know whatI mean. It's great, Jelly,
it's great. It's great, youknow. And like I said, I'm
I'm a fan. I mean,I mean, I work for the team.
I'm a fan of the game aswell. I just love, you
know, I love watching, uhthe Cleveland Charge. I like going up

to c U and watching those gamesover there, watching the young talent.
You know. So when I seeguys like Amani Baits and Pete Nance,
you know, and Isaiah Mobiley whenthey get the call ups, well you
know, they well they they alreadybeen called up. Yeah, they have
a two way deal. But justseeing those guys on the floor, it's
absolutely amazing. I just want tosee the talent. It's awesome. All

right on, Well, you gottaget to work. I can't I keep
you. I'm excited. It isflowing. Let's get it going. Calves
and five. I'm ready. Thereis Calves dot com slash Playoffs. Snack
up the last few tickets. Uhthat you can't get get here early.
I'm telling you, if you're notalready in the car, Uh, don't
get a speeding ticket. We gethere quick. Absolutely, I'm out.

I appreciate your mind, I appreciatethank you so much. Absolutely. Cleveland
with Cremia is fun factor today.Kiss that fat, sir. Open.
Clevelanders are filing in for tonight's Gametwo with the playoffs Caves v or Lando
matchic got the dub on Saturday,looking to do it again today. So
why wouldn't today's fun fact be aboutyour Cleveland cavallets. Let's talk about moon

Dog just for a second. MoonDog. You know Moondog, he's the
dog, right? Why Why ishe moondog? Why is he a dog?
What is going on with that?Well? I've known this for years,
but I realized a lot of peopleprobably don't. Moondog named after legendary
DJ back when they still call thisDJs. Alan Freed, Alan Freed,

Cleveland guy coined the term rock androll back in the thineteen something, and
he called himself the moon Dog,and his listeners his followers were Moondoggers,
So the calves made sense. Moondogis a mascot, which got me thinking,
what should I what should I nicknamethe seven people who listened to this

show? Jared Dogs? Nope,not like that. I'm still taking still
taking suggestions. You got one shootme at TM at Jase Show Radio to
Cherimias Show ninety six to five KissFM. Got quite a busy day,
so we kind of had to pushgenius in the day till now it's aff
for your genius the day still broadcastinglive rocking Mortgage Field House, just over
an hour away from tip off Gametwo of your playoffs. But let's do

a Genius of the day. Someonehas done something so stupid. Anything you've
done pales in comparison, like thewoman that tried to force yourself into a
threesome. Yeah that's a thing.So a woman's in big trouble after literally
barging into a male neighbor's home latelast week hoping to engage in the threesome
with him and his girlfriend. Accordingto police reports, responding to a harassment

complaint, officers where told the womanforced a way into the home attempting to
initiate certain adult activities. Despite herefforts, it didn't happen. She ran
away, and police found her ata local gas station arrested her on multiple
charges. She faces charges including unauthorizedentry of an inhabited dwelling and disturbing the

piece. Currently, she is incustody in a local parish jail. What
does a parish joe? Is thatlike a fancier? Is it like a
fancy jail? I don't know whata parish jail is. I guess we'll
never know. I don't have timeto google because I got to get out
of here. Calves Go Caves Gametwo. You've mensaid anything from the show
today? Grab the podcast of theJeremiah Show. It's there on the free
I here at radio app and whereveryou get your favorite podcast Back with you

tomorrow. Still send you to comehang out and ride top Thrill too with
me. We're gonna be there Sundayand see her point. You have a
chance to do that. More giftcards to blue Hamburwy. Down in Medina
and Alex Benjamin tickets on the wayTomorrow. We'll get you a Cleveland Confessional
because it will be Tuesday after all. I hope you have yourself a great
evening and like I said, gocaves. You want to follow a long

on social at j Show Radio.We'll talk to you tomorrow at twop.
Thanks for stopping Cleveland. Thanks forlistening to The Jeremiah Show on demand.
I love this show. For more, find us on TikTok, Instagram and
more at Jay Show Radio, Mondaystwo to six on ninety six five Kiss FM h
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