All Episodes

April 26, 2024 32 mins

Join Richard Frias Guzman in West Coast Sports Podcast's episode 168 as we explore latest sports scoops, focusing primarily on Raiders' 2022 NFL draft moves, Lakers' rollercoaster season, and Dodgers' up-to-date game analysis and forecasts. From startling draft choices to spellbinding NBA seasons to anticipated baseball clashes, don’t miss Richard’s unique insights into the West Coast sports panorama.

Dive deep into sports action as we dissect various NBA and MLB games, evaluate individual player contributions, and make future predictions. Discuss the performances of star players, delve into game forecasts for upcoming NBA matches, and investigate MLB prospects – specially focusing on the Dodgers. This episode offers an in-depth analysis that a true sports fan wouldn’t want to miss!

Nitty-Gritty of Sports Betting and Raiders' Draft Strategy

Step into the intricate world of sports betting in this episode. Discover how baseball game betting could enhance your strategy and learn about the best tactics based on game odds and team presentations. We also detail recent maneuvers by Raiders in the NFL draft including surprising picks and trades. Learn about new additions like Brock Bowers and their potential influences on the Raiders' game play.

Also, we predict second-round draft pickups and deliberations. If you're keen on understanding the dynamic intersection of sports and betting, this episode will serve as your guide. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram (@westcoastpod702) for all updates.

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Episode Transcript

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Hey what's up everybody welcome to the west coast
sports podcast i'm your host richard frias guzman i
just want to say happy friday to everybody out there um hope
you guys had a great week hope you guys are getting ready to have a great
weekend i just wanted to get this podcast up
as it is episode 168 wanted to
make sure to get a little bit more consistent with you guys

as in the past i know that i haven't been as consistent i
want to just kind of give you guys a quick update on everything
that's going on with the raiders the lakers and the doctor's course
as they usually do i also want to just take a
little bit of time on this on this episode to go and
talk to you guys a little bit more about sports betting um i
haven't really heard anything but if you guys definitely want to talk more about

it you know where to go and find me on instagram you can find me at west coast
pod 702 again that's west coast pod 702 you can go and find me there or even
on my personal accounts it's just going to be the same name um richard frias
guzman you can find me instagram you can find me on.
Facebook as well you're going to be able to find the podcast
on facebook as well west coast sports podcast if you

want to hit me up on my email it's going to be west coast sports podcast at with that being said though guys i'm going to be talking about the
raiders when it comes down to what they ended up doing yesterday in the draft
they ended up kind of shocking everybody myself included um in all honesty really
great that really happy that they didn't go with

a quarterback or that he didn't you know move up and kind of
trade away everything in order to go and get a quarterback um I'm
pretty sure that maybe there was a little bit of level of disappointment that
that couldn't happen or this and that but we'll talk all about that talk to
you guys all about the peck that they did end up making at with uh Brock Bowers
I'm gonna be talking to you guys all about him and gonna be letting you guys

know what I really think it was a really good.
And why i think this new offense is going to be really great
so on the other couple things here that i'm going
to be talking about with the dodgers i'll just give you guys a quick update
on yesterday's game kind of do a little review on that and then do a little
preview on today's game uh it looks like it's going to be gavin stone uh on
the um is it gavin stone yes gavin stone on the mound and we're going to be

going up against the uh the tampa bay rays i think if i'm not mistaken,
or excuse me the uh the blue jays or something like that um so
i'll definitely be talking about the game here just a little bit and kind
of give you guys a little preview and why i think that the dodgers are going
to start a little bit of a hot streak here um if you
haven't been watching the games but definitely keep an eye out for that uh then
lastly we'll be well maybe not in that order but we'll talk of course about

the lakers um unfortunately they had that on that defeat yesterday they ended
up losing to the uh excuse me to the to the denver nuggets unfortunately Unfortunately,
it was, what, 11th or 12th loss in a row, whatever it is now.
Can't believe that this is happening, honestly. This is definitely becoming
frustrating at this point.
I mean, but it is what it is, you know what I mean? I'm pretty sure the players

are frustrated themselves.
I mean, you can kind of see a level, like a little kind of, like if you read
their body language or something, you can kind of see that they have some sort
of level of, like, you know, that they're just kind of defeated,
you know, that they're just kind of done with it.
But whatever the case is you know you definitely want to go ahead and um in
my opinion take take some time to go and be able to go in and you know enjoy

this season uh you have brawn you have all these amazing players who ended up
playing this season who ended up having like some really really bright spots
uh but you know ultimately i am thinking that it's going to come down to.
If they can, I mean, again, you can only win one game at a time.
I'm not saying that there's going to be a really great chance.
It's really, really unlikely for these guys to be able to come back 3-0.

Now, if there's any team that can do it, I believe it's this team.
But after seeing what we saw in the first three games, I don't know, guys.
It might just be another unfortunate season. All we can hope for now is that
the Celtics don't make their way over to the finals because that's the last.
Thing that I would really want to happen.
Happen and you know if i speak it into existence.

Now maybe it won't even happen or whatever the case is if.
I say it now maybe it won't happen and maybe the damn
heat can can whip them in the first in the first round because
i did not expect that to happen either um so
we'll definitely going to talk about all that here in today's in
today's episode just before i get into it here i
do want to take a quick minute to go ahead and tell you guys about my wife's uh
instagram page as well out it's going to be rosie's designs est

2022 if you guys uh she
at times makes uh chip bags and other stuff
and this and that um it's definitely one of the things that she
enjoys i guess for the most part you know she does it definitely has no
problem doing so but if you have if you would
like to definitely go ahead and check it out um see if you guys would
like to go and put some sort of an order or something like that with her uh but
i'll make sure to tag her on my post on instagram if in

case you want to check out the page as well so with
that being said guys let's get right into it it's going to be episode 168 and
let's go in and i want to get the unfortunate stuff
and the disappointing stuff out of the way if that's all right with you guys
how does that sound so let's go in and just kind of you
know rip the band-aid and let's go and talk about the lakers here guys so i

don't know and it's weird because they started off really good
especially in that first i mean what they started off with
the 80 run that first quarter was looking good we were up by 10 it's like come
on let's do it you know and all of them it's messed up because all i was thinking
in the back of my head all right you guys got to be consistent now go ahead
and make sure second quarter do the same thing and as soon as that third quarter

kind of comes around it's like.
I mean you even saw little glimpses of it in the second quarter
honestly but the third quarter really like after
halftime you just started noticing like man something's not
right like it just looks like they're i don't know they're
gassed again or they're just you know i don't know they're predicting
everything so it's like the nuggets were doing a really great job on

defense and like it was getting to it was getting to lakers
like they're like hey we're getting good looks we're doing what we need
to do we're doing we're doing everything right but it's still little ain't
working and i can definitely understand that i
mean when you're doing when you feel like you're doing everything right and you
feel like you should be at least having some sort of success but things
are not going your your your way it could

definitely feel like you know like every it's everything is just against
you to go ahead and succeed or to go and move forward or whatever the case is
and maybe that's how the lakers are feeling but hopefully not um again it is
i really don't want to take too much time talking about the about it if you
you guys definitely watched it you guys definitely understand exactly what i'm talking about um.

Once once the season's over we'll talk about that or you
know when that come when that comes up whether if it is going to be pretty soon
whether if it's later on down the line whatever the case is and i know that
i'm talking about some total nonsense talking about the lakers maybe advancing
after this round and this and that um but again if there's a if you guys caught
the intro if we in the intro talked about, you know,

if the Lakers are able to, if the Lakers, well, if there is any team,
excuse me, if there is any team that's able to wanna do this to come back from 3-0, it can be LeBron.
I would put my faith in LeBron and Anthony Davis and this team.
I mean, maybe if there was a couple other players, like if there's like Kobe
Bryant on it or something like that, you know, RIP Kobe, then I would feel better

about it, you know, but honestly.
Because there's been glimpses, there's been moments where the Lakers just look better, you know.
But, and again, I hate to go into mentioning it again. I think this is probably
going to be the third time this week.
And I probably said it on all three episodes.
The coaching staff, and not the whole coaching staff, but particularly Darvin Hamm.

I don't get it. Like, sometimes they cut to him too.
They cut over to like his face. and he
just looks like he has like a look of like what is
going on like he doesn't under like he doesn't comprehend what the
hell is going on in the game like he doesn't understand this game
is going away from you like this game is is trending

in in your laws and you losing you know
but you know it's like he doesn't notice momentum swings
it's like he doesn't notice when the other team is really cracking down and
really doing good and really demoralizing your team but i don't know maybe that's
just me but there's plenty of times where i've seen like his face is just like

uh he just looks like he's lost like he doesn't know what the hell to do like but whatever.
I don't know maybe that's just me going i'm going
on a bit of a rant um i think they even cut to
feel handy at some point he was comforting he was
talking to Austin Reed to Austin Reeves kind
of letting them know like hey dude like keep your head up like it

is what it is like you know you fought hard
you played hard in this man that's all you can do you know and whatever the
outcome is the outcome at the end of the day and all we can do is live to play
another day whether if that is the
next game and after that or next season whatever the case is you know but,

That, to me, speaks more than what Darvin Hamm has kind of done.
You know, there's plenty of times where I think, like, timeouts needed to be
called because there's big momentum swings happening.
And you're in jeopardy of really losing this game, losing a handle on this game.
I mean, you have, and I hate him, too.

I don't like the Denver Nuggets coach, Malone.
You know, Mike Malone or whatever I think is his name. i
really don't like him but um he's he's
a good coach in the sense i just don't like how he talks shit and
how he holds how he talks so much crap about the lakers
especially last season it's like dude you won the freaking championship like
stop talking shit maybe this year he finally will get it and he'll finally learn

what what it is to be poised and to be humble but whatever the case is you know
and uh when it comes down to it the the dude is a good coach in the sense of like he knows.
How to go into call timeouts when and at the perfect moments
when there's you know big momentum swings when you
have a good grasp on the game and you want to

make sure that you have that your
players have the right mindset have the right understanding of
what's happening in the game not necessarily just
letting them play it out and i understand maybe like you know
one of my favorite coaches phil jackson this
guy would do that he would let the players play it
out to try to figure it out on their own but you

had different players on the on the back in those
days you know you had and back in those days you had
players who were really really smart who had really really great iqs not
to go and say that this lakers squad doesn't but maybe have some that are a
little bit less or maybe some that just rely on other on other players in order
to create that momentum swing rather than them themselves being able to going

to do so but But whatever the case is,
I don't I don't really want to get into it too much because I really am saying
I'm really I'm starting to talk like if the season's already over.
But my whole thing is Saturday. Got to play that game.
Hopefully they can come away with the victory. Then after that,
play the next game. Hopefully come over with the victory. So on and so forth.

So you can do at this point now, especially being down three.
Um some of the people that i don't like reeves is one of
the people that i definitely feel bad about because he ended up playing really really hard
last game uh just shots were definitely not falling d-low getting booed and
everything i mean what can you do i mean the guy guy goes cold at times or whatever
he ended up having a good game the other day um i don't know hopefully he bounces

back or something like that but you definitely want to see some consistency from the guy of course.
It is what it is when it comes down to all that um again
it's just gonna come down to this next game bruy bruy was not
playing on the gate great um it seemed like vanderbilt wasn't able
to come on back over for game three uh maybe that
may maybe that might change or something like that but with the way how the

season's kind of going maybe that might need maybe that's not
even necessary at this point but we'll definitely
have to see what what happens and what the injury report saying all
that um we'll definitely talk about this uh
not i'll try to talk oh well with
it being my day off and everything from work i'll definitely see maybe i can
get up earlier earlier in the day in order to

go and record a podcast tomorrow to kind of preview the game so we'll
definitely talk about all that uh so yesterday guys just
kind of covered the nba embedding um unfortunately i did
not have that great of a day i definitely thought that
the lakers were going to come away come away with the victory i ended
up taking them uh minus oh actually i took
a money line excuse me because they were like at the time when

i bet them it was like they were getting it was like minus one or
maybe yeah like minus one or minus two or something like that so i just took
a money line it wasn't too much of a of a difference on how much you would make
um i think it was like minus 110 if you took the spread and then it was minus
like 120 if you took the money line so i was like i'll just take the money line
right so that didn't cover of course um.

Uh today oh god i know it's the um uh today i'm definitely liking the pacers
you could definitely go in and take them uh with the spread i think i took everybody on the spread.
Um god i would actually need to go and pull
them up and everything here one sec guys but um also ended
up taking yesterday oh god

excuse me here for a minute so yeah no
guys when it came down to yesterday definitely just ended up um thinking even
the magic i i kind of even thought the magic we're not going to come away with
the victory i'm thinking you know the calves have been playing really really
great against them you know but you know they ended up kind of struggling you
know honestly and seemed like kind of the magic kind of woke up and everything yesterday,

so definitely um got to keep a close eye on that one
um it's really looking like the home teams and most of the games
are kind of the the ones to
look out for uh the other game the last
um in the 76ers and the next that one i did predict right
i definitely thought that the sixers were going to come out high especially them being
home and it's not it's really looking like on especially
in some of these series you got to take the home team in most of these occasions

i'll definitely be taking them again now in the next game so to talk about today's
games guys so i did talk to you guys already about the pacers i'm actually take
at the time i took them at the spread i think right now.
They're getting what's minus six and a half um that's a little tough honestly.
And there it is a good chance that the bucks end up kind

of keeping things close you definitely have to keep an eye out on um
yannis antetokounmpo's status whether if
he's going to be playing or not but in my honest opinion it could
be a blowout too or not a blowout but i mean you could see
the pacers win by 10 so i mean just kind of if you if you think that the bucks
are going to be able to to win or at least keep it closed definitely keep the
bucks um if you my opinion if you think the pacers are going to win i would

i would take the pacers because it's a good chance the pacers can just easily
easily cover if not easily win by 10 or more today.
So especially them being the home team i've been taking
the home teams the majority of the time in this case is so um except
for that last game i did think that the pacers were going to bounce back i
just didn't think that they were playing like how they had been playing all

season long so especially if you like that that the fact
that they were able to take one in milwaukee lucky liking them
at home i definitely like them at home uh then
the other game looks like the clippers are going to be taking on the mavericks here uh
let me see here yeah the maps are
only what minus four and a half so
minus four and a half on the maps they're at home they

ended up playing very very well in that last game take i'm
taking the maps on that one guys it's plain and simple they've been really really
great all season long and you guys already know i'm a clippers fan I'm sorry
I'm not a Clippers fan excuse me guys I am a diehard Lakers fan so you guys
know I watch this um YouTube show called um pick dogs and they always say blank

the Clippers respectfully.
But for me being a Laker fan it's not even respectfully you know what I mean
so I'm definitely taking the Mavs on that one guys the only way that I wouldn't
take the Mavs is if it like if the spread increases to like minus like seven
or something like that as long As long as it's like under five or six, then you should be good.

The last game it looks like it's the timberwolves and
the suns honestly even though the game
even though the series switched over to phoenix i'm still.
Thinking the timberwolves are the better team here now the timberwolves are a little
bit more actually the timberwolves have been pretty good on the road if
i'm not mistaken uh for this for the regular
season now of course there's a playoffs and things are different but

i don't know just based on
what i've seen and everything thinking how dominant the the timberwolves have
been in this series i'm taking the
timberwolves here guys and it looks like even they're
getting plus money so if you want taking plus money
but even if you want uh again the show that
i watch pig dogs they always say sprinkle a little

bit on the money line but even if you want to do a
little heavy sprinkle you know do a little on that then definitely
take a little bit more on that um i would honestly take
them both take both bets take uh the the
timber was plus the points then you have those points in your back pocket and
then if they end up coming away with all the with the room with
the win all together you get a little bit more so that's

definitely a couple of my picks there guys uh for at least for
the nba let's go ahead and jump right into some uh
some baseball action and then we're going to top it all off with the
raiders here how's that sound so guys with baseball
ball let's go and talk really quick about the dodgers
as i was kind of talking about in the intro there dodgers got
galvin stone um up on the i think

that's his name i know the last name for sure is stone um sorry
if i mispronounce if i'm saying his name wrong here but they got
stone up on the up on the mound today i had.
A better outing than he did i think in his first appearance and everything there
um so hopefully he can definitely you know continue that trend and be able to
go and then come out with another good outing on this and this uh in this game

and looks like here let me just switch over to today's games i was right yeah
so it is the uh the blue jays uh the toronto blue jays right.
Uh so they ended up going north of the border there and to go and play this team here,
now i told you guys in the intro i'm really thinking that the offense that the
bats are kind of coming around here for the for the dodgers and in all honesty

i think it's going to continue
whether if it is the middle or the end of the of the lineup or the top of the
lineup everybody's kind of been doing a root good you know for the most part
everybody's getting hits every at some
points and not many i
mean this is what i really like about the team is that we have
so many different ways to be able to be able to beat you we have

some guys that can just get a couple good hits here and there um sometimes we
slug very very well i mean it all depends on what's going on like i mean if
or the type of approach that they're going to take uh there's of course plenty
of players like mookie like freddy muncie and of course you can't forget about a tiny who
can just, you know, hit the ball so damn hard,

and they're going to get home runs, it's crazy home runs sometimes.
You know, so the fact that you have all these type of players that can play
all different styles like that, and you have guys that can go ahead and steal bases and everything.
I'm really thinking it's going to be tough for teams to go in and play against
the Dodgers, and I can see potentially a bit of a streak going on and everything

that's not, and I hope I'm not jinxing myself or anything,
because yesterday's game was a really close one, and I was thinking at any
point we can end up losing it right now it
was really great to go in and see that even the bullpen together
i mean dave roberts ended up putting out the
right the right players or the right pitchers out there in this
situation or in yesterday's game i definitely have

to see exactly who's going to be out there because the bullpen it can be
a little bit suspect at times so we'll definitely have to go
in and see uh exactly what players or
what combination of pitchers are going to be out there uh but
in all honesty i'm thinking that the dodgers should be able
to get over to an early lead be able to increase
that lead throughout the game and overall come away with a pretty comfortable
lead or comfortable victory but definitely let me know what you guys think on

that one um you know i'll be really short and sweet when it comes down to the
dodgers this year as um i'll try to cover as much games as i can give you guys
a preview of the past couple games if i haven't talked to you guys about the
other games and then you know even
talk to you guys about maybe some other news and this and that so far no no
updates on on any kind of injury news or anything like that we're still waiting

on on a lot of pictures to come back and everything uh not many players that
are hurt um you know just waiting well.
I'm trying to think about the one player that we're waiting on um.
God uh jason hayward excuse me guys um i know we're waiting on jason hayward
and to go and see what's going to happen with him i think he is expected to

get evaluated soon but once i hear more about that i will definitely make sure
to go and give you guys updates on all that uh the other things that i did want
to just cover here really quick on baseball guys.
Baseball's where i've been actually doing a lot of good work when it comes down to.
Betting and everything here now you
have to be careful when it comes down to betting on baseball guys because there's

a lot of times i mean like i said in the past couple days it's
162 games you have a lot of
spots where the underdogs can
win and especially if you start to learn
you know what pitcher what starting pitchers are
better you know what teams are play better against right-handed
or left-handed pitchers you know what bullpens

are doing good and then even if you want to go even deeper into
it once you start realizing what players were using
yesterday's bullpen sessions and everything it really
becomes easier to go ahead and um bet on these games now
i really rely a lot on some of these guys on like
on youtube like pick dogs and stuff like that in order to help
out um so that would be definitely one of my recommendations if

you guys want to just make some extra money here and there um you
know follow somebody but these guys
are really really straight up they give you guys they give you they give
people a lot of great tips on how to not you know
overspend not to go ahead and you know go crazy
on on parlays not to spend the majority of
your money on you know three even three four five team parlays which i do but

i'll drop five dollars on a little 516 parlay and and if it hits cool i make
like a hundred bucks you know five bucks to make a hundred bucks or make a couple
hundred dollars cool you know then.
Honestly they they recommend a lot of just single game betting just
take the straight up bets uh whatever the spread

is or something like that you know but in baseball it's more better off to just
take the the straight bets they they even talk about you know if you're seeing
a game say the say you for sure like the team that's favorite in all honesty
if if the team that's favorite
is getting like minus 130 anything more than 125 anything more than minus 125.

They tend to stay away from it just because the value is not even there they'll
rather go in and take a game that a team is plus 200 and drop a couple bucks
on that in the hopes that they might be able to win like yesterday i ended up
putting some money on the oakland athletics one to go
ahead and win uh to win outright which i

thought was a little bit of a far fetch but the other one was to go
ahead and uh they had a run and a half in their back pocket so
they were getting plus one and a half and i was still getting plus money on
that so you see that you if you see something like that on
a team that you think can potentially win and especially like that
like i mentioned yesterday uh with or like i mentioned earlier
a team that that struggles against left handed

pitching like the yankees do and they have a left-handed pitcher
on the mound then definitely a good spot to go and take them now there's a couple
different games um honestly that you can go ahead and take advantage of here
i mean anywhere from the phillies i tend to go to like here,

um you know you got the mariners.
I think i ended up staying away from that yankee brewers game at this point i mean,
even like a game like the white socks going up against the rays today or something
like that like their team that's that's lost i think seven games in a row or

something like that so even something like that wouldn't be bad to go to go and put some money on.
You got the Cubs. I think the Cubs are actually getting plus money,
being that it's Cutter Crawford who's pitching at home.
Now, Cutter Crawford is probably one of the Red Sox better pitchers that they
have this year, right there with Brian Baio.

Now, Brian Baio is actually hurt.
He's going to be taking some time off. I'm not even sure exactly what's going on with him.
But cutter crawford is probably their next best pitcher and
or probably is yeah it's probably their next best pitcher when if not even better
than bayo but i can definitely i can definitely go and see the cubs being able

to go and get to him especially for whatever reason the red socks are not that
great at home so that's a great that's a great spot right there,
uh you even have i think the tigers might be favorite here and i think that
they actually she rightfully so should be favorite as long as that one's not
going any more than minus 125,
and you shouldn't be good there um i even

think our offense can really do good when it comes down to dodgers so
if you really want to put some money on that i mean you can either take a
money line but that's kind of not that great of value but if you want to
you know entertain it and drop my the
minus one and a half on the run so you can maybe to maybe
get some uh plus money then definitely do so
there i think you might even be
okay taking the marlins i think it was supposed to be jose

lazardo on the mound today i'm not sure if that's the case if it is him um then
i would definitely like that because lazardo is definitely one of their best
pitchers and they for whatever reason tend to get really behind him whenever
he's on the mound when it comes down to the bats so definitely a great game there.
Um let's see here guys the reds and the rangers here guys that's a really good

value on the reds i know the rangers have been doing are the returning champs
but they for whatever reason of are kind of up and down and this and that and
the reds have been a really hot team as a leaf but that starting pitcher that
they have on the mound is not my favorite pitcher
but in all honesty it's worth it to go
ahead and put some money especially at that value you that plus money
if you guys want a really great game they're going to put some money

on that uh it's a great just great uh opportunity
maybe we get some plus money on that the last
uh well the last thing here that i definitely wanted to go and talk to you guys
about on the podcast before we wrap everything up is going to be about the raiders
so guys with the raiders yesterday ended up making another pick in the nfl draft

and honestly things did not go the way that i thought was going to go.
Especially with all the quarterbacks that were taken especially early
especially when i heard jayden daniels being picked the number two
it kind of hurt and this and that but i mean it
is what it is when it comes down to it um hope
all the best for them hope all the bet well not really except when
it comes down to the raiders of course right but i hope all the best for.

Jayden daniels and everything uh now i'll definitely
talk i definitely want to talk to you guys i've heard
a lot of stuff and everything and and the main thing that i
ended up hearing about the the trade talks and the
talks with the raiders and the and the commanders and the
patriots and everything it sounds like
ultimately they wanted a hall and

a half they wanted everything they wanted
all the picks they wanted an existing player blah
blah blah blah blah and i didn't
think that that was right i didn't think that it was the best
move for the raiders to going to do all that to going to just dump all
that into one player honestly especially when
you have um some very very great talent in

this year's draft you can get all kinds of different
players you can get offensive players you can get your
defensive players you can maybe even get a quarterback that you like
in the like that you like in the later rounds or something like that possibly but
ultimately they ended up going with
brock bowers great tight end out
of georgia this guy man what can

i tell you this dude's pretty solid
like he's big but he's athletic as hell um this
guy gets used on ender rounds you know
plays that are usually meant for guys that have a whole
lot of speed but this guy does have speed as a
titan and not just not just regular speed as a titan like this dude has like
speed like it's just in general you know this this guy's is very athletic where.

He can even have those quick moves in the open field and this and that so it's.
Like the dude's almost like a wide receiver in a titan's body or something like that.
You know, kind of like a Darren Waller in a way, but this dude is even more athletic in my opinion.
I'm definitely going to be interested to see exactly how soon this guy is going
to be able to go in and impact the game.
I'm hoping it is right away because, I mean, just imagine you have Devontae Adams on one side.

You have Michael Mayer, who's ended up already doing some great work last season.
Just adding another season on top of that and all this work in the offseason.
I'm really excited to go in and see what he's going to be able to bring to the table.
The Raiders were able to hang on to Jacoby Myers. it sounds
like he's going to continue to going to be a really great piece to
this team now seeing another full season under his

belt being able to going to have it with another quarterback or if it is aiden
o'connell with the same quarterback as last season then on to top it off you
have brock bowers on top of that who this guy is just shown each well i mean
what it's been three years i think it was i don't know if he was yeah i think
he was three years in the league or in college.
So definitely great uh i ended up seeing a

really really great uh highlights if you guys haven't seen
them definitely go and check them out dude had all kinds of
great highlights over georgia's with the bulldogs so definitely
go ahead and check them out so but we'll have to go and see
exactly what the what they're going to be doing in this in the second round as
it is going to be coming up tonight hopefully they can
come come up with some other pieces because there is a

need on the offensive line there's need on the defense and hopefully
we can go ahead and fill up some of of those spots in the in these cases but
definitely have to go in and keep an eye out for that i'll talk to you
guys more about that as the as the podcast oh once
the draft is over uh if i am recording a podcast
tomorrow i'll definitely talk about it then if not then we'll talk about it
as the well later on next week or something like that but with

that being said though guys i do want to just cut it right here on this
podcast as i mainly wanted to go and
talk to you guys of course about the lakers well i wanted to talk to you guys
about all three teams but wanted to just get those points out there hope you
guys ended up enjoying it hope you guys enjoyed the sports betting segments
or parts that i ended up putting into today's podcast if you guys enjoyed it
definitely let me know and i'll continue to do so but until next time guys hope

you guys have a great day take care peace.
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