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February 20, 2024 53 mins

In this episode, Sean and Melanie delve deep into the  third episode of Buffy season two, "School Hard". They unravel Buffy's complex relationship with her mother, Joyce, and discuss how our parents were involved in our own education. Did our elementary schools really have us knocking on neighbors' doors to sell wrapping paper and collect donations for read-a-thons?

Principal Snyder's unconventional approach to school administration is discussed, pondering how he got his job given his questionable motives and decisions. As Spike and Drusilla make their menacing entrance, Sean and Melanie analyze their characters and interactions with the already established cast. From fashion choices to linguistic mishaps, there's a little something for everyone in this episode of The Sunnydale Diaries!

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Hello, and welcome to the Sunnydale Diaries, a podcast where I,
Sean, and my friend Melanie Hello!
Are watching and discussing every episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
I have been a big fan of the show since the late 90s. And I have not.
But, slowly... I have to say, I still, I don't know, I was just thinking about it today.

I still, like, when it's time to record, I go, all right i have to go watch
buffy now so i don't think i'm quite as far along as you think i am it's not
like all right let's watch some buffy oh i mean we're only like three episodes
in the season two yeah yeah i know you were very excited about this uh yes i
am yes we will be discussing.

Episode three of season two school hard trace episode
three which has a lot
of interaction between buffy and her mom the felon
yes yeah the tax teller i started
doing my taxes over the weekend it's not looking good no i'm
not happy i'm sorry it's all right i'll list it's only

like a hundred dollars that i still last year we had to
pay 21 000 in taxes yeah because well
because i had taken on my part-time job
right and we do quarterly taxes estimated taxes
and i wasn't reporting that in our numbers
i wasn't thinking about it i was thinking about my other stuff
that i report right you know my craft business and so

yeah so we had to pay all that big part-time
receptionist money that i'm making all right now
and also i know so this year will be better this year's gonna be better oh man
no i'm not a very good grown-up it's quite it's hard being an adult this episode
did discuss our deal with buffy and joyce at parent-teacher night.

Were your parents involved in your education? Did they go to parent-teacher night?
Remember us having parent-teacher night? No.
Were you whilst at it? I mean, I don't know. I don't remember.
I mean, my parents went to things like if I was in chorus, so they went to my
shows, you know, like when we had programs and stuff, you know.

I really don't. Like, they definitely weren't on PTA or anything.
No, I'm not either. but i don't remember parent teacher
conferences do you oh yeah really
oh yeah my mom always went to
parent teach like i know with my brother my brother
you know i was a big nerd in school but my brother was like
had more trouble in school than i did and he'll

probably today have been diagnosed like adhd
or something you know and so she had to go to school
a lot to talk to was teachers but i don't
remember like a big like a like in this show where there
was punch and it was like a big communal everybody goes to the school kind of
thing and like oh and interesting i don't yeah i don't i think by the time i

got to high school they my parents didn't go but i know elementary and middle
school she taught the old teacher i'm gonna have to ask my mom if she She remembers that.
We didn't know, like, you know, vampires crashing at night or,
you know, making the students put together the decorations.
Right. And the food. Canapes.

Canapes? I don't know. Okay.
My mom definitely. I'm sure, like, if my dad was off, he would have gone, too.
But, you know, it's not like I was a barricade.
Like she felt like she had to right like
joyce did but it was more like taking an active

interest in your schooling yes all right we need to
pause recording for just a second okay the breaking
news well i just got off the phone with my mom and she says
yes of course i went to those things when you were young but
like elementary school yeah and she said she'd go and there
would be like they'd go find my desk and there was like artwork and
stuff and she says she thinks she remembers snacks

ex but i don't remember any of this that
was a long time ago well and i'm like definitely not in
high school no definitely not my high school
definitely not but like my parents never really used babysitters
so my mom just tie you to a chair we'll be back in two hours no i mean pretty
much just like brought me ever oh it was when i was a kid so i must have gone

with her oh i mean my once in a while i was dealing with a neighbor yeah so
maybe that happened but otherwise Otherwise, I'm assuming I work well. Okay. All right.
How about just a general interest in your education?
You know, yeah. So I was, you know, the smart kid.
That was my thing when I was little, was being, you know, the smart one.
So I was all about school and studying.

And of course, I'm going to go to college and blah, blah, blah.
So, I think they respected that and they were interested that I was interested.
And like I said, they went to whatever programs I had and ceremonies or whatever.
I remember when I was in third grade, in music class, they were giving us the

opportunity to learn violin.
And there was a, you get this, you could buy this, it was called a practice string instrument.
And it was like press board, a press board violin. Lynn. It was,
I think, $20 or something.
And I didn't mention anything to my parents, you know, because I was like,
oh, they're not going to care about this.
But yeah, they found out, like, the day before the ordering deadline and said,

well, of course, Melanie.
If you're interested in this, of course we would support you. Buy this thing.
I did. I wasn't very good at it, though. My niece played it.
You did? Not my niece. Oh, your niece. Oh, okay. It's good.
Yeah? Yeah. When she first started playing like five years ago,
you know, a little challenging. Well, it was practice. That's what they say. Hey, practice.
I'm impressed. I played the trumpet.

I played the Casio keyboard. No, I was in chorus. Yeah. You played your voice.
Yes, I still do. Jim, why do you have people know this?
I don't know. So what about you? So parents involved? Yeah, definitely always proud.
Yeah. You know, both me and my sister. I mean, you know, we were bad students,
but either one of us were like ever straight A's.

Yeah. We were A and B kids, but always proud.
I remember in sixth grade, I was at a spelling bee, and they gave us a list
of words that they were going to use. It was like 800 words long. Oh, so.
Yes. And for probably two weeks, my mom went over not only 100 words,
like we do a different section every night. Drilled you. She drilled me, and I won.

You won a spelling bee. I won a spelling bee. It's cool. Yeah.
My prize was a red champion sweatshirt. Oh. That was probably like a man's large.
And this is sixth grade, so maybe. Maybe 80 times.
Do you still have it? I definitely had it when I met Mike 10 years later.
Wow. So yeah, it lasted. It was your sleep sweatshirt. Oh, absolutely.

You know what it was called? Yeah. It was pretty good. My winning word was calendar.
Oh, like Jenny Calendar.
Oh, bringing it back around. Somebody, another person who was down to two people, he did E-R-E.
Calendar is a tough one. I always think of in spelling in fifth grade,

we had to, one of our spelling words was highlight.
The game, like the game highlight, which I was always like, who's going to know?
Why do you need to know how to spell highlight in life?
Wasn't it popular in that area of Florida? I guess. Maybe it was a South Florida
thing. I know it's a beer also. It is.
Yeah. And kernel. No. Colonel.

You know, I mean, a lot of words in English don't make sense,
but that one, there's no R. r i know english is crazy i was in a hard time with
the word necessary in spelling,
I always have a hard time typing the word result. Always re-slut.
Every time I do it. That's kind of funny.

Let's see. What else? I remember when I was in junior year of college,
that is when I was starting my rotations through like an actual hospital lab,
like an internship kind of thing.
And I got a shirt and tie, which I never really wore before.
Roots. I put it on, put my lab coat on. and showed my

mom and she was a little uh is she a little bit
clubbed a little bit yeah sure yeah you
know i looked in the mirror i'm like wow her baby all grown up you
know yeah i like fundraiser stuff because
you know when you're a kid they always make you sell things so so yeah
let's talk about that for a second okay when i was a
kid i was a kid that makes me sound so old

like we had to do the fundraising i can't
remember they had like it was like a readathon did
you you have to do readathon not bringing back and it
was like you walked around to the neighbors and you said
i am going to read 100 pages i'm
going to try and then they would sponsor me right for i'll

give you you know 10 cents per page or whatever and but i can remember walking
around my neighborhood to ask people that or if you had to do fundraising you
were walking around asking people now it's like i got an email for one of my
brother's friend's kid please sponsor this kid.
And then i got like an email every three or

four days as does this kid even know who i am and that he's asking me for money
and i know it's such a weird thing now and even like when we had to do it it
was like magazine subscriptions or wrapping paper like what do you want of that
garbage now Yeah, there's a whole catalog of stuff you can get.
And are we paying tax? Yeah, we talk about taxes. Are we paying taxes?

Why? Now you sound old. My tax dollars.
Well, you know, I could, because educational, because education is underfunded.
School is underfunded. I get that. And teachers are underpaid and underfunded.
But it's just strange. It's like, I don't know. I put that on the parents. Yeah.

I definitely don't make it seem like it's the kids doing the fundraising because
they're not doing the fundraising.
But, you know, I don't know. It seems like there would be a better way to do
it. Like the government gives them money.
Like we actually pay them what they need. But, yeah. Sorry. Go ahead. When I was in, it was –,
grade the our band our middle

school band always like went to these contests and
we and we won yeah yeah we were a
good band but the year i went we were going
to go to norfolk virginia and we
would sell chocolate yeah yeah yeah and
my dad he drove the subway for a living so
he would just bring the candy in and just you know leave it in like

the break room with like a oh smart i mean
i sold my eye but yeah i brought back
money you know for outside my i bet you did i
bet you did really you didn't do anything but she
i mean it never happened now like like a nine-year-old walking around their
neighborhood knocking on doors you can't i mean i understand that i guess it's

different world but i also know like at our old job it was against the rules
for parents to bring in stuff to do fundraising right no soliciting i mean people people did anyway, but,
you know, because you always want your Girl Scout cookies.
You know, they're up to $6 a box.
I'm done with Girl Scout cookies. Once I found the Coconut Dreams and the Grasshoppers,

you know, I'd get them anytime.
Sorry, Girl Scouts. You know, it's kind of shady.
The whole Girl Scout cookie thing. Something's going on there. You think so? Yes.
How so? I don't think the money's really going to them. You don't?
I don't. Somebody skimmed off the top.
Here's the one girl who set up her table right outside of a country.

Smart. That's a smart girl. She's going to be running the country someday.
I'll vote for that girl. Smart.
Anything else school parent related? Did I make sure you did your homework?
No. I think they trusted I was going to do my homework. work and my husband
teases me about this because i've told him you know i
was and still am a procrastinator at heart

and i would leave things till the very last
minute we talked one episode about my egg project where
you know yeah i leave it till last minute sometimes that's fine and
sometimes not you know papers essays and
stuff no problem do it the night before and i used to say what am i not gonna
do it of course i'm gonna do it it's gonna get done it's not like i'm gonna
go go to school it's not gonna be done now it might be like the dime that i

brought that crappy diorama in and i looked at everybody else's i was like oh
i shouldn't have waited till the last minute to do this and i ran home crying but.
You know, I would think my parents trusted that I was going to get my work done
and they didn't, you know.
Now, like I've just said a little while ago, my brother was another story,
I think, and he used to stuff things in his backpack and probably got in trouble

for not doing his work. So they probably had to check on him a little more.
He turned out fine, everyone.
There were definitely some more in there. We're really doing homework on the
bus ride to school. Yeah. Yeah.
But, yeah, that's it. Once, like, I was, I don't know, probably third,
fourth grade, my parents knew I was going to get it. Yeah.
It wasn't like checking my backpack every night. Right. What's in the folder that I have to do?

I think that they do that now, right? Teachers, they have a folder,
and they have to bring their stuff home and bring it back in. But never even online.
Parents don't know exactly what the kids did. The grade on individual tests. Police state.
Surveillance state. That's what it is. There are definitely some tests I threw
away because my mom didn't know I got that D. Did you ever change a grade on your report card?

We talked about that. We did. Oh, that's you did. You did. You did.
That's right. In college.
Oh, that's right. I think I tried once. I think I was in second grade. And so I was like stupid.
And I probably did a horrible job of it and fessed up.
I remember once. And I wasn't even trying to do it like to forge her name.

I was just trying to
sign like my mom and with
no malicious skill 10 like fridge
no purpose says jealous see if i
could do it birthday of art yeah and of course she finds that oh i didn't found
all your tracy paper and your i wasn't even tracy i was just trying to do it

and yeah that damn never heard to get into that oh man kids are dumb yeah dogs
and or i mean it Because they didn't know what test.
So if it was like a bad individual test, we're going to test away.
Yeah. No, it's just not. Can't do that.
Damn internet. I'm telling you. I would want to be a kid now. No.

No, thank you. Can't go door to door. Can't throw away your tests.
Girls, cocoa beans are too expensive.
That's a dog. Living together. That's hysteria.
All right. Do you want to talk about school hard? I suppose.
One of. School hard. You know, when you. With a vengeance.
When you made that connection last episode. Brings die hard.

I was like, why didn't I ever think of that? Because that's probably why it's called that.
You were just waiting for me to come into your life. Yeah. I knew it was going to happen.
I would say that this one is probably my top five of the season.
You texted me earlier today to tell me how much you were enjoying this one.
Yeah. You thought it was a great one. Yeah, I have not seen this one in a while.

And I feel like it's the start of the Buffy that I remember.
Yeah. Like the Buffy that I really enjoy.
So start out with Principal Snyder. Yep. He is the judge, jury,
and executioner. I wrote that down too.
So, yeah, he's a hard case for sure. Yeah. How?
How did he get the job? I'm interested in the interview process for Principal

Snyder and his answers to the interview questions. Yeah.
Like, did he just totally snow
that, do a snow job and lie during his interview and put on a false face?
Or did he just tell him, nope, this is who I am. This is what this school needs.
Needs i you know i think it's that and i
think given something that happened later in the episode i think

that maybe he was sought out maybe because they needed someone who could yeah
things under the rug maybe we shall see yeah we meet sheila who apparently stabbed
a teacher with pruning shears i mean like did the person die i i because i was
trying i mean kind of in in my own head,
tried to envision stabbing someone with pruning shears.

It depends where you stab. I guess. Do you stab in the shoulder?
Man, that's pretty severe. You stab them and finally you get an artery.
She hasn't been expelled yet for that? I mean, maybe. Like, why are you giving
this kid a second chance?
Maybe it was a pregnant dentist teacher.
Maybe, but I don't think so. I was thinking it's like they're in the Future
Farmers of America Club or something.

4-H. Pruning shears in 4-H. And man, my my question related to that,
the horticulture teacher or culture.
OK, now, you know, if we were at Hogwarts, I could see, you know,
there being a horticulture teachers, magical plants.
Yeah. Horticulture in high school.

Did you have it? What kind of school is this? I just feel like they could have something else.
We had 4-H. We had 4-H. Was there really a... Like a horticulture class?
Like a horticulture class. No.
We had shop. We had automotive. We had home ec. Right.

I mean, she may have just made her, like, you know, she stabbed all my teachers with a knitting needle.
Yeah, they could have. I think it's weird they went with horticulture. Okay. It's California.
Yeah. We meet Sheila at a con. We'll ask her.
We're going to have to start a list of all these questions we're going to ask people.
I noticed that Snyder had a different office than Mr. Flutie.

Oh. I thought he looked very different. Oh, good for you.
Which I guess, you know. You don't want to go into the office where the previous
teacher or principal was eaten. So, it's fair.
So, yeah, he's basically trying to get Buffy and Sheila, you know,
which one of you is the worst one?
Yeah, what a weird thing that he had them in there together.

Yeah. And trying to play them off of each other.
Yeah, that was just a weird... I didn't even think of that. What a weird situation.
Yeah. Why did he have to interview them together?
Well, because I think his...
What's the word? His motive was that he just wanted them to do everything.
To set up the ATA. Yeah. I guess.
But yeah, it was weird. That was weird. So yeah, he tells them,

you know, you guys are setting up parent-teacher night.
There's a lot of very interesting punitive measures that Principal Snyder has.
Like getting kids involved in their school activities by force.
He needs to think of them being actually being a good educator.
Having some school spirit yes okay getting them

involved yeah i guess to be seen yeah so
anyway then they leave and uh and they go outside and
and she's hey meat pie what
i forgot hey meat pie i
forgot i wanted to look at this episode by looking at you yeah and

that's it that's it and then she knows and makes
that with 15 year olds nickname i mean meat
pie that's or is that she's just like is that a derogatory
thing no i think meat pie that's his nickname yeah
meat pie maybe he is from that area of
tattletale you see that

would have sounded so much better a meat pie if she would have gone i'm gonna
start calling you meat pie she would have gone to bucky's french class she would
have learned maybe yes yeah and i was just and me i mean probably like a 58
year old but she's you know make it out with the party no all right could be
moloch who knows could be.
So yeah i mean we definitely learned pretty quickly sheila is she troubled yeah

she's bad she's a bad girl i liked willow's pigtails and overall i thought she
was very huge there's a lot A lot of overalls going on.
Yes. Yes. A lot of overalls. Right now in Sunnydale.
A lot of overalls. I'm a fan of overalls. You know this.
Yeah. Yeah. Very cute. Yeah. A very mid-90s, late-90s look. Mm-hmm.

I did not like Xander's flowy, flowery, blue Hawaiian shirt.
Agreed. It just- Agreed. It didn't fit. No. But break back the point and start.
There's definite fashion choices in this show. And I was online looking up from
one of our last episodes when we were talking about Buffy's weird off-the-shoulder sweater.

Sold-shut sweater. And I was going on to try and find fashion.
There's a lot of Reddit discussions and Pinterest albums and stuff about Buffy fashion moments.
A lot of them bad. Yeah. The 90s were a tough time for fashion.
Yeah. And it's coming back around.

Oh my gosh. I just saw an Instagram reel today about.
Target and the current fashion at
target is very much like a mid-90s delius catalog and
it's like a lot i am a fan of this the big chunky shoes are coming back i'm
happy about that i'm probably gonna go to target and buy some chunky shoes but
like the little plural but floral dresses and like real weird puffy skirts and

like long denim skirts and i don't know there's a lot of mid-90s stuff coming back around.
I mean, it is a little 30 years ago, so. Ouch.
I know. Renew. All right. So, and then enter Spike.
Yeah, yeah. We get the Welcome to the Sunnydale sign. Yeah. Raying over.
Get some, I can't remember. You know he's bad. You know he's bad.

He's edgy. Yeah. Because he starts off with the vampire face.
And he's got a cigarette. Yep. And leather.
And shredding guitar music. Yeah. Yeah.
Spike. like and i only i gotta say so i know
james marsters from like watching him
on instagram and stuff now as you know an older
person so it's very odd to see young james marsters on this show like a little

baby yeah yeah when i say you have a nice so young it's weird seeing some i
guess the actors who were more in their like 30s 40s seeing them that's people age i I understand.
They don't look bad, but seeing him now... They look very different. Yeah, very different.
Like Sarah Michelle Gellar, she still looks a lot similar, very similar to what she did in the show.

Nicholas Brendan even still looks pretty similar. Yeah, they all,
but yeah, he looks very...
Not bad, but definitely mature. Yeah.
Not in a bad way? No, not in a bad way. Anyway, he looks very young.
And they'll get credits, right? Opening credits. Yeah. And then the Night of St. Vigius.

Yes, so they're back at the vampire warehouse with little Johnny Cash.
And yes, the Night of St. Vigius.
Which I had to look, so is that a real saint? Is it? No. No,
not made up, just for, just for this.
Right. And some vampires going on about how he was at the crucifixion at Income Spike.

Yep. Not some data peg. Yep. And Drusilla.
I don't get these two, what their relationship is. I don't get it.
And I also don't get their accent.
Not quite sure what, is it Cockney? Is it, I don't know.
It's a strange British accent to me. But anyway, yeah, they're,
like, she also has that little girlness to her, kind of, that Darla had.

I'll say, yeah, but different. Yes. Like, Darla's was gross. Yeah.
Drusilla's, in my opinion, Drusilla's is intriguing. Oh, okay. All right.
Let's see. Find out that Spike killed a Slayer previously.
The Boxer Rebellion. What was the Boxer Rebellion? It took place in China. Yeah. Oh.

That is the extent of what I remember. That's what's... From 1992.
Okay. Okay. All right. All right. Yeah, Drusilla.
Okay, besides her weird accent, what are your thoughts on Drusilla?
I know, Anne, I've only seen a little bit. She's creepy. Yeah.
She's creepy. And she cuts his face and licks it. I don't know.
That was a little... Yeah, that was gross.

I didn't like that just because, you know, he has a big scar by his eyebrow
that I do not remember. he did so i need to i'm sure we'll find out later i
want to keep an eye on okay,
Right after the blood scene, there's a second where they're both looking at
the camera and they look very creepy.
And that's like an atomic spike. Oh, really?

Oh, OK. I wrote down I thought it was funny when he said, let's test who's got
the biggest wrinklies here. Yeah.
You tell me your thoughts on that, Sean. I am going to move on. OK.
We'll probably think of the same thing. Yes. I've never heard them referred to as wrinklies. No, no.

But it's apropos. Yeah, it's fitting. It's fitting. Let's see if it's cold.
Then we move to Buffy. Joyce and Buffy. But Joyce is imparting some motherly wisdom.
I am a female. Discussion is the
right word. Makeup. Nope. Confrontology question. All right. Cream rinse.

Conditioner. Okay.
What'd you think it was? Well, I figured it was like, I mean,
it was something with the hair, but I just thought it was a weird a weird Oh,
okay, yeah, cream rinse.
Yeah, she didn't look creamy or rinsy.
We find out parent each night's coming. Wait, I wanted to still,

one of the things that Joyce said while they were talking is,
what I don't want is to be disappointed in you again.
Yes, yes. Oh, hey, Joyce. Woof, harsh. Well, she burnt down a gym. Whatever.
Let's not leave it in the past, Mom. Okay. You don't need to keep bringing that
up. That's trying to do life here. You're right. You're right.

So anyway, we learn that Sheila goes to a rank bar.
Called the fish tank. Yeah. But before we do that, I have one more thing.
All right, go. About the Joyce and Buffy scene.
Oh, actually, two things. She
said when she was operating Buffy that she had to start a new business.
Oh, yeah. The gallery. The gallery. What was the old business? Was it also a gallery?

It was a front for something, right? Whatever it was. It was the old gallery,
and it got mysteriously burned down for insurance money.
That's where Buffy learned it I learned it by wanting you mom,
and then the other thing was I think it was Joyce when you open up her drawer

and she pulls it open a little bit and it's full of snakes and holy water but
it's just a random desk she could find it at any time yeah,
she just trusts her mom isn't going to go through her drawers,
it's a lot of trust you think her mom would go through your drawers no No.
I mean, she probably put away my laundry in my drawers, but I don't think she

went right through my stuff. No. Do you think her brother went through yours?
No, but I did have a boy, one of my friends, go through my desk and went into
my diary and read it. Oh. I know.
I know. And I had written about my first kiss.
I was mortified. I know. Sure. I know. Want to call him out? Ken Fisher.

Love when you do that.
Anyway all right so then we learn about the fish the fish tank yes which i thought
was funny the the kids that go to the fumigation party club are looking down casting dispersions on,
this other club the fish tank and i was a little disappointed that we didn't

actually get to see the fish tank yeah i wouldn't make it i would have liked to have seen that yeah,
I like Xander's line of, what's the up, guys? What's the ups?
I just thought it was cute.
Yeah. We learned a little bit more about the Nine of St. Vigius because Jenny
was surfing. Jenny, she's surfing the web. So now the global.

We find out that St. Vigius led a crusade of vampires.
Yeah. They're going to get ready. Yeah. They're going to whittle some steaks.
Yeah. Whistle a jaunty tune while whittling.
And And in comes Sheila. Was she drunk?
I think she was hungover. Oh, okay. I've had that look. Yeah. All right.

It was whatever. Yeah, Buffy covered for her. Yeah. She's a good person. Yeah.
I guess. So, you know, as much as all those, although Cordelia hasn't,
like, called her a loser and she hasn't been that outcast in a couple episodes,
so maybe they're letting that go.
I hope so. Yeah. Because I don't like it.

I, you know, she seems like a nice person to me. I don't know why she would
be. But, you know, like we've talked about high school is cruel. Yeah. Kids are cruel.
All right. So then they're studying at the bronze. Yes.
Did you translate the... I did not. I wanted to ask, how was Buffy's French? It was horrible.
I took French in high school and some in college.

And so when I saw the... I have a course list I watch with the subtitles on.
And when they put the subtitles, I was like, that can't be what she's trying to say.
What was it? The cow must touch me. From Thursday. On Thursday,
yeah. The cow must touch me on Thursday.
So study at the Bronx. Why not?

I mean, you're right. There's music, there's croissants and tea,
there's roaches, study hall, dancing, whatever you want.
In my notes, I have written down, in quote, the word nickel.
Do you remember why? Yeah, that's the band that was playing that.
Oh, that's why, yes. Nickel. And I looked them up. They didn't go very far.

They had like one album or something. But one member of that band,
because the singer from the band was on Reddit, and he said,
Oh, yeah, I'm the singer of that band that was on Buffy.
And then because somebody said, Did they do anything else? He's like,
Oh, well, that was me. And no, not really.
But one member of their band did go on to play in the band Sluggy Molly,

and also played in Dropkick Murphys, and the Reverend Payton's Big Damn Band, who I really like.
And he plays uh now mandolin and banjo and
i think he just stopped with loggy moly
i don't know whatever but went on to some success there but yeah
nickel was the band you you took it fairly minded i
just said nickel and then nickel in quotes thank you for you welcome for uh

doing that research yeah and then so yeah the band is playing they're studying
and then oh hey but we have to have one dance so they go out onto the dance
floor and zander and buffy are dancing and And Willow's just kind of standing
there talking to them. Kind of not really dancing.
And then Spike is there. Kind of circling the dance. Like a.
And he draws her outside.

Does he have mind control? I don't think so.
Because he said to the bouncer or the security guy, he was like,
you should take a break or something like that. And the guy walked away.
Like, oh, okay. Is it like Jedi mind trick kind of thing?
Is that a vampire power? Somebody tell us. Is that a vampire power?
I mean, the master kind of had it. And Spike's kind of old.
He'd be holding people in thrall. He did word. Thanks.

So, yep. Okay. And then, so, yeah, she gets lured outside, kicks a butt.
And then you see Sheila in the alley with two guys.
Mm-hmm. Being slutty with two guys. Yeah.
Because she is crazy about a cad. She loves a cad. And who in the late 90s had

gotten into a Cadillacs? What?
They came back around with the Escalade. Oh, I could.
Right? But, yeah, I know. High school kids. What 15-year-old girl is going to
say, I'm just crazy about a cad?
The one who's going to take someone out with pruning shears and take on two
dudes, one named Delve. Delve with the tattoos.

I like that when Buffy needed a steak and Santa goes running inside and going
through her purse. He pulls out a tampon and freaks out.
Boys are funny. Boys just don't get it.
No. Have you ever seen those videos on TikTok where wives have their husbands?
They're like, how do you think you use this?
Yes. Boys are clueless. But again, this is why it's so scary that men are making

decisions about women's reproductive health.
Absolutely. Serious moment there. I agree with you. They have no idea.
But how do I know how it works?
As a gay man? Yes. Well, you have a sister.
We never had tampon conversations.
Well. Oh, that might call it a bad name. The tampon conversations.

But I think it's. I think that's an album name, actually. Okay. Okay.
But I mean, it's pretty obvious. Uh-huh. That's all I'm saying. Okay.
Yeah, but it is funny to watch. I don't know. Especially when they go to... I know. I know.
Good stuff. Or the pads. How you use this pad. Yeah. And most men...

Yeah. Oh, boy. All right. Anyway.
Hashtag pro-choice. Okay. Something that you pointed out a few episodes ago
that I never noticed before.
What? That when Buffy stakes an empire, the stake disappears, too. and it
happened with when she got that one outside the bronze you're just
making me see the show in a whole new way so okay

so oh yeah and then she's so when the she's walking
in the alley with the two guys and they disappear that she
does that thing that we love where she's going hello hello hello
and then she
meets spike and she meets spike and then we have
a little cut to the library and angel comes in for like two seconds
it says spike's bad and then he disappears appeared i think that

would have been the quickest angel up here man david borians
i wonder how much he makes per episode at this point because like
he's he's got like probably how long is he on set to
do these scenes i think he's probably reading the scripts on the way there and
i'm gonna be like driving there i'll be like walking into this and he's parked
his car oh man okay so then we're back in the warehouse with the vampires and

we see Drusilla has her own,
she's already made up her cute little creepy lace room with all her weird dolls.
She misses Prog. I miss Prog. Okay, what a weird line that was.
I miss Prog. Hey, you've been there, don't you? I guess.

And then she's got bondage dolls. All her dolls are like gagged and stuff.
And then they They just casually pan by Sheila tied up on the wall.
I can't really accept. Like, oh, don't pay any attention to this girl.
I love Drusilla. You do? Just because she's so wacky.

I think you will. You think I like her?
And then Spike is like, just do me a favor and eat. And he hands Sheila over to Drusilla.
And the shot is Drusilla, when she goes to attack, She's obviously attacking Sheila in the face.
Like, not her neck. Like, going after her nose or her cheek or something.
Hey, there's blood vessels there. I guess.

I guess. Many paths. Yes. Right? Yeah. Right. Also did it. Yeah. Many paths. Many paths.
An interesting bit of trivia that I read when her, Drusilla,
and him were talking, and he promises to kill Buffy, and he says,
I'll chop her into messes.
Yeah. And messes is an old English term for food cut into small pieces.

Think of like a mess hall.
Yeah. I thought that was interesting. and then
we're back to the library some bad adr with
buffy chopping the vegetables when she was really chopping it
like like our knife skills are poor
and she knows how to use a weapon why is she using like a sword for that but
she wasn't even she was like tapping them she was trying to cut banging them

mashing them that was just silly yes it was everybody's making state yes even
Even Cordelia's helping out.
So that's weird. So is Cordelia like their friend now that she's just part of
the group and they just like, hey, we need help making the steaks?
I don't know. They go to Cordelia?
Well, I don't know if that's really a friend. Okay.

But she knows what's going on. Yeah. I mean, she did drive them through the
halls of the school. Yeah, I know. But she just volunteers to help them?
I think if they ask, she would help.
Then they move on to parent-teacher night. night yes where apparently not
only her knife skills are poor but her lemonade making skills
are poor just lemon juice like that's

all it would have been right just lemon juice need some water yeah i
just have the sour lemonade yes ah cordelia
said to buffy you're starting to look a little slagged well
i know i know i was
gonna say i was gonna go back to the sour lemonade i went
on a a trip this weekend and we did a candy store

candy warehouse tour it
was like a behind the scenes of candy anyway we got
to sample lots of candy and i got to try freeze-dried
sour skittles various sour skittles i have a fan very good and i tried sour
smarties like smarties are usually okay for me they're like kind of like sweet

tarts but not as tart as sweet tart but the sour smarties are very sour. Okay. I like them.
I think it was Altoids.
Some kid that did like in the round. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It was Altoids.
But they were sour. Those were good.
Yeah, those were good. I remember I would bring a tin of those to high school
and I would just pop them in my mouth nonstop.
I read something recently about sour candies. If you're someone who's prone to panic attack.

There's some science behind this that if you feel a panic attack coming on,
pop a piece of really sour candy like a Warhead or something in your mouth,
and somehow it disrupts the cycle of the panic attack. Oh.
Plus, you get to enjoy some candy. Yeah, all right. Send her off in that.
Hey, a wisdom. All right.
Let me come in handy if I ever start having a panic attack. There you go. Thank you.

All right, so then we're back in the library, and we find out Spike was known
as William the Bloody. Oh.
But he got the name Spike because he was torturing his victims with railroad spikes.
Oof. Now, I don't know if they remember, but way back in episode three of One Girl Witch.
Getting time back in the way back machine. Yes.

Xander made a comment, you don't have to drive it through my head like a railroad spike.
And I told you to remember that. We're shadowing. Yes. I did not remember that. Thanks, Sean.
But I had to bring it back. I love it. So it's a little thing for like I have
to like Was that for Shadalina or was it just A lion and they decided to then Also use Spike Yeah.

So okay we're back in the conference The parent teacher conference and I Guess
it's over because Principal Snyder just Turns off the lights everybody Is sitting
around having a conversation and He just turns off all the light He doesn't say anything,
He's just like GTFO and at first,
after he talked with Joyce yeah yeah Joyce was not happy he did what he needed

yeah he's like I don't care about the rest of you people you're out get out
of here I thought I wrote it down you didn't even serve coffee,
my mom always says that that's how you let people know that the party is over
you you bring out the coffee.
Or you just turn off the light. Yep. I'm going to try that next time. Yeah.

Right after the lights are turned off. Vampire attack. Through the window.
Through the window. Big set piece.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, they're ready. It cost them a pretty penny.
Glass is not cheap. But we are in episode three of season two.
The budget is increasing. Yeah, you can tell the budget is higher.
You think it's a little better? No. No.

They're throwing money at it. She's a bitch. Willow, she's a bitch.
Going into Cordelia with a bust. Yeah, she does.
Man, yeah, that was hardcore. That one's kind of good.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. So this is the first time that we have the adults of the show,

like the parents, witnessing the craziness that is this school and this town.
Like there's been like a little one-off things but now I wonder if there's going
to be like a big community uprising like the parents are going to be like what
the hell is going on in this school I can see it,
hasn't happened yet nothing's happened in this school suddenly PTA they're going

to have like mothers opposed to the occult oh is the acronym for that,
M-O-T-O mothers opposed to the occult MOTO,
So then they're hiding in the science lab, which you should not go to the science
lab. Have we not learned?
Bad things. There's bad things in there. Don't go in there.

In the library, Dial, there's an old boarded up cellar behind the stack.
Yeah. Okay. Oh, yeah. Wait. Oh, like he forgot.
Oh, wait. I just remembered. that's an old boarded up cellar but cellar implies,
below ground where the vid library is I guess but it's boarded up,

So we send Xander out there. We send Xander, you'll check it out by yourself.
Stop, go get Angel. Go get Angel. And he heads out. He breaks through those boards.
At some point during this big fight, Spike snaps somebody's neck out in the
hallway. Oh, the guy. He says, you're too old for me to eat.

And it was really bad. Next time I'm going. But then they show it. They show the guy head.
I was like, whoa. Oh, that was, man, he really snapped that.
That guy's head was hanging on by a thread. William the Bloody. Yeah. He's serious.
All right, Buffy's in the ceiling. Before that, though, we give Snyder.
It's a gang on PCP. It's a gang on PCP.

Sure it is. Yeah, Buffy in the ceiling. Sure, Buffy's in the ceiling, because, you know.
Just gotta say the dish somehow. You're either going to use the hallways of
this school, or you're going to get classes between classes up in the ceiling.
It seems like everybody gets up in the ceiling at some point.
You know, set up a cozy little nook. Yeah, a little nest. Yeah, sure.
I wondered, is she going to bump into somebody up there? You don't know.

What was that kid's name? Fitz, the new project. Fritz. Yeah, Fritz.
He's up there. All right, anyway. Spike gets an axe. Yep.
He bashes some dude. He says, use your head. He bashes the guy's head into the axe glass.
Yep. I guess in case of a break glass it'll say how.

And then Sheila shows back up.
She's an empire. I mean. You and I know this. Apparently Buffy doesn't know that. No.
It's not like Buffy from the movie where she gets the miserable cramp. So the empire is near.
Right. She does have the Buffy tingle. Yeah.
Joyce and Snyder face off. Yep. She's done with him.

She's, yeah. She knows he's, she knows what he's about. A weasel. Yeah. He really is.
He, yeah. The guy goes out the window. Right. They pry open the metal window
thing. The guy goes out the window and gets killed.
And then Snyder's like, oh, okay. I'm not going out that way.
Should have listened. In the hallway, Spike and Angel meet up. Angelus.

Yeah. He calls him Angelus. I agree he didn't say it like everyone else did.
I thought he said Angelus.
As opposed to everyone saying Angelus. Oh, Angelus. Yeah, Angelus. Hansel.
Hansel. Hansel.
Yep. And Angel's got an attitude change.

He does. You take a second look like, oh, maybe she's not a good guy. Of course he is.
He did say to Sputnik, or maybe Spice said it to him, you know,
people still falling for that ant rice routine. I know. I noticed that too. Yeah. Yep.
And then there's the showdown Buffy versus Spike.
I wrote down, obviously, stunt coordinated and choreographed fighting. and,

Yeah, very kind of slow and tumbly and, eh. Some noises. Yeah. Ah!
And then Joyce with the axe. Get the hell away from my daughter.
That's right. She bashes him in the head with that axe.
I want you to remember that. Why didn't she chop him in the head with the axe?
Oh, because she doesn't know he's a vampire, first of all. All right.

Number one. I guess. I mean. She's not going to kill somebody.
That's what I was going to say. All right. I want you to remember that scene.
Okay. Get the hell away from my daughter. Okay. Can we go back to Angel and
Spike for a second? Of course.
We find out Spike says to Angel, you are my sire.
Yeah, so did Angel make him?
We will find out. All right. Is Yoda a cult? Yes, you're my Yoda. Yeah.

He knew that Angel was faking it. Yeah, he did. He knew.
Saw right through Angel. So he does get that all the way from her daughter.
Yes. The sire's gone. Yes. Xander asks, what's a sire?
Yes. How's Ander? And then out flies.
He's a little suspicious with Snyder. On the pleads. Yep. So,

yep. What's the report going to say? The usual gang on PCP?
And Snyder says, what do you have in mind? The truth?
Something's up. Yep. Joyce is proud of Buffy. Isn't that nice?
She's not disappointed in her again. No.
She's showing the hints of being a good mom. But, okay, here.
Buffy says, what did Snyder tell you? you and Joyce says that my daughter is

a troublemaker. I could care less.
That is not grammatically correct, Joyce. You couldn't care less.
Irregardless. I was about to say it. It doesn't matter what he says.
It's a moot point. That's right. Lavash.
Lavash opinion.

And then we're off and we bleh bleh je m'appelle bleh bleh and we're back to French,
we are back so what is it the warehouse warehouse at dawn why are they all still
up it was light out it was very light out it was but so they had to be asleep
or did it have to be out of the sun I don't know no either,

I mean you know better than me in this show it's dark out right now we're not sleeping oh,
you're right true okay good point Sean yep And then Spike is on his knee,
giving some respect to Colin. But not really.
A little more fun. I was like, what's this swinging cage that's next to them?

Somebody's going in that cage.
And somebody did. Somebody did.
Colin is no more. Okay, so now we never really find out what that whole anointed
thing was about. I agree. We do not.
That's kind of a letdown. Yeah, I agree. Like, so I did go to the trivia of
this episode and found out that it's because that kid's voice was changing.

Really? And so Joss couldn't keep the storyline going because.
He wouldn't be aging. Yeah, he's right. He's supposed to be non-aging.
So then Spike is in instead. Colin is out and Spike is in. I think that's better.
Yeah, he was annoying. He was. Like, yeah. Yeah.
I think, like, originally, you know, when it was him and Quirking Beans.

Yeah. Yeah, they had Quirking Beans in there just to throw you off. Yeah.
But, yeah, like, nine episodes they could have done something with.
Yes, and they didn't. Yeah, yeah.
He could have done a lot more with the Anointed and given us some more mythology
behind it or something, more development.
But he didn't, and now he's Ash. Yeah. Now he has Spike and Drusilla. Yeah.

So how many stakes would you give School Hard?
I am going to give School Hard 2.75 stakes.
Okay. Well, three and a half. Oh, wow. You really liked this one.
I did. What did you like about it so much?
I like Spike and yours. Yeah? Yeah.
Okay. I like their relationship with Buffy and her mother. Mm-hmm.

I would say it's probably those three things. All right. Yeah.
I think also you're able to look like you say you like Spike and Drusilla,
but I think you're coloring it also with like, you're basing that on,
you know what's coming too.
So yeah. All right. Oh yeah. I can see.
I can see your point of view. Yeah. Thanks. Strong.

All right. So next episode.
Inca Mummy. think a mummy girl another non-vampire one yeah yeah okay there's
always gonna be a few i know,
i did i did look up the rest of
the episodes of this season yeah to see it i'm like all right we're gonna get
through a few more and then well a really good stuff okay did you have a favorite

line from this one oh oh god but y'all's boss hey meat pie that was my table.
That's so weird it's just so very random yeah hey me pie,

okay if you can please leave us a rating or review if your podcast platform
supports it we would like to hear from you and let let us know how we're doing
yeah uh fill them in all all the socials?
Socials are, you know, the usual Facebook, Instagram threads.

Discord. Discord. There's a link to join the server on our website,
which is I don't know if it's necessarily www.
Is that still a thing? www.ttps Yep.

You should email us at the SunnyDale. And we will see you next time with Inca Mummy Girl.
Later, alligator. Bye. Meat pie.
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