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April 9, 2024 26 mins

Hold on tight in Episode 24 as Jesus continues the Sermon on the Mount to talk about an emotion that has been with us since we were little and didn't get our way:  Anger!   Those Crazy Bible Study Guys see how Jesus is not saying the laws of the old testament are wrong but goes back, again, to the heart matter which really is where the spiritual battle begins with behaviors like anger that could ultimately fester, get bigger and be the root cause of breaking the law!   Join those Crazy Bible Study Guys as they get real and share how even Barney the purple dinosaur can be the source of anger!     


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Hello everybody welcome to episode 24 i'm jim and i'm dale and we are those crazy bible study guys,
oh man i'm loving that intro i uh i don't even know what to say right now i

am smiling side to side so i'm curious what's going on but what's in your coffee
i'm just a little angry I'm just angry.
I'm telling you, man. See, I like how you feel in that rage.
I'm over here feeling conviction, man.
I don't know if the listeners are picking it up, man.

We're still rocking in Matthew chapter five in the Beatitudes and in the teachings
on the Sermon on the Mountain.
Today, we're going to get a little rough and rowdy, man.
Yeah, I hope I can learn. I hope I can learn some today.
Day i i yeah yeah just be prepared
everyone today's going to be a day of conviction probably

some self-ashame especially for me i'm really really talking about myself right
now lack of control we're talking about anger and this will be good this will
be really good for me then well i'm nervous because man i've had a lot of rage
i mean you know yeah i have a lot of rage a
lot so oh lord you're gonna be speaking to me directly today yeah i i have a

feeling this one's gonna just hit a little too close to home so all right well
i think we might as well just jump right into it because yeah let's do it,
I would say one, one thing that we've done over the years, and it's just some,
some days we feel like we're in a boxing ring when we're reading scripture and,
and, and it's good, you know, it's, it's really good that sometimes you just

kind of get pounded on to say, all right, I need to do better.
And I think today, Jim's going to be a couple of KOs today. I think we're going
to get punched a couple of times today, which is good.
It's good, right? To build your character. So I definitely feel some humbleness in my future.
All right. Well, if you're following along with us to super real fast recap,
we're on the mount and Jesus just taught us about the law.

You know, I'm going to be honest with everybody. We're going to get into some
real stuff here. He's now talking about anger.
I'm seeing headlines in the future. We're going to be talking about lust and
vows and revenge, loving your enemies, divorce, needy, teaching about prayer.
Like we're going to go through it here. And it's all red letters.
Jesus is talking directly to us. So just good. It's what is what we need.

We need this foundation.
So, all right, let me open some prayer that we'll be jumping to Matthew chapter
5, 21 through 26 will be what our focus is today.
We'll start having the father. I thank you for this new day.
Thank you for my brother, Jim. I love how he came out his voice today and God,
it's, it's how it is, Lord.

We, we struggle, especially in this day and age. It seems like everyone's got
a chip on their shoulder.
So Lord, I know I'm guilty of it as well. I'll just pray that you'll help teach
us about anger today, how we can learn to control ourselves,
how we can learn to be a lot more like you today.
So forgive us of all our sins. Thank you for our wonderful families.
Thank you for our friends. Thank you for those believers out there.

We just ask and pray for your blessing, protection, and that your kingdom will
continue to grow. In Jesus' name, amen. Amen.
All right. All right, man. I'm sitting down. I'm already thinking of that.
We've already beat around the bush enough. Let's just get into it.
I mean, there's lots of angers here. All right.
Matthew 5, 21 starts out like this.

You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, you shall not murder,
and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment.
But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister will be subject to judgment.
Again, anyone who says to a brother or sister, Raqqa is answerable to the court.

And anyone who says you fool will be in danger of the fire of hell.
Therefore, actually, you know what, Jim? Let's just stop right there. Let's go to 21, 22.
Let's stop right there because I think that hit me was Raqqa.
I i'm assuming that's it means you fool but i've
never i don't think i've ever gone up to somebody and go

rocka so i'm curious
i just my mind started going down let's let's see what the footnotes might say
on this or what your thoughts are no i i had to look too that was my first thing
there but what does it say mine says an aramic term of contempt so you want

to maybe Maybe Google that one.
Yeah, yeah. Let's see what that is. Because, I mean, again, why would it be
like that structure here?
So while you're looking that up,
you know he says but anyone who says you fool will be in danger of the fire of hell.

So my initial what's what's on my heart right now is that he's basically saying.
This is a heart matter again right anger is
something that just is is something that
can if if you go around angry all the time you're
really you're just you're not really heading in

the right direction here with your faith right this is
totally contradictory to love right is
anger yeah so he's saying
that's where you're that's where you're in the danger of the
fire of hell is like it's like you're you do
not have the right spirit here man and this is gonna it's it's
like a cancer right to your soul anger is

that's that's kind of what was said on
my heart with him man you know i like that
i mean it's it's you're absolutely right and even to think that perspective
is the opposite of what love is what we're called to be
and and that's what i love about jesus you
know he's taking real scripture real knowledge
you know again he's using the ten commandments at this point

and he's showcasing the
next layer of the onion right he's saying hey you know
just because we say don't murder someone yeah obviously don't
do that but don't go around walking around getting angry at
people punching people and yelling and just
cursing people like that's not good either and
so you know he's definitely about rolling down

that and i did find that the rock of meaning which is only found here matthew.
22 5 22 and it says vain empty worthless so the jews used it as a word of contempt
which is what we found in our notes It is derived from a root meaning to spit.

Which again i'm thinking of like that anger where you just down look something
so pathetically and you're spitting
like huh you know i guess this isn't worth me or my time or is it junk,
and then when i saw that quotation you know a root word meaning to spit i think
of you know what they did to christ right as he was being led up where you know

were they cursing at him raka and yeah Yeah, that's, that's deep, man.
Yeah, to spit on anyone is definitely a, you know, that's, that's a low of lows, right? Right.
For many reasons. But see, what's interesting is my version says the Sanhedrin
are answerable to the Sanhedrin, but yours says to the courts,

which makes more sense to me.
And that must have been what the courts were, the Sanhedrin.
But if this is contempt, then you put that together and you're in contempt of court, right?
Which could, if you're in contempt of court today, you're going to get fined
or jailed or what have you, or removed.
So that's kind of an interesting combo there as well, too.

All right, so in the footnote, I'm going to head to a footnote on that, if you don't mind.
I'm going to break off to that really quick. when jesus
said but i tell you he was not doing away
with the law or adding his own beliefs rather he
was giving a fuller understanding of why god made the
law in the first place for example moses said

you shall not murder jesus taught that we should not
even become angry enough to murder
okay so anger would be a
precursor to that right so i okay
all right like the light bulb is going on here right he
is talking about those those and
i have a feeling we're going to see this theme throughout the rest of

matthew of it's like thoughts right
they start in your heart and your mind and then
though that's the stepping stone to the
next layer that leads to something severe here
so i mean i don't i don't
think anyone's going to murder someone and not be angry right
right so yeah all right

now if i can find my place we were
all right you should jesus taught that we should
not even become angry enough to murder for that and we've already committed
murder in our heart the pharisees read this law and not having literally murdered
anyone felt righteous yet they were angry enough with jesus that they would

soon plot his death though.
They would not do the dirty work themselves.
We miss the intent of God's word when we read his rules for living without trying
to understand why he made them.
When do you keep God's rules but close your eyes to his intent?

That's a deep question. Oh, man. The footnotes get a mic drop there.
Yeah. I mean, that's well written. And I mean, think about that. How many times?
The first thing he did is Jesus. just think about how many they did to other
people that were just annoying them frustrating and again,
like you're saying it all starts with that that thought you

know of wow this person's annoying
me wow this person's really annoying me and then
i hope something happens to this person so that i can
stop annoying me and then it just at escalation
gets to eventually to the point of murder where yeah
whether you I mean again they paid Judas you know they paid for you know in

essence a hitman to give them that pathway to do what they wanted to do and
I mean again it started with that motivation of the heart they didn't like what
he was saying they knew he jeopardized their life and,
Yeah, man, how many more people they do that kind of to. And yeah,
it felt you're righteous in that moment. No way.
It started with your heart, you know, and that anger, resentment.

Man, that like gives a whole new insight like to the Ten Commandments or any
of the laws, right, in the Old Testament.
And I think, you know, Jesus knew that, right?
They were getting legalistic, right? Like, hey, I'm not murdering, so I'm good.
You know i'm a good person right and he said i'm not i'm not the one committing

the action but yeah but he's saying yeah but he's saying hey that anger in your heart and your soul.
That's the same heart matter that that person that
that murdered someone had as well too so
i love this one when do you keep god's
rules but close your eyes to his intent so

again not going to the legalistic worldview
right right of a definition of murder
but getting to the heart matter that that god wants kind
of a a resounding theme we've got going on
yeah and i think it's going to be carrying forward too yeah i mean if this is
hitting home just be prepared there's more to come yeah i mean it's again the

simplicity of of god's teaching right it's like that that That simple principle
of the heart matter can go,
that for you and I really has opened, in our Bible study, has really opened things up for us.
So take that one home, think about that, and I'm going to dive into the next

section here that continues.
Yeah, this is going to touch on what you thought already mentioned.
Yeah, killing is a terrible sin, but anger is a great sin too,
because it also violates God's command to love.
Anger, in this case, refers to a seething, brooding bitterness against someone.

It is a dangerous emotion that always threatens to leap out of control.
Leading to violence, emotional hurt, increased mental stress, and spiritual damage.
Anger keeps us from developing a spirit pleasing to God.
Have you ever been proud that you didn't strike out and say what was really on your mind?

Self-control is good, but Christ wants us to practice thought control as well.
Jesus said that we'll be held accountable even for our attitudes.
Oh. Oh, boy.
Oh. yeah yeah i want
to be be real with people man i mean yeah i fell and
yeah my attitudes can indefinitely sway quickly and

yeah that's man i like that though the self-control you know up to the thought
control and again you know it's it's how satan twists those little lies you
know and we i think about when we were kids you know i remember my mom would
always say you know those
old sayings, like one little lie leads to big deception or something like that.

You know, but again, it's that one little lie.
And then somebody asks you about it and you have to lie again.
And then now your lie is out there in multiple ways.
And maybe it just started off really small. Now it's a huge ordeal and you're
having to finally admit, like, I'm so sorry I lied.
And how much more pain and sorrow that causes. It's the same way with anger.

You know, those little lies Satan gets in there and being like,
you know, wow, your spouse didn't do this today.
Or wow you know your kid you know
didn't give his best today and then so you start to
think like why why is it why are they not why
are they not holding up like to me and in my attitude and
my thoughts and then you start to spiral into these negative

perspectives and it's a poison it's
a poison that goes inside of your mind body and in it zaps
your strength it zaps your mental wellness and then
yeah next thing you know you start lashing out saying things that
you typically it wouldn't say to you you know your
loved ones or to really close friends and yeah
and again if you allow all that continued thought you eventually get to more

dangerous places and you know whether you say you know what i'm done with this
relationship or i don't want to be in your life or you know eventually you can
say it spirals really fast if you don't learn to control thoughts Thoughts.
Man, that's so powerful. It really is. Yeah. Man.
It's just that little thought that can just...

And I mean, I commend anyone out there if you haven't been in that situation, but it's...
I, I've got to believe that all of us have been there, right?
Like you gotta have that one person, at least in your life that has gotten on
your nerves and then they do something and then you're just like, you know,
and then they, they commit something against you and you're,

you just, you just, you're angry as,
you know, as each double toothpicks, you know, tying it to what we know too.
Like, and again, I mean, I'm not going to advocate. I know people,
some people like it, some people don't. But I think of the movie from Disney's
Pixar, this movie called Inside, I think it's called Inside Out.
It's about, you know, basically about like these emotions inside of your mind.

And one is anger. They list him as angry. Oh, yeah. Short, short,
stubby, you know, redhead or red, you know, reddish looking character.
And when he gets mad, you start to see steam going off the top of his head.
And when he really gets mad, his head just ignites in fire. And like,
you know, obviously, like in part in the movie, they utilize that opportunity

of how hothead he can get.
And, you know, I think it was a really good perspective and,
you know, viewpoint of how anger can be.
And it's like within us, like we get to this point of just absolute rage and
fire and destruction, you know, and well, what do we know about fire and destruction?
It's not good. It's going to burn something down. Now, yeah,

definitely learning how to control that emotion, that feeling, it's powerful.
And hey, Jesus gives us a therefore. We talked a little bit about that in the
last episode. So three foot stops, boom, boom, boom here.
You want to check this out, Jim. All right.
Let's do it. Yeah. So Matthew 523 says, therefore, if you are offering your

gift at the altar and there And there, remember that your brother or sister
has something against you.
Leave your gift there in front of the altar. First, go and be reconciled to
them. Then come and offer your gift.
Settle matters quickly with your adversary who is taking you to court.

Do it while you are still together on the way, or your adversary may hand you
over to the judge, and the judge may hand you over to the officer and you may be thrown into prison.
Truly, I tell you, you will not get out until you have paid the last penny.
All right and i think for

me that sums up that that therefore action is goes
back to everything you've always said you know heart matter check your heart
yeah and don't be offering god you know like oh lord you know thank you for
everything done and you know and and here's all of these wonderful things i'm
doing for you but over here you're just completely just enraged with people And you're,

you've yelled at people or mean to people like,
you know, clean, clean the house, right? Clean the house up for the host.
Do the right things as you come and bring that gift to him. Yeah.
And it's not easy, but when that's the amazing thing of forgiveness,
like you, you'll see it, like, I mean, you see the ultimate level of forgiveness

sometimes, like if you're seeing some court TV or something like that,
where I don't know if this level is on court TV, but anyways, you'll see a big trial.
Right. And then you'll see the victim's family's closing statement,
and they indicate that they've forgiven someone for something extremely awful

that's been committed against someone that they love dearly.
And God knows when we do that, it just frees our heart and gets us to that place
where we can come to the altar.
And it's so distracting, right? I mean, when we get something like that on our
mind, it's like it consumes us, right?

And we can't, like, how can you really fully,
you know, spend time with God and focus on that or anything else for that matter
when that just starts to consume your thoughts and your minds and your actions and what you're doing?
Yeah. I just, yeah, I was thinking too.

And again, you know, I want to be sensitive to everyone out there.
We know every situation is
going to obviously be there's going to be some really challenging moments like
you were just mentioning about like i'm again someone someone you love lost
her life because of some evil act and you know and it's hard for that forgiveness
and you know there's also these little bitty things of you know just matters
that just never got settled and,

and so i do want to at least be sensitive to that but i really look at verse
25 settled matters quickly and you know obviously he does talk about that next
level of going to court and things but But I swear, I don't know where it is.
Don't don't, you know, hold Dale accountable to this quote.
But I remember hearing at least someone or reading it somewhere that like 90

percent of our arguments are just off of things that just don't matter.
It's simple things such as, again, I came home.
I was hoping the dishes were done and they're not. And the house still looks like a wreck.
And then again, that spiral of thoughts of negativity towards your loved one can go down.

Or again, simple thoughts of, you know, I hit every red light today getting
to work and my day just started off really bad.
And then again, you just start to lash out.
They always say you'll lash out to the people closest to you because you have
more security, more open vulnerabilities with those individuals.
But again, majority of the arguments with loved ones or friends start off with

just silly things, silly, non really matterable issues.
And, yeah, they can be important. They can be something you kind of wish somebody did it.
But in the end, like in the grand scheme, it's not a big deal.
We just took a small, you know, peanut and made it into a mountain in the end.
And, and that's, I just remember hearing that and seeing that like 90% of arguments.

So I will always think too, like if ever I'm in that situation and,
you know, I'm just kind of just having a rough day and a little thing sets me off.
I will at least, you know, and, and unfortunately I always don't hold my mouth
and control my tongue and yeah, I'll be like, Hey, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
And then of course an argument starts and then I will ask myself,
was that really worth it?

Was, is this something, is this the hill to die on kind of a thing?
And majority of the time it's not, it's just me being, you know,
a perfectionist or, you know, or something where it's like, yeah,
I could see I screwed the, I screwed that one up.
And, and you just got to learn to let go and be like, it's not worth it.
I don't want to hurt my, my spouse.

I don't want to hurt, you know, a friend because of something so petty in the end.
And that's where I think of that settle matters quickly. So I will,
I'll go up and instantly say, look, I'm sorry. sorry, Ian, even if I don't agree,
you know what? I'm sorry.
It's just not worth the time. It's just not worth us fighting about.
And so, you know, we can learn to agree to disagree and, but let's move on.

Let's, let's not let this hold us down.
And it's, it's really important. I don't know why. No, that's,
I think that's really powerful than 90%.
I'm going to just really quickly be very vulnerable here and share a very embarrassing,
but moment of anger that I had that, and you'll, you'll hear how ridiculous
it is so my kids were really little.

And back when they were little Barney, the dinosaur was really big and he was
coming into town live and we had a couple tickets to go see Barney.
And it was, it was about three in the afternoon.
I think it started at two o'clock and all of a sudden I realized.
Oh my goodness, we missed Barney.
And i just i just lit up

and i ended up punching the the closet
door and putting us you know those interior doors are
pretty small i'm not that strong enough and and
my kids have given me so much grief over
the years about that but rightfully so how
ridiculous i mean i was really angry because we missed
it and all that money i'd spent and you know but yeah

man don't let our don't let barney be the
source of your anger yeah no yeah don't let barney be
it oh man trust me
yeah i think we could do probably 20 million podcasts oh
stupidity things that i've done out there all right i
think it went that one apostle uh you
know or disciple he he wrote out he's like look there's just not enough

books in the world to write all the things that jesus did you
know for the world and i'm over here there's not enough books for all the
wrongs that i've done on that so you know yeah no
shoot all right well i'm sure no now
the rest of the world knows about that that it's a
mild moment all right it's okay to be sensitive about no one would no one would
have thought barney would do that but you know the dark side of barney all right

i'm gonna hit the footnotes real quick on on the therefore to the end says uh
broken relationships can hinder our relationship with God.
If we have a problem or grievance with a friend, we should resolve the problem as soon as possible.
We are hypocrites if we claim to love God while we hate others.
Our attitudes towards others reflect our relationship with God.

And then it goes on to say, in Jesus's day, someone who couldn't pay a debt
was thrown into prison until the debt was paid. Oh, my goodness.
Our prisons would be jam-packed. Oh, yeah, yeah. Absolutely.
Unless someone came to pay the debt for the prisoner.
Interesting. He or she would probably die there.
Wow. It is practical advice to resolve our differences with our enemies before

their anger causes more trouble.
You may not get into a disagreement that
takes you to court but even small conflicts mend
more easily if you try to make peace right away
okay so right away keeps it
from brewing right uh getting to that point of steaming up in a broader sense
these verses advise us to get things right with our brothers and sisters before

we have to stand before god all right yeah yeah so yeah remember Remember to
let it go and to love your loved ones.
Yeah. That's ultimately what it's saying there. Yes, it is.
All right. Father God, thank you for the study. Thank you for the reminder of
the ridiculous moments to Dale's point.

90% of anger and arguments are just unnecessary.
It's because of our selfishness to not want to be wrong, Lord.
And it's embarrassing. But please help us to exercise forgiveness in our life
daily. In Jesus' name we pray.
Amen all right well we can all agree we all get angry but it's allowing how

far you want that to go so choose to do the right thing settle those matters
easy and quickly until next time enjoy the gift of today.
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