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May 6, 2024 5 mins

In this insightful podcast episode, Wayne Sutton delves into the power of persuasion and the essence of creativity. As a listener, you will be enlightened by the secrets of influence, based on science and real-world proven tactics.

Wayne dissects the wisdom of Mike Murdoch, a minister who articulates the concept of every creation being a solution to a problem. This foundation lays a compelling groundwork, exploring the idea that creativity is the persistent search for solutions. By examining various inventions and innovations, from microphones to eye surgery, this podcast reinforces the idea that problems are catalysts for creativity.

Sharing personal experiences about the purchase of a car which solves the problem of family transport, Wayne illuminates the omnipresence of problems and solutions around us. From news consumption to relying on technicians, dentists, and attorneys, the point is clear - we are all problem solvers.

The podcast then takes a religious turn, with Wayne making references to the scriptures in the Book of Genesis 2 from the Bible. This aids in reinforcing the notion that each one of us is a solution to a problem, driving home the belief that we are 'rewards' to someone and hence deserving of honor, respect, and even monetization.

Listen in as Wayne encourages listeners to think about their problem-solving abilities in light of their unique assignments on earth. This becomes particularly relevant for his main listener base - coaches, consultants, course creators, and entrepreneurs. Finally, tune in to the promise of future podcast episodes that further delve into your assignments and how to use creativity to generate wealth, health, and happiness.

Rating highly on relatability and relevancy, this podcast serves as a practical masterclass on leveraging one's influence and creativity for problem-solving and fulfilling one's purpose. So remember, start with influencing yourself, influence others, and successfully make an impact on the world.

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Your ability to persuade others is one of the most powerful resources you will ever discover.
During this eye-opening podcast, you'll join Wayne Sutton as you uncover the
secrets of influence based upon science and proven in the real world.

Creativity is the search for solutions. I'm going through some notes from Mike
Murdoch, which is a minister who spoke a lot on wisdom.
And I'm going to go through some of these notes today, and I want you to grab a hold of this.
Everything God created was created to solve a problem.
Hear me on this. Everything that God created was created to solve a problem.
Creativity is the search for solutions. So everything that has a need, a solution is ready.

In the past, gatherings of the past, speakers cannot be heard clearly.
We see that Jesus took a boat out to the the water so his voice would carry.
Today, microphones, public, you know, we have microphones, we have cordless
mics, we have even artificial intelligence to make our words seem crisp and clear.

That's been solved. Eyeglasses, contacts, laces, surgery, that was created for
those who have difficulty seeing.
See, problems are the catalyst for creativity.
Problems are a catalyst us for creativity. So let's even look at maybe some
of your recent purchases.
Me and my wife just bought a, we bought a car a couple months ago.
Why? Because it solved the transportation problem. We have four children.

We like to travel. We like to go places. So to be able to get four children,
myself and her, sometimes the dog, and all of our luggage, we had to go buy
something that would solve that problem.
My little Mercedes didn't solve that problem. We had to have something that
would solve that problem. So why do we watch news?

Why do we watch news? Because it solves an information problem.
Technicians solve computer problems, mechanics solve call problems,
dentists, I got a dentist appointment tomorrow, so maybe it's just top of mind,
but they solve tooth problems.
Attorneys solve legal problems. Okay, are you with me? God created us to solve problems.

We solve problems, and the more that you solve, you'll be remembered by the
problem Problems you solve or the problems you create.
Okay. So let's go into the Word of God, Genesis 2.
It says, Then the Lord God said, It is not good that man shall be alone.
I will make him and help me for him.

And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept,
and he took one of his ribs, closed up the flesh, and stayed thereof.
And the rib which the Lord God had taken from man, he made a woman and brought her unto the man.
And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh.
Lest she shall be called woman, because she was taken out of man.
You see, each one of us is a solution.

So the solution to loneliness and for man being alone was God created woman.
Are you with me? And when we think about this, even as you're listening to this
podcast, even as you're listening to my voice, you're probably beginning to
think about different problems.
We have a world crammed with problems and solutions.

The fact that I'm speaking into this microphone, into this Mac mini,
looking at the display on this computer screen, with internet,
with electricity, all of that, those solutions.
Everything created is a solution to somebody, somewhere, at some time.
You are a solution to somebody. That means you're a reward to someone.

If you are a reward to someone, someone needs you, then someone will honor you.
In many cases, they will pay you for what you serve them well.
Okay, so you were created, you were divinely created for a very specific purpose,
a very special purpose, to solve a specific problem on earth.

This is your assignment.
I want you to grab a hold of this.
This is what you were created to do, solve problems.
So as you go forth, I want you to think about, as you go forth throughout the
day, I want you to think about what problem do you solve? Now,
if you're following my podcast, most likely you're a coach, consultant,

course creator, entrepreneur, right?
What problem do you solve? And maybe even more importantly, what problems need
to be solved that you haven't solved yet?
That could be your next million dollar idea.
So, guys, if you enjoyed this podcast, we're going to be going deep into assignments.
We're going to be going deep into how to tap into the creativity to produce

wealth, health, and happiness. So be sure to follow here again.
Remember you have to influence yourself first Then you influence others and
then you impact the world Share this video and god bless Go to your persuasion for more powerful resources on how to influence yourself influence

others and impact the world.
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