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May 15, 2024 • 31 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Okay, Mike, because of theerror that iHeart has created, no matter
what the cause is, and you'renot on the air this morning, we
deserve at least a two day respitefrom any cackle or cackling or laughing or
anything from Kamala, Karmela, whateveryou want to call her. You're listening

to the situation with Michael Brown onsix point thirty khow If you're in the
local Denver area and within a coupleof miles of the iHeart studios, you
might be listening to this. Butif not, if you like to listen
to your Heart radio app, goodluck because all you're going to hear is
NBC News. Well until they getit fixed and someone pulls their head out

of there. Yep, have agood day. God. I love this
audience. I love this audience.I'm just thankful that they realize that it's
not us and we physically cannot doanything about it. It's way above our
pay grade. Correct, as bureaucratslike to say. And the greatest thing

of all I'm gonna go ahead andsay, the greatest thing of all is
dragon was told to create a ticket. Yeah, and I did. It's
been submitted and the bosses know theticket number. Okay, so my little
icon is still my little you know. I think what's driving me nuts is
this icon is literally right in frontof me. It's like eye level,

and right in front of me,it's got this stupid like what's going on
look, and it's flashing red.I just want to, you know,
move the control room up to coverit. No, no, because I
want to be reminded of just howirritated I am, and how tempted I
am to just pull out a glockand just put a nine milimeter right into

that little stupid emoji's face. You'reworking with me. What more remembrance of
being irritated do you need? Well, this just shows that you're at this
level of irritation. But in theworld there's actually even greater irritation. And
then I have to go through andread the text messages and I don't.
I can't look. I do spots, I have to go pee, We've

got to do content. I cannotsit here today and reply to every text
message. And then the most hilariousthing is and most infuriating thing is those
of you listening. That's the talkback said listening on the broadcast. You
know what's going on, but thepeople who are really pissed off, we

can't explain to them what's going on. Right, Oh my god, genius
situation. Huh, it's a geniussituation that we've got going on. It's
just we would like to respond tothe text message, but there are so
many, you know what of allthe things, and and again, I

know you can't hear this. Thisis the other thing that's hilrics. You
can't hear this. But you knowthat I do push between the nationally syndicated
program. I have been promoting thisprogram incessantly, wanting to build up a
national audience just right here in littlesix point thirty k hell by people listening

to the iHeart app. So you'vegot that one guy who listened to the
weekend programming. All right, fine, I'll give this loser, Michael Brown
a chance, and I'll try andlisten to his weekday program. It's Wednesday,
it's my morning off. Let mego ahead and pull up the stream
over here. What is this right? But just just news? Yeah,
dude, this is what he's beenpromoting, this crap over and over again

on repeat. Yeah. And thenand then those who have actually succumbed to
the temptation to listen on the onthe app and now are listening again.
And I quite frankly, I'll beI'm not I'm not holding back here.
I'm quite proud of the fact thatthis little program right here has an audience
all across the country. I amalso curious, is there any hate listeners

to the app right now that arehate listening through the NBC news just to
see how long it's going to taketo get fixed? Oh, you know
somebody's doing that. I really hopeso, you know, i'd want to
talk to him. I'd want tohear a talk back from or a text
message from him. But they don'tknow I'm requesting this because they're trying to
listen on the stream. I lovethis from Goober number ninety seven, twenty
three. Mike, I didn't knowtoday. In fact, I didn't know

either. If I know it,I would have just taken it. I
would have taken a vacation day today. We'd have just routed the stream
to air and called it good.Right, Mike, I didn't know today
was a k how vacation day.We didn't either. I got up for
nothing. Know that that's wrong.I take that back, because I still
had the broadcast listeners the NBC inthat fascinating how technology has changed. There's

I'm telling everyone's so the things justkind of hit me in the head,
like, Wow, I've got I'vegot the people who are listening like in
their car right now, although youcan listen in your car on the app.
Correct, that's that's amazing too.So I'm not I'm not trying to
shortchange the broadcast audience at all.I just it worked so hard to build

up. It goes from our numberof twelve goobers listening nationwide right down to
just five here locally right right,so you know, and that's that's a
greater than fifty percent cut force togo from twelve to five. So uh
Anyway, Guber memberg A ninety seventwenty three, Mike, I didn't know
today was a k how vacation date. The NBC News radio was cool for

about ten minutes now before I readthe rest of that. Well, then
the goober says, then it getjust gets old. You listen to NBC
News for ten minutes and then itgot old. Holy crap. Well,
according to some of the goober texturesand talkbacks. It's on a loop,

so it's the same probably five minutefile before they realize that before they play
the file again, and then playthe file again, right, and then
play the file again. But oftentimesI will, as a service to you,
listen to the network news in theevening as part of my show prep

for the next day. And Ifind that very very distasteful. You try
and suffer through it so they don'thave to, right, and now they're
having to suffer through it all.Try to let us know I love this.
Try to let us know in thefuture when Ka how has an ignore
the listener day so I can listento old recasts of Abbit and Costell or
Fibru McGee and Molly. Trust me, had we known, you think I'd

be here. I'm going to takethat as a little bit of a compliment
that they are comparing us to Abbittand Costello. Exactly. Yeah, I'll
take that. Uh Guber Nurber nineteenfifteen, Mike why ay reading text messages
from people like in the area codeninety four nine who want to know where
I am when I'm and I'm goingto say I never I never know where
I am, So how would theyhow do they know? Uh? This

one gooben Er forty two, Mike, WTF. I don't know what that
means, but whatever WTF means,I'm late to pull up your war I'm
wait, I'm late to pull upyour program online this morning, and all
I'm hearing is NBC fake news radio. Who's screwed up? Definitely not compatible
with your program. Thank you fornoticing that NBC News is not compatible with

this program. Whoever made this decisionshould be purp walked out the door.
And then there's that FJB and FJPI don't know signed a now non resident
Colorado native. Well, this one'skind of interesting. Luckily, long before
the app came out, I learnedwhile traveling for horse shows that all I
had to do was go to thewebsite and listen. But you can't apparently

can't do that. Right now,you're to the website and it's the same
feed. Yeah, oh it's probablyNBC as well. Oh, the higher
ups are working on it, soI have full confidence that it should be
fixed. I want to because todayis a slouch today. I want to
see if I can find very quickly, because there was some breaking news up

on the TV. Uh, hereit is now, they say, heavily
edited edited video. Let me playdifferent clips. This is Biden today.

Ye, here's the headline. I'msorry. Here's the caption of this SoundBite.
Biden posts heavily edited fourteen second videochallenging Trump to debate Make my Day
Pal dragon. We went this upon the website, a sap. If

you can't, Michael says, losttwo debates to men. What Mike,
Michael says, go here dot com. That's you know what? That is
the place now I think about it. That is it? Here we go
oh self, lost two debates tome in twenty twenty, Sin Sandy hadn't
shown up for debate now exactly likehe wants to debate me again or make
my Day Pal. I'll even doit twice. So let's pick the date.

Donald, I hear your free onWednesdays. Oh that's kind of funny,
though. It is kind of funny. Oh, it is hilarious.
Yeah the trial. Yeah, Ihear you available on Wednesdays. Yeah,
yeah, that's kind I'll give himthat. Yes, that's funny. Now
every sentence, let me play itagain. I want you to listen to

every sentence. I don't self losttwo debates to me in twenty twenty Sin
Sandy hadn't shown up for debate nowexactly like he wants to debate me again
or make my day pal. I'lleven do it twice. So let's pick
the date, Donald, I hearyour free Wednesday. Every sentence is accompanied

with a cut in the video.They had to edit every single sentence and
he You know, here's the greatthing, the idea that Donald Trump may
be a convicted felon depending on theoutcome of this trial, which we may

know sooner rather than later. Ireally vacillate between Trump being convicted and there
being a directed verdict. Here's whatI think they are the most likely scenarios.
First and foremost, I think themost likely scenario is a hung jury.

I think when the jury gets theinstructions and they start trying to tie
all of these other things that arenot crimes, including a alleged violation of
federal campaign finance laws, and thentie that to a violation of New York

state law, I think the juryis going to be if they take their
job seriously. As I've said before, most juries, Ultimately, when they
walk into that jury room. Taketheir jobs incredibly serious. And I think
in this case, they will walkin that jury room and I know there
will be many of them who willdespise Donald Trump. There are two lawyers

in that room. They may despiseDonald Trump, but they will start walking
through those jury instructions which are goingto be in Here's my other guess.
I bet here's how jury instructions work. Both sides, the prosecution and the
defense, come up with their setof jury instruction and they submit those to

the court. The court then startslooking at them and they will have sometimes
I'll have conferences, sometimes they won't, and the judge will take those jury
instructions and try to come up withhis set of jury instructions. They can
still object to. Both sides canstill object to the jury instructions. So
it's a process to come up withthose instructions. Once the instructions are finally

reached and the judge agrees, thenhe will charge the jury with determining the
guilt or innocence or actually guilty ornot guilty, innocence is not part of
it, guilty or not guilty basedon those instructions. Then the jury walks
into that jury room and they sitdown with those instructions. Now they somebody

in the room, someone in theroom, someone will naturally emerge, maybe
not the jury foreman. It maynot be the jury foreman, but someone
will emerge as a leader because they'llthey'll all sit down and they'll all say.
Somebody will say, well, whatwhat? What does everybody think?
Anybody do we want to take avote immediately and just see where we are?

And they and they may or maynot, take an immediate vote just
to see whether they're split or whetherthey're unanimous, because if they're unanimous one
way or the other, then itbecomes pretty easy. If they're split,
then there'll then someone and may bethe same person that says, hey,
where are we what? What?What do you want to do? First?

That person may or not may mayor may not become the jury foreman.
They may ask does anybody here wantto be the foreman? One of
those lawyers may throw their hands up, or knowing that one of those are
the two two lawyers, someone inthe jury panel may say, why don't
one of you guys serve as theas the as the jury foreman, and

the lawyers will look at each otherand say do you want to do it?
I don't care. Do you wantto do it? I don't care.
You know somebody will want to doit, trust me, somebody will
want to be the jury foreman.So if they don't have a unanimous decision
initially when they walk in the room, nonetheless, they will still have to
walk through those instructions because they haveto read the instructions and then they have

to answer the question as to thiscount, do you find the guilt the
defendant guilty or not guilty? Andremember they will have in the jury instructions
that you have to find and thiswill occur both orally and in the instructions.
You must find that the that thestate, the government proved the defendant's

guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Meaningnow they can't define that, but meaning
as they talk that will talk aboutit among themselves. It's not a preponderance
of the evidence. It's not well, we think that you know, the
prosecution won by a point, soit was you know, the score was
twelve to ten. No, ithas to be a propriety, it has

to be the jury has to beconvinced beyond a reasonable doubt. So if
they have any doubt whatsoever they haveto find. They have to acquit the
defendant. So I think a hungjury is the most likely outcome because I
think they'll be divided. They'll lookat those jury instructions seriously, and I

think they'll be divisions. I thinkthe next most likely thing is that he
will be found either guilty or notguilty. Boom, just that'll be it.
The third most likely thing, andI think the least likely thing is
a directed vertic where after the prosecutionrests the defense, Trump's lawyers will stand

up and make a motion for adirected verdict, and then the court will
ask for arguments outside the hearing ofthe jury about why you should direct the
verdict. As I said earlier,this judge may be facing some external pressure
that we're unaware of because he's beenso egregious in some of his ruling that

someone someone may have filed a markcomplaint, or someone on the Court of
Appeals could say, uh, listen, uh one, this is Judge so
and so you need to tighten upyour courtroom. Hey Dragon, I don't
know what you did that. Youbroke it good. Actually this may be

your all time Messill guys, MichaelDragon what's wrong with the app today.
I'm sitting here listening looking for sometrucker to be like Aha, or some
guy in like South Dakorta, notarKorda, something like that with some grand
could you know, and I'm justlooking for some real negativity. But all
I'm getting is something NCBC something likethat kind of sounds like TMZ come on.

Makes me feel like I'm in likethe Life of Brian, something like
that. Running with the twits.What a great reference feels because you feel
like I'm in the middle of Lifeof Brian. What a great reference.
We kind of feel like that too. Now here's what's interesting. I've told
you about my little icon up herethat was flashing with the smirk that I

just wanted to take a nine milimeterand blast him away. He's now smiling
and there's no flashing red behind him, but Dragon has now checked his app.
All I've done is the desktop herethat I've already had logged in,
and it's still playing news. Iwill close it out, reload see if

anything has changed that way in meremoments, and then we would ask you,
which I know is foolish because ifyou can't hear me, you can't
hear the question, But if ifyou can hear me and you're listening on
the app, would you please letus know somewhere and maybe tell us where
you are. If you're in Paducah, if you're in Lineman, if you're

in a wrap a whole county somewhere, would you let us know, because
again, we just feel like forthe past hour and a half we've just
been talking into the ether. Wellyou've just been talking to ourselves just about
which we're used to doing for sure. Well, yes, I mean generally
we don't. You know, whenyou only have twelve listeners, it's it's

kind of difficult to get upset whenyou get dropped down to five. And
I just checked the iHeart app onmy phone and the desktop again I'm still
getting news. So here's what they'vedone. They just heard me bitching about
the little emoji, and they're actuallyfearful that I because they know me.
They're actually fearful that I will pullout a glock and that I will just

kill that little emoji. So they'retrying to save the emoji. They haven't
fixed squat, but they did theemoji just so that I won't go off
the deep end and they won't haveto, like, you know, call
Popo on me. Well, I'min Denver. I can commit a violent
crime and nothing's gonna happen. You'refine, I'm fine. Wait, where's

my gun? Let me blow thislittle sucker dragging duck down for a moment,
I would say, and I'm explainingthis to people, they can't hear
me that maybe that news cycle,that news kart will need to finish before
it will meet back up with us. Best guess, knowing how some of

the technology, I know how you'retrying to rationalize. Hell, I'm hoping
to keep it all aft up andyou're over there trying to rationalize. Well,
you know, I put in aticket and I did this, and
you know eventually you're so you're you'relike me, thinking that eventually the studio
is gonna get cleaned, or thedrywall is going to get fixed, you
know whatever. You know you Imust be new here, right, You're

always saying that to me, andI'm looking at you like, really you're
thinking that's gonna get done? Ohyes, oh yes, forty three,
forty four, Mike, Yes,just came on at seven thirty seven.
It works in Aurora. Uh goobernEmber zero zero four two. Mike look
loud and clearing. Yuma. Ohand by the way, that's COLORADOI says,

Oh, man, I guess youknow what, Dragon, Now we
actually have to start producing content.Does it have to be quality content?
Well, it's never been before.I'm just saying we have to start producing
content. We can't just see therein bitch anymore. We have to actually
produce content. So let's go backto Biden and his announcement that he's going
to do debates with Donald Trump.Because the uh, the audio is freaking

hilarious. Bound Chunk lost two debatesto me in twenty twenty. Sin said
he hadn't shown up for debates nowexactly like he wants to debate me again.
Will make my day, pal.I'll even do it twice. So
let's pick the day. Stynald.I hear you're free on Wednesdays. Dragon's
right, that's very clever. Ican also confirm on the iHeart app and

the desktop. Yes, we areback, baby, okay man, we
are back. We are roaring togo. So all of you who have
missed us, we've been here theentire time, and we've been working on
about it every second. Man,we've we've been bitching for an hour and
thirty nine minutes. Let us knowif you've been hate listening to the NBC
loop. Yeah, but what waswhat was the I'm curious what was NBC

saying over and over and over andover. God we yeah, way too
much not on this program. Sonow Biden is out there with this TikTok
like video, which I think hereDragon said, look, Dragon always tries
to make me look at something alittle differently, which which I appreciate,

even though even though he's always wrong, I appreciate the fact that he tries
to do it. Now. Inposting that video to Michael says go here
dot com, I had to watchit a time or two, and as
I had mentioned Michael off air,it feels like a hip editing trend right
now that you see on Instagram andreels and you know TikTok where almost every

sentence is a quick cut to whatthe next sentence is. So it almost
feels like they're trying to capitalize onthat trend. And my theory is they're
trying to use that trend to coverup his inability to string together five sentences
because you and I are both oldschool radio guys. If you can't do
a minute, then you have tocut and edit a minute. Start over

there. We were doing tim andI were doing something the other day.
I forget what it was, butI thought to myself, it'll be sixty
seconds. And whatever it was,I was listening to or watching Boom.
I was like, within three secondsof sixty seconds. That's how married we
are to the clock fascinates me.So this Donald Trump lost two debates to

me in twenty twenty. The Sunsaid he hadn't shown up for debate.
Now exactly like he wants to debateme again. I will make my day,
Pal, I'll even do it twice. So let's pick the dates.
Donald, I heard you free onWednesdays. Now, that is funny.
But why did we not have debatesfour years ago? Oh yeah COVID,
Oh yeah, because Biden was inhis basement. So no, we can't

go ahead. We have the debatesat dead Here's the point about, hey,
you're free on Wednesdays. If ifTrump is convicted and becomes a technically
he will be a convicted felon.There is nothing in the United States Constitution
which prohibits a convicted felon from runningfor president, but the Democrats and in

particular Joe Biden, which I thinkhe ought to be careful here because his
son, albeit not him, butI do believe that Joe Biden has committed
crimes, high crimes and misdemeanors.I do believe that this man is a
criminal. I think that he is. I think the entire families a bunch
of it's the Biden crime family syndicate. But here's the thing about Trump being

convicted that's baked in. It's notonly baked into those who already plan to
vote for him, but quite frankly, if Trump, if Trump's team can
get him, they need to sitdown and very carefully craft a message about

how this conviction was all politically motivated, how what it amounts to is a
bookkeeping error, and they minimize thatand show how politicized it was. He
can actually backfire and Biden, andit can actually help him because think about

and again set aside your feelings aboutDonald Trump. You know that I personally
was that Donald Trump was not myfirst choice, but Trump being the presumptive
nominee, I'm all in because mytheory about Biden not being the nominee.

The closer we get to the conventionsin July and August, the more I'm
convinced that Biden will be the nominee. They're stuck, and James Carvill knows
they're stuck, and James Carvill's outthere bitching and moaning about this trial and
how the trial is going to backfire. And I think even if Trump is
convicted, they can use that totheir political advantage. Imagine being able to

go out and say, yeah,I'm a convicted criminal, and I'm convicted
on and I would read the charge. I would read, here's what I
am guilty of. I'm guilty ofimproperly recording something in the ledgers of the
Trump organization, something that I don'tdo but my CFO does, and so

they convicted me of that, alltrying to keep me off this debate stage.
But yet here I am. Andlet's get it on, bucco,
Let's get it on. He canuse it to his advantage, and I
think that he will. What's Bidengoing to say, of course, he'll
deny everything. But here's the more. I mean, here's the other important

point about this video they released today. Donald South lost two debates to me
in twenty said he hadn't shown upfor debate now exactly like he wants to
debate me again. Or make myday pal. I'll even do it twice.
Make my day pal, I'll evendo it twice. Okay, games
on, Game is on. Sonow let's have two three debates. I

don't care, but let's have themfor two hours. Let's have a Lincoln
Douglas style debate where you just putthe candidates up there and just let them
go at each other. Man,I would on pay per view. I'd
pay whatever the going rate is tojust watch those two stand at electorn and

those two just say, I usethe term electern. Yeah, you guys
taught me, well, stand thereat the electern and just let them go
at each other, the energizer bunnyversus the wet mop. I'll watch that
all day long. Mike Doun,what was going on when you were off
the air? Your show has nowhereto go. But uh, glad you

guys are back. The news loopshould be a type of punishment or where
was that one? Dragon? Michael? Uh? Could you put the news
back on? Award winning text ofthe day. There are that that is
the text of the day. Andof course, uh, I appreciate this.

Seventy four to thirty one, Michael, Mike, welcome back for a
moment there. I was afraid yougot shut down. I'm you know,
every day I think I'll get shutdown. Every single day. We walk
up to the building every morning andget on our right, you know,
I Okay, is the card gonnawork? Is it gonna work? So
yeah, Denver Cops, the DenverPolice Department. Remember the story at the

beginning of the program when most ofyou could not hear it, back when
you know, we were basically offair. I had a story about Colorado
is Nerd is Nerd is now thethird most dangerous state in the Union.
Congratulations, Yeah, we're number three. You know. You know what in

terms of Olympics, that's a bronze, right, gold, silver and bronze.
We made it to the podium,that's right. So we made it
to the podium. When it comesto violent crime. And then Mike Johnston,
the mayor, wants to create anew office to fight crime, the
Office of Social Equity and Justice.Isn't that fantastic? I mean, these
Marxists, you know, I usedto think I was a smart guy.

Nah, these guys show me I'ma dumb ass. Because the way to
fight crime social equity. Then there'sthis on top of all of that,
the Denver Police Department is going tolimit its officers from making certain low level
traffic stops to free them up tofocus on on more serious crimes. Now,

the Denver Police Department is already shortone hundred and sixty seven cops.
Now they're gonna be short even morebecause, as the other story said,
Johnston's going to pill for sixty fiveemployees from the Department of Public Safety for
the new Office of Social Equity.You know, this state just keeps spiraling

down the tube of Marxism. Imean, seriously, I do think I
sincerely believe this. We're now worsethan California. We're athletely worse than California.
Now, the police chief says,Or told CBS four this is a
move towards earning and regaining the publictrust. Except guess but you're still gonna

stop people for speeding, duised,running red lights and stop signs, reckless
and careless driving, or being suspectedof a crime like a drug and firearm
possession, or burglary or still weren'ta stop, So you're not going to
stop people for what, oh,expired registration tags, driving without a fully

functioning headlight that seems kind of dangerousto me at night, or tail lights,
or failing to use a turn signal. What I didn't know they ever
enforced failing to use a turn signal. Nobody in the state uses a turn
signal. They're going to stop youfor speeding. They're going to stop you
for speeding. Yes, speeding stillon the list. Damn it, I
know it.
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