Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
You're waking up five in the morning time, kiss good morning.
Hopefully you pick up all sorts of little tidbits from
this show. Sometimes it's relationship and therapy. Said, hey, it's
career advice. In fact, Julie on the Job comes on
every Thursday at this time to take either your questions
or the biggest thing that's happening around her office. She's
our show's career mental or helped me tremendously and I
just soake up career knowledge. I'm curious about it. So
I was hoping that maybe you'd be the same for you.
Career happiness, by the way, is the keyword you're going
to need for the Glass Animals tickets coming up here
in a few minutes, Julie. There's this trend on TikTok,
a little old at this point, but it still circulates
my feet about how boomers and millennials tease gen Z
about the outfits that they choose to wear to the office.
Let's just bring this. Can you wear a jogger to
the office?
Speaker 2 (00:47):
You know what? I think it depends And this is
one of those things where you have to know your audience,
You have to know what's accepted where you work, you
have to look around and say, Okay, given the job
I have, and then given what are my corporate goals?
Am I interested in staying in this organization and doing
some other things? And then look at what your particular
job is, because if you are behind a computer screen
all day, that is a different level of expectation than
if you're actually going to be meeting with customers or
outside people. So context, what are you doing? Who are
in front of? And I think that it's you know,
we are in a more casual time certainly, and we
just came out of COVID where everybody was wearing the
Dama pants. But you have to know that how you
show up first, the first impression you give, will impact
what opportunities you get in many cases, So yeah, where
would you want? But there are consequence does like anything.
Speaker 1 (01:47):
I've seen so many videos where it's you know, I mean,
it really is gen Z that gets picked out for
this trend. But I would also argue that even the
other side of the spectrum, when it comes to age
groups and fashion, that some of the older generations aren't
wearing things that are really even fashionable to begin with.
And so if we're going to pick on gen Z's fashion,
we also need to pick on the boomer fashion as well,
Like you might be coming across as professional, but it
just is not up with the times, in the trends.
I've still got men in my office wearing black ankle socks.
Speaker 2 (02:21):
So okay, So we're going to go to the other
end of the sectrum because there's some group real truth
and what you said when I talk about age discrimination,
when I talk about boomers who complain about age discrimination,
one of the things I say is, how are you dressing?
How are you showing up? Now? Are you are you
showing up appropriate? Or does your hair, your glasses and
the way you dress does it say I'm out of date?
Because people when people look at that, they can make
determination that maybe you're not up to date in other
areas as well, and so perfectly, and how you show up,
how you perform, how you behave, and how what the
job requires, and frankly, how you want to, how you
want to, how do you how what do you want
people to think of you? It's a part of it.
And so yeah, there's definitely differences things that I see
gen Z wearing that you know, that makes my little
boom or self cringe. But I also love the body
positivity of gen Z.
Speaker 1 (03:21):
I agree. And also, if you don't know how to
print a PDF in your office, don't come for me
from my fashion. Thank you, Julie, I appreciate you. You know,
if you have a question, you can find her Julie
on the job, and she'll bring it to the show
commercial free. For a hair longer coming up next, you
know you'll need the keyword career happiness to win the
Glass Animal's tickets at Riverbend here next week.