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February 19, 2024 29 mins

Tag along with a riveting episode of "The Grit & Glory: Force on Force Military Podcast." Get insight into the adrenaline-fueled atmosphere of the Force on Force community and the exhilarating world of military fishing tournaments from our hosts and special guests Mino Lizcano and Rick Brindza, winners of the inaugural Redfish Championship.

Go behind the scenes and explore the trials and tribulations of championship fishing. Rick and Mino share incredible firsthand accounts of the competition, their strategic decision-making, and the unbreakable spirit of camaraderie that guided them to victory.

Dive into the details of the high-stakes championship round, the complexities they encountered, and the courage it took to overcome the odds amidst challenging environmental and competitive conditions.

Furthermore, learn about the significant impact of such tournaments in supporting worthwhile causes. Danny converses about the crucial role of community engagement and how fishing tournaments aid fundraising and public recognition for nonprofits like Objective 22.

This episode is more than just about fishing—it showcases the essence of community, relentless perseverance, the intoxicating thrill of competition, and the essence of supporting noble causes. Listen in to celebrate this fast-paced yet heartwarming journey of passion and determination on and off the battlefield.

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Episode Transcript

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Force on Force features the largest and strongest outdoor military organization in the country.
These are the men and women who make it possible to enjoy the freedom to hunt and fish.
It is with great pride that we bring you Force on Force podcast,
coming to you from the Force on Force Talk.
Hey, welcome to the Force on Force Talk. Love having you guys on this journey

that we're going on. I'm your host, Sean Dalrymple, guys.
And, you know, we always start in the Force on Force Talk. If you guys don't
know what the force on force talk is, every military operation starts in a talk.
It's a tactical operations center.
And all our TV shows start in a talk where it's the buck, the bass,
the redfish, and a hog show that's going to be coming up real soon. It'll start in a talk.

You know, it's really the command center of everything we do,
whether it's a fixed talk, a mobile talk.
But we're always in the talk. I got my partner in crime on the redfish with me, Danny Jackson.
You know, we're back to talk. This week, we're going to talk a little bit about
the championship episode from Army Redfish. So good to have you on, Danny.
Yes, sir. Good to be here. Before we do that, we've had a busy weekend for us.

You know, we were up in Indianapolis with the Bass and the Buckside doing our expo schedule.
And where were you guys at this week? I know you guys are at somewhere.
Yeah, we were down in South Texas, down in Texas at the Ron Hoover Boat Show.
Supporting those guys and then, of course, had to boot up to help raise more
funds for our non-profits.
You know that that's always a big part of what we do and that's it's

really cool because we get out and it's a time for us to kind
of meet the fans and and kind of support the
non-profits and to raise money and awareness and and it
goes a long way you know i kind of talked about this be as you start doing more
and more of those this will be the opportunity that you'll have people come
up and be like hey i'll watch the show and things like that and you know it'll
start kind of happening from there and so uh all right already happened it happened

so so let me ask you how was Was it kind of a little bit kind of surreal moment for you?
It is different, but it's good to know that our coastal people up and down Texas
Coast, they're watching the show.
So obviously, if they're watching the show, they're seeing us out,
not just in Corpus, but up and down the coast.
It's A, spreading our mission, but B, it's obviously helping the show ratings,

too. So that's always a big, important piece of it.
It is. It was it was just always really humbling for you once it kind of takes place.
So it's kind of cool to do that. so you know we're
you know the february march april really
starts our heavy show season for all our brands and so
we're out there doing expos but what we're really here to
talk about this week is the championship you know the championship episodes

aired last week and we're gonna have the first ever
army redfish guys on with us to talk about that and
i think that's really cool because i mean i know that to
be the first to ever do something is really cool you
know we had chuck guthrie on the bass side you know
randy garner on the buck side we're gonna have a first ever
hall guy i got to be the first ever

two-time champion on the bass i didn't know how cool that
was just to have your name permanently attached to that and so it was it's really
really cool to to have that you know part of your you know your life to be like
i did something before anybody else did so danny what you kind of set this up
as we bring you know rick and mino on and kind of to talk through this piece.

Yeah, so if you've watched the show, obviously, you know who won at this point.
The setup of the show, obviously, extremely stressful, as we mentioned in the
last episode or the last podcast.
These guys had to fish a lot. And again, if you watch the show,
you know why. We were missing two boats within the field.

So that gave the guys that, you know, went out the first round another shot at it.
And these guys that ended up winning it
they took that second shot and they ran with it so we'll
bring on amino lescano and rick brinza the champions
of season one force on force army rift with shinglers how's
it going guys hey how you doing danny sean how's

it going it's good guys welcome congratulations first
off it's awesome to have you guys part of the force on force talk podcasts i
mean i know mino you're smiling you know year to year it's pretty cool to be
able to finally tell the world isn't it it is it was so hard to not say anything you know obviously,

we knew it we know what happened but i mean just knowing that you cannot say
anything was just hard you know rick and i were texting each other all the time
every episode not yet not yet we got to wait one more one more episode next
episode and so it's just it's surreal it's It's just, again,
like you said, being the first.
Winners of it and it's no one's going

to be above that name no one's going to beat that we were we were
first and so it's still a lot and it's still
every time i watch it i've watched it 12 times since
since it aired on wednesday of course you did so i can't remember how many like
i believe it was four rounds that you guys fished right yes four guys had to

fish every single round to to include the championship, which led you to four.
So let's do this. Let's break it out because I'm really curious to see what
Rick has to say about the championship round.
So, Mino, I want you to cover round one and three, and then we'll let Rick cover two and four.
So start with one, and we'll just kind of bounce back and forth and tell us
how each round went, what was going through your heads in each round.

Because, Mino, you fished with me in the past during the PRL,
Professional Redfish League, and you know how different people take stress.
You're actually dang sure know how i take stress i was throwing crap all
over the boat whenever i miss a fish i lose it
sometimes but it's just the competitive nature and all of us and
i'm sure there were some of that that just wasn't

shown but let's go through it round by round and see let everybody
know how everything went yeah yeah so uh
so episode right we were out we went out first first
round you know it was kind of really last
minute like game time decision where we were going
i know rick had an issue with that because we're like where are we going man
i know where i want to go but i don't think we have enough time to

get there and back and if the fish aren't biting you know so we we went ahead
and played it safe and and fished on uh what we call the big flat and you know
just grind it and and rick put one on the board and i had one ended up losing
it i think lost another one i was watching the episode everything's a blur like i said we.

It happened and everything. We were tired. And so, I mean, we just gave it all we could.
But we we had a plan like, hey, let's just find where the fish are.
The wind was not helping. The water was dirty.
I mean, so everything that Danny and I have, you know, we sightcast not happening that day.
So it was just coming to just blind casting the whole time.

It was difficult. You know, like I said, thankfully, Rick put one in the bucket.
And man, that was that helped us.
That second fish would have definitely moved us in the next round.
And i'd have to fish a lot more
than the other teams so you know but hey we look at
it back and i tell rick i'm like hey we went from uh worst to first man i mean
we we lost no and stuck around came back and won the whole thing so yeah round

one was okay we were just getting used to fishing together we really didn't
know styles and and what was going on and so we were just it was brand new.
And so you kind of see a little bit of that on the show but yeah they cut a lot of stuff out so
it was intense i had fun rick man
he's he pulled it through and that's what

helped us get that one fish in that day so we didn't come
in with a goose egg so yeah that was that
was one so let me ask this question so do you
do you wish you had gone with your instinct and made the
long run and that first you know talk
to one of the other teams after where they went somewhere down
there and they saw the fish just couldn't get him to eat so i'm

glad that i didn't because they obviously had the faster boat so
they were able to get down there and back and to
find out that hey the fish weren't that they saw
weren't eating was you know kind of made it worthwhile said okay well we made
a good choice and so that kind of helped us throughout the tournament like okay
we we're not going to count on those fish down south because it's a good 35
40 minute 45 minute ride down there and you know it's it's it was a gamble that

i'm glad we didn't take so.
So let me kind of put this into perspective for the listeners.
I know this from personal experience.
So when I won the first ever time on Force Unforced on the bass side,
we were making a 45-minute run one way on Toledo Bend.
And so I know the pressure that that puts on you when you're making a 45-minute run.

And you get down there, and the fish don't bite exactly when you first get there,
and the wheels start turning.
And so I just kind of for the audience to kind of, you know,
understand the thought process, because that's a big decision that goes in there.
Do you make that decision to run?
And if you don't and you lose, you kind of second guess yourself.

Fortunately for you guys in a unique situation, you get a kind of a second chance
to go back and kind of redeem yourself.
So and then you kind of find out this information. I know.
I mean, that gut risk. I mean, I get a bite the first 30 minutes.
It's i mean we make this 45 minute run and i don't get a
bite for the first 30 minutes and you're like you're like oh
my god so we made a horrible mistake and then and

then and then it just like turned on and and
they had just moved further back and i proceeded to catch
them and but you you know it's easy for the
wheels to start spinning out of control because you only have four hours
you know four hours goes by really really quick
when you're spending almost a full half of
of that time running you know and so it really

comes into play oh yeah no definitely like I said we we I thought about it because
I know that I had fished down there the week before and I was like I know there's
fish down there but I mean man it's a gamble and and it was yeah I'm glad we
didn't go after talking to one of the other teams that said now we went down there and,
nothing so that one that one paid off but yeah that was just something that

I had to make a decision I know Rick was like where are we going where are we going and I know the big.
Most of the other boats were ended up fishing in that area.
And so, you know, they did well, but yeah, that's, that, that was just playing
it safe. Like, Hey, I know there's fish here.
We're just going to have to grind and that's what we did. We just kept going.
Yep. Yep. And I misspoke. There was four rounds. You had your,

you had the, the, the top, you had the eight and then you went down to four
boats and then you do went down to the championship route. So there's three
rounds, but you had the eight.
Rick, talk us through round two, and then we'll kind of collaborate on the championship
round, because I know, talk about head spinning.
Oh, it was crazy. You know, we, like Mino said, we went from last to first,

and that second round, after we got kicked out, we're like, what the heck do
we do? What colors do we throw?
Because we were catching trout like crazy, and I mean, we were catching nice trout.
We were hunting for the red and we
put one in the boat and that was enough
to push us on because the

other team that we uh fished against in that round didn't bring
in any fish so that one fish was able
to put us through the round but then we were hunting for what to
throw they just they weren't fighting like we wanted to you know we tried every
color we tried every lure we tried everything you know we got that one in and
it's like okay thank you let's hope that this pushes us on to the next round

and we got lucky yeah yeah who who dropped fish in the second round,
against michael uh that's right mike and justin mike and justin so yeah i was
correct the first time i think rick on the second round we ended up with two
fish did we yeah so you fish might You fished Mike and Justin on the first round,

and then the second round, I believe, you fished against Everett and Cole in
the second round, and y'all had two fish.
Obviously, as the host of the show, I'm always asking before.
I'm asking camera guys to relay information. Hey, is there a fish brought in?
I mean, nobody wants to blank, but in a four-hour time span,

that can be the nature of the beast pretty easily.
I like to mess with all the bass guys all the time. Our fish aren't trapped in a little pond.
You know, our, our fish can go out in the ocean and disappear into another state.
Yeah. Yeah. No, I don't know. You should ask the bass guys. They think they
could disappear sometimes too. And for hours.
Yup. Absolutely.

But yeah, that was a good, both those rounds. Go ahead. I was going to say,
Danny put it in perspective on the show. He says, welcome to tournament fishing.
And I tell you what, I was wore out.
I was plum Tucker.
There's days where we fish, you know, nine, 10 hours in the summertime for the PRL.

You fish nine hours, you're on your feet that long. You make an hour run one
way and you still got an hour run back.
You talk about a grind and then you got to get up and do it all over again. day
too it's a lot of work and well
we'll kind of let the listeners know like uh we we make
it look pretty cool on the show that we do this over like a
seven eight day period but we really do this over

about two days yeah it's fast
in a hurry it's fast in a hurry and it wears everybody
out i mean it's really cool how fast
we do it it really goes back to everybody military background
ground and being able to keep timelines but if you if
you if you win the thing you're going to be worn out when you get done because

you're going you're going and you're going and and you're constantly having
having your your your brain is constantly making decisions and you're just trying
to you know think through the process and you got to keep going back time and time again,
oh yeah no it was i mean we came in and like
all right you guys lost get something to eat you're going back out like oh no

there's enough time to scarf something down and then you're heading back out
but yeah i mean obviously it worked like it's like we're seeing that the next
round we got two and then we got two again and we ended up in the championship
round i was like oh we made it right.
Let's move over to that. Let's move over to the championship round because that

was a very interesting round. Again, there was a lot of stuff that wasn't shown.
For instance, the Marine team, the Marine One team, they were in my boat and
their dang lithium battery died.
Add the lithium to add at the
time you know we didn't have the great sponsor that you know we didn't
have the batteries in from our sponsors to get

it swapped out in time but he had a lithium battery die
so now he's stuck with a trolling motor down because it's auto oil
auto stove just nature of the beast and those tower boats
and he calls me and he's like hey this trolling motor's down and the battery's
dead what can i do and i said well pushed it over here real slow on a a big
motor and then we'll figure it out i got them you know there's tricks tricks

around all that we got it stowed and then they were back off to the races but
they didn't have a trolling motor,
but that's just something that was left out of the show and then i'm sure you
guys had something crazy happen if not once or twice yeah so i mean we had a
couple things i when i saw the last episode i was like man they're gonna show
all the fish that i just i missed i mean i missed some Some Rick missed someone,

went behind the boat, hit the poles,
went under the back side of the boat by the by the power pole.
And I'm trying to get that thing out. And I mean, it was crazy.
But, yeah, then Rick and I were kind of like at it. We were tired.
We were frustrated, exhausted, drained. I mean, mentally, physically.
And we're just kind of you could hear us kind of just like going back and forth,

just being real short and arguing and snippy. And it was like,
man, this is this is how it is. Like this is this is tournament fishing.
You spend that much time with somebody on the boat.
And, you know, the whole time we're talking, I'm like, you know, I'm just glad I'm here.
But like, you know what? No, we we made it. Let's let's go for it.
And we just kept going. And that kind of just pushed us even harder.

I know Rick as a thing with going off and I'm like, let's get it.
Come on, Rick, get back in the game.
And so he did. He had his lifesavers or whatever it was, Skittles,
and got back in the game. And, you know, it was, man, it was a grind.
And you see the end of the show where they announced the winner. Yeah, I...
From just being emotionally drained physically, everything, I kind of just like

lost it. I got teared up a little bit. I was like, oh, my gosh, it's finally over.
Like all of this to find out that, hey, it wasn't for nothing.
You know, he came out on top and all these emotions just come rushing through.
And so it was a great opportunity. Great partner and surprise.
You know, he didn't push me in the water. I didn't push him in the water.

Yes, Sean. Sean, what he's talking about with the alarms going off. I'm a diabetic.
Okay. The reason I processed out of the Coast Guard.
And I wear sensors that tells me where my blood sugar is.
Right. And right in the middle of fishing, I'm getting alerts.
Beep, beep, beep. It's like, oh, no. That's all I need.

You know, that was thrown in the mix there, too.
You've always got something that takes place. I mean, I go back.
Like I said, I was telling you guys about my first experience. experience i
mean on the championship round on the season
the season four when i won back then the the
skeeter boats had dual fuel tanks
on them and just like back

then me and jeff campbell were actually two task
force members we didn't have a pro at all and the boat was we
weren't very familiar with the boat and didn't flip the the fuel
gauge or flip the the switch to
transfer for the tanks halfway making the
run to in the afternoon from the
championship round it shuts down and we're

on the middle of toledo bend and it's bouncing up in
three foot swells and we
got and we got gold star kids when we're doing this the first
time i won it and i'm on the back
deck of the of a bass boat with my feet hanging out
in the water got because back then
the way the i-class scooter i-class was you couldn't get to

the build the uh bulb because once it runs
dry you got to squeeze that bulb to get it primed back up and
i'm trying to reach under there and feel for that bulb to figure out
where it's at and i'm like thinking we're gonna lose because we ran out of gas
didn't know to throw the didn't know to change the fuel tank over right and

it you know all these all these emotions are racing through your mind at that
particular point and And you're like, oh, my gosh.
Something stupid like that's going to happen.
And, you know, from where it's, you know, losing the fish around the power pole
or that, you know, your diabetic alarms going off.
And it's all about how you persevere. I mean, at least you weren't like the
Marine team guys and go to measure a fish on the deck of the boat and lose it over the guttles.

I mean, that's why we're all talking about all this. I mean,
that's why we brought those guys on in the last podcast to go back.
I mean, when we talk about things, I mean, we really look at, like.
You guys had adversity they got those guys had adversity but
that's what came down to be the difference in the
championship was that fish because a

lot of times we have to go back and look at the previous round when
there's a tie and that fish you know
for execution because it's about how you execute on
the water and it's just like we do in the military how we execute in
the military the the people when you execute you know
better than somebody else out there you come out on top
and do the little things right and they didn't

do the little things right i mean i don't care whether it's bass fishing
red fishing you never measure a fish up
on the top top of the boat never ever that's a big no-no right you do not that's
probably the biggest fish the whole thing too yeah hang on to it it's crazy
yeah and so when you look at it from that perspective just Just to see you guys

persevere through all that.
And the emotion of when it's all said and done.
I mean, we were filming the Bass show a couple weeks ago. And the camera guys,
we were sitting at the restaurant.
And Matt was talking to the other camera guys. And he was talking about how
they were doing a lot back last year.
And he was making fun of me the first time I won. And I grabbed that trophy.

And I just like went crazy.
And, you know, I mean, because it's just all that emotions that comes with it, you know.
So so i can you know when you you
you talk about their amino how it kind of felt you know
from that perspective you know well it goes
a little further like i fish with these guys a lot of times they're always harping
on me man it's every time message threads

and just all the time in person i'm like oh my
gosh they have other people messing with me and it's
always like so this was this felt good to to
say hey guys you know what yeah i got it i got
it where's your ring you know it's kind of of just throw it in their face now
because i mean i went against the guys that that are on
our team obviously we we we fish all the time together
and it's just finally it's something i can hold

over their head now like i said it's the first one and so hey guys you know
i got it yeah that had a lot to do with the emotion too just like hey finally
get the show on me i did it you know and you know we always joke around well
i joke around with with the other guys michael like well you know hey hey,
you know, everybody lost.

I'm like, I know we did, but we got a second chance to come in.
Capitalizing and like you said we put things together and
it just started to fall into place and we had a couple hiccups couple
speed bumps get right back up and then just try to go
so it was it was quite an experience and you
know i can't wait to do it again i just i can't it's awesome yep well the good

news is is champions are coming back for season two obviously to collect your
rings but more importantly to see if you can hold it down for one more time so we'll see what's
the rings that you guys are getting are they're literally
still in the design like the design phase is done right now he's working on

the casting and molding like they are freaking badass rings one of a kind you
guys got the season one rings they're they're they're awesome like everybody's
definitely gonna be gunning real hard for you guys next year because.
It's everybody's gonna want one of these yeah it's that's uh man it's easy to

go in in fish when you're doing the hunting but when you're the hunted and got
that target on your back it's a whole different deal so you're gonna you're
gonna feel a lot a lot different when you.
Everybody's coming after you you know it's funny
because there's guys fishing now like they're
looking for fish now and i'm sure you know you're

doing the same thing but there's a lot of guys that are saying hey i'm
not doing this i'm not doing that and i'm gonna know where these fish you're at
so i see what happens there's
going to be some more captains that come in too that are sticks so i
always say this what i always had the funnest is
i think more people get mad like because
cole brewer and i had a pretty have had a pretty good battles on on on the bass

side back and forth over the years and i think more people get more upset when
cole and i don't fish because because they get more enjoyment out of beating us, right?
You know, if they can say they beat me or they beat Cole, they feel like,
you know, because Cole has gone on to be a two-time champion and they can say that they beat us.

And so that's what they're going to be doing for you, Rick and me.
You know, they're going to be like, I beat the champion because they want to
be the one that said they took down the dragon, you know?
And so that was, because the first time I won, I remember saying,
I drew the defending champions in the first round.
I was like, that's the way I want it. If we win it, I want it to be the one who...

I didn't want it to be any question. I wanted to go out there and beat the champions,
you know, for the first round and not leave any questions about it.
And so there are going to be people coming for you.
I'm going to tell you right now, man, they're going to be like, hey, I want what you got.
And that changes the whole dynamic, you know, when you're looking over your shoulder.
Yeah, no, I can imagine. I'm just like, oh, my gosh. But, you know, it's season one's done.

And I'm like, we've been pushing it out.
I know Danny said somebody recognized this. Somebody saw it.
I was wearing my Navy Redfish English jersey.
Somebody said, hey, did you guys have a show on TV? I'm like,
yeah. So like, and that's only season one.
Our community has really supported us. I work at a school down here.
My school has done, you know, social media posts and they've been promoting

us. And hey, check out the channel.
And, you know, and so it's crazy. I mean, sky's the limit.
I mean, we just got to keep promoting and it's all for a good cause.
Like I said, we help our nonprofits and bring light to what a lot of veterans are going through.
And then just, hey, this is a great organization to be a part of.
And so just having people start recognizing you and having just feel like a

little celebrity here locally, it just, I mean, it makes it all worth it, too.
Yeah. Yes. Speaking on the nonprofit side of things, like our Rockport nonprofit,
Objective 22, they're getting hammered by phone calls now.
Vets reaching out. Now it's a matter of they're getting a lot of support from the local community.

Now it's working on getting those bigger sponsors for that organization,
the bigger dollars coming in.
So that way they can get more vets on the water themselves.
They've got people all over the country. Talk about reach with the show.
They've got people literally all over
the country reaching out and saying hey we saw you on sportsman's channel
we saw you on world fishing network that's nuts and

that organization is tiny and you
know of course there's more organizations within their heroes in the water they're
nationwide weekend warrior texas their tech they're just in texas but they fly
people from all over the country in and then season two we're introducing another
non-profit which you guys will We'll see what's up with that.
It's going to be really cool.

Season two itself is going to be really cool. Working with, see where it's going
to be. Hopefully we can maintain the market 37.
They were outstanding at hosting everything for us and setting us up.
Food was amazing. Suits up. Yeah. Food was, yeah.
They did it up on the food. Right. We'll see what's going on.

We'll try and get season two lined out sooner rather than later.
So that way when September comes, because that's the timeframe we're looking
at getting everything done is September.
We're going to push it back a little bit. So that way we're not on a holiday weekend.
In there's not 9 000 boats on the
water but push it back a couple weeks and see

if we can't get after it and make it happen yeah well
it'll be exciting so danny were you guys getting ready to go with your guys's
schedule so people come out and see yep two events so crawfish fest and rockport
is one of them that thing is massive last year it was so big they couldn't take
any more vendors so So this year,

they expanded location, but we'll be there first.
And Oyster Fest in Rockport Fulton area as well. So that event's always massive for the community.
What's good about going to Rockport, A, is they know everything about Objective 22.
So it allows us to push our other mission with the other nonprofits into that location too.

Yeah, that's good. We're back this weekend in Indianapolis,
wrapping up our eight-day show up there
with the indianapolis boat sport and travel show up
there it's the hunting hunting side comes in this
weekend so it's going to be a continuation of a
good deal we're actually giving away an hds pro 16
up there and a bona fide kayak to support our non-profits.

So it's really cool stuff going on up there
and then we take off it's just back
to back for us we're to the backwoods show
at in oklahoma and then we're gonna go film
the new hog show so that's gonna be pretty exciting how we
that's gonna be a cool cool deal for us so we're doing
all kind of cool things love doing these podcasts and getting to

talk some of the background stories of kind of how all
this stuff comes together and bring on different members
from the organization whether it's the bass the buck
redfish you know hog it's it's really cool because
i think that's you know sharing a little little
bit different perspective of everybody so i think that's really
really cool that we're getting out there in here and i mean it's

really cool i mean we've had people from brazil listen
to us in germany different places
like that so it's really cool to the to see some of
the stats on this so you know really appreciate everything thanks
mino rick for bringing on with us and danny always appreciate it hey guys if
you want to know more about army buck bass hog duck or redfish go to force on

force and thanks for joining the show well thanks for listening to the
force on cast join us next time as we dive into more topics from the force on force talk.
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