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May 7, 2024 26 mins

In Episode 32, Those Crazy Bible Study Guys continue to unpack the Lord’s Prayer which Jesus used to simplify how to pray!   They unpack “and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one”  and the IT>IF formula comes into play again as they translate that into “Don’t feed (satan’s) the IFs, but focus on the IT (is written).”   Or “Starve the IF, feed on the IT.”   Satan’s IFs are just suggestions that, if we don’t recognize those and focus on the IT of what is written in God’s word, then WE are the one’s that take the IF and spiral!  Those Crazy Bible Study Guys wrap it up with reminders and clarity between Needs and Wants and remind of us of the ACTS method of prayer (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving and Supplication).

This episode is an ideal listen for anyone who has ever found prayer challenging or elusive, and serves as a gentle reminder to cherish the gift of today and maintain a simple, sincere conversation with your heavenly Father.


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Episode Transcript

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Hello, everybody, and welcome to episode 32.
I'm Jim. And I'm Dale. And we are those crazy Bible study guys.
Oh, and happy day, everyone. Happy day, Jim. I tell you, man,
so I think our listeners know us a little bit by now that they know we gather

together and, you know, we talk a little bit about what we're going to hit today.
And man, I tell you, you actually said something funny. You're like,
I feel the need to pray. And I'm a Top Gun movie fan.
And so I just instantly thought of that high five scene where he's just like,
I feel the need, the need. And I'm just going to insert pray.

So I just thought that was fun today because that's what we're going to talk
about. We're going to finish up where Jesus is teaching and praying, man.
So I'm excited for this. How about you? Yeah, I am too. I love that we have
the Lord's Prayer, but what's really cool is just, you know,
we've said it all the time, but have we really paid attention to the words, right?

It's like, okay, like when I grew up, I think we actually said it in our church every Sunday.
And so I knew it, but did I really know it, if that makes sense?
Yeah. So that's why I love just our Bible study,
how it's just getting into the roots and dig it in and really just finding out

a little more and growing a little more and having some of those aha moments
to feel like we could stand a small chance if we went on Jeopardy and the topic was Bible study.
Yeah. Oh man. But you know, yeah, but you know, you're right though.
I will say, you know, as, as we age, like fine wine, you know,

so I'll say it that way as we age, I feel you, because again,
I think you, you know, the language a lot better.
You're kind of take a little bit more time.
Whereas like, you know, it's just constant rush as kids and things,
but you know, or, or you, and to be honest, probably a lack of attention just to be real.
But as you get older, you start to appreciate it more.

And I feel like as I've gotten older, like, again, just looking at some of the
words now, I may not know the Greek word or how,
you know, it was written in a certain style, but what we have in front of us,
you know, I take wholeheartedly and yeah, man, I mean, it's just,
it's one of those things where it's like, wow, that's what that means.
Like you use, you know, it goes back to our, our, one of our greatest episodes,

the it over if, you know, and just how two simple two letter words really impacted.
I never would have probably picked it up when I was in my twenties.
Yeah, it is. You know, one of the things I like I've found in life and actually,
you know, again, I'm softball stuff of like when things get complicated,
one of the best things to do is just go back to keeping it simple.

Right. Lives are getting so complicated anymore. more.
And so like you were just saying, you kind of inspired me there that we've got so much going on.
We're, we're, we're going so fast, everything.
And when it's, you know, slow down, keep it simple. And, and that's what I love about the study.
I mean, we've slowed it down for sure. Right.

We're on episode 32 and we're in Matthew six. So, but there's,
I think people hopefully fully agree with us that they can see the value in
doing this study this way. So, yeah.
Yeah and i like that perspective of simple because this
is what's so cool about it you know and we are
in matthew chapter six and jesus is giving us

again an example of how to pray this is the first example of him you know showing
this because he literally says in verse nine this then is how you should pray
yeah and literally i mean it is one two three four and a half of bible verses
and And they're very short,
condensed ones, even at that.
So you're talking, again, with that memorization, you can say a prayer probably within 15 seconds.

But it's so simple. But again, the impact of how to pray is what's so important.
And again, I hear it constantly like, well, the prayer is so hard for me,
or I don't understand prayer.
We overcomplicate it. We put too many complexes into it.
And again, I'm going to give out the acts. I know we brought this up last time,

but just again, to bring it around so everybody knows, the best way to pray
is the Acts model, which is A, adoration, C, confession,
T, thanksgiving, and S, supplication.
So again, we give God the honor, we confess our sins, we give him praise for
all he's done for us, and then ask him again to help supply our needs to make

it through the day. a simple, simple formula.
And again, Jesus is the ultimate guy that provides that for us today.
So I don't know about you, man. You want to finish out the prayer section here in Matthew?
Yeah. I was just going to add one more thought there too of just,
you know, we complicate things.

We humans, we just complicate things.
And the beauty of God and even Jesus all along here, man, is he just,
he simplifies everything.
He just distills it down and gets to the point.
I continue to think about that babbling, right? With our prayer, right? Of just.
How jesus is just like distills it

down just keeps it simple and and straightforward and to
the point here but uh yeah let's let's um let's finish there halfway through
and do it right let's do it so so everyone can flip to it we're still getting
matthew chapter 6 we're going to hit verses 9 through 15 today and i will open
us up with a short prayer here heavenly father we thank you you for this new day.

Lord, you are holy and mighty and awesome. And we just give you the praise that you are so deserving of.
We just ask and pray you'll forgive us of all of our sins, help us to just continue to grow.
We thank you for all the blessings that you provide to us on a daily basis and
the strength and endurance to keep running the race.
We just ask and pray that you'll continue just to fill us with the,

you know, again, the strength, the comfort, the energy that we need to,
again, make sure that your gospel is spread out to all nations.
This be with those who need you today, Lord. We love you and praise you.
In Jesus' name, amen. Amen.
All right. Goes like this. Matthew 6, 9 starts, This then is how you should pray.
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.

Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.
For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.

But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.
And i do i do wonder how many people may
have added at the end of what i've read
there but delivers from the evil one for thine is the power of
the glory yeah yeah i was that was that's where i was going in my mind and then
i was like where'd that come from yeah so you got some google searching to do

here while we're doing our study see i mean i think it's a nice little ad at
the end but i'm I'm wondering where that came from.
So since it isn't directly here, or maybe they just felt like it needed some
kind of powerful ending of, of praise again.

So what is it for?
I was just about ready to rip it off there, and now that I'm on the spot here, I can't quite do that.
Yeah, so I'll Google it here and see if we can find a response for a second here.
But so the listeners know, in the last episode, we went through 9-10,
which was our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name,

thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
And today, we're going to primarily focus on 11 through 14.
So so i get some notes while you're doing some research here
yeah go for it so just i had written
these before so obviously i i read
this previously but uh give us today our daily bread taking care of my physical

needs so lord please supply what i need today and you commonly think of those
verses of you know i'm gonna butcher them so well give me some grace here uh
you know i take care of the birds,
of the air, and the flowers, the field,
how much more am I going to take care of you, right, so each day he'll give

you what you need, some days you're wondering about that, but somehow you rest
your head at night, and you make it through the day, and wake up in the morning.
The next one, forgive us our debts, I had here, forgive what I've done in the
flesh, and help me to forgive others,
all right, so yeah, as we forgive our debtors,

and then in the latest net to temptation i don't want
my natural man to fall into a snare or
trap or be led away from you so and
that makes you know that makes a lot of sense because it's easy for
us to go to god say god forgive me for everything but oh man this person over
here you know they really did me wrong but again it's because we categorize

sins whereas god sees it as just one one view remember i think i I talked once
about the Excel or the PowerPoint view where we look at it from a front perspective,
where God looks at it from a downward perspective.
It's just still a simple little box from his side.
Whereas, of course, we're the one putting the emphasis of how bad it was. But we're all sinners.

We should all be forgiven of what we've done.
And if Christ can forgive us, we should easily be able to turn around,
even though it's hard at times, say, I forgive them for what they've done to me, too.
Yeah, you know, I just had a deep thought here with our podcast,
and obviously I do not want to replace God's words, but I want to kind of relate

it to one of our previous studies that you mentioned earlier,
the it is greater than if.
So verse 13, and lead us not to...
Give any attention to the if, but let us turn from it and focus on the it.
Who would like that? Or something like that. Yeah, no, I think that's a great

perspective. Because again, we really heavily hit about that temptation.
And I mean, again, even Jesus is responding, hey, you will be tempted. I was tempted.
I know it's going to come. And so you need to stay strong for it.
Because again, how does the devil tempt us with a simple soft word of if somewhere

in that sentence, if you were to do this, if you do that.
And so, yeah, to focus on the it, which is God's word and to know it and to
act upon it, man, solid ad, solid ad. Yeah. And I have an answer.
I have an answer too. Hey, I'm going to, before you give me the answer,
before this leaves my, my feeble mind here and don't feed the if, but focus on the it.

How about that i like that i
like that that's that's right starve starve the
if and turn to the it all right man we're getting
some mileage out of that okay yeah we we are man that
was a solid that was a big day i know well i
have an answer to your question and honestly it's.

A very simple one oh okay so obviously what
we we read out of just for again listeners perspectives whenever
you join us we are utilizing the niv version
which is in the new international version yeah so there
are obviously multiple different types of versions and the
where the for the thine is the kingdom the power
and the glory forever actually comes from the

old old reliable the kjv king
james version so well so that's actually
where it's at and it's interesting that we
don't have it in the niv because you again like
you said i think it's a great in capping and so
obviously there are multiple like i'm actually i want to actually
see if i can look up a typical version i

use a lot is the esv the english standard version so
i'm going to see if it actually yeah it
does not have it in that either but yeah so it's kjvs
which makes sense because back in the day i mean i went the
small church i went to i think i mentioned last time growing up at one point
like they used a lot of kjv so you you would hear that for the you know the

dying of the power of the glory and so yeah kjv that was the answer all right
the the real question is does kjv say debts or trespasses.
So my kjv version i'll actually read the lord's prayer in it so that way everybody
gets the thines and the vowels and all that so it says after this manner therefore

which oh they got a therefore i I need my sound effect. I'll say that again.
Okay. All right. Okay. You ready? I'm ready. We're going to re-say that.
All right. After this manner, therefore.
Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the
kingdom and the power and the glory forever.
Amen. Amen. Yeah, so that is it.
But you know what's interesting that I just picked up? And I'm sorry,
but I see an it, as we were talking about the it over if.
And if you look in verse 10, even in the new test or the NIV version,

your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven, as it is.
Like as it is written, as it is in heaven. Oh, good. Man.
Yeah. So again, man, just a two letter word matters. Again, go with the things
that you know are true. And that is the Bible.
It is written. And that was his response.

So, hey, I'm going to hit a little bit on the footnotes because I think we're
going to chew on these a little bit.
We got a few of them, yeah. Yeah, so 611 on give us today our daily bread.
When we pray, give us today our daily bread. We are acknowledging that God is
our sustainer and provider. It is a misconception to think that we provide for our needs ourselves.

We must trust daily to provide what he knows we need.
Key word there is need, right?
Yeah. That's a big thing when I'm running one of the Dave Ramsey classes on
finances is the things that get us in trouble are those wants, right?
It's the needs that we need. They're food, shelter, transportation, clothing.

Yeah. And I think it's also important to note, you know, again,
really understanding what the word need is. Again, God knows you need food.
So if there's a time where you're just, oh man, I'm craving,
you know, I really need some, some pizza in my life.
Well, God may not give you pizza, but he may give you an apple,
you know, and that's the thing too, it goes back again, you know, an apple is still food.

It's still, you know, enough to keep you energized, may not be what you truly
want, but it's what you need.
And yeah, it's very important to understand need over want and what those two words mean.
Breakfast burrito is really what. what what
i want so yeah not not the
apple i'm an egg cheese bacon

kind of guy oh man yeah we're breakfast people and
potato yeah can't forget the potato all right so but yeah even in when i'm teaching
the ramsey classes it's like even within needs there's wants right like i want
the bacon egg cheese and potato versus the apple but he's providing the apple
it's like i want you know i I need transportation. I need a Tesla.

No, you need a hoopty that will just get you to where you need to go.
Exactly. Yeah. Again, it may not match what we want.
Yeah. I mean, that's, again, it's where the drive can come from to take more
action and have hope and trust in God and be thankful for what you are given
every day, which goes into what I think you're about to jump into here soon

is giving thanks. Right. You know, so.
Yeah. I mean, you know, there was one other. Well, maybe. I was just going to
say, the other thing that just...
Was really strong on this. It's a misconception to think that we provide for
our needs ourselves, right?
We work hard, we do things, we are sustaining everything for our family and

just realizing it all comes from God and it's all his, right?
He's letting us borrow it.
Amen. Yep. All right. So the forgive us our debts, there isn't,
I think maybe that was just Just straightforward.
So, the next footnote on 13, and lead us not to temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

God doesn't lead us into temptations, correct?
But sometimes he allows us to be tested by them.
Those ifs. As disciples, we should pray to be delivered from these trying times
and for deliverance from Satan, the evil one, and his deceit.
All christians struggle with temptation sometimes

it is so subtle that we don't even realize what
is happening to us that's pretty rich right
there yeah god has promised
that he won't allow us to be tempted beyond what we can bear and that's in 1
corinthians ask god to help you recognize temptation and to give you strength

to overcome it and choose god's way instead for more on temptation there's some notes on 4.1,
but I think that's again,
you know, the if is coming up big time today, which is no surprise here in the Lord's Prayer, but.
Creating that, you know, asking God for that discernment to recognize those ifs, right?

Because, you know, it's, that's the interesting thing, right?
Is, and, and it kind of ties to that want need thing, right?
Like, like God gave everything in the garden of Eden, Eden to Adam and Eve and,
and they They focused on, you know, Satan focused on saying,

hey, God's not supplying you with everything, right?
It's like they didn't need that, right?
He just created a, he's trying to create, and this is the problem we run into
with finances, is, you know, advertising does this.
They advertise advertising is
trying to create a a need

for you or a want turning into a
need right like i need that car to look super cool or you know oh man i need
that because i've got this this pain in my knee right or whatever and and i
trying to that's that's one of the things i've I've learned here from our study is,

is trying to create that discernment of Satan's ifs, right? Cause he's not telling us what he's doing.
He's just planning these ifs for us to take it from there and spiral into actually executing on it.
He didn't tell Adam and Eve, take this apple and eat it.

He just created those ifs. So that for me has been really powerful of trying
to even incorporate that in your prayer, just like this.
And like we were kind of converting verse 13 of that lead us not to temptation
is help me to discern the devil's ifs.

Right and then help me to to turn
to you to quickly move away from
them but the the the trouble is
is when we can't do that and we've all done this right it's so subtle that we
don't even realize what is happening to us and it's like subliminally we don't
even recognize that and just next thing you know we're spiraling or executing

or doing something we regretted doing Yeah.
I mean, I don't know. I feel I want to take it a second deeper on this too,
because like I'm really looking at that word deliver us, you know,
and thinking about the temptations and again, how subtle it is.
You know, it's hard to make change in your life. It's hard.
So again, you just may not even be aware that you're doing it just because it's

just how you've always been for forever.
You know, it might even be, it depends on, you know, again, how you look at it.
But, you know, where it even says, you know, again, you know,
God doesn't tempt us. Sometimes he allows us to be tested.
What is really interesting, though, is like, I think, and again,
our culture is so key to this, where we're always looking for the easy way out.

You know, God, please help me in this situation by just giving me an exit door and running through.
But sometimes, again, like, what is your prayer about?
Is it a prayer of making life easy for you, or is it a prayer to really lean
and trust in God to deliver you? And sometimes...
That might be, you know, going through a situation where God helped me to learn

how to endure and how to see past the obstacle in front of us.
And so like one thing I've been teaching my son a lot lately,
I had heard a really, really cool perspective was all of our problems are big in our eyes.
You know, we all struggle with some serious challenges, but everything that

we struggle with, our God is bigger.
Our God is straight up bigger than that. He created the world.
He saved the world. He can do anything.
And if we ask, God, I'm really struggling with this. Can you help me overcome?
Can you help me deliver through this versus can I have the easy way out?

I think that means so much more, especially in that prayer to God to say,
absolutely, Dale, I'm going to provide you strength that you didn't know you had.
I'm going to provide you a perspective that this is going to not be such a big mountain.
It's going to turn more into an anthill because again, you're looking through
the wrong lens, you know, and he can open those doors to really help us through those challenges.

Just but again if we're asking you know god help me with my finances so i can
you know let me let me win the lottery yeah it's the easy way out but if you
say like you were talking about finances god.
Help me to find someone that has wisdom in finance that could teach me how to
help me in my circumstance.
How much more easier is that going to be? God's going to be like,
yeah, I got somebody named Jim.

And you put a little effort in, how much stronger, greater will you be through that challenge?
Because you took the time to really seek after God and gain wisdom versus the quick, easy door.
Yeah. I mean, you think about our lives, where we grow the most is through adversity,
right? not when everything is going well.

And we grow closer to God in these moments like this, of these temptations and stuff.
And I know that's why God allows it, right? Because he knows those grow our
spirit, grow our heart, and grow us closer to him when we seek him out in those situations.
Yeah, because if you talk to probably any CEO, any entrepreneur,

they're going to tell you how many times they failed before they got it right.
And again, it's learning from failure.
So I'm going to wrap it up here with 14 and 15. Jesus gives a startling warning
about forgiveness. And I underline this next sentence.
If we refuse to forgive others, God will also refuse to forgive us. Why is that?

Because when we don't forgive others, we're denying our common ground as sinners
in need of God's forgiveness.
God's forgiveness of sin is not the direct result of our forgiving others,
but it is based on our realizing what forgiveness means, which is in Ephesians.
It is easy to ask God for forgiveness, but difficult to grant it to others, for sure.

Whenever we ask God to forgive us for sin, we should ask ourselves,
have I forgiven the people who have wronged me?
And I've got a little note up here, up top too, that says, if you can't forgive others.
If you can't forgive others, you are in the flesh, not the spirit.
I like that. Yeah. And again, it's easy. We just may be so subtle,

we don't realize it. So, I mean, again, this isn't hard.
This formula is pretty simple. You know, again, acknowledge our holy God.
You know, ask for his will to be done, which his will might be a little different
than your perspective. That's okay. It's his story, not ours.
You know, give thanks to him and confess your sins.
And, you know, again, ask for what you truly need. And that's it.

That's all prayer is. Very simple. Don't overcomplicate it.
Yep. Just like. Talk to the Father, man. Yep. Just like Jesus kept it simple here.
So, all right, man. Father God, thank you for the power of prayer.
We love you. We thank you for this podcast.
We thank you for your inspired word and your inspired wisdom.

And we ask that you continue to bless our listeners from this podcast and through
especially your holy word.
We ask and pray this in Jesus' name. Amen. Amen.
All right. Well, wonderful, man. We are next going to jump to fasting.
So that will be a fun one for two guys who like breakfast food.

But everyone, enjoy today.
Go out there. Talk to your father, your heavenly father today.
Don't make it too hard. Until next time, enjoy the gift of today. Thank you.
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