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July 27, 2024 • 26 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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There's a battle going on for thesoul of me. He's the wyth thevery
But I'm saying, within the armsof God, Dear Brad, She's the
keeper of the surge the Church ofChrist. I'll not surreyender. I'll not

surreyender. I'll not surreyyender. Iallow always be a godspol defenders, Ladies
and gentlemen, Rick Bright Invaw ofthe Gospel Defender ministries. This gospel message

will encourage and equip the those whohave ears to hear to be a Christian
clothed with the armor of a gospeldefender. I'll have survey. I'll have

survey. Ridalwa a godol, ladiesand gentlemen. We continue our journey with
the Jonah. We now consider Jonah'srepentance in three acts, his personal confrontation

with his sin, his personal confessionof his sin, and his personal conviction
over his sin. We begin inverse six with Jonah's personal confrontation with his
sin. So the captain came tohim and said, to him, what
do you mean, sleeper, Arise, call on your God. Perhaps your

God will consider us so that wemay not perish. Jonah was resting while
hidden from the crew of the shipand the sovereign eye of the Lord,
or so he thought. No onecan hide from the sovereign eye of the

Lord, not even deep down inthe cargo bay of a ship being piloted
by a heathen captain. The writerof Psalm one hundred and thirty nine wrote,
there is nowhere one can hide fromGod, not even in the uttermost
parts of the sea. And thatis where Jonah was. Somewhere out on

the sea. The captain of theship found Jonah and woke him from his
deep sleep. Awake, you,sleeper, and on your God to save
us. Pray to your God forour deliverance. Ask him to have mercy
on us, that we do notdie on the sea. What a twist

of fate. Jonah was running awayfrom a divine commission to preach God's word
to lost Ninavites, only to beconfronted with the preaching of a heathen captain,
urging him to pray to God tosave the captain and his crew from
drowning. Pray for our deliverance,or prepare for your death. Man,

But don't just lay there asleep.It is difficult not to remember an apostles
preaching to Christians in Ephesians five,verse fourteen, to awake, you who
sleep, arise from the dead,And Jonah had been dead asleep is a

prophet of God being summoned by apagan captain to do what he had been
called to do in the first place, save the perishing, not from a
dangerous sea, but from damning sin. This is a picture of the world
and the twenty first century Church.In many places, the world cries out

for salvation while the Church sleeps onthe pews. The world is sinking in
sin as fast as it ever has, perhaps even faster. Only the Lord
God knows for certain, but itis sinking. The only hope the world
has is the saving gospel message ofJesus Christ. The world is looking for

a solution to her situation, butshe is looking in the wrong places.
Drugs, dope, sex, crime, pornography, entertainment, social media,
gadgets, and government and politicians.But none of these is solving the world's

dilemma. They only add to thedilemma. Needles in arms, adult bookstores,
crime on the streets, murders,rapes, thefts, and mountains of
legislation are the outward signs of alost herding and dying society. They all

are screaming to the Church. Sendus, help, send us. Jesus,
tell us the old old story ofthe Gospel, tell us how we
can be better than what we are. Jonah should have been preaching to the
Ninavites, but he was being preachedto by a heathen captain. It is

a sad picture of a lost worldsummoning the Church. The world is out
preaching the Church. She winds morepeople to her dining philosophy than does the
Church draw people to Christ. Christians, by and large, are all in
the same boat, sound asleep whilethe world goes to hell. As difficult

as it is to understand how Jonahcould have slept through all the noise and
all the racket that was going onon the main deck and in the bowels
of the ship, coupled with theraging storm beating against the ship, it
is difficult to understand how the Churchthat Jesus built can be so sound asleep

while people are screaming from every cornerof the world for salvation from the hell
in which they live and the hellto which they are going. It may
be because because she is more wrappedup in her own internal affairs than she
is in the cries of the lost. If that is the case, and

I am not so sure that itisn't, she, like Jonah, needs
to repent. Now back to theBook of Jonah. And they said to
one another, come, let uscast lots, that we may know for
whose cause this trouble has come uponus. So they cast lots, and

the lot fell on Jonah. Themariners knew that the great wind on the
sea and the mighty tempest on thesea was no ordinary storm. It was
supernatural that could only have been bythe hand of a supernatural God. It
was unlike anything they had ever experienced. This is not surprising to us,

who know what they are did notknow it was caused by the omnipotent Lord
God to get the attention of Jonah. The mariners realized that someone on board
was guilty of some great act ofdisobedience against some God. Lots were cast,
and the lot fell on Jonah.Whether dice were rolled or straws were

drawn, the hand of God wasin the midst of the whole matter,
because Jonah's number was up or hisstraw was chosen. Just as King David
was exposed by Nathan the Prophet inSecond Samuel chapter twelve, Jonah was exposed
by the casting of Lots as beingthe culprit for all the Mayhem. As

Nathan the Prophet said to King David, the Lots said to Jonah, thou
art the man numbers thirty two,verse twenty three was written to the Hebrew
people, and the principle was alsotrue. For Jonah, you have sinned
against the Lord, and be sureyour sin will find you out. In

the case of Jonah, it was, and so shall it be for everyone.
Apostle Paul wrote to his young discipleTimothy in One Timothy five, verse
twenty four. Some men's sins areclearly evident, preceding them to judgment,
but those of some men follow.Later the same apostle wrote the Second Corinthians

five, verse ten to the churchin corinth we must all appear before the
judgment seat of Christ, that eachone may receive the things done in the
body according to what he has done, whether good or bad. Never sins
are hidden are hidden only from theeyes of men. But whether they are

hidden or out in the open,they shall be judged by the divine judge,
God Almighty. The hidden sins ofAchin in Joshua chapter seven, and
of Ananias and Saphira in Acts chaptereight were discovered, and they paid the
price for them. Achin was stonedto death, Annias and Saphira fell over

dead. Let this be a lessonfor all who have an ear to hear
what the spirit says. It isbetter to confess our sins and ask for
God's forgiveness in this life than toreceive God's condemnation for our sins at the
judgment bar Now back to the bookof Jonah. Then they said to him,

please tell us, for who causeis this trouble upon us? What
is your occupation? And where doyou come from? What is your country?
And of what people are you?God's people of the Old Testament were
supposed to be special people. Jonahwas one of God's people who should have

been special to the nation of Jews. It was written in Exodus nineteen,
verse five, you shall be aspecial treasure to me above all people.
In Deuteronomy chapter fourteen, verse two, it was written to the same people.
You are a holy people to theLord, your God, and the

Lord has chosen you to be apeople for himself, a special treasure above
all the peoples who are on theface of the earth. A condition of
both these declarations was that to beone of God's special people, one had
to be observant of and obedient toGod's word. Because Jonah was not,

he had to be asked, whatis your occupation, where do you come
from, what is your country of? What people are you? These were
questions of condemnation. Jonah should havebeen identifiable as one of God's peculiar,
special holy people, but he wasnot. He looked and sounded no different

from any of the pagan heathens ofany nation, including those on this ship
headed not for Nineveh but for Tarshish. The Pharaoh of Egypt never had to
ask Moses these questions. The membersof the Sanhedron never had to ask Peter

and John these questionsquestions. King Agrippanever had to ask Paul these questions.
But the captain and the mariners ofJonah Chapter one had to ask Jonah these
questions. Just exactly who are you? Anyway? Beloved? Does anyone have

to ask you that question? Iwas in a gospel meeting not long ago,
and among the visitors was a manfrom the congregation, where I labored
as a local evangelist. When heentered the auditorium, a member of the
host congregation who worked with this mancame up to him and said, with

surprise, why I never knew youwere a Christian. I don't know who
was more embarrassed, me for thevisiting church member or the visitor because of
me. The Hebrews of Old NewTestament, Christians are God's chosen people.

It is written in Titus two,verse fourteen that Christ gave himself for us,
that he might redeem us from everylawless deed and purify for himself his
own special people zealous for good works. Concerning Christians, Apostle Peter wrote in

One Peter, Chapter two, versenine, you are a chosen generation,
a royal priesthood, a holy nation, his own special people, that you
may proclaim the praises of Him whocalled you out of darkness into the marvelous
light. Jonah was supposed have beenspecial, but he wasn't. How about

you. We have considered the firstthe act of Jonah's repentance, his personal
confrontation with his sin. It isin verses nine and ten that we consider
the second act of his repentance.It was Jonah's personal confession of his sin.

So he said to them, Iam a Hebrew, and I fear
the Lord, the God of Heaven, who made the sea and the dry
land. Then the men were exceedinglyafraid and said to him, why have
you done this? For the menknew that he fled from the presence of

the Lord, because he had toldthem the lots had said, thou art
the man. And Jonah confessed inverse twelve that he was I know that
this great tempest is because of me. He admitted his guilt. He had

no excuse, There was no justificationfor his sin. He was guilty,
and he knew it. In lookefifteen, he had a cousin, the
prodigal son. Both these men wereforced to come to themselves. For Jonah,

his confession not to a priest orto a preacher, but to himself,
was the beginning of his repentance andreturn to God. This is the
beginning of every one's repentance. Theacknowledgment of personal sin is a prerequisite to

receive the forgiveness of sin. Whenthose on the day of Acts to Pentecost
were convicted in their heart that theyhad had murdered the son of God on
the cross, and asked what couldthey, what should they? What must
they do to be forgiven by Godof their sin? Apostle Peter said,

repent, and let every one ofyou be baptized in the name of Jesus
Christ for the remission of sins.Salvation begins with true repentance, a godly
sorrow that leads one to obey theterms of salvation set forth in God's inspired

word. Repentance without being immersed inwater in the name of Jesus Christ does
not forgive, and neither does immersionin water in the name of Jesus Christ
without repentance. May God forgive hischurch for having a lot of wet,

unrepentant members sitting on her pews,believing they are saved when they are not.
Jonah's personal confession of his sin andwhat it took to get him to
this point of repentance was costly anddangerous, not only to himself, but

also to all those around him.The men aboard the ship were exceedingly afraid.
The sin of one man endangered theentire ship, just as the sin
of Aiken in Joshua chapter seven ledto the defeat of the whole army of

Israel. The wilful, disobedient lifeof one of God's children often hinders the
work of an entire congregation. Sometimesit is because those charred with the oversight
of the church failed to discipline themember who is guilty of open rebellion against

God's word. Shepherds who are shepherdsin name only failed to shepherd and guard
the flock because of fear. Wehave seen two acts of Jonah's repentance,
his personal confrontation with his sin andhis personal confession of his sin. The

third act of his repentance was Jonah'spersonal conviction over his sin. It is
recorded in verses eleven and twelve.Then they said to him, what shall
we do to you that the seamay be calm for us? For the
sea was growing more tempestuous. Andhe said to them, pick me up

and throw me into the sea,than the sea will become calm for you,
For I know that this great tempestis because of me. Nevertheless,
the men rode hard to return toland, but they could not, for
the sea continued to grow more tempestuousagainst them. Pick me up and throw

me into the sea. But Jonah'sconviction over his sin did not quiet a
storm. Verse thirteen says, eventhough the men rode hard to return to
land, they could not because thesea continued to grow more tempestuous against them.

More had to be done than merelyrow harder and faster. Sometimes that
is the way it is with sin. Confrontation and confession and conviction leads to
God's forgiveness. But true, genuine, obedient repentance does not always produce mediate

positive results. It is a falsemessage to tell those who obey the gospel
that their obedient repentance will change thecircumstances of their lives. Obeying the gospel
does not always make the poor wealthy, the sick well, or a bad
marriage better. All too many areencouraged to be immersed in water in the

name of Jesus Christ, with thepromise that the circumstances of one's life will
immediately change for the better. Whenthat doesn't happen, some who are immersed
run from the church as fast asthey ran to her, never to return

because of false promises. But repentanceand baptism do not promise a better,
treble free life. Repentance and baptismthe forgiveness of sins and the indueling gift
of the Holy Spirit, and thatpromise never fails. The wages of sin

are immediately erased once and for alltime, but sometimes the consequences of sins
last for a lifetime. We understandthe Mariner's question in verse eleven. In
the case of the church, thequestion is what shall we do for the
brother or sister who lives, likeJonah in rebellion against God. Pray them

out, pray them in, praythem stronger, rebuke them, exhort them.
For those lost in sin, theanswer is that of Acts two,
verse thirty eight. Repent and letevery one of you be baptized in the
name of Jesus Christ for the remissionof sin. In Jonah's case, he

solved the problem himself, as heshould have. He was the one who
created it. He rebelled against God. No one deserved God's punishment but him.
To bring a calm sea, andto deliver the others from God's wrath,
he had to be thrown overboard.Pick me up, and throw me

into the sea. Ladies and gentlemen, don't let that be the story of
the end of your life. There'sa battle going on for the soul of
me. He's the wythyvery But I'msaying within the arm of God, dear

Brad, the heeber of the Sultagythe Church of Christ pla Surrey, I'll
have seray, I'll have to readyand I dollow with me a God.

Ladies and gentlemen, Rick writing Bossspeaking. You have just heard another Gospel
Defender Ministry's radio broadcast, brought toyou by the Church that Jesus built and
preaches all of the Word to allof the world. Jesus said in Mark

sixteen, verse sixteen, he whobelieves and is baptized will be saved.
So find someone today who will immerseyou into Christ today before it is everlastingly
too late. Our mailing address isis Gospel Defender Ministries, Post Office box

five seven five Jellicothy C H IL L I C O T H E
Jela Coffee, Ohio ZIP or fivesix zero one. You can also contact
us through the world wide Web atGospel dash Defender dot org or by email

at A. Gosdeff A g O. S D E F. A.
Gosdeff at roadrunner dot com. Atyour request, a written transcript or an
audio copy of today's message will besent to you free of charge, with

no obligation from you, now orin the future. We need to hear
from you as soon as possible,so please take the time to contact us
today now until you and I meetagain at this same time and at the
same place. Our prayer is thatyou will be steadfastly set for the defense

of the Gospel.
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