All Episodes

April 10, 2024 27 mins
Was Tony being too cautious on his date with Laura? Also what skill don’t we need anymore, animal sounds for Glass Animals tickets. This 90s slang is bonkers, and 95% of us won’t do what anymore after turning 30. Plus another round of real or fake country stars for Sam Hunt tickets. 
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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What's the brow. It's the JeremiahShow. Let's get ninety six five kiss
that all our friends welcome into yourWednesday program. We've got glass animals tickets
for you two thirty good vibes.Now good thing's happening in your life?

Tell us all about it via thetext machine. I like text machine.
Via the text me two one sixfive seven eight ninety six five. Oh,
you can call to it's the samenumber. Tell me something that happened
to you today in your life.You can also leave a message on that
free iHeartRadio app. The little microphoneby your play button. We called a
talkback. You can leave a message. Comes to me right here in the

studio. I've got a life appfor you to start the show. First,
Please don't tell my boss I'm eatinga messy burrito in the studio.
Please don't tell them that. Butthe life act is this, always wear
two shirts to work, so youcan take the top shirt off and enjoy
a nice wet burrito and a Mexicancan coke out of the bottle, and
then you never get it on thetop layer. Then you put the top

layer back on. That is foryou. You get that one for free.
You got to pay for the rest. I guess they're all kind of
free. Oh, coke verup onthe way. I got to get out
of here. Kiss FM close looking. You have a Glass Animals tickets coming
up at two thirty on the JeremiahShow. We are ninety six five Kiss
FM, your hook up station.By the way. If you don't want
to wait, you want to tryto win some bit tickets. You can

win to Glass Animals, apri Levine, twenty one pilots and more. I'll
be kiss cleveland dot com slash contest. Good vibes were spreading them all over
northeast Ohio and beyond. Of courseyou get that app you're anywhere in the
country, Meredith, spread some goodvibes. Tell me something good that happened
to you today? To see mykids? What do you mean you got

to see your kid? Do younot normally get to see them? No,
no, no idea. You're justyou're just baming positivity, aren't you.
Merredith? Wait were your kids?Did your Was this your kid's first
day back from spring break or havethey been back for a minute? It
was no for yeah, that's whyyou were happy to see him. You're
like Oh, I didn't get tosee you for eight hours because you drove
me nuts for the past week.It's so nice to see you again.

Why is everything trashed already? Whyis there kool aid in the list?
There's not supposed to be cool aidin the living room, Meredith. They
know better than that. Sorry,I projected all that, didn't I wow,
that just came out. Yeah,yeah, I think I'm dead on
with that. Okay, Yeah,sorry, Please Cleaveland's number one he A
Music Stations. Yeah, ninety six. Glass Animals are coming to Blossom.

Man. I want to hook youup with tickets right now. We got
them for you all week on theshow. In that moment is right now?
Good luck. Caller twelve, youget to play. Name that animal
sound should be pretty easy, right, Glass Animals make sense? Name the
correct animal sound. You just gotto get one of these bad boys and
you are at Glass Animals coming tobloss of Music Senta Wednesday, August twenty.

First tickets go on sale tomorrow atLive nation dot com. Soules Okay,
butts some beat the box office oneright now? Good luck? Like
I said, Collared twelve, youget the first crack out of two one
six, five seven eight, ninetysix five O save that in your phone.
By the way, it's a Jeremiahshow, doing what we do.
Hooking the hop on ninety six fiveKiss FM. Time to hook you up.
Glass Animals tickets are on the linefor you. We're playing animal sounds

for Glass Animals tickets. Let's getto Collared twelve. It's Emma. She's
in Parma. Emma, good afternoon, Hey girl, Hey Emma. I
don't know if you've been listening sincethe beginning of the show and you're not
required to. You're encouraged to,but you're not required to. I just
want to reshare the life hack Ijust discovered today while crushing my Ohio City
burrito for the past fifteen minutes.Will you indulge me? Yes, always

wear two shirts to work, sothat way you can always take off the
top layer shirt eat your burrito withoutgetting any burrito remnants on your top shirt.
Oh no, what do you mean? No, No, that's a
genius idea, Emma, it is. What does that mean? You got
something on your shirt? Actually,you know what? You know what's funny
about the whole thing. I didn'tget anything on my shirt. But if

I wouldn't have taken off the topshirt. I would have got something on
the top shirt. You know whatI mean, Murphy's law. Emma,
there you go. I'm glad Icould educate you for that moment. All
right, let's play the animal soundsgame. I mean it's pretty simple.
Did you know if you google animalsounds, it will give you sounds immediately
that you can click, and theygo for a certain animal. So some
of these may be surprising. Ijust needed to get this one, and

you win. Okay, Okay,here's your sound, Emma. What sound
is that? What animal makes thatsound? Here it again? What do
you think? Is it a woodpecker? Is it a woodpecker? Solid?
Guests, not the right guess though, I'm so sorry. Thank you for

playing, Emma. I appreciate you. Let's go to our next contestant.
Jessica is in Niles. Jessica,Good afternoon, Acar. Oh hang on,
Jessica. If I want to putyou on the radio, I have
to turn your volume up. Areyou there? Hey girl? Hey Jessica.
If you've listened the show before,I need to know immediately. Are
you my wife? I am notokay. My wife's name is Jessica.

All Jessica's in my life for Tricky. I just have to be sure,
okay, an not your animal soundgame for animal glass animals tickets, same
animal? What animal is this?What do you think? I don't know?

A guinea pig? Guinea pig.I'm sorry that's incorrect, but thank
you for playing. I appreciate you. Jessica, not my wife A great
day. Two one six five seveneight ninety six five. Oh. All
you got to do is tell mewhat animal sound I'll play for you again.
What animal sound is this? Letme turn that off so you can
hear it. Love, Lily,what is that? If you own one,

you know that's your hint? GlassAnimal tickets on the line. Two
one six five seven ninety six five. Oh, it's kiss animal sound for
glass animal tickets. Guys, it'sthat simple. Sit here on my show
ninety six y five kiss f M. They're coming to blossom beat the box
office tickets. By the way.Let's get to our next contestant, Laura

in Cleveland, Lauren, Good afternoon, Hey girl, Lauren. What should
Cleveland know about Laura? Any specialtalents we should know about? No,
No, just a basic, basic, Starbucks loving girl. Yeah, how
did you know? You know whatI had just had? I had a

hunch and I went with it.What's your Starbucks drink? A topic?
Cold grew cold found? Okay,I knew I see, I knew it.
I knew it. All right,let's play the game. Let me
turn this music off so you canhear what animal sound this is, and
if you guess it right, you'rea glass animals tickets. Good luck,

Lauren the lover of Starbucks. Whatanimal makes that sound? Is it a
racco a raccoon? Oh I'm sorry, Lauren, it's not a raccoon.
Thank you so much for playing raccoonor raccoon? Either way. There,
Ashley and Willowick, you are upnext to Actuley. Good afternoon, hacar

Ashley. Are you a Starbucks loveras well? Of course, what do
you go for depends on the day. What do we feel today? Maybe
I don't know. Okay, yourattled it off pretty quick. There,
I love it, Ashley. Allright, let's play in the game.
I'll play you this animal sound.Tell me what it is. If you
are right, you're going to glassanimals A blossom sound like it? Sound

like a deal? Oh yeah,good luck it is. It's an interesting
sound, Ashley. What animal makesthat sound? Is all? Now?
I love it? Congratulations, you'regoing to Glass Animals. Thank you.

This is am I the only onewho hears the slap. Listen for the
slap. Did you hear that mysister had one of the most disgusting animal
on the planet. Really? Whyare they so gross? They just smelled
so bad? Yeah, I alwaysthought they smelled like cedar. Is that
the chips you put in the cage? Yeah? There you go, Well,

there you go. All thanks toFerret's your sister's gross pet. You
were going to Glass Animals. Congratulationsthere, thank you, you are so
welcome. Hey, yeah, actuallysit tight. I'm gonna get more info
from you. If you want towin Glass Animals tickets again, we'll do
it again tomorrow two thirty right hereon the Jeremiah Show. Or if you
want to try to win those pittickets, we are your hook up station
after all. Go to ninety sixfive Kiss FM dot com slash contest Good

Jerre Mayah Show, He's funny ashell ship Kiss All New Ghosted on the
Way Coming up at three thirty onThe Jeremiah Show. We are ninety six
five Kiss FM. Why did Tonyget left on red? Laura's got a
reason kind of this. I'm convincedthought going to murder him on our date?

Right? Can we fix this situation? We'll find out then think back
for a second. For me,I was having this conversation with a friend
and I found out they didn't knowhow to drive a stick shift aka a
standard for a car. And themore we got to talk, and the
more I started realizing I learned todrive stick shift and I haven't driven it

in years? Like is that atask that we don't need to know how
to do anymore as human beings onthis planet? Has technology made the standard
like irrelevant? Is it necessary?Like half of these new cars are push
buttons to shift now? Right?So I got thinking, what, what

do you think? What's an adulttask that you learned growing up that it
was it was a standard, youneed to know how to do this,
and now it's not, it's noteven necessary. How about programming your DVR
to record your shows? Remember whenyou have to you you used to have
to do that. You used tohave to fire up the old Time Warner

DVR search through your shows, andif you were. If you were like
a wrestling fan like me, andyou wanted to record Monday Night Raw,
you always had to record like anextra half an hour because Monday Night Raw
at that time always went over.Don't got to worry about that anymore.
Just on demand, baby, Everything'son demand, all right? Caller Text
in right now two one six fiveseven eight ninety six five. Oh,

what is a quote unquote adult task? You you were told growing up you
need to know how to do this, You need to know how to drive
a stick shift, But we don'tneed to anymore. You can also hit
that talk back. That's the littlemicrophon. If you're listening on the free
iHeartRadio app, leave your message thereor like I said, caller, text
two to one six five seven eightninety six five. Cleveland's number one hit
music station, Kiss FM. Idon't think anyone can drive stick shift?

Did see Jeremiah show ninety six fiveKiss FM. Let's talk to Jianna.
She's in Uniontown. Janet, goodafternoon, Hay girl. Jan It tell
me using my example, by theway of I learned stick shift, I
never use it. Do you knowhow to stick shift? I do?
Okay, it's been about twenty yearsexactly. So what what else don't we
need to know how to do anymore? My dad made me get under the

car my summer going into college toteach me how to change my oil.
Instead, I would need to knowhow to change my oil. Yes,
well, so my dad's been anauto parts because he still works in the
out of parts industry. He taughtme how to change the oil in a
car. I've I've changed breaks ona car. I've not done any of
those things ever, ever again inmy life? Do you even have to

change the breaks on your car anymore? I mean I think so. Yeah,
I'm sure there are some people thatdo it themselves, but I have
no desire to do that. No, I've but like, I don't even
think I take my car to theshop to get the breaks changed. I
couldn't even tell you the last timeI did that. Yeah, I don't
know. I'm sure it needs tobe done. Yeah right. Maybe maybe
I'm just bad at car maintenance chainand maybe that's it. Same I get

here, I'm getting these texts inout writing a check. When's the last
time you wrote a check? Oh, it's been a long time, and
I'm in banking so you tell menot to write check. Wait you tell
people not to write checks now?Oh yeah, because of fraud. Oh
really, Chuck Braun is the biggestform of frogs. It's an education.
How knew this was going to turnit into an educational moment on the program?

Wow, Janny, you're bringing theheat. Okay, Well, here's
another one that applies to your jobat Text. Out of the two one
six, my teachers used to tellme my handwriting was very important, especially
when it came to college applications.None of that is true in twenty twenty
four. Yeah, not so much. Everything's electronics. It's electronic. When's
the last time you actually wrote something? I do right things. I like

to write on paper on a notepad. Oh yeah, my wife's the
same way. I swear to you. I so last two years ago,
I put my hand in a snowblower, right, and I broke my fingers.
Long story, you get it.I'm an idiot. But after I
got those pins out of my fingers, after like six months, I went
to write, I forgot for fivesolid as seconds. Oh god, I
didn't know how to ride. Igotta tell you that the DVR story that

you were talking about we still useour DVR? Do you really want you
to know you still have it?Because on demand you can't fast forward?
Oh I didn't even know it.You better say I saw we went to
uh, we went to Kentucky lastweek and we stopped at a vintage store.
On the way back. They hada VHS rewinder, jan are you

listening to me? Rewinder? Ijust confused half of Cleveland right now by
saying that, Jenna, I appreciateyou, Thank you so much for listening.
All right, one, get seethat all new ghosted on the way?
Why did Laura leave Tony on RedNelly and then after Victoria Monet will

hook you up on Kist. Stopstaring at that red receipt and let the
Jeremiah Show find out why you gotghosted? All right, Tony, welcome
into the show. You and Laurawent out and she has ghosted you.
Why don't you tell us all aboutgetting to the date and then getting to
being ghosted? Kind of catch usup on the backstory. Yeah, sure,

so I actually met Laura kind oflike old fashioned, like out in
the wild. Like god, Ican't even remember the last time I went
on a date that wasn't just likeyou know, some random I met online.
So anyway, Yeah, so wemet at a bar and oh,
you know, I bought her,I bought her a couple of drinks,
and you know, you know,we got to know each other a little
bit that night, and then weset up a date, you know,
about a week later, and andthat seemed to go really well too.

You know, we got to knoweach other a little bit more again,
and you know, and you know, I've tried to reach out about another
date and I haven't heard anything that'sweird. No, that's interesting. Okay,
Well, try to look back fora minute. Anything weird, like
like anything weird that thinking back,like oh maybe that was like a red
flag or a beije flag or whateverother flag will trigger these people to ghost

you. I mean, obviously therewas something, but no, there's nothing
I can pinpoint. Yeah, somethingwas there that was seen by her,
but you were oblivious to it.Yeah, all right, Well, let
me give Laura call. Stay onthe phone with me, don't say anything
right away. She'll be a littlemore honest if she doesn't know you're there.
And then at some point Tony willbring you back into the chat.

All right, dude, all right, thanks, good luck. Hello,
Hi looking for Laura? Is Lauraavailable? Ye? Hey, Lauren Steed.
Jeremiah Show, ninety six five KissFM, hacirl. Oh my god,
hey, how are you? I'msurprised. Okay, yeah, probably

not expecting my call at all.You are honest? Segment called ghosted on
the show because a guy named Tonysaid, you guys went out and then
you ghosted him. We want toknow why? Will you tell us?
Well, to be honest, I'mconvinced thought I was going to murder him
on our day. Oh okay,that needs some more explanation. Will you

on a second. Let me playa couple songs. We'll come back and
explain what the balls that means?All right, all right, let me
go out a lotto now that afterBenson Boommore ghosted on The Jeremiah Show,
It's kiss FF, It's Beautiful ThingsThe Jeremiah Show in ninety six to five
Kiss FM a ghosting situation with Laura. She ghosted Tony because she thought he

thought she was going to murder him. Did I say that right, Laura?
He definitely did. Okay, whatare you talking about? Okay?
I know it sounds crazy because itsounded insane. It felt insane to me,
but like during our entire date,he kept checking his phone, which
I was like, Okay, that'sjust super rude. So I was like,
key, tell me what's going on, Like why is you putting your
phone away? And he says tome that his friend is just checking in

and make sure that he's okay.And I was just like, wait,
what does that even mean? Likewhy does he need to know if you're
okay? Like doesn't he know you'reon a date? Yeah, And he
literally told me that his friend,his friend and him, like they always
just check in on each other arein dates to make sure to make sure
that nobody's k snapped or murdered.Okay, Okay, can I bring Tony

back into the chat now? He'sactually been here the whole time, So
I forgot to mention that right offthe rip, Tony, what what's going
on? You? You got likea check in buddy for your dates?
I mean, in my opinion thatyou just can't be too careful, Like
there's so many instances where like thishappens, Like we're people who don't really
know each other, yet you know, you know, the person seems fine

but then they turn out to bea serial killing. You just end up
dead. So it's not like it'sjust like not a big deal. So
I just yeah, me and mybuddy, you know, we check in
on each other like when we're outwith new people. Okay, okay,
but how is new people supposed toget to know you if every five minutes
you're on your phone. You couldn'teven concentrate on our date. I mean

I don't know if or anything likethat. Yeah, maybe three minutes.
It was insane. Oh my,Like I was just like, why are
you on this date with me ifyou're going to just be on your phone
the whole time? And are youliterally just telling this man sorry, I'm
not getting killed. It's okay,check back in a five. Uh.
You know, it just is whatit is, like, kay, Yeah,

you know, you know I've actuallybeen on dates before where like,
you know, people have done thatto me, where like they think I'm
a serial killer. But you know, and I've never judged anyone, Like
it is what it is. It'snot about judging. It's about losing out
on the date. We didn't getto know each other. Yeah, are
you aware of that? I thoughtwe got to know each other pretty well.

I think what we're getting to here, Tony, and I'm not trying
to take a side, but Ifeel like, like Laura, the checking
in isn't as much of a bigdeal for you as it is. It
seemed to consume his entire being throughthe date. So you guys really didn't
get to connect. Is that amI am? I reading that, Kay
exactly? Like it's cool that youwant to be safe. I totally understand,

but like you have to actually makesure you gives them attention to the
person you're on a date with.Okay, So just keep that in mind
for the future because I gotta go. Okay, all right, bye?
Were you goss? Slide into ourDMS at Jashow Radio and we'll get to
the bottom of it on the JeremiahShaw ninety six five Kiss FM. I
love the Internet. That's how I'mgoing to start this sentence. It says

you're on Maya Show ninety six tofive Kiss FM. Let's hook you up
with Sam Hunt tickets about twenty eightminutes from right now. We've got you
covered there. I found this whilescrolling last night when that probably should have
been going up to bed, butthat is when you find the most goldenness
of nuggets that exist on the internet. Am I right? I found the
nineties slang tutorial. Listen, Well, here are some other phrases you want

to know if you want to besure to sound hip in the nineties.
So you agree, ro curb?What's up? Oh boy, that's the
only one that I actually know.Here's the next one. You clutch the
pearls said in amazement or disbelief.Well, you know he's married. What's
the pel No normal human being hasever said that statement in their life.

I'm growing up in the nineties.I'd never heard that in my absolute life
at all. How about this one? This is, by the way,
it's not a cussword, just lettingyou know fucked. In the eighties,
it was just blasted. I don'tknow how many I have, but BOYD
did I get fucked. I surefelt it the next morning. That was
really the worst thing I'd ever done. I hope you didn't drive home?
No way, No, Also hedrove home. I don't know where that

comes from. What is the Isthat like getting bucked off a bronco or
a pool? You said I gotbucked last night mcgiver as in the TV
show where the Impossible is off onthe way. I can't believe you got
off that speeding ticket. What amcguiver. That's not That's not how you
would use mcgiver in that scenario.There need to be paper clips involved.

Norville too secretly on your mind?What what? I don't believe you sell
your job? You really the novelnarvy. She didn't even say it right.
Here's the last one. Black anddecker or a real tough assignment.
You get the analogy right. Thisjob is a real grind, just a
black and decker. I've never notheard one. The only one I've ever

heard in there is yo. Areyou kidding me? The video doesn't The
audio doesn't do it justice alone.You got to see the video. Check
my TikTok story right now at JashowRadio. Sam Hunt tickets next. His
opinion about Pittsburgh is known. Don'tbring any of that dirty Pittsburgh nonsense back
with you. Make sure you takea shower before you come back across state
lines. Okay, Oh, absolutely, I appreciate you. Lexis The Jeremiah

Show ninety six five Kiss Jeremiah Show, ninety six to five kiss f fam.
We are playing reeler fake country starfor Sam Hunt tickets. He's coming
to blossom. We're trying to hookyou up. This took him in it
yesterday because it's it's harder than youthink. So let's go to Color twenty.
They get the first crack out ofStephanie and Strongsville. You are Color

twenty. Good afternoon, Hey girl, he Stephanie. Real country fans only
need apply. It is nice toknow that there are country fans that like
to switch it over to kissff everyonce in a while. I appreciate that.
Are you a country fan? Iam a country fan. I have
actually seen hit Sam Hunting concert.Okay, he's great, So let's see
how you do with this game.My theory is any two names that you

smashed together can sound like a countryartist. We're going to put it to
the test. Get two in arow, right, tell me whether it's
a real country artist or a fakecountry artist. Okay, let's start with
Michael Ray. Is Michael Ray arealer fake country artist? He is real?
That's how we're going to start immediately. Thank you so much for playing,

though, I appreciate you. Twoone, six, five, seven
eight ninety six five. Oh,let's move on to our next contestant.
Let's go to Kevin in Willowack.Kevin, good afternoon. How are you?
I'm great? Are you? I'mlovely? Kevin? Where would you
say your country music knowledge lives ona scale of one to seven? Maybe

six? Okay, so you shouldbe pretty good at this realer fake country
artists? You heard how it worked? Do you have any questions? I
know all right too in a rowto win? Tell me? Is Cassie
Ashton a realer fake country artist?Fake fake? Where's my noise? Is
that? Now? She's real?She is real? I don't know the

answer to that question. Two one, six, five seven eight ninety six
five? Oh, Sam Hunt ticketsare on the line. Good look,
real or fake country artist? ForSam Hunt tickets? I almost forgot his
name for a second. It's aJeremiah show. Ninety six five Kiss FM.
Let's get to Trina. She's inCleveland, up next to play.
Trina, Good afternoon, Hey girl, Trina. Maybe the hardest game I've

ever played on this show. Realor fake country artists? I give you
a name of a human being.They either really are a country artist or
I made up the name and theyare. They might be a real person,
but they don't play country music.Makes sense. Two in a row
to win. Jordan Davis realer fakecountry artist? Hey fake? No,
No, he is real. Okay, thank you for playing. Bye Patrick

in Lakewood. You are up next. Good afternoon, friend. How are
you? Good morning, Jeremiah.I'm doing well now. I've talked to
you a bunch in the show.You calling all the time, and I
love and appreciate you for that.I have no idea what you know about
country music. You know what I'mlike, A relatively new country fan.
Alright, got me into it acouple of years ago. I did just
go to Nashville. Okay, yougot a little education. Well tell me,
is Lance Samuel a real country artist? No? No, he's not.

I made that one up completely.All right, here we go.
The pressure's on for the win.George Burge, I might be pronouncing it
wrong. I'll spell it b IR G E. He is real,
you know, George, you knowwho that is? He's performing with sam.
I did not know that. Isthat on my copy somewhere. It
doesn't matter. You win, Patrick, Let's go, dude, awesome?
Come on, well, good You'regonna get more indulged in depth. I

don't know. You're smarter than me. What's a good word here? You're
gonna get more marinate ingrained, marinatedin country music. I think I like
that one marinate. It seems toyeah, all right, I gotta go
get some boot there, you go, go get your boots. Get ready,
Blossom, You're gonna be there.Have the best time? Are am
I? Dude? You are sowelcome. Stand by for that info more.
Sam Huntingt's coming up for you tomorrow. I will look up again at

four thirty one, Kissa, timeto smarten you up Cleveland with Jeremiah's fun
fact of the day for ninety sixfive kiss up out. Ninety five percent
of human beings over the age ofthirty will never sprint again. Think about
that. Ninety five percent of youwill never sprint again. If you're over

the age of thirty, think aboutit in what in what scenario as a
human being over thirty, are yousprinting? Yes, maybe you're a professional
athlete. Sure, if you're goingon a nice jog, a nice run,
are you sprinting? Are you justjogging to get the heart rate up?
I know me I'm a big inclienton the on the treadmill with a

walk. I don't need to sprint. There are two instances in which I
will ever again in my life.One is when I'm being chased by someone,
obviously, and two when there's abig old pile of medium rare stake
laying around somewhere. WU Genius ofthe Day on the Jeremiah Show, We
are ninety six to five, KissFM. Your genius to the day.

Someone who's done something so stupid.Anything you've done pales in comparison, like
this nude man found drunk inside agarbage can. Oh, look where he
lives? Guys, he lives inFlorida. Yes, the Florida man has
been arrested in Saint Petersburg, specificallyfor disorderly intoxication and resisting an officer without

violence after police found him naked ina trash can on a downtown street despite
his inebriation. Whyley James Weeks that'sw y l y in case you are
wondering, argue with officers, claiminghe had the right to be drunk and
disorderly in public and refuse to providehis name to law enforcement. However,
weeks later, he pleaded guilty toboth charges and find only five hundred and

twenty bucks. His criminal record includesprior convictions for FAFTH, disorderly conduct,
and criminal mischief. Meanwhile, Weekshad previously been arrested for public nudity alongside
a friend after exiting a bar inTampa for the rest. In case you
didn't pay attention to that whole story, he was fairly aware that disorderly conduct

is illegal because he's been arrested beforeit before and also arrested for being nude
more than once. That's strange.Thanks for listening to The Jeremiah Show on
demand. I Love this show.For more, find us on TikTok,
Instagram and more at Jay Show Radioand weekdays two to six on ninety six
five Kiss FM
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