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February 22, 2024 16 mins

In this latest episode of Bodcast, Fern from Practice Plan catches up with Neil Stephen, CEO of Dengro, to delve deeper into the company's CRM software and how best to utilise reports and data captured.

What you'll hear:

  • What do the reports on the CRM system tell us?
  • Where do the best leads come from?
  • The benefits of having the data for a dental practice
  • Examples of how practices utilise the data.

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Practice Managers

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Episode Transcript

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Welcome to BODCAST, the Business of Dentistry podcast, brought to you by Practice Plan.
BODCAST delivers the best business advice, real-life stories and practical hints
and tips to make your practice a more profitable and sustainable business.
And now, here's your host. Welcome back to this latest edition of BODCAST.

My name's Fern from the marketing team at Practice Plan.
And once again, I'm joined with Neil Stephen from Dengro. Hi, Neil.
Hi, Fern. How are you? Not bad, thank you. How are you? And thanks for joining me again.
Great to be back. Great to be back. So we caught up a few months ago about your CRM system, Dengro.
Do you want to just introduce yourself again for the listeners and just tell

us a bit about yourself and the system?
Yes. So I'm Neil. I'm CEO of Dengro and our CRM software essentially transforms
how dental practices handle, track and report on all of the inbound inquiries that come their way.
And that Existing patients interested in joining a monthly payment plan.
It could be referrals from another dentist.

Essentially, it's just allowing practice to really manage those inquiries efficiently
and automating as much of the routine as possible.
So there's basically no more spreadsheets. It just means the team have got more
time for conversations with patients.
And it also gives clarity to the team and principal managers over performance,
the reporting side of things, which is obviously what we want to talk about today.

Brilliant. Yeah. So last time we caught up, we sort of did an overview of the system.
And today we're just going to do a bit more of a focus on the performance and
accountability side of it.
So, yeah, can you just tell us a little bit more about that side of it?
Absolutely. So the reporting, I like to kind of break it into three sections.
And essentially the first part, pretty critical for practices that are trying to build up,

you know, new patients and attract new patients
and maybe upsell to existing patients is where are
my leads coming from so if you're investing in marketing and you're.
Spending you know hundreds maybe thousands of pounds every
month on it you want to know well which parts of my marketing working
where are my leads coming from is it from that facebook ad
is it from that google ad they just found me through reputation what

is it so dengro in that part of
its reporting will show you in its lead origin report how many
leads have come from every single campaign so then you get a sense of well
which bits do I need to perhaps stop
doing which campaigns are working which aren't and it's
again not just about volume of leads it's which
which activities are we doing on the marketing side which

are attracting the kind of quality leads that we want
the kind of patients that are going to perhaps and hopefully become
lifelong patients so that's that's a big you
know the big third of the reporting is all around understanding
that and also seeing well how much value do these
these leads represent and you get a really good sense of well
am I getting a good return on my investment you know

from my marketing so that's one one section
or one third if you like the reporting the next bit as well I've
attracted these leads how well am I team performing you
know so and that's the accountability that Dango shows it's
you know how response for the team in terms of getting in
touch with people who are interested in treatment okay and it's
really really important to recognize that it's not just about the

TCOs you know it's not their responsibility to
convert a patient to start treatment it's a team effort right they're
very much part or receptionist you know front.
Of house staff are very much there to initiate
those conversations build relationships book people in for consultation but
there's a practitioner involved as well what are they doing
what's their performance like and that's where you get into well practitioner performance

is that second half if you like of that journey other in
terms of consultations attended to treatment
started you know so it's a team effort from end to end and that's really important
to give that overview and so that's where the accountability comes because anyone
looking at the reporting day we can see who's booking and consultations how

are people performing how responsive is the team how well the practitioners
performing have they dropped the ball Is it really good?
We're getting a really good kind of cadence of booking consultations,
but treatment starting is not very good or it's not very good for certain treatments.
Why is that? It's all there to look at. And it just allows the team and the
management to take appropriate action.

So that's the second bit. And then finally, it's the wider business piece,
which is, you know, if you are emerging into private practice out the NHS and
you, you know, you're going to start looking at metrics like this,
you perhaps not familiar with.
And, well, if I'm spending this much on my marketing, I've got this much and,
you know, coming through, what is my value? What's my pipeline worth?

You know, what's my conversion rate? And that's, that's the business.
That's the sort of third part of the reporting, which is, yeah, the conversion rate.
And you can look at it by treatment. you can look at it by source and
it's really getting a sense of how much money are
we going to make this month are we on track to hit target and it's
just giving a really really real-time view.
Of performance for the business overall

and then you can start to set targets and
I think that's a really important point here is if you are coming into
this fresh you know and reporting can
be overwhelming there are many many metrics and it's just really important
to not start setting targets worrying about what you're seeing it's
just get to know your numbers that's a really critical point if that's all people
take away today is get to know your numbers you know

week in week out month by month start to see trends and
then start to think that's this is my normal right what
do i want to improve i've got the resources to do it then set
some targets and just pick one or two maybe three metrics
to begin with and track those as long
as you know what they are the team understands what they are and everyone
knows how to improve them that's a really good starting point

and that's really quite motivating for everyone involved as well you know
there are corporates that just pick one metric right one
metric to focus on because if that's good it follows
all the others are good and the example i give is average time
to first contact if the team are really quick
and really responsive and getting back to people that said i'm interested
that's it's common sense but that's

what you want as a consumer you think i've sent an inquiry i want someone to
acknowledge it and someone to pick up the phone and call me right so if you're
doing that really quickly and we know that from our millions of rows of data
that the most responsive practices who are quick off the mark to get in touch
with patients who said i'm interested in your your treatments they're the ones
that have the highest conversion rates from inquiry received the treatment started.

Yeah brilliant and that's that's the kind of bit of a bit of
a run through of the reports it's yeah
safe to say that there's a lot that you get out of it i suppose absolutely you
mentioned yeah i can imagine it could be quite overwhelming to have all that
information and where to start with it but i suppose just start maybe starting
with the numbers like you said absolutely yeah so you could just start with

one bit and you know if you are spending a lot of money on marketing marketing,
the reporting allows you to hold your marketing agency to account and they you, right?
So if they're, you're spending thousands, you're not seeing many leads and you
can, it's all there in the report.
So you're not generating anything with needs. What are you doing about it?
Equally, they can say, look at all the leads we've sent you.
What are you doing with them?

You're not converting. You're not picking up the phone quick enough.
Your team aren't quick. So it's transparency and that's, you know,
it's that single source of truth.
It's that objectivity where both parties are just looking at this
software and the reports within it to make decisions yeah
definitely and then you mentioned it a bit there but
um what are what are the sort of main benefits of having
the access to those numbers yeah so that's

i think that it's really hard to know
how well you're performing unless you can measure it right and that's
back to that's why the reporting is so critical and that's
why i i would come back to just get to know a few
numbers and it allows you you and the
team to work closely together to start improving things and learning
from what's going on if you know your conversion rate then you

can start to say is this a good conversion rate should
be better you know a lot of practice will ask us we're at
this percentage is that good and we can give them a benchmark within
you know within reason and equally responsiveness are
we responsive enough or why is why is that fallen and
so you start to see trends and i think that's where it becomes really
important for practice and very useful and you know it's it's not just about

conversion rates is why aren't people going ahead you know and dengar asks you
to record if i say i'm not going ahead because it's too expensive you might
notice that there's a trend there we're losing patients at this particular point
because this particular treatment is too expensive.
Just knowing that means you you can take action doesn't mean you need to lower
your prices it's just the fact that the data is there you can apply the context

of it within your business the numbers are there and then you can think well
why is that person logged in five times a week well We don't know that.
Maybe they only work half day a week, whereas someone else is logging in 50 times, whatever.
So it just allows, that transferring just allows people to take action because it's insightful.
And you, you know, for the example of.

Patient's not going ahead with a particular treatment because it's expensive again that's
that's something that as a team they can analyze and think
well are we too expensive actually no we're
not doing a good job of actually you know facing that head-on and justifying
our costs because of the excellent quality of the service the aftercare the
state-of-the-art technology facilities that we have here things that the practice

will know far better than we we're just putting their numbers in front of them
so they can actually take affirmative action.
Yeah definitely and um obviously part
of the report is seeing where the leads come from and
i i'm i'm guessing they come from all different directions so
you know what what what can what can you
say about sort of the leads part of it where do they sort of

come from yeah so it again it varies hugely by
practice and budgets vary hugely and obviously you know
you want to fill up your your diaries based
on the capacity you have there's no point attracting more than you you
can handle obviously so i think if you're coming into
this for the first time i think it's really important in terms of
selecting an agency that you want to work with who understands your area

you know it's really important and and
taking iterative steps don't just
start spending money on facebook instagram google ads bing you know microsoft
online advertising it just pick one or two and work with your agency and then
start to ramp up you know i think that's always much more more cost effective
until you hit what feels right for your practice and you're attracting the kind

of patients that you want to attract or prospective patients,
I should say. So there's no.
Clear answer it's more about actually working with an
agency that you get on with and you like and that you
trust and the reporting will help you achieve that and then
testing different marketing strategies you know
iteratively and then increasing the spend

if it's working for you and ceasing it if it's if
it's not on certain platforms you know so dental practice
you know we we have working with us are using
facebook instagram google ads microsoft being
ads you know and also it's about
the quality of the campaign and also if you're
attracting them to your website the inquiry forms are good right and i think

that's a key point it's all well and good spending thousands but if they then
hit the website don't know what to do because they can't find your inquiry for
more the lead the landing page they're taken to is not very attractive it's
It's got to look good. It's your shop window, isn't it?
So it's not just about where am I going to spend my marketing budget?
It's also, obviously, worked really hard to attract them.
Then they hit the website, and that's where we get into, well,

we always say to tip for people is if you've got people that far and they're
going to put in their name, contact details,
email address, all those good things, the treatment they're interested in,
you must ask them when do you want to be contacted and how.
We know that if practices don't do that, that their ability to contact those
leads is far worse, right?

And it's a good bit of friction. If I'm really interested, I'm going to tell
you, phone me in the evenings on my mobile.
And it saves the team wasting time during the day.
If they've got this information in the system, they know to contact Neil in
the evening on the mobile or
Susan at lunchtimes about her treatment via email, whatever it might be.
Just that little bit of friction, how do you want to be contacted and when,

just adds to the efficiency. And it's so easy to do, but we do see lots of forms
where they just don't add that little bit of extra information.
Yeah. And I suppose having a system like this, it must make a practice like
reflect on the patient journey.
And like you said about the website and where do you go from there?
And so it's like much more than just tracking data, I suppose.

Absolutely. And it just brings the team together because if they've been using
a spreadsheet or lead trackers, you know, it can be quite chaotic and no one
really knows where they are.
And, you know, with Dengro, you just have to worry about today. day it's just
going to tell you who to contact today and it's got all the the history
from before so you can pick up the conversation where it left off it's just you
know practice working in practice i can only you

know say from talking to our customers there's a
lot going on so we just want to make it as easy as possible to
handle the inquiries as they come in right not doing who wants
to spend time writing data into a spreadsheet you know
it's or duplicating information from the serum and
then typing in my details into the pms when i start to get you
know Dengro automatically integrates all sorts of stuff so we're

just trying to make life easier and make this kind
of you know the value add is is giving teams
in in dental practices time to actually talk to patients and prospective patients
not to be filling in spreadsheets and doing routine activities day in day out
you know we can save all the hours of time from that so they can focus on where
it really matters you know the activities that really matter brilliant and and And finally, then,

I suppose, have you got any examples of like how practices could utilize the
data that they're capturing?
Yeah. So the best thing I think what we've seen is that is the feedback we have
around being able to look at the numbers and that it's really motivating.
And I think in terms of utilizing the data, it's picking those,

like I mentioned earlier, those few metrics that really make sense to you and your team.
And what's really nice in terms
of utilizing that data is yes you can look at well are there
trends in terms of inbound leads they're
going up or down that's a key part of of the reporting
is that they can see is our lead volume up or down week on

week you know come week by week month by month
is our conversion rate dipping going
up so they can that's that's how they utilize the data
is just to monitor trends and then take corrective action
but i think one of the nicest things as well as in small
groups there's competition emerging as in who's
the fastest and and so that becomes it should

be fun right and so knowing the numbers means
that you can take affirmative action and engage a little bit of competition
even with yourself to just improve where you were last week or last month and
that's how teams are utilizing the data yes you can export every single field
in dengro and analyze it to your heart's content but not many practices have
got the resources to to do that.

But that's when your bigger marketing teams can then start to analyze.
But typically, I think it's just about being able to utilize the data by looking
week to week, how are we getting on? And it's just tracking performance.
And that's really what is motivating for the teams.
Great. Well, thank you so much, Neil, for sharing some more insight on that.

And if anybody, you know, wants to find out more, how would they get in touch?
Yeah, Please visit the website and you can book a demo. So a live demo.
So one of the team will talk you through and show you the system or you can
request the recording of the demo first, if you like, because you can't,
you know, people are busy. So we've always got that option as well.
And there's also a consultation course. If you just want to have a 15 minute

chat with us, either having watched the demo or attended it,
that's fine. So numerous options to cater for everyone's busy schedules.
Brilliant. Again, Neil, and we'll catch up again soon. Thank you. Great.
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