All Episodes

March 26, 2024 29 mins
We talk to the amazing mom of a Swifty who was bullied for her love of Taylor Swift. Also The Price is Right is prepared with sweat pants, Alex and his ex giving it another go? And don't bring a Machete to the slurpy spot.
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Now she can kick people's Buttsumi Showninety six five. Kiss that out,
my friends. Welcome into your Tuesday. Look at that. We get one
day of dryness and then right backto the moistniths. Sorry if you hate
that word, I think it's afun word to say. I'm going to
say it again. Moist Welcome intothe show. Let's go, good vibes,

good things happening in your life.Tell me all about it. I
don't know about you. I'm gonnasound domestic, but I loved it.
I made a great Swedish meatball,meat ball, meatball and noodle recipe last
night that I had for lunch today. That made my day. If you
know me, you know I'm asucker for a good lunch, mainly because
I'm a chubby husky man. Butit works for me and it makes me

happy. What makes you happy?Shoot me a text, give me a
call and let me know. Twoone ninety six five. Oh, that's
the same number if you want totext her call, Drop a message on
that iHeartRadio app. If you're listeningthere, it's free. Thank you you.
The click of the little red microphonegets you taken care of there.
Maybe had some lunch drinks. I'mhappy for you. We should have brought

me one right here six six au, but just put it in a little
to go containing. We can dothat now. It's legal. Right Tuesday,
pro Gram'll sitting at Blue Hand Brewerytwo thirty figure question Tuesday edition of
The Jeremiah Show. Cohen Strong already, Blue hairn And Brewery. We're hooking
you up at two thirty on ninetysixty five KISSFM. Good vibes. Now,
the good things happening in your life? Tell us all about it.

Shoot me a text, give mea call. Tell me something good that
happened to you today. How aboutStacy? She says, My good thing
is my supervisor. I cought GordonRamsey made me homemade dairy free chicken Cordon
blue. It was my first timetrying it. It was amazing. I
love some chicken cord on blue.I haven't had that in a minute.
You got good vibes, Like Isaid, give me a call, shoot
me a text. It's really easyto do. How about Amanda, Tell

me something good that happened to youtoday. Me and my daughter woke up.
Oh there we go. What didwe do today? I went to
work and we to school. Whatkind of work do you do, Amanda,
I'm a store manager for Dollar General. Retail is no joke. I
worked retail one day of my life. It was a it was a polo
outlet and load eye. It wasthe worst thing I've ever done in my
life. So God bless you fordoing a job that I could not.

I would, I would. Iwould strangle someone with a pair of chinos
if I had to continue that job. Yeah, I've learned to get patient.
Yeah, yeah, you have to. And by the way, the
only reason I know the word chinosis because I worked there for one day.
Next on number one, I hadmusic Station ninety six did Jeremi Show
ninety sixty five Kiss FM. Hookingup with Well Cocktails and more Blue Hair

and brewery down in and Dining.We're going to hook you up about ten
minutes from right now. We'll playanother roundup. Does it pop? Good
vibes? Now that we're we're thinkingcocktails, We're thinking about how great the
weather was yesterday, trying to forgetwhat's going on today because there's more coming
right thinking about summer cocktails we're lookingforward to. I was actually just talking
to Nikki off the air, Nikki, what is your go to summer cocktail?

Do you have one yet? Margarita? Oh you're a Margie girl.
He yeah, are you a blendedor you go? I go on the
rocks rock? Oh, I knewit. I knew it. I could
tell sald on the rim. Yeah, of course. Come on, all
right, I'm ready to quit thisshop and go drink. You don a
clown? Yeah? Stick around withCity in the Blue Hair and Brewery about

nine minutes from right now on ninetysix five Kiss FM, It's the Jeremiah
Show. It's a yawne Tuesday onThe Jeremiah Show, ninety six five Kiss
FM. It is that way justfrom sales is here yawning? But I
mean we had a nice day yesterday. The weather went to pooh, it's
all rainy out. You had soupfor lunch for lunch? How are you?

How are you conscious? It allright now? I'm not okay?
Well, Jess is going to beour opener. The game is called does
It Pop? Let's play with Colortwelve. It's Aaron in north Ridgeville.
Aaron, good afternoon, Hey girl, all have you heard us play the
game yet? On Kiss FM?I have last week Okay, So for
those who haven't, and this iswhat's gonna happen. We've got a plethora

of different beverages, either pops orbeers. Jess is going to open a
can of one. It'll either bea pop or it'll be one of Blue
Heron's delicious craft made bruise. Getthree out of five to win. Okay,
okay, fifty bucks to Blue Heronon the line. All right,
I'm gonna turn this music off.We'll turn on the can microphone. In
case you're wondering, it's I'm havingJess do it because they would fire me

immediately if I tried to open cansof pop and beer over this equipment.
So that's that's why we're doing itthis way. I'm not much better,
but you're not sparking anything, andthat's the that's the issue. That's fair.
All right, here's your first can, Aaron, What is this?
That? A pop or a beer? A beer? That is a pop?
That is a delicious, starry beverage. Formally, can we just throw

it out there instead of changing itfrom here? I miss the story.
They really should have went to slice. Okay, yeah, yeah, throwback?
All right? Here go' Sorry youmiss a couple here three out of
five to win? Does it popfor Blue Hair and gift card? Here
we go? What do you think? Aaron? I'm gonna go with beer

that's a pop. You're still init. You just got to go one
hundred percent. Listen, I hear. Can I give you the advice?
You're thinking too much? I wantto give her. I don't don't think,
don't think, Please hear and react. That's all you need to do.
Okay, okay, okay, herewe go. Beer that's a beer.

That's a matrimony cremail from Brewer Hairand brewerydown in Madina. One down,
two more to go? What isthis? Eric Pop? That's a
pop. I feel like you gota system and I feel you should stick
with it for the win. Aaronin north Ridgeville, fifty bucks to Blue
Heron. Tell me what's this?Oh? Shoot, beer, that's up?

Beer? You let's go. Whowould have thought opening cans on the
radio could cause this? Must stretchand stress in people's legs. No,
I'm wedding. I'm stressed out.Well, drive down to Medina off I
seventy one and eighteen. Get yourselfa couple of drugs because you're going to
blue heron on us. Okay,thank you so much. Thank you are

so welcome to sit ty. I'mgonna get more info from you more.
Does it pop coming up for youtomorrow on the show two thirty? Or
that hey coming up after three shegot slapped in the face and then learn
jiu jitsu? Why? Who andwhat? All will be answered after three
o'clock. Bos So many high schoolnicknames, so little time. Harry al
mccado, Smoky Bones, bad clams, slippery dolphin stick was my nickname in

high school. The Jeremiah Show ninetysix five, Kiss up it. It's
The Jeremiah Show ninety six five KissFM. I've got a Cleveland confessional coming
up for you at three thirty.Will a romance be rekindled? We'll find
out then sit on hold. Rightnow is Chrissa. Chriss is a mom
who called us to thank us aboutputting an article up. It's a kiss

Cleveland dot com right now, andChris, you're actually in Sacramento. Yes,
okay, Well let's talk about itnow because you called the thank me
so I'm going to give you theplatform on the radio station. So tell
me about your daughter Sadie. Right, Yes, what happened with Sadie?
And so here's how the story startsand out. Then you fill in the

blank. Sadie Swifty got bullied.Now she can kick people's butts. Is
pretty much what it comes down to, all right, tell me the story.
I'm intrigued. So Sadie was floppedin the face at school by a
boy just because she had a TaylorSwift shirt on. She was just setting

up her music instrument when it happened. He just approached her and did it.
You have no idea how much rageis inside my body right now.
You understand I am a father ofthree kids and two of them are boys.
And if it is that at all, sorry, Okay, I'm sorry.
The important thing is your story,not my rage. Go Yeah.
So you know, I'm super thankfulthat the school did, you know,

handle it, And I know thatthese are you know, all little kids,
and you know, I'm not tryingto go out for anyone. My
focus is obviously like empowering Sadie toknow that this is never acceptable, like
this is a critical moment in herlife as like you know, entering those
preteen years, and I just wanther to know that she has a voice

and that people will like rally behindher that this is not okay, and
I want her to feel like encouraged. She's like the most outgoing, fun
loving person and so to watch hergo through anxiety, yeah, I mean
just anxiety. Even going to schoolis so intense. So I think,
you know, now she's coming outof it. Doing the jiu jitsu has

helped her so much, and obviouslylike support from family and friends and stuff,
and well, I got to giveyou all the kudos because this had
to start with with with you,and you know, I don't know what
what your what your entire situation is, if you know, if it was
you and dad or you and whoever, But you guys had to sit down.
You had to sit down and youhad to say, Sadie, this
sucks. It was wrong. Andinstead of like blaming other people, you're

you're like, you know, what, how can how can we make this
situation better? Who came up withthe idea to start jiu jitsu? Actually
a neighbor had reached out to usonce we had posted it on social media.
A neighbor had reached out to us, and then they actually offered to
like help sponsor Sadie to go throughlike the training, and I signed her
sister at Bolso that's amazing. Sowhere we give me when when did this

happen? And then where we aretoday in this whole journey, you know,
not just in how we're dealing withat school, but like in jiu
jitsu journey. Yeah, so thishappened a couple of days after the Super
Bowl. The Tuesday following the SuperBowl, Oh wow. And then she
uh that Saturday is when the neighborhad reached out and had told me actually

like Friday night, saying, hey, you know it, actually the jiu
jitsu place is like less than fiveminutes from my house, and she said
they have a bullypoof seminar happening thisweekend. So I signed the kids up
and we went and it was soimpactful. And then that's when I met
the manager there, and then theowner ended up calling me and he was

like, hey, you know,we want to help get her some training,
and so she's been there ever since, and just I mean it's crazy
how fast they learned stuff. Andthey really focus on like fighting fire with
water and like neutralizing everything and basicallylike this is kicking our punching. Yeah,

they're still kicking our punching. Thishas been barely over a month that
this happened, Yes, right,yes, and you've seen a tremendous change
just in general. In we're goingto call it six weeks for lack of
a better argument. Yeah, ohyeah, one hundred percent. I mean
he's not scared to go to schoolanymore, which is great. Oh,
what a great example. I'll tellyou we'll put if you kiss Cleveland dot

com has got the article, I'llput a uh link up on our Instagram
story ninety six five Kiss FM ifif people want to go there and see
it's what an amazing story that Ihope people here in Cleveland, outside of
Cleveland, wherever you're listening on theart radio app. I mean, what
a what a way to take sucha crappy situation. And I mean,
there aren't many stories that make mewant to punch a kid in the face,

but I want to punch that kidin the face. But you've turned
it into such a positive Carissa,which is all. Yeah, I'm all
the parent points to you for thisone. Honestly, thank you so much.
Now let me ask you this quickfollow are you scared to make Sadie
do chores? Now that's my otherquestion. Maybe maybe a slightly maybe maybe

especially Dad, Yeah maybe especially Yeah, he should be he should Well,
this is such a great story.Please keep us. If she starts doing
competition, she could end up anOlympic gold World Jude it to champion.
Oh my, by the way,if anyone from Travis's family is listening,
because you called a Cleveland station andhis family is from here, so you
reach out to us, I mean, come on, it was it was
a Taylor's Boyfriend shirt, so there'sa direct connection. Oh my god,

this is such a great story.What a what a little, a little
glimpse of joy you brought into myworld just randomly. So I appreciate you
for that. Thank you so much. You got secrets. We love secrets
the better. This is the ClevelandConfession on The Jeremiah Show ninety six five
Kiss FM. What is a Clevelandconfessional. Well, that's a moment here

on the show where you can actuallyreach out to us and you got a
secret that you can't tell anyone about. H you can tell us, be
anonymous if you want. It startswith a DM find us on any of
the socials at Jashow Radio. Letus know you have a confessional and maybe
we'll call you back like we callAlex right now. Hello, Hi,

looking for Alex. This is heAlex at c JMI Show ninety six five
Kiss FM. Good afternoon. Howare you? Oh? Hey man,
I'm good. How are you good? Do you remember shooting? Is the
DM that you had a cleve aconfessional for us? I do? Now?
Okay, yeah, good, We'rehere to collect on that. Ask.
So are you at a place whereyou can tell us what your secret
is? Yeah? I think it'sa good time. Okay, you can

do it. So Alex, tellus what do you want to confess.
I would like to confess that Iam sleeping with my ex wife. Oh
oh ex wife? Okay, howhow did we get to that point in
this scenario? All right? Somy ex wife and I we've been divorced
for about a decade now. Wewere high school sweethearts. We got married

right after high school and she gotpregnant, and you know, we did
the marriage thing just for the baby. You know, we wanted to have
him have a good upbringing. Butwe realized, particularly that we were not
really meant to be with each whichis a good thing because we got divorced,
and then we've really gotten along withthe cole parenting and it's been going
really well. But two months ago, I dropped my son off at the

house and out of Nola. Shejust starts chatting about this guy she's seeing
and basically word vomited to me howmuch this guy sucks and that she feels
stucked in this relationship. And thenext thing you know, he and I
are in the dining room and we'rehooking up. Oh and wow, yeah,
okay, uh huh. That wastwo months ago, and I mean
we've been meeting up all the timenow. Oh, I know, I'm

not sure if it's just like aphysical thing or if there's something there.
And I'm really like in a placewhere I'm torn because the one side of
me, I just love to getback together, you know, but the
other side is that like last time, it just didn't work out. And
we realized, oh, that's gotto because you're constantly looking over your shoulder
like, well, we've done thisbefore, we have the products of that.
It's our son. It didn't workout for us, But like now

time his past, you guys area little bit older. Yeah, and
I don't want our son to beall confused about Yeah we are. You've
either got to You've either got tostop this just continuing to or continue to
hook up, or like give thisthing a go. Those are your three
options, right, I think you'reout? Yeah, I know, Well,
I'll talk. You have to figureit out pretty quickly. Let's do

this. Let's let's see if ifCleveland can help help us out in this
scenario. Maybe give you advice aboutyou know, maybe they went through this
in the past, good or bad, or maybe they've just got some general
you know, maybe we've got somepsychologists listening to the show. Doubt it,
but maybe that would be really awesome. I appreciate it. Do this,
Cleveland, give us a call.Alex is back with his ex.

Technically I guess she's cheating with him. He's the other guy, but they
have a kid together. What doyou think they should do? Do they
give it a go? Do theystop? Do they continue on? You
can call at two one, sixfive, seven, eight nine six five
oh, or you can leave amessage if you're listening on that free iHeartRadio
app. By the way, youclick the microphone there. You leave us
a little it's a call it talkback. See how you can help Alex

out here? Yeah, I saidthat, can you rekindle it? So
Jeremiah Show ninety six to five KISFM, Cleveland's number one in music station.
Megan Train her tickets on the wayfor you, four thirty. She's coming
to blossom. We'll hook you upthere as we do Cleveland reacting to the
Cleveland Confessional today. You can dropa text if you want. It's the

same number to call two one six, five seven eight ninety six five Oho,
uh, Rita and Parma joins us. Now Rita Alex's situation. It's
it's interesting. I would say itis a very interesting situation. My jall
was dropping the entire tilemboard detail.Let's recap it for the people. This
is just the very brief version ofwhat's going on with Alex. I'm sleeping

with my ex wife. What doeshe do here? I listen. My
big thing in any relationship is communication. So next time he sees his ex
wife, when it's a good time, they need to sit down and have
a conversation about what this is.Because the most important person in this entire
relationship is their son person, Yeah, because I guess. So I go

back, and this is because I'mthe child of divorced parents. I'm like,
oh my gosh, they could rekindleand it'll be happily ever after.
But if they don't and they justand they're just friends with benefits and then
it goes bad, it's going tobe even worse for the kid, right
exactly. Yeah, So they needthey need to sit down and communicate anything

that they might be feeling or notfeeling for each other and see where they
stand. Because listen, hooking upis perfectly fine if there's no emotion going
on, you know, especially forthe time being. Fah, if there's
emotions starting to get involved, thenit needs to either stop or become Do
you think that? And I don'tknow if you have kids or not,
but I don't know if it matters. Do you think you could you could
not emotionally hook up with your babydaddy in my opinion, No, I

agree with you. No, Yes, I agree with you. I do.
Rita. I appreciate you called kissFM. I hope you have a
great day. Thank you, thanksfor having me by. Bye, Emily,
Good afternoon, Hey girl, Hello, so Emily to recap it for
the people who missed. Of course, it'll be on the podcast iHeartRadio app
were to get your favorite podcast.Alex is hooking up with his ex wife

again. They've got a kid together. She's also in a relationship. What.
Yeah, So I kind of,without feeling too much to you about
myself, have a similar situation currently. Yeah, and well had a similar
situation. Okay, and so Ithink a conversation needs to be had.

Yeah, you know that seems tobe the consensus. Okay, Yeah,
how did you said had Why didit go bad for you? Oh?
It didn't. Oh we are nowtogether or we're going on eighteen months okay,
or actually over eighteen months, congratulations. But yeah, like we had
been apart for five years, wehave a child, and and you know,

one day we just decided to tryit again. Emily, what's the
secret, sauce? How'd you makeit work? It takes a lot,
and both people have to want it. Yeah, there you go, both
people. You would think if you'regonna get naked with the other person,
both people want it, right rightexactly, just wrote it out there.
You know, I'm not I'm notI'm not a scholar, but that that's
probably the smartest thing I've said allday. Absolutely absolutely, Well, Emily,

best of luck with your situation.Uh, when the wedding happens,
don't forget to send the invite myway as long as it's open. Bor
Okay, Yes, sir, appreciateyour bye. Thanks by Cheryl Maya Show.
Let go make it trainer tickets onthe way for you. At four
thirty on the Joe Maya Show,It's ninety six to five kiss f M.

This hour of the program brought toyou by my friends over there.
Go check them out at Ken CanleyChevrolet or or your hometown dealer. Three
ten, with Garfield in a roar, telling Joe my INSENTI they'll hook you
up. Let's talk to Bailey joiningus on the show now, Bailey,
good afternoon, Haycarl, Hey Bailey. So thank you. You shot us
a text because your ex wants tobe friends, which that's a huge red

flag to me. So before wejust obviously blatantly jump into telling you that
this is a horrible idea, catchus up to how how we got to
like you know what I mean?How did you guys break up? What
was the situation there, how whoapproached what about being friends and I need
all that stuff? You know,you know, we broke up. I
mean I kind of broke up withhim because he's kind of a manchild,

you know, hype situation. Yeah, and I was like, you know,
he was in and out of jobsand like, can you just get
a job and stick with it?It was like one of those things.
I mean, he's a really reallygreat guy and very charismatic, and I
think that's why it was attract tohim. Always made me laugh. But
you know, as far as likedown the road went, I was like,
do you know, I don't reallyMy family was like I and my

friends were all like, well,I'm like, well, I like him.
So it was just kind of likeme just like, no, you're
a manchild and I have to breakup with you. And yeah. So
and we were completely amicable about it, and you know, just you know,
we were gonna He was like,oh, I get it. That
makes sense. He does because you'renot the first person who said that about

me. He's at least he's selfaware, so there's a plus on his
side. So he's self aware.He's a man child. We dumped him,
but now now we're now he's textingme, he's calling me. He
says he misses me, but hejust wants to be friends, you know,
so you know, and I'm like, well, yeah, I get
that. I get that you wouldmiss me because we were really but I

don't know if it's a good thing, because we also had really good chemistry,
if you know what I mean.Yeah, And so it's kind of
like I can like say goodbye tothat. I have a feeling that I
would just get sucked back into hisworld and I don't necessarily want that.
But he just wants to be friends. He says he wants to be friends.

And I'm like, well, okay, can I can I just be
his ground barely? Here's my firstreaction. That's suspicious. That's my first
whole react to the whole thing.Honestly, I mean, okay, and
I we're gonna throw it out toCleveland because I'm I've professed and I will
to the end of time. I'ma dumb man. I get it.
But I have a whole theory aboutif you you can't, if you've been

friend zoned, if you can't remainin the friend zone and just be friends,
if you had a crush on thembefore, and if you had a
romantic relationship, there's no way,no chance that you can ever go back
to being friends. That's just mytheory. Yeah, I'm kind of there,
but I just, you know,I just need some input. I
think that's totally why I was callingyou today. I was just like,

well, let me just see ifthe scales will tip me one way or
the other and go okay. Sobasically we're telling you Cleveland, tell us
we're wrong, because I think Baileyand I both think this is a bad
idea, and we just need somevalidation that we're right here. Yeah,
I think so that's awesome. Callher text in. It's the same number
two one six five seven eight ninetysix five. Oh, Bailey's ex boyfriend.
The quote unquote manchild just wants tobe friends after they broke up.

Good idea, bad idea. Ican leave a message to in the free
iHeartRadio app cook the red microphone thereit's called a talkback The Jeremiah Show.
He knows his role in society.My wife deals with school children, which
I could never do. And hereI am just saying boobs on the radio.
The Jeremiah Show. Now on ninetysix Kiss, We've gotten about fifteen

into trap memes from you on thetext the two one, six seven eight,
ninety six five Oh, Megan Tradertickets on the way. Also,
uh Rich sent us a talk backabout Bailey getting back with her ex and
just being friends. I did thesame thing with my ex, but she
was clever enough to not go forit at a boy. See be smarter,

Be smarter, Bailey, don't fallfor it, all right, Meghan
Trainer tickets two songs from now,it's out for Jeri's clues on the Jeremiah
Show, ninety six five Kiss FM. One word clues for Famous Megan's Meghan
Trainer tickets are on the line.Let's go to Collor twelve. It's Abby
and Brexville. Abby, Good afternoon, Hey Girlaybby. I want to send

you to see Meghan Trainer. PaulRussell's going to be there. It's gonna
be a blossom, It'll be amazing. You want to play my silly game,
I do. All right. I'mgonna give you a one word clue.
It is a clue to a famousMeghan I realized in my research,
and if you listen to the show, on a regular basis. You know,
I researched this content just extendaneously.That's a word, right, I

think? So? Okay, good, all right, So there's a lot
of famous Meghan. So I'm gonnagive you one word clue. Tell me
what famous Meghan I am thinking of? Okay, all right, your clue
is Ron. Oh goodness, Idon't know what famous Meghan. Does that
make you think? I only knowlike three famous Megans, and none of

them Meghan Fox, Megan Fox.No, Meghan Fox was last year.
But you're a lovely human, Abby. I appreciate you. Thank you.
Bye. Two one six five seven, eight ninety six five. Oh,
that's your first clue. It's Ron. I'll give our next clue to our
next contestant. You got to callin to play two one six five seven
eight ninety six five. Oh.All this because Meghan Trainer tickets are on

the line. So Jeremiah Show ninetysix five, Kiss half Fam. Good
luck to Jeremiah Show ninety six five, Kiss f Fam. This hour of
that program brought to you about myfriends over there, ken Ganley Chevrolet aaror
go check him out on West Garfieldand a Roar tem Jeremiah sent you so
look. Yeah, we got Megantrainer tickets for you all week on the
show playing Jer's clues one word cluesfor famous Megans. That's a category this

week on the show. Let's goto our next contestant. It is John,
John's and North Royalton. John,Good afternoon. How are you,
my friend? Good afternoon? Howyou doing? Yeah, I'm living the
dream myself. We've got some famousMegans. How many would you say?
Would you say you know over orunder five famous megans? John? Definitely
under five? Under five. Okay, well it narrows down your guesses at

least, right you heard clue numberone With our first contestant. Here is
clue number two in Jarre's Clues forMegan Trainer tickets. Clue number two is
Will, probably from Anger Man andRon Bergen. Maybe Will Pharaoh. I

don't know the Megan though. NoMegan guess for you, sir. No,
Well, you're a lovely human John. I appreciate you playing the game,
my friend. Let's move on toour next contestant. Here, get
another clue in there for you.Let's go to Courtney. She's in Stowe,

Courtney, Good afternoon, Hey,girl, Courtney, you've heard the
most clue so far. You're gonnaget the third clue and the guests famous
Meghan's Ja's clues. Clue number threeis this, Karen? Okay? Is
it Meghan Malali? Megan Malally?Let's go, come on, now,

there we go. When did youhave it? Just so I'm just just
for my pure curiosity. I thoughtit was after the first one, the
Ron, But then when you said, will I know, we sealed it
in because we all know Ron Swansonand Parks and rec. That's Meghan Malally's
husband, Nick Offerman. Yeah,just to connect the dots for everyone.
For those who wouldn't catch up,we caught them up. Courtney, proud

of you. Yes, thank you. You are so welcome. Have the
best time. Meghan Trainer coming totown in September. She's gonna be a
blossom. It's gonna be amazing,Courtney, sit tight for me. I'm
gonna get more info from you.Okay, Okay, thank you, eas
He's ad friends more Megan not MegganMala. Holy tickets, Meghan Trainer tickets
tomorrow. You can right here onkiss. It's time to smarten you of

Cleveland's with Jeremiah's fun Fact of theDay for n Kiss Up Out Much Nugget
Time. This one out of theNew York Post. Did you know the
producers, if the price is right, prepared for everything? Former producers Mike
Richards said, quote, we hada system in place in case someone peed
their pants. Now, I neversaw it happening, he said, but

there are curtains and a blow dryerand a pair of sweatpants just in case,
since we'd have to get on withthe show. I mean, listen,
you gotta be prepared for when someonepease your pants. Write that down
Cleveland. Did Jeremiah Show ninety sixtyfive Kiss FM with your Genius of the
Day. Someone who's done something sostupid. Anything you've done pales in comparison.

Listen, when you stop into aconvenience store, leave the machete in
the car because someone's been arrested.After a machete wielding man terrorized people outside
a convenience store while engaging in aheated argument with another man, the video
sent to a local Oh no,it's off, Laura, I missed it,
but we got it in all right. It happened in Tampa. The

suspect was brandishing the giant knife outsidea Wall Wall convenience story. During the
fight, the other man says,call the cops. The tension escalated to
violent Sunday evening, resulting in aninjury as the man's arm was slashed.
Police say one person was taken intocustody after the incident. It doesn't say
whether or not it was the guywith the machete. Thanks for listening to
The Jeremiah Show on demand. Formore, find us on TikTok, Instagram,

and more at Jshow Radio and weekdaystwo to six on ninety six five
Kiss FM.
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