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April 18, 2024 28 mins

Welcome to the insightful episode of the West Coast Sports Podcast. Listen as our host, Richard Freas Guzman, delivers an enlightening discussion on the latest sports news focusing on the Raiders, Lakers, and Dodgers. This episode offers a comprehensive analysis of the Raiders' current standing, including prospects for potential advancements in the draft, and a look into the Dodgers' season strategy after a rather shaky start. Not to forget, it also features an exciting discourse examining why the Lakers are poised for an electrifying series against the Nuggets.

Starting with an engaging discussion about the Raiders, the episode dives into an analysis of new recruits, departing faces, and potential draft advancements. Drawing focus onto Los Angeles Lakers, it centers around the team's potential to disrupt NBA's balance, particularly as they gear up for a seven-game series against the Nuggets. Concluding with the Dodgers, Richard reassures fans, emphasizing that it's still a long game, despite their recent series loss against the Nationals.

Whether you are a fan of Raiders, Lakers, and Dodgers or a sports enthusiast seeking an informative sports dialogue, this episode is a must-listen! Join us as we delve deep into the sports world, highlighting the highs, lows, and opportunities for these iconic teams.

In this episode, we spotlight the thrilling faceoff between the Los Angeles Lakers and the Denver Nuggets. Our host provides insights into the Lakers' winning potentials based on his analysis of the teams' dynamics, past achievements, and current performances. Discover potential game scenarios and player strategies that could alter the course of the game and potentially lead to a surprising victory for the Lakers. Plus, get an understanding of the potential risks and how the Lakers can strategize around them.

Stay tuned in to this ongoing sports saga, with occasional glimpses into broader sports talk and betting insights. Listen, engage and stay updated on the exciting world of West Coast sports!

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Episode Transcript

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Hey, what's going on, everybody? Welcome to the West Coast Sports Podcast.
I'm your host, Richard Freas Guzman.
And I just want to welcome everybody on back over to the podcast.
I know it has been quite some time since I've actually recorded a podcast.
And, you know, just unfortunately, I had a couple of things where I needed to
go in and take care of had, you know, some financial things to go and take care of.
And if you guys don't know, I really don't make any kind of money off of this podcast.

I really do it for fun. I love talking about sports.
I love I love being able to go in and just spend some time to be able to talk to you guys.
It makes it almost feel like I'm talking to a couple of friends or something
like that, especially with myself now working from home.
I really don't get much human interaction before. I would actually have co-workers
or stuff like that, friends and stuff like that, that I would be able to.
But really busy now and having a lot of different things that take up my time.

I'm really invested into even like sports betting as well.
And so if you guys want to talk even about that, we could definitely do so on
the podcast or even outside of the podcast as well.
So for any of you guys who have been looking out for the podcast,
definitely want to thank you guys. Definitely appreciate every single one of you guys.
And as well, for those of you who.

Um you know maybe are picking up the podcast for the first
time uh welcome definitely want to tell you guys thank you
for checking it out for stumbling upon it however you did and thank you to whoever
it was that um turned you on to the podcast or who put you on so with that being
said guys i do want to go and talk to you guys about all three teams that i
talk about on the podcast it's going to be the raiders the lakers and the dodgers

not necessarily in that order.
Um i'm pretty much just going to give you guys an update on the raiders as kind of what's going
on with the offseason um if you guys haven't really
followed the raiders all that much um there's a lot of talks about
them possibly moving up in the draft to potentially get a
quarterback um we have a couple different new
faces in this in the team uh gardner minchu

new quarterback uh sounds like jimmy g's already on
his way out and with another team uh unfortunately josh
jacobs is one of the one of my favorite players is unfortunately not with the
team anymore now with the green bay packers and so on and so forth so we'll
talk all about that um maybe we will give you guys just quick updates on a couple
other things uh give you talk to you guys about the dodgers talk to you guys

about the lakers as they're getting ready to gear up on.
If i'm not mistaken it's uh third saturday friday or no no actually there's
no basketball today so i think it no it's actually saturday sorry excuse me
uh but they're getting ready to gear up with the nuggets uh for that seven game
series uh hopefully doesn't have to go all the way down to seven games i'll
talk to you guys a little bit about why i think the lakers have a really

good shot at some of rent revenge this season,
but we'll talk about that on the, on that segment.
And then as well to talk to you guys, of course, about the Dodgers being one
of my favorite teams, of course, a team that held very, very near and dear to my heart.
As most of you guys probably know, um, we're going to be talking all about the
Dodgers. Just kind of give you guys an update.
Why I'm, why I can tell you guys not to go ahead and worry too much about what's going on.

If you guys are worried about the rough start that's going on,
you know, We just lost a series of losing two games out of the three to the
Nationals and I'll tell you guys a little bit about why not to worry and why.
All gonna be okay at the end and why it's a
long season okay so with that
being said guys um i know i was saying maybe

not particularly in the or in that order but with the
raiders being the team that's in the offseason i really wanted to just
kind of get them out of the way give you guys a quick update and then we'll
talk more and more about them as the as it gets closer to the draft and so on
and so forth how's that sound so guys with that being said with the raiders
as i was mentioning they have a couple different new faces couple people that

ended up leaving unfortunately.
My favorite signing christian wilkins wilkinson
if you guys did not hear about this guy or
you guys don't know about this guy he's an animal he's an
interior uh defensive lineman so he's a defensive tackle
this guy has a motor just like max crosby so
i know you guys already know that name right if you guys already

know that name max crosby you guys are gonna love
this guy christian wilkinson because they are cut from
the same some the same cloth kind of deal you know you know
what i mean they're they're two peas in a pod so to say you know they're two
guys that have a very high motor they're going to go ahead and disrupt the offensive
line as much as they can they're going to cause all kinds of pressure on that
on that qb and i really think that this is going to be one of our main focuses

on the defense as it probably has been already for a while but just unfortunately
things really haven't panned out with the people that we've had in those places or in those spots Now,
with Christian Wilkinson, this guy is a guy who has his head on straight.
This dude jokes around all the time on the football field and everything,
so if you don't see him joking around, then that's when you probably know that something's wrong.

With this guy being partnered up with Max Crosby, it's going to be definitely interesting.
And then you also have Malcolm Kuntz on the other side over there, who is an animal as well.
He's year after year, he's shown improvements. Last season, I think,
really was a year that he kind of not necessarily broke out,
but he got the attention of a few people.

Now I'm thinking this year coming up, he's really going to work hard.
He's going to have some additional help with having Christian Wilkinson there.
I'm telling you guys this defensive line is gonna
be incredible i have a feeling that we
can definitely go and set some records or at least just
get the league scared you know you know what i mean
scared the crap out of out of the league from this

defensive line so now the other couple things
here i've heard that the that the raiders are going to be going and getting
uh some some new linebackers i really like
the linebackers that we currently already have you know time having divine diablo
um of course with um oh god
robert spillane excuse me and if we
would maybe pick up just one other guy there um one other

solid solid linebacker there was a
couple times that the raiders are talking about maybe being able
to go and get patrick queen uh you know from the
ravens but it seems like he ended up going over to the steelers if i'm not mistaken
uh so there's a couple different you know maybe there's some other players out
there maybe we can go and get to get them in the draft or something this year
who knows i'm not too sure how how deep the linebacker linebacking or linebacker

core is for the draft or whatever it is,
i do know that there is a huge uh following or a huge um market for.
Wide receivers out there in the draft. I heard that there's all kinds of course
with Marvin Harrison Jr.
Being the main one. I'm really not thinking that the Raiders are going to be going that route.
As I kind of mentioned it in the intro, I'm really thinking that they're going

to be going after a quarterback in this draft.
It sounds like they're trying to do or trying to see what they can do in order to move up.
It sounds like there's a couple teams that are not going to be looking for a
quarterback in the early drafts or the early picks.
So there's a possibility that the raiders can find a trade partner
there but we'll have to go ahead and see of course i'm pretty sure
it's not going to happen probably until the date of the draft of course um

usually never any kind of trades or anything like that happened before the draft
or anything like that so we'll have to go ahead and keep a close eye i know
i'll definitely be keeping an eye on the draft to go ahead and see what's happening
with the raiders and i'll definitely be making a podcast about that now as far
as which quarterbacks they've been looking at there's a couple different
ones i know there's mcdaniels or daniels

i think out in lsu and i'm so sorry
guys i really don't follow college football all too
much and i know there's a guy named like bo nicks or
something like that and then there's mccarthy there's all i don't even think
that there's a chance that we go up to going to get uh caleb williams i'm pretty
sure he's going to the bears no matter what and number one and i'm pretty sure

that they're not going to go and trade back unless some team offers something
ridiculous but we'll have to go in and see what happens with all that.
Um you know as i'm also a couple
other things as i mentioned in the intro there one of
my favorite players on the raiders or formerly on
the raiders josh jacobs as you guys have seen if
you guys follow me on my instagram either my personal one

or the podcast one you guys have probably seen the
pictures that i of myself and josh jacobs that
i ended up taking a picture had a small interview with him for it
was like a charity softball event that the raiders and the golden
knights put on every single year out here so definitely
uh definitely going definitely sad to go in and see a
guy like that you know first of all really great guy really

humble um you know he he has to look out
for his best interests at the end of the day and uh you can't
blame a guy for doing that for wanting to take care of himself and his
family and everything especially knowing his background on having
that he had been homeless in the past and this and that so you
definitely understand where this
guy is coming from and you know he went off to a really great

team he's replaced a really great player and the Packers
absolutely love Aaron Jones out there I know he's going to be a tough guy to
go and replace and it sounds like I think Aaron Jones actually actually went
to one of their rivals so he's probably going to be able to play them a couple
times and show them that they made maybe a bad mistake but i really think that
the packers did a really good really good job you know.

Running backs you got to get them while they're good and josh jacobs is definitely
good he's one of those running backs who as long as you give him the right kind
of volume as long as you give him blocking he's gonna be great for you he's gonna do a great job.
So we'll definitely go ahead and see what, you know, happens with all that.
There's maybe a couple other moves or something like that the Raiders that they can do.

But I really think that at this point, everything's going to come down to the
draft, which if I'm not mistaken, I think is in a couple weeks or so.
But I'll definitely talk more and more about that as it gets closer.
So with that being said, I do want to close that out on the Raiders.
And I definitely wanted to go and talk about the Dodgers as they are just right
in the middle of their, well, not in the middle, excuse me, but they're actually

just in the middle of getting started.
So they're actually just getting started in their season. It's still the first month.
Well, actually, yeah, actually still technically the first month.
There was a couple of games in March, but pretty much April is the very first
month of baseball where all the teams are active and all the teams are playing and so on and so forth.
And to tell you guys the truth the dodgers

have not started off all that hot and that's me being a diehard
dodgers fan if you guys know me you guys know that i'm
a not i'm a dodgers fan you guys know that i i love
the dodgers i have um you know well
anyway if you guys are friends or family you guys know why i
love the dodgers and everything um if you guys are curious you
guys can definitely go ahead and listen to a couple other ones but it's

all it's family ties it's it's uh blood it's
you know i have a cousin who was the biggest biggest
dodger fan of all time and everything and he took
me to opening day one time and i was
hooked from there you know so um again my
cousin may you rest in peace and thank

you again for for showing me and for you know i'm pretty sure
our entire family is dodger fans because of
you and because of the love of the the dodgers and
everything that they have but anyways to move on
forward uh that is the main that is the biggest
reason why i'm such a diehard dodgers fan um so
for and for those of you guys who are diehard dodger fans like myself you guys

are probably a little bit discouraged maybe about this uh about this uh opening
to the season if you would but i can i can put you guys at ease i can tell you
guys that i've done my research i've done i've done a little bit of digging.
And it all comes down to just we're still a little
hurt there there's still a lot of players a lot of
pitchers mainly pitchers that are hurt still um

you have galvin lux who unfortunately he's coming back from an injury that took
him quite some time in order to want to bounce back from uh now now that he's
kind of playing better now that he's back and everything i mean it's going to
take him some time to get back into form and back into the player that he once was now.
That's all good and dandy and everything now. But when you have some players like a Shoei Otani,

like a Mookie Betts, like a Freddie Freeman, like a Max Muncy,
a Teosco Hernandez, you're expecting this team to be able to put some runs.
And there's been a couple times where the opposition has had some really great
pitching on their really great defense.
Offense and you know unfortunately the dodgers
have had a couple times where they've been lack of luster on the

bats and everything especially yesterday they pretty much
laid a goot well they did they laid a goose egg if i'm not mistaken right
it was uh two to zero so i mean
after a while i kind of stopped watching the game but i mean it just kind of
got me a little bit upset that the fact that you know we spent all
this money and and i know probably you guys are thinking the same thing we
spent all this money and these guys can't even get a single run

together blah blah blah blah blah right and you'll
be right you'll be right and but i can tell
you guys it's it's april this goes
all the way down to september and down in september i mean by that time who
knows where we're gonna be i'm pretty sure we're gonna be towards the top like

we are in almost all these other years my main thing is i want to see how the
team is performing at the time how How healthy are we?
Because we have brought up a couple of younger guys, you know,
from the minor leagues, and they've actually done pretty okay,
but you definitely don't want to depend on that.
You know, we kind of saw what that looked like last season, you know,

having Bobby Miller as one of the guys that we actually had,
I think, was the second starter or the, yeah, the second starter on for,
in the playoffs, you know?
So when you have something like that going on, when you have really young guys,
guys who have not been there done that, starting so early in the rotation.
I mean, I can understand if Bobby Miller was maybe at the end of the rotation

or something like that. I can definitely understand that.
Now, it's the beginning of the season, and of course, if we're still dealing
with some injuries, you still have Dustin May, Tony Gonsolin, who are still hurt.
You still have Walker Buehler, who's still recovering back, and it seems like
he's getting closer and closer and closer.
People are saying that they were trying their best for him to maybe start or

maybe even come out of the bullpen in his bobblehead night.
That's going to be on Saturday, the 20th. but it
seems like maybe that might not be the case but we'll definitely
have to keep a close eye on that it sounds like he's within weeks
at the most uh hopefully it's just one
week or something like that but we'll definitely have to keep a

close eye to go and see when his return is as that's
one of the returns that i'm most anticipated on uh
y'all of course we have um el capitan uh mr
kershaw um i was uh actually
just telling my wife the other day that you know it's it's crazy to think
about that i've i've literally watched this man's career
his entire career i've watched him

since he first threw that first pitch when he was wearing number 54 that's
right he wasn't always number 22 but he um i've watched i watched his entire
career and it's crazy to think about that you know i'll be able to go in and
i'm hoping that i'll be able to finish or finish or watch him finish his career
as a dodger as well at least i hope that that's the case because that was a really.

Big scare that at the end of this offseason that he
might go with the Rangers or something like that but definitely glad
to go in and see that he's still with Dodger of course and definitely glad to
hear that he's getting closer and closer to returning as well um
you know at this point it's really just the waiting game to
go in and see when these guys come back you just hope that the
offense and the bats really provide enough of a

of a lead or enough help
in order to give the the pitchers that we have because we are going
to be starting some some younger pitchers some guys
that really are not used to being in this spots you know um but
we'll definitely have to go in and see what happens i mean it's um
it's just a waiting game really guys
and i know it kind of sucks because it's

uh you want to see that this team who you know is capable of really doing great
things but i think it's it's really just the thing of you know the bats getting
hot at the right time and everything and it's a long season it's gonna take
some time but i definitely can guarantee that That there's going to be a point
where we're looking at this team and we're like, there they are.
That's the team that I saw. You're going to see the team, you know,

winning games by five, six runs plus.
And it's going to be like an everyday thing. Like, it's nothing.
But I hope I'm not jinxing myself or anything like that.
I'm actually going to, you know, knock on some wood right now.
I have to go in and make sure that I'm not jinxing myself on that right now.
With that being said, though, guys, I'll definitely keep you guys posted as the season goes on.

There's a couple of players who are definitely off to hot starts.
Mookie Betts has been absolutely on fire.
The dude had a 6-8 game just before this unfortunate loss to the Nationals from yesterday.
So we're definitely hoping that they can turn things around and that,
of course, Mookie's going to be a big part of that.
I definitely hope that, you know, some of the other bats, like with Freddie,

come around the show way, kind of turns around and everything,
you know. But it is just going to be part of the waiting game.
Speaking of the waiting game, guys, I am absolutely waiting for the Lakers and
the Nuggets to get started.
Now, if you guys have not been keeping up with the Lakers, maybe you guys are
just waiting for the playoffs to go and start. And I'll tell you guys what.

You guys should definitely pay attention to the play-in tournament games.
Games, because I ended up watching a glimpse of yesterday's game with Miami
and the 76ers, and man, that was a really good game,
for a little while, it looked like Miami was really just going to go in and
run away with it, because they had a 10 plus point lead going into the half,
and they were looking really good, you know, but then second half comes around

the course, and you know, Philly's not going to go down without a swing,
and without, you know, without a punch, and this and that, you know,
so they ended up doing a really good job coming back, and they ended up winning
at the end, you know, they ended up winning it by one.
It was a really close game. It
was, I was actually a little bit bummed out cause I was on the money line.
Miami was like getting plus like 180 or something, 185 or something like that.

So it was a little bit bummed out on it, but it was a really good game at the end of the day.
The second game, Chicago really just showed up and just kind of showed that
the Hawks were not even close to them, you know, that they were not even the
same class as them, you know, so to say.
Let me talk to you guys about the game that I really, really want to talk to

you guys about. Sounded like the Spice Girls there. I'll tell you what I want. I'm just kidding.
But sorry, guys. I'm really having a good time. Really, really enjoying being
able to go and talk to you guys again and doing this podcast again. Right.
So I know at the intro, I kind of talked to you guys about why I think that
the Lakers are going to have a possibility of being able to win and being able to beat the Nuggets.

And I'll let you guys know right now. Now, I don't think that the Nuggets are
the same Nuggets as last year.
They're better in some spots.
Don't get me wrong. But they are looking like they're hurt. Like maybe they're a little sluggish.
And it's just maybe the championship season and this season combined that are
just kind of jumbling up on them.

That are just kind of, you know, I don't know.
It's taking effect on them. You know, it's getting them worn out.
It's it's you know it's it's getting them tired you know and
um it it happens all the time you know
it's it's one of the reasons why it's so hard to to go back
to back why two three why it's so hard to three p and

again why only a few teams in the entire in in
sports in general have been able to do it so when
you see that i don't know i
and i don't i know i know
i maybe sound crazy because you guys are probably thinking well the nuggets
ended up being the lakers and swapped them all throughout the regular season
and whooped the whooped the crap out of them last season as well

you know and i and i get it and everything but this
laker team is definitely not the same one as last season and this
laker team is definitely not the same one that
we've had all regular season you know
even to this point we've actually had a little bit of uh of changes you know
gabe vincent has been actually introduced into the into the rotation and he's

looking like he's really good um spencer dinwiddie was recently added you know
before all this and he's finally starting to find a good spot you know with
the team and where he fits in.
Jackson hayes is a whole new addition to the team as well and that's that's
a you know a piece that really hadn't been around before maybe that's a maybe
that's a player that can actually go ahead and and provide a little bit of uh

physicality to yokage or something like that and be able to
disrupt them a little bit, I would really look at this, at this series as a
possibility to be able to maybe play both of them, you know, they,
as long as the spacing is not all crazy or anything like that,
which is my only worry, because, of course, AD is not the, is not a lights out three point shooter,

you know, so he's not going to provide a whole lot of spacing,
and, of course, Jackson Hayes is not a lights out three point shooter as well,
so I'm just, as long as the spacing doesn't get all jumbled up,
and it doesn't, you know, as long as it's not affecting, like,
driving lanes for the rest of the team, then I think we should be fine. Overall.
I think it's it's really it's really going to come down to you

know just are we going to be able to contain murray which
hopefully murray is not looking like the type of
murray like the the jamal murray from last season where
this dude was making all kinds of incredible shots and was you
know looking like a guy who was unstoppable but we'll
definitely have to go in and see as as it is um
you know my my

main thing as well or one of one of the things that i'm hoping on is
last season it was the western conference
finals these guys were all pumped up because they had been playing
really well throughout the throughout the the playoffs and everything you
know these guys were all informed these guys were locked in and
so on and so forth i'm hoping.
That we can maybe catch them slipping on this one you know or maybe you

know they're like oh we're catching the lakers we kicked
their ass last year and this and that blah blah blah you know
and they'll maybe come in a little laxy daisy or maybe they're not
going to come in as locked in and as ready and focused
as last season you know maybe we can catch him
sleeping you know i'm really thinking that you know
we have a lot of players that are from the same team

you know reeves you have austin reeves you have d-low you
have of course braun and ad um unfortunately vanderbilt
was hurt but he was on the team last year as well you
have ruey who was on the team last year so you have
a few players who at least for the majority the
core players that were on the team last year then don't

get him then don't forget gabe vincent he was on the miami heat
last year they played against the nuggets in
the finals so he has a little bit of an animosity as
well towards him you know he has a little bit of a revenge factor as well going
on on this so you have a lot of players who really remember last season and
maybe want to go and get some revenge but i know i know everything just sounds

like a you know what if you know a big fantasy big fairy tale but hey isn't that what.
It's gonna take sometimes i don't know maybe
maybe i'm going maybe i'm a little crazy maybe maybe i'm
going i don't know maybe maybe that is the case but if
um if you guys haven't been keeping up with the lakers um definitely keep definitely

tune in um you know that this is going to be an incredible series i'm really
thinking that it's gonna it's gonna come down to just a few things i already
told you guys about if we can contain john uh jamal murray that's going to be one thing,
the other thing would be what kind of a matchup or how well is ED going to be
able to play with Jokic I honestly think that.

If it's not going to be a thing where we're throwing physicality at
him like size at yokich to to you know muck up
things to kind of you know throw him off his game then then it needs to be ad
kind of matching his minutes otherwise i i feel like any time that yokich is
out there and ad is not where they're going to dominate and they're going to

be able to go on on some runs you know
if you have ad out there he has a potential to be able to use
his defenses defensive skills to stop
any sort of run that the nuggets want to get on and keep
it close because that's when it really really gets away
anytime that the nuggets really get it going and they
get a 80 run a 10 run or whatever the

case is you know they they sustain those things
because they they are a good defensive team as well they have
they have the players to be able to go in and just lock in defensively and
then just get easy buckets on the offensive line and by
you know playing hard defense you know so and and they do have quite a bit i

mean i don't know they seem a little bit deeper this year they seem to have
more more uh players to be able to put into the rotation but who knows if that
really is going to be a case now that it's getting closer to the playoffs.
Last season i think it was only seven or eight players
very rarely that they played eight players but it
was more like seven players that they only played i'm wondering what i'm wondering

what kind of approach mike malone is going to be doing on that and seeing if
this team is actually going to be able to sustain all that because that's a
whole lot of minutes that's a whole lot of time that you're putting on these
players and they've been really really um you know fortunate that.
Besides john jamal murray really having i think maybe one or two injuries and

there was really really like small amount of time that he was out i know kcp
was out for a little bit of time and i want to say maybe a couple other players
maybe just a few games here and there but nothing too serious so they've been
really fortunate about that but and not to go and say that i want to,
wish um an injury upon any kind of player or anything like that of course not
but it would you know i don't know my main thing is i after a while players

tend to break down players tend to get a little bit more sluggish,
you know, the more and more that they play.
And again, it's just the reason why.
Repeating um or going back to back is so
difficult but we'll have to go in and see um again this
is a team that with the lakers that have been there done that we
have um you know my main thing as well that i want to keep a close

eye on is how is dilo going to be performing but i really think that that was
a good that that was the reason why we brought in gabe vincent is that if for
whatever reason i mean of course gabe is not going to be able to maybe produce
the same amount of offense as as dilo does but he can definitely provide something
on the defensive side that That D-Lo cannot.
But we'll have to go in and see exactly how all this happens or how this all shakes out.

In my opinion, it's definitely going to be the biggest series that we have coming up.
But again, I do see a way that the Lakers can actually win this series.
But let me know what you guys think. Hope you guys enjoyed this podcast here
today, guys. I really did. I really enjoyed being able to go ahead and record again.
It's something that I missed in my everyday life. life um

i'll be recording again tomorrow to go and give you guys an update
on a couple other things as as there's plenty to go and talk about when it comes
down to sports i'll even talk a little bit about betting here and there if you
guys are interested in it let me know if you guys want to talk about that on
the podcast if you guys want to reach out to me on on instagram um you can find
me it's going to be westcoastpod702 or you can hit me up on my gmail account it's going to be,

westcoastsportspodcast at until next time guys i hope you guys have
a great thursday and i'll see you guys then.
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