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March 1, 2024 57 mins

Welcome to another episode of The Superhero U podcast with your hosts, Andrew Gray and Stephen Turley. In this electrifying installment, we sit down with our guest Brian Hall, a man who has risen from despair to become a beacon of hope and a mentor to many. Once struggling with addiction and suicidal thoughts, Brian has turned his life around and now serves as a pastor, husband, mentor, and spiritual coach to achievers around the world.

In this deep conversation, Brian shares his transformative experiences, the role of mentorship, and valuable lessons about the importance of humility, persistence, and faith in overcoming life's greatest challenges. He delves into his journey, having developed a unique perspective by using biblical teachings as a tool for navigation and growth.

A key element that Brian emphasizes in his life's philosophy is learning from adversity, viewing challenges as opportunities for growth, and maintaining a strong bond with the divine. It's an enriching episode that explores the transformative power of faith, purpose, and storytelling in one's life.

Join us as we venture on this journey with Brian, uncovering how every individual, including you, can emerge heroic from their unique life story. Listen to an episode that underscores the power of resilience in face of adversity, and the importance of transforming trauma into triumph, thereby illuminating the path to personal and spiritual transformation.

Find the inspiration to rise above trials, tap into your inner strength and imagine the superhero within yourself. As a parting note from hosts Andrew and Stephen, 'Together as one, let's fly.'
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Welcome to The Superhero U, an electrifying podcast where we ignite the extraordinary
within each and every one of us to be the superhero in our lives and not the villain.
My name is Andrew Gray, and I'm going to be your host. And I'm here with my
co-host and wingman, Stephen Turley. What's up, everybody?
Today, we have a remarkable guest. Get ready to embark on an epic journey of

self-discovery and empowerment. But before we dive in, let me share with you
the essence of our quest together.
In the next 45 minutes, we're not just going to share a story.
We're going to unveil a heroic saga.
We're going to traverse through the ordinary world where our guest has found
themselves before their call to adventure.

We're going to uncover the mentors who guided them along their paths,
illuminating their way to the wisdom they have today. day.
And finally, we'll witness their triumphant return bearing the elixir of transformation.
Throughout this odyssey, we'll be asking pointed questions. We'll be delving
into depths of our guests' experiences and preconceptions.

It's not just about their journey, guys. It's about the lessons we all can learn
and glean from in their adventures.
So without further ado, let's soar into this stratosphere with extraordinary
guests. This is a wonderful human being on earth.
Remember, as we travel, we're going to embark, but together as one, we're going to fly.
And now please welcome the incredible guest on stage.

His name is Brian Hall. He's a dear friend of mine. He is a mentor.
He has an amazing husband. He is a leader and he is my champion.
So the round of applause, Brian Hall.
Hey, my brothers. It's an honor. It's a blessing to be here.
It's just a blessing. Very glad to hear that.
Oh, for sure. Can't wait to do this and just, you know, be able to drop some

wisdom and some hardships, but also the breakthroughs that came to the other side of it.
And that's what life's, I mean, that's what we're here for. You know,
I've known you for some time now.
And ever since I got to know you, I mean, you originally reached out to me on
social media to eight years ago.
And I was going through a couple of different journeys at that time.

And what you gave me is peace.
You gave me a way. You allowed me to rise above it all, step-by-step with practical
implications, and above all, have a base and a foundation, which is my faith.
And I just want to thank you for that, Brian. And now I know you have an incredible
story. Stephen has an incredible story.
We talked about that in our lives, in our 10 plus years of friendship.

I definitely have a story, but today we, Steven and I want to hear about you.
You've got a lot of things going and endeavors and you are a coach to many around the world.
And I just want to thank you for that because we need more heroes in the world.
There's not enough people who are willing to stand up.
We know many are called and few are chosen, but you stand into that leadership
position. You're a pillar of strength.

And I'm not just tooting your horn. This is, it shows in the numbers,
It shows in the analytics. It shows on how you're leading.
I appreciate that. Would you be willing to share with us what your ordinary
world was like, which brought you to where you are today?
Yeah, absolutely. And what did you really detect called an adventure?
Yeah, absolutely. And first off, man, I love you. You're a brother to me.

And, you know, it's been a long journey, you know, and even for us,
you know, working together and doing life together. other.
And, you know, it was a long journey. So 23 years ago, I wasn't the man that was sitting here.
Wasn't even close to being the man sitting here. 23 years ago, I was a drug addict.
I was a sex addict, an alcoholic. I lost everything in bankruptcy.

I had a child at a very young age, had mouth cancer, OD'd on drugs, had a heart attack.
I was completely rock bottom, had lost everything in my life.
I was laying out in my family's open field.
Had just snorted 20 plus lines of Coke, was laying out in the open field and
was literally going to commit suicide, was going to end my life. I was at rock bottom.

And I found in that moment that you don't know that God is all you got until God is all you have.
And I remember laying there in that open field and I just said,
God, if you're for real, I need you.
I need you to come into my life because I can't do it anymore.
And I've tried it my way and I've never tried it your way.

And then I prayed this bold, audacious prayer, guys.
I said, use my story, use my mess and turn it into my message.
And ultimately to just glorify Him and to honor Him.
And here we are 23 years later and I've been actually a year...

Actually, Actually, after I prayed that prayer, three weeks later,
I meet my smoking hot, supermodel, virgin, seminary degree wife.
And, you know, it was a beautiful picture. I didn't get it for a couple of years,
but it was a beautiful picture of God gave me something so perfect and I was so dirty.

But isn't that the picture of grace? Isn't that the picture of gospel?
We're all kind of dirty, but he's so great. And he's so perfect and he changes our lives.
And he showed me that with my wife. I'm a firm believer that you and your destiny
equals other people and their destiny.
And my wife elevated me into my destiny. Man, God also has a sense of humor, doesn't he?

Yeah, he does. He does. What was the full timeline from, I mean,
just being at your lows of lows, meeting your wife, to then starting to build
a family to saying, you know what?
I want to start a mentorship coaching. I want to help the masses.

I want to be with the people. What was that journey like? What was the timeline around that?
Yeah, so it was crazy. So my wife, in that three weeks of meeting her,
we were at a pool party and she said, she looked at me and said,
I'm going to marry a pastor.
And I said, girl, you are crazy because that is the last thing that I'm going to be.

And here you are 23 years later, I'm a pastor and have been for 22 years.
And so after about six or seven months of dating my wife, she got hired on at
this mega church in Kentucky, 15,000 plus people.
And the pastor came up to me and he said, hey, I'm hiring Tracy.
But just so you know, I'm hiring you as well.
And I said, homeboy, I said, are you kidding me?

And he wanted to throw me in with the middle school boys. I said,
these parents are not going to want me, this crazy, just radical sinner,
not even close to God teaching their kids. And he said, yeah, that's what I want to do.
And so I remember I was so scared, guys. I couldn't even write the prayer.
My wife wrote the prayer.
My wife wrote my sermon. And I would get up there and there were 20 boys.

And I would get up there and I would just shake. And I spoke this word,
just reading it from the paper.
But the thing was, like after three or four months, I start looking around and
there's like 200 boys and I'm flowing and I'm like, this is crazy.
Maybe I'm in my calling here. And so next thing I know, the middle school gets elevated.

Then they put me in the high school and I'm the high school pastor and it elevates
and they put me as the college pastor and it elevates. And then I become the
associate pastor and the executive pastor and the senior pastor, the lead pastor.
Then I start planting churches all over the South.
And then God tells me to build the Cincinnati Dream Center, which is exactly
like the L.A. Dream Center, which is one of the biggest nonprofits in the country.

And I built the Cincinnati Dream Center just going down into the ghetto of Cincinnati with water.
And after doing that for a few months, it built up to be...
Literally one of the biggest nonprofits in Cincinnati where we were serving
10,000 people on a daily basis, drug addicts, human trafficking victims, on and on and on.

So check this out, guys. Everything's going great.
Life is good. Money's good. Family's good.
I'm on top of the world. I'm traveling the country, teaching people how to build dream centers.
And just people are blown away at how fast God had moved in my life throughout
my life with this the story.
And then seven years ago, I'm laying in bed on top of the world and I have a God dream.

And God says, in this dream, I want you to walk away from it all.
And I go, this can't be God. This has got to be the devil, right? This cannot be God.
And so, yeah, you know what I'm saying? And so I ran, I ran from it.
The devil comes out in your highest places, right? They say the devil comes

out in your that roaring light. Right.
That's right. That's right. And so I run from it.
And this is when I found out that God's plan A is humility. God's plan B is humiliation.
And so we jack this up in our lives because God wants us to walk in humility.
Following the Father, following Jesus is all about humility, right?

It's more of you, God, less of me. Well, we're all so prideful in this world
today. And so we all have to be humbled so many times.
And I was humbled. And so I had to go through some crazy stuff in my life,
really disgusting, crazy things that happened in my life.
He put me bedridden for three months in bed just so I would walk away.

I got shot at in the ghetto of Cincinnati after preaching a Thanksgiving message.
All these warnings of God saying, I told you this is the next step.
And so finally, after being bedridden for three months, I said, God, I'm listening.
And he wanted me to be a spiritual coach, an advisor, a pastor and a mentor

to celebrities, influencers, entrepreneurs and CEOs.
And I think why I was so scared, guys, was I'm a country boy from Kentucky,
born and raised on a farm.
I don't know celebrities. I didn't know influencers.
I didn't know anybody but a bunch of pigs, cows, horses, and chickens.
And that's all I knew. But it was a beautiful picture of these are the type

of people even in the Bible that God uses, right?
He uses the nobody. He uses the broken, hurting, lost people because he gets
all the glory, right? Right.
And and so at the time I was coaching two Cincinnati Bengals,
three Cincinnati Reds. That was it.
And that was just because they were serving at my nonprofit that I started.
And so I just stepped in faith and seven years was actually like seven weeks ago.

I hit the seven year mark and I've coached over a thousand of the biggest names in the world.
I mean, literally, if you if you can probably think of the name,
I probably had some type of access or I'm speaking life into them.
I get to literally travel the globe, speaking into the lives of just high level performers.
And I love it because I remember the word that God gave me that I didn't understand

seven years ago when I had that dream is he said, you'll reach tens of thousands,
maybe even a hundred thousand in the church.
But if you reach the people that I'm telling you to reach, you will reach the
masses because of their following and their influence, not mine, but theirs.
And so if I can reach them and they can see a full transformation in their life,

they're ultimately it's going to be a picture to their influence, to their following.
And then we're going to reach the masses. We're going to reach the globe.
And I've seen it, man. I've seen it firsthand.
I've seen just transformation happen in some of the biggest names in the world.
And now they're speaking it and posting it and just declaring it all over their

lives and social medias and platforms.
And you're just seeing massive transformation happen. And so it's been an amazing journey.
I've never been happier. I have four kids, a beautiful wife,
and I get to travel the globe giving people Jesus.
How could it be any better? This is something that I get quite a bit in my DMs

that, you know, I wanted to ask you, has there been refusals to the call along this way?
Has there been times where you're like, I'm done?
And what were those things?
And did you seek mentorship outside of just Facebook?
Oh, yeah. So I've learned, man, I've learned, guys, that mentorship is wisdom without the wounds.

And so I've always been just a, yeah, so I've just been this guy that's like,
you know, the Bible says to have wise counsel, to have these people around you.
And so if like if you looked into my life, into my world, you would see that
I have business mentors. I have health mentors. I have spiritual mentors.
I have all these different mentors in my life. Now, I only have a couple in

each of those areas because I don't want to get too crazy because then you have
too many voices and you already got enough voices in the world today.
And so you narrow those down to who God's called you to put in your life.
But yeah, man, I mean, you got to have mentors. towards. I was on a podcast
earlier and this 20 year old asked me, what's the, what are the,
where are a couple of the biggest things that you could give advice to for a 20 year old?

And I was like, number one, mentorship, get in the room, get in,
get in the rooms, mentorship, and then ask, make the big ask.
You know, so many people are scared to ask because they think they're going to get a no.
Well, the thing is, is Gideon had 31,000, 31,700 no's before he could get his
300 300 yeses. Let that sink in for a minute.

Sometimes we got to get 31,700 no's before we get our 300 yeses.
And the thing is, is so you have to make the big ask and then you have to seek
wise counsel, mentorship to speak in your life, to hold you accountable.
If you're rolling alone, flying solo, the Bible says pride comes before the fall.
And if you watch anybody that's prideful, just sit back and watch.

They will fall eventually and be humbled.
Now, moving forward, was there people along the way, once you had this mentorship,
once you started growing and having this new identity, was there friends,
allies, family, businesses that were like Brian's?
You've changed, man. We want the old Brian back. This whole thing you're doing

right now, it ain't flying.
We don't believe you. Was there those tests from your allies?
How did you deal with that? Yeah. So number one is the Bible says that Paul
says to pray without seizing.
And so a lot of people are like, well, how do you pray without seizing?
I can't just pray all day.

I got to go work. You know what I mean? I got to make money. I got to pay my bill.
But that's not what he meant. What he meant was that you're so connected to
the spirit of God that you are flowing in the spirit spirit daily,
hourly, minute by minute.
And so I think that's for me to get through that stuff.
And for me, I like God is the CEO of my life and I'm the president.

And so if we can step back and allow God to be the CEO of our lives and literally
run everything and filter everything to the spirit of God, life is just gets better.
It's like, you're not going to go down the wrong path. You know,
Moses, when he took the Egyptians out of Egypt, the Israelites out of Egypt,

and God said, Moses, go free them. I want you to free my people.
And Moses is like, okay, this is going to be crazy, but I'll do it.
And so he gets the Israelites, they cross the sea, they get into the promised
land, and the Bible says that they walk in circles for 40 years.
Okay, but there's a point to this. They're walking in circles for 40 years.

If you if you if you guys
and me right now were to go over to israel go exactly
where the israelites were and then go and
then we just walked a straight line to where god told them the promised land
was it would take us three 11 days to get there 11 days they walked in circles
for 40 years and so here's the thing is we are all if we're not connected to

the father if we're not praying without ceasing.
We're walking in circles our whole lives, and we never even get to fulfill the
destiny that God has created for us.
God created us for an 11-day journey to get to the promised land,
and we're living our whole lives walking in circles because we are not connected to the source.

I'm preaching today, boys. My God. You're like, what's happening right now?
I'm feeling it. I wasn't hoping for how this was going to turn out.
I'm like, what am I getting into tonight? No, okay, we know.
I'm watching Stephen as I'm watching you also in the cam.
And I just, man, he's like, like his smile is like electric.

The question that I have to have is, well, first, I've been doing a lot of reading
in the Bible, my daily readings. And what it's telling me is we cannot just live off of bread alone.
We have to live off the word of God as well in this testing times.
And I just can contest to, and I've talked to Stephen about this too,
about, you know, we're sacrificing these vices and getting out of our own way

and allowing ourselves to be connected to our highest, truest potential in ourselves in spirit.
And I do believe putting spirit first is the first thing. I know it's very modern
now when people say mind, body, whatever, but I think it's spirit,
mind, body in unity because we put spirit last, it always comes last.
But I firmly believe that on your, on the, on your journey after being tested,

what is the works that you've had
to do, you know, with getting sober and getting to that innermost cave?
What was that journey like for you? And how did, how did, how did you combat
that in your life and, and continue the momentum?
Yeah, I think you have to, for me specifically, a lot of people ask me that, and I think it's.

I've seen the bottom and I don't want to go back.
I don't want to go back to the bottom. I don't want to go back to that place
where I was miserable and I had to be high, you know, to even function.
And, you know, I always laugh and I tell people the best high you will ever
get is the Holy Spirit. The best high you will ever get is Jesus.

I have never been happier with that high. I walk in that high daily now.
And so, you know, I think, yeah, getting in the scriptures for sure,
getting into the, I mean, we're talking about the living word.
People don't understand that the Bible, I don't, there's thousands of self-help
books, but every self-help book, and I am a reader, I'm a perpetual student of life.
Any book that I pick up and read, I can look at it and I'm like,

that's in the Bible, just in different wording. Everything is in the Bible.
I mean, anything you need to know and want to learn and how to grow,
it's in the Bible. So I have CEOs, billionaires say, well, I just don't get
this Bible thing. And I'm like, really?
Do you want to be wise? Because King Solomon was the wisest person on earth
and he was a trillionaire.

No one will ever on this planet ever be wiser or richer than King Solomon because
the Bible says it. And so King Solomon literally built a temple that they said
today on earth would have cost trillions of dollars to build.
His house, his place where he lived was more expensive than the temple.

That's how wealthy King Solomon was. And he was so wise. And so I tell people,
why wouldn't you read the book of Proverbs?
Why wouldn't you read the book of Ecclesiastes? Those are the wisdom books.
Those are from King Solomon.
Literally, you just read that and he can tell you anything from anxiety,
fear, depression, suicidal thoughts, business.
I mean, the King Solomon business plan. Read the King Solomon business plan

and I guarantee you, you'll be wealthy in the next three years. It's that simple.
Let's go. No, that's what I mean. That's it's, it's, it's unbelievable.
So for me, it's just like, I've,
I'm a student of life, and so I'm constantly learning. I'm constantly growing,
constantly in prayer, constantly filtering everything through the Spirit.

I don't make any decisions without seeking God's face from any decision that I have to make.
If I have to hire someone, fire someone, buy a company, get equity in a company, you name it.
I don't care if I have to let the dog out to go take a crap.
I'm just kidding there. But I'm just saying, I'm going to filter everything
through the Spirit, and that's just how I've I've lived my life ever since I've been at rock bottom.

And, and you know, another thing guys that the spirit of God's just telling
me to tell you guys today is, is, you know, I think one thing I realized as
I was going through this process is the enemy is necessary.
The enemy is necessary. I would say a lot of, we heard this. I heard this.

I know. Yeah. I liked it. Yeah. Yeah.
And that, and that's the thing, Steven is like, it's so crazy because,
Because I don't have a script, nothing like this. We're just flowing and letting the spirit roll.
And I just, for me, that was the one thing that I wrapped my head around was
the Bible says, okay, this is scripture. This is not Brian. This is scripture.

It says, I prepare a table before you in the presence of your enemies,
and your cup overfloweth.
Okay, so let me break this down. Now, OK, if this is what he's telling us,
we when the enemy hits us, when we get attacked, when we go through battles,
we're like, oh, my God, I'm going to have a panic.
I'm a freak out. I'm having I'm going to run. I'm going to get out of here. I'm going to flee.

God says, I want to bless you in front of your enemies. I prepared a table before you.
So if we run away from our enemies, God will have to bring us back to that place to bless us.
I'm about to start shouting right now, because here's the thing.
We run away from it, and then we have to go back to this hell on earth,

because we ran away from it when God literally wanted to bless us in front of our enemies.
And so we're missing the blessing right in front of our enemies.
Here's the other thing, and this is what Stephen probably heard,
was Jesus is getting ready to be crucified.
He's in the wilderness, guys. He's in the wilderness. He knows he's going to die.

And he's sitting there in the wilderness. He's waiting for the Roman soldiers to come and get him.
And Peter, his homeboy, right-hand man, walks up to him and says,
Jesus, we got to get you out of here.
The Romans are coming. They're going to crucify you. And Jesus looks at Peter
and says, get behind me, Satan.

Judas, we all know Judas, Judas backstabbing. Judas walks up with the Roman soldiers.
The high priest throws the silver and gold at his feet. Judas picks it up.
Jesus walks up to Judas, kisses him on the cheek, and calls him friend.
See, the enemy is necessary. Peter was trying to take Jesus out of his destiny.

Judas, the enemy, was putting Jesus into his destiny to literally elevate him
to save the entire world.
Do you understand what I'm saying? Our enemy that should be blessing,
he's going to bless us in front of them.
He is going to use our enemies to elevate our lives.

That was one of the biggest things when I wrapped my head around to my haters
and the hate emails and the people that get on my back sites on Instagram and
Facebook and are sending hate messages.
I love it. I'm like, this is great. Because guess what?
Next year, I even post sometimes. Every new year, I'll post,

I'll say to all my haters, I'll say, this year is going to be great because
I'm going to give you so much to hate on this year.
And God's going to elevate me in front of every single one of you.
Woo! Let's go. Let's fly. That's seriously rising above.
You know, I truly do believe that anybody who is called to be a leader should know this, but,

I don't think most do. I think that's part of the hero's journey,
right? We're getting out of our ordinary world. We're going to our cult adventure.
There's a refusal. We get the mentorship. Our friends are like, oh, you've changed.
We make that work to the innermost cave. We deal with what's in that cave that
really scares us, not the journey, right? The testing.
We have that our deal. And we're like, we're going to make this happen.
So I don't believe all leaders know that they're going to get arrow shot at

them from all directions.
And what can we do? Well, you just love them back in return.
Don't turn the arrow back on them. just take it out and love them.
And it just reminds me of what I learned a couple of years back,
which was lead with love, but not for love.
And if we're doing that to ourselves and we're loving ourselves unconditionally,

and if we don't know how to love ourselves unconditionally, then we cannot love
anybody else unconditionally.
It'll always be conditionally. Now, as you've moved forward and you've made your way back home,
Can you share with us some more acts of faith that you've had that allowed you
to basically walk on water, have the resurrection in your life?

Yeah, I would say I would say a couple of things. I would say first,
I want I want to remind people of how cool the Bible is, because,
you know, we were all raised like so I was raised by like I was like my parents
were like Southern Baptists.
Now, if you live in Kentucky, Southern Baptists is like hardcore,
right? We are like hard, hardcore Southern Baptists, my family.

Well, my wife was Pentecostal.
So these are two opposites. Two opposites. The Baptists were scared of the Spirit of God.
The Pentecostal were straight up knocking people out in the Spirit.
And it is total opposite. And so I meet my wife and she takes me to this Pentecostal church.
And I'm like, what in the world is going on here?

And then God hits me with the Spirit of God. And I'm like, what have I been
missing my whole life? life.
And so I, and then me and my wife started a non-denominational church.
And I was like, I tell people all the time, I'm a non, I'm a Baptist.
I am a non-denominational Babdicostal. I'm all three in one now.
And so, you know, I think, I think, I think, I think for me,

you know, there's a few things.
Number one is when you're looking at the scripture, What a lot of people,
I think even a lot of people don't like about Jesus and faith and Christians
is because probably they were raised like me.
We looked at Jesus as a dictator, as a God up in heaven with a stick that anytime

we made a mistake, he would smack us in the head with it.
And if we did something really, really bad, we were going to hell.
And so this is all about, that's all about religion.
And so I'm not about religion. I'm about relationship. And so religion.
Religion is one of these things where people really look at God as a dictator.

And the thing is, the God that I serve.
He wants relationship. He is our loving father.
He is our loving, he is our daddy. And he loves us so much. And he wants us
to walk with him. And he wants us to have a relationship with him.
And the thing is, is like, that's what I try to teach people today.

God doesn't want you to go to hell.
God doesn't want to, he's not that type of, God loves you and he wants to bless you.
He wants to honor you. He wants to elevate you. But all he wants is you to have
a relationship with him. It's about relationship.
Religion, that's why we have wars. That's why we have battles.
That's why we're seeing wars in the Middle East. It's all based upon religion.

And we knew this was going to happen because in the book of Abraham, right?
Abraham and freaking Sarah, you know, they can't weigh up. They can't be patient.
And then they send the maid servant, Hagar, right? Right. They have Ishmael.
And the Bible says right then, this is where we're going to see the battles
in the Middle East. Do not fear me.

Do not fear me. That's right. That's right. And so I think that's one thing.
I think the other thing is, is the Bible is amazing.
If you could look at the Bible like this, because this is what the Bible is,
and this helped me, was all the way from Genesis to Revelations.
This is how it works. There's a diagnosis diagnosis, and there's a prescription.

That's how the whole Bible works. So God will literally start from start to
finish, and he'll say, oh, you got anxiety?
Diagnosis. And then he says this. Here's the prescription.
Be anxious for nothing, but in all things, through prayer, supplication,
with thanksgiving, make your requests be made known unto God.

Okay? Do you see that? The whole Bible works that way. Here's the diagnosis.
You got anxiety. You got fear. You got depression. you got suicidal thoughts
you you are do you have anger problems whatever it is he says diagnosis.
Prescription and when i looked at the bible like that i
was like wow it really is an answer in question book it really is a love story

and when you read it like it reminds me look at it like that yeah we are then
then different right we when when i was growing up and maybe steven you relate
to this too. I was like, you know what?
I want the world to understand me. I want to change the world.
I want the world to understand me.
But that brought me a lot of pain and suffering because I was expressing it

and projecting it in different ways instead of getting to understand who I was
better in spirit, understanding who I just was in person better.
And before we even got started, I was going to put this into the beginning,
but I believe the message was really.
Born for versus what you're built for yeah i only can speak for myself you know,

and this is what i'm getting is all it's like you said it's all about
the relationship so instead of coming from arrogance like i
was born to be on television i was born to be behind the camera
i was born to be this hero to people and their
level of perspective and whatever that is how they identify me that
created arrogance that brought me to my most arrogant time in
my life was actually burning more bridges i was pushing people away

it was about me me me me me self-entitlement i'm
being selfish and that's what i moved
away from by going through this whole journey and getting
closer to the relationship with my
higher power and having that relationship then brought me guidance it brought
me joy there was still some guilt there was still some shame because i had a

relationship and when i wasn't building myself into the best person that i needed
to be i felt that i was like i just cheated i cheated myself i cheated on this relationship.
I cheated on everybody else around me that I made these promises to in my spirit, in my mind.
And that just started to really weigh on me in such a way.
So I was going to title this and maybe I will title this now is what you're

born for versus what you're built for.
And I can tell Brian that you're built to be the man that we see today.
You are vibrant, you're electric, you are shining through. And I feel like if
I unplug my computer right now, it's going to be fully charged.
And stay charged. I love that.
You know what's crazy is God downloaded even more as I sit here,

so I want to make sure I get it all to your viewers.
I didn't have to go. I did. I ended up going back to school when I got my doctorate.
I went to seminary because I love the Bible so much. I just can't get enough of it.
But I think what a lot of people, I didn't have to, to a lot of doctors,
a lot of psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists, all this.

Here's the thing that I learned.
Trauma not transformed will be transferred.
Transmitted. Trauma not transformed will be transferred. And so here's the thing.
Everybody on this planet has trauma. And the thing is, is we all get together
and we all start transferring our traumas onto other people.

OK, and so we this this is this is literally what we do because our trauma hasn't
been transformed through the blood of Jesus.
And so we walk around every day.
So when I when I deal with people, I get it because I look at them and I'm like,
they got trauma. Trauma. I had trauma.
But the thing is, the next step is you have to have that trauma transformed.

If you don't have it transformed, you literally will spend the rest of your
life transferring your trauma on other people. This is called generational curses.
This is why when people come to you and they say, man, I was an alcoholic.
My dad was an alcoholic. His dad was an alcoholic.
His dad was an alcoholic. And then you have the people who say my parents got divorced.

Their parents got divorced there. That's because everybody's trauma is transformed
and transferred onto other people because they're not transforming their trauma.
And you do that by drawing closer to Jesus, by giving it all and laying it all
at the foot of the cross and letting God transform your trauma.

Man, I'm telling you right, this is good stuff today. I tell you right now, God.
That hits. And I hope for the audience and they all can relate to that,
that we all do have trauma, that we're all going through something.
I just recently wrapped a picture that's come out this summer.
And after reading the script, this is what stuck with me because it was in parallel

to that, which was every man has two lives.
But the second one starts when you realize he only has one.
Once we realize that we just have this one short existence and that this whole
time on this planet is really just a testing ground to be battle tested.
We need to shed the old us and kill the old us to be reborn again and to walk

the straight and the narrow.
And like you said before, it is extremely hard. So it's very easy to fall back on the things.
But what I've learned from that script is and what so which I believe is such
a beautiful film, I want to be a part of it is it's falling forward.
Yeah, it's falling forward. And when we fall forward, we're still going to get attacked.
But it's OK, because we know we're just getting stronger. So when we fall forward,

we can crawl forward, we can get back up or we can decide to do push ups and and clap.
Either way, we're going to be moving forward. and um to have that that's right
to have that realization in life is a very very powerful thing.
And it's it's what's going to move the mountains it's that faith of a mustard seed,
in my opinion absolutely and i and there's there's a person that's going to

watch this a show and i can already tell you because i'm already vibing it right now in the spirit,
and they need to hear they need they need to hear this right now you need to
distinguish distinguish who's attached to you and who's assigned to you.
You need to distinguish who the people are. You need to distinguish who the
people around you who are attached to you and who are assigned to you.

Because here's the thing. Here's the difference.
Attached people, you can't get in a car with an attached person and drive from
Kentucky to Miami on a 14-hour trip.
You'd go nuts. You can't even spend 20 minutes with attached people.
Assigned people, are people that you, like you say, we're going to fly together.

Assigned people, God called them onto your life, and you're going to do life with them.
Attached people will drain you. Assigned people will elevate you.
And there's people in our lives, there's someone that's watching this,
there's someone in your life that you have to get rid of, the attached people,
for God to elevate you in this next season. That's the hero.

That's what's up, man. That's what's up. I truly believe that and Stephen and
I were talking about this before and that's what the inception of this podcast
was is because I see you as a hero.
You're showing everybody else how you've become a hero by the choices you've
made and that the world needs more of them and that there's all different forms and kinds of heroes.

And we are all more similar than we are different.
And moving forward, you know, now you've walked home with the elixir.
What can we what can we see next from you?
I know Stephen has some great questions and relating to some of these things,
but now that you return home with the elixir, if you could talk to yourself

in your toughest time of trauma,
what would you say?
How would you be there for them? Yeah, I would say for me, you know,
I give it all to the Father.
I give it all because I would be dead. I wouldn't be here, you know, in this place today.

But then I would also say, again, going back from when we started was getting
around the right people, getting around those assigned people,
because those are the people that you're going to do life with.
We weren't created to do life alone. alone you know there's so many people that
are doing life alone they're isolated and.

You you got to get out of that box and the
thing is is like so peter and the disciples they get on a boat okay you know
this one you know this one andrew i'm about to i'm about to bring the heat baby
you get on they get on a boat it's late one night and and and so they they they
get out into to the water.

Okay. And they're going out. It's dark. The water's calm.
I can just imagine, right? There's a lot of us right now. We're in this calm sea.
We're out on the boat. It's dark. It's calm.
And they get, they start rowing and they start rowing. And Peter sees something.
What is out here? And he keeps rowing a little quicker. And then he looks up
and he sees Jesus standing on the water.

And he's like, you got to be kidding me. This can't be real.
And Jesus says, Peter, come to me.
And Peter's like, bro, I can just see him. I ain't getting out this boat and
standing on that water. You must be crazy.
He's like, come to me. And so Peter puts one foot out and he's like,
oh, my gosh, I'm walking on water. Yeah, right.

And then he gets the other foot out and he's like, oh, my gosh,
I'm standing on water. And he starts walking towards Jesus.
The wind starts coming up, the Bible says. The waves start hitting.
Now, just so you know, in the sea, in the sea, in Israel, it's like hurricane
storms that pop up out of nowhere.
And so this is what scholars tell us. And so he's, the storm hits,

the wind's blowing, the water's hitting, and Peter begins to sink.
Jesus walks up, puts his hand out, and Peter's screaming, save me.
He pulls him back up, back on top of the water. Now, why did I speak this?
This is why I spoke this, because this is what I learned through my process.
Is Jesus never intended for us to be on a boat? boat. We are expecting a miracle,

but we're sitting on a boat.
You will never feel the power of God, the grace of God, the favor of God sitting
on an ordinary boat. God wants you to be an extraordinary.
He wants you to be a superhero knowing that you have a superpower.
And so you got to get out of the boat. You got to walk on the water.

And the reason that Peter sank is because because he took his eyes off of Jesus.
And that's okay. We're going to make those mistakes. But guess what?
Jesus also says, when you sink, I will pull you back up. Just put your eyes
back on me. But Jesus never intended us for to have a boat.
So I'm here to tell you today, for me and my journey, I got rid of the boat. I'm walking on water.
I'm walking on water every day. I'm keeping my eyes on Jesus.

Even when the storms hit, the winds hit, the waves hit, I'm going to keep my
eyes on Jesus and I'm going to keep pressing forward and walking towards him.
And he that's living the extraordinary life. That's being the superhero.
That's being a superhero is one thing.
But if you're a superhero, you have to understand that you have a superpower. power.

There it is. There is super power.
Your story. Exactly. Your story. And so, man, I'm truly a wise mentor once told
me when I started the Dream Center,
I took a trip to Malibu and I went down there on the boardwalk and I saw all
these crazy nut jobs with microphones screaming, repent for the kingdom of God

is near, screaming at all these people.
And I'm like, I wanted to to walk up to this guy. I was with the middle linebacker
of the Bengals at the time.
I looked at him and I said, bro, I want to go and punch this dude right in the head.
He is leading. More people are going to go to hell because of what he's doing
right there because people will look at him and say, I don't want nothing to
do with that God if that's the God you serve.

The thing was, I asked my mentor when I went down to start the nonprofit in
Cincinnati, I said, how do I reach these people?
I said, because all I see is people with microphones screaming at him.
And he said this right here, and I've lived my whole life with this.
He said, your story is the bridge to another person's heart that Jesus can walk across and save.

That changed my entire life, my entire ministry. If I want to lead someone to
Jesus, all I have to do is tell them my story.
Because my story will relate to anyone and everyone.
And what happens is, is that story, my story is the gospel.
My story is a story of restoration and renewal. It is a superhero, superpower story.

And so you share your story and then that creates the bridge for that relationship.
And then Jesus walks across that bridge and can bring that person home.
It's like alone, we're going to get there fast, but together we're going to go further.
We're going to go further. That's right. right life is life is meant to
be shared life is meant to be shared steven and

i were like you know why are we going to set the tone for this we
already know that it's going to go to great places because we we put
our prayers up and the blessings are
going to come down but how are we going to set the tone
for this i was like i have the guy but i think
after this to follow and steven let
me know if i'm wrong in this or if you like changed your mind you're

like peace out you know but it's about
professional you know we must confess
to let people all know that he
is the host of a radio show and he's amazing
and he's the celebrity of his town and he introduces big celebrities on stage
and from thousands of people i've been a hero to to many children and adults

around the world but people don't know my story completely why i'm i was scared
if they truly understood why we have What I've been through or who I am,
this is why we have the superhero you.
So moving this continually forward in all of our journeys,
I want to let the audience know that episode two is going to have Stephen and

I as the guests sharing our confessional, sharing our hero's journey so that
you guys can get to know us better.
And we're going to invite more heroes along the way because,
again, alone, we're going to get to these destinations fast.
Is that the destination we want to go on? Maybe. But together,
we 100% are going to go further.
And that's why we say it's a superhero you together as one.

Let's fly. Now, Stephen, you have some questions for Brian pertaining to just
take it take it from there, my friend.
Well, I mean, I know we got a few minutes left, so, but you got a couple of cool things.
I've caught you with your lives in the mornings on Tuesdays.
You do this really cool show with Dr.
Sean and you kind of mentor and kind of, I mean, the guidance,

the whole Judas and the Peter thing that I heard, we just talked about a little
bit ago. That's where I caught that.
But, and you had with that, you're leading into a, a round table.
What is this round table? If you can kind of summarize that up.
I know that's a lot. But yeah, so so my thing was, so I do one on one coaching.
And so there there's a lot of people that want to do one on one coaching with

me. Now, there's reasons that some people can't financial reasons.
There's also my time reasons. You know, I mean, I'm already doing like 60 calls a week.
And so there's just not a lot of time. And so I said, how can I scale this and
how can I get anyone and everyone to join a very cost effective, cheap program?
And so I said, you know what, I'm going to create the roundtable.

$97 a month. And it's going to be my baby.
I want tens of thousands to join it. And I'm literally going to sow my soul
and life into this, just teachings and trainings and learning.
I'm going to bring people like you guys in to teach and talk about faith and
family and business and life.
And we're going to do classes and answer questions. And we're going to walk

with people. We're going going to do life with people.
I want it to be, I call it the round table because most people that I work with,
they'll say, when I work with Brian, I don't feel like a client. I feel like family.
And I created the round table because I want to invite people to come sit at
the table with the family and let's do life together.
I love that. I love that.

Oh, absolutely. Yeah. Now, I'm going to go into one of the, I don't know,
you have a lot of quotes on your social media, a lot of them.
I was going to them earlier today on my lunch.
And I'm a big, over the last few years, two to three years, I've been more advocate to mental health.

I mean, mental health plays a big part in being that superhero versus being that villain.
And you had a quote that I took a screenshot of that said, don't quit.
If you quit now, you'll end up right back where you first began.
And when you first began, you were desperate to be where you are right now.

Keep going. going. So with that quote, I'm going to ask in those moments of
just, I want to quit. I want to stop.
How do you use that and flip it and be like, no, I'm going to keep going. Oh, absolutely.
Absolutely. I think, yeah, I love doing, I love dropping quotes as you all can

probably see on the show today.
You know, I, you know, I, and I think for me, it's like, I've noticed is don't quit too soon.
And that's the thing. We're living in an age where we all quit.
Do you remember our great-great-grandmas?

They would they would go to church
or they would go in their prayer closet they
would have a prayer closet and they would like hit the floor and
then they would lay there in supplication which is you know prostrate and they
would be like i ain't leaving this flipping place until you move god that's

what they that's my grab still protecting that that's that's right that's right
and see we We live in a generation today where we're like,
God, can you please do this? And five minutes later, we're like, hey, it didn't answer.
No, the Bible says to ask, to seek, and to knock.
To ask, seek, and knock. But guess what the Greek?

So that's the King James Bible. Go back to the Aramaic, the Greek,
the Hebrew. Guess what it says?
This is the real version. It says ask and keep asking.
Ask and keep asking. yeah seek and
keep seeking knock and keep knocking parents listening to this are there any
parents that you're asking asking and asking for those jordans and then finally

you hold on your heart strings you opened up your wallet strings you're like
fine right that's right we can do it yeah,
okay but but that's but i think but i think that's the thing guys is like we
we got to get back to this place where we're not going to quit.
We're not going to quit. Because, you know, Stephen, here's the thing, is if I quit...

I got to go back to that open field again. Right. And I don't want to go back to the open field again.
I want to keep helping and serving people and helping save more lives.
That's what the superhero does.
Absolutely. That was a lot of mind blowing.
That was a good way to look at it, though. I love it because,
like I said, I mean, mental health and that darkness and there's different ways

to get out of it. I have my own way that I do it.
You know, I'm sure Andrew has his own way. You have your own way.
And we've all got those dark, dark areas of our life that we just look back
and we're like, let's let's not go there. Let's go this way.
And so, yeah, I love that. And that quote is probably one of my favorites.
I'm probably going to like crop that and turn that into a reminder,

you know, kind of one of those when I have those days because I have those days.
And i i asked my mom mom i just want to quit when
i kind of backwards about 10 years
ago with andrew when i interned for the booking agency that i
worked with as his handler like there was days where i wanted to quit and i'd
call my mom and be like i just want to quit i just
want to what do i do she goes you've made it

this far keep going that's right yeah i was like
all right cool thanks mom i'm gonna keep running
that's right that's right it's amazing that the
the mother's grandmother's dear friends
and we know that with relational intelligence who our friends are
right in our family and our associates acquaintances etc and emotional intelligence
it's just their intent is pure and that intent is so pure it's that match that

lights up that positive loop that encouragement wildfire within us and it's so pure and i love that.
You know, being good is hard. Being bad is so easy.
I wish my audience members, I'm sure they know that with what I share in mind,
but just in the world, I guess, wherever this is going to be streamed to,

which is on all streaming platforms and just whoever hits, but just to remind
them, you know, being good is hard and it should be hard because it's worth it. It's so worth it.
Well, when I'm doing my coaching and I'm working with the youth,
let's say 18 to 25, 25, they're like, bro, I feel old. I'm 25.
I'm like, no, you're so youthful.

The whole life ahead of Joe. All right. This is what I recommend you do.
Wear a white jumpsuit brought to you by the superhero you, but wear a wall,
white jumpsuit, shameless plug, but wear all white jumpsuit and wear that for
a week. I want you to do all your activities.
I want you to sleep in. I want you to brush your teeth. I want you to go to
school. I want you to work out it.
And I want to see what what that suit looks like at the

end of the week and do your absolute best job to
try to keep that thing pristine i guarantee
you which there's no guarantees in life but more than not it's gonna have some
stains on it and it's okay that's what grace is i don't care yeah i just want
to make sure that you're warm do you have clothes on your back that's that's
what somebody that loves you but somebody that doesn't love you to be like bro

you better change that before like we go out you You know,
because we got these girls who impress or we got this this high society function
that we're going to, bro.
And you got like staying right there, dog. You're embarrassing me.
OK, and then let's have that same person say, hey, let's swipe it clean.
Let's wear an all black jumpsuit. Brought to you by the superhero.

An all black jumpsuit available on Friday.
And I can't stop. all black jumpsuit and come back to me and you know come to
all of us that jumpsuit's gonna look clean i'm like dang what did you do did
you just sit at home he's like no man i actually did twice as much as i did
the white jumpsuit well it looks good so you're accepted over here you know it's.

But we know how dirty it is. We can smell it, feel it, and the smell has a weight to it.
And what does it do? You look good from afar, but when you come up close, it repels.
It pushes people away. They don't want to be around it.
But when you're dirty from just some stains, you're still welcomed here.

So I just want people to remind that and to try that out, to understand how hard it is to be good.
But you will be thanking all of us and hopefully your Heavenly Father father,
at the end that it was all worth it.
It truly is. But you hit it on the mark there too, Andrew, by the way,
is you said grace, because grace is undeserved favor, unmerited favor.
None of us deserved what Jesus did. Jesus loved us first. And so literally we are dirty.

We have these issues. We have this trauma. But then he came and he died.
He took his life for us and gave us this grace.
And so I just want want to encourage anyone that watches this.
It doesn't matter where you're at, if you're hurting, what pain you've gone
through, what you're addicted to, where you're at.
Start where you're at. God loves you where you're at, and he gives you grace.

And that's what people need to understand. A lot of people will look at me and
say, well, Brian, my God, if you're where I need to be, then there ain't no way I'm... No.
I was a flipping drug addict. I was crazy.
I have have just been over the years just drawing closer to the Lord. Start where you are.
God gives you the grace. It doesn't matter what you've done,

what you've been through, what you've gone through.
God will forgive you and move on. Give it to him.
And as a reminder to everybody who's listening, slow and steady wins this race. Okay, slow and steady.
The way that we exit anything is the way we're going to enter anything.
And if we're going too fast on the freeway, we're going to miss our exit.

We're definitely going to miss that exit. Grant yourself that grace and remind
yourself, have the understanding once you zoom out that, ask yourself, put it on paper.
What journey am I on right now? Is this a financial journey?
Is this a spiritual journey? Is this a health journey?
Is this a relationship with my family journey? Is this coming out of going into sobriety journey?
What journey am I in? And just go through all those steps from the ordinary

world to the call to adventure.
You're going to have a refusal. And that's why you must seek,
knock and ask for, ask and wait for the right mentors to come along.
And even if you've worked with a mentor, that might not be the one for you.
So keep asking, as Brian said, and I guarantee you, you're going to get past
the battle, the test of friends, allies, and, you know, ex lovers or lovers
say, no, you've changed.

We want the old person back. No, that old person is dead.
Bury that person and move forward and keep rising above it all so that you have
the strength, the willingness and the ability to get to that innermost cave.
And that cave is going to be a journey, but we need to deal with the ordeal,
which is inside of that cave to get you back on the way back home,

having the resurrection to walk on that water with faith, with your foundation
and to return home with the elixir.
You guys, it's been an absolute pleasure. We're We're going to do a wrap-up real quick.
My name is Andrew Gray. My co-host is Stephen Turley. Thank you guys again for everything.
And Brian, thank you so, so much for joining us and sharing your incredible experience.

And to all the listeners out there, remember, you have a story,
and it matters. It all amounts up to something, you.
And you have the power to be the superhero in your life and not the villain.
As we always say here, together as one. Together as one. Let's fly.
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