Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Welcome to a Welcome to the one more can I say? Podcast?
Have to take this Mike mother faf all.
Speaker 2 (00:06):
Right in this episode? Whoa let me get to a rider?
Speaker 1 (00:10):
What episode that we on?
Speaker 2 (00:12):
One eight nine? That is what we are on.
Speaker 1 (00:14):
Shout out right and we all messed up. God, you
can tell this's the last part of the year. This
is the last part of the year, but not the
last part that you will hear. I want to Paul,
Let's go ahead, get to it. Man, She's fluffy and
five got interest.
Speaker 2 (00:30):
To her behind her name is on the road. Come on, Yes,
DJ Tony going crazy. I like the intro, no doubt
Zach book.
Speaker 1 (00:45):
I can't think of nothing to rhyme except I call
Zach in a vest and a T shirt looking like
a nineties R and B singer. In the studio, it
was a wild staying y'all, everybody saying, what's something to say?
Speaker 2 (00:59):
Woo woo whooa whoa? No, I did I have on
the going on? I'm going to a wedding.
Speaker 3 (01:08):
I'm trying on one of the outfits that I'm aware
to the welcome party.
Speaker 2 (01:13):
You got Stacey Adams shoes being delivered here. What is
happening getting wedding. It was so crazy. Kian heads up,
Hey be ready to go. Yeah. Came back in that
shooting music videos album the Woo Woo. I'm trying to
use the studios like yes and jo one of them.
Come on jojo geezy jojo. It was. It was. I
can see how that was very weird for talking. It
could be an arm by group the way he's been
wearing these scullies, and then that's an army scuter. It's
an army scully.
Speaker 1 (01:53):
I cannot stop wearing the scuzzins. I've been searching for
good scullies for years and.
Speaker 2 (01:59):
I found them. That's that Donielle Jones. It is my
baby girl. Yep. I'm start wearing him in a minute,
but I need it. I like the look. Thank you.
Don't let us believe you.
Speaker 1 (02:12):
You can. Skelly's all brother, no doubt, no doubt. All right,
let's go ahead and get to it. Let's sign the pod.
Shout out to the pod fan, what's up, get to it.
A lot of stuff came out come out about the
Jamie Fox situation.
Speaker 2 (02:27):
Shout out to the Breakfast Club.
Speaker 1 (02:28):
They reported that it was a penis pin that was
shined on Jamie's face. We got sent to drink from
the Jackass crew. There's a production team.
Speaker 2 (02:41):
And he saw it on him.
Speaker 1 (02:42):
He's like, Yo, wait a minute, they put a penis
on my face. I got my kids, my family's my birthday,
and that's what things were left. You ain't heard about that.
Speaker 2 (02:51):
No, So what happened. The story that was reported was
that Jamie Fox was at his birthday dinner and somehow
the producers or a team from that show punked. Remember
Punk was in there, and I guess to prank him.
They were shining a laser that was the shape of
a penis, like on his face and on the table
where his party was. So Jamie got upset. Somehow. When
he got upset, he got into an altercation with somebody
else and the glass was thrown hit him in the face.
That's the story that we're being told. Do I believe
any of it? Absolutely not. I don't believe all right,
I don't know what Jamie got going on. I don't
believe none of this. I'm starting to question what really
happened with the stroke. Okay. I don't like when people
keep lying to me. Now I'm genuinely concerned I really
have real kept with Jamie Fox, Okay. He one of
our national treasures, and I just feel like we keep
getting these weird old stories.
Speaker 3 (03:46):
Yeah, like what because I know I've seen punk quite
a few times. And when you get pumped, the people
come out and say, hey, you pump it's a joke. Yeah,
they don't let it get to the point where somebody
getting smacked in the face with glass and you know,
your face cut up? And why wasn't that story out
there in the beginning? Yeah, Jamie, whatever is going on?
Get it together, man, don't let people put penis lights
on your face.
Speaker 2 (04:11):
I don't get it.
Speaker 1 (04:13):
If it was he deserved to get the altercation that
is in you put that. I got my family around,
I'm upset. But whoever through the glass? Like, why did
they get it?
Speaker 2 (04:23):
They ass?
Speaker 1 (04:24):
Speaker 2 (04:24):
Thank you?
Speaker 1 (04:26):
Jamie in the face with a and he bleeding? Why
wasn't no ass kicking in there? But it should have
been some table flipping?
Speaker 2 (04:34):
What else is going on?
Speaker 3 (04:35):
It's something missing every time I hear one of these stories,
it's a big part missing, a big part. You know,
I believe this, I don't believe because how does this trend? Okay,
penis light. Okay, you see the light, You're like, hey, man,
who's doing that? You upset punk people they would be like, hey,
we punking you, Jamie, HOWI you mad?
Speaker 2 (04:55):
It should be over. But we get to the point of.
Speaker 1 (04:58):
Where's where daughters are at the table? It's a birthday dinner.
It's it's all your loved ones, You minding your business,
you and your glow, you happy, you got a number
one Netflix series, will show special and then they're putting
a penis on the table in front of your That like,
somebody put a penis on my face while with my daughters,
maybe my son.
Speaker 2 (05:22):
I'm gonna laugh.
Speaker 1 (05:23):
My daughters is a different story. And you don't have
a daughter yet. Your daughters is a different type of time.
Speaker 3 (05:30):
Now on that, let's say I get upset. I'm taking it. Okay,
he's upset and I get up. Where is security? Who
got it close enough to do and in a way
to throw a glass at Jimmie Fox's face on his
birthday without nothing happening to him?
Speaker 2 (05:48):
Thank you.
Speaker 3 (05:49):
It's a lot missing here. It's still a lot missing
even if he was upset about it.
Speaker 2 (05:53):
Thank you. I believe it.
Speaker 3 (05:56):
That's because you believe anything, you really do. We believed
you believe anything, and that's really what it is.
Speaker 2 (06:03):
You believe anything.
Speaker 3 (06:05):
You millennials we a little bit more. We we more
like conspiracy theories. When you grew up with the TV.
Speaker 2 (06:14):
So come on that mouth.
Speaker 1 (06:18):
You grew up Okay, so my TV first came out
and y'all believed it.
Speaker 2 (06:22):
Let's talk about some things that I don't believe.
Speaker 1 (06:26):
I don't have I have no clue why Alex Spiro,
who is looks like when I'm looking at his education, Uh,
he went to Harvard University. I'm assuming Harvard Law School,
which means he is probably brilliant. But why would he
try to get us to believe this that that Diddy
and jay Z weren't friends? It was a nothing closer
than an association, purely professional.
Speaker 2 (06:51):
What and and.
Speaker 3 (06:53):
What have Diddy and jay Z done to show you
that they friends? They ain't never worked together, they ain't
did nothing. You mean, what if they done to you
that they're not just associates who know each other in
his history?
Speaker 1 (07:04):
He spokes at the video in for for Diddy's Lifetime
Achievement Award.
Speaker 2 (07:10):
He did what? Yes?
Speaker 1 (07:12):
When did he got honored with MTV honored him withever
that Vanguard or whatever that was.
Speaker 2 (07:17):
They played a video from jay Z.
Speaker 3 (07:19):
Yes, that doesn't mean that, you dude, people, that's a
publicist thing. That's a published called. Hey do a video
for another famous person. Hey man, did he I see
you working? That don't mean that, y'all.
Speaker 1 (07:29):
Actual friend the best friends, Shane Carter, Biggie Smalls, did
he uh you?
Speaker 2 (07:36):
Are you actually trying to tell me? I hear jays I.
Speaker 1 (07:40):
If you know, if anybody knows jay Z, it's him right, yes, No,
when real friends the album.
Speaker 3 (07:48):
That you didn't like with the Carters, who does jay
Z talk about? He tell you who his real friends
are all the time, all the time. Tie the other dude,
and he always tell you these industry dudes.
Speaker 2 (07:58):
It's not his friends because he has had the bottom.
Speaker 3 (08:01):
If you know Hove, Hove never draws lines. You know
exactly who he messed with and who he doesn't. When
he sees Diddy, it's usually at a public place. They
do a photo op type thing. Oh there's Diddy, I'm
jay Z. Of course they know each other, but that
don't mean they're friends.
Speaker 2 (08:16):
Okay, that's okay.
Speaker 1 (08:17):
What I'm saying is they're in our businesses, industry friends.
There are people that, yes, in your close circles that
you're lying brothers that you're super tight with.
Speaker 2 (08:27):
My fraternity brothers I'm super tight with.
Speaker 1 (08:29):
I mean, like Kiki, you have your unit, your cousins,
we all have that unit.
Speaker 2 (08:34):
But then we also have industry friends. Us.
Speaker 1 (08:38):
We're industry friends, maybe a little more now that we've
gotten Wow.
Speaker 3 (08:42):
Wow, I hate to use this person as an example.
Speaker 2 (08:46):
Now we're friends for real. But no, that's not what
he was saying. Let me my Amazon delivery for Christmas,
because I know you didn't. Just wow. See here's the thing.
Speaker 3 (09:01):
I hate to use him as an example, but I'm
gonna use him because I know that he can take
this exact Okay, if you if Ricky Rampage get you
know he used to work at the other station.
Speaker 2 (09:13):
You know what I'm saying.
Speaker 3 (09:14):
I know him. He does comedy, he does radio, and
I know him. Yeah right, yeah. If I see him out,
we'll speak. We might even take a picture. If they
asked me to do something for his birthday, I would
do it. But if he got into some trouble they
like is Zach and Ricky, I'll be like.
Speaker 2 (09:28):
No, we don't hang out.
Speaker 3 (09:31):
We don't hang out. We not You understand i'maying shut
out to Ricky. It's not it's no dish to Ricky.
Speaker 2 (09:36):
But we don't hang out.
Speaker 1 (09:37):
We don't. We only see each other at association. So
let's let's let's let's look.
Speaker 2 (09:44):
That's all I'm saying. What association do they have?
Speaker 1 (09:47):
No, I'm not saying that is Zach. I'm saying it's
weird to come out and say that.
Speaker 2 (09:53):
It's weird. It is weird to me.
Speaker 3 (09:55):
It's not weird, Alley Gates, you have sexual when you're
being a cue. I'm trying to say, it's not weird
to say when you're sitting here with sex trafficking charges
because you're not tying in my friendship based off the
music industry. You're trying to tie in a friendship based
off sex trafficking. And what jay Z's lawyer is saying is, oh,
don't know nothing about that. He just see him at
the Grammys like everybody else exactly.
Speaker 1 (10:20):
And there's a way to say that, like he has
no call it just they have a relationship. Jay Z
has spoke about him, Jasons. Jay Z has spoke about it,
And I'm not trying to link jay Z to to nothing.
Speaker 2 (10:32):
Sounds like I'm saying.
Speaker 1 (10:33):
I'm saying that they have a relationship their friends, and
it's industry friends. It's not like, hey, it's not like
Emery and no, it's probably not.
Speaker 2 (10:43):
It's not like that.
Speaker 1 (10:44):
But he definitely it's more than a Ricky rampage. We're
talking about something.
Speaker 2 (10:55):
If like I see him do this podcast with y'all
every week, we clear on what we are industry friends.
But you my brother, right, So if but if you
walk out this though and get a sex trafficing charge
and they come ask me if we and you friends,
they can show me all one hundred and eighty episodes
of this podcast. I don't know him. I don't know.
I don't know him never. I don't know that man.
Were not friends. I don't got his number. You know,
my whole demeanor gonna change? That makes sense, seriod, Like
they're gonna be like we saw you in Zach know
you didn't got that make sense? Yes about say terrible,
terrible exam. That's what we've been doing all show, So
let's keep it going.
Speaker 1 (11:34):
Go ahead, terrible example, terriboy example is this is that.
Speaker 2 (11:41):
I was cool with a Kelly. I've been waiting on
this moment. Let's go. If we're gonna cancel each other,
let's do it. Let's take Kelly. I have not I
did not see anything.
Speaker 1 (11:56):
I had not, but I'm not going When people asked
me when our Kelly stuff came, I said, exactly this,
I'm cool with.
Speaker 2 (12:02):
I was cool with R.
Speaker 1 (12:03):
Kelly, interview them, music stories, and all I ever seen
was women, a lot of women, pope power women here
in Chicago on TV all over throw themselves at R.
Speaker 2 (12:17):
Speaker 1 (12:18):
I didn't never see any of the other parts of
what he had going on.
Speaker 2 (12:23):
That's it, you know, the difference. That's that's But if
you were tied into a case with R.
Speaker 3 (12:28):
Kelly, if they're saying, if they put you in there
and said kels in tone was trafficking young girls, would
you be like.
Speaker 1 (12:38):
You know kell my man, I'm not gonna say it
wouldn't be like that was saying.
Speaker 2 (12:43):
To be a whole different. You'd be like, hold on,
I'm saying I know R. Kelly, but we ain't like that.
Speaker 1 (12:46):
I'm not gonna say I don't know him, because he
don't say he didn't know him.
Speaker 2 (12:51):
Their business associates said they're not friends. That's all he said.
I'm not saying that they're not friends.
Speaker 1 (12:57):
It's just weird for me when we see we've seen
over decades, decades.
Speaker 3 (13:04):
You know who couldn't say that what you're saying people
that we actually saw with Diddy, like jay Z.
Speaker 2 (13:11):
I mean, what's the name?
Speaker 3 (13:13):
Cali can't say I ain't friends with Diddy because you
was all over his house. We've seen that, y'all posted
all over the social media. Meek Mill can't say I
wasn't friends with Diddy.
Speaker 2 (13:22):
Yes, you was.
Speaker 3 (13:23):
We've seen y'all in the matching out fits. He was
calling you daddy in the pool, all types of stuff.
But jay Z, we have only seen them take pictures.
They ain't even got no do they have a record together.
Speaker 2 (13:34):
I don't think. I don't think they have a record together.
What they did it was like a remix for fifty first.
Now you really trying to take hold down? Even they
wrote the viral. I'm not trying to. You have to
watch them, geminis.
Speaker 1 (13:59):
No, I would never try to take y'all, will never
try to take jay Z down. He's my favorite. I'm
really I'm talking about the lawyer. I'm saying the lawyer
because to me, it's no. I've said this time and
time again. The fact that jay Z Cheers wrote did
music with Party with does not make jay.
Speaker 2 (14:21):
Z a rapist. It doesn't. It doesn't.
Speaker 1 (14:25):
So the fact that the lawyer coming out, well, Dad,
they were just associated, it looks weird. Why even say that?
Because it's nobody, nobody that got sense.
Speaker 2 (14:35):
In their head.
Speaker 1 (14:36):
I believe that jay Z is a rapist, and especially
a rapist of young women. That is nasty work. I
don't believe it, But I think two things can be true.
He could be him, and he can have an association
an industry friend as did he and him not be
a rapist. That doesn't I mean because he cheers with him,
but because he because they did, they he did his speech,
or any of that. They trying to say that, that's
just ridiculous to try to even because he the two
biggest men in hip hop in New York, they're going
to have some type of friendship.
Speaker 2 (15:20):
No, that doesn't mean you the definite definition of friends,
I think is what's getting blurred here. Like Zach tried
his best to explain that it's just that just because
we know each other, just because you work around each other.
Just because we've took a photo together, that does not
mean we're friends. If I don't wake up and call
you and and have conversations with you, that's not a friendship.
You ain't at my house for the holidays and my
kids coming up with your kids, and that that's not
industry figures. I never you've never done. You have made
it clear that we are industry friends. You said that,
you so you just say what a real friend is,
and you just gave the definition of it. I just
I don't know Thanksgiving. I just invite you to my
house with Thanksgiving phone, I answer.
Speaker 3 (16:06):
Begging, beg me to come nowhere, way too much not
to be no, no, no no.
Speaker 2 (16:14):
He called it what it is. But what I'm gonna
say is, just know, if if y'all do something, wow,
my attorney will be saying, I don't know, y'all, So
everybody's gonna look at you. I don't care everybody looking,
because I got a point to prove. You know what
I'm saying. My thing with jay Z is what's happening, y'all.
They trying to take the most powerful man down. Y'all
got Diddy cool now? Immediately everybody turns their attention to
jay Z because he is the next powerful one in
the chain, instead of actually looking at Diddy's friends, which
is some of the people we name like French, Martana, Cali,
and I don't want them to be looked at because
I ain't did nothing. But I'm just saying those are
his friends, so that let you know that there's no
credibility on the charges and stuff because y'all trying to
pin them together and that's why his attorney is speaking
out like they weren't even friends like that. Look at
Diddy's real friends. Look at Stevie J. Where Stevie J.
Stevie J was there, damn. So you know what I'm saying,
y'all looking at y'all, Look thank you, y'all looking at
y'all trying to make Hove his friend Hope was not
Stevie J.
Speaker 1 (17:18):
I just think that there was a lot of people
that were friends with these people, right, But I don't
just because your friends with people doesn't mean that you
were involved in these activities and that that I think
That's what I'm makes you saying, like, who cares if
jay Z was friends with with whatever he was friends
with Kanye. Do you think he believes the stuff that
Kanye was speeled about Jewish people?
Speaker 2 (17:42):
No, but it's just that was really his friend.
Speaker 1 (17:45):
That was That's really his friend, and he was He's
said some crazy he said crazy stuff. So that's my
That's my whole point to it. Is that why because
the two biggest figures in New York City had dealings
with it, why y'all trying to make seem like you
have to come out and tell the public that no,
he wasn't friends with him at all, because it just
looks it just I don't know, I'm not the only
one saying this.
Speaker 2 (18:12):
No you're not, You're not.
Speaker 3 (18:14):
But I just want you to know that just because
they was, just because they take pictures and they know
each other and they.
Speaker 1 (18:19):
Cool, don't mean they friends feenough. Feah, let's get to this.
We know that Remy ma was a little bit more
than friends with the people that she was I guess
supposed to be out on Pat Poofs. I just want
to know about this whole situation, kick Ki, what do
you think Pat poofs relationship?
Speaker 2 (18:38):
Wait a minute, how are you gonna say Remy Mike
killed Black Love? Remy min killed Black love? How is it, Remy?
How did Remy single handedly killed black love?
Speaker 3 (18:47):
That was That was the hope I had when I
saw that man, Pat Poos wait on that woman while
she was locked up.
Speaker 2 (18:54):
You know what I'm saying. We waited patiently and we
saw that.
Speaker 3 (18:57):
We was like, man, this is a different type of
guy right here, you know what I'm saying. And you
saw everybody was like, man, get you a Pat Pools
because he's, you know, just a strong, faithful man that
he is. And the still then turn around and be
dating a battle rapper from the same.
Speaker 2 (19:11):
Like, but did you hear remy side of the story,
because remy side of the story said painted a totally
different picture. So what happened was they were obviously married
and together. Yes, we pictured them as the picture of
black love. Yes, we believe the story that he waited
and held her down while she was in jail. However,
over the weekend or whatever, when they was exposing each
other on Instagram, Remy was like, I know you were
sleeping around with other people while I was in jail.
I have receipts of that, but I let it slide
because I was in jail. So the whole image of
him just waiting. She said that's not true. She also
went on to say that he's been messing around with
different women. She's asked for divorce, he won't give her one,
he won't leave their marital home, and so that leaves
her no choice but to continue to live her life.
And that's why she's dating somebody else as well as
he is clearly in a relationship with somebody else. So
I think where we were, everybody was paining and Remy
out to be the villain. When she told her side
of the story, it's showed more of a marriage that
broke up and both parties are not innocence. However, Remy
is not as one sided guilty as she allowed the
US to create the narrative of So I think sometimes
in relationships we see one person doing this and doing
that in the public. We don't know what's going on
behind closed doors.
Speaker 1 (20:23):
So at my beef with the whole situation was dude,
And I thought, Remy, let dude do comfort comfort patpoofs.
Speaker 2 (20:33):
That's the father children, I mean they've had. When God
was saying.
Speaker 3 (20:42):
Dude had a whole I just don't like dude. You
know what, I'm saying that she's dealing with. I guess
my issue was Remy wasn't even that part of it.
It was like, why I pick another battle rapper?
Speaker 2 (20:55):
But I guess that bothered me.
Speaker 3 (20:58):
But to me, I just don't like when you picked
the same thing like you picked like a But anyway
past that, yeah, it was like, Remy, don't let him
play you like he's looking for his five minutes of fame.
As you see, as soon as he got the opportunity,
wasn't nobody talking to him. This between Pat Poops and Rmy.
He gets on his he puts up his life, he
got his ring light out. He can't wait, he ain't streaming.
Speaker 2 (21:20):
Let me tell y'all what happened. And he's just talking
in circles because he couldn't wait to talk.
Speaker 1 (21:25):
He like, yeah, Pat poofs, he wore mask and he
had to get past susecurity and he snucked me.
Speaker 3 (21:31):
And if he did all that, why you ain't see
it coming. He got all the details. Now, Oh yeah,
he bugged. He bugged his wife car like that was
his wife. He can do whatever the hell he want
to do if he wanted to bug the car. I'm
not sure, but that's still.
Speaker 2 (21:43):
Not for you to talk about. Bro, you are out
of line.
Speaker 3 (21:46):
And I'm like, for you messing with this type of guy,
letting him talk like that, like he couldn't wait to talk.
And you know you always, you always, Kiki, you are
very much asticular of people going down after dealing with somebody,
and I feel like she took two steps down dealing
with this dude.
Speaker 2 (22:03):
Sometimes you gotta take down to get your happy back.
And then and then I look at and then I
look where Pat Poos went. Pat Poos went to a
whole different field. He ain' gonna get no rapper or nothing.
He went and got him a little boxer. He liked
them strong faced chicks.
Speaker 1 (22:16):
Got him a nice box and she looked like.
Speaker 2 (22:20):
The knockoff version.
Speaker 3 (22:21):
They look like he got him. He got them a
little cute little boxer. You know what I'm saying, something different.
I think that was equivalment or step up. You know
what I'm saying, I don't step up mess with this
dude with.
Speaker 2 (22:38):
One side.
Speaker 1 (22:39):
I just heard your side, and your side makes sense.
Your side makes sense. But you can't again all things women,
you lose logic. They had to and you have to
you had to logically think, I get it. Realmy's in
a whole but letting dude go with Pat Poos, it
wasn't about him.
Speaker 2 (22:56):
You want my dog? You won, you won, You got Remy, Ma,
you took away from a man. You good.
Speaker 1 (23:03):
Everything's cool, but you want to you want to talk
about it and do it.
Speaker 2 (23:07):
That's not player.
Speaker 1 (23:08):
I don't know where these dudes coming from it and
not put their hands on the player's handbook. But brother,
you can't get out here and talk like no chick
like yeah, and then he would calld it up car
And that's that's his wife.
Speaker 2 (23:21):
He's not the girl though, What about the girl? This
all happened because Remy he that Remy at their home,
he was sleep. She went through his phone, saw that
he was in a relationship with this other woman. Okay,
She posted the receipts of the conversation, and the woman
started firing back at Remy, telling telling her relationship status
with Papoos talking. Guess when remy boyfriend started talking after
he was.
Speaker 1 (23:57):
Talking, remember when this whole thing happened, he was did
they do a Breakfast Cup interview or some kind of
podcast where he was kind of alluding to the fact
that he was he was messing with Remy mind.
Speaker 2 (24:07):
He's been talking, he been so thirsty. He's been talking
saying he's not thirsty. But y'all are taking all blame
off of Pat Poos in this sad ship, just completely
ignoring the fact that winning got somebody that's whack, that's
Pat Pools went and got a knockoff version of Remy.
That Pat Pooss you're talking about. This dude was sitting
around Remy waiting on his five minutes of fame? What
the hell you think Pat Poos might have been doing?
And I love Pat Poofs waiting.
Speaker 1 (24:33):
So we all know why that relationship? Why why are
you because to me, when nobody got a great pin,
he got a great ain't nobody booking Pat Poofs, I'm saying,
with his pain on without his pan, ain't nobody booking papoos?
You don't think that that You don't think that Remy
and Pat Poos have that that's a kind of a
relationship that they had.
Speaker 2 (24:59):
We're not gonna act like he wasn't speaking before she
met Papoos away from before you're moving you're making it about.
I'm just responding to what y'all saying, which is the
guy is with her for five minutes of fame in
a guy and this this man never had he never
said nothing.
Speaker 1 (25:19):
They never said no, no, he's never said man of
the we after one one, I'm saying, you never said
anything this.
Speaker 2 (25:33):
Speaker 1 (25:34):
Also in the relationship is dead. Let me get this out.
The relationship is dead. You already said it. He was
cheating on her. She like, hey, look, you cheating on me, Ben,
I'm gonna get you back. Who nobody from patpoos socidey
tracks I said anything. But for some reason, this dude
decides to say, hey, guess what I'm I'm messing with
rebby Ma. That's weird. That's weird, and she should really
quote have a hose and check.
Speaker 2 (26:03):
Oh she should have. But he is for divorce and
you won't give a divorce.
Speaker 1 (26:07):
I mean, no matter about the divorce. But why is
the person that you're dating, Kiki? Why are you not
seeing the person that you are having wherever you went?
Why is he talking to your yo yo?
Speaker 2 (26:18):
Why would my boyfriend respect my husband? Make that make sense?
What respect do he owe my husband? All that man
knows what I'm over here telling him crying on his shoulder,
telling him how my husband ain't been right to me,
ain't dead right by me. He probably tied like Remy
is of the world, assuming that Pat Poos is an
angel and he's not okay angel. But I don't got
no more hope in men. Let me tell you something
twenty twenty four and showed me some okay from Daddy
to Cally to uh now, path pool. We can't even
clean on Pat poofs to act right.
Speaker 3 (26:49):
You so ain't no other ain't no, I don't.
Speaker 2 (26:54):
I don't have a problem with I don't have a
problem with me my own.
Speaker 1 (26:56):
My whole point was with dude, I don't have a
problem relationships in every day.
Speaker 3 (27:01):
From what I heard, and it might be different, but
from what I heard that she was like that it
was an open relationship while she was in jail because
she knew she was locked up and she.
Speaker 2 (27:10):
Had a lie. Now where you hit that lie from?
That's what the streets why you hit that lie from?
Because five minutes ago and we just reworked, you just
said he was he was holding her down.
Speaker 3 (27:23):
I knew who this dude was, I guess I know
I knew who this dude was I got my best
friend hammer shout out to you, Hamma.
Speaker 2 (27:30):
He watched the pot every episode, comments all the time.
Speaker 3 (27:33):
He is one of the biggest Battle Rap patpoos fans
in the world.
Speaker 2 (27:37):
Period. He told me all this was going out.
Speaker 3 (27:40):
Going on months ago before when it happened within the
Rap Battle. He gave me the big breakdown of what
was going on and how Remy was messing with the
dude right, And that was months and months and months
and months and months ago when it when.
Speaker 2 (27:54):
It first popped off.
Speaker 3 (27:55):
The real issue in this situation is they are both
toxic because they are both living period. They are still
living under the same roof after knowing for months and
months and months that this is not working. So yes,
of course you're gonna go into You're gonna go in
the phone and find something like why.
Speaker 2 (28:13):
Even going to y'all? Are why y'all even living in
the same crib? Y'all? Are you super? Because he won't leave?
They both neither one of them is. She said he
won't leave. I guess he's saying you won't leave. They
looking at your other They aren't stupid right now, like.
Speaker 3 (28:28):
Ton, if you getting a divorce or you want to
he ain't leaving, he don't want to get a divorce,
and you just gonna stay up in the house.
Speaker 2 (28:34):
Exactly what the person. You don't know what I'm saying.
You can't just say remy kill black love. You can't
blame just one side of it.
Speaker 1 (28:40):
He's whoever driving, whoever's driving, whoever's driving to the jail
year after years in the right and my what.
Speaker 2 (28:50):
Bro, people drive to jails for other reasons, Bro, I
just don't like people stay in relationships and situations for
other reasons. Bro, it don't matter. I guess why. If
I know, me driving to this jail makes me an
angel in a public eye, there's a lot of earning
potential there for me. Not saying this is Pat Pools story,
I'm just saying, I'm just saying what some men will do.
I'm just saying with something. I'm not talking about patoos
because I like Patpoos. What I'm saying is you gotta
look at it from her angle when you see like,
were you really with me because you loved me? Or
were you with me because you knew the potential that
this whole situation was was gonna bring your career. Let's
not forget like what has been everywhere? Bring me go.
He was behind her. That's called being supportive. That's what
you've been relationship in this relationship, and that's called I'm
the one that's popping, And that's called that's not fair
that you can't now, you can't Now you can't.
Speaker 1 (29:47):
Say that about when a man is standing behind a
woman and supporting her and supporting her, and then when
a woman, when a situation is changed, now you're on
a woman's side, like, nah, that man wouldn't be nothing
without that woman standing behind him.
Speaker 2 (30:00):
I'm not saying he wouldn't be nothing, but he wouldn't be.
Speaker 1 (30:02):
But that's what I mean when we say that about
certain women. We've said on this pot about women that hey,
they are hanger on and we wouldn't know or give
a flying about what they had to say if they
wasn't with certain people, we wouldn't care. It's so many, baby, mama,
Because it's so many baby, Why he ain't the support
of man woman?
Speaker 2 (30:27):
Because she said he wasn't. These are not my words.
I'm not coming up with this guy said. All the
time they say she said.
Speaker 3 (30:34):
When people say that all the time, they be like, oh,
she wanted me for my money and all that tuff.
Speaker 2 (30:37):
You still don't take that sometimes that don't be true.
But in this the window that I didn't make that up,
I'm just saying you have to take into account both
sides of.
Speaker 1 (30:48):
Can believe the brandfather that you have when you talk
about ladies, believe you are you and other women are
part of the problem when y'all lose you smart son
of a girls lulas the logic when it comes to
talking about women, y'all just for some reason, logic falls
out of your ear and you just start speaking totally
from one perspective and not looking.
Speaker 2 (31:12):
At the other side.
Speaker 1 (31:13):
That the thing of the thing of it is if
if a man had his side chick talking to his
wife that was doing the same thing, you would freak out.
Speaker 2 (31:23):
You would be like, he need to control himself. Why
what part of you don't understand that his side chick
was talking to his wife.
Speaker 1 (31:30):
After after after the text messages of their relationship.
Speaker 2 (31:35):
Came out, she challenged his wife to a fight after
but I guess that's okay, No, no, that's ok That's
why after she did that, he went to her fight
and still next thing and supported the side cheek no, no, no, listen, listen.
Speaker 1 (31:50):
So you so if I'm by, if I'm by myself,
if I'm not bothering nobody, and you post, you post
the receipts and you you posted receives my husband, So I'm.
Speaker 2 (32:00):
Not supposed to fit myself. I gotta be quiet if
if my husband has you in check, Yeah, you should
be quiet because you don't want you don't want her
boyfriend to talk. So I don't understand why it's okay
for his girlfriend to talk. At least they talked to him.
Speaker 1 (32:11):
It was it was, it was, it was. It was initiated.
It was initiated by that That dude just started talking
for no reason. That dude just started talking. What I'm
saying is that dude just started talking. Yes, he just
started talking, really saying something about her. Next said her name.
It's the same thing like with Wayne and Kendrick. Hey man,
his ass.
Speaker 2 (32:33):
How do you think that guy felt? He got beat
up back pack pools allegedly, and so how long he
been quiet he got? Yes, those are things that happened
to you. When you mess with people's women, you get
beat up, okay, But you want me to keep my
mouth closed.
Speaker 3 (32:50):
But I really don't, but we really don't see he's
trying to talk. And guess what, we still don't.
Speaker 2 (32:55):
Know his name.
Speaker 1 (32:57):
I mean, we know who if he could walk in,
he'll is serve somebody got could walk he could walk
in Right now, we're.
Speaker 2 (33:03):
Still to beat up, y'all. I was quiet after that.
If I was a man, I would have went lave
after that and let it all and let the chopper sing.
He kept it playing, didn say nothing. No, he was talking.
He was talking before he got I let your husband
beat me up, and I did not get you. I'm
just saying, you get beat up. I'm him. I could
have been told this story. I could have been No
he did it. It would have been everywhere been talking
about it. No, he hasn't been. He was literally in
a battle rap. Was he been talking about it? He
was in a battle rap? Another another battle rapper tried
to out me relationship. And I saw the video and
I made a whole video about it. I've been watching
this whole thing play out. This man is y'all want
to talk about how she needed have her holes in check,
then her husband had his hole in check? All right?
Speaker 1 (33:59):
I just hot fan, Please please please tell us out
with this one because I personally think that they care.
I don't think that boxing woman what's her name, Calrisian
Shields would have said a word if Remy Hatten had
said something I need and a and a and a
and a battle Rapper has been dropping hens.
Speaker 2 (34:19):
Hey guys, he happy. I ain't mad.
Speaker 1 (34:21):
I see Remy Mab person and Pat Pooss was looking
at me crazy. I was like, yo, Rebby fine, that's
a big chocolate fine woman.
Speaker 2 (34:30):
So I get it. I get it.
Speaker 1 (34:32):
You got Remy Mab. But bro, you got to keep
it playing. You can't say nothing and then you do.
You want people to feel sorry for him, out to
get beat up things that happened to you when you
date went women that got me in. It's a possibility
gonna get your assh it is, let's go ahead of this.
Sexy Red says that women should leave shouldn't leave a.
Speaker 2 (34:49):
Man for cheating on her.
Speaker 1 (34:51):
Uh, dude gonna cheat because the next dude's gonna cheat
on you too. Ooh that's a good one.
Speaker 2 (34:59):
I but I mean one thing I'm not gonna say.
It depends on what part of the relationship the cheating happens.
Part of the relationship. Please explain early on, early on.
Speaker 1 (35:15):
Let's you say you got somebody early on, and then
there's some lingering things that he ain't tied up, and
you know what I'm saying, and he might still hit
it every once in a while.
Speaker 2 (35:24):
But then y'all find out you get man, he just
lock in, lock in, and be done with it, and
be done with it. So you'll let a woman that
you're dating still.
Speaker 1 (35:36):
In the relationship. That's again, I don't ask questions to
disturb my peace. But if I found out early in
the relationship early on and we was locked in, kind
of good and it was still kind of relatively early.
You know, some relationships happen fast, y'all like like, like,
you know what, we gonna get together.
Speaker 2 (35:54):
I'll probably forgive it. It's the later on cheating that
I can't. I can't take because I mean, the.
Speaker 1 (36:03):
Only thing you're right about sexy read and then is
it's like when women be ready to jump out the window.
I was like, I don't know how women are, but
I definitely know that did you running? You running into
the force?
Speaker 2 (36:15):
You ain't.
Speaker 1 (36:15):
It ain't me a bunch of gentlemen. It's a bunch
of dudes that's gonna want to beat you down. Good
luck finding the dude.
Speaker 2 (36:22):
That like you. But you wasn't. You wasn't quite the
gentleman either, because you were cheating. So what am I
I like you? What am I losing a lot of men?
I like me. I like you. I'm gonna take care
of you. No, you couldn't possibly like me for real
because you were still sleeping with somebody else. No, that's
the thing, now, that's very true. So the logic of
you know you, you running off to go find something
you ain't gonna find nobody like me like that's the
that's the goal, bro, I don't want nobody like you
because you cheated on It's true. No, because y'all give
me my life. She goes out the window. That's next
sense to you? Tell you if you cheat on it.
I cheated on you, my bad, But I really like you.
I do, so good luck finding another me out there,
because I really like a guy that likes you, A
guy that likes me.
Speaker 3 (37:05):
That's gonna but that's gonna cheat on me. No, I'm
I'm in I love you, no hands. What he's trying
to say is I love you. The other dudes ain't
gonna love you, and they gonna cheat and not love
you at least at least I'm cheating, and which don't
make it.
Speaker 2 (37:23):
So long.
Speaker 3 (37:25):
I'm because nobody wants at the end of the day,
nobody wants to feel like they getting cheated on.
Speaker 2 (37:32):
Nobody wants to be cheated on.
Speaker 3 (37:33):
Men or woman, Okay, us me, And for some reason,
our ego is shattered a lot easy like we can't
take it.
Speaker 2 (37:41):
It takes ourselves.
Speaker 3 (37:43):
With most women, you get one time, and that's some
reason I don't know. I've noticed women to give you
one chance to like wrap your hoes up. You know
you got caught up that one time. She won't leave, okay,
but she might get you back, or she might get
you back in, or she might let it go. But
if you do it that second time, she's gonna be
on demon time. And what you don't want is a
woman on demon time, because a woman on demon time
can't be controlled no more.
Speaker 2 (38:11):
You can never you cannot let him get away with
saying control. I mean whatever he said, what I'm making
more sense than what you said. Now. What I'm saying
is not control like I control you.
Speaker 3 (38:20):
What I'm saying is she's not wipeable anymore because she's
on demon time and she don't care, and she's only
there to hurt you. And when a woman is there
to hurt you, they know how to hit deeper than
we can. You know what I'm saying.
Speaker 2 (38:31):
They just, oh, y'all make us that way, like you said,
go ahead now, Yes, y'all make us that way. We
don't come in a relationship with them intentions, but we
don't do that. That's what I just wish women understood.
I just wish I understand what you're saying. He can.
Speaker 3 (38:47):
I agree with you, it's a double standard, But I
just wish that y'all understood how hard it is for
a man to just stop right. It's really it's easier
for y'all. See, it's a much easy your thing for
women to be like, I'm with my men. I want
my man just this one, dude, this is all I
want to deal with men. It is tougher for us,
So just I think that's the reason we y'all give
us that. I think y'all subconsciously know that y'all give
us that linency in that one, because y'all know that
we have it a little tougher.
Speaker 2 (39:19):
Okay, well they know that. I don't know that, but
you know what what oh you know, because what he's saying,
it may it's true for some women. Some women do
allow one, you know, time or things like that because
they feel like it's so hard for y'all. But see,
it's a different breed of women coming now where you
know you it's hard for you, and I want to
see how hard it could be for me as well.
And that's what y'all can't take it so inten I
think sometimes I think a lesson. I think a lesson
is best learned when you get burned, when you get
your hands slapped, then you know, you know you touch
the fires how you don't know till you touch it.
So since y'all don't know what it feels like, then
sometimes we just got to start cheating back on y'all
so y'all can know how it feels. See how we sweet,
you say, we're strong, We can handle one time. If
we cheat on y'all a little bit more, y'all build
up your strength and then y'all one time too. So
that's what I think we should all start doing.
Speaker 1 (40:11):
I wish women, I wish women the best. I wish
let me tell you I was the best. I wish
you the best at being a man. I bet I
wish you the best at it. I think y'all could
do it better than we can.
Speaker 2 (40:24):
Speaker 1 (40:25):
I don't think i'm you. I think it's a crocod
But I'm gonna tell you where women and then start.
That's the problem when women and men. When women start
acting like dudes, the ship is out of wa is
out of wack. It's to me, and it's my thought, yes,
it's my thought. Is a woman can show a man,
even if he's not gonna be with that woman anymore,
can show a man like yo, because every guy knows
the good woman. There's dudes, if you have jagged you
off and looking like oh god, and probably still figured
I blew it.
Speaker 2 (41:05):
So that to me, I think that's nothing. Solving is
not being doing to what we do, what we have
going on, What we have going on that men.
Speaker 1 (41:14):
Across the world struggle with is to try to correct
that by showing us what we missing.
Speaker 2 (41:20):
Yeah, leagals like I would much.
Speaker 1 (41:22):
I learned more from women leaving me for the dumb
that I did than trying to stay with me. So
I prefer to try to get me back, because get
me back ain't gonna do nothing but make me get
me back.
Speaker 2 (41:33):
I'm told you're gonna get me back, all right, bet
I'm gonna do it. I could do it way way
better than you, but clearly it hurts you more. You
just gave a speech on white like, just let them
gets shot. Just the mere mention of us acting the
way y'all act, it drives y'all insane. Yeah, but women
can't do that, y'all acting like men, oh my god,
instead of fixing y'all ways, to correct it y'all ways
and trying to be better man and trying to be
trying to be better examples for other men coming behind y'all,
y'all totally excuse y'all behavior. Y'all critique how a woman
reacts to what you're doing to her. So don't do
to me what you don't want done to you. That's simple,
But you'll make a man.
Speaker 3 (42:18):
A man will feel I will say this, a man
will feel like I lost a good one.
Speaker 2 (42:23):
Yeah, she just I don't care you to feel hurt
how I felt. Tell me you trying to tell women
to take the classy routes on how to teach you,
how to get you back for something you did to me.
You ain't taking the classy route, y'all cheating, But no,
I'm not cheating. But whoever, she even got a problem
you over here trying to get something out?
Speaker 3 (42:46):
That man has an issue you over here, like you
trying to You're trying to get somebody back. That's a
whole different level, just like telling somebody like, let me
hit you in the face, and then it's instead of
you hitting me back, just walk away.
Speaker 2 (43:02):
That'll teach me. That'll teach me. No, you hit me
in the face.
Speaker 1 (43:07):
Let's figure out how that feels. So then that way,
you know how I feel. So let's go here, let's
go So I used to like to eat their people
when I was upset. I'm gonna just destroy you verbally.
I'm just gonna destroy you verbally.
Speaker 2 (43:21):
That doesn't do any good for me emotionally, it doesn't.
It doesn't. It makes her hate me.
Speaker 1 (43:28):
Had I have not shown her, hey is she legitm
and done something messed up? So now she focused on
the ethering and not me being able to say, hey man,
you did this, that was messed up.
Speaker 2 (43:42):
I'm gone. I didn't now now I've had more woman, women.
Speaker 1 (43:47):
Come back to me after I've said, after I've taken
the AKA, well, we can consider the high.
Speaker 2 (43:53):
Work rod by being like, you know what that was?
That was real weak what you did. I can't even
rock with you. I can't, I can't. They don't even
what you're doing. I can't rock with you.
Speaker 1 (44:03):
And then they come back around and say and say
and say, you know what, I had time to think
about it. But when you eat somebody, when you eating somebody,
they don't give the thinking about all this stuff.
Speaker 2 (44:13):
You Sh'S just something about the cheating. So when you
cheat on me, it's just simple. You know what, It's
very I'm going to destroy you.
Speaker 1 (44:25):
I'm going to I'm going to get That's what I
won't get somebody that look way better than you.
Speaker 2 (44:31):
I'm gonna get somebody.
Speaker 3 (44:33):
Anstand, here's something.
Speaker 1 (44:39):
You can.
Speaker 2 (44:41):
Just the simple mere fact of mentioning I do what
you what you And I'm not even this. I'm a lever.
I'm not ever giving my box out to prove a
point to a man. So I'm but I'm just saying
how it bothers y'all so bad. It's just the mere
mention of us cheating back on y'all. So to simply
fix the issue cheating on web that simple, you have.
Speaker 3 (45:03):
To Okay, I do want to say this stuff you
do this bring it back cheap or cheat doesn't do anything,
bring it back to the ultimate thing.
Speaker 2 (45:11):
Speaker 3 (45:11):
What scares me more than anything, y'all is a woman
who says, don't leave a man for cheating. They gonna
cheat anyway. I am scared of that woman, the woman
who say, oh, sexy red saying, oh, just let him cheat,
he gonna cheat. That scares the holler me because that
makes me think, what are you doing? I want I
want a woman who's gonna be hurt if I cheat.
Speaker 2 (45:35):
You see what I'm saying now. I don't want no
woman that's gonna be like.
Speaker 3 (45:40):
You know why it's cool because she's hitting herkoo chie
with wipes because she just got off opinions.
Speaker 2 (45:44):
Y'all want us at home crying, sliding down the wall
while y'all go cheat and then y'all come back and apologize.
And we're supposed to take the high road. But you
can't handle it if I do to you what you're
doing to others that don't give your box out to
prove no point on me. Don't worry about it. You
giving yours out? No, I don't get I ain't got
no box. It's whatever that is over that giving out.
I just it's just so crazy to me, like y'all.
Ain't nobody saying something so outrageous. All I'm saying is
you're doing. I'm doing what you're doing. What's wrong with that? No,
we're not all the man's inside like all the men inside.
Just let the manipulation it's gonna work. Just stop if
you don't want something. I live by this. I don't
do nothing to people that I don't want done to me.
I try to do that every day, even when I
even even when I want to do wrong. You say,
don't do that because if somebody did that to you,
you wuldn't like that. Don't say that because if somebody
say that to you, you win't like that. That's simple.
Nice First, Yes, are you cheating? Back your man? I'm
leaving there it is. That's exact what you were saying
the whole time. After I cheat, After I cheat? What
is daddy? What is daddy is uncle? Now play with
me if you want.
Speaker 4 (47:12):
To minutes for twenty minutes and he didn't exactly what
I said, because that is exactly what is going to
fix a dude.
Speaker 1 (47:28):
It's going to make him realize because it's gonna make
it's gonna make people realize because what I was saying
is when you cheat, the cheat, it causes two roles.
Speaker 2 (47:38):
Don't make it right if you leave me.
Speaker 1 (47:40):
Now, I'm sitting there like in my in my juices
similar like, damn, I just jagged.
Speaker 2 (47:47):
One and the juices is crazy crazy, it's crazy. You
just over that. I just said, what his daddy. That's
the moral of the story.
Speaker 3 (48:05):
We need to drop this advice that kick gives that
she doesn't even take herself.
Speaker 1 (48:09):
Yeah, I wish she gonna sit Kiki, not sit in
the house with no duel and be like, all right,
I'm gonna stay with you, but I'm about to go
holler at this other dude.
Speaker 2 (48:22):
No, she gonna leave you and act like she ain't
never seen you before and cut off all axes and
make you cry like that. Sleep with his granddaddy.
Speaker 1 (48:30):
If you sleep with his granddaddy is crazy. It's sad
for you to feel it, my dad. Your daddy might
tell your ass. Look big, Greg, gonna get your girls
so my granddad don't believe in condoms either. All wrong, wrong, definitely,
it's gotta be Wronglas. I'm about to say you about
to have some seventy old Hey, you got to feel
that skinned.
Speaker 2 (49:09):
Yes, sir, Eddy taking you fishing in the morn. Oh,
I love a man that takes me fishing. He's gonna
have you up. You're gonna be mad. You gotta wake
up it from thirty on Saturday morning. I love a
man and takes me fish.
Speaker 1 (49:25):
Oh my god. Okay, before we get ready to get
out of here. The last one key keeping your point
of view for a woman's point of view. Travis Hunty's
girlfriend catches heat and then she believes comments and talks
about it on the shade broom. What are your thoughts
about Travis Hunty's girlfriend get rid of her?
Speaker 2 (49:45):
Really even with what she said? Yeah? Why because you've
already been called in for k being who you really
are and where he's trying to go in his career.
Heat on me that type of baggage young. I understand
being young, but you know he's not. He's walking into
a career where he needs somebody a little bit more
mature and supportive and so from what we've seen, I
can only go off what I've seen on the internet.
What we've seen, she doesn't look like the most supportive,
mature young lady that would be good for him in
that situation. However, it's up to him and he will
have to learn his life lessons like we all had
to learn ours.
Speaker 3 (50:23):
That's all I'm saying. I think his life lesson he
won't even if he leaves, he will not learn the lessons.
He'll just go get another woman that may use him.
That's what I'm saying. He had this These type of
lessons you have to learn firsthand. You got to feel
that burn yourself. And if we trying to get him
to miss that step, like oh no, don't do it.
We see all the signs. I'm not saying the signs
not there, but you have to go. It's one of
them things where it has to happen. Like when you
tell your kid, hey, stop jumping on that thing. He
keep jumping, and he keep jumping, and you let him
fall and bust his head. Then he stops, you know
what I'm saying, because you knew he wasn't gonna stop
until he hit his head.
Speaker 2 (50:59):
And that's just a life lesson. And the more you
tell to leave somebody, they they're gonna double down. Even
he gonna ride, he gonna ride like he's gonna ride
to the wheels falling. But I mean, that's on him.
I can't say. We can't say we didn't tell him. Yeah,
but you can't.
Speaker 1 (51:13):
Dude said it before Savannah James would never, would never,
and that's just the fact.
Speaker 2 (51:19):
And she was young, yes, but Savannah was twenty times
smarter than all the women out here, Like at least
I should carry would never. Savannah is like a come on, man,
I mean, we could go down the list.
Speaker 1 (51:31):
We've never seen I've never seen this, to be honest
with you, to be honest with you, come on, dog
stop you're in public. Who No, you've never seen it
in public.
Speaker 3 (51:40):
But you can just look how many rappers and I
mean and entertainers and athletes end up in terrible situations
paying different.
Speaker 2 (51:47):
But that's that just because it's not he's not trying
to marry it.
Speaker 3 (51:50):
We got what's the name got six babies, dude play
for the Dolphins this year, three four babies.
Speaker 2 (51:56):
At A man got a baby right now now by he.
Speaker 3 (52:02):
Had three babies this year. I mean two babies this
year and man, yes, what are you talking about? You
just all athletes are doing this, but for some reason,
we just so hyper focused on Travis Hunter because he
get at the spotlight the best for him. And that's
all I'm trying to say is like, dude, all these
athletes are going through this. What's you just sit here
and talked about Jayalen Green getting got by Drea. Yeah,
I know that's what I'm saying. It's this is what
happens when you're a young athlete. But he has to
go through it.
Speaker 2 (52:31):
I don't like that. It's not just Travis Hunter getting
picked on. I don't like that, it's all of them.
I don't like that. I don't like that. All Right,
before we get out of here, did y'all see Little
Wayne's response to Kendrick and he mentioned on Skip Baylor's
show that he actually has spoken to Kendrick and that
everything is good between the two of them and he
wishes him the best on his performance. Did everybody see that?
I just want to make sure everybody saw that because
I just feel very vindicated and what I've said from
the beginning that everything is not what people think it
is with young money, cash money, and the fact that
Lil Wayne is saying he spoke to Kendrick Lamar when
Kendrick Lamar has done what he's done to Drake. Hmm,
that's all they were speaking about. The super Bowl ain't
gonna do with that be that has a lot. Are
you kidding me? What if Lil Wayne got on the
phone with Kendrick, that's not that don't.
Speaker 3 (53:27):
They had their own thing they was Kendrick gave some
bars to Lil Wayne and they was talking about that
Lil Wayne stayed out of the Drake b.
Speaker 2 (53:35):
Because there's because it's not what it seems when young money,
what does it? What do you think it seems? I
just remember when you all were saying, like, you know,
they were riding for Wayne to get the Super Bowl,
and you know, Nicki spoke out and and bird Man
spoke out, and I'm like, yeah, but Wayne don't care
about what's happening to Drake.
Speaker 3 (53:51):
No, we were only using that as a reference to
say that Lil Wayne was hurt. That was it, because
at first it was you said that Lil Wayne didn't
care about it, and I was about I was like,
Lil Wayne is hurt.
Speaker 2 (54:01):
He really wanted to do the super Bowl. That's the
I said.
Speaker 3 (54:04):
The only reason we brought up the outsiders of Lil
Wayne was because we were saying, hey, look how his
Look how his team is reacting. They're showing that. It
was before lel Wayne had made the statement.
Speaker 2 (54:16):
He's still the team. Though he still ain't came out
in defensive teams. He still ain't no, but that was
don't move what the point was. The point was about
the super Bowl. The point was about Lil Wayne being
hurt about the super Bowl. That's all I was saying. Well,
Kendrick and Wayne have spoken. Wayne is happy for Kendrick,
and all is well with my two favorites right now.
And I just want to put that out there the camera.
I mean, she should talk to you. I need to
talk to the camera because that's because.
Speaker 3 (54:42):
She's gonna try to move it all around talking about like, Yeah,
that's what we were saying.
Speaker 2 (54:48):
That's big to me. If Wayne is on the phone
with Kendrick right now, it made and Drake walking around
with a tattoo of Wayne on his body, that's big, girl.
He said, Look, wa ain't saying I mean.
Speaker 1 (55:00):
Ken, I think it is about I think with more
with Joe, Butten said, I think it's and I said
it before. I said, Drake has not done anything violent
to anybody. Drake has not done anybody wrong in business.
I said, this is all over women. I said this
early on in the beef.
Speaker 2 (55:21):
Maybe not with Kendrick, but with everybody else.
Speaker 1 (55:25):
Drake has done some wild stuff and broke a lot
of man laws, man laws with guys doing certain things
that you that you can't do.
Speaker 2 (55:34):
And I mean, like it seems weird. I mean, yes,
you knocked down Wayne.
Speaker 1 (55:40):
Girl while he was of course the girls gonna go
while he was locked up, and you, Drake, like to me,
like when I you, Drake.
Speaker 2 (55:49):
You can have any woman? Why you choosing you? Drake?
Speaker 1 (55:52):
You could literally you wanted a few men in America
that could sit and just scroll through the for you
page and just pick one and put the eyes there.
Speaker 2 (56:00):
You gon'e You gon't. Did y'all see the clip though?
No did. My favorite part was when Wayne said this
was his first time hearing the Kendrick lyrics from Skip Bayless.
He was my first time saying this is my first
time hearing the Kendrick lyrics. After he responded the day
the lyric came out. Remember that part right he forgot
you know, Okay, I mean it's saying I believe Kik
on this one. I do believe. I gotta go with her.
Did Drake and did Drake? Nikki and Young Money not?
Speaker 1 (56:36):
They not?
Speaker 2 (56:36):
They not what they used because everybody has leached off
for Wayne, and Wayne is the one that still needs
to tour to pay his whatever. I'm done, I'm done.
I'm mmmm that it is true. That makes sense.
Speaker 1 (56:50):
Jay Z paid his tax bill and Drake is super
rich and he really the cod Sign, but he really
took the whole career to a whole nother level. That
is crazy that that might that also might be another
reason why him and it might not be the woman.
Speaker 2 (57:04):
It might be like, man, my dog, I probably asked
you for some bread and you just Drake would love
to give Lil Wayne some money. But Wayne shouldn't even
be in a position where Drake would have to give
him some money. But everybody else's career has been built
off of Lil Wayne's back, and now he's in a
position that he's in. He came and booked the Super Bowl. Hate,
I hate that that makes it say it. I've been
I'm disappointed in a way.
Speaker 1 (57:30):
Twenty twenty four has some of the dudes that I
had a lot of respect for have have fallen.
Speaker 2 (57:36):
It's tough.
Speaker 1 (57:38):
It's a tough it's a tough and like I was
cool to drake stuff all up until the suing. The
suing took me out. I don't know what to do
after that. I ain't never seen nobody get a disrecord.
You say stuff about him, he says stuff about you.
Speaker 2 (57:54):
And there you see, that's the weakest thing I've ever
seen in my life. Final thoughts, Love you, Thank you
for a great twenty twenty four. We have been through
so many things, but y'all being right there with us
every step of the way. All of them sold out
little live appearances we did and supported a shade room,
and we traveled together. We had a great time. And
you know, despite the fact that you called me an
industry friend, I do want to give my brothers on
this podcast. They flowers, you know, Like, I really love
this podcast and I really enjoy this hour. Although I
have to come in here and fight for my life
some episodes like today, but I truly enjoy being able
to do this podcast. It really is a It's something
that is very important to me, and I could not
do it without these two. And I really, really, I
really love you as a brother's that and you are
quite you are an awesome industry friend. Tone when they
come to industry friends. You are at the top of
my industry list, the top. You know what I'm saying,
Like I couldn't define a bad industry friend and you
two women for us. She cut me off. We started
Industry Friends at Oh I'm a rewind the tape everybody.
I heard it in four K the same way he
tried to incriminate jay Z this episode. You know, it's
just it's wow. You know who you find out is
your friend and not. But you know, I love, I
really do love this podcast and I'm being really sincere
about that. This is very important to me. Like this
is so y'all don't like the podfam y'all have no
idea how important y'all are to me, along with my
brother and my industry friend. And I just lay everybody
for being a part of this and rider thank you
for your service. You know, you know I would prefer
that you don't ask me to give you the clips
and you just give them to us. In twenty twenty five.
But like I other than that, just really I really
love this podcast. I do.
Speaker 1 (59:50):
I do.
Speaker 2 (59:50):
It is a joy and really really it's one of
the brightest spots in my career as a whole. Like
this pie really played an instrumental part in my success,
and I could not have done it without my brother
and industry friend. I just think I just thank y'all.
I love y'all, and I'm for real. I had a
real I really want to say that. I've been thinking
about that, like I need to get y'all.
Speaker 1 (01:00:16):
Y'all flower, the music is coming on, Kiki all right,
I'm done, all right, yall, I expect that from industry.
Speaker 2 (01:00:23):
Thank you. I accept that, sister. All right, industry friend,
that's crazy.
Speaker 3 (01:00:31):
I love y'all pot family, and we will see you
guys in twenty twenty five uh years over.
Speaker 1 (01:00:38):
I love we got industry friends that have become family
members to be love the pod. Shout out to you guys,
Shout out to all of the all of the crazy
moments we had together.
Speaker 2 (01:00:50):
Shout out to the T shirts that I still have,
shout out too. That's when we should have knew we
weren't friendly. He never even gave us a T shirt.
I ain't got one. He ain't navigating y'all, ain't posting
on link trying to sell them. I'm just out. I
just got to merch. I paid by the mat, all
of them. I got them all for everything live we're
gonna do. I just ain't that they like.
Speaker 1 (01:01:18):
That's why they didn't act like industry friends. Any industry
friends would have paid you back. That's when they acted
like fam you know, sayd said, Hey, we're gonna help
you sell them.
Speaker 2 (01:01:31):
Oh but y'all gonna help you sell them. Get Thank you? Yeah, man, y'all,
y'all are dope.
Speaker 1 (01:01:39):
Thanks again for the shave Mom for y'all following over Man,
you guys doing shout out to Yes, we appreciate you
taking on the production part of what What Can I
Say podcast?
Speaker 2 (01:01:53):
We appreciate you, bro Man. Shout out to everybody.
Speaker 1 (01:01:56):
I could just sit there and name the list, but
for everybody they have has watched us from show one
till Show one eighty nine, I appreciate you because, y'all,
we we had some we had some brief moments where
we were like maybe we just stopped doing it, but
then we got our stuff together.
Speaker 2 (01:02:16):
And I stopped.
Speaker 1 (01:02:16):
I started lying to Kykid. Oh no, no, I had
a lot of key kids kick in, is Zach. If
you tell them the truth, they'll stop doing some stuff.
I lied to them all the time. Now I lied
to them. I gave them one piece of bad news.
We didn't pot for two months, and that that little
break was because I told them the truth.
Speaker 2 (01:02:35):
But now just lie. I don't know this like when
you go to somebody funeral and you reading obituary and
you find out you a special friend. When you thought
this is what's happening today, okay, so you know I
have figured out where we're staying. This is crazy.
Speaker 3 (01:02:51):
Listen, man, we hear y'all. We almost two hundred episodes in.
That's crazy, it really is.
Speaker 2 (01:02:57):
We're gonna are we doing something for two hundred? Now?
You know we ain't tell the two hundred.
Speaker 1 (01:03:02):
We're gonna make a two hundred dollars shirt, two hundred
shirt to stress Skiky.
Speaker 2 (01:03:06):
Out now, don't stress me. I love it here. I
will do whatever. What do we do it? Y'all want
to do something? If the pod fan wants us to
do something with.
Speaker 1 (01:03:13):
Some do we go live on a two hundred episode?
Do we do another live pop for two hundred.
Speaker 2 (01:03:18):
I think we should something. What number we on that?
Speaker 1 (01:03:23):
Speaker 2 (01:03:23):
How many weeks? Is that? It's ten weeks? Yeah, okay,
that means would be March marches. Well, no, we can
take two weeks off, so it probably be April.
Speaker 1 (01:03:38):
What I'm thinking we can figure this out in the meeting.
We don't have to do something, Okay, what can we