All Episodes

March 27, 2024 24 mins
Was Antwan stalking or just a suave gentleman? Also the best country hip hop mashup of all time? Are you a weiner coneussior? Plus a shocking game of Jere's Clues for Meghan Trainor tickets! And Does it Pop!?
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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I want to go on a datewith you, guys. Jeremiah Show.
Let's got ninety six five Kiss That'sfriends, Welcome in to the program.
Hello, it's Cheremiah. I don'tknow what's going on? Is stop that
with your nonsense? There we go. Welcome into your Wednesday friends. Appreciate

you for hanging out. If youare looking good, hooked up, of
course, we've got you covered todayall throughout the show. Meghan Trainer tickets
four thirty on the program. Inmore recently have am I coming up with
two thirty? Another round of doesit Pop? For fifty bucks? To
Blue Hair and check them out down. I'm a Dina right there off seventy
one and eighteen looking up all weekon the show. But I want to
know, how are you? What'sgoing on in your life that you're happy

about, that you're excited about today? I inspired the youths today kind of
a little tour around the Kiss FMstudios. iHeartRadio Cleveland. That boosted me.
I've got some get to meet somefun, some fun people. So
that was my good vibes. Whatare your good vibes? Call you text
him in now two one six seveneight ninety six five oh, and we'll

get the show wrong. Here wego kick it old school with us and
Ti on Rihann and the Jeremiah Shows, Kiss Sweet, hook it up with
a fifty bucks to Blue hairn comingup on the Jeremiah Show. Its ninety
six five. Kiss FM gets somebruise and you have some delicious food down
there in Dinah at Blue Heron Rightnow. We got good vibes, So
good things happening in your life.Tell us all about it. Reach out

with a text or call. It'sthe same number two one six five seven
eight ninety six five. Oh,if you're listening on the iHeartRadio, thank
you, it's free. You candrop a message there by clicking that little
red microphone you see the guy touchit. Leave me a message. Sorry,
that was weird, All right,Ashley, spread some good vibes.
Tell me something good that happened toyou today in your life. Oh gosh,
something that may feel good in mylife? I mean today specifically or

recently recently. What am I bestfriends I've known her for years and years
and years. She was just intown and we had a baby shower for
her. Oh I don't have herand all of my best friends we've been
best friends since middle school. That'sawesome in our thirties. Oh, it

just sounds good to get back together. You got to get the gang back
together. You know, it usedto be for comickzis. Now it's for
baby showers. Yeah it is.I mean, I guess, I guess
everyone else could have the comic kazis. Just I wouldn't recommend your pregnant friend
having any of them. No,no, we all have them, will
drink hers and we let all thekids run run them up. And yeah,

that sounds it's a good time.That sounds like a party to me.
Well, I'm glad. I hopeyou had a fantastic time. And
please remind your your pregnant friend ifshe hasn't chosen a baby name yet,
Jeremiah is great for either gender.Okay, I will appreciate you. Bye
you too, Bye Clevelands number onehate music station, Kiss FMN, Blue

Hair and and Medina. Here injust a few minutes on the chair on
Maia shirts ninety six five, Kissff more playing does it Pop? If
you haven't heard us plate yet,you're gonna want to. It's kind of
kind of plate in the car,I open a can here, it's either
a beer or a pop. Tellme which is which, and you win.
There. Let's keep the good vibesgoing, good things happening in your
life. Tell us all about it. Shoot us the text two one six

five seventy ninety six five. Oh, or call us like Courtney did Courtney
Hager. I'll tell me something goodthat happened to you today. Oh,
let's go. Did we go straightto cocktails? Yes? Yes, that's
what I'm talking about. What typeof work do we do that we need
to drink so much? I'm kidding, but we all need to drink.

What's your d What do you do? Cut service? Cutting tool company?
For what? Yeah? A metaltool cutting company in Cleveland? A metal
tool cutting company. You gotta.I don't even know what that means?
What is it? What do youwhat is a metal tool cutting You you
sell the tools that cut the metal, or you make the metal that cuts
the tools. We sell the toolsthat cuts the metal, like sheet metal

and stuff. Yeah, it's likefor the medical industry and like aerospace.
Oh oh oh see, I waspicturing guys with long beards and hard hats.
We're talking about nerds. Yeah,what do you think it would be
worse to cut to serve as aon a customer service angle nerds or guys
with long beards and hard hats.Probably nerds. Yeah, yeah, they

know too much, they really do. They need to put down a book
and go kiss a girl. I'msorry that was mean. That was really
mean. It just came out thatit's like your frustration with having to deal
with those jerks every day. Ittranslated transmitted over the phone into my into
my brain, and that was likeyou speaking for me. Oh yeah,
exactly. See, it wasn't myfault. Don't come at me, does

it pop? That's the game we'replaying. It's that you're on Mia Show
nineties Kiss FM. I've brought Curtisin from sales into the studio to help
me out with this because I'm notallowed to open these cans over the board.
I've gotten many emails from engineers threateningnot just firing, threatening violence against
me. Well the brand new board. Yeah, so we're gonna have Curtis
open these bad boys. Let's getto color twelve are contestant. It's Caitlin

and Sheffield Blay Caitlyn, good afternoon, Hey girl, Hey Caitlyn, how
we feeling on this fine winn essday. Pretty good about you. I'm
you know, I'm doing really well. Thank you so much for asking.
Let's see if we can get yousome dinner at Blue Hair and Brewery down
in Madina. Curtis has a pileof cans here, either cans of pop,

different brands of pop, or differentbeers. These are actually all from
Blue Heron. So you just haveto correctly I d three out of five
and you'll win your fifty bucks toBlue Heron some good All right, all
right, good luck. Have youheard the game played yet? No?
Okay, so this would be completelynew to you. I'm gonna turn on
the microphone that we're going to play. Open the cans to good, get

it nice and close the Curtis allright, yeah, there you go,
now crack it open. Here wego. Oh that was Chris, Kaitlyn.
Is that a pop or a beer? Beer? That is a pop.
That is a delicious starry beverage.But that's okay, you can miss
a couple. We only need threeout of five. Go ahead, Curtis
with the next can. Is thisa beer or a Pop's gonna go beer?

Gonna go with beer? And thatone's right. Look at that Yay,
hazy wife, hazy life. Ip a from Blue Hair and Brewery,
got two more and you win.Here's your next can. What do
you think, Kaitlyn? Beer?Pop? I'm gonna go beer, gonna
go beer. That one's a pop. It was a polar Seltzer. That's

okay because you can. You canstill win here. All you gotta do
is go two for two and youwill wear the next one. Is this
a beer or a pop? SWhat do you think? Beer? Oh?
That's a pop. I'm sorry,I'm sorry, Kaylen. Thank you

for playing though, I appreciate you. We're gonna keep it going two one,
six, five, seven, eight, ninety six to five. Oh
plain? Does it pop? Fiftybucks? To Blue Heron on the line
for you Cleveland? Good luck.Here's here's my theory. It's at Jeremiah
Show ninety six five Kiss FM.We're playing does It Pop? Fifty bucks?
To Blue Hair? And down inMedina we have had four different people
play does It Pop? And everytime a male is opening to the cans,

we haven't had a great great recordof getting a winner really just just
statistically. I don't know if itmeans anything. Oh, it's weird though.
We've had Maya from sales and Jessfrom Jeff Jess, Yes from sales,
you and then our PD Mike,and you and Mike have went the
longest so far. I don't know. I don't know what it is.
I don't know if it's anything.Let's play with Laurie in north Ridgeville.
She is next up, Laurie.Good afternoon. Hey go hi Laurie.

Welcome in. Let's see if wecan get you fifty bucks to blue Heron
and we're gonna play does it pop? Okay, okay, all right,
here we go. Curtis is gonnaopen up pop. You gotta get three
out of five to win. Here'syour first can. Oh, hang on,
I didn't turn on the microphone forthat. That one doesn't count.
It does not count. Go ahead, you put that. Yeah, there
you go. Try that again.What do you think beer or pop?

Beer? That is a pop?That's a Pepsi cola, lur But that's
okay. You can still miss tooand win. Let's give you another can.
That's a pop and liquid flying everywhere? Was that a beer or a
pop? Lorii? That was abeer? I told you. It's something

about you, dudes, it's thedudes, Lorii. You can still win.
You just got to go three forthree here, Okay, a beer
or pop? That's a beer.I don't know what's going on. All

right, all right, Laurie,thank you for playing. Appreciate you a
you guys. The dudes are badluck in this game, was what I'm
learning. Yeah, we keep continuing. We'll go through it all if we
have to two, one, sixfive s ninety six five. Oh,
let's continue beer pop on The JeremiahShow for fifty bucks to Blue Hair and
Madinah. The Jeremiah Show. Helloay, this show. We've learned the dudes

are bad luck. So Jeremiah Show, ninety six to five KISSFN not just
in life, but and this gamedoes it pop? Is the game?
Curtis from Sales is stepping in openingcans for us. You just have to
determine whether it's a beer or apop three out of five to win fifty
bucks to Blue Hair and down inMedinah. Let's go to our next contestant.
It's Elizabeth in the ak rowdy.Elizabeth, good afternoon, Hancarl,

Hey around all right, Elizabeth,you heard the game. You've been sitting
on hold for a minute. Curtisis going to open a can. Tell
me whether it's a beer or apop? Okay, yeah, okay,
all right, here we go.What do you think, Elizabeth, beer
pop the pop? There you go, we got one. We're on the

move. Two more to go andyou win. Here's the next one.
Alrighty beer pop beer? Oh Elizabeth, you sound like a pro. Are
you a pro drinker of beers andor pops pop? Yes? All right

for the win, fifty bucks toBlue Heron. Tell me is it's a
beer or a pop? There yougo? That is a beer. Maybe
it wasn't that Curtis's bad luck.Maybe it's just Elizabeth is just the best

in the world. I think that'swhat it is. Elizabeth. Congratulations.
By the way, that was amatrimony cream ale that cordis opened for you.
So make sure you have one ofthose when you go down the Blue
Heron with your fifty bucks. Okay, absolutely, all right. I appreciate
you, Elizabeth. Sit tight,I'm gonna get more info from you.
We'll have more fifty bucks to Bluehairn gift cards for you tomorrow two thirty.

Right here on the Jeremiah Show.It's Kiss FM. Was he stalking.
We'll talk about that on ghosted comingup for here in the Jeremiah Show.
It's ninety six five Kiss FM.Ghosted at three point thirty, all
right, so Carlt it was justgetting ready to walk out the door.
Carlett. It is on WGR ninetynine to five. That's our country station.
And I figured Carlett it before youleft today. You're an expert on
this, so I need, yes, I need to bless your ears.

Scared with me what I found onTikTok. Are you right? Yeah,
you're an expert. I'd like nameyou could name. Probably what's the the
Garth Brooks album where he had thecheck the checker in the wind? It's
okay, that's okay. Here wego listen something about all summer just the

time? Is this not the bestthing you've ever heard in your life?
Every time I camivated, it's tryingto get a baby plays god son You've
got at Sometimes I'll wonder what I'mgoing to call the summer time? Is

this? Is this the best mashup you've ever heard in your life?
Because I'm gonna put it up there. I mean, it is higher I
have I will find it. Ihave a friend of mine. No,
no, no, no, Ihaven't. Yeah, I have a friend
of mine that does. He's awiki wiki DJ like this, That's what
I call him because people call usDJ or not. And I'm like,

no, no, honey, thisis a craft and I can't do it.
But he had put two others songstogether that I can't. It's not
coming to me, but I'll findit. I'll report back now. Yeah,
and on that one. But Idid. I did enjoy you know
this Alan Jackson smash up that youjust played for me, Little John and
Alan Jackson. I'm gonna be aGora's to do it. We didn't know

we needed we needed it. Stopstaring at that red receipt and let the
Jeremiah Show find out why you gotghosted. All right, antewe, welcome
into the show. You unfortunately ghostedby Cassie. Tell us about what's up
with you, guys, date youbeen on, how you meant all that
fun stuff? Catch U up totoday, and then we'll try to give
her a call. Dude, seeif we can help you out. I

appreciate it, man, I reallydo. I'm not used to getting ghostes.
I guess that's why it's really botheringme so much. I met Cassie.
She was cool. I met hera while back while I was hiking
in the Metro Parks a couple ofweeks ago. Nice and when I yeah,
when I noticed her, she looksshe looks good, not basically,
you know. Decided to shoot myshot and it worked because we started texting

and going back and forth. Finallygot a date that we set and we
went on the date, and Igot to tell you, we had a
great time. Everything was great,conversation had fun, and I should have
sworn that. Man, I havethis in the bag. I'm going to
get another date with this woman.No. I text her a few times
and Cassie just won't hit me back, and I just don't know why.
You know what, Kudos to youand you seem I mean, I'm just

catching your vibe from talking to youfor less than a minute. You seem
like a guy who shoots his shotquite often and successful. So kudos to
you. Because I'm the exact oppositeof that situation when I was in the
dating case, I can give yousome pointers. Yeah. No, well
I'm married now, so I don'tneed it, but I appreciate it,
no worry, all right, Soand Troy, here's what we'll do.
We're going to give Cassie a call. Stand the phone with me, but
don't say anything right away, andthen at some point we'll bring you back

into the chat. Okay, allright, thank you, good luck,
my friend Hella, I looking forCassie. Hey, Cassie, it's sit
Heremia Show ninety six five Kids FM. Hey a girl, Hey, hey,
giving you a call because we justspoke to a dude named Antoine.
Antoine said you ghosted him, andhe's kind of looking for some closure,

some clarity, maybe another date.Will you tell us why you ghosted him?
Oh? He does? Huh?That dude thinks he's so slick.
Oh okay, that's going to needsome more context. Will you hang on
a second. I got to playa couple songs, but I gotta know
more. Yes, all right,let me go posting now than after Jack
harlor More ghosted on the Jeremiah Show. It's kissing Me baby to Jeremiah Show

on ninety six to five Kiss FM. We've got Cassie on the phone where
us she ghosted Antwine? You Youare onto his game, is what I'm
getting Cassie. What is his gamethough, That's what we don't know.
Yeah, I mean, I'm prettysure Antoline was stalking me to ask me
out. He was months ago.Wait, hang on, because he he
told us, you guys met atthe metro Parks. Okay, but like

a few months ago, I gotthis guy to slide into my DMS and
like was going hard about it,like striking out because is I don't do
that. I don't talk to guysvia DM norm uh because I can't,
and you know, they send picsof all kinds of things. And so
when I like met Antoine at themetro Parks, it didn't even occur to
me that it was the same dude. Okay, so you you he told

us you guys met at the Metroparks. She went on a date. But
when did you make the connection thathe was this guy that's been stalking you?
Yeah? Yeah, on the onthe date, he finally breaks down
and he's like, Okay, that'scool, baby cakes, which cool.
Sorry, I wasn't ready for youto say baby cakes night. Yes,

I was like, wait a minute, not too many people, So I
checked my DM's real quick. Whenhe went to the restroom and I was
like, oh, okay, it'sthe same guy. Oh wow, I
say, okay, I made theconnection, and after the date, I
just I went back. I youknow, I looked through it. I
found him and I knew I wasright. Wow, come on, I

I did forget to mention the onestill on the phone. We did.
I told you we talked to firstand yes, would you like to explain
yourself because it seems a little fishyhere. Oh oh absolutely. Thank you
for the opportunity so I can goahead and say to you. First off,
baby cakes, okay, don't flyto yourself. Okay, Okay,

I one hundred percent. I canguarantee you with not stalking you. Okay.
Here's how I operate. When Isee a nice looking woman like yourself
that I want to get to knowbetter, I shoot my shot. Whether
it be a DM, whether Isee you in the gym, I want
to know you. So I goand shoot my shot. I'm not nervous,
I'm not self conscious. I'm comfortantingwhat I do. I don't have

time to play games with you.I'm not playing some stalking game. I
don't got time for that. No, if I see something I want it,
I go get it. So basically, on your date, we had
a great time. Are you basicallytelling me this is a coincidence that you
happen to, like see the growthof metro parks that you slid into the
DMS of month a couple of monthsago. Absolutely. I don't play games
with women. They don't want that. I'm not looking to do that.

I like a good looking woman,and I approach her, I get to
know where, I take her out. I treat her right like we did,
and we had a good time.Ain't nothing wrong with that. I
go hard to pain though I'm notafraid. I well, okay, I
mean I kind of believe him.I mean, there's this could very much
be if if he is a shootyour shot guy, Cassie, and I'm
not trying to take sides, I'mtrying to try to be the mediator here.

If he's a shoot your shot guy, there is a chance, however
big or small, is is irrelevantthat it could have been a coincidence that
he did just run into you andnot like you know, creeper stalker vibes,
right, you know it is possible. I guess I'm listening to it
all now. Running back, Okay, and let me. Can I say
this too, Cassie. Look whenyou saw me, you obviously saw something

to me that made you want togo out with me. Right when we
saw it till their face to face, nothing has changed. I treat it.
Yeah, we had a good timeon the day. I would just
love for you to let me takeyou out and treat you like the queen
that you deserve to be and justgive me another shot. I mean we're
going to all these efforts being onthe air and everything. I just that
is impressive. You could tell I'mserious? Was that a yes? You

know what I think it is?Yeah, there you go. I take
it. That does not happen offNo, not often at all. And
Antoine, you're some sort of magician. I don't know what your You should
teach your class, bro, I'mjust a real man to know what he
wants and I want to go ona date with you. Guys. No,

I don't know. That's too muchfor me. Brother, Where you
go? Says slide into our DMSat J Show Radio and we'll get to
the bottom of it on The JeremiahShow ninety six five Kiss FM. A
test to my professionalism. It's theJeremiah show ninety six to five Kiss FM.
This hour of the show brought toyou by my friends over there and

Ken Canley Chevrolet. A roar yourhometown Dealer three ten West Garfield swing by
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to link, go to our Instagramstory at ninety six five kissff The Jeremiah
Show. Let's go ninety six fivekiss fl Jared's Clues. It's The Jeremiah
Show. Ninety six five kissfl oneword clues for famous Meghans. That is
the theme this week. Let's playwith color twenty. It is Jackie Lake
with Jackie Good afternoon. Hey girl, Hey Jackie, We're trying to send

you to Meghan trainer at Blossom.She's bringing Paul Russell. It's gonna be
a great time. I hope youwin. Okay, Okay, thank you.
Here's how the game works. Iwill give you a one word clue.
That one word clue is looking fora famous Meghan named the correct Megan,
and you win. Okay, okay. Clue number one in famous Megan's
Jerre's clues macaroni, macaroni macaroni.Oh god, I Meghan the Stallion.

Oh god, are you kidding me? That's right? That was right?
Do you won? Oh? Mygod? How did you? Did you
immediately go to wap as soon asyou heard macaroni? Is that what happened?
No? Oh, exactly what happened. We are we are both demented
individuals. We both thought the samething. These tickets were meant for you,
Jackie. Amazing. You blew mymind. I thought this game was

gonna last all day. Honestly,I'm surprised as well. I love it.
I'm here for it. Clue numbertwo is going to be Summer for
hot Girl, Summer and then horsebecause Stallion, and then finally was gonna
be Savage. But We didn't needany of that because you got it on
Macaroni jackiey. I love it.Meghan Trainer Blossom, you have the best
time in the world. Okay,thank you. You are so welcome.

Sit tight. I'm gonna get allthe info from you. We'll have more
tickets for you to see Meghan Tradercoming up tomorrow on the show four point
thirty on Kiss FM, It's timeto smarten you of Cleveland with Jeremiah's fun
Fact of the Day for ninety KissFM. Talk about being important. The
guy who created Super Mario Brothers inthe Legend of Sheeldo, maybe one of
the most important video game creators ofall time, wasn't allowed to bike to

work in Nintendo because they thought itwas too dangerous for someone so valuable.
You know. Come to think ofit as either that or just really bad
at biking. So Jeremiah showing ninetysix y five Kiss FM with your Genius
of the day, someone who's donesomething so stupid. Anything you've done pales
in comparison. Listen, breakups arerough, but how about getting your toilets

stolen after you break up with yourboyfriend? This story blown up on Reddit.
It turns out the X was alicensed plumber well and knew exactly what
he was doing. She had usedthe taco bell next door whatever she needed
to go to the bathroom. Thankfullyshe got a plumber to put a new
toilet in her home. And whatdoes she think of her ex? He
is the cheapest ble loop. That'sa curse word I've ever met. The

woman who calls He refuses to tipservice at restaurants because that's how they do
it in Japan, according to him, and wouldn't pay the power bill the
whole time they were living together.You know this sounds like a tumultuous relationship.
Three sides to every story, onlyone of them has a toilet.
Thanks for listening to The Jeremiah Showon demand. For more, find us
on TikTok, Instagram and more atJay Show Radio and weekdays two to six

on ninety six five Kiss FM.
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