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February 14, 2024 38 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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What's up, Ballpark B fans, season two finale.
We're live, we got a Super Bowl winner, we got pitchers and catchers reporting,
spring training's in the air, and we got an episode full of Mofongo for you, so run that music.

Mofongo, what's up, ladies and gentlemen, and how we doing season two finale
as jimmy said it's crazy this is going to be the 45th episode,
that's that's a lot we've been around for a while
it's almost about a year now we're going to take a little break because there's
going to be nothing to absolutely talk about and we'll rerun it once we got
some baseball action to talk about so we'll be coming back i think we said our

first episode will drop march 20th so season three march 20th okay Okay.
For all y'all say at the end, but most people only watch probably the first five minutes of this.
So, but I hope you guys are doing well, boys. Fun trip, right? Good trip.
I know. Amazing trip. Amazing trip ended pretty unfortunately.

I got food poisoning and finally today I'm, I'm a hundred percent.
Everything is solid at this point.
Maybe, maybe TMI. So soft.
Maybe TMI, but yeah.
So guys how you doing we had a little beef post post record pre-record but i

think the beef's settled for now maybe may flare up in some discussions but
how are we doing this week boys.
Hey man we're always
gonna have beef here i don't know what jimmy's shaking his head
about i'm shaking my head because that man's just distracted while
we're recording he's so so monotone in the intro i came
with all this energy hell no miss the season

finale it's got spring training in the
air and this man is distracted looking at his matting ratings or some shit i'm
not the dude didn't want to talk about he didn't even want to talk about his
bachelor party but he just said yeah it was unfortunate that how it ended get
your head in the game bro my head's in the game i your head's left in that bed
for 24 hours with that That stomach virus you had.

My man went from needing an 18 foot hallway just to walk straight to being in bed for 24 hours.
It was zigging and zagging. You know what I mean?
That was a good night. That was a good night. I'll tell you that.
We didn't go on the slide. We did not go down the slide. It wasn't open the

first day. The first actual day.
So that sucked, you know. But hey, now we're back at it.
We got another week under our belt and bigger and better things coming in a few months.
Yeah. I mean, listen, you know, season three is going to be it's going to be
bigger and better than season two.
There's you know, you can only get better at that point, right?

There may be there may be new brand deals.
I don't know. Jimmy's got some things in the works.
You know, I got merch on deck. I got the warehouse full of stuff.
We may have, you know, we're going to do more guests. I know you guys liked the guests.
I saw the impressions in the analytics. You guys liked the guests.
Fantasy Football Corner was a big thing. Clearly, you Dynasty nerds enjoyed that.

So, we'll keep that up, you know, with the draft, the Dynasty draft.
That'll be coming up. Nick still doesn't want to trade his picks because he's soft.
I'm in a very fucked situation
because zay flowers wants to go domestic assault well
all right let's not accuse anybody you know
no he was accused he was he was accused i'm sorry i'm sorry innocent until proven

guilty though i wasn't convicted yet but not convicted accused if you didn't
do anything innocent until proven guilty hopefully he's innocent because if
he's He's guilty. My offseason plans are just.
But yeah, let's let's talk about the Super Bowl. Then we'll get maybe we'll
do a quick little fantasy thing. Hi, Mama Campanelli.

So Niners Chiefs. I think we all saw how this was going to end.
The Chiefs won in overtime with 15 seconds left in the first half of overtime.
First quarter of overtime with the new overtime rules. Each team has a chance to score.
49ers took the ball first, went down, scored a field goal. But I'm sorry,
in that situation, you have to go for the touchdown.

I'm sorry. You have to. Well, first of all, my thing is, what's your take on
the 49ers taking the ball first?
I mean, honestly, you take the ball second to see what the first team does.
It could have been a thing to get their defense back up to speed.
Their defense was just on the field for like six, seven minutes on the last drive.

You never know. You know, I know they say all these things in the media.
Oh, we didn't know. We didn't know. Our plan was Shanahan said we were hoping for a third chance.
Honestly like it could have been the defense thing i mean the defense could
have been tired like when you go when you're going
six seven minutes in the fourth quarter you're fucking cast i
mean we don't know we don't know from personal experience

but i mean i can only imagine these you know these freaking big human athletes
are completely gassed at the end of a football game so i mean it could have
been seven routes on you guys and i guess you out so you know it's It's kind
of crazy how you guys can't even keep up with me for six or seven rounds. More gas, too.
No, but, like, I was zooming past you. That's the thing. Like,

you had no shot against me. Well, you're faster than me.
Speed told me nothing. You got no hands. Yeah, your hands were ass.
You had cinder blocks for hands. I pitch. I don't catch. You know what I'm saying?
But, yeah, I mean, even if your defense is tired, I still think you take the ball second.
You know, see what they do. you know maybe the defense gets lucky on a mistake

that the chiefs make but i think taking the ball second you're giving yourself
four downs instead of three downs and then a decision on fourth yeah man i mean
i will say this i was probably one of the best super balls i ever watched,
very very competitive game i thought it was
a very fair game too with the refs took yeah i mean
it took ot to decide it and like the lot i

mean i know last second it's not not actually the end of ot but
you know it was a very good game and the chiefs and taylor swift won it was
a walk-off tut did you guys know this was the second highest viewed live event
behind the moon landing back wow yeah the moon landing no yes it is that is very interesting.

It's the second highest. I got a question though. What do you guys think could top this?
Like, all right, it has to be a live televised event in the United States.
What could top the moon landing?
Just let me get the moon landing.
Another Super Bowl? Let's get the number. Another moon landing.

I mean, because I know the Super Bowl had like 123 million.
So it was 120 million and then the moon landing was 150 million so what could
top that the only thing i could think of is a dallas cowboy super bowl,
a dallas cowboys new york jets

super bowl but definitely not
the jets that's no probably like probably like
aliens right like yep
first first first meeting of
aliens like all right guys we're gonna do a
live broadcast of area 51 of human interaction with alien i probably i feel

like that'd break it for those who believe in aliens i don't know but that's
just a thought i think that would that would kill it yeah or maybe that'd be
too scummy that'd be too scummy million easily easily i mean unless you know like.
Yeah that that's it that's all i could think of you guys got any ideas what
was the population for when there was a moon landing because that seems like

a lot of people for back then it was an estimate estimated 650 million people
around the globe watched as the armstrong did the you you know,
small step for a man, giant leap for mankind. Oh, you said 150.
Yeah, but it's one sec.
I'm talking about in America, American viewership. So 650 million around the

globe and then 150 million in the States.
So just under 25% watch that in the States.
25% of the people in the country. Well, no, it's more.
That's what I'm saying. back then what was the population let's
see population 50 or more

population what a tangent we're on right now yes
yeah i i heard it on the radio they
were talking about i was like this will be interesting so the
total population residing population in the
united states in 1969 which was
when the moon landing was was about 202 million
that's what i mean it was like the majority that's like

that's all 75 yeah 75 of people are watching it and what is the population now
it'll be like what population is now 330 million so what would that i think
aliens would take would be 75 percent i think.

Yeah it's like this was the perfect
storm like chiefs taylor
swift taylor swift brought in viewers like she
she 100 she brought in like people who've
never watched football were cheering for the chiefs because of
taylor swift it's it's great for the game of
football but for people who don't like seeing taylor swift

every 10 minutes it's unfortunate you know
i saw something that said she had 54 seconds of
her viewed throughout the super bowl on tv i mean
she had a full commercial no i'm
saying like her in the stands she only had 54 seconds they
only showed her like seven times that's a lot 54 every
time i showed her every time i don't think

that's like a lot for a popular person like her you have
to think about it how quickly do they pan out like one to
two seconds with her now at least like
three to five okay so if they showed 54 seconds how many times is that 10 times
i mean i think 10 is an average for how long is a commercial usually 30 seconds
right she almost had two commercial lengths you know how many people how much

people pay for a commercial in the super bowl more than we could afford.
More than a lot of people more than you could afford a monopoly too no i'm kidding.
But yeah it's it's crazy man but a very good super ball fun it was a good super
ball i really enjoyed it i thought it was a good matchup and we're off to new orleans next year baby,

new orleans nola isn't it
before we go to new orleans isn't it crazy how
like the game changed once green law tore
his achilles i mean he's one of the best coverage backers
oh yeah but it just shows how important these players are i mean
dude runs onto the field tears his achilles and then the
wide receivers and the chiefs have like 10 receptions bro how

unfortunate you're you're being a
gamer running back on the field and you pop your achilles
that is fucking awful i'm sorry that is
just like the worst on par
with aaron rogers for sure yeah the first
play you pop it like running to the field you pop it in the
super bowl but like aaron rogers it was like just

like like devastating for every jets fan that
was devastating that like if i was a jets fan
i would have like cried because like that was your one final you're
like all right we're gonna be good this year finally and now it's like all right
we got a 40 year old coming back off her popped achilles and jets fans still
think he's gonna be good so god bless him so i'm gonna say god bless him four

plays into the season you're like well we're done see you next year yeah but
But let's talk some baseball.
Pitchers and catchers are reporting soon.
Guys, let's talk about how there's three big names that haven't been signed yet.
And kind of like what's going on with the market? Is Boris just like holding it hostage?

Is it more of a market issue? Is it more of a team need issue?
But the big names right now would be Blake Snell, who won Asai Young, his second.
Jordan Montgomery, who was a World Series pitcher, played very well for Texas.
And then Cody Bellinger, who, you know, he's been up and down, but he does have an MVP.
And he's good when he's on so what do you guys think do you think it's like

a boris hold up is he just asking for too much is the market just really slow
i mean we just saw a solar sign.
Primarily a dh for what was it around 13 14 million a year 14 14 a year so i
mean what do you guys think what's going on i'm it's kind of frustrating i feel
like mob needs to put in like Like kind of like how the NFL has a deadline day

for free agent signings. Cause this sucks.
You know, well, let's put it
this way. It says Blake Stull's original projection is six years, 150 mil.
I think that's too much. The Yankees offered that by the way.
Yeah. So you think that's too much? I think I would say no, I don't think it's too much.
I think Snell wants to get a deal. I mean, this can be his last contract.

I would say, I think he wants to make money in his last contract,
which is understandable.
So I understand him holding out, but I'm just surprised the Cy Young winner,
a lefty, is getting shafted right now.
Yeah, I mean, I don't think it's the money. If someone's already offered that.
He's just not as available as other starting pitchers. He's often hurt.

There's the concern there. But yeah, Boris is by all means necessary for the players.
So when it comes to players being on their walk here at the end of their rookie
contracts, they will go to free agency.
They won't sign early. They'll test the market.
And when they get to the market, then they're going to be in a situation where
if they don't get the money that they're expecting, then they're not going to sign.

This is what's happening with these three clients. this is what's
going to happen with pete alonzo if you're not offered the money
you're not going to sign yeah but like so what
do you do like you ride into anything you have
to yeah so you have to go into like
having scott boris as your agent knowing that hey this is
the risk you're taking you you are all into his

vision do you probably have to be like aligned
with him or else you you're not his client i mean
do they go into the spring training and then sign a short-term
deal don't try again next year like what like what do they or they
do they just hold out until someone signs them
like that's you know you know it's
i mean it's it's only february 13th it's

all time but it's pretty crazy i don't
think it's collective bargaining i think it has to do with i think
it has to do with the asking price for boris clients yeah maybe
they're trying to send him a message like you can't bully us just like we
can't bully you you know like maybe there's a little bit of
a a game going on i don't know yeah it's it's definitely
interesting but hopefully they find a landing spot soon soon

you know you also missed another big name on this list with matt chapman i wouldn't
say he's a big name i mean he's his projection is 25 million a year which is
i don't think he'll get 25 million he also improves 20 ball clubs third base
position at least That's fair.
But do you think Do you think he's worth 25 million,

Who's his agent Is it Boris I have no clue,
Hold up. Yeah, I'm trying to find that out. What do you think of Bellinger's
projection, seven years, 147?
How old is he? Yeah, he's Boris. Matt Chapman's Boris as well.
Bellinger is 28. I mean, that's... You've got to put him at 35, just about 25 a year.

Makes sense. I just, I don't like how... He's only 20 a year.
I don't like how his career is. I've been 147.
So... Seven, 147 is 21. Yeah, it's 20.
His career is just so up and down, Bellinger. I feel like it's more of a...
He went from the worst hitter to one of the best hitters in a year.

I don't think a player like that is worth 20 mil. No. What would be your projections
for those four guys? Where would they sign? Who wants to go first?
Honestly, I could see Blake Snell going to Philly. Philly?
Yeah. Okay. Next? I know we're going to do player by player Let's do all of

them at once Ah shit We can do player by player It'll be easier,
Yeah do player by player So Blake Snell I got him going Philly,
Snell could go Where could he go,
Maybe like Maybe he goes to San Francisco Maybe they jump on their big fish
They got a bat maybe they need a pitching You know who knows I think here visits

the Yankees and signs with the Yankees.
I think that's a fair choice too because they offered him a contract.
One of the, I think they're still the only team to offer him a contract.
So there's obviously interest. It's just that he wants to bite at their price.
You know, belly, belly. I'd say the Cubs. I'd say he goes back to the Cubs.

I'm going to throw a wild one to say he goes to the Padres.
I don't think he fits there. What they're going for right now.
What I'm saying right now is they, they have two outfielders on their 40 man roster.
That's not enough. They might drop a bag. I don't know. I don't think we'd,
I don't know. Maybe, maybe.
I think Monty goes back to the Rangers. I think he resigns with the Rangers.

Well, I have my hopes up that he signs back with the Cardinals.
We need him. We need him.
You've done your starting pitching shopping. You did it in like December or
November. You did it at Goodwill.
You did it when it was on sale. You did the clearance section. Yep.

And then who else we got? Chapman? Chapman, yeah. He can go anywhere.
He can go anywhere, right? I mean any team that he's a third baseman Yeah I
mean he's a Defensive god The only issue is his hitting stats Are just kind of up and down.
He's About average a little over average usually Yeah I mean He's got a good

war His defense Yeah I'm just going to say he signs back with Toronto,
Yeah I mean He could go anywhere but right now I just think he signs back with
Toronto I think he's got a harder market because there's so many teams that he can really go to.
I can't really predict a team for him.
Yeah, I've heard the least amount of rumors about Matt Chapman.

You don't got any insiders on anybody right now? No, you're passing junior, remember?
Oh, yeah, I forgot. We did find out that Pete is going to test out free agency.
How does that make you feel, Jimmy?
About what I expected from a Boris client? Yeah, I mean, I was hoping they would
lock him up, but Boris clients love to test the market,

And I think he ends up I think he ends up resigning eventually Yeah,
I think he wants to be a met for life. Yeah, I mean, I think so.
No why he would want that Who would I want it?
Do you just might as well just put an L on his forehead?
Guys huh let's uh that was a little harsh
no that wasn't harsh that was harsh let's uh let's talk

about our bets though who's got the bet list because
we have the list out we had some
good juices flowing in on this trip we took and some of it's interesting you
guys might want to want to hear it so uh we'll wait on jimmy but for now i think
we got some like six seven bets yeah we got some fun ones alright cool some

stuff to analyze and talk about.
I got a problem what's your problem they're not there no the problem is autocorrect.
Corrected two 4 for 4's between
Lindor and color C-O-L-O-R better
season OPS plus war and average who did

we put there that was Volpe yeah color
from Volpe be
okay yep so autocorrect kind of
screwed us there all right so you heard that one first so two four
four fours lindor and volpe who has a better season between their
ops plus war and average the person who takes two out of three categories wins

the bet i got lindor i got volpe man it's volpe's gonna have a breakout year
and it's you're gonna be upset jimmy that's all You're going to be very upset,
We got worst record bets Between the Mets, Cardinals, and Yankees Mostly me
betting that the Mets Won't have the worst record We're just going to glaze

over some of those So another spicy one here Ready?
4 for 4 that Kodai Senga has a better year than Eric Cole He's on ERA Plus He's
on ERA Plus K per 9 and opponent batting average Because obviously we know Senga's
volume is a little bit less than Cole,
that is that's that's too much that's too spicy jim when we're done with these

four four bets just let us know what you were smoking at the time of these bets
so i can have some i will send you the loud.
Oh we got records in specific months
so the mets record in june we have over 12 and a half wins for me yankees record
in april 16 and a half wins nick has the over no nick has the under sorry John

has the over And then the Cardinals record in August Nick has the over on 12.5 wins,
Then rounding out the smoking, whatever that loud is, during the four bets.
We have Nimmo having a better year than Alex Verdugo.
Garbage. Well, you can't round it up because you missed one. Which one did I miss?

Our Goldschmidt and Pete Alonso won. We didn't do one.
You didn't take that bet? No. Damn, you were that scared?
Yeah, I was that scared. Like I said, rounding it off, Nimmo over Verdugo in
batting average, OPS, and homers? That's an easy dub for me.
Copy. Well, we know he ain't winning the homers.

Nimmo? No. No. Nimmo's not having more homers than Verdugo?
No. No. Is Verdugo a slugger that I don't know about?
Nimmo had 24 last year. Let's see how much Verdugo had.
Verdugo. Radugo's never had more than 13 home runs in a year.
All right, but he's in Yankee Stadium.

He's been at Boston, right? Yeah, I mean, he's got to hit it like 450 to hit
a home run in Boston. All you got to do is hit a 310.
He's also got the pesky pole. In New York. Yeah, but that's super pulling.
Y'all were wilding so much that I had to exit the chat. Oh, boy, just dip, dip, ski down.

Leave because you were wilding so much. Verdugo is no way hitting more homers than Nimmo.
I don't know, man. I don't know. I guess we're going to have to find out in
the 2024 season. Yeah, man. It's coming. You guys excited?
What do we have? A month until spring training, right? Are you excited for all
the Mets fans in spring training to be like, yo, this team may be legit, man.

The spring training Mets.
You can't forget the April Mets. April Mets are pretty good.
Vientos is going to start hitting screamers.
He's going to look like future all-star third baseman Francisco Alvarez is going
to look like the next coming of Mike Piazza.
Pete's going to hit for average in spring training.

What else? Nimmo's going to become the next coming of prime Jacoby Ellsbury.
A lot of high hope. Starling Marte is going to be back to old Starling Marte.
Who's your left fielder?
Nimmo. Who's your center fielder? Oh, Bader is going to hit for above my weight.

And then the spring training Mets are going to be in full
force Jose Quintana is going to have like
three great three inning starts Tyler McGill is going to look like the next
coming of Garrett Cole Peterson's going to look like Blake Snell like the spring
training Mets are going to be full effect Mets fans are going to be so excited

April hits they start hot hot like maybe like Like,
how many games are in April usually? 18 wins, probably.
18 wins. 18 and 6. All right.
Then May, it's like, all right, a little mid-month. A little 500 ball.
June, it's like, all right, it's getting a little worse. Getting a little worse.

July, before All-Star break, it's like, all right, what's going on?
After All-Star break, the wheels have fallen off completely. Completely.
Driving on rims. and the mets are back to city field you could get front row
seats for 20 bucks so that's what we look forward to guys ladies and gentlemen
there you have it the 2024,

new york mets baseball season that's what
we look forward to jimmy do you have a rebuttal
to that or no yeah i'm stuck on a point you made like about five minutes ago
after you started talking out of your asshole which one was that you said nimmo
is as good as a prime jacoby ellsbury Yeah he's going to be as good as prime,

Jacoby Ellsbury when he won MVP,
Jacoby Ellsbury's never won MVP And he had one good year Probably because he
juiced What year was that,
2011 Every other year was worse than Nimmo's career averages So Nimmo's a way
better player Nimmo's a way better What a short prime 27 and out.

Alright let's do the Cardinals season Ready No
but what about the Mets season I don't even get a chance to talk about the bullshit bullshit all
right go ahead talk about the bullshit because i'll do one
for each of our teams because that was fun it's not bullshit because that's
exactly what happens he said that was all right let's do the cardinals all right
so the cardinals about the retirement home they're gonna have a decent spring

training the young guns are gonna shine and and bring some enthusiasm to to the St.
Louis faithful. April hits, and the starting pitching hits them like a fucking brick.
They have, as one of our friends quoted, the most geriatric.

Starting rotation in the league it's
it's the definition of a bargain bin starting rotation sorry
nick i mean it's just the best way to put it i think
the april cardinals will be good
the jolted by their offense may cardinals
will be decent june cardinals

will be decent and once the later
months hit the pitching staff will start to fall apart
and you'll be seeing guys from the minors come up to
try and pitch kind of like the reds of
last year where they had like just like multiple starting pitchers from the
minors come and pitch and i think that's what's going to happen with the cardinals
and that's why i had the cardinals having a worse record than the mets but just

based off pitching staff i think the cardinals have a very decent lineup but,
goldschmidt's got to regress at some point a little aggression last year Arenado's
probably going to regress eventually And then it's up to the other guys To figure
out what they're going to do Brendan Donovan, Mason Wynn Tommy Pham Jesus Christ,

What's your second baseman's name? Tommy Edmond.
Alec Burleson Kisner You still
have Wilson Contreras Jordan Walker Is he going to be good this year?
He got sent down i think that kind of fucked with him but it's

gonna be it's gonna be really on the starting pitching rotation and that's gonna
be a downfall now for the yankees ready for this one you ready for an honest
yankees analysis 120 wins honest alcs loss to the astros go ahead,
all right spring training you know

it's it's gonna be normal hitting nukes young guys hit nukes
it's it's gonna be normal april we start
off slow we have a slow start in april you know soto's getting
accustomed to the bronx cole has a
few scratchy starts everyone starts like oh my god cole's fucking regressing
we're fucked rodan is still kind of mid we get into may and june and the yankees

start looking scary because everything's coming together the rotation rotation, the lineup.
We get into July and they need some rotation help. So the Yankees trade for Dylan Cease.
Trade for dylan cease and that locks them
up for the playoff run they'll

make it to the aocs where they'll face the
astros and this will be the year we finally beat the astros in seven games and
we will see shohei otani and the dodgers in the world series that's my prediction
yankees dodgers world series thank you very much thank you for listening season
two have a good one walks away.

So who wins that World Series, deadass? Oh, the Yankees, obviously.
Against the super-team Dodgers? The 125-win Dodgers? The Dodgers without Shohei Otani?
The Dodgers without Shohei Otani pitching, winning 125 games in the regular season?

Dude, Yamamoto hasn't licked starting
guarding mlb game ball yet and they're
already crowning him a fucking genius like he
hasn't licked a ball yet you can't tell
me you you know what
i can tell you the rotation is is is sketchy it's more sketchy than the yankees

it's not a healthy rotation tyler glass now how many how many innings has he
pitched in the last three years when they're 86 and 17 in july then you you
could talk all right what are we playing it will be the show they're not going to be.
If they're 86 and 17 i'm calling for fucking
a board meeting or something because it's just

not fair well let me ask you why is there
ever going to be a year that you could just admit the yankees are not going
to the world series i will admit but this year they're going well you also said
that for the past 10 years no no that's false there was like 2016 they were
not good okay when And they blew it all up. That wasn't at the start of it.

2017. They, they were, they were decent. No 2017. They made that run.
Was that the year we got cheated? I thought 16 was the year you got cheated.
It was one of those years. It was 17, 17.
So the last seven years, I mean, dude, listen, as long as we got judging Cole, we got a chance. Okay.

We got it. Yeah.
Judging Cole. hole we got a chance people out of a 40 man roster
and you can listen series listen motherfuckers okay rizzo's back he's healthy
okay glaber is gonna hit 25 nukes again volpe's gonna hit over 250 with 20 nukes
i don't know who's playing third base so we're not gonna talk about third base,

austin wells our new catcher is gonna hit 20 nukes it's gonna be a stud first,
Left field is going to be Alex Verdugo. He's going to hit 25 nukes and have
a better year than Brandon Nimmo.
Center field is Judge, and he can win a fucking gold glove in center field.
He's a better center fielder than Nimmo.

Right field is Soto, who's the unequivocal best hitter in the league.
Come on, boys. Hop on the fucking bandwagon. Fuck the Dodgers.
It runs through the Bronx, okay? Hey, Jim, I got a question for you.
Yeah anything other than whatever the fuck he just said what what month this

summer are we gonna hear jonathan tell us he's not watching the yankees no more
july july he'll be done by july,
fucking we'll all be hanging out yankees go down 3-0 in the first yeah we could turn it off.
Nah man because the pitching is gonna be mid pitching is gonna be mid Verdugo

is going to be like a platoon guy He's barely going to be worth starting Oh
I forgot The best thing Once Dominguez comes back,
Dominguez The Martian He'll take Verdugo's spot.
And struggle just like every other rookie does When they first get to the league
Soto is going to be a beast Judge is going to be a beast Cock missile His first

home run off a hall of fame pitcher A fucking nuke,
Who was the Hall of Fame pitcher?
Justin Verlander. JV. How old is Justin Verlander? Still shoved when he was on a good team.
Stop it. He didn't shove. I see what you did there. I see what you did there.
You see? He didn't shove when he was on the Astros. Okay, hold on.

I need to see his Astros splits.
Oh my God. This guy's a mess, man. This guy's a mess.
And I didn't even get to Volpe. He was going to be just the most mid shortstop
ever because he's just mid he's not good he's not better than lindor he'll never
be better than than lindor lindor is a hall of famer he's on track to be a hall of famer,
Hey, listen, we're all on track to be a Hall of Famer one time in our career.

I capped Verlander had a better year with the Mets. So that was a cap. I'm sorry.
Take that and stick it right up your keether. You also had a pass, Stanton.
Stanton? Stanton can go to a different universe.
I think it takes him longer to chop the bases than it took Pujols in his last year.

Fuck you guys. He can go to a different universe for all I care, okay?
Can I just say one thing? I don't have to deal with Aaron How many nukes for
Stanton 20 You think he's going to be healthy for that long He's going to DH
bro he doesn't need to be He'll probably pull something running first base,
He'll be jogging to first base Alright but Listen I don't have to bitch about

Josh Donaldson this year Or
Aaron Hicks okay No you'll just find two other people Oh I won't bro Don.
It'll be Rodon this year Honestly it's going to be Rodan and I think it's going
to be Volpe if he has another shit year.
He's got a shit year for a rookie. And it's going to be Verdugo because he's going to be dog crap.

He just needs to hold on until Dominguez comes back. Wait, so is there like a minimum for your bets?
Yeah, there is. That's why it's going to be void by the time Dominguez comes back.
Why do you think I made it? It's a stupid the bet it's gonna be what's the minimum
we'll see what happens we'll see what part of the season 16 listen relax pop

judge might run into another wall and break his toe so who the fuck knows,
been a good second season fellas yeah i mean we haven't missed much no i mean
listen guys season two was was a great season definitely better than season
one won't be better than season three i can I can promise you that season three
is going to be a whole nother animal.

And I hope you guys come along, along, along for the ride.
Like I said, March 20th will be the first episode of season three.
You'll see us hyping up on social media, going crazy, going,
getting rowdy, but don't miss us too much. Our, we'll be just back in time for
baseball season, right before the opening series in South Korea. Right.

I think soul South Korea. I think so. Something like that.
Yeah, nothing's allowed in the North.
But yeah, we'll be back in the North. We'll be back in time for that.
We will miss you guys, but it'll be a little refresher for us.
Kind of get burnt out after about 45 episodes.

So we'll be refreshed. We'll have a lot more to talk about.
A lot more dynasty football, a lot more baseball, maybe even some football stuff,
you know, some offseason football stuff.
Want to say thank you guys thank you for listening taking your time if you
do listen to us because season two is a blast and
hope you're excited for season three boys if

you want to take us out i'm gonna give you the reins for the
end of season two i've done enough talking but someone take it away no nick
gave the finger he pointed to me i don't think he wants to say anything yeah
same thing here man thanks for listening season two is a blast season three
bigger and better you already know what it is all park beef is signing out see you next season.
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