Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
What's on the podcast today, Big Meaty Show.
Speaker 2 (00:02):
We talked to Mel Shilling from Maths. Mats is about
to kick off again. What can they do you after year?
To make it more crazy? I mean once you clean
a toilet with a toothbrush, which is a country song.
Where do you go from there?
Speaker 1 (00:15):
Where do you go? Where do you go?
Speaker 2 (00:16):
Do you go to space? To involve animals? To involve fruit?
Speaker 1 (00:19):
What do you do animals and fruit? There's a show Core.
Speaker 2 (00:22):
Thank you for appreciating my partner.
Speaker 1 (00:24):
I think you'd be great at it. You're ready to
come back to TV?
Speaker 3 (00:28):
Speaker 4 (00:30):
Also five for your flashback, our first one for twenty
twenty five.
Speaker 2 (00:32):
Yes, and Tom new boy Tom to put together the
Gibber Jabber. He's got to collate all the weirdness from
the week into one small chunk.
Speaker 1 (00:41):
Enjoy the podcast.
Speaker 5 (00:51):
About the miracle of recording.
Speaker 1 (00:53):
We have so many requests for them to do it again.
Mistress Amanda's miss Killer.
Speaker 6 (00:57):
Amanda doesn't work alone.
Speaker 2 (01:01):
Friend making the tools of the train.
Speaker 7 (01:03):
I've heard them describe him as a drunken idiot.
Speaker 8 (01:07):
I've a legendary part of Jersey and Amanda the actress.
Speaker 2 (01:11):
We congratulations, We're ready.
Speaker 1 (01:13):
Right, now Jersey and Amanda, you're doing a great job.
Speaker 2 (01:17):
It could be anyone but your silky giant.
Speaker 9 (01:21):
Good radio.
Speaker 8 (01:22):
Sorry but it's a toge tongue twist set and Amanda
shoot time.
Speaker 4 (01:29):
We're on the air fry first week back.
Speaker 2 (01:34):
And then we decided that Monday is a holiday.
Speaker 1 (01:37):
Yeah, how good is that? Monday?
Speaker 4 (01:39):
Australia long weekend? And he plans what's happening in the
month's world?
Speaker 2 (01:43):
Oh, not much. Actually we're having a team a team.
Speaker 1 (01:46):
Oh that's right, I can't go.
Speaker 2 (01:47):
It's you going.
Speaker 4 (01:48):
Well, I'm going to Australia. I'm going to do an
Australia Day thing at Cronla.
Speaker 2 (01:51):
I know you're going to spend a few days with
us and then go and do your duties.
Speaker 1 (01:54):
I'm going to do my duties.
Speaker 4 (01:56):
My cauz Bro Dylan Wright will be performing there. That's
only fitting that i'm there as well.
Speaker 2 (02:01):
And and will you recognize him because remember how you
used to bang on when he was so close to
winning the Voice? I think he was runner up?
Speaker 1 (02:08):
Wasn't he the voice? It was the other one?
Speaker 2 (02:10):
What is the other one?
Speaker 1 (02:11):
The one that Carle's on? What's that go straight?
Speaker 2 (02:14):
Speaker 1 (02:14):
Yes, that's right.
Speaker 2 (02:15):
And every week you were saying, oh, he's still in
he's incredible. You didn't watch a moment of it, and
you wouldn't recognized him in a police lineup.
Speaker 1 (02:22):
I do. He's got a beard, and he's a lovely
young man and we are like blood brothers. So I'll
be happy to support him down there. It's going to
be great.
Speaker 4 (02:33):
But today's tinged with sadness as well, because it's jim
Y Rise last day.
Speaker 1 (02:38):
He's come and look at him, Well, what are you
wearing today?
Speaker 2 (02:39):
You don't have the suit on. You've got a Hawaiian shirt.
Speaker 10 (02:42):
I've got a Hawaiian shirt because I am going to
Hawaii later today. So the training with Tom is done
and then I'm off to Honolulu on a holiday.
Speaker 5 (02:52):
I got this email from what do you got a holiday?
Speaker 2 (02:54):
It's like a retreat.
Speaker 5 (02:56):
It's one of those with retreat yea with work? Yeah, yeah,
this is great. I'm living the life now.
Speaker 2 (03:02):
So what's your corporate retreat?
Speaker 11 (03:04):
Speaker 5 (03:04):
I got this email? Do you want me to read it?
Speaker 2 (03:05):
Speaker 10 (03:06):
Okay, So it says this begot this last night, Dear
Jen y Ryan. As per my last email, management is
very pleased with your performance in training new recruit Thomas,
and we believe you are the essence of what development
and foundations training is all about.
Speaker 5 (03:20):
Daft, It's no, it's not daft. Today this is important
I continue.
Speaker 10 (03:25):
You move the needle and work methodically in a granular fashion,
ultimately exhibiting the kind of blue sky thinking we are
seeking to leverage as part of our broader scope for
the Metropolitan Operating Resource Optimization Network. What the Metropolitan Operating
Resource Optimization Network?
Speaker 2 (03:45):
Okay, I'm not following any of this.
Speaker 10 (03:47):
Okay, and so we would like to run this up
the flagpole and all expenses paid invitation to our quarterly
conference in Honolulu flying business class.
Speaker 5 (03:59):
Yeah, business us.
Speaker 10 (04:00):
We believe this will foster a sphere of synergy that
will be able to circle back to when we touch
base again in Sydney. Please he attached your official invite
to our annual Wellness and Networking conference. Sign management. No,
it's not whang, it's important business.
Speaker 5 (04:18):
You take me serious.
Speaker 2 (04:19):
Wellness and networking context is an acronym conference conference?
Speaker 1 (04:25):
Well that's unfortunately.
Speaker 4 (04:26):
Yeah, though you know it's sort of a quarter of
the year's a quarter of the just started.
Speaker 1 (04:33):
Well, I don't know.
Speaker 10 (04:34):
I think management, we work differently to you guys. Right,
we're at a different level, different plane.
Speaker 1 (04:38):
Wow, okay, you're going to stick around for the remainder
of the day, is it?
Speaker 12 (04:43):
Speaker 5 (04:43):
I think I have to be here till nine.
Speaker 2 (04:45):
And then go.
Speaker 1 (04:46):
Sorry to be a burden. Well, Tom, welcome aboard.
Speaker 4 (04:50):
We're looking forward to you being part of because he's
got to do gyrise.
Speaker 1 (04:55):
What are we going to call it? We're gonna come
up with some sort of name.
Speaker 2 (04:57):
Have about something snazzy like Tom's jibbijab that's brillant speaking,
very snazzy.
Speaker 4 (05:04):
Five for your Flashbag makes its return today. Instagram is
back as well, and we can't do anything until we
do the Magnificent seven.
Speaker 2 (05:10):
This question one, what's the main ingredient in a glass
of water?
Speaker 4 (05:14):
Generation we have the Magnificent seven. There are seven questions.
Can you go all the way and answer all seven
questions correctly? If you do that, Amanda will say, I'll
tell you what.
Speaker 2 (05:23):
Everyone's a winner today. Every call that makes it to
we gets a gold lunch. On Captain Cook Cruises are
discover the World's most Beautiful Harbor. On board Captain Cook Cruises.
Speaker 4 (05:34):
I was watching it was sailing around before in the harbor,
and you know, it just gave me pause to thought.
Speaker 1 (05:39):
You know, the Endeavor didn't actually.
Speaker 4 (05:42):
Come into Port Jackson and only went to Botany, but
just to see it around now.
Speaker 1 (05:47):
Going under the harbor. I finally made it in, finally
got there.
Speaker 4 (05:49):
But imagine being a time travel and that ship came along,
Hey look at this, you.
Speaker 2 (05:52):
Know, or being a time travel from then and having
a glimpse of how Sidney looks now. Yeah, amazing.
Speaker 1 (05:57):
What's going to be in like another two hundred and
fifty years?
Speaker 2 (06:00):
Intriguing? I can't predict it.
Speaker 1 (06:03):
Maybe Richard of Camden can.
Speaker 7 (06:05):
Richard, good morning, Evander and Jonesy.
Speaker 1 (06:09):
We are very well.
Speaker 2 (06:10):
You are off for a gold lunch on Captain Cook Cruises.
Well done, hi, ages. Here's question number one. What's the
and it's a hard one. Get ready, Richard? What's the
main ingredient of water? What's the main ingredient in a
glass of water?
Speaker 1 (06:24):
Speaker 2 (06:24):
What is your answer, young man?
Speaker 1 (06:26):
Or water?
Speaker 2 (06:27):
I also have accepted glass?
Speaker 1 (06:31):
Speaker 4 (06:32):
What color is a ripe banana?
Speaker 5 (06:36):
A ripe banana yellow?
Speaker 2 (06:38):
Yes, it's a trick question, as you are we wasting
Rich's time? Well maybe well let's get with let's get
him with monster mash. Let's check off this, Richard. I'm
sure you've answered about a banana and a glass of water,
but we have mashed two songs up. What are they?
Speaker 13 (07:04):
Speaker 1 (07:17):
Speaker 2 (07:18):
Do you know what the two songs are, Richard? Or
even just one of them? Throw someone else at bone?
Speaker 9 (07:23):
I recognized both of them, but I couldn't tell you
what they call.
Speaker 1 (07:27):
Didn't tell us anything, Richard. Podcast, we're into the Magnificent seven.
Speaker 2 (07:36):
We're playing monster mash at question number three.
Speaker 1 (07:40):
Let's kick off this.
Speaker 2 (07:45):
Julie's in the ponds. Hello, Julie, good morning, welcome back.
Speaker 1 (07:49):
Thank you, you're off the man's smirking. Sorry you're off
to there.
Speaker 2 (07:53):
You're off to a gold lunch on Captain Cook Cruises.
Speaker 1 (07:56):
Wow, Because I was just toying with the new personsitioner.
Speaker 4 (08:00):
As we say in the business, gold one oh one,
and I forgot the point.
Speaker 1 (08:03):
I went gold one on one seven.
Speaker 2 (08:05):
Left the point off.
Speaker 1 (08:06):
What do you like? You like gold one on one
seven or gold one on one point seven?
Speaker 2 (08:09):
What do you think, Julie?
Speaker 9 (08:12):
I think it is one one point seven.
Speaker 1 (08:14):
You're like the one on one.
Speaker 4 (08:14):
By god, I'm gonna put that down Julie recommends one
oh one point seven.
Speaker 2 (08:18):
Julie, let's see how you go with monster mash two songs,
the two great songs have been pushed together to sound dreadful.
Speaker 12 (08:24):
What are they that'll do us?
Speaker 2 (08:40):
Because it's hideous? What are the songs?
Speaker 10 (08:43):
Speaker 2 (08:44):
So I waste this wonderwall yeps? Wonderful one yep, I
think the other one? You spin me right around. You
know that's it dead or alive. Thank goodness that's behind
us and we can move on.
Speaker 1 (09:00):
DJ Tom's in the house.
Speaker 2 (09:01):
Speaker 1 (09:03):
What was play though?
Speaker 4 (09:04):
Originally used for Julie was an a glue the shoe
polish or see wall cleaner.
Speaker 7 (09:14):
It was a wall cleaner.
Speaker 2 (09:15):
It was you said that with a degree of the
well it says he was first I've heard that before.
It's first sold in the nineteen thirties. Is a wallpaper cleaner,
right sort from the walls? Before the kids started play
with as a toy, what sort?
Speaker 14 (09:30):
No, come down from the chimney and play with your
play though.
Speaker 2 (09:35):
Remember little puppet was a glove puppet. That was That
was our version of c g I when we were younger.
Someone's hand in a glove.
Speaker 1 (09:44):
Well, there's a lambsy and sooty.
Speaker 2 (09:46):
Yeah, and that was it.
Speaker 1 (09:47):
What fruit to raisins come from?
Speaker 2 (09:50):
Julie Great from a great Let's get to true a
false question. Six Movie theaters used to have no set showtimes.
You could just walk in it anytime during the first really, I imagine,
let's be true. How weird is that I have trouble
following a film if I see it from the beginning,
if I walked out halfway through, I'm saying, and I
call out early, who's that? And annoy everybody?
Speaker 1 (10:14):
So they used to run on a loop.
Speaker 2 (10:16):
Yeah, a continuous loop, so you could just enter at
any time, stay as long as you wanted. And apparently
Alfred Hitchcock, he was the one who famously pushed for
structured showtimes, with Psycho insisting that no one be admitted
after the movie started, otherwise you'd come in halfway. You know,
it's sort a strange.
Speaker 4 (10:31):
As a dead grandmother dressed up now the sun dressed up.
Speaker 2 (10:36):
I'll spoiler alert, the dead grandmother dressed up even after
all these years you've stuffed up.
Speaker 4 (10:41):
So he was dressed up as his dead mom is
he's dead, but she was propped up dead weekend and
Bernie style up the top?
Speaker 1 (10:47):
Is that right, Julie? Feel free to weigh in on this.
Speaker 2 (10:51):
The famous shower scene.
Speaker 1 (10:54):
They used chocolate topping for the for the blood did they?
Speaker 4 (10:59):
Expect the Unknown is the new biopic based on which
artist's life.
Speaker 2 (11:05):
Expecting I can hear you to be typing and that's okay.
Speaker 1 (11:11):
Can you book me an aisle seat please?
Speaker 2 (11:18):
Sorry, Julie, We're going to Malcolm in Glenmore Park who's
also getting a gold lunch on Captain Cook Cruisers. Hi'm Malcolm, Hello, Hello,
good morning, good morning. Expect the Unknown. It's a new
bio biopic or biopic I've heard it described. Not biopic
which sounds something medical. Biopic based on the life of
which artist. Bob Dylan, with Timothy Charlomage playing Bob Dylan.
Speaker 1 (11:42):
And he's going to talk like Bob.
Speaker 2 (11:45):
Anyone can see. Yeah, it doesn't matter how badly you sing,
you'll sound like Bob.
Speaker 1 (11:49):
He came out first though. That's the thing. If you're
going to do that stuff, you've got to come out
first and.
Speaker 2 (11:55):
Write the songs. He wrote incredible songs.
Speaker 1 (11:56):
What about Bob cat gold Thwaite, what about him? But
he should release an album songs. Sure, maybe not, He's dreadful.
Congratulations you won the Jay Page. All coming away, Malcolm to.
Speaker 4 (12:07):
Turn and fifty dollars to spread A rock Solt restaurant,
a modern dining experience of signature cocktails right in the shire.
Speaker 1 (12:13):
He te Sydney Cruise for two.
Speaker 4 (12:16):
I discover the world's most beautiful harbor aboard Captain Cook Cruises.
Speaker 1 (12:19):
You'll be on it so often they'll think you work there.
Speaker 2 (12:21):
Now, I don't think you are Captain Cook.
Speaker 1 (12:23):
Jones and Amanic characters. She was for the color and
some stalar pencils.
Speaker 4 (12:26):
Malcolm, anything you'd like to add, What a great way
to start for I?
Speaker 2 (12:31):
Well there is, Malcolm, Thank you.
Speaker 1 (12:32):
Carry on, Malcolm fades off in the distance.
Speaker 15 (12:36):
Jonesy and Amanda podcast.
Speaker 2 (12:42):
Brundon and Evanda and you're on the same show.
Speaker 1 (12:46):
Let's start wearing lipstick so perfect.
Speaker 2 (12:49):
Hello there, I'm going to flick through the German act.
I've been book of musical facts on this day. In
nineteen ninety two, Nirvana released their single Come As You
Are Wow. Also in nineteen ninety two, Nirvana famously sabotaged
their own sellout show in Buenos Aires with the band
Well they're ahead of their times, ahead of it. So
they had an all female slash queer slash trans band
called Calamity Jane open for them. The crowd was not impressed.
This is in nineteen ninety two. They pelted the girls
with objects like coins and rocks, forcing them off stage,
which infuriated Kurt. So when Kurt came on, rather than
refusing to play, Kurt and the band took to the
stage and performed like this. I don't mind it, that's
all right, he said. He generally just had fun pissing
the crowd off for more than an hour. But if you
want to hear what the song really sounds like, you
have to listen to this.
Speaker 4 (13:52):
Get it on, jam, Let's get on down to the Jonesy.
The matter of the pubcast the thumbs up emoji? Does
it pass the pub if.
Speaker 2 (14:02):
You're of a certain age, for example, if you're our age,
even if you're a millennial, you'll go who complains about
the thumbs up? But younger people apparently hate the thumbs
up emoji. They find it dismissive, passive, aggressive, downright rude.
So the older generations use it to say yet heard
it understood? Great The younger generation sees this as conversation over.
I've decided this conversation has stopped, and they see that
as being very rude. People are saying here, it's fine
to react to a comment with a thumb, but not
to end a message with a thumb.
Speaker 4 (14:39):
You know my daughter, I write her a text and
she said, you can't put full stops in there.
Speaker 1 (14:44):
Well, apparently a punctuation is offensive.
Speaker 2 (14:47):
It took me ages just to work out the thumb
because I realized that, oh, it feels open ended. I
just want to say, yes, I've acknowledged that I've got this,
but that's not how that thumb is used and perceived
by other people.
Speaker 1 (14:59):
Use a Miley wacky face a bit.
Speaker 2 (15:01):
Well, apparently that one's but it says with the thumb.
When you use this emoji at the end of a message,
it's blunt. It indicates the conversations over. That's why people
think it's passive aggressive. I'll come on, I know, come on,
I know, I say the beef.
Speaker 1 (15:19):
Do you have beef for that?
Speaker 2 (15:19):
Well I don't because I'm an old day.
Speaker 1 (15:21):
Although you did last night give me a thumbs up.
Speaker 2 (15:23):
Did I?
Speaker 1 (15:24):
Speaker 2 (15:24):
I was just you know, said hi, Hawaii. I'm conversation
over I do it in real life. Stop talking and
stop talking. How do you feel if you come across
this the thumbs up emoji? Does it pass the pub test?
Speaker 1 (15:36):
These are the things that we have to deal with, Jones?
You know, Double a Chattery started this year.
Speaker 4 (15:43):
This is the podcast that you do with your friend
Anita McGregor.
Speaker 1 (15:47):
She is a forensic psychologist.
Speaker 2 (15:49):
Yes, and this is we're into our second year of it,
but the first one for the year has dropped and
we're looking, amongst other things, just a sum up of
you know, what's happened over Christmas and what we got
up to. But one of the things we're looking at
is sort of over consumption. Listen to these stats. There's
enough clothing on the planet to dress the next six generations. Wow,
if everyone lived like the average American, we would need
five earths to sustain our lifestyle. What about this one.
The average car is parked ninety five percent of the time. Wow,
that's in America, and consumers buy five times more clothing
than they did in the eighties.
Speaker 1 (16:24):
I blame Target and came out this is it's.
Speaker 2 (16:27):
So cheap, but it's landfill, landfill, landfall, and a lot
of people are starting to make more mindful choices about
this stuff.
Speaker 4 (16:33):
I blame my wife with the pillows. I blame all
women actually, and they're pillows. Why do you need so
many pillows?
Speaker 2 (16:39):
Keep the pillow, get rid of the husband. That's what
I've always thought, right. But one of the big things
too have I follow these sites, these TikTokers who decorate
the inside of their fridges, Like one will be called Frigeiton,
and they decorate the inside of their fridge to look
like Bridgeton. Or there'll be one that's a Halloween theme
or a beetlejuice theme. So they're decorating the it's crazy
inside of their fridges. But along with this, there's all
these TikTokers who buy these compartments and with their clicking nails.
It's all about that. What's that when you like the
sound of the AMSR or something? I made that up? WTF.
They buy containers and they put click click click, eight
butters in there. They'll put six yogurts, click click click.
They'll put ten things of cherry tomatoes. You decant the
tomatoes into another thing, click click click. And I saw
this woman say that over consumption has been rebranded as
organization and as being cute. So it's like, get your
fridge organized, get your life organized, by big tubs of
washing powdered pods and decant them into another big container
because it looks better. Keep it fill to the brim
at all times. So who's using this much stuff? No one?
So it's all over consumption, not just the stuff you're
buying to make the inside of your fridge look click
click click click click. But the stuff you're putting in there,
you're going to end up throwing most of it out.
Speaker 1 (17:58):
I like to decorate my fridge with two years.
Speaker 2 (18:00):
New, and funnily enough, none of it's wasted. You're wasted,
but it's not wasted.
Speaker 8 (18:07):
Jam legendary Burt Jersey, command of the ACTRESSS.
Speaker 1 (18:15):
Wow, I didn't think Alex Cullen would lose his job.
Speaker 2 (18:17):
I've just been gobspect to that. But you know, there's
such a thing as cash for common In case you
didn't hear the news story there, Alex Cullen from Channel nine.
I don't watch a lot of the block. So who's
the is this the guy?
Speaker 1 (18:29):
Number Blog? Today Show?
Speaker 2 (18:31):
The Today Show? Who's the guy you put the money up.
Speaker 1 (18:34):
You know the Lambeau guy, McLaren man.
Speaker 2 (18:36):
Who buys all the houses in the block. Yeah, right,
And he said if you called him mister Lamborghini or.
Speaker 1 (18:43):
Something, Lamber McLaren man. No, he doesn't want to be
mister Lambo. He wants to be McLaren Anyway.
Speaker 2 (18:47):
He put a thing out saying, first person in the
media to call me that gets fifty grand. Fifty grand.
Alex Cullen called him that on air and got the
money and has now been removed from the network.
Speaker 4 (18:57):
I thought, because there's one thing that was me, I
would have said it, but I wouldn't have taken the money.
Speaker 1 (19:02):
I guess that's the next thing. That's the next step.
Speaker 2 (19:05):
There is cash for comment. We are not allowed to
take money for mentions like that.
Speaker 4 (19:11):
Not off the books that Alan Jones and John Law
has got in big trouble for this.
Speaker 1 (19:16):
Years and years ago.
Speaker 4 (19:17):
Optors, the banks, a whole bunch of companies paid money
to these broadcasts.
Speaker 2 (19:21):
To do their daily editorial.
Speaker 4 (19:23):
Yeah, and this is like talk back radio is supposed
to be a fond of information and it's a journal.
There is a journalist integrity to it. John Laws at
the time said I'm not a journalist. I'm a DJ,
and that's what I'm not a journalist either. Anything I
say like Joe Rogan is not.
Speaker 2 (19:39):
A journal change. The rules have changed. We're not allowed
to take money.
Speaker 1 (19:43):
I couldn't but nor would I. But also legally endorsements.
Speaker 2 (19:48):
Though sure legal, but that's within a block of ads,
and legally it's one thing. Ethically, it's quite different to
have Alex who is part of their news team.
Speaker 1 (19:55):
Yeah, but he said it in a joking way.
Speaker 2 (19:57):
But money, yeah, and I have come down hard on him.
Obviously he's lost his job.
Speaker 1 (20:04):
He's a nice fella.
Speaker 2 (20:04):
I like him, but it was a stupid thing to do.
Speaker 1 (20:08):
I guess I better get on.
Speaker 2 (20:12):
And might be happy for some and your soul.
Speaker 14 (20:15):
Basically underpants podcast.
Speaker 7 (20:22):
When God, I wanted to get right now, no windows your.
Speaker 4 (20:30):
Head and yell down to the jonesy de matter for
the pub test the thumbs up emoji?
Speaker 1 (20:39):
Does it pass the pub test?
Speaker 2 (20:41):
Who knew that the thumbs up emoji was controversial? People
of the older generations and I'm including millennials in this
use it to say yep, got your message, or to
say conversation over. But because of that, it's like I
thought it was a polite thing to say, yep, to
round out a conversation. Apparently the younger generation feel that
that is passive aggressive because it says I'm wrapping up
this conversation.
Speaker 1 (21:03):
Now, it's these.
Speaker 4 (21:04):
Days you're raised an eyebrow at them and they're all right,
and they're all down at HR.
Speaker 2 (21:08):
Well, they do not want the thumbs up a moment and.
Speaker 4 (21:09):
Mel shilling just before she's coming on the show a
little bit later on, and our people were talking to
her people and Mel sent back her thumbs up.
Speaker 1 (21:17):
And she's a marritive first sight expert.
Speaker 2 (21:19):
Yeah, well, interesting, isn't it? Because everyone who's a producing
team okay with the thumbs up except for one she hates.
Which one Joe She hates it. Jojob hates the thumbs up.
Why because she'll send someone a really long, involved message
and they give her thumbs up. She goes, come on,
give me more.
Speaker 1 (21:35):
I'm going to send her a big snowflake.
Speaker 2 (21:38):
Does the thumbs up emoji past the pub test? What
do you think I think it does? Yes, it's a
real good way to let somebody know that you've read
their message and you're thinking of that.
Speaker 16 (21:47):
Though, if you don't have you know a big sentence
to say, you can just thumbs it up.
Speaker 2 (21:51):
It certainly does. It's quickly, easy on the phone, and
even more than that, it now annoys my daughter. So
I love that, Yes it does. I love the fact
when I don't feel like talking for too long and
I just wanted to end, so as they do an
opening in question, I give your thumbs up. That means yes,
thank you, John, and I'm.
Speaker 1 (22:12):
Okay. I say, there you go.
Speaker 2 (22:26):
I think that's someone who's so old that have never
seen a thumbs up emosi before.
Speaker 1 (22:30):
What would you rather be called champ or get a
thumbs up?
Speaker 2 (22:33):
Either of those? I'm happy with either of that.
Speaker 1 (22:35):
What you like to be called chat?
Speaker 14 (22:36):
Speaker 2 (22:37):
I mean someone's forgotten your name? Je nsis Well, it's happening.
Monday night, seven point thirty, the new season of Married
at First Sight kicks off. One of our favorite experts
is Mel Shilling, and she joins us. Now, Hello Mel,
all the way from London. Hid morning, guys, great to
be with you. It looks so cuddly and snugly. What
have you got on?
Speaker 17 (22:57):
Oh I'm cozy.
Speaker 2 (22:59):
This is my eat.
Speaker 11 (23:00):
My daughter Maddie and I have matching woodies and these
are actually glow in the dark stars.
Speaker 1 (23:05):
So we're already for bed, so you can't be lost
in the night.
Speaker 17 (23:09):
No, I'll never be lost.
Speaker 4 (23:11):
You look fantastic. And we've all been well aware of
your health journey. How are you going?
Speaker 17 (23:16):
Yeah, thanks for asking. I'm doing really well. Thank you
that the cancers in remission. That I'm feeling strong.
Speaker 11 (23:22):
It's about six months post chemo now, so I'm starting
to feel like.
Speaker 17 (23:27):
Me again, which is great.
Speaker 2 (23:28):
That's great, long, luxuriant hair that didn't take long to
happen again.
Speaker 17 (23:35):
It's called extensions.
Speaker 2 (23:36):
Man, looks great. That looks great.
Speaker 17 (23:40):
Speaker 2 (23:41):
So the new season, you make it? The new season's
about to kick off. Every year it gets more and
more extreme. There's a new twist or something. Where are
we going to go into AI sex robots? Where we
go to where are you leading us this time?
Speaker 17 (23:55):
There's an idea? Is that your IP?
Speaker 6 (23:57):
Speaker 2 (23:58):
Actually yes, copyright me. I'm just so my own name
on it stamp.
Speaker 11 (24:03):
There actually is something quite new this year that we've
never done before. We've thrown in I guess you'd call
it a spanner toward the end of the experiment, where when.
Speaker 17 (24:14):
We really get to the you know, the last.
Speaker 11 (24:16):
Sort of group of couples who are really serious about
each other, and.
Speaker 17 (24:20):
We throw this challenge to them.
Speaker 11 (24:22):
That is another step closer, we think to emulating real
life where we actually dangle some temptation in front of them,
which you know, as we know it happens in real life.
You meet other couples, you know there are times perhaps
when someone else is there and maybe you know, I
start to wander. So we put them to the test,
and you'll find us presenting.
Speaker 17 (24:49):
Other people to our couples.
Speaker 11 (24:51):
And really throwing the question is the grass greener on
the other side, And you're going to see in some
couples both of them decide to go and explore follow
their curiosity.
Speaker 18 (25:03):
In other couples they both say no. And then in
other couples, one partner says yes and the other says no.
Speaker 2 (25:09):
So you can imagine relationships.
Speaker 1 (25:12):
It's quite extreme when you look at it.
Speaker 4 (25:14):
And I've been watching the show since it started, but
you know, things like the honesty box and ranking how
the other how the other participants look on a scale,
and I would just I was sort of that with
my bunch of friends, and I should imagine if we
sat down and had to rank how good looking we
were to all our friends?
Speaker 1 (25:32):
How bad would that be? You know, even just mentioning that.
Speaker 2 (25:35):
Even mentioning it makes it scratch everyone's eyes out. It's
tough friendship. I guess what you're doing doing a twenty
year relationship trunk hat into a couple of months.
Speaker 17 (25:49):
That's it.
Speaker 11 (25:49):
That's it, and all of the pressure that comes with,
you know, that long term relationship condensed down as well,
so it's incredibly intense for a couple.
Speaker 2 (25:58):
You also play this same expert position for the English version.
How different are we culturally from the English? Or is
it all the stuff is the same?
Speaker 15 (26:10):
Do you know?
Speaker 11 (26:10):
I think when I came over here, I've done four
seasons here in the UK now, and I think initially
I came over with a lot of preconceived ideas, really,
I guess, just playing into those stereotypes of the British,
you know, the stiff upper lip, and I did expect.
Speaker 17 (26:24):
Them to be a lot more reserved and to have.
Speaker 11 (26:27):
To work a lot harder to get their stories out.
And I guess it was that way a little bit initially.
But I really think now if you were to play
the two shows side by side and heard the sound off.
Speaker 17 (26:37):
You probably couldn't tell the difference.
Speaker 11 (26:39):
They're just as open as the AUSSI although the Brits
think the Aussies are a.
Speaker 2 (26:43):
Lot looser than they're often haven't say.
Speaker 11 (26:45):
To me, oh, the Aussie one, it's so loose, And
I guess compared with the Brits we are we're probably
a bit less filtered, a little bit more open.
Speaker 17 (26:53):
But they're still very much prepared, you know.
Speaker 11 (26:57):
To open up and be vulnerable and throw themselves in
to the experiment.
Speaker 4 (27:00):
There's been a lot of chat about this Bonnie Blue
and this conquest of having a thousand guys and stuff
is married at first sight part of this.
Speaker 1 (27:08):
You know this, I don't sound like a big preacher
breakdown of morality.
Speaker 17 (27:14):
I really hope not.
Speaker 11 (27:16):
I certainly don't see it that way, and I don't
think our audience sees it that way either.
Speaker 17 (27:20):
I think our audience, whilst.
Speaker 11 (27:23):
They're there for the confrontation and they love the drama,
they really do get. I believe that underneath all of
this is the quest for love, and that, you know,
the heart and soul of this show or this experiment,
really is if you put two people together without them
ever having that can a relationship work, you know, So
that's really, you know, the underlying premise. I don't think
it's about salaciousness or you know, exploitation.
Speaker 17 (27:52):
I really don't. I don't think the show would have
lasted this.
Speaker 11 (27:54):
Long, and I certainly wouldn't have been involved in fifteen
seasons across two countries if I thought that it was.
I think, you know, I think I think we're talking
about two very different things there.
Speaker 2 (28:05):
And you've lasted this long without getting a neck tattoos congratulation,
and I haven't heard you.
Speaker 4 (28:10):
I haven't heard you say one hundred percent. I haven't
heard you say one hundred percent. They love one hundred percent.
Speaker 18 (28:17):
I love it, and they say one hundred and twenty.
Speaker 4 (28:21):
What about this lady two thousand percent? Well, it's been
going on for a long time. You look at Adam
and Eve. That's how it started.
Speaker 2 (28:30):
You've got to get the percentage.
Speaker 1 (28:31):
Maybe God was the first. God was the first expert,
and he said.
Speaker 2 (28:36):
There you go, you to the fourth one.
Speaker 1 (28:38):
Just don't eat the fruit.
Speaker 2 (28:40):
Maybe that's what you do. You ten people with fruit
and see how you go.
Speaker 1 (28:43):
Speaker 17 (28:44):
It's great season.
Speaker 1 (28:45):
It's great to see that you're on the mend and
you look fantastic. Thank you for joining us.
Speaker 4 (28:48):
The new season of Married at First Sight kicks off
on Monday at seven thirty on Channel nine.
Speaker 1 (28:53):
Mel Schilling, thank you.
Speaker 2 (28:55):
Thanks guys, nice to see you. Take care.
Speaker 15 (28:58):
Jonesy and Amanda podcast names.
Speaker 1 (29:11):
Business is Usual.
Speaker 2 (29:12):
You know how people in Queensland love the big things.
They've got the big banana. It's new South Wales, the
big banana and cos it actually head Norse. You see
the big stuff, the big pineapple, the big clam.
Speaker 1 (29:22):
Where's the big clam?
Speaker 17 (29:23):
Is there a.
Speaker 2 (29:23):
Big a big trout. There's a whole lot of big
stuff all around Australia. What about this? Sadly, this is
real in Queensland. They've seen the rare giant wood moth.
It's in someone's backyard. I'm going to show you picture, Brendan.
That's a no. It's the size of a bat. It
is a moth. It weighs thirty grams. That's like like
a double a battery. But that's no. That doesn't feel
sound particular, but think about it. It's a moth. It's
just dust. There's nothing to a moth. So a moth
that's heavy and it's wingspan is almost a foot long.
It's almost a ruler. Sorry, it's almost a ruler. Wow,
nine inches wingspan from Oh no, you're holding your hands
up as if you're measuring a giant fish. But that's
big for a moth. It's a moth.
Speaker 1 (30:13):
Do that. That's good.
Speaker 2 (30:14):
That's a moth. This thing, the giant wood moth, is
a giant heavy moth. It's the world's heaviest moth. And
it's very rare. This is it's a life cycle. The
giant wood moth's life cycle is complex includes several stages.
The female lays twenty thousand eggs in crevices in the
trees of Eucalyptus trees. The lava, which is also known
as richili grubs bore into the tree and they can
spend up to a year inside and when they're released
they can only live for a few days. So that
this sighting of look at the size of that thing
that's to a child's hand. That is friggin' massive.
Speaker 4 (30:54):
You think more as a motorcyclist, I've had moths fly
into my face.
Speaker 2 (30:58):
This haven't you had a helmet?
Speaker 1 (30:59):
Yeah? But they are. And if you were in the
ipenfight and it gets a light mothsme.
Speaker 4 (31:07):
Yak moss that sounds like a death metal band.
Speaker 2 (31:11):
This moth could eat an entire jumper in one go.
But you think who could be scared of a moth?
In the nineteen sixties, the Japanese this is where they're
making a whole lot of films like Godzilla about creatures
that have been taken over by radiation. There was a
giant moth called that would terrorize the cities of Japan.
A mostra.
Speaker 6 (31:33):
Mathra more devastating than any man made weapon, or mathra
who defies workplanes, tracks, ocean ladders, meshes, dams and fridges,
math creating hurricane, enveloped in a shell that.
Speaker 1 (31:48):
No human force can penetrate.
Speaker 6 (31:49):
Time, indestructible, all powerful, indescribable. What kind of creature is this?
Speaker 1 (31:57):
God monster? Mora mathra?
Speaker 2 (32:02):
Last thing coming out of your wallet?
Speaker 1 (32:09):
You know that is a lot mathra thesis.
Speaker 4 (32:16):
So much happened while we were on holidays, and the
thing that's said it pop up in my feed all
the time.
Speaker 1 (32:22):
I didn't look at much media while I was on holidays.
Speaker 4 (32:24):
But this Bonnie Blue Lady, there's Australia's most sexually active woman.
But she's not Bonnie blue and all two female empowerment,
I suppose.
Speaker 2 (32:34):
But see this is where the line really blurs. This
story makes me feel like I'm going to vomit. This
is a woman who once has slept with a thousand
men in a day, in a day for OnlyFans, and
we're supposed to try and be okay with this, as
as you say, women can do what they want to do.
Blah blah blah, all of this. On one hand, we
have this incredible woman in France who has taken those
men to court for raping her. She was drugged, she
was And here we have a whole lot of men
lining up to help this woman break a record for OnlyFans.
Then the same thing wearing balaclava's, some of them lining
up to have sex with a woman. The imagery of
it makes me sick. And if there was men, it
was girl, young girls lining up to have a sexual
experience with a guy. Come and let me fondle you.
We would not tolerate it, but we're supposed to be
okay with this.
Speaker 1 (33:25):
There there was an article a young fellow had written.
Speaker 4 (33:28):
He was a security guard, he was in the queue,
and it got to a point where he's standing there
in his boxer shorts in a room with a bunch
of guys with balaclava's, and he said, well, what am
I doing here?
Speaker 1 (33:38):
Where's what?
Speaker 4 (33:39):
Where's my moral compass gone? So he had the wherewithal
to turn around and leave.
Speaker 1 (33:45):
I don't get it. I just don't get it.
Speaker 2 (33:46):
But I don't understand anyone's tolerance for it. I don't
understand the.
Speaker 4 (33:49):
Way people sort of casually talk about it now as
we are casually talking about but then you look at
the mechanics of it. Bonnie Blue herself said this a wheelchair.
Speaker 17 (33:58):
I am fine.
Speaker 11 (34:00):
I have had heavy day in the bedroom, which is
exactly what I've had after.
Speaker 2 (34:05):
Yeah, it just it's s we're talking before Joe, our
executive producer, Hello Joe, what are the logistics? It just
I mean, I'm loath to hear, but how do people
do it? What happens?
Speaker 3 (34:20):
So, from my understanding, so she broke this record in
twelve hours, one thy fifty seven men she was going
for twenty four, broke.
Speaker 2 (34:26):
It in twelve.
Speaker 3 (34:27):
It was like they had the lineup of men wearing balaclavers.
I think it started from so from what how she
explained it, It started with she had twenty guys in the room,
so I'd be like one bang in our, next one
bang in out till twenty. And then it got to
later in the day where they had more time to spare,
so she was like, oh.
Speaker 2 (34:45):
I'll only have what are your hobbies, let's cuddle.
Speaker 3 (34:47):
Yeah, so then it was like, okay, we'll only have
five in the room. So it was the same thing
like slip in, slip out, next one slip and slip out.
Speaker 2 (34:53):
And they're also strangely home more erotic about other men
watching each other do this. I don't understand that either.
Speaker 3 (34:59):
Well, then it got really intimate because then she had
even more time left over, so she just had two
people in the room, the guy doing her and then
the guy watching, and then he'd go have his turn
out next morning.
Speaker 2 (35:10):
And not just this is the people. If she's a
successful OnlyFans performer, all the people who are watching this,
this is also weird. So the number of people if
she's making money from this, who are watching this happen.
It's all fast.
Speaker 1 (35:26):
There was the story.
Speaker 4 (35:26):
Did you hear the story about the mom that caught
her son there and she pulled him out.
Speaker 2 (35:31):
Of the queue of the queue.
Speaker 1 (35:35):
Otherways, I get the police to come for you.
Speaker 2 (35:36):
Put on good honor. I do it too.
Speaker 1 (35:41):
You know she sounds like.
Speaker 15 (35:51):
Speaker 2 (35:53):
What a world we live?
Speaker 19 (35:54):
Speaker 1 (35:54):
These are the Times.
Speaker 15 (35:58):
Podcast Jonesy and Amanda in the Morning on WSFM now
Gold one on one point seven.
Speaker 4 (36:05):
Instagram is coming up five thousand dollars if you get
it all right. Today, new boy Tom is settling in
quite well, GEMI RII is leaving us today.
Speaker 1 (36:14):
He's off. Where are you going?
Speaker 5 (36:16):
And so my training is done?
Speaker 10 (36:17):
Tom is yours and I'm going to Hawaii for a
wellness and networking conference.
Speaker 2 (36:24):
Wang wellness and networking conference. Wank?
Speaker 5 (36:27):
No, it's not wank, can you guys just it's an acronym.
Speaker 1 (36:31):
It's okay.
Speaker 2 (36:33):
He's got your little Hawaiian shirt, You've got a little hat.
You look ridiculous.
Speaker 1 (36:36):
And he's flying business. I know, I know what the hell?
Speaker 10 (36:40):
This is the corporate sphere that I'm living in now,
I'm a big deal.
Speaker 1 (36:44):
You are.
Speaker 2 (36:46):
Hit podcast.
Speaker 4 (36:47):
I look at someone at the door, Hello, Hello, who
are you Hello?
Speaker 1 (36:53):
I'm Tom's mom my, new boy Tom. That's taking hello missus? Yes,
we know you're Tom's mum. What's your name? Missus?
Speaker 2 (37:03):
Tom? I like to keep things formal.
Speaker 1 (37:06):
So your surname is Tom.
Speaker 2 (37:08):
Speaker 1 (37:08):
So your son's name is Tom, yes, correct, And his
surname is Tom Yes, so it's Tom Tom.
Speaker 2 (37:13):
What of it?
Speaker 1 (37:15):
Why are you here?
Speaker 14 (37:16):
Well, Tom, I bought in Tom's lunch, hego, Dear, if
I got your dunkaroose, if I got your fresh and
for your crunch and sip, I've built and chopped up
a little apple.
Speaker 9 (37:28):
Oh thanks, Mom. Did you get my smokes and whiskey
as well?
Speaker 2 (37:31):
Of course I.
Speaker 17 (37:31):
Did, Dear.
Speaker 14 (37:32):
Now take this notice from management a little Tommy. I'll
pick you up a bit later on for your sleep, Okay,
Bobbo SNOOKEMS light one up for me, Tom.
Speaker 2 (37:42):
She seems nice, Okay, she's all right, ringing endorsement for.
Speaker 1 (37:49):
Me management rights.
Speaker 4 (37:51):
Congratulations on your golden anniversary of twenty years.
Speaker 1 (37:55):
Quite frankly, we didn't think you'd make it in brackets.
I don't know why they've put that in there.
Speaker 2 (37:59):
I didn't either.
Speaker 4 (38:00):
Today's five for your flashback songs from the year you
started as a duo.
Speaker 1 (38:05):
Play well the manager.
Speaker 2 (38:06):
Year twenty twenty, not twenty nineteen fifty.
Speaker 4 (38:11):
We started as a duo in two thousand and five. Unofficially,
we started as a duo in nineteen ninety nine when
your boyfriend Andrew Denton went sick and we were working.
Speaker 1 (38:21):
He went, he went fully sick. He went sick, and.
Speaker 4 (38:24):
They got the biggest gun in the business me to
come in and fill in with you.
Speaker 2 (38:28):
Yeah, but you were just filling in. We weren't working
together as a team.
Speaker 1 (38:31):
And that's where the seed was planned.
Speaker 2 (38:34):
And what year am I looking for from the two songs?
Speaker 1 (38:38):
Speaker 4 (38:38):
I I was just making whimsy, was wearing a bustle.
Speaker 1 (38:43):
Actually two thousand and five.
Speaker 2 (38:45):
I'm going to look through the list of songs from
two thousand and five GM.
Speaker 17 (38:50):
Right now, Free East.
Speaker 2 (38:56):
And Amanda's.
Speaker 4 (38:58):
Here's the Delio question. Sixty seconds on the clock. You
can pass if you don't know an answer. We'll come
back to that question if time permits. You get on
questions right, one thousand dollars.
Speaker 2 (39:08):
Normally, what we say here is if you answer a
bonus question, you can get two thousand dollars. You do
your money, but it's double or nothing. But today, to
celebrate our first week back, it's five grand Friday, so
you can win a thousand. If you win a thousand dollars,
I have a big decision to make. You can leave
with one thousand and with our blessing, or you can
choose to answer a bonus question and get five thousand dollars.
Speaker 1 (39:35):
It's the coronilla, is it? If the coronilla comes in today?
Speaker 2 (39:39):
Well, let's not confuse people. Five grand.
Speaker 1 (39:41):
There you get Louise's in Miranda. Hello, Louise, good.
Speaker 2 (39:45):
Morning, exciting times. And also everyone who gets on our
show today gets a gold lunch on Captain Cook Cruises. Oh, Amaze, maze,
we have an exciting task ahead of us here, Louise,
Let's see if we can get you maybe five thousand dollars.
We've got ten seconds that we've got ten seconds. We've
made it hard today. We've got ten questions. We've got
sixty seconds. If you're not sure, say passed. We usually
have time to come back. Are you ready to begin, Louise? Oh,
this is exciting. You're playing for five thousand dollars. Possibly,
here we go. Question number one? What season are we
currently in?
Speaker 15 (40:22):
Speaker 2 (40:23):
Question two? In which city is the Australian Tennis Open held?
Which city? Melbourne? Question three? What color is an amethyst?
An amethyst, green, emerald or emerald?
Speaker 15 (40:37):
Speaker 2 (40:37):
An amethyst is purple. It's my birthstone, Louise. What was
my son said? Ah, Louise, take him on the gold
lunch on the Captain.
Speaker 1 (40:52):
Cook pots and rage him the whole time.
Speaker 2 (40:54):
Don't, don't, don't. Oh, thank you for playing Louise. Oh no,
we love leaving families.
Speaker 1 (41:03):
Pranilla to come in today.
Speaker 4 (41:04):
Well, it didn't happen that you'll be making that same
noise when you lose and fight.
Speaker 1 (41:08):
For your flashback?
Speaker 2 (41:09):
What noise? Will that be?
Speaker 1 (41:10):
That same one that Louise make? Can you do that
noise again, Louise.
Speaker 2 (41:15):
No, she's about to do again.
Speaker 4 (41:18):
No, no, no, I've got my son to yell at
for costing me five thousand.
Speaker 1 (41:23):
Dollars anyway, Five for your Flashback is coming up. Songs
that from the year we started as a duo.
Speaker 2 (41:29):
Officially, which is two thousand and five.
Speaker 1 (41:32):
Un Officially we started in nineteen ninety nine.
Speaker 2 (41:34):
Not as a duo you were filling in. It's not
the same two thousand and five songs from two thousand
and five. I've got a Ripper Jones.
Speaker 1 (41:43):
Podcast, Fight for Your Flashback. Two songs end at one
song Lease management right this morning.
Speaker 4 (41:55):
Congratulations on your golden anniversary of twenty years quite frankly,
I didn't.
Speaker 2 (42:00):
Think you'd make it nervous?
Speaker 1 (42:01):
Did I think she add that in there?
Speaker 4 (42:03):
Today's five few flashback songs from the year you started
as a duo play well the management.
Speaker 2 (42:08):
So songs from two thousand and five. One leapt off
the page at me. It's a song that is just
so emotional, so enigmatic, so pumpy. I just think it's
a great song to play on a Friday. You know
this song, it's by the fabulous Kelly Clarkson. Since You've
been Gone, here's a thing started up, frums.
Speaker 20 (42:33):
It was cool, a break karaoke song, so hard, A
big ballsy breakup.
Speaker 2 (42:45):
Song for a Friday.
Speaker 1 (42:47):
Is it a breakup song?
Speaker 2 (42:48):
Speaker 1 (42:49):
This so she's happy, he's got.
Speaker 2 (42:54):
She's saying that since you've been gone? How great? I
mean if someone saying that too, you think how romantic?
You've missed the point.
Speaker 4 (43:00):
I thought that is a great it's supportance of things
to come.
Speaker 1 (43:04):
What do you mean when you're doing the Amanda Amanda Show.
Speaker 2 (43:08):
I already do.
Speaker 4 (43:09):
Starting hot with a Panda and the Panda.
Speaker 1 (43:15):
You know that's that is a great song.
Speaker 4 (43:17):
I think about two thousand and five, I think about
these are the times that you could have a show
where you put overweight people on TV, yelled at them
and call them the biggest Loser?
Speaker 2 (43:28):
What song?
Speaker 1 (43:29):
You can't do that anymore? I'm gonna give you a share
a No, she.
Speaker 2 (43:34):
Like you the hardway. It's a good song. Two Fista,
two big songs today, two big bats. Do you think
is that how you break up with someone you're fat?
What does you said before the Biggest Loser? What would
you like to hear? Give us a call Sham Podcast.
Speaker 4 (44:02):
Five for your flashback and today songs from the year
you started as a.
Speaker 2 (44:07):
Duo two thousand and five. I've gone with this fantastic
song by Kelly Clarkson Gallo. This song was offered to
both Kink.
Speaker 1 (44:15):
And Hillary Dump Really I could see Pink peak It's.
Speaker 2 (44:19):
All over it and before they both turned it down
as became a giant banger for Kelly.
Speaker 1 (44:24):
I don't know why.
Speaker 2 (44:26):
It's a great song.
Speaker 1 (44:27):
Two thousand and five.
Speaker 4 (44:29):
Nolesy, fresh from coming second in Australian Idol two thousand
and three.
Speaker 2 (44:35):
Pink turned this one down to you see Pink Wood
sound good singers too.
Speaker 1 (44:45):
No one can sing that but Nolesy. That's Nolesy.
Speaker 2 (44:48):
Well, everyone who makes it to wear today gets a
gold lunch on Captain Cook Cruise. As we're kicking off
with Nathan and Barrel. Hello Nathan, good morning, how are
we very well? Nathan five flashback? What would you like
to hear today? I'm sorry, Jane, but Amanda all the way?
Absolutely love that song by Kelly Clarkson.
Speaker 17 (45:07):
It's got so much energy.
Speaker 2 (45:09):
Absolutely love it, love it. Thank you, Nathan.
Speaker 1 (45:11):
And Nolsey has no energies.
Speaker 2 (45:12):
Let's not do him my favorite.
Speaker 1 (45:16):
He works out.
Speaker 2 (45:18):
He makes you feel like mister Puniverse. I don't know.
Speaker 1 (45:21):
I think I held against no idea. Well, I don't
get on the weights of it.
Speaker 2 (45:25):
Every time he comes in, the two of you are
like two male des locking antlers?
Speaker 1 (45:31):
Is he living?
Speaker 5 (45:32):
Speaker 2 (45:32):
Ryannon in flight for your flashback.
Speaker 9 (45:34):
It's been right for twenty years as well.
Speaker 2 (45:36):
Thank you. So as far as both of you guys,
I think I'm gonna have to go because Nolesy' is awesome.
Speaker 8 (45:47):
Yeah, definitely.
Speaker 17 (45:48):
So He's basically one of our Ossie icons of more
recent times.
Speaker 1 (45:53):
So I'll have to go with him for sure.
Speaker 2 (45:54):
All votes for the soul patch.
Speaker 1 (45:57):
He doesn't have the soul patch. I do the flavor Saver.
Speaker 2 (46:02):
Maggie's in Emu Heights. Hello, Maggie, Fight for your Flashback?
Speaker 15 (46:06):
Hey, good mind.
Speaker 2 (46:06):
Congratulations guy, Thanks you, Maggie. I'm sorry Jones.
Speaker 1 (46:11):
It's a man who is Kelly Coxon.
Speaker 2 (46:13):
We've all been there, Isn't it interesting? Jones didn't even
know that that was a breakup song.
Speaker 1 (46:17):
How it's like she was lamenting that he was gone.
Since you been gone, I've been deprayed.
Speaker 2 (46:21):
No, have you heard the words? Since you've been gone?
My life has started again.
Speaker 5 (46:25):
It's been gone.
Speaker 1 (46:26):
I can't live my life. That's what I've heard.
Speaker 2 (46:28):
Maybe we should just play mine so you can hear
the words.
Speaker 15 (46:31):
Jonesy and Amanda podcast, Fight for Your Flashback.
Speaker 4 (46:46):
Two songs entil one song leaves for twenty twenty five
management right this morning. Congratulations on your golden anniversary of
twenty years.
Speaker 2 (46:53):
Amazing, isn't quite?
Speaker 1 (46:54):
Frankly, you'd make it. I don't know why they put that.
Speaker 2 (46:56):
I put my name on that list.
Speaker 4 (46:57):
Today's five few flashback songs from the ye you started
as a duo. We're going back to two thousand and five.
How did we sound back in two thousand and five?
What Matia were we doing back in two thousand and five,
new boy Tom who's joined us on the show this
week and has done an excellent job.
Speaker 1 (47:15):
You really have, Tom. You found some stuff from two thousand.
Speaker 2 (47:18):
I want to hear it.
Speaker 1 (47:19):
Well, let's hear us from two thousand and five. It's
like being in jail. Do you wanta a prison break show?
And every little bit of hope has taken away from himself.
If you say it is like being on prison breaks,
it is.
Speaker 10 (47:30):
It is less your voice.
Speaker 2 (47:34):
You sound like an little jockey. We're writing on the weekends.
Speaker 4 (47:38):
That's what twenty years a booze and on can do
for you. Twenty years ago that was me. What about
Amanda a library in Holland. Amanda is lending out people
as well as books, and a new initiative aimed at
challenging stereotypes.
Speaker 1 (47:53):
People can borrow gay people.
Speaker 4 (47:55):
Gypsies and Muslims for an hour and talk to them
about their lives.
Speaker 2 (48:00):
Probably hire a gay person to redecorate my lounge room.
Speaker 1 (48:03):
I don't know if you can use them. Can you
make me a key?
Speaker 2 (48:08):
I can't get over you always a little one. Our
content that is terrible.
Speaker 1 (48:11):
See, we don't do that anymore.
Speaker 2 (48:12):
Your voice like a like and helium.
Speaker 1 (48:16):
I think that's been pitched up.
Speaker 4 (48:18):
That's when we were working in a helium mine in
North Ryde.
Speaker 2 (48:21):
All right, so we had to pick songs from two
thousand and five. I have gone with this Kelly Clarkson
banger since you've been gone.
Speaker 21 (48:38):
It is good, but does it have the might of
this fully operational battle station Shannon nol and lift does it?
Speaker 12 (48:55):
Speaker 2 (48:55):
Let's see what you want to hear today. Every call
that makes it to where it gets a gold lunch
on Captain called cruise. Hello is in Guildford and give
us your fight for your flashback choice today?
Speaker 11 (49:05):
Oh great to have you both back, Amanda.
Speaker 2 (49:08):
Your song is is great, but I'm voting for Jones.
I want him to win this year, so I'm voting
for him, little ruddy underdog with high voice.
Speaker 1 (49:18):
I think it was pitched up.
Speaker 2 (49:20):
They don't they pitch your voice or not mine?
Speaker 1 (49:22):
Now yours is just as pitched.
Speaker 2 (49:24):
Vicky'll get the text in. So we asked, if they've
pitched your voice up, Hello, Vicky, fight for your flashback?
What would you like to hear? Hello, great show guys,
Thank you Jones. It's not your day then it's all
the way, Thank.
Speaker 1 (49:40):
You, lost the vis that was our last call. We've
got more to go, Jamies.
Speaker 2 (49:44):
Fight for your flashback, Jamie. Yeay morning guys, je yeay
morning guys. Hi Jamie, what would you like to hear Amana?
Speaker 16 (49:54):
You finally picked a good song, but you you picked
your mate.
Speaker 2 (49:59):
I got a I will insult, an insult and then ans.
Speaker 1 (50:03):
That could be naalsy, I reckon. That's almost nlesy. Thank you, Jamie,
it is.
Speaker 2 (50:08):
It's Ken Jamie from calling in Ken. Kevin. Kevin's with us,
Kevin's in Wesley. Fight for your flashback, Kevin, good morning, Well,
congratulations twenty years anniversary as a duo.
Speaker 1 (50:20):
You know what to say the twenty years in Sydney history.
Speaker 4 (50:23):
In ws formerly ws NOW Gold, no radio show has
ever lasted twenty years.
Speaker 2 (50:29):
Twenty is in radio that's like a hundred million years
in other professions.
Speaker 4 (50:32):
Ye so, actually credit whereas due Carl and Jackie, Oh,
they started the same year and breakfast in two thousand
and five.
Speaker 2 (50:37):
This week we've been at the same station all this time.
We get attached to the stationery exactly. Kevin, what would
you like to hear a man banger? Since you've been
gone by Kelly Clark Kevin, Thank you love the beat
makes you want to get up and Dan a feel
good song.
Speaker 5 (50:52):
Thank you so much.
Speaker 2 (50:55):
The light he is. I wish he was our last call.
Speaker 1 (50:58):
Natalie's in Camden.
Speaker 2 (50:59):
Natalie is our last call. Natalie, you are announcing today's
fight for your flashback winner. Good morning, guys, congratulations on
twenty years.
Speaker 11 (51:07):
I love you, have always loved you, But this morning
we got to lift him up.
Speaker 2 (51:14):
It's got to be shutting. No Nolsy see nolesey one
not you, Just so you can differentiate.
Speaker 1 (51:20):
Nolsey is my boy. We are brothers. Like Dylan right
is my couz And he won a straight idle. Maybe
it's me the talent. You know that.
Speaker 2 (51:29):
Knowlesy is twin he cap second and I did Dylan?
Dylan won?
Speaker 4 (51:35):
Did he he wanted? I see you don't know. You're
not true blood. It doesn't matter. Flex up. Let's put
Knowles ex up.
Speaker 2 (51:41):
Everyone, Flex up, Plex up.
Speaker 4 (51:43):
Jem jam nail on one point seven, Lift man, thanks
my brother.
Speaker 2 (51:49):
When that song came out in two thousand and five,
you took it quite literally. You've got to lift you
lifted your voice. I can hardly recognize it in jail do.
Speaker 4 (51:56):
You watch the prison Break show and every little bit
of hope is check away from yourself.
Speaker 1 (52:01):
If you say it is like being on prison race,
it is.
Speaker 2 (52:09):
Amy the sellers.
Speaker 1 (52:10):
It's pitched up. That's what happened. My voice wasn't who's
going to pitch it up?
Speaker 2 (52:13):
Why don't they pitch up your voice and not mine?
Who's going to bother picture?
Speaker 4 (52:16):
I was more anxious back then, and I hadn't paid
off my house back then.
Speaker 2 (52:19):
A lot of a lot of everyone knows that when
you part of your house, your voice drops, your interest.
Speaker 4 (52:23):
Everything gets lower. Anyway, Just congratulations Jonesy, well.
Speaker 2 (52:27):
Done, first one of the year. This is not important, don't.
Speaker 4 (52:30):
It's very important. It's a quarter to nine.
Speaker 2 (52:41):
Our favorite blie of the year will get twenty thousand
dollars thanks to misseell stocks and gravies. The best tasting
stocks are Australian made and owned. Ask for masel It's
qualities that you can taste.
Speaker 4 (52:51):
Go to the gold app on the iHeartRadio. Go to
Gold one one seven, simple ast.
Speaker 1 (52:55):
What have we got my.
Speaker 19 (52:57):
Girlie is people who think they can just park across
my driveway at will and blocking me in so I
can't get out to an important appointment. This guy in
his damn blue careers has been parked across my driveway
for the best part of an hour. Oh no, now
he just blisoly, walks along, gets in his car and
drives away.
Speaker 1 (53:19):
And did you know that you can't park over your
own driveway? So you're where you live, you can get fined.
I think that's ridiculous.
Speaker 2 (53:26):
Yeah, but someone wants parked me in? And what are
the chances? We had a friend of ours from overseas
staying who has connected to the local police to he's
at the local police superintendent and he'd only recently left,
so he was able to phone the local police officer
and said, come and get this guy. So he got
him for facing the wrong way and blocking a driveway.
He was in his dad's car and was spending the
night with someone up the road. And even when the
police phoned him, he still waited an hour to come
and get his car. So I did an uber drives
you crazy, doesn't it? So what are the chances there
was a police officer staying in the house.
Speaker 1 (54:05):
What are the chances? What else have we got?
Speaker 2 (54:09):
Got the grand kids?
Speaker 16 (54:10):
Some makers stopped at the beach to call the rubbish
out but left behind one drink. An hour later, come
back to the car, that drink swarming with an Oh
how do they get in? And now when I'm driving
down the street, I feel like there's little buggers everywhere.
Oh why did they get out as quick as they
got in?
Speaker 4 (54:32):
Yeah, carry the car away, you'd be pickinged Buscuit Gennation
gold on a one point seven.
Speaker 1 (54:39):
Hello there, it's Jonesy Demanda.
Speaker 4 (54:41):
You know, Tom the new boy has been working harder
than Jim y Ray getting prepared for his executive junket.
Speaker 10 (54:46):
It's not a junker in Hawaii, not a junkit. It's
a wellness and networking conference.
Speaker 2 (54:51):
That's wank.
Speaker 5 (54:53):
It's not a wank.
Speaker 1 (54:54):
No, it's an acronym. Anyways, come up with this, Toms.
Speaker 9 (55:00):
I was hoping for a more dynamic title for this.
Jen y Rye has made me feel so welcome since
he decided to leave and climb the corporate ladder.
Speaker 10 (55:12):
Yes, I am now heading up the development end foundations
training DAFT.
Speaker 1 (55:18):
Yeah, Okay, it's an acronym.
Speaker 5 (55:20):
This is a serious thing.
Speaker 2 (55:22):
A right suit. You're like one of the kids from Rugrats.
We're in a suit.
Speaker 10 (55:25):
Well, they contacted me.
Speaker 5 (55:27):
They said, look, we don't want to let you go.
Do you want to do this?
Speaker 10 (55:30):
You know? I had to decide was the juice worth squeeze,
and I decided it was worth the squeeze. So I'm
here all week training.
Speaker 5 (55:38):
What's you name?
Speaker 9 (55:41):
It seems all those jam branded water bottles you ordered
last year have a problem. They don't work. I know
a water bottle that doesn't work.
Speaker 2 (55:47):
How's that we.
Speaker 1 (55:48):
Don't give away rubbish? No, we don't this year for
those water bottles last year. Jonesy know that the dread
for straw.
Speaker 2 (55:56):
I mean we suck, but not well enough to smoke
a bong all day.
Speaker 9 (56:03):
I was this old when I learned that bears don't
use tombians. Also, I was this old when I learned
what a tombian actually is.
Speaker 2 (56:09):
I thought bears slipped through their entire hibernation. Apparently animals
don't sleep the whole time when they hibernate. They wake
up periodically to eat, to drink, and to use the bathroom.
Speaker 1 (56:20):
Pain. But what about the tombian?
Speaker 2 (56:21):
This is I know, this is what I'd thought. When
the bears hibernate, they created tombian, which is a combination
of sticks and dirt that they put up their bottom
so that insects and things don't go in.
Speaker 1 (56:32):
Is it a paste?
Speaker 2 (56:33):
I saw a master chef from the Mystery Box. I pressed,
it's disgustingly good.
Speaker 9 (56:39):
Robbie Williams came on and he had some sort of
love affair with Jonesy and his chin.
Speaker 1 (56:43):
How are your mate?
Speaker 7 (56:44):
I'm really really good, Jonesy, lovely to see you. I
was just at my tearing your chin and it is
you could you could trim ear hair with that?
Speaker 2 (56:56):
With that?
Speaker 7 (56:56):
Just it's it's click glass?
Speaker 1 (56:59):
How is that just DNA?
Speaker 2 (57:02):
His mother's got it.
Speaker 9 (57:04):
Then he got real about the struggles he faces as
a performer.
Speaker 7 (57:07):
I had this outer body experience New Year's Eve when
I was on ABC doing thirty five minutes on the television.
Speaker 16 (57:14):
I was ill.
Speaker 1 (57:15):
I was jet lagged.
Speaker 7 (57:16):
Getting on stage and having to hold it together while
the inside of your brain is just going I just
want to cry ah. And then all of a sudden,
I'm now thinking, oh, but my left nostril is streaming
with the cold. And then I was thinking to everybody
on Twitter is going to say, Robbie Williams is insane
because he's on cocaine.
Speaker 1 (57:33):
While I'm singing rock DJ making.
Speaker 7 (57:35):
Up all of these titles for newspaper articles. Boggle eyed
Robbie Williams makes fans worried for his safety, and then
I was like, oh, I feel crazy.
Speaker 9 (57:45):
The tribal drum was beating for when have you met
your hero and cocked it up? Jonesy reckons, It's never
happened to him.
Speaker 2 (57:51):
You know, I've been with you for Some of them
were like, what though, Well, remember when Jennifer Hawkins had
just become his universe. She came into the radio station
and she had this top on the was all it
was just it wasn't low cut, but it was a
really nice top and you must have been perving at her.
She tried to cover up and you said, you said,
that's a nice top. She this is what happens. Let
me to You said that's a nice top top, and
you must have said it in such a way that
she tried to cover up with her cardigan and you said,
don't cover up. This was the most horrendous thingunds dress too.
That's just a few years ago. When she was being
interviewed on the Red half of the Loadies. You walked
up behind her and caught out.
Speaker 4 (58:31):
You're interviewing my wife, said to jeweles line as a jack,
leave my excuse me?
Speaker 1 (58:36):
Will you stop bothering my wife?
Speaker 3 (58:37):
And this is what he says to you, creepy.
Speaker 1 (58:42):
That's the problem in the media. You' not even playing
the full version.
Speaker 2 (58:45):
The full version here it is.
Speaker 3 (58:46):
Your pert creep perv and creep.
Speaker 1 (58:53):
I think I've been vindicated. Don't feel too bad, mate.
Speaker 9 (58:56):
Amanda had her own thing with big nosed krooner Barry
manor of them.
Speaker 2 (59:00):
When I met Barry Manelotte past Win in front of you, yeah,
oh yes, and it made me feel like I was
married to him.
Speaker 4 (59:07):
He was that comfortable with Usually when it's a competition,
you go first, took the rules.
Speaker 2 (59:16):
I can't understand the rules.
Speaker 1 (59:17):
And there it is Tom's jibba jabber.
Speaker 2 (59:22):
And that's all for our first week, have red full
well our favorite caller email of Facebook, my lawyers. When
tickets for you and three friends to Titanic the Musical
playing at the Grand Electric in Sorry Hills. This is
the funniest night you will ever have.
Speaker 1 (59:35):
Love it.
Speaker 4 (59:35):
We had our first five few flashback for twenty twenty five,
twenty years of us doing this and I went with
a banger Nolsey Lift, which went on to win.
Speaker 10 (59:46):
Speaker 2 (59:46):
I went with Kelly Clarkson since You've been Gone, also
a bangal.
Speaker 1 (59:51):
I'm not sure why.
Speaker 2 (59:52):
We're giving Man of the Match to Jamie from Schofield's
You kind of kept us on edge for a little while.
Speaker 1 (59:57):
I mean, you've only Di's a good song, but it's
you you, you picked you mate.
Speaker 2 (01:00:03):
I think that's I got double insult Friday YouTube well
ugly for us. Next with a non stop at nine.
We are back for jam Nation at six o'clock. We'll
see you then.
Speaker 1 (01:00:12):
Good did you well? Thank God that's over.
Speaker 7 (01:00:16):
Good bite, good bite, wipe the two from.
Speaker 15 (01:00:20):
You're Right You Catch Jonesy and Amanda's podcast on the
iHeartRadio app or wherever you get your podcasts. Catch up
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