All Episodes

March 19, 2024 28 mins

Keego joins Chaz & AJ on their morning show on WPLR in Conneticut to discuss St Patricks Day and the traditions that us Irish dont tell anyone ;)


Skip to 19:30 for the top 5 ways an Irish person preps for Paddys weekend.

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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St. Patrick's Day is Sunday. The Bridgeport Parade is today at noon.
And then, you know, there's all kinds of parties going on. O'Neill's in Norwalk.
Yep. And, of course, Trinity in New Haven.
Absolutely. Our favorite place. Another spot where we've done Chaz and AJ live
broadcasts on St. Patrick's Day.
Yes. Good morning to Shane Carty and Eddie Higgins. What's happening,

brothers? Morning, guys.
Morning. Happy almost St. Patrick's Day. Yes. The eve-eve.
It's been a rough week for us, though. So St. Patrick's Day is a combination
of all the work we've done for the last month. Right, right. Sorry. Yeah.
Yeah, typically you look pretty tired, right? I'm wrecked. I'm wrecked.
We're all wrecked. The whole team is wrecked.
And losing that hour last Saturday night didn't help either, I tell you.

Yeah, it's bad timing. It is terrible timing. It's kind of stupid, isn't it?
It's a cool T-shirt. We didn't get out of there until I don't know what time,
and then we were up at six, and then serving breakfast at eight o'clock in the
morning. Wow. Nuts. All wrecked. We're all wrecked.
The parade, I heard you closed early.
Did you close early? A little bit early. Well, yeah, we had some issues with
our draft system, and we were forced to close. Damn.

And we had a couple of guys who thought they were, you know,
had a couple of beers in them. Oh, God, yeah. Thought I could take on the world,
so we had to, you know, they ruined it for everybody.
But we were going to close anyway around 6.30, 7 o'clock.
Yeah. We just kind of wrapped up at 6.15. It's a long day. It is a long day. It is.
How long are you going to go on a Sunday? No, because, exactly,
at that stage, no one's spending any money, and I just fall around the place. Right.

Exactly. You're just making noise and annoying us, and let's all go home to
our families. Right. It's time.
We have a little staff party at the end of it, just to...
Oh, okay. Yeah. We all get together when we're finished. We didn't finish that
night, so probably 9 o'clock, 10 o'clock anyway.
You know, after all, we have a tent. Cleaning, we stocking. We got to clean,
we got to stock, we got to bring in beer from the tents, we got to bring in

the kegs, we got to clean the place. A lot of work. A lot of work. Yeah. A lot of work.
But this is like your Christmas season for your business, right? This is your busy.
This is, you make your money right here. This is it. Yeah, this is what keeps
you, this is what gets you through the summer in New Haven because,
you know, no one's going on holidays into New Haven for, you know, summer vacation.
Everyone leaves town. All the colleges are gone, everything. Right.

So, you know, the summer's going to be a bit of a struggle. How long has Trinity been in New Haven?
Nine years. Nine years. Oh, what are we going to do next year?
Ten-year anniversary. Ten-year anniversary. Ooh. Ooh, he doesn't even want to
think about it. I'm just trying to get through this today. I'm trying to get
through it. Listen, we've got UConn tonight.
There's, I think, another basketball game tomorrow. We've rugby tomorrow.

We've Liverpool and Manchester United on Sunday morning. On top of St.
Patrick's Day, we've got live music tomorrow night and Sunday.
And we've still got to prepare all this food to get all this drink ready. Wow.
And then just throw in Yale versus Harvard in lacrosse. Oh, yeah.
Which we'll do tomorrow afternoon.
So busy. Busy. Busy, busy. I'll ask you in a couple of weeks.

Right. Well, I'm probably in Ireland hiding out at that stage.
Is that what you're going to do? You're going to go back?
Yeah, well, I go back every couple of months. Nice. To see my mother,
who's probably listening now. Of course. How are you, ma'am?
Hi, ma'am. What's her name? Nuala. Nuala Carting.
Nuala? Nuala. Nuala. Nula. Nula. That's a beautiful name.
It's Gaelic for Christmas. Nice. She was born on Christmas Day.

No kidding. That's cool. How cool is that? So there's a gift.
It's not that cool for her. She's going to get it.
It's a gift. Thanks very much. Maritula. What kind of mom was she growing up?
Was she a tough one? Yes. Yeah. Exactly.
The Irish mother. Of course she's tough. She kept it straight.
He's got the scars. The burlap. How long have you two known each other?

You're partners. Yeah. In Trinity. In business. Yes.
How long have you been partners in business?
Well since we opened Trinity We went to school together We've known each other

about 40 years I grew up and played football Gaelic football So we've known
each other a long time And did you guys come over here together?
No, I came a couple of months before Eddie. Yeah. Shame, you landed in Philadelphia,
right? I landed in Philly with Eddie's brother.
And I was in New York, did a stint in New York for five years and worked my

way up. Nice. How do you both end up in New Haven?
Well, we had another friend who ended up in New Haven because he had somewhere to stay.
And then I left Philly and went to him. And then he brought,
he opened up Anna Liffey's.
Oh, okay. So I was a trained chef at the time. So I went up and opened with
him. And I spent 17 years there. And he went back to Ireland.

And then he came up from New York.
Yeah. And Ash convinced me to relocate from New York.
And so we did the Anna Liffey's thing for a couple of years.
I think New Haven's a great spot for you guys. Oh, yeah. Jesus, yeah.
We always say the Trinity's a small piece of Dublin in New Haven.
It really is. Trinidad Mural.
We have all the bric-a-brac from Dublin, and you can just walk around and see

every pub that's in Dublin is on the walls.
Nice. Yeah, you've done a real beautiful job there. It's a beautiful tribute.
Yeah. And it's nicely worn in.
It's like a comfortable leather jacket. Well, listen, we've had some ups and
downs in those ten years, as you know yourself.
Yeah, you had the big fire. Big fire upstairs. Right before St.
Patrick's Day, right? No.

Labor Day weekend. Labor Day. Right. That's right. And then we got shut down
the day before setting the parade for COVID.
Right. And that ended up, that whole year was just rolled off anyway. How bad was the fire?
It was pretty bad. We were closed for two years. Yeah, closed for about 17 months.
Holy crap. But we didn't have any fire damage. We just had water.

The water. The water that, you know, took the apartments out, came down on top of us.
So we had loads of water, loads of smoke damage. and then it was hot,
so we had to take everything back to the studs because of the mold and stuff like that.
The bar's still the same bar, though, right? Yeah, but we spent houses getting it back together.

Redid the whole thing. Well, you had insurance, right?
We had a great insurance. Okay, very good. The fire department were a big help
and saved a lot of stuff coming in and tarping and everything. Firemen love bars.
They protect you. Yeah, they did. They were a cupcake factor. Forget about it.
Shane and Eddie with Trinity New Haven here. So we have professional judges

here now for this phone subject. Oh, wow.
Let's do a couple calls here. This is the odd place you woke up after a night
of drinking. Justin in Canton.
Hey, good morning, guys. Hey, you're right. First time listener,
first time caller. Well, thank you and welcome. Welcome. Where you been? Well, thank you.
I think you just woke up there this morning It just happened to me Thanks for coming too,

We're in Southern California Middle of the Mojave Desert Palm Springs area Stationed
out there Thank you for your service The pleasure is all mine They did more for me than I did for them,
Middle Mojave Desert, Palm Springs area. Wake up in a IHOP parking lot.
My head perfectly rested in a bush. Nice. My arms folded across my chest.

And, yeah, I have no idea how I got there. From IHOP to I landed.
How's that help a hop? Yeah. Well, we know why you were at IHOP. Right, it's pancakes.
Right. Do you have any syrup anywhere on your body? Just one on the sausage.
Was it a blood sausage? It was after a while.

Well, good. You're in the running for sticks tickets. Awesome.
Thank you. All right. Thank you. I'll take one more. Mike in the car.
Hey, how's it going? Good. Thank you.
So we were up in Maine at a wedding and it was at a bed and breakfast that was
attached to a campground.
And we were drinking in the lobby until their bar closed at 10 o'clock.

So then we all went up to our rooms and we got the alcohol that we brought.
And the owner got very upset and said we weren't allowed to drink outside alcohol
in his building. We could go out to the playground.
Right. So long story short, I woke up in a child's playscape. Nice.
You were a different kind of ride. Yeah.

And kids from the playground found me about nine o'clock the next morning.
They were coming to play on the playscape, and they opened the little door to the house.
And they saw me laying in there, and I'm like, hey, guys.
Occupado. Did you have clothes on, hopefully? I did.
It was cold that night. It was kind of cold that night. It would be a whole

different kind of ball pit. Oh, my God, it smells like tinkle in here.
All the kids are crying. Right. Right.
Yeah, I think he'd be on some kind of sex offender list right now. Yeah, you would.
In Maine, at least. What do you mean in Maine? What does that mean? It's okay in Maine?
It's like it was in Maine. You could be naked around kids in Maine.

You've got to say moose walk down the street. They do it all the time.
Right. That's why they're called bears. Right.
All right, Mike. Thank you, brother. You're in the running. I had to take these
guys. They were on hold for so frigging long. Yeah.
Shane and Eddie are here from Trinity. And what did you guys bring?
It smells awesome. It smells amazing. Oh, my God. They put it right next to
me. I'm sitting here drooling. How did you last that long? I have shepherd's

pie, beef and Guinness stew.
I have some of the Irish breakfast stuff.
I have bread, which you make in the bar, which is Guinness in it.
And I think there's corned beef and cabbage over there, too. Yep, I see it. I see it.
The Guinness here and the Guinness in Ireland.
Two different worlds. Like, I drink Guinness. Now, we do a great pint of Guinness.

But I don't know. I don't know. Oh, I love our Pints of Guinness.
We look after our Guinness. Oh, I mean, oh, no, at your place.
Yeah, but no, but like, there's a lot goes into making a Pints of Guinness,
because the cooler has to be at the right temperature, the lines have to be cleaned regularly,
and then from where the Guinness we have to where it's poured, it's a short line.

So it's good stuff coming out there. What does that do with the short line?
Because it doesn't have far to go. So it's like not running all over the place
around. So we just go straight up. So our Guinness is good.
Now I've been, but again, like I go to Dublin regularly. I drink Guinness.
I've been to the Guinness factory, and I wasn't, you know, I didn't think the
Guinness factory was great where they make the Guinness.

Oh, see, I loved it. No kidding. That tall room up there with the dessert.
Yeah, but again, it's all, you can get one ticket, there you go, out, gone.
But like, if you go to any of the pubs in the area, around the area,
best pint of Guinness you'll ever have. Yeah.
Best pint of Guinness you'll ever have. We did a lot of that.
We did, yeah, because I woke up naked on my hotel room floor.
Yeah. That's where I woke up.

You went to Killarney too, right? Did you go to Killarney? Yeah. Yeah, we went to Dublin.
Dublin and Kearney. Kearney's great. Yeah, Dublin's where I landed.
I tell you, next time you're going to Kerry, go to Dingle.
You'll never see anything like Dingle. Oh, really? Oh, they saw my demo.
They saw my Dingle in Dublin. I'd be landing 500 feet within Dingle if you do that stuff again.

Dingle's the most beautiful place in Ireland. Absolutely gorgeous. I want to go.
Ireland in general is beautiful. And the people are just the best frigging people.
I didn't want to leave, yeah.
Just the best people. Yep. Yeah, and now you can fly out from right over here.
Yeah, from Hartford. From Bradley.
Awesome food that you guys brought. Great food. Yeah, it's amazing so far.
Amazing. And you're both from Ireland.

Yep. Your mom's in Ireland now, probably listening. We're about in Ireland. Dublin. Dublin.
Kigo, where are you right now? How are we, lads?
Welcome to the future. Top one in the PM. I hope you're all well.
Thank you. Oh, look at you. He's testing you out for us. Wow. Yeah.
What's it like? What's one o'clock like? Yeah, what's one o'clock like?

What information can we get?
Stocks, where are they? What should I buy right now? Any lottery numbers?
I'm not a betting man, but I think you should sell everything and you'll be
fine. You don't have to go to work on Monday. I don't have anything, so we're good.
Hold on, where are you? Where are you? So I'm not actually too far from Dundrum.

I'm about 20 minutes from Dundrum.
So, yeah, the world is too small sometimes, isn't it? But you don't want to
tell us where you are? We're not going to come over. Yeah.
We might. Oh, you want my postal address? Number 15.
No, I'm in Bray County, Wicklow. Oh, okay. Oh, yeah. Very close. Very close. Yeah.
Gotcha. Yeah. No worries. Well, I'd be over in April if you want to meet for a pint of Kills.

I tell you, listen, you said pint, so I'm there. So we're all good. I said Kills.
I'd go to Kills, too. He didn't say he was buying, though.
Key words right there. We'll put it on Chaz and AJ's tab to have.
Oh, yeah. They like us over there. We're good chippers. Oh, yeah. Big time, yep.

So you were originally going to be in a studio, but now you're in Ireland,
which is probably a much better place to be this weekend. It smells better there, too.
Well, I don't know now. I actually poured the first one there now just to celebrate
with you guys. Nice. Yeah.
You've got to start lunchtime off right. I am the Irish cliche.
But, yeah, unfortunately, I couldn't make it over.

But hopefully we'll get over soon. We'll get out for a pint.
I'm looking at August or October again. So we'll see you guys soon. Don't worry.
Cool. Very good. Very cool. Cool. Now, did Ruth ask you to put together a top five or no?
She didn't, but we can do it right now if you like. Okay. All right,
let's hear it. So top five, what are we talking? Top five of any topics?
What do you know? What's good for you?

Well, top five, you know, well, there you go. This is number one, actually, right now.
No, but we have Irish people everywhere on the call, So we can do a top five,
how you know the Irish are getting ready for Paddy's Day.
Okay. Okay. That's a number. That works. Top five signs Irish people are getting

ready for St. Patrick's Day. Okay. All right.
So number five, okay, we're bang in the middle of Lent.
So everyone in Ireland gave up alcohol until Good Friday. Oh,
my God. But we put Paddy's Day right in the middle.
So we knew we needed a break. So that's the first one.
We can't be good all the time. Of course not. It's like boating.

You know, you drink all weekend. Yeah. And then you need that week off.
For a little bit to go back to it. Right. For a little bit to turn pink again.
Yeah. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
All right, go ahead, Kiko. Yeah, that'll be number five. Number four,
let me think now. You sing a song when you can't get out of your chair.
It's called If You're Irish, Come Into the Corner. Okay, and you'll hear it

late at night in country pubs all around Ireland.
Whenever you guys come over again and you look around, If You're Irish,
Come Into the Corner, and the rest of it is because I can't get out of my chair.
You might have to explain that culture a bit. There you go.
The cultures, yeah. Yeah, so it's a lovely, endearing term for people who live
outside of the electricity and Wi-Fi connection.

So that would be the equivalent of our hillbillies? It's an Irish hillbilly.
Outside of Dublin. Oh, outside of Dublin. They call it hill-o-billies.
Hill-o-billies. We need that in a t-shirt, lads. That's brilliant.
So our hillbillies, yeah.
So we have a song that we sing. So as well as that, like when I'm back over

doing gigs and I need some money, I'll say, if you're Irish,
give me $20. That'll be my new song.
So we'll get everyone mouthing through that, you know. How does that work for you? It's a non-profit.
It's a non-profit. It's a non-profit. 20 bucks.
It's a tax write-off. Number three, we all started loving Bono.
Oh, wow. So when you're drinking, you're drinking all the way through Paddy's

Weekend. And all of a sudden, you start listening to Joshua Tree again.
And then you start going, okay, yeah, these are great tunes.
Let's go. Let's go to Bono's house and write on his case.
So that's number three. That's how you know you're getting ready for Paddy's
Day. You choose the biggest thing in Ireland, right? The biggest thing. Yeah.
No actor, no band. Well, Cillian Murphy, obviously, at the moment,

has to win an Oscar. How about Conor McGregor? What about him?
When we were in Ireland, Conor McGregor was fighting an American. In a pulp? No.
I think it might have been in Vegas. Yeah.
And we were like, we do not want to be the Americans in a bar if Conor McGregor loses.

Right, that's why I hiked out of there. Yeah, we're like, yeah,
maybe we'll just... I hid under my bed.
It's a very different game now. Yeah, he needs a new PR team or something.
So you're safe over here if he's fighting in Vegas next time.
Okay, cool. Cool. But you too, I mean, have you ever seen a band,
With such longevity? No. Stones or whatever. Stones, obviously. Yeah.

Actually, I'm going to see ACDC this summer. Oh, wow. Nice. I think the lead
singer there was 81 as well.
Yeah. Brian Johnson's 81. Yeah.
And his voice sounds just as good. It's great. And you see all those videos
from the Sphere? It's amazing. Oh, yeah. And nuts. Yeah. Nuts.
Does your boss go to that? I'm half Brian Johnson's age. I can't feel his face. He loves it.

So he's a big YouTube fan. He went to see them at the Sphere.
He says it's amazing. I'd love to see that. Yeah. But you too.
Bono and Jesus, right? Like in Ireland, it's Bono and Jesus.
I don't think so. I don't know.
King, it's a lot of Irish people don't have time for Bono. Bono's never,
yeah, Bono's never brought me a present on Christmas Day. It's true.

Jesus doesn't bring you a present.
It's sin. I'm sorry, guys. Bono never died for your sins.
He would, though. Ask him.
In a song, maybe. Like, do you guys get asked, hey, do you know U2?
Yeah, yeah. It was so small. Like, there was a stage where we'd go home and
you'd see them walking around the streets.

Is that right? Oh, yeah. Yeah. You'd go to Lily's late night, the weekend.
The only chances are Bono would be up there in the VIP section.
And then they had this hotel where they had a nightclub and the Clarence.
The Clarence Houston Park.
You'd see them walking around Temple Bar. Right. But only the streets have no name.
Yeah. You know, on Christmas Eve outside the Gaiety, right?

Well, I was there this Christmas Eve and he never showed up.
Well, he was in Vegas. Yeah, he never showed up.
So you would just, like, have you seen them play in a pub or a small bar?
No, no. I haven't seen it. Have you? I've probably seen them in the Dandelheim
Market before or whatever.
That was 14 years ago. You'd pay 20 cents, 25 cents to get in.
Is there a place big enough in Ireland to see a show as big as... Oh, yeah.

Croke Park, the Aviva, there's loads of places. The Point Depot,
I don't know what they call it these days, but yeah, out there. The O2.
So I'm going to see ACDC in Croke Park, and that's probably 80,000 people. 80,000. Wow.
So when there's not a band, there's what, soccer, rugby? No,
no, no, it's galley football.

National sports. You know, hurling and galley football? That's what they play in Croke Park. Okay.
So they really kind of frown on soccer and rugby there because they look at
it as a foreign sport. Oh. Yeah. Yeah.
Oh, okay. Yeah, hurling's interesting. It's not football.
Never played hurling. Never wanted to play. No, that's rough. Never, yeah.

Hurling is different. Not man's game. That's a man's man's game.
A lot of these guys you see playing are amateurs.
And they go out there and they're going like 100 miles an hour.
They're catching that...
Slitter. It's called a slitter. Yeah. It's called a slitter, I think.
Yeah. So, they're playing 100 miles an hour. There's a lot of culture going
on here today, guys. It's pretty believable.

Kigo's live from Ireland. What number are we on, Kigo?
Oh, sorry, we're on number two. I lost count there. So what have we got so far?
We've got Lent. We've got Irish come into the corner. We've got Bono.
How do we know we're getting ready for Paddy's weekend?
We get our wives or husbands to call in sick for us for the second half of this

Friday, which I may or may not have just done. Nice.
So that's how we do it. Everyone kind of gets together. good community spirit
and we say listen will you call in sick for me i'll call in sick for you put
on an accent or something very important and then we get back what accent would you put on.
Sober I can't do that one But I'm surprised They haven't given you Today off For the holiday,

Any chance These guys I'm surprised They didn't give you Today off For a holiday
Early excuse For a holiday St.
Patrick's Day Have a long weekend Is Monday the holiday?
Can I patch you guys Into my boss And you can do it Right now Sure Let's do
it Let me try If I get fired, I'm coming over there to work with you guys.

Tell them we're Joe Biden.
All right, we got one more. What is it? Oh, the last one is that you think on
Paddy's Day, after you've gone to the parade and you have a skin full and you're
thinking the world is great,
you think it is a great idea to go to a pub or a club called Copperface Jack.

Oh, geez. Yeah, no.
So that's to pop the guys in the room there. What is that? Tell me.
What are we missing here?
Remember he was talking about the cultures earlier on? That's where they all go for the nightclub.
Oh, okay. Safety in numbers.
It's absolutely... Guys, when you come over and all your listeners come over

to see us, all of us Irish on the call are bringing you the coppers, right?
And you need to experience it in every single dimension.
It's actually funny, I think Valentine himself is buried out the front of Copperplate Jack.
Because he knows that's where love goes to die. It's just unbelievable.

Kigo, thank you for coming on. Happy St. Patrick's Day.
Thanks for the Guinness you tried to send us, and we'll be re-delivered again later today.
Thank you very much, brother. I appreciate you. Enjoy. Cheers, guys. Bye. Cheers.
Enjoy the weekend. You guys. I can't tell you how much I love you guys. Yeah.

Trinity in New Haven opens today at 11 all weekend long.
First come, first serve. If you're looking for really great food,
great atmosphere, the best Guinness. Where do you want to go?
Music, games, and just love. Yep.
Trinity in New Haven. Shane and Eddie, thank you, brother. Thank you, guys.
Thanks for having us. In studio right now is Toastmaster Marty.

Yes. I've been called worse. Always would finish off all of our St.
Patrick's Day broadcasts with a toast.
Exactly. And Colleen from the Highland
Rovers Now with the Night Visitors The Night
Visitors like a modernized Version would you call
it of the Highland Rovers Yeah it's a We've updated
our set list a little bit brought in some newer Songs and newer Irish songs

Newer rock songs and it's all newer people Except you well the drummer And the
bass player from who had subbed Into the Rovers came with me So we have a new
guitar player Alright we ready Rock it You remember,
shamrock leaves, so nice and green. It's St.
Patrick's Day, let's all get drunk and sing.

Got it? Remember, that's your part. Oh, okay.
You guys good? Got that? Maybe.
Each morning, I'm...

Nice and green, it's St. Patrick's Day, let's all get drunk and sing. Get drunk and sing.
Phil and his wife had a baby, so he stays home to take care of it.
Now he'll spend most his time changing, baby diapers all filled up with shamrock

leaves. So nice and green St.
Patrick's Day Let's all get drunk and sing.
Sometimes when A.J. is speaking What he says we don't understand it He usually
sounds like he's talking With a great big mouth full of Shadrock green.

So nice and green St.
Patrick's Day St. Patrick's Day, let's all get drunk and sing.
Chaz told me my water tastes funny.
Funny. The water doctor will fix it. Fix it?
They made all my faucets for Guinness.

Guinness? Now my water don't taste just like shamrock leaves. So nice and green.
St. Patrick's Day, let's all get drunk and sing. All right. Sorry,
Boss Keith. Keith, you're not here.
Boss Keith can be quite entertaining. Entertaining. When he's on, I don't listen to it.

He sounds like an old lady whining. Whining. I've heard enough of Keith Akin's bullshit.
Shamrock Green, so nice and green.
St. Patrick's Day, let's all get drunk and sing.
And now folks my toast it is ended I think it's time that I should quit If any.

Of you feel offended stick your head in a bucket of shamrock leaves,
so nice and green St.
Patrick's Day let's all get drunk and sing,
Marty, nice job. Thank you. Nice, Selena. Thank you, Marty. Very nice.

And thank you, Colleen. There's something right about seeing you right around this time of year.
Any time of year, actually. The universe is complete. I feel upstaged by your
next time I'll bring somebody not so well-known.
Stole my thunder. You're the Toastmaster, not the universe. You're the Toastmaster. Get Thunder?
Get Thunder? Here's a couple of seconds of how we would finish off the St.

Patrick's Day Live broadcast with the Rovers.
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