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May 5, 2024 28 mins
The owner of Crystal Cove Rock Shop is more than an owner, he is a Gem Healer and Crystal Grid designer! List to the radio voice of Quality Living with Peaceful Support Amanda Whittemore speak with Christopher Newman about ways that crystals can do more than look beautiful. Host: Amanda Whittemore; Producer: Amanda Whittemore The […]
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- We're at the KCIW Radiostation here in Curry County.
I'm Amanda Whitmore, the voiceof the Quality Living Show.
Thank you listeners for your loyalty
and for all those who are just tuning in.
Quality Living is a show
just about exactly that.
We talk about what is quality living,

where does it come from,how do we get more of it,
and ways of doing thiswith peaceful support.
This comes from a long lineof activities that help,
it happened in my own personal life
and learning how somethings that we thought were

peaceful, really weren't,and honestly, it's mindset
and just being honest with ourselves
and getting to where we truly aim to be.
And the best way is with support.
And we bring in guests,
guests here on the QualityLiving Show, encourage listeners

to call or email to
And we're very grateful for this station
because it lets us do fun stuff like
this and bring in guests.
Like today we have Mr.
Christopher from theCrystal Cove Rock Shop
here in Brookings, Oregon.

Hello. Hi, Chris Christopher. How are you?
- I'm doing great. How about you?
- Fantastic. And, um,just here in Brookings,
enjoying another perfect day.
- Absolutely. Yeah.- Mm-Hmm. .
We sure are lucky with theweather that we have here.
- Truly blessed. Yes.
- Yes. Yes. Well tell,uh, the listeners how

you, how you, um, we hadyou on the show before
and remind them of howyou found Brookings.
- It's hard to believe it'sbeen six months, I think. Okay.
Since we sat down last time. Whoa. Yeah.
Right. , that's quick.
- That's super quick.- Yeah.
Um, so a a little kindof a brief recap. Yeah.

I am born and raisedin Livingston, Montana.
Um, another very beautifulplace on the earth,
right on the Yellowstone Rivernorth of Yellowstone Park.
And, um, through my travels
and my journey, I, uh,
became interested in crystals, rocks.

Mm-Hmm. , uh,
and have been doing crystal grids, uh,
with my travels.
Mm-Hmm. .And came out here, came
to Brookings randomly, which is,
I've found is a fairlycommon story for people.
just, I, I justshowed up here somehow
and, uh, really loved itand decided to come back.

But I was going to Mount Shastato do a crystal grid there
and, uh, thought, you know,Hey, I might as well go
to the coast and flew intoMedford and here's Brookings.
And made a big loop
and, uh, really fell inlove with the coast here.
I love the ocean. I am aPisces Mm-Hmm. .
Uh, so water is always veryfamiliar and comforting to me.

So I came back about six months later
to see if I still really loved it.
Mm-Hmm. , I sawthere was no rock shop here.
I still really loved itand made it my intent
that I was gonna come outhere and open a rock shop.
And, um, two
and a half years ago, I guessit is now, I made it happen.
So. Okay. Here I am.Yeah. Living the dream.

- Perfect. Good. Good.
Um, to our listeners, wetalked about crystal grids.
Can you tell them the benefits
or the ideology of a crystal grid
and how I,
I'm sure I could just hearthem listening right now.
Those who do have an idea ofthem, how do they get one?

- Uh, a crystal grid is away to focus your intention
and your energy, um, alongwith the energy of the earth
and the crystals themselves tocarry out a specific purpose.
Purpose, um,
and to, um, you know,

infuse energy, uh, and thoughts.
And like I said, intentionto, you know, you're going
to create an effect Mm-Hmm.
with the, withthe grid. And the ones that I
do have the most experience with
and that I've done in my travelsare, uh, sacred geometry.
Okay. And, um, like I mentionedon the last show Mm-Hmm.

, it's, um, acircle covered by a square
and a triangle overlaid on top of that.
And that's aligned to the, thedirections, you know, north,
south, east, and west.
And my intention with those is
to connect to the crystalgrid of the earth.

Mm-Hmm. .And that's something that
is, has changed.
We were, um,
really solely in a magnetic grid.
And that's something else that I believe
and that I've, you know, cometo understand through my own
searching is that the earth,the grid of the earth,

it holds the consciousness of humanity.
It supports us, we're partners
with the earth, we're connected.
Mm-Hmm. . And
that we have shifted froma purely magnetic grid
into crystalline grid.
So we, we got an upgrade.Right. We made it past 2012.
Right. There was no,there was no Armageddon,
there was no, we Right.

Y 2K thing. Yeah. Wemade it past all of that.
And that's what the, the Mayacalendar was really about was
as they have a 5,000 yearcycles of creation Mm-Hmm.
. And that ended in 2012.
It wasn't the end of the world,
but it was the end ofthat cycle of creation.
And we are in a new onenow, that element, right.

Uhhuh . Sothere was a closure in 2012
and a beginning, oh.
2012. So we've been upgradedto a crystalline grid Mm-Hmm.
from the magnetic.
So that is the shift that happened
and is happening, whichis allowing our human
consciousness to move forward.
Mm-Hmm. . Sothat is supporting us moving

forward into higher levels, new levels.
Mm-Hmm. . Andso that's what my intent was
with the grids, uh, that Iplace, I bury 'em in the ground.
Okay. Um, and I, I mentioned this before,
but I got started in Arkansaswhere I was, uh, teaching, uh,
learning from a teacher
and continue that intoLake Akka in Peru, uh,

Sedona, Mount Shasta.
There's also another one in Montana.
And just after, um,
we had done our interview six months ago,
I had placed one out at Wales Head,
which is a wonderfully healing beach.
And I was told that
before I moved out here,
that the beaches here are really healing.

Oh, totally. And that is so very true.
And if you go to the verysouth end of Wales Head Beach,
there are giant boulders of Jasper,
great big whoa green one, and a big gold
and red one and all kinds.
So that is a spot that I frequently go to
and do a little meditationand, and work on some healing.

Mm-Hmm. , especiallylove sitting on the big
green Jasper Boulder becausegreen is the heart chakra.
Mm-Hmm. . And I've been
focusing a lot on my heart.
Mm-Hmm. ,um, you know, developing
love for myself mostly
because that's something elsewe talked about a little bit
last time of, of the internal is reflected

in the external Mm-Hmm.
. And theexternal is showing me
my internal Mm-Hmm.
. Mm-Hmm.And the more I go inward,
and the more I create peace
and love within myself, themore I see that around me,
the more I'm able to give that to,
to the earth, to the people around me.

Uh, and that's part of thetitle of the show, right?
Uh, peaceful support. Exactly.
And you can't give peacefulsupport if you don't have
peace within yourself. .
- Right. Entirely.
- So that is really what this, uh,
especially this last six monthssince we've sat down, uh,

together, has been for me, um,continuing my inward focus,
recognizing the things
that the external worldis showing me about
what I need to do for me.
Mm-Hmm. . And that is,
that's the work, right?
- . It is, it is.It's easier said than done.

People are probably listeningthinking, oh, okay. Yeah.
We do that every day. No,yeah. No, this is not that
- It is challenging.
Mm-Hmm. very challenging.
It is soul searching.It is rigorous honesty.
To borrow a phrase from another program
that I've had experience in.
Um, and it, it is, ittakes discipline. Mm-Hmm.

real self-discipline
and courage to turnyour gaze upon yourself.
Mm-Hmm. . Andto practice what I preach
and to walk the talk
and apply the lessons thatI've been shown, which is
a wonderful experience, becausewhen you apply the knowledge

and the lessons that areshown, you don't have
to repeat that lesson again.
- Exactly. Becomescomplete . Right.
- It is. That's magic. It'smagical how that happens.
- But you learn two plus two is four.
You ju it's just there. It's aker. You just get it .
- Yeah, definitely.
Um, and a a lot of this,

especially recently, you gaveme a nice little check, uh,
last week of e ego deflation.
Hmm. Really? Did I? Yeah. Youprobably don't even remember.
Yeah. .
- But my ego's in the way Yeah. .
- Right. But ego is, uh,
you know, it's, uh, I havea hard time, uh, sometimes

letting myself just speak freely,
speak truthfully and honestly.
Mm-Hmm. of,uh, which is some fear
of judgment.
Mm-Hmm. in that.
And that's another huge partof what I've really been going
through with myself, is letting go
of judgment. Mm-Hmm. .
- Mm-Hmm. - And, uh, practicing acceptance.
Mm-Hmm. . Andthat's one that a part of my

teachings that I was a drug
and alcohol counselor for 10 years.
And so I, I spent many an hour talking
with people about life.
And, uh, one of the things
that I would often pointout when we're talking about
emotions, uh, uh, the opposite
of anger is actually acceptance.
Mm-Hmm. . And soif I'm angry about something,

then that is showing mesomething I need to accept.
Right. So, back to that, whatis this taking, being able
to stop and say and slow down.
'cause ego's always in a hurry. Mm-Hmm.
it always wants to be in
yesterday and be in tomorrow.
It never wants all the same time. Yeah.
Never wants to be here now .
So to stop, to be present

and to say, okay,
what is this situationshowing me about me?
Rather than just reacting towhatever this external thing is
and being unconscious andstaying in unconscious patterns.
Mm-Hmm. because of that. Mm-Hmm.
. So, and then that is
what the definition of enlightenment is.
It's bringing the unconsciousinto the conscious.

So then I have a chance toactually make a choice about
what I want my energy to be,what I want my path to be.
Mm-Hmm. , how I,again, interact with others.
Am I gonna allow externalthings to control me?
And am I going to seek fulfillment
and meaning in external things?

Because nothing makes me anything
I, I choose Mm-Hmm.
And I create mm-Hmm mm-Hmm.
What my life is and how I feel about it.
So there's this reframing of being able to
reframe something into a positive light.
That's huge step in peopleunderstanding what their power is

- Entirely.
- And so if this situation is,
uh, I'm getting angry about it, then okay,
let's stop, see what I need to accept.
Once I accept whatever that is,
then I'm in a position to move forward.
And if it's with a person, um,

maybe an emotional pattern or,
or relationship, then, uh, the next step
after acceptance is forgiveness.
Mm-Hmm. acceptance opens the door
for forgiveness to walk in.
And once forgiveness is there,
then you have the opportunity for love.
Mm-Hmm. .Mm-Hmm. .
So there's a processinvolved in this. Mm-Hmm.
. It's like,like you were saying,

there's no magical wand,
and just all of a sudden
everything's better. Right. .
- Right - Just doesn't quite work
- That way.
There are magical wand. Well, but you
- Know, you know, sure.
Uh, it, the work gives itvalue, that's quality. Mm-Hmm.
Another part of the name of the show.
Right. That gives it quality.
- That's where we're at right
now. Quality living . Yeah,

- Absolutely.
Effort gives it value.Mm-Hmm. .
And the struggle is, um,
that's where, Hmm.
Kind of hard to explainthis all of a sudden,
but that's where the reward is.
Right. There's not, it'snot an external reward.

I don't get something,
I don't get a prize for doing this work.
I don't get a paycheck. But what I do get,
- Or a buzz or a hi Yeah.
Or anything that would, wouldnormally come from the past
experiences of, of how you, how people
self-soothe reaching for thatexternal, whether it's a human
or an object, or a

- Exactly.
Right. There's no external reward.
You know, I don't, like I said,
I don't get a paycheck from it.
Uh, but it, that is howit manifests though.
And I, so I, you know, talkabout a lot of spiritual things
and esoteric, and got talkabout, you know, how crystals are
healing and they're, youknow, what I'm accomplishing

with them and how they'reworking and things like that.
And that turns some people off.
They're just like that, uh,
don't believe in any of that stuff.
Yeah. And that's, that'sfine. You know? Yeah.
I mean Mm-Hmm. , everybody.
That's what's beautiful aboutthis world that we're in,
is everybody has freedom of choice.
Mm-Hmm. can choosewhatever you want. Mm-Hmm.
. Um, so,
but I do have an Einstein quote,

so I like to fall back on science.
- Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Becauseit's something you can tangible,
- Because I'm not just gonna,I don't believe things just
because somebody tells me
or I read it in a book or whatever.
I need to understand it
and make, it has to be plausible to me.
Right, right. Uhhuh to believe it
to be true uhhuh .
Right. Truth is based on facts.
- Yes.- Science

and spirituality are,
are really talking about thesame thing in different lanes.
So that's what I'm talking about here, of,
of my own journey.
And where I'm at right nowis that I'm coming more
and more to a place where Irecognize that when I create
peace, mm-Hmm.

, I createlove, create harmony. Mm-Hmm.
and, and,
and gratitude for the abundancethat I have in my life.
Mm-Hmm. , thenthat is expressed through me,
and that is what Iattract. That's a lot of
- Attraction.
It'll, the channels, right?
- Yeah. It doesn't, the wayI want it to work is ,
these awesome thingshappen, and then I feel good

because of these externalthings, and I feel worthy
and I feel deservingbecause I got a paycheck,
or I got a whatever.
Mm-Hmm. . But the reality is
it's not gonna work. It won't last.
- No. Exactly.- Unless I am creating
that within myself before Mm-Hmm.
, I meetwhatever it is on my path.

- Exactly.- Right.
So it, again, a lot ofthe ego gets in the way,
and the, the mind chatter,we talked, spoke a bit,
a little bit about onthe last program to, of
that there's always, what arethe, what are my thoughts?
So back to consciousness and being aware,

- And I remember that talk we had,
I think it was somethingabout being conscious.
If we're conscious about the consequence,
but we don't haveconsciousness about the cause,
then we are not in reality at all.
Right. And that's our egoin the way of saying, oh,
I'll have these consequencesif I do these things.

But it's not really looking at
what is really making those things happen
or what, where is theenergy flowing to or from.
- Yes, exactly. Yep. For sure.
So back to what the, the power
that we all have is tochoose what we believe,

and oftentimes we believe whatwe were raised to believe.
Mm-Hmm. and,
and, uh, uh,
what we're told we'resupposed to believe, right?
Mm-Hmm. . Sogetting to a place where
you making a consciouschoice about what you choose
to believe is a, a, an amazing tool

of being able to control my own energy.
Mm-Hmm. . And soinstead of reacting to things,
then I am choosing howI wanna react to it.
So there's a problem, somethingcomes up and it's a problem.
Mm-Hmm. .And I can either focus on
that problem and feel sorry for myself

and complain about it toeverybody who's gonna listen
and build it up into thisgiant, you know, monstrous thing
that I can't tackle.
And then I'm gonna takeall the other problems
that I've got in my past
and I'm thinking about in my future,
and maybe pile them onto that too.
So I end up being overwhelmedby this giant mountain
of problems, a meteor.

- Yeah.- Right. That's crushing me.
And I, and I get into a state of an action
because it's just hopeless.
Mm-Hmm. . Right.And, and I feel hopeless.
Mm-Hmm. .Or I can see this problem
and reframe it like I wasjust talking about into
what is this showing me?
How can this help me? Soby reframing that Mm-Hmm.

into anopportunity for growth,
it's no longer a problem.
- No. It's, it's the answer, right?
- . Exactly.It's an opportunity for growth.
And that shifts that, itchanges the energy entirely.
I'm no longer in self-pityand hopeless and fear.
Instead, I am empowered, I'mfocusing on solutions. Mm-Hmm.

I'm takingactions that create the solution
that I've identified I needto take that gives me a,
that creates a positive feedback loop
that keeps me movingforward and feeling grateful
and looking for the good in things.
And, uh, back to acceptanceas well. That's acceptance.
All right. Right. I'm gonna
accept whatever this situation is.

Mm-Hmm. For what it is. Mm-Hmm.
not what I want it to be.
- Some would say acknowledge, we like
to say we would acknowledge it
because we don't accept it into our world.
We're not allowing thatto be part of our world.
But we're, we're, we're acknowledging it.
We're not accepting it, butwe're not denying it. Sure.
We're just acknowledging it. Mm-Hmm.
, some people have a still

myself, obviously Yeah.
Have a hard time with acceptance
because that we're notallowing that in our world.
Sure. But what we're doing iswe're saying, okay, we see it
for where it is what it is,and we see there are solutions,
and we see this is agreat thing that can grow
and is something exponential.
- Right. Yeah. No, I agreewith that. Yeah. Yeah.
My way I use acceptanceis not that I am, uh,

approving of it or, uh, um,wanting to manifest more of it
or allowing it, you know, I,
but that it, it is what it is back. It
- Is what? It's
- , you know, stuff.
Boy, when you're inthe middle of something
and that phrase comes up,it could really annoy you.
, . But it iswhat it is. Right. Right.
It isn't something else. It is what it is.

- That's like with theenergies of the rocks.
You know, some people, likewe had this conversation
recently, some people feelthe energy of the rocks.
Some people don't, you know,
but they don't, maybe they're not trained
or conditioned to the sensitivity of,
it's kind of like a dog.
Like some people aresit in front of a kitten
and some people sit infront of a pit bull.

Mm-Hmm. , theyhave different sensations.
So do these minerals Yeah. In this earth.
And we, and if we relate them to that,
if we put like a big obsidian
and, uh, a little, you know,heart, uh, rose quartz,
like they have different energies
like a pit bull in a kitten.
- Absolutely. Yeah. For, for sure.
So everything is, uh, vibrating.

It is, it's matter inmolecules, electrons,
and in different states ofdensity and different vibrations.
Mm-Hmm. .And so that is back to
why I believe in crystals and working
and what you justdescribed, it's like, Hey,
this has a different feel than this one.
Mm-Hmm. . Andso people over the centuries

and the millennia have been figuring
that out, tuning into that.
- And as they get demagnetized,
they come into thiscrystallization state of being,
and they have, they have more sensation.
And especially with theelectronics, the amount
of cyber space
and technology that's floatingthrough all these speakers,

like you have yourspeaker in your vehicle,
that speaker's not onsome of us are receivers,
and we can hear everythingthat's being transmitted.
I can hear Bob Segerplaying as loud as could be,
and there's no radio on
for a hundred miles around me, .
But there are speakers,there are antennas,

there are receivers,
and some of us are justhighly sensitive to
where we can hear thetransmissions that are happening,
even though we don'tpress the power button.
Sure. Yeah. And same with rocksand minerals and crystals.
We can feel the energy, eventhough we're not physically
holding it in our hand if we walk past it
or we're standing in it, or it's in a grid
around us. Mm-Hmm.
- . Absolutely.Yep. Yep. Agree with that.

A hundred percent. And so backto beliefs a little bit here,
another interesting, okay.
Scientific thing, uh, Iwanted to bring up is that
in clinical trials and in studies,
but especially clinicaltrials, like with medication,

the placebo Mm-Hmm.
, which is a sugar pill.
It's the, it's, no, there's nomedication in it whatsoever.
- The best working
- Often works better than .
The medication thatthey're trying to test, uh,
placebos have a 30 to 60% effective rate.
And they are, it's nothing.

It's simply the thought that this is going
to help my condition, the
- Power of thought.
- Right? Yes. This is gonna help heal me.
This is gonna alleviate my symptoms,
this is gonna cure whateverI'm doing, and it, it happens.
Mm-Hmm. . And thereis no explanation for that.
Right. And you can't measure that. The

- Mind is powerful, theright powerful tool we have,
- We are a lot more powerfulthan we give ourselves credit
for, for, and a lot more capable of
creating miracles in our lives.
Mm-Hmm. .And we just believe it.
So it that's is directly related
to the power of the crystals.
And I think really having some hope too.

I mentioned feeling hopeless before,
and that other, this negative cycle
that that happens, right.
It, it ends up feeling hopeless,
but it, you're filled with hope when
it's becomes apparent that
what you believe is actually true,
and that is manifested by,

uh, results.
Right. That this hey, cause
and effect, there's a result here.
And even if it is only,you know, imaginary,
if you right.
Want to call it imaginary,
it still has power and it still works.
So even if people don't believein the power of crystals,
or they don't believe it, it works anyway.

- It does. Whether or not webelieve it doesn't mean it is
or is not right.
Has nothing to do with is or is not the
- Truth.
Doesn't need to bebelieved to be the truth.
- Correct. However, our beliefs
do alter our truth.
- , yes, they do.Yes. For certain. Yes.

And, but that's the magic, youknow, that's the magic of it.
And that is what keeps me curious
and keeps me engaged in, uh,learning more about myself
and the world that we're in,and how I can create peace
and harmony and balanceand, and love compassion.

Mm-Hmm. in my life and,
and share that with other people.
Um, so for me it's reallya lot of less judgment,
like I said, more acceptance.
Uh, it's fewer complaints,more gratitude. Mm-Hmm.
. Mm-Hmm.. And, um,
- So here's, here's a question
I'm hearing from the listeners.

Do you, um, provide this,
like say somebody comes intothe Crystal Cove rock shop
and they say, Hey, I need acrystal grid at my property.
Like, I feel the energy.
I, I want to add qualityand peace and support
and all these lovely awesome
things that you're talking about.
How do we make that, how do they
- I do crystal grids for properties.

And, uh, you also mentionedsomething to me the other day,
was a great thought of doingit with events .
- Oh. And we forgot to talkabout the crystal of the year
or the month or whatever we
- Wanna do.
Yeah. I don't know. I get carried away and
- I know me
- Carried away and excitedand forget the details.
- Christopher is at theCrystal Cove Rock Shop,

and he will answer all ofyour crystal grid questions
and, um, how tos andthings of that nature.
Thank you. KCAW listeners.Thank you, Christopher.
- Thank you. Namaste.
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