Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hiring your first one hundred yard rushing game in the season,
and I thought rebuilding world two second. Okay, so second,
but obviously regardless, you were a big part of the
offense today. Just supposed to. Like having the performance you
did and contributing in the way you did.
Speaker 2 (00:14):
It felt great.
Speaker 3 (00:15):
You know, it felt like I was me myself and
I and I was out there playing like that, and
I was playing these things with the football. I had
great energy, and I was, you know, disturbing that, disturbing
that or amongst the team, and you know, we was
just out there playing.
Speaker 2 (00:26):
Ball and having fun. So it feels good.
Speaker 3 (00:27):
Honestly, it feels good to get back to me.
Speaker 2 (00:29):
Did you guys feel the first half you didn't score,
but the running game was there, and did you feel
like it was gonna be open? Oh?
Speaker 1 (00:33):
Speaker 3 (00:34):
We knew the second half who was coming out there,
and that half was gonna be ours. We knew that
as a running back group. When we knew that, as
offensive line and as offensive general, we just knew that
we're gonna take over. And we've seen how the runs
were hitting in the first half, so we were excited
to come out and do the same thing in.
Speaker 2 (00:45):
A second, was that conversation like a hare shot, so
that there was a really committing to that run game.
Speaker 3 (00:50):
And that's basically what it was. Honestly, he told us
what he was gonna call the plays and we had
to execute him and he did that. So, you know,
I think what coach Way puts that confidence in us
and he tells us that he's gonna do something, he
actually does it, know as running the ball, you know,
I think we're gonna be on.
Speaker 4 (01:02):
We got on a great role everyone.
Speaker 3 (01:04):
He said that all week.
Speaker 1 (01:06):
The running game was there at practice.
Speaker 4 (01:08):
Was that emphasized because of a frustrating loss or what
was it that happened in practice that translated here?
Speaker 3 (01:15):
I just think everybody was had that main focus to
you know, we gotta continue to keep this run game
going and continue to keep dominating a line of scrimmage
and continue to keep moving people having great removal and
pressing the line of scrimmage, you know, as as running backs.
That's what we were focused on this whole week, was
pressing the line of scrimamers having great ball security when
they was there to hit, you hit it, and I
think we did that. What do you think you need
to do? I did think there was more of a
focus emphasis.
Speaker 4 (01:38):
On that what do you think you need you need
to do individually and collectively to kind of sustain that
running game over.
Speaker 3 (01:45):
I got to continue to keep on the details, continue
to like I said, be who I am, continue to
have fun with this game, because I feel like if
we're not having fun, you know, I feel like I'm
able to do a lot of things. You know, I'm
able to create a lot of plays. And this week
I'm gonna make that I'm gonna make that safety miss
So I can't wait to get back to work to
make sixty missed that third level on that sixty yard
I can't wait.
Speaker 2 (02:03):
You have said before that you really want to make
sure a defense came to you as a runner. Did
that start to happen as the game continued you could
kind of see with the way that some of the
extra activity.
Speaker 4 (02:14):
Yeah for sure.
Speaker 3 (02:15):
Yeah, yeah, I think we was wearing on them. I
mean that's the old line. You know, they're they're removing
the boys. I'm just practicing my home.
Speaker 4 (02:21):
You know, if you're getting my way, I got nowhere
else to go.
Speaker 3 (02:23):
I'm running over. So I feel like I think they
did a good job of you know, really setting them past,
getting the boys to move, and you know I was
able to run off him.
Speaker 2 (02:31):
Sean said, he didn't know before you give out game balls.
Speaker 1 (02:33):
Will you go to a hard time about getting up?
Speaker 4 (02:35):
Oh yeah, he knows, he's he always he always forgets
Ours is a great job not reminding him the weak
thing that happens ours over there, acting like he hasn't
hear me right now. But yeah, Sean King told me
I was in the shower, so that was good. But
at least he told me this time. I didn't even
hear about the last one until Wednesday. So yeah, we're
you know, we're we're really good at communication here. And yes,
it's good.
Speaker 1 (03:01):
I apologize if you were assessor. I just walked up,
but just to reach you know, most receptions and one
hundred career games in NFL history, with how much respect
you have for the game, and obviously you know the
peers that you play along alongside of and against. What's
an accomplishment like that mean to you?
Speaker 4 (03:17):
You've heard me answer. You answered the question of the
thing right like you had to have heard it. No,
it's just me all be around a lot of good
football players like you don't you just don't do those
things without being a part of an organization. Is doing
things the right way, and you know, playing football players
that allow you to do it receiver like more than
any other positions, relying on everyone else doing their job.
I've said it over and over again. So I'm just
thankful to be to have been a part of this
organization and play alongside the guys that have.
Speaker 2 (03:43):
When a young guy like Jared Verse openly talks about
him himself having a tough week last week and wanting
to make sure, using the word accountable a lot. Sean
used it as well. When a young guy shows you
that level of work through the week after maybe his
not his favorite game, what does that show you?
Speaker 4 (04:01):
Yeah, I mean that's yeah, it's it's a huge and
it's hard to do because especially for someone like you
that's playing at such a high level and he's had
success in this league at an early point, and the
hardest thing to do is to feel like you're justified
in the way you've been playing. And it makes it
easy to make excuses for yourself when you've been doing
a lot of things the right way and people are
telling you even doing things the right way, but something
like that to come in and say, hey, even though
I've done this and this and this, I can be
that much better and I am accountable. I'm sorry about
that to the mistakes that I have made. That's a
it's a huge thing for a guy like Jared and White,
we're i mean, we're pumped to have him as a
as an L A M. What's a light for you
to be on the side playing in that first quarter
when you guys thoroughly able to be on those people
for three plays. So weird, it's a weird. It's a
weird situation because we were Yeah, it's just it's tough
you're flows standing around. But even just from a low standpoint,
I mean, we've we've talked about as receivers like it's
it's a it's an important thing and a valuable thing
for us to feel like we can get into the
game early, you know, being able to just touch the
ball and have an opportunity to square someone up and
make a play. And we have things like that where
you shoot, you're going three plays in the first course,
it's hard to feel like you can get into the
game and you know that that is something that you
know it takes the you know mental Stamin and Bill
push through like a know, we only got three here,
but we have you be ready to make some plays
and we're to go on a couple of drives there
before the half because they weren't able to know finish
those drives. But yeah, it's's it is an odd feeling
when you when you have that and then what do
you feel like you guys need to do to get
off to good starts so you can get it? Yeah, well,
I mean there's it's tough. There's there's gonna be toimes.
Speaker 2 (05:45):
I mean it's tough.
Speaker 4 (05:46):
Things are so close even in those situations in those
first three plays, you know those things here, there's like
we could we just miss or you know, you're you're
not sure what the defense. You have game plan and
anticipate what they're gonna do, but you're not sure because
it wasn't gonna be on first drive. So you go
three and now it's like, m Okay, we have a
good feel of what they're gonna do now. But then
you get the ball back and go to sat half
and you can see something adjustments or the second quarter,
you see some adjustments we're making able to make a
drive down there, and then you know that second drive
we just miss on. You know, it's it's you know,
Matthews letting the ball go as this, you know, collision
happening and we're just off on what could have been
a huge play. You know, It's just it's little things
like that. But you can see the guys just say
the course and the belief in the locker room and
a half time was that if we just say, keep doing
what we're doing, we're gonna be a find a way
to get you know, finish these drives and put some
points up and steven S did a great job pulling
them early. And you know, it was a good companyenty football.
Speaker 2 (06:38):
When that fourth and three, I think you just mentioned
that one as well, that that fourth and three where
the timing was just what happened. I mean obviously I
know what's supposed to happen on that.
Speaker 1 (06:48):
You know.
Speaker 4 (06:49):
Yeah, we had a little double move on and Uh
was able to you know, get a really clean release
over there and over to the fields. The guy that
was the guy guarding to too on fourtthne three, anticipating
a tight coverage, he lacks off RSU, He lacks off
and not isn't covering two on the quick out, ends
up getting in in the you know, in my lane
as the brides balls being released, and Joe Matthew sees
when when I'm taking into it throws it. I get
collisioned by a DV not matching this guy, you know,
and you know, ends up being overthrow. I'm having to
get off that you know, readroute that we're not dissipating
being there. So it's just, you know, it's those little things.
It's those minute things, and you're like, man, no one's
anticipating that situation happening, and everyone did their job right.
It's just you're navels connect on any