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April 26, 2024 78 mins

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Morning show.

Speaker 2 (00:04):
You ever have one of those days where the first
thing you think of when the alarm goes off and
like you start to wake up, is when you're going
back to bed.

Speaker 3 (00:12):
Oh yeah, yes, that was today. Yeah yeah.

Speaker 2 (00:16):
The very first thing I thought of when the alarm
went off was this can't be it can't be time already,
and what is my first opportunity to get back in
this bed.

Speaker 4 (00:26):
I got excited getting out of bed thinking about when
I can finally get back.

Speaker 3 (00:31):
In a Yeah, I mean, we have an event tonight.

Speaker 2 (00:34):
But then other than that, I don't think I'll be
leaving said bed for an extended period of time. I think, Oh,
and Ruby is not in this head. He's excited. That
may or may not include a company man. I'm not sure,
but probably not at the rate of things are going.
Saying there's a chance, I would say it's unlikely. I mean,
we are doing a dog a dog rescue, an animal

rescue event tonight, so I may wind up with a
new dog in bed with me.

Speaker 3 (00:58):
But that's about it.

Speaker 5 (01:00):
Go one for you.

Speaker 3 (01:00):
Yeah, I know, I know you.

Speaker 5 (01:05):
Dog savior.

Speaker 2 (01:07):
I know Jason walks outside. All the straight dogs just
walk up to him, like, what's up Sei.

Speaker 4 (01:12):
Yeah, yeah, Noah's ark over here.

Speaker 2 (01:17):
He made those noises if the dogs and the dog
would do whatever he wanted, give me a mirror, dog
will go get him a beer. I'm like, how do
you how'd you teaching that? I'm the pack leader? Yeah, Pam,
I can't even do that at work. I tried that
with with Rubio one day. I'm like, give me some
audio and he just sat there. He's like, why are
you making noises at me? Today was at day. But

you know what, we have a job to do. You know,
the people count on us. All thirteen people count on
us to say something stupid.

Speaker 3 (01:46):
Yeah, I don't know.

Speaker 2 (01:47):
If they have to get up, we have to get up.
That's how this goes. Good morning everybody. It is Friday,
April twenty six, The French Others on Hi, Jason Brown, Hi, Rufio,
Hi Wait show up with Shelly Button Hello.

Speaker 3 (02:01):
Shelly shoe by Shelley.

Speaker 2 (02:05):
There's an extra button for show bis Shelley, And sometimes
I forget to push it on days when Kaylen's gone
because she's here for the whole show and.

Speaker 3 (02:11):
Not just her. Pop it didn't pop out?

Speaker 6 (02:13):
Yeah, pop in right?

Speaker 2 (02:15):
Are you so happy to be like when you get
to do a whole morning radio show as opposed to
just a five minutes that you normally have to do,
You know, I do.

Speaker 7 (02:22):
I look forward to hang out with you guys for
extended periods.

Speaker 2 (02:25):
I do think because Shelley used to do the whole
morning show like that was her previous life was that
she did a whole show. And I don't know if
you ever miss that. Do you ever miss like waking
Like we were just talking about, do you ever miss
waking up at this No that I just crack of.

Speaker 5 (02:41):
Time of day I miss.

Speaker 7 (02:42):
No, No, that part I do not miss at all.
I still don't know how you guys do it. That
was so hard. That was the hardest part is the schedule.

Speaker 6 (02:50):
That was hard.

Speaker 8 (02:50):

Speaker 2 (02:51):
I was that with someone at the day and they
were like, so, wait a minute, You've been getting up
at four o'clock in the morning for seventeen years. I'm like, yes,
for since I was twenty four yearyears old, I've been
getting up at at four o'clock in the morning. And
I remember the very first day I went in to
do my very first morning show in Charlotte, North Carolina,
and I'm walking down the hall and I'm like, if
I do this right, because the time that people want

to be on the radio for the most part is
in the morning. Afternoon's okay too, but like morning's for
whatever reason, just where it's at. I don't know it
always has been that way, Like it's just as people
like to advertise in the morning, they pay more in
the morning.

Speaker 3 (03:25):
Like it's just you just want to do the morning show.
Just what it is, what it is.

Speaker 2 (03:27):
And I'm like, man, if I do this right, I'll
do this for the next thirty years. Like if I
don't mess up and like do something stupid, then I
get the pleasure of waking up at four o'clock in
the morning for the rest of my career.

Speaker 5 (03:40):
What an honor, right, right, Right?

Speaker 2 (03:45):
So I know, Kik, you're only a couple of years in, Kiki,
but just know, if you do this right then and
I guess with like podcasting or whatever else, then maybe
someday we just podcast it we don't have to wake up.

Speaker 3 (03:55):
But I doubt it.

Speaker 2 (03:56):
I mean I think people expect, you know, to hear
whatever the hell's going on live yep, right real time,
you know, like whatever's really going on? We got to
be talking about it what we're gonna say, show shoe.

Speaker 7 (04:05):
Oh no, you're a good sleeper, though, like aren't you
go to bed at like a still get your eight
hours right? Because that was my issue was I'm like, like,
I know, Kaylin says that I'm a horrible sleeper, and
so for me, it was like I was running on
maybe like four or five hours of sleep on like
a good day.

Speaker 6 (04:21):
It was rough.

Speaker 2 (04:22):
I think I do better with less sleep. Honestly, I
think I'm an over sleeper. If I have time in
the day, I sleep, Like if I can go to
bed at seven o'clock, might go to bed at seven o'clock. Well,
must be no, I wore a condom, you know.

Speaker 9 (04:34):
So that it's a shocking thing when I tell people,
like when they like what time you wake up, oh,
three thirty?

Speaker 3 (04:42):
What time you go to bed?

Speaker 5 (04:43):
Oh, eleven thirty, They're like, gosh, yeah, now.

Speaker 3 (04:47):
That I don't know how you do.

Speaker 2 (04:48):
Because I would like if I'm if I'm doing something
that means I can't go to bed at like eight
nine or at least get in bed at eight nine,
I start to get very anxious. Me to like, if
I'm out somewhere, something's going on. You know, on a
night where I know that the alarm is going off,
I just all in my mind, every minute that I'm
not in bed is one last minute I'm going to
sleep because no matter what I do, four am is happening.

You know.

Speaker 9 (05:12):
You know it's cow obviously, you know that's the time
Jess and I spend together when because she gets home
from work at like nine o'clock at night, so.

Speaker 2 (05:20):
Because she cuts hair. So like basically you guys switch off. Yeah,
Like I get home from work and then she goes
to work. So we eat dinner at like ten o'clock
at night.

Speaker 6 (05:28):
Oh wow.

Speaker 9 (05:29):
So and then we catch ours we watch our shows.
But it's like I don't know's It's like there's a fomo.
If I went to sleep at nine o'clock, I would
have so much fomo.

Speaker 3 (05:36):
Like what's going on?

Speaker 5 (05:37):
There's still time left in the world. You know, something
on social media is gonna happen.

Speaker 2 (05:42):
I very really miss anything. I mean every now and
again I'll wake up and the whole world exploded. But
for the most part, I don't. I don't miss anything.
But it's interesting. I think I need to go get
a sleep study because somebody recently said to me without
giving too many details, like you're very you're a very
restless sleeper, and I'm like, okay, but I don't I

have no way of knowing. I mean, I don't know.
And she and this person was like, I think, you know,
you should get one of the sleep studies because I
don't know how much actual, like ram sleep you're getting
because it doesn't seem like you're a very happy sleeper.
So I think that I'm asleep, but apparently, like if
you're moving around, maybe breathe weird when I'm sleeping. So
I guess you can go to these places where you sleep,
and then are you gonna have one of these two?

Speaker 9 (06:25):
Yeah, but it's a take home one so I can
get it home. Yeah, Because Jess is like, she's like,
when you're sleeping, like I, it sounds like you stop breathing.

Speaker 3 (06:34):
Yeah, that's what this person said too.

Speaker 2 (06:36):
So then and so I don't know, maybe I need
to look into that because it's possible I'm sleeping all
this time and not getting like as much RESTful sleep
as I should be getting and that's why I'm tired
all the time.

Speaker 9 (06:45):
And I wear my watch when I sleep, so it
gives me whatever like the sleep my ram is I
barely I'm barely in deep sleep, so you sleep.

Speaker 3 (06:54):
I don't know.

Speaker 2 (06:56):
I know this is fascinating for everyone at home, though,
I know they really concerned about my sleeping habits. And
I know I know, guys, And thank you for your concern,
thank you for asking, because no one did. But anyway,
let's see Shelley in for Caylen today, who's trying to
get to Brazil. Not sure if she got there, but
she has a learning There was a problem with the flight.
The strip was already short. We got full text updates

into the night about this last night, so I have
no idea what I was trying to sleep.

Speaker 3 (07:22):
I don't know.

Speaker 2 (07:23):
We never got a follow up if she arrived, but
the plane was broken. She was on a Boeing. It
was broken.

Speaker 3 (07:27):
She said goodbye to all of us there yet Oh wow,
is she in the air?

Speaker 5 (07:32):

Speaker 2 (07:32):
Okay, wow, she's still not there. That's if I know Kaylen.
She's nice and calm about it. She's not worrying at all.
She's not ten steps out of a fit. Not Caylen.
So what's coming up in the port?

Speaker 7 (07:47):
She be Shelley, em and I'm dropping a new album,
tell you about that.

Speaker 2 (07:51):
Yeah, trending stories in just a second. We'll do blogs
this hour, new waiting by the phone this morning. Shelley's
working overtime today, seven hundred bucks. Yes, she'll been Shelley
Showdown Friday, throw Back Town Ants party is on the
way today as well, So lots of things on the show.
We're back with trending stories in two minutes. Out there,
take it's the Fresh Show. This is what's trending, all right,
Jason Brown. In fact, it's been a minute since I've

had to pull your music out of the U, out
of the tape stand. Yeah, the cart the cart yeah,
the cart wrack. Yeah, a gun rack. I don't have
any guns to necessitate a gun rack.

Speaker 3 (08:32):
What movies that fro? I hate?

Speaker 2 (08:33):
I just became the person I don't like. I when
people do that. Where movies are from? I don't know, Okay,
I don't know. I don't watch any movies. Wayne World, Yeah, okay,
A Chicago Classic. May have seen part of that at
some point in my life. Their TV show was based
in Aurora. Oh, okay, Aurora, Milliwak. Yeah, what is it?

What is Melli mean again? Alice Cooper? Like, yeah, of
the I don't know what it is. He went a depth. Okay,
now I was very young. I just would like to
say I was very young when that movie came up.
But they had their own TV show, Jason Brown our
sports reporter. The president is sports reporting. I make up
a new title for you every time. Sometimes you're the VP.

But then who would be the president? I mean, but
if it's taking like this place, everyone's a VP. Everyone
is a VP. TK, he's a VP. I am You're
a VP. Rufio is a VP. I'm I'm the president.

Speaker 3 (09:27):
Actually question that, like the head of something is the VP.

Speaker 5 (09:31):
I'm like, aren't you?

Speaker 2 (09:34):
Doesn't advice mean like like it in life? So how
can everybody be second in mine? And then they just
keep making the title seem fancier, but people's jobs don't change,
like like senior VP.

Speaker 3 (09:45):
Well what makes me a senior VP.

Speaker 5 (09:47):
Or vice president? And then like ten words after it, and.

Speaker 2 (09:51):
So I just just said I'm the president. I just
decided I am a president. Where your vps here, you are,
every single one of you it has just earned a
VP title. Oh yeah you I always had him, but
I just wanted you to know. So the Chicago Bears
have selected Catle Williams with the number one pick in
the NFL draft. Uh, the Washington Commanders Jayden Daniels, a
quarterback from LSU, and the New England Patriots shows North

Carolina QB Drake May with the third pick in the
NFL draft.

Speaker 4 (10:16):
Thought, hmm, well, Rufio broke the news to me yesterday
about Caleb Williams. He has a nice smile. I like
him a lot. He seems very cute. Rufio is showing
me some clips this morning. He gives a little spicy side.
He's got a little style, a little.

Speaker 3 (10:33):
Flair, spicy side. You say, he's got.

Speaker 4 (10:37):
A beautiful girlfriend, so she'll be here. So I think
we should be friends.

Speaker 2 (10:41):
Have we looked at Drake May? I feel like Drake
May is a guy if you would get this type.
Oh he's got an anthey and that's a fan. Say yeah,
I feel like Drake May.

Speaker 4 (10:50):
Oh yeah, like he's like all American corn Fred. Take
me on a tractor, yeah kind of dude, Right right,
Take me on a tractor, kind of dude.

Speaker 5 (10:58):
Ride me on the track, ride my scraptor with me?

Speaker 10 (11:08):
Right wow. The tractic story always from Charlotte Okay, we
love that went to North Carolina tar Heels.

Speaker 5 (11:23):
Yes, sir twenty nine, Hello, big boys.

Speaker 2 (11:29):
This is the kind of sports report that we all wanted.
Means the good Land, That's what it was.

Speaker 8 (11:36):
Was it?

Speaker 2 (11:37):
At least if somebody texted, yeah, have you ever seen Waynessworth?
You probably have the T shirt Kiki, but have you
ever seen Wayn's World?

Speaker 6 (11:42):
I don't have a T shirt, and no, I've never
seen Waynesboro.

Speaker 9 (11:45):
I feel like you need to see Wayne's World. You'd
have the Wayne's World hat. You would have like, yes,
you'd have a Wayne's World hat.

Speaker 5 (11:52):
Okay, uh huh.

Speaker 2 (11:53):
I think if you you need to watch Wayne's World,
you need to watch Ferris Bueler's Day Off. Okay, I
need to rewatch Ferris Bueller's Day Off as a resident
because I'm sure I would have a well, yeah, I
know this. I probably wouldn't because it was thirty years ago.
So there's a bunch of stuff that's not there.

Speaker 9 (12:07):
Cohol days impossible in the first place, you can't be
at a Cubs game at one, and then at the
stock Exchange.

Speaker 3 (12:14):
You certainly cannot.

Speaker 5 (12:15):
You're going the wrong way down Lakeshore, and it.

Speaker 3 (12:17):
Just so happens.

Speaker 2 (12:18):
There's a parade on a Wednesday. What's going on? Everybody's
dancing in the streets on a Wednesday?

Speaker 5 (12:24):
Can you visited the art museum? Get out of town
a city pass?

Speaker 3 (12:29):
I did, don't.

Speaker 2 (12:30):
I did not to make this too inside, but I
did one day walk past the facade of the restaurant
that was the fancy restaurant they went to the movie
CLU and.

Speaker 3 (12:39):
I looked at it and I'm like, why do I
know this?

Speaker 5 (12:42):
That's the staircase.

Speaker 3 (12:44):
That's the place from Paris Builder where he went in.

Speaker 2 (12:46):
And he was like, uh, your Abe Frohman, the sausage
king of Chicago.

Speaker 3 (12:52):
We are you?

Speaker 2 (12:54):
Are you suggesting? I am not who I say. I
am your Abe Froeman. Nonetheless, so you excited about the prospects, yes,
Caleb Williams.

Speaker 5 (13:04):
Yeah, I mean yeah, I think he's hotter than Justin Field.
So I'm here for it.

Speaker 9 (13:08):
Okay, here's our new wide receiver that the Bear's got
the Panthers take.

Speaker 3 (13:15):
I mean, I don't know if it matters. Got the pick?

Speaker 2 (13:17):
The Bears got their pick. Oh that's right, never didn't
get anybody. Sorry about that for those of.

Speaker 9 (13:22):
You Williams and DJ Moore and Durrell.

Speaker 5 (13:28):
Right, we got all.

Speaker 2 (13:28):
These those of you listening in the Carolinas. I'm sorry
about that. It's not getting any better, is it. I
have to do one serious story that I can get
back to stupid stuff. New York's highest court overturned the
conviction of former movie mogul Harvey Weinstein on sex crime
charges and ordered a new trial. The four to three
ruling by the New York Court of Appeals declared that
Weinstein did not get a fair trial, in part because

the judge allowed three women whose allegations were not part
of the case to testify. He is not getting out
by any means, because he has all kinds of other
legal troubles too, but in this one partyarticular case, of
which there have been several, he will be given a
new trial. So customers at Chipotle are upset at the
price of chicken dishes, and now workers at the fast

food chain are similarly upset.

Speaker 3 (14:12):
Now, I want to know what you guys think of this.

Speaker 2 (14:14):
Eight five five five. But according to a Bloomberg exclusive,
there was an email sent out to all of the
Chipotle stores from corporate that says, let's conserve our fan
favorite chicken. So this, I guess went out last week
from the one of the suits there at Chipot president
of he's the chief restaurants officer. His name is Scott

Scott boat Ride in case you're wondering, he was asking
store managers and other staffers not to order their discounted
or free meals, which is a perk of working there
with chicken, either version the regular or the Alpas store
that they're serving right now. The reason is that the
restaurants need to keep up with their guest demand for
the popular protein option. So the directive, which goes into

effect immediately and will last until further notice, also applies
to to putlet staffers working in offices where free Monday
lunches will no longer offer chicken as an option. I'm
very upset about that me too. It's okay, oh, let
me take a sip chicken. I want to take a
sip at my dunkin coffee that I'm allowed to drink
all of it I want.

Speaker 5 (15:21):
I've never had the chicken. I will only get steakdal
I get chicken everything times.

Speaker 3 (15:26):
I'm sorry, I got a little choked up.

Speaker 2 (15:30):
So it's a request, not a mandate, but I guess
they're having an issue keeping the chicken in stock, and
so they're telling the people that work there, you don't
get free or disc kind of chicken because we got
to sell it, because we've got to have it available
to make, you know, to make full price on him.
I gotta be honest with you. I really, I can't
really disagree with them on this. Like, I know people
are gonna get mad and go. They're working there, let
them have their chicken. I get that, but it's still

a business. And if they can get god, sixteen dollars
now for a chicken bowl or whatever, they get me
it's expensive. It's another TikTok, I said the other day,
like Chipotle ten years ago, and yes, it's like double
the prize. But anyway, which I don't think. I don't
know that the food cost is double. I think they
just are more popular now. But nonetheless, do you think

that the restaurant has the option? I mean, of course
they do, But do you think it's fair to say, look, employees,
on the stuff that's free or discount and you got
to choose something else because we got to sell this
because we don't have enough of it. I mean, it
happens doesn't happen like in retail outlets where it's like
your discount is not applicable to these items because they're
in limited quantity, or you know, you can get free

this stuff or you know whatever, but you have to
pay for this.

Speaker 3 (16:37):
I mean, you know what I mean? Like I don't.

Speaker 2 (16:39):
I guess I don't really know that. I think this
is unfair. I mean it's kind of not cool. But
it's also like they got to make it's helping the consumer.
It's helping us help a customer.

Speaker 9 (16:49):
Yeah, and it's helping the people that love the chicken
because so they'll be chicken at the restaurant, so the
employees aren't taking it away.

Speaker 4 (16:55):
And it's nice that they even get a free lunch
on certain days. Like that doesn't happen everywhere. Like when
I worked at a restaurant, like I had to pay
for my lunch.

Speaker 3 (17:03):
People say they hell with us.

Speaker 2 (17:04):
Someone just texted the hell with that chapot is about
to lose their whole staff over chicken.

Speaker 5 (17:09):
Because someone says, you can't have chicken for you.

Speaker 2 (17:11):
You can have steak, you can have you know, total,
we can have whatever else. I guess it's just the barbicola.

Speaker 5 (17:16):
Bro barbica.

Speaker 2 (17:19):
Is only gonna last like a week. It's not that
big of a deal. But I guess when I first
read this, I'm like, well, that kind of sucks. But
at the same time, I don't. I mean, if you
only have so much of it and you own the
place and you're gonna make full price versus giving it
to the I mean, yeah, it sucks, but it is
what it is.

Speaker 5 (17:34):
It take the free meal away. They're not doing that.
They're just sort of saying, choose something else.

Speaker 7 (17:38):

Speaker 1 (17:38):
I guess, yeah, did you get free stuff?

Speaker 3 (17:42):
Did you?

Speaker 2 (17:42):
Did they give you free stuff? At CAMC I understand it.

Speaker 1 (17:46):
I was in chief alfas v a free so Kicky
is a KFC alum, and she was a She was
a VP of a store.

Speaker 2 (17:57):
Actually, you were a store an assistant manager, Yes, we're
the assistant manager. Yes, okay, And so were you were
you giving a meal per shift?

Speaker 6 (18:05):
Yes, you were giving a meal per shift.

Speaker 1 (18:07):
It was technically well I was given a meal per shift,
but it was the law said you get fifty percent
off your meal, so you're technically supposed to pay for
half of it. But I was one of those managers
like I appreciate you coming to work. We're gonna throw
a lot of this away. Get a free meal before
you leave. We're eat your lunch here and get a
free meal. So yeah, we definitely had free meals there.

But I couldn't imagine one of my employees complaining because
I said, you couldn't have the original recipe and you
had to get the crispy recipe because we're short on it.
You know what I'm saying, Like it's free, it's discounting.
You work here, this is your job. You are not
a consumer here. This is your place of business. So no,
you cannot complain about that.

Speaker 2 (18:47):
Yeah, And I think that the other issue is people
are talking about how Chipoye is going to lose their employees.
They're unionizing in some places like Starbucks training. I think
there's a lot of other issues going on to make
them disgruntled, but nonetheless.

Speaker 5 (19:00):
To be lost.

Speaker 6 (19:03):
I can't stand the Chipotle worker.

Speaker 1 (19:05):
She got double meat, you know, like some of them
just take that job a little too serious. Like you know,
they give you the perfect scoop, like, bro, you can
leave the little additional meat on top, you know.

Speaker 6 (19:15):
Why do you guys shake it all like don't shake
off the extra meat.

Speaker 5 (19:18):
Like I said.

Speaker 9 (19:21):
On the middle, the spoon on the middle, I'm gonna
get out of here right leaving my burritles so.

Speaker 6 (19:27):
Those employees can get lost. I'm not mad about that.

Speaker 3 (19:30):
Yeah, most people are staying on the text. It's fair.

Speaker 2 (19:32):
I mean, it's just their business, I guess. And that's
the part that when we talk about stuff like this
that people don't seem to like is if they're if
you're being unfairly treated as an employee, that's no, like
absolutely not. But if you don't like the terms of
the management because they don't necessarily benefit you, know, there
are aspects of it that don't benefit you. You do
work for a corporation. There's more. There are more people

there than just you, and I think sometimes there's will
not Sometimes there is a big difference between I'm not
being paid and not I'm not being treated fairly, or
I'm being overworked, or I'm being asked to do things
I don't want to do versus I can't have chicken
at lunch. Let's get really mad about it. I guess
I'll eat something else. Lego is set to drop two
space theme sets. Okay, okay, so this one's for you, Rufio. Yes,

two new sets that are a must for space fans.
The Artemis Space Launch System, which will carry NASA astronauts
to the Moon, in the Milky Way three thousand pieces
in that one. Wow, you'll if you're a Lego Insider
Program member.

Speaker 3 (20:30):
Oh my, I'm not.

Speaker 2 (20:32):
May fifteenth through May seventeenth is when you can have
that the Artemis Space Launch System and the Milky Way
Galaxy three D wall mountable depiction of our home galaxy.

Speaker 5 (20:42):

Speaker 2 (20:43):
But the Artemis Space Launch System is three thousand pieces
is two hundred and sixty bucks, and then the milky
Way one is two hundred dollars.

Speaker 9 (20:50):
The milky Way would be cool because it's like action's
really big in the space. He wants his room to
be space theme.

Speaker 3 (20:56):
Oh yeah, maybe we.

Speaker 5 (20:57):
Could build that one on the wall and then that
could be his like to.

Speaker 2 (21:00):
Become a core VIP VP Lego Nerdy Guy member, you
got to become be the.

Speaker 3 (21:08):
VP of Yeah right.

Speaker 2 (21:10):
I want that concord that they have, except I don't
what Once I built it, I don't know what to
do with it because I can't have a Lego Concord
model in my home as a forty year old man,
like I don't people come over and be like, where's
the do you have a child? No, No, I built
that myself. It's my concord on the walls.

Speaker 10 (21:31):
I mean doctor SEUs, doctor SEUs art on the wall
worth a little bit of mine.

Speaker 9 (21:40):
I mean, you know, you know, build that concord, tylo
string to it and then hang it from the ceiling.

Speaker 2 (21:45):
Yeah, over my race car bed. Oh god, you should
see this thing. I had a king sized race car
bed made from my house. I had a king sized
airplane bed made from my house. And finally, and this
is also a kind of a Chicago store this morning.
But maybe you've heard about this, and if you haven't,
it's kind of outrageous. But there's a Chicago sidewalk section

where apparently a rat or apossum or something squirrel died
and then I don't know what happened, if it got
stuck when the concrete was wet, or if it like
it must have, but anyway, there's this full imprint of
some kind of rodent in a piece of sidewalk in
the city of Chicago.

Speaker 3 (22:28):
It's called the rat Hole.

Speaker 2 (22:29):
And it became a tourist destination and I told you, guys,
when this started, people were going there. They were like
putting candles there, visual prayings, and.

Speaker 6 (22:38):
They got married there, people got married.

Speaker 3 (22:40):
It was becoming this whole spectacle.

Speaker 2 (22:42):
And I told you, guys, the city is going to
rip this thing out because neighbors are going to complain
because it's right in front of somebody's house. And that's
exactly what happened. The Chicago sidewalk landmark that some residents
affectionately called the rat Hole was removed on Wednesday after
city officials determined the section bearing the imprint of an
animal was damaged and needed to be replaced. Imprint has
been a quirk of a residential block on the north

side Roscoe Village in Chicago for years, but it found
fresh fame in January after a Chicago comedian shared a
photo on x. The attention, however, quickly grew old for
the neighbors who complained about visitors at all hours. So
they actually now they tried to like fill it, and
then somebody came and unfilled it, and then somebody put
like plaster in it or something so that it couldn't

be filled again. And it's the whole thing anyway, they
removed the entire section of sidewalk, replaced it, and there's
no word on what they're going to do, but they they.

Speaker 5 (23:33):
Have it stored somewhere. Oh good, Okay, so it's not destroyed.

Speaker 2 (23:35):
No, So I don't know if they're gonna put it
on display or whatever. But it's the out it's the
outline of a rat. People think clawstail at all. They
say it will be a collaborative decision between the city
departments and the Mayor's office on what to do with it.
But they're moving it to somewhere else, Like you.

Speaker 9 (23:50):
Know, when they pour that concrete, they'll have like security
around so no one throws like a you know, another.

Speaker 3 (23:55):
Animal, like even if fake animal, like, no, let's not
throw any more animals.

Speaker 5 (24:00):
Animal like you know, throws a.

Speaker 9 (24:02):
Little fake rectoid to make another impression, you know.

Speaker 2 (24:06):
But this was this was all the rage for months
and months and months, people praying to an outline of
a dead animal in a sidewalk.

Speaker 1 (24:13):
Let us have some type of joy, mane. It was
bringing joy to the city. It was we can have
so park now, like at least let us have the
rat hole.

Speaker 2 (24:20):

Speaker 3 (24:20):
I don't have a lot of good news for you
guys today. Unfortunately.

Speaker 2 (24:23):
I mean, it's really bad, but we don't have the
rat hole anymore. You got paid two hundred and eighty
bucks for legos. Now, chicken can't get you in and
out of No, you certainly can. It's National South Dakota Day,
National Hairball Awareness Day, National Arbor Day, National Autobon Day
for Birds, and National Help a Horse Day, encouraging horse

lovers and advocates to join forces and protective views and
neglected horses.

Speaker 3 (24:48):
So that's a nice one. I like that.

Speaker 2 (24:50):
Show me any thoughts in any of this. How about
the chicken at Chipotle upset about it?

Speaker 6 (24:54):
No, I agree with you.

Speaker 7 (24:55):
I think I think it's a good move. I personally,
I am also a steak now and.

Speaker 2 (25:00):
Everything will be yea So she doesn't care. Chuse you
meet it anyway. Shelley doesn't meet it. And the entertainmer
report after I'm in two minutes Fred show. People want
to Paulina updates. Someone just texted, So Paulina's back in
two weeks?

Speaker 3 (25:12):

Speaker 5 (25:13):
Yes, yeah, she posted it on her socials two weeks.

Speaker 2 (25:17):
I thought maybe she'd want longer, but no, she wants
back to work. Immedia plays all right, we'll see her
tonight at the event Kiki and Rufie and I still
need to go see the baby. Yes, yes, we gotta
go see the baby. But I wasn't feeling well, so
that's why I didn't go. But now I'm gonna go.
You know, I'm not a big baby guy, but I'm
a big Paulina guy. Yes, so I'm gonna go see

this baby. It's a beautiful baby though, So everything's going well, gorgeous,
and she'll be back in a couple of weeks. So
I thought maybe she'd get to the end of a
couple of weeks and goo, I want a couple more weeks.
But it's not sounding like him because she basically was
updating our social media and responding to dms while the
baby was reaching. So I think she wants to come back.
Calin's entertainment report is on The Fresh Show for Caitlin

Show Wow Take it Away? Yes, So, did y'all watch
the Draft last night?

Speaker 5 (26:05):
Or just me?

Speaker 6 (26:06):
Was that just me?

Speaker 8 (26:07):

Speaker 3 (26:08):
Yeah, we watched it.

Speaker 6 (26:10):
Did you see eminem like he was there with uh
what's his face?

Speaker 2 (26:13):
With Roger Goodell? Yeah, they're trying. Roger Goodell's trying so hard.
To be like a man of the people, and they
hate it. Everybody hates him, and so just stop.

Speaker 9 (26:21):
I don't know why they boo this man like he
does so much for the NFL, Like, I don't know.
I guess he's just protocol to booth the guy who's
in charge of everything. But I mean, people don't like him.
They're making a they're making a lot of money over there.

Speaker 2 (26:35):
Yeah, well they don't like him, and and they booed him,
and I don't know.

Speaker 3 (26:39):
I don't know why he has.

Speaker 2 (26:40):
To put himself in the middle of everything though, like
they're trying to make him someone like why are he
and Eminem doing his skit?

Speaker 3 (26:46):
Just know that I know he get out of it.

Speaker 9 (26:50):
Every story when he was winning with the Draft, was
here in Chicago when he came here, Roger Goodell, oh
you met him.

Speaker 5 (26:54):
Yeah, in the bathroom he was using the middle urinal, Roger.

Speaker 1 (26:59):
Go right, That's why nobody likes him.

Speaker 3 (27:04):
He's that guy.

Speaker 2 (27:05):
There's three urinals and he uses the middle one. Every
man knows that you don't do that.

Speaker 5 (27:09):
Of course, being me, I was like, oh, hey, Ron.

Speaker 1 (27:12):
I was like hey Rod, like I'm on a firstday Basemine,
you didn't reach your hand out.

Speaker 3 (27:17):
No, no, no.

Speaker 9 (27:18):
But then I was just like, hey, when we're done, here,
can I get a picture outside?

Speaker 5 (27:24):
He was like, yeah, of course, man, Yeah.

Speaker 3 (27:26):
It was really cool. He was holding his man hold
were doing this.

Speaker 9 (27:30):
Yeah, he had like a couple of Super Bowl rings
on it. He's like, hey, you want to see next
year's ring?

Speaker 1 (27:34):
Wait a minute, So you looked at his hands, Shelley,
I'm sorry.

Speaker 9 (27:42):
He was.

Speaker 2 (27:43):
He was a super nice guy. This is the least
surprising story I've ever heard that.

Speaker 6 (27:46):
Rufi and did he wait for you? When he was done?
And he was like standing outside the bathroom?

Speaker 3 (27:50):
Will we we walked out together, you know.

Speaker 9 (27:52):
So we washed our hands together and we walked out together,
and he's like, let's get this foe.

Speaker 5 (27:58):
Kelley would have done the same.

Speaker 9 (27:59):
Shelley has died lady out of the way to get
a picture of John's to whole time.

Speaker 2 (28:04):
Oh yeah, I understand, all right, But Shelley, have you
ever have you ever costed? Okay, so Shelley is a
celebrity obsessed human being, But have you ever accosted a
celebrity in the bathroom? No?

Speaker 6 (28:17):
But I will tell you this.

Speaker 7 (28:18):
I was in the bathroom going to the bathroom, and
Katie Terry was in there and she heard me, and
I interviewed her like, I don't know. A half an
hour later something, she goes, yes, you have a very
loud peace stream.

Speaker 6 (28:28):
Like she literally commented on I have the cliffs.

Speaker 5 (28:30):
Somewhere, I'll put it up. You have a loud peace stream.

Speaker 7 (28:33):
Yeah, Katie like that that. I go to the bathroom
very loudly. It was a little bit horrified. Yeah, I
don't know. Doesn't mean you have a strong bladder. Does
it mean you hold it? I'm not sure.

Speaker 6 (28:42):
I don't really know.

Speaker 2 (28:43):
Anyways, Shelley, you were talking about the NFL draft which
took place last night.

Speaker 7 (28:47):
Oh yeah, but I just brought it up because Eminem. Right,
So Eminem, this must have happened maybe like right after.
But he announced that his twelfth studio album, The Death
of Slim Shady Coop to Grace, will be released later
this summer. He kind of released like this little trailer
and they're saying here in this article, a true crime
reporter is discussing the death of Eminem's alter ego in
the trailer.

Speaker 6 (29:06):
But it's like a spinef of what is that show?

Speaker 5 (29:08):
Is it history?

Speaker 3 (29:11):
Yeah, I have.

Speaker 5 (29:13):
Not criticized tongue twisting rhymes.

Speaker 3 (29:16):
The blonde anti hero known as.

Speaker 5 (29:19):
Has had no shortage of enemies.

Speaker 3 (29:23):
He's a psychopaths.

Speaker 2 (29:24):
The same rude lyrics and controversial antics may have ultimately
led to his demish. She joined me, as we recreate
the events that led to the murder of Slim Shade.

Speaker 5 (29:38):

Speaker 6 (29:38):
Okay, that's kind of exciting, right yeah.

Speaker 7 (29:41):
Yeah. Meanwhile, Tiffany Hattis is opening up about her recent
health struggles and her newly announced memoir I Curse You
with Joy. So recently, hatch learned that her debilitating pain
was caused by dromytriosis and uh. Initially, doctors said that
it was caused by a dent in her uterus, but
she explained it turned out it wasn't a dent they
saw on an ultrasound. And then she goes on to

say that she had eight miscarriages, but she says she
did her best to do right by her body while pregnant.
She says, every time I find out I'm pregnant, I'm like,
don't drink, don't smoke, don't do anything. Even if I
don't really want the baby, I still try to give
it a chance.

Speaker 6 (30:15):
So I guess her.

Speaker 7 (30:16):
Latest miscarriage was last year, and she says that despite
being single and dating, that she is celibate at the moment.

Speaker 6 (30:22):
But if this interests.

Speaker 3 (30:24):
Wait, what was that quote?

Speaker 6 (30:25):
Yeah, I know, I kind of just wanted to lay
right over it.

Speaker 2 (30:28):
I just wanted to make sure I heard that correctly
saying what she says.

Speaker 7 (30:33):
Even if I don't really want the baby, I still
try to give it a chance.

Speaker 6 (30:37):
Man, I know what's going on.

Speaker 2 (30:40):
She needs to be our person right now. Right we
need to practice a couple. Yeah, that's not something you say.

Speaker 3 (30:54):
One more time.

Speaker 7 (30:54):
She just like something.

Speaker 2 (30:58):

Speaker 7 (30:59):
Yeah, So that comes out May seventh, that memoir. And finally,
Selena Gomez responded to speculation that she's getting ready to
sell her brand, Rare Beauty. She says, I don't think
I'm going anywhere. I'm enjoying this a little too much.
And she added that Rare Beauty has so many fun
things coming up, so she's just looking forward to being
a part of it. So she's not gonna sell it,
I guess for billions and billions like other celebrities do.
So you can check out that trailer with the eminem

album that is on fretshow Radio dot Com.

Speaker 2 (31:22):
Selena Gomez. She now has a cooking show right on
this habit for a couple of seasons. Yeah, I was
was it always on the Food Network or was it? Well,
it's all airs on Max and now always Max. I
thought it was on the Food anyway. I was sort
of like, that's a random thing.

Speaker 9 (31:37):
Yeah, see, yeah, I get she's like Goring Ramsey on there.
She's like, yeah, it's whatever, cooking with Selena. I gotta
know we need cooking with chef for it called Selena
and Chef. That's what the thank you?

Speaker 2 (31:46):
Wow, I just didn't I didn't know we needed that,
but I guess we did. So that's exciting. Can you
tell I'm into it? Let's do blogs. New Waiting by
the Phone is coming. I got money show to Shelley
pain bills, a bunch of stuff on the Friday Frend Show.

Speaker 3 (32:04):
We're Glad you're here.

Speaker 5 (32:05):
Yeah, talk about it.

Speaker 3 (32:06):
Yeah they talk better than they say.

Speaker 2 (32:10):
These are the radio blogs on the Fred Show. If
only I'd known that this formal apology was coming, I
would have made sure everybody was here for it. But
Rufio has stated off the air that he would like
to make a formal apology to our audience, and I
don't know what for, but wow, wow, I mean we

could have teased this for days. An apology from rufio.
Oh my God, that we shall wait no longer take
it away. Thank you, dear blog.

Speaker 9 (32:39):
Yes, I would like to issue an apology to certain
people in my life. My wife Jess is one of them.
My dad's another one, Jason Brown, I have accosted in
this way, and pretty much anyone over the age of
I don't know, fifty or sixty, like, if you fall
over that range, I apologize to you too, because I

learned on TikTok the other day that.

Speaker 3 (33:04):
You don't need to.

Speaker 9 (33:05):
Close the background apps on your iPhone because it does nothing.

Speaker 3 (33:10):
It doesn't save battery. It does.

Speaker 9 (33:12):
You could leave them open, sitting in the background, your
thirty pages you have in the background open. Yes, Oh really, Yeah,
it doesn't do anything. A vice president of something from
Apple has said that it does not save you any
battery life.

Speaker 3 (33:30):
Wow, there's no purpose to it. Wow.

Speaker 9 (33:32):
The only reason you should be closing the apps to
force close it. If the app is stuck or it's
not working, then swipe up and close it. But other
than that, go ahead, have your fifty apps open in
the background, but the OCD and me and I know you, Fred,
I still can't do it.

Speaker 3 (33:48):
No, I like, look right now.

Speaker 2 (33:51):
I was under the impression, well, I do have a
few things open, actually, but only like the essential stuff.
My mom has forty things open. Yes, And I thought
for sure that that was I was of the belief
that that was draining your battery, and so like when
my battery gets low, I start closing everything. I'm worried
about it. Yeah, I thought that was a thing. Now

you're telling me it's not a thing.

Speaker 5 (34:12):
Not a thing, doesn't mean anything.

Speaker 4 (34:15):
I was living so peacefully and then you drag I
did so. I apologize open and I'm like, hey, Jason
right judging me, Well, everyone'spt your apology. Wow, that rates
up to the lot. Didn't it for you to step
up and say that.

Speaker 5 (34:30):
I did so.

Speaker 9 (34:30):
I apologize, Like I said, if you're over the age
of fifty, I know you got all the mapps open.

Speaker 3 (34:35):
Keep them open, homie.

Speaker 5 (34:36):
You're good. And where did you learn this fact? On
tick talk? You hit it? You hit that house, Yeah, it.

Speaker 3 (34:43):
Hit that house.

Speaker 1 (34:45):
All them eighty old people in that room that got
eighty apps.

Speaker 2 (34:49):
Actually, I think we want them to think their phone's
gonna die. So I think we want their phones to die. Actually,
waiting by the phone and more bread show. Next, the
Fred Show is on Friday. Good morning everyone, It's Friday,
April twenty six.

Speaker 3 (35:10):
The French Show is on.

Speaker 2 (35:10):
Hello Jason Brown, Hello, Rufio, Hello, Hi Kiki, Good morning,
shell be Shelley's here, Hig mornin interned venom me Benjamin
get to the entertainer report here in a few minutes.
Waiting by the phone. He's new And next, why did
somebody get ghosted? Will investigate Shelby Shelley showdown, lots of
Shelley this hour. Seven hundred bucks is the price today
if you can snap for eleven game win streak. Good

news stories coming up, Kiki, say for candling with that?
What are you working on for the port Showby's.

Speaker 6 (35:38):
So, remember Giselle got pulled over and you guys talked
about it yesterday. Well we now have the body cam footage,
so I'll play.

Speaker 3 (35:45):
That for you, and I read why she is upset too?
Why she was Troy?

Speaker 6 (35:49):
I kind of feel bad for her?

Speaker 3 (35:50):
Actually, yeah, so I can't wait. No, Yeah, you're gonna
hang around. Yeah, okay, good, I want to get out of.

Speaker 2 (35:55):
This ticket she got but I love you tried.

Speaker 3 (36:02):
And so coming up breadshells.

Speaker 2 (36:04):
One ever been left waiting by the phone.

Speaker 3 (36:11):
It's the Fred Show. Logan, good morning, welcome to the show.
How are you?

Speaker 11 (36:14):
I'm good, I'm good things.

Speaker 3 (36:16):
What's going on with this woman? Emma?

Speaker 2 (36:17):
We got to know everything? Tell us how you met,
about any dates that you've been on. Where things are now? Yeah?

Speaker 11 (36:22):
So so we met at bar thea weekend and uh,
and she was really cool, like we we we started chatting.

Speaker 3 (36:31):
I had a really good connection.

Speaker 11 (36:32):
I thought, uh, and so you know, I asked her, hey,
you want to uh, you want to get you a drink?
And we keep hanging out and she's totally down for that.

Speaker 3 (36:40):
We're totally vibing.

Speaker 11 (36:42):
But then towards the end of the day, her energy
just totally shifted.

Speaker 3 (36:47):
And I don't and I don't know why.

Speaker 11 (36:48):
Like everything was everything seemed to be going fine, and
I didn't say anything weird, you know, And so I've
been like texting and.

Speaker 5 (36:56):
And she hasn't gotten back to me.

Speaker 11 (36:57):
So I just I want to know what's going on?

Speaker 3 (36:59):
All right?

Speaker 2 (36:59):
So it was all going well, something happened though, where
you felt that something changed in her demeanor, but you
don't know what it is. And then you haven't been
able to get a hold of her since you've been
trying to ask her out for another day, but she
won't respond to you.

Speaker 11 (37:12):
Yeah, and don't I don't remember anything, and tell if
we were even drinking that much, but like I don't remember,
like if something happened, so I don't know why.

Speaker 2 (37:20):
All right, Well, let's see if we can get her
on the phone here in just a second. We'll ask
these questions. You're welcome to jump in at some point,
and hopefully we can fix this straight and everything out.
Set you guys up on another date that we paid for.
Sound good, Logan, That sounds great, Thank you. All right,
let's find out what's going on Part two of waiting
by the phone next after Teddy Swam's back in two minutes.

Speaker 3 (37:37):
It's the Frend Show, Teddy Swams.

Speaker 2 (37:39):
The Frend Show is.

Speaker 3 (37:39):
On good morning.

Speaker 2 (37:40):
We're on the radio, of course, the iHeart app anytime
search for the Frend Show on demand. Hey Logan, Yeah,
all right, welcome back. Let's call Emma. You guys, you met,
you loved what you saw you liked what you saw.
She was pretty Everything went really well. You thought that
the day was going well, except there was a noticeable shift.

Speaker 3 (37:58):
In the energy.

Speaker 2 (37:59):
You're not sure why, and now you can't get a
hold of her. She will not respond to you. Tried
to ask her out for another date, and she's not responding. Yeah, exactly,
all right, Well let's call her now. Good luck, Logan
col Hi is this Emma? I am a good morning.

My name is Fred. I'm calling from the Fred's Show,
the morning radio Show. I have to tell you the
whole crew is here and we are on the radio
right now, and I would need your permission to continue
with the call. Can we chat for a couple of
minutes on the air. Oh sure, well, thank you very much.
I'm not sure we've heard this before, but it's called
waiting by the phone. We're calling on behalf of a
guy named Logan says, you met you on hands recently

and you guys went out.

Speaker 3 (38:45):
Do you remember this guy?

Speaker 6 (38:47):

Speaker 2 (38:48):
Can you remember Logan? So he told us that he
was really excited to meet you. He was into you.
He thought the date went well. He said, something changed,
you know, in the energy on the date. But he
didn't think much of it at the time, and now
he can't get a hold of you. So what's going on?

Speaker 12 (39:03):
Mm, yeah, everything wants going fine. And then you know,
Logan and I went bar hopping and we were in
between bars and we actually I.

Speaker 13 (39:16):
Had to go to the bathroom, and so he said, oh,
we can step at my house and we're really close,
and like we ended up going to.

Speaker 12 (39:23):
His house and hanging out there for a little bit.
My cell phone signal was pretty bad, and.

Speaker 14 (39:31):
So like I asked him for his Wi Fi passwort
and like, honestly, that's when like the moment came. Why well, okay,
the name for his WiFi is I Love Boobies one.

Speaker 5 (39:55):
Was already taken.

Speaker 3 (39:59):
That one.

Speaker 2 (40:00):
Then that's what you are original? I mean what his
neighbor already loves movies? Now you love movies one? I
mean I love movies too, yea. Honestly, what was FBI
surveillance van taken? I mean okay, so that was I
Love Movies one with his WiFi? Okay, I mean that's
okay kind of not Yeah, password.

Speaker 5 (40:27):
Six are using the A or the symbols? What are
you doing?

Speaker 3 (40:41):
You gotta be safe?

Speaker 2 (40:42):
Yeah, you know what I mean, you gotta you gotta
make sure it can't be asked. You gotta use that
amper sand or the the apps, the app.

Speaker 3 (40:50):

Speaker 2 (40:51):
Wow, okay, hey Logan, Logan, did you ever expect to
have guests over ever? No? Hold on, I'm sorry, I
forgot to mention that Logan is here too. I was
so forgetful, but I was. I was just curious if
your friend Logan he ever thought he'd have to give
that password out to anybody.

Speaker 3 (41:09):
I mean, yeah, it's just like it's a joke. I mean,
I made it a long time ago, but.

Speaker 11 (41:14):
You know, it's just like it's stupid, right, It's.

Speaker 3 (41:16):
Just a joke.

Speaker 5 (41:17):
I mean, well, you'll never forget it.

Speaker 3 (41:18):
I know that.

Speaker 5 (41:19):
Yeah, I.

Speaker 2 (41:26):
Mean you're gonna have a nasty ass password like that.
Why don't you do the thing where you share the
password without anybody ever see again?

Speaker 3 (41:32):
I mean, come on, man, you are real quick, like
what am is?

Speaker 2 (41:35):
When your mom comes over once they use the Wi Fi,
do you to explain that one to her?

Speaker 3 (41:39):
You know, I just type it in for her. I'm
sure you do. I'm sure you do. Were you would
always Emma?

Speaker 2 (41:45):
Was he all embarrassed to tell you this or did
he just blurt it out like it was no big deal.

Speaker 13 (41:48):
Oh no, he was laughing, he was having a great time,
and I was so super turned off by it.

Speaker 3 (41:55):

Speaker 13 (41:55):
I thought it was just like so immature, like I
don't know, I mean, I little, he was just so
turned off.

Speaker 8 (42:01):

Speaker 2 (42:03):
Yes, So you would just qualify this guy for his
WiFi passwords?

Speaker 1 (42:06):
I mean, I love boobies. I could have he can
get a pass with that. But you talk about like
you didn't even this is the first date. So I mean,
I feel like you're trying to check my temperature and
see if I'm down with.

Speaker 5 (42:17):
The his WiFi? You know?

Speaker 3 (42:21):
What was she going to do?

Speaker 9 (42:22):

Speaker 3 (42:23):
Oh? I like that too, what he was doing. I mean, when.

Speaker 5 (42:29):
It's on, like it just starts us. It's like, that's
what you're playing on it?

Speaker 1 (42:33):
So he could tell, yeah, you know, like you connected,
you want to try it? Like, no, that's.

Speaker 3 (42:39):
They don't know about.

Speaker 5 (42:42):
Close strength WiFi over.

Speaker 2 (42:45):
My ClOH my god, got that five girl. I mean,
I get the immature part of this, but look, Emma,
really though, I mean, let's let's just say that he
was just being silly and he didn't think he was
going to have to tell you, and he did, ha ha.
I mean you're not going to get this another chance.
I mean it is kind of silly. It's immature, for sure,

but it's also kind of silly.

Speaker 5 (43:10):
Yeah, I don't know.

Speaker 13 (43:11):
It just honestly turned me out for about Like, I'm
no longer interested.

Speaker 5 (43:15):
You know.

Speaker 2 (43:16):
I wonder what his guest WiFi is worried about that
she should have given her that one.

Speaker 3 (43:21):
Logan, Man, I don't know.

Speaker 5 (43:23):
I might.

Speaker 2 (43:23):
I might have an alternate, you know, to give to
your you know, friends that come over, so you don't
have to explain that, you know, Mema, what.

Speaker 3 (43:32):
Is all about?

Speaker 11 (43:33):
I mean, I don't think I have to explain to
Mema what that is about.

Speaker 10 (43:36):
But like Yom, the one that's got I love movies, you.

Speaker 2 (43:49):
Mema the one that inspired all of this. I'm concerned
about the whole family. Now, Okay, look, Logan, she's not
going to be interested in a another date. I can't
help you with this one. I'm sorry, but I wish
you got it's both the best of Buck and thank
you for your time. The Entertainment of Fort Shelley. Is
it for Calebin next? Then Morse Shelley's seven hundred bucks
in the showdown, good news stories all coming up, Freend
shows on.

Speaker 3 (44:10):
Everybody wants to know what the password was.

Speaker 2 (44:18):
If I could say it on the air, I would
have said it on the However, however, we are considering
putting the unedited version up on the iHeartRadio app so
you can hear what it was, because I can't say
what it was. But I am curious though, eight five
five five if you have a funny Wi Fi name,

I don't want to hear your password if it's mad,
if it's nasty. But if you have a funny Wi
Fi name, like people are texting them eight five five
five one three five. Our Wi Fi name is girls
Gone Wireless. That's pretty good our Why I can't even
say what one of these is our WiFi password is?
I can't say what that is. It's anyway, I can't

say it. I can't say it. That's that's a pastor
that's a Wi Fi password for Yeah, that's nasty. Guy's
a gross tell mean people, I mean I realized that,
like it's you gotta have a sense of humor. But
what happens when uh, you know, ant Becky comes over?
At Becky comes over, It's like, what's your WiFi, Petty,
let me just share it with you. I mean, I'm
just gonna do the thing where I put my phone
next to the phone and then you know, I don't

have to tell Calan's entertainment report is on the Fresh Show.

Speaker 3 (45:26):
I'll have to tell you what it is.

Speaker 2 (45:28):
Showbes's in for Kaylin today the Brazilian Kaelin Take.

Speaker 3 (45:33):
It Away Show.

Speaker 6 (45:35):
So yesterday, I know you guys.

Speaker 7 (45:36):
Talked about Giselle who was pulled over the supermodel and
she was caught crying to the policeman who pulled her over.

Speaker 6 (45:44):
And we now have the bodycam.

Speaker 7 (45:45):
Footage of their interactions. So do you have the clip fragment?

Speaker 3 (45:48):
I do take it today, thank you.

Speaker 5 (45:52):
I'm just trying to stay from that.

Speaker 3 (45:53):
I understand who you are.

Speaker 5 (45:55):
I'll give you There's nothing I can do about don
It wasn't filing before the Lamby Beach because it was coming.

Speaker 6 (46:02):
From Miami Beach.

Speaker 3 (46:04):
So I'm sorry.

Speaker 5 (46:06):
So there's nothing I can do about that.

Speaker 2 (46:08):
What do you need?

Speaker 3 (46:09):
Why are you crying?

Speaker 5 (46:18):
I can't preca I can't prevent them from doing their
Their job was just to take pictures.

Speaker 3 (46:25):
The paparazzi. What she's upset about?

Speaker 7 (46:26):
Yeah, there's like a paparazzi there taking pictures, and I
guess she that's maybe why she got pulled over, because
she did something to try and evade them, and so
that's what she was telling the cop. But I mean
you could argue, right, like, well, she signed up for
that life, like she knew what.

Speaker 2 (46:39):
But I felt bad for her. It's still aggressive. I
know that people sign up, you know, when you're famous.
That's part of the deal. I get that, but it's
still you watch those videos. Those guys are so aggressive.
They are it's so invasive. Yeah, And I.

Speaker 7 (46:53):
Guess I'm part of the problem because there I am
playing the video.

Speaker 5 (46:56):
How did the body.

Speaker 6 (46:56):
Camp photo or footage get out?

Speaker 2 (46:58):
You know?

Speaker 6 (46:58):
And here I am playing it. So I'm part of
the problem.

Speaker 3 (47:00):
I tell the police.

Speaker 5 (47:01):
Every time the paparazzi chasing me, I'm crying. I knew
he would.

Speaker 2 (47:05):
I'm like, right there, would you like a picture with me?
Because I am famous? I don't know if you know
who I am, but I'm what you want is kinky? Right?

Speaker 6 (47:22):
He would you would do that?

Speaker 7 (47:27):
So Meanwhile, Taylor's ex boyfriend Joe Alwyn has banned any
mention of their relationship during his upcoming press tour for
a film called Kinds of Kindness. So an insider says
that Joe is slightly disappointed by what Swift wrote about
their romance and her new album, and has banned any
questions about the relationship during the press tour for his
upcoming film. I guess uh, he has listened to it.

He's slightly disappointed, but not surprised by what she said.
So he's just not going to react at this time.
I mean that is awkward. If he has like a
press tour coming up, that's you know, that's all anybody
wants to ask him about.

Speaker 9 (47:59):
So, yeah, he's still good press, Like MI, any press
is still good press.

Speaker 3 (48:03):
Like, talk about it, bro.

Speaker 2 (48:05):
Yeah, maybe talk about it once and then I'm sure
and I would get old, Yeah you're talking about I
don't know.

Speaker 3 (48:12):
You're right.

Speaker 2 (48:12):
Someone has to ask the question. He has to say
what he thinks, and then we can be done with it.
But if every single interview he does is talking about
Taylor Swift, it probably defeats the purpose.

Speaker 7 (48:21):
True, and he is a very you know their relationship
with so Prime, he's a very private gentleman.

Speaker 6 (48:25):
So I guess ain't nobody gonna watch your movie.

Speaker 9 (48:27):
Bro, Nobody gonna watch your movie.

Speaker 5 (48:33):
He should be like, Yo, at the end of this
movie and the extra credits.

Speaker 3 (48:37):
I'm gonna talk about Taylor Swift. End.

Speaker 2 (48:41):
If you listen to the very if you watch the
whole movie, you get to the very end, after the
credits and the lights come back on, it's gonna be
a sit down with me talking about Taylor Swift.

Speaker 9 (48:51):
And then nothing, gotcha got your seventeen fifty.

Speaker 6 (48:57):
That's pretty smart. Yeah, And finally, this is kind of cute.

Speaker 7 (49:00):
So Usher said, his fifteen year old son recently stole
his phone to send a DM to Pink Pantheress. Then,
in turn, Pink Panthers invited them to one of her shows.
So Usher said, a week or so ago, my son
stole my phone so he could DM his favorite artist.
And Pink Panthers actually responded and she said, oh my gosh,
I come out to one of my shows. I want

you guys to come out, and Usher I had to say,
I'm so sorry. My son is a super fan. And
so the whole thing worked out. But that might be
that's cute. I bet people have had that happen before,
you know, where their kids steal their phone and do
something crazy.

Speaker 6 (49:33):
So I don't know.

Speaker 7 (49:33):
I bet that we get stories, but anyway, I don't know.

Speaker 2 (49:36):
Jason's been stealing my phone, trying to DM David Archiletta now,
trying to use my blue check.

Speaker 5 (49:42):
It's not working for my account.

Speaker 4 (49:44):
I messaged him every single weekend when I'm drunk off margaritas,
and he never.

Speaker 2 (49:48):
Responds, Yeah, I know, I know you do. He's been
dming me going can you ask your boy to stop?
You know, like he's giving a little like this we
need to get the authorities involved kind of thing. And
I'm like, Jason's always want my phone. It's always like
can I d M David Archiletta. I'm like, no, bro,
He said, what.

Speaker 6 (50:05):
Would you if I told you I have his cell phone? Year?
I swear we texted not too long ago. I can't.
I'm not kidding you.

Speaker 5 (50:15):
Hold that information.

Speaker 3 (50:16):
This is blowing my mind.

Speaker 4 (50:18):
Listen to this program, Like, I'm like very concerned right
now you have shared this?

Speaker 5 (50:23):
Oh my god, well I can't.

Speaker 6 (50:25):
What would you do? Would you really tell it?

Speaker 2 (50:26):

Speaker 5 (50:26):
What would you do?

Speaker 1 (50:27):

Speaker 5 (50:28):
I just got this information. I think we go right
in for the kill? Right?

Speaker 3 (50:33):
Oh gosh, Wow, this is just shocking information.

Speaker 2 (50:36):
Wow, Shelley has David Argehn's phone number, and you've been
trying to get a hold of him for the longest time. Now,
and Shelley could have just made one text and you're
not going You probably got it.

Speaker 5 (50:47):
You probably got a shazies too.

Speaker 6 (50:48):

Speaker 2 (50:54):
No, I've been texting as telling I'm blocking Shanti and
I are very close. I'm like, I keep it blocked.
Give guys crazy.

Speaker 5 (51:01):
Yeah, you have them blocked.

Speaker 2 (51:05):
That guy who hacked my Twitter blocked you didn't he? Yeah, okay,
come on down. We gotta do a singalong now, come on,
you know, and I just got your.

Speaker 1 (51:22):
Twitter his number, but she won't give it to us, Scott,
she better not have a Mariar sound something. We don't
have a problem very well holding down on us and
she need to give us her phone now.

Speaker 2 (51:55):
Challenge and everyone Elsey's got in there. It's probably a
treasure drove of two thousands male boy band celebrities.

Speaker 3 (52:07):
I'm sorry from my mom on this song goes so hard.
I don't care.

Speaker 2 (52:13):
He didn't have to do this, brother, he had to
go this hard and he did one more time.

Speaker 1 (52:18):
Guys, he's saying the phone.

Speaker 15 (52:32):
You get your come on, look at you, come on
now to let us walk away this crushing.

Speaker 2 (52:45):
Yay yaya know this crush ain't going Oh wait, you
know what, We're gonna play the whole damn thing. I
don't care. This is the bridge right here world. Some
part is in this video he's pining after a woman,
and you know he didn't want to at the time.

Speaker 3 (53:08):
He's like, oh really that's her.

Speaker 6 (53:20):
How can you not?

Speaker 13 (53:23):

Speaker 3 (53:23):
This is what I put on before.

Speaker 2 (53:25):
My event tonight, Like when I'm getting rid in front
of the meal, I put this time I leave the house.

Speaker 3 (53:30):
I'm so ready. I'm ready for anything. What a beautiful son.

Speaker 6 (53:39):
One that's good too. That just came out.

Speaker 3 (53:41):
Hey, will you.

Speaker 2 (53:42):
Text him and tell him that we just gave him
five cents and we like to Jason like to talk
to him.

Speaker 3 (53:47):
Will you would you do that for us?

Speaker 9 (53:50):

Speaker 6 (53:50):
Let me see. She's thinking about it.

Speaker 3 (53:57):
Long time they'll talk.

Speaker 2 (53:58):
She said.

Speaker 3 (53:59):
They just texted recently, so I.

Speaker 5 (54:01):
Mean was talking about.

Speaker 7 (54:03):
I asked him, so I have a new podcast. I
asked him if you'd like to join me on the podcast.

Speaker 9 (54:08):

Speaker 6 (54:09):
The answer was to be determined.

Speaker 2 (54:11):
So I know it is not sure if he wants
to go on your podcast.

Speaker 3 (54:17):
Does he know that your royalty? Yes, tell him to
come on Queens of Country.

Speaker 5 (54:22):
Let's come on.

Speaker 2 (54:26):

Speaker 3 (54:26):
I'll put him on the actual radio.

Speaker 7 (54:28):
Well you told me he had I had like talk
to people instead, David Okay, No, I love him.

Speaker 1 (54:36):
I love him.

Speaker 8 (54:37):
You don't have any people people who are your people?
I gotta talk to my mom first.

Speaker 9 (54:47):

Speaker 1 (54:51):
People getting played in the pharmacy and they don't know how.

Speaker 13 (54:53):
To add.

Speaker 3 (54:55):
Who were We once joking about who was it that
had was it?

Speaker 9 (54:59):

Speaker 3 (54:59):
It was Wasn't she.

Speaker 5 (55:02):
Texting someone as her baby?

Speaker 3 (55:04):
People who were trying to get who was it?

Speaker 5 (55:07):
For us Bobby Valentina.

Speaker 2 (55:11):
We were trying to get Bobby Valentino to sing because
Paulina says a nominous so we were trying to get
him to sing that line for our remix of the song,
and he kept emailing us from different addresses like management
at but it was him, And then it was like
you know him at whatever, And then it was like
you know pr at, but it was him. Is like

she's emailing from you know, booking at the friend show.
It was just intuitive going back and forth, but we
had to make it look like we had a bunch
of people, you know, like was cast booking at frend
show radio dot com. It's like, so I'm going to
do it all yeah, and he agreed to it. He
was going to sing us the line and then he
never did.

Speaker 6 (55:53):
What a missed opportunity for him.

Speaker 2 (55:55):
I agree anyway, David Archetta does not have any people.
So when when he gets unless he's my polar is,
bey's talking to himself. I mean he should ask himself.
You know, he could sit privately with himself and be like, self,
should I go on?

Speaker 5 (56:08):

Speaker 3 (56:08):
Should I go on show?

Speaker 2 (56:09):
Shelley's podcast, Self says yes, David says yes, that's a yes.

Speaker 3 (56:14):
I talk to my people that it's approved.

Speaker 7 (56:19):
Shelley's contexts, Oh my gosh, no, I love him.

Speaker 2 (56:24):
I've done that before to try and get into a
restaurant that I couldn't get into. I've had people call,
like like a friend, be like hey, call and say
that you're my people, and then I want to go
and then the answer is usually know, I still get no,
I'm the mister Fred's assistant. Mister Fred would like to
eat there tonight around eight okay really?

Speaker 3 (56:44):
Oh okay?

Speaker 2 (56:45):
So to no, okay, okay, are you sure, all right, Well.

Speaker 3 (56:50):
I'll let mister Fred know. Yeah, I don't have people.
I have zero people.

Speaker 7 (56:55):
All right, chills anything else, No, just gonna you can
see that body cant footage a press radio dot com
if you'd like it, all right?

Speaker 2 (57:01):
Seven hundred bucks more Showbiz Next eleven straight wins for
the Shelley. Can you beat our pop culture expert in
five questions and get that money to start your day?
Eight five, five, five, one three five call now. I
will play next after a Sabrina Carpenter espresso on the
Fread Show back in three minutes. I can't believe it
show Shelley holding out on us with the infold It's

the Thread show.

Speaker 3 (57:29):
Do you have what it takes to battle show biz?
Shelley in the show Biz Showdown?

Speaker 2 (57:39):
I gotta go through my phone and see if I
have any famous people in there.

Speaker 6 (57:45):
Yeah, the most fit.

Speaker 3 (57:47):
I don't know a lot of famous people like that.

Speaker 2 (57:49):
I got a couple athletes numbers that probably wouldn't answer
if I called, I think the off the top of
my head, the most famous musician I have is a
dude named Jared from the band Bowling for Soup Helly nineteen.

Speaker 3 (58:01):
Yeah, that dude. That dude.

Speaker 2 (58:05):
I've known that guy for twenty years and he used
to just call me just randomly, like the phone to ring.
It was Jared from Bowling for Soup and just hey, man, hey.

Speaker 3 (58:13):
They want Best New Artists for that right grant?

Speaker 2 (58:15):
They were nominated for a Grammy for their first album
when they were wearing the blue tuxedos or whatever.

Speaker 5 (58:20):

Speaker 2 (58:20):
I don't wonder if Jared would remember me if I called
him today. They're making a I think they're touring again
and like making TikTok videos and stuff. But anyway, it
really isn't that impressive. But I think that's probably the
most famous person I can call. I know a guy
who's written a lot of songs for a bunch of
country singers named Josh Hoag.

Speaker 3 (58:39):
He's famous. I guess he's rich. I know that he's
written for like Caane Brown and Oh Cool, so he's rich.

Speaker 8 (58:47):

Speaker 9 (58:48):
I got Kevin from Pentatonics. That's probably the most famous.

Speaker 3 (58:51):
Person in my phone. Yeah, we need to do a
lot better. Yeah, yeah, then you're right underneath him. Fred,
You're right there.

Speaker 2 (58:59):
Yeah. Again, we need to aim much Hunter. It's not
impressive at all. Oh, I can call a bunch of
radio people that be one. Yeah, who who cares? Hey one?
Good morning one?

Speaker 3 (59:10):
How you doing?

Speaker 5 (59:12):
Hey, good morning guys, good good. How are you guys?

Speaker 3 (59:14):
Welcome to the show. We're doing great. So tell us
about you.

Speaker 6 (59:19):
My name is one.

Speaker 3 (59:20):
I am a single dad, twenty nine years old, and
I am a medical driver.

Speaker 2 (59:25):
Oh okay, medical drivers. I mean you drive like like
body parts around and what are you driving?

Speaker 3 (59:32):
I carry oxygen.

Speaker 5 (59:33):
I took it to the hospitals. O.

Speaker 2 (59:36):
Good for you, man, that's very nice. So it's five
questions against our pop culture expert. The show of is
Shelley eleven straight wins for Shells. Her record is eight
seventy six and fifty seven very impressive. Seven hundred dollars
is the price today? One? You guys ready a good
Thanks Shell with all due respect, get the hell out.
Question number one one, which singer is once again being

sued for showing up late to perform on her celebration
to her why okay, we have four left?

Speaker 3 (01:00:08):
We got four left? We're good.

Speaker 2 (01:00:09):
On ninety day Fiance's Big Ad has once again ended
his engagement with leaz Woods, which network airs ninety Day Fiance.
All that say network, He said, I all right, that's right,

we got we got three left right, Hey, we're good,
We're good.

Speaker 3 (01:00:34):
Hey one we regroup right here, this this is gonna
go great.

Speaker 2 (01:00:37):
This late rapper's brother said he wasn't a fan of Drake,
using an AI version of his brother's voice on a
recent disc track named the late rapper named Tupac.

Speaker 3 (01:00:48):
Yes, yes, right, there you go. Some Beyonce when to
get in the game.

Speaker 2 (01:00:54):
Some Beyonce fans are upset with post Malone over what
he wrote on Instagram and celebration of their new single
What is the name of Beyonce's fan base? Two? One? Okay,
and finally one which Magic Mike star and fiance to
Zoe Kravitz celebrates his forty fourth birthday today. There you

go to two. That's excellent. Well, don let's get Shelly
back from the boof poof. It's gonna be easy work
for Shelley today. He got a two one is a
very good looking man and we love one a lot,
actually deeply.

Speaker 3 (01:01:35):
As a matter of fact, ain't it right, Kiky?

Speaker 2 (01:01:36):
We love If you were to describe describe one all
the people who've never seen one before, how would you
describe him to the people who I mean, all the
people at home, we've never seen this man.

Speaker 6 (01:01:46):
Yeah, you know how.

Speaker 1 (01:01:50):
Jason is obsessed with David Archieletta. Yeah, that's how the
rest of the world is obsessed with wine. Yes, you
know how they have six packs?

Speaker 3 (01:01:59):
Yeah, he got it.

Speaker 1 (01:02:02):
You know how I got bbl Yeah, he got the
biggest BBLB.

Speaker 2 (01:02:08):
They call you cake temp one, don't. That's not the
only thing I heard about one he got out.

Speaker 3 (01:02:19):
That's right. That's why he delivers oxygen because they need it.

Speaker 2 (01:02:26):
He got a few extra bottles at home. Suscitate the ladies,
you know what I mean. He's gonna need this afterwards.
What is wrong with us? Which singer is once again
being sued for showing up late to perform on her
celebration to her.

Speaker 5 (01:02:44):
Madonna Madonna's Right.

Speaker 2 (01:02:45):
Ninety Fiance's Big Das once again ended his engagement with
Liz Woods, which network airs ninety Fiance.

Speaker 3 (01:02:50):
Oh that's right.

Speaker 2 (01:02:53):
This late rapper's brother said he wasn't a fan of Drake,
using an AI version of his brother's voice on a
recent distract name that rap cu. Yes, some Beyonce fans
are upset with post Malone over what he wrote on
Instagram and celebration of their new single, what's the name
of Beyonce's.

Speaker 6 (01:03:07):
Fan base the Beehive?

Speaker 3 (01:03:10):
Yeah, Ahi, be high whatever? And which magic?

Speaker 2 (01:03:13):
Mike Starr and fiance to Zoe Kravit celebrates his forty
fourth birthday today.

Speaker 3 (01:03:18):
That's right, that's win.

Speaker 2 (01:03:20):
That's win number eight seventy seven twelve straight for Shell
seven fifty on Monday.

Speaker 3 (01:03:24):
And my dude, you gotta say it.

Speaker 2 (01:03:26):
One. My name is one with the Biggest BBL. I
got showed up on a showdown and you know the rest.

Speaker 5 (01:03:34):
My name is one with the Biggest BBO night Dan
Yang real.

Speaker 3 (01:03:46):

Speaker 5 (01:03:49):
Okay, he does.

Speaker 3 (01:03:55):

Speaker 2 (01:04:00):
You did great, man, you did a great job. You
really redeemed yourself with that. Hang on one second, have
a great day, caked up, Thank you for listening.

Speaker 3 (01:04:08):
Love you too. Hey, he got the big thing on
the back? Yeah, front two.

Speaker 2 (01:04:16):
When you're born with one, you got to balance it
out somehow, Otherwise you walk around all lopsided.

Speaker 3 (01:04:22):
With a lean.

Speaker 2 (01:04:24):
That's what I've been told. I don't have that problem, Shelley.
Excellent work. Hey, will you come back next hour of
course and do another port? All right, good, all right,
we'll have you back then thank you filling it for Kaylin.
So let's do the Friday Throwback Dance Party. Uh more shows, Shelley,
I got fun fact for you to do. I got
fun fact. I don't know what I'm talking about. I

got fun fact for you. What is today's fun fact
to tease you? Oh, it's about a duck. It's about
a duck, the one that chased you as a kid,
that very one. It's still alive. It's the oldest duck
in the world. It's still here. Still mad at me too.
By the way, that's too close.

Speaker 3 (01:05:04):
All of that. Next day, hear more Fred Show. Next,
The Fred's Show is on.

Speaker 2 (01:05:15):
Morning Everyone, Friday, Afril twenty six.

Speaker 3 (01:05:17):
It's The Fred's Show.

Speaker 2 (01:05:18):
Hello, Jason, bra Hi Rufio, Hello, Hello Kiki, Good morning Shelby, Shelley,
intern Vendo met Benjamin is here. The Friday Throwback Dance
Party DJA and Roddick will start in about thirty seconds.
Trending stories, fun fact, about a doc and the Entertainer
Report with Shelley and for Kaitlin, what's coming up?

Speaker 6 (01:05:38):
So Kanye is getting into like a weird venture. I
I we'll talk about that.

Speaker 3 (01:05:42):
This should be good. I'll hang around for that.

Speaker 2 (01:05:46):
How to rain back Ryan back, want to shout out
they're listening to the show, well, getting things ready for
their wedding tomorrow.

Speaker 3 (01:05:55):
They're gonna do it.

Speaker 2 (01:05:57):
Well, they're gonna get married. They priority did it not
by I got an open bar event tonight, Come on
by open Bar and takes DJ neutic the hashtag ft
t P. It's the Fred Show, TJ Neuronic the Friday
Throwback Dance Party at d J n U R O
T I C on all of the socials and if

you love the mix, you want to hear it again.
The link is on the website Fred Show Radio dot com.
Kalon's entertainment report is on the Freadhow Kalens in Brazil.

Speaker 3 (01:06:30):
I don't know why I said it like that.

Speaker 5 (01:06:31):
I don't know if that's it sounds like Vin Diesel
in Fast five D. She's Brazil.

Speaker 2 (01:06:37):
She's she's in Brazil, And of course there was some
kind of snaffo with the flight or whatever.

Speaker 3 (01:06:43):
So we'll hear all about that on what days she
come back?

Speaker 5 (01:06:46):

Speaker 3 (01:06:47):
Yeah, she has more vacation than I have.

Speaker 2 (01:06:50):
How do you do that?

Speaker 5 (01:06:51):
How do you?

Speaker 2 (01:06:52):
I mean? I need to with my agent, my agent,
how you doing. Does she have a better agent, Kiki
than we have.

Speaker 6 (01:06:59):
I don't know.

Speaker 3 (01:07:00):
I don't know you have an agent.

Speaker 1 (01:07:01):
I do not have an agent. Yeah, I've been trying
to get Mama Fred to be my agent.

Speaker 2 (01:07:05):
Oh, Mama Fred will take you on im. She'll get
it done. And she's a gangster too. I mean these
people around here, they think my agent depindon they are.
They don't want to know. I just can't afford her
her commission to Hi.

Speaker 6 (01:07:19):
I know that's my problem.

Speaker 3 (01:07:20):
Yeah, she wants too much damn money.

Speaker 9 (01:07:22):
I don't know, Fred, you get you, Mama Fred become
Kiki's agent. It's going to be crazy friends out here.

Speaker 2 (01:07:29):
Well, we need to change the name. That's a novel
of ks. I don't know about that. The branding needs it.
We need to work on the branding a little bit.
Wouldn't that be something If my own mom negotiates me out.

Speaker 5 (01:07:37):
Of a job, it be that way.

Speaker 2 (01:07:39):
So man, I mean maybe that's why we separate things,
you know. So for Kaitlin today with the Entertainment Report,
take it away?

Speaker 7 (01:07:50):
So yay, of course, I think that's what we call
him now right, formerly known as Kanye West, has deleted
his ex account after receiving backlash for announcing a new
adult content website. So uh he said the other day
that he has this new website coming that in fact,
he's been talking to Stormy Daniels, remember her?

Speaker 3 (01:08:11):
Oh yeah, how could you forget?

Speaker 7 (01:08:13):
He's been talking to Stormy Daniels and he's kind of
been trying to figure out, uh, you know, how to
be for with the project. And after the announcement, he
received an onslought of criticism from fans, who urged him
to return to christ and he has since deactivated his account,
though it's not immediately clear if he's been banned from
the platform.

Speaker 6 (01:08:31):
But that would I guess.

Speaker 5 (01:08:32):
I don't know.

Speaker 6 (01:08:33):
That's his next thing. So y'all excited her?

Speaker 3 (01:08:36):
Yeah, that's not gonna happen.

Speaker 2 (01:08:38):
If Key negotiates, If my mom negotiates me out of
a job as Kiki's manager, I'm just going to start
doing a porn Please.

Speaker 6 (01:08:46):
No, we'll keep you on board.

Speaker 5 (01:08:48):
You keep me on where you're going, give me a job,
you make me ap.

Speaker 3 (01:08:52):
Of something, nothing something.

Speaker 5 (01:08:57):
A fun fact one today.

Speaker 2 (01:09:00):
I'll tell you what if you pay me to save
just to do that, non be the best fun fact
you've ever heard.

Speaker 7 (01:09:10):
I Meanwhile, Janet Jackson actually a turn down a film role,
and she talked about it on the Drew Barrymore show,
Fred you may or may not.

Speaker 3 (01:09:18):
Youlet me take it away. Sure, I'll take it away.

Speaker 5 (01:09:22):
This is horrible. I can't.

Speaker 2 (01:09:25):
I can't.

Speaker 6 (01:09:25):
I can't.

Speaker 5 (01:09:26):
I can't remember the film. But halle Berry played storm Wow.
But I couldn't. I couldn't because I was I was
just embarking on the Janet tour.

Speaker 6 (01:09:36):
But I think that's what you're confusing with it.

Speaker 3 (01:09:38):
The mat oh wow.

Speaker 2 (01:09:40):
So she Drew Barrymore said that Janet was supposed to
be the Matrix, but it was actually it was what
yes x.

Speaker 5 (01:09:48):
Men Wow, have to be confused at Stormy Daniels.

Speaker 2 (01:09:52):
This is no.

Speaker 3 (01:09:55):
Future job. Yeah, porn. I don't know about that.

Speaker 5 (01:09:59):

Speaker 3 (01:10:00):
I say that every day.

Speaker 5 (01:10:01):
Yay porn, Right, Okay, I mean the same, but like
I'm not allowed.

Speaker 2 (01:10:10):
It's more like in my head I say it, but
it's like it's just I usually keep it to myself
because there's no one there to listen. So I like,
if I were to say yay, nobody would hear it.

Speaker 7 (01:10:22):
Drew Barrymore Actually, on the topic, she said she was
offered a role in Bookie Nights, but she couldn't take
it at the time.

Speaker 5 (01:10:28):
Yeah, she was.

Speaker 3 (01:10:30):
I'm a big, bright, shining star.

Speaker 2 (01:10:33):

Speaker 6 (01:10:34):
Okay, well I know, but you know I speaking of movies.

Speaker 7 (01:10:37):
A couple of other movies out this weekend, Challengers with Zendaya,
where she stars as a tennis player turned coach who
transforms her husband into a world famous player.

Speaker 5 (01:10:47):
It actually looks good.

Speaker 6 (01:10:48):
Doesn't it. I don't want to see it.

Speaker 9 (01:10:50):
It does look good, very uh little? What's the word
the three people at together at the same time. I
don't know if I can say that on the radio.
The movies A threesome, Yeah, yeah, it's very lovely part. Yeah,
it's about soccer or about tennis though. Yeah, but she's
like an up and coming star. She get injured and

then the two guys that she's with. Yeah, there's some
hot and heavy scenes in this movie.

Speaker 3 (01:11:14):
Are we going to were going to the Eiffel Tower? Yeah?

Speaker 2 (01:11:21):
I picked the wrong dams board in high school. Man,
I don't know what's wrong with me. Basketball, No, tennis
is where it was at.

Speaker 12 (01:11:27):

Speaker 7 (01:11:28):
Yeah, so you can get more and see that. That
little Janet Jackson clip on fred Sure Radio dot Com.

Speaker 2 (01:11:33):
Jason Quick thoughts on Caleb Williams the number one pick
in the NFL draft of the Chicago Bears, by the
way Drake May. The Patriots hit the third pick, and
the Commanders picked Jayden Daniels. Your thoughts on the NFL
draft as the president of sports reporting.

Speaker 5 (01:11:47):
Yeah, I mean, we're welcoming Caleb to Chicago.

Speaker 4 (01:11:49):
He's a hottie, and he's got good style, and he
gives a little spiciness and his girlfriend's hot, So I'm
very excited to have him here.

Speaker 3 (01:11:56):
Okay, and you're also now a Drake May fan, and
you didn't realize that you were.

Speaker 5 (01:12:00):
I am not. But he can take me a ride
on his farm tractor or whenever he would like.

Speaker 3 (01:12:05):
Because you contend that he has a tractor, We don't know.
We have not confirmed that he owns a tractor, but.

Speaker 4 (01:12:09):
Right he looks like he has maybe grew up on
a farm. He has been an attractor at some point
in his life. Okay, this is okay, good, All Right.

Speaker 2 (01:12:18):
We've got to some Chipotle employee drama that's trending today
because I guess they don't have a lot of chicken,
and so they're saying that the employees can't have chicken
with their discount to free meals until they get more chicken.
And so that's a real problem, I guess, and people
are very upset about this. Who work at Chipotle and
I you know, as Kiki former fast food manager yes

stated earlier.

Speaker 3 (01:12:42):
You work for Chipotle.

Speaker 2 (01:12:43):
And if they don't have enough chicken at full price
for their customers, then I guess you don't get to
eat chicken at a discount.

Speaker 6 (01:12:48):
Exactly. Cry me a river, kid me.

Speaker 2 (01:12:51):
Some of the guacamole cross extra by the way, she
didn't know them. New legos stuff coming on whatever. And
the rat hole in Chicago is gone. The Chicago sidewalk
landmark that some residents affectionately called the rat hole was
removed on Wednesday after city officials steam the section bearing
the imprint of an animal. This is and if you're

not from Chicago, literally in a residential neighborhood just outside
the city, there was, or I guess, depending on your definition,
there was the outline of what appeared to be some
sort of a dead rodent that like died in the
guess died or laid at least laid in the wet concrete.
Not sure if it's dead. I don't know if they
were footprints. I did not go visit. I did not

make the pilgrimage myself too. But it became like this
sort of thing and like a seance that's going on there,
like you know, candles, individuals.

Speaker 3 (01:13:42):
And it became this big thing.

Speaker 2 (01:13:44):
And I told you guys at the time, they were
going to take this fun away from us, and they did,
and they removed that entire slab of concrete and I
guess they're going to put it on display somewhere else
if you want to see it. But the neighbors were upset,
and I'm sure they're going to charge you to see
it too in some way, and then they're going to
spend all that money and we don't know where it goes.
It's National South Dakota Day, National hair Ball Awareness Day,

National Arbor Day, National Autobon Day for Birds, and National
Help a Horse Day, encouraging horse lovers and advocates that
join forces to protect abuse and neglected horses. I got
a duck fun fact for you all. Next, you're gonna
hang around, Yes, okay, we're talking about ducks.

Speaker 3 (01:14:24):
Snack more freadshell Next, Fread's fun fact. So much. Guys,
I know how we know this, But we know this.

Speaker 2 (01:14:44):
Apparently a duck's quack does not echo, and no one
knows why. No one knows why. So if a duck
were to quack there is no echo, there would be
no echo noise. Yeah, I mean, but again, you know,
how do we know that?

Speaker 3 (01:15:04):
Was it a beaver's vanilla flavors? How do we know that?
I don't really want to know how we know that? Someone? Yeah, right,
somebody was.

Speaker 2 (01:15:15):
Like, man, I wonder what that beaver blood tastes, like,
like good Britney, bring me that beaver bring it over
here right now?

Speaker 3 (01:15:21):
Just like when cows and milk, Like, how do you
how did you know?

Speaker 5 (01:15:25):
You know that we could drink that?

Speaker 2 (01:15:27):
How did we do That's a very good question, like
other cows. Do cows even drink cow milk?

Speaker 14 (01:15:32):

Speaker 3 (01:15:33):
Okay, now.

Speaker 2 (01:15:35):
I'm starting to sound stupid. Right now, we're starting to
sound stupid. I'm beginning to sound like an idiot. I
didn't before, but right now I do. Anyway, So somehow
we know this. A duck's quack doesn't echo, and no
one knows why. And now you are the most interesting
person of the day. You're welcome more Fred Show, Next.

Speaker 10 (01:15:57):
You've Got the.

Speaker 5 (01:16:00):
Show is on now Hot This Morning Show.

Speaker 2 (01:16:06):
Good morning everybody. It is Friday, April twenty six. The
French Show is on. Hi Jason, Hi, Rufia, Hello, Hi Kiki,
Good morning Showby's in for Caylen intern Benjamin. That Benjamin
is here as well, waiting by the phone. Why does
somebody get ghosted? It's brand new and it's next now.
If you're just hearing this for the first time, it
is brand new. There is a portion of it that

we cannot air because it was too nasty. But the
unedited version it's already up on the iHeart app. So
listen to this and then you're gonna have questions that
I cannot answer, right, but you can go to the
iHeart app and listen to it and that version will
have all the answers you need.

Speaker 3 (01:16:46):
Nasty people.

Speaker 9 (01:16:47):

Speaker 2 (01:16:49):
In just a second, the entertainment reports coming up. Also,
I gotta say happy Keen sen her a weekend Keen
Sanera to Sophia. Yay, very important weekend for Sophia. So
have an amazing weekend. Yeah, so let's get to waiting.
Wait till you hear this one after Taylor in two minutes.
We'll do it on the Fred Show. It's the Fred Show.

Thank you so much for having us on today. We
love you, we appreciate you. The iHeart app is where
to go for anything you may have missed the Waiting
might have phone from this morning, the unedited version. If
you must know what we had to bleep, it's on
the iHeart app. Search for the Fred Show on demand. Oh,
I'm sure we got a video coming too, don't we. Yes,
we do, we get a video coming. Fred Show Radio
on Instagram. Give us a follow there and the Fred

Show TikTok also on YouTube. Search for The Fred Show
and anything from this week that you miss Kiki's Court,
stay or go all the waitings show Me is Shelley,
definitely gonna be Jason Brown, Kiky karaoke. Wow.

Speaker 3 (01:17:43):
It's all up there for your entertainment needs to be met.

Speaker 5 (01:17:47):
We did a lot this week.

Speaker 2 (01:17:48):
We did our jobs. We did absolutely did the iHeart app.
Search for the frend Show on demand. Also a couple
of new episodes of The Tangent Are off air Uncentered podcast.

Speaker 3 (01:17:57):
That's up there too.

Speaker 2 (01:17:57):
So a bunch of to to catch up on this
weekend if you would like, We're back next week, Got
Money with show by Shelley, Got Money to treat yourself,
Paying bills next week, Keigi's Court Monday morning, New waiting
on Monday morning. So have a great weekend and we'll
see you then. Bye guys, Bye,

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