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January 24, 2024 53 mins

Join Tim and Mo, the hosts of 'The Midnight Owl,' as they dive into the enchanting realm of ancient civilization and the mysteries surrounding the legendary Atlantis. This episode plunges deep into the origins of the Atlantis myth, exploring theories about its location, history, and potential influence on ancient societies.

Delve into high engaging conversations on the possibility of Atlantis being an advanced society for its epoch, with ranging theories from it being an outpost of a potentially global empire to its residents aiding the construction of ancient marvels like the pyramids. Our hosts also entertain intriguing hypotheses about Atlantis's potential connections to Ethiopia and the Bermuda Triangle.

An exploration of the crucial role of a simple goatee leads to extensive discussions about the evolution of human civilization and the importance of gratitude for everyday advancements. The discussion evolves to analyzing various societies and how they could have learned their knowledge. There's also a dissection of popular narratives about ancient monuments and their construction techniques.

In the latter part of the episode, the hosts shatter the bubble of some of the latest conspiracy theories, including those regarding the Boston Marathon bombing, Sandy Hook, and even the curious tale of the 'Queen of Canada,' Romana Didulo. This episode of The Midnight Owl promises to challenge your notions, reveal captivating stories, and leave you questioning the origins of our civilization. Don't miss out!

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Episode Transcript

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Welcome to The Midnight Owl. I am one of your hosts, Tim, and as always,
I am joined by my co-host, the handsome, goateed, Mo.
It's good to be back. It's been a while. Why did you choose the goatee over a full beard?

So I've had this goatee since I was like in grade 9, 10, I can grow a goatee
and it would not connect here. Okay.
So, but it connected here. So when I grow a beard, I have this like spot that's
open here and then you can literally see the outline right now.
It kind of goes like this, right?

Yeah. So it looks kind of weird and it's just easier to shave.
It looks a little cleaner for work, I guess. I don't know. I've had it forever.
It's a distinct look, you rock it. Like I wouldn't, yeah, I wouldn't recognize
you without it, but it's always been your look.
You know what? I'm the, I'm the goateed man. That's what they call me.

I'm hitching my wagon to Zach.
We've been talking about flying to Turkey to get some hair plugs.
Are you going to get your beard done when we do?
Well, no, but I'd like to get some of this done. Well, you get the top of your
head done. You can fucking connect your beard.
Imagine. Hey, can you just, while you're at it, just do a little bit.
Put some needles in here for me. Yeah. But, yeah, so I'm excited about this

episode because it's not only a theory about.
Well, I mean, here, you know what? I'm going to let you kick us off because
you do a better job than I do.
Oh, no, that's not true. I was going to let you handle this one.
We're talking about Atlantis, a kind of ongoing series that we've been really
involved in ancient civilizations.

What happened to them? Could they have existed?
Would that help explain some of the really fast advances we see in certain societies
and possibly the connection to either aliens or the misinterpretation of these
advanced societies with aliens? But yeah, Atlantis.
Where a lot of the Atlantis myth, and I'm going to say myth just because most

scientists don't believe Atlantis actually exists, was from Plato.
He was talking in allegories and metaphors to prove a point about the Republic,
a ideal utopian society.
So he created a civilization called Atlantis that would have existed and they

were birthed by Poseidon, the sea God,
and they were around 12,000 years ago.
He, they would have then the, the society was really just and good.
Then they started to expand and try to take over parts of Africa,
Italy, certain areas on the land. Poseidon got pissed and he set earthquakes

and water to destroy them for their hubris now.
What if it wasn't a myth is kind of what we're going to be talking about today because.
Plato got this story from an ancestor
it was grandfather who got it from this other
greek philosopher or lawyer i think they referred to him as sonus who traveled

to egypt and they said that the progenitors of their society came from a land
that was destroyed by a flood now the flood Blood myth is something that's consistent
all the way across the world.
And it seems to have happened because yeah, the, the guy that got the story
from the Egyptian priest, the priest said, yeah, this story is 9,000 years old.

So you, you started to put all of this timeline together and you get about 12,000 years from today,
about 12,000 years ago, there was a cataclysmic event that is possible where
there There was a meteor that struck the earth or some volcanoes went off and
there was a great rapid cooling and floods where all of our myths have fucking floods.

The Christian religion, the Muslim religion, the Jewish faiths,
the Mayans, they all have this.
And then a lot of these different societies also have these myths of people
coming to them and granting them either technology, maths, written language.
Which, so possibly the Atlanteans and passing off the stories as their survivors.

Gobegle Tepe was about 12,000 years ago and then just disappeared.
So where did they come from?
What am I other in my notes here? It's an Island described as larger than Libya
and Asia minor put together located in the Atlantic,
just beyond the pillars of Hercules, usually taken as the straight of Gibraltar

ruled by Poseidon given to his son Atlas.
And then yeah, Solon was the name of the, the lawyer that had gone to talk to
the Egyptian priests, but like, And that was from 900 years ago.
That story was passed to Plato's grandfather.
So a story passed down throughout time, often missed.

But Mo, where do you land on Atlantis? Where did you first hear about Atlantis?
Because I fucking love this. This is like Bermuda Triangle.
Atlantis has always been that like mythical sunken city story to me.
I think i first heard of atlantis probably through
a comic book i'll be honest with you as a kid oh right yeah you know what i

mean or or or something to do with a something with comic comics or cartoons
or something where atlantis was talked about but you know as a kid you're like oh,
obviously it's true and then when you when you're an adult you start actually
looking at it and And you're like, hold on a second.
There's so many different aspects of this.

One is Atlantis could be true.
When you look at the story that was told by the ancient Egyptians to one of Plato's ancestors,
it kind of circulates around that idea that Atlantis and much of that part of the world,

if not majority of civilizations, civilizations
around that time 12 000 years ago were
wiped out by that you know mythical flood yeah
whether it's god or whether it's volcanoes whether it's whatever
it was and then you know my
belief is and you know i think what happened was there was a big cataclysmic

event such as that few survived right and then i think they went around to these
many cultures and in different different parts of the world trying to spread
the knowledge that they had previously. Yeah.
How Atlantis came about, I think was, was probably one of those major civilizations
that had a lot of the, the, the knowledge possibly to build the pyramids, right. Yeah.

Possibly to build these, some of these megalithic structures and they were able
to assist people. We don't know, uh.
Case in point people say the sphinx is 3 000
years old but it could be you know other other people
say it's 12 000 years old 50 000 years old like you
don't really know so i i think that's
kind of how that story happened and i

want to just tell you a few theories about atlantis that that i've heard i mean
the the general library talks about is that it's like it's a it's a it's an
atlantic con it's a continent sub-atlantic or mid-atlantic continent that kind
of sank in the the ocean right that's kind of like the general one everybody
knows about and then there's the.
Kind of pseudo one where well it's

true but it was swallowed up by the bermuda triangle
oh that is cool i've never
heard that before i fucking love that you know
it's a theory by it was inspired by
donnelly i'm not sure who that is but he's a writer talked about
how the bermuda triangle which is in the atlantic when
obrush just disappeared this theory points

to discovery what looks like a man-made walls and streets found off the
coast of bimini and then they think that's where atlantis
was there's another theory where atlantis was actually in
antarctica oh cool i heard
that one and then atlantis was
again which was which what this other one which was
what kind of i believe was kind of it's a kind of a mythical storytelling

of the flood yeah right of the great flood where atlantis actually is off is
is in somewhere in close to ethiopia i don't know if Have you ever seen a picture
of this circular structure somewhere in Ethiopia in the desert that looks like
what we would believe to be Atlantis, right?
Because Atlantis was like these kind of circular cities, right? It was all like, right?

So that's what I think. Five concentric circles, three of water, two of land. Correct.
And and and it does kind of make sense that that that would be the the most logical part of it,
although we know after the flood much of the landmass whether
it was 12 000 15 000 years ago but with

that you know shifting of the earth crust or that meteor
hit earth or whatever a lot of landmass actually because of the the ice the
ice age the ice melting at the end of the ice age the ice melting a lot of it
was covered underwater became you know underwater so uh and then but then there's
this other one and just to kind of talk about it was what you kind of mentioned,

right atlantis was basically like a story about some civilization which which
you know you call it like was run by poseidon and his son he passed off his
son or whatever it was called the minoan civilization which is around the greek
islands about 2500 years ago.
That's probably a possible story. Or like the other theory was,

Leda was just drunk, full of shit, and made up a story.
And he was just talking, and just like you said, right? Talking in like hyperboles.
Yeah. Right?
But I truly think that it's actually, it's somewhere in Ethiopia.
And then after the flood, these people went and survived, went and passed on

knowledge, and that's how they end up in Egypt.
Because when you think about Egypt, and we talked about this.
Some of these structures there were built far before some of the people got there.
Yeah. Right? The Sphinx itself, that's always the one people point to is it
probably had a lion's head at the beginning and then some pharaoh was just like,
fuck that, I put my face on it. Yeah, exactly.

I tried to put my face on it, but I didn't have the resources.
Yeah. One day, buddy. Once the show takes off. With a goatee, imagine. Yeah.
Yeah. Okay, so like, Like one thing I want to point out that I think that you
and I miss talking about a lot when we talk about advanced civilizations is like,
we don't mean they had Boeings and computers and the technology that we have today.

They didn't have fucking lasers and advanced civilization may have just mean
that like they had figured out clocks so that they could use maps.
And like, maybe it was like closer to the turn of the century or even before
then, maybe they had good iron tools or steel, but it's like not where we're

at today, but quite advanced for that time.
And then getting wiped out, maybe they had good, you know, their,
their priorities could have been different where maths and sciences were,
you know, or arts were further developed. There's no way of telling when we say advanced society.
What we say when we mean advanced society is not hunter-gatherers. Right.

When you and I were talking about this and I started looking around and then
there's all these points that people can start pointing to. There's one in Spain.
There's, you know, some evidence in Antarctica.
There's the Ethiopian one, which would have been like verdant grass fed, like beautiful.
Like, okay, maybe it was a global empire that built similar structures on top

of collapsed volcanoes because they found it easier.
But like the idea of flooding a
couple of couple of the circles and having levies where they could bring in
trade from all around the world into even intercontinental things heavily defended
because you've essentially got mile long moats that no one could get across is is compelling to me.

Is that like, where is the true, you know, headquarters or like main city of Atlantis or like,
is it possible that it's a combination of like, it was an empire and these different
places that we see are just outposts or different cities of this global society?

I think so. I think Atlantis, to me, the most plausible one is the Rukat structure
in Mauritania, modern-day Ethiopia.
With the Atlas Mountains right beside it? I don't know.
By the way, I heard that was a coincidence that I was saying that. Yeah.

And I think there's some, we'd be fools to think that like, you know, 12,000 years ago,
like in 12,000 years, our brains were able to develop so much from nothing.
It's a spit in the bucket, like on the evolutionary scale.
Look how far we've come in a thousand years and what people have just gotten taller, basically.

Like the the education system's gotten better so
people seem smarter but we're not fucking different than the people that lived
without electricity a hundred fucking years ago yeah some of us are because
they have access to information education right absolutely but we haven't evolved
to a different being we've just have access to information yeah exactly,

so i i think there's some merit to that i i like to think it is i don't know
if this i don't know based on fact or not but i like it just makes sense it
fits kind of the story And I think you're right.
I think there's some points to it that if they were advanced and they were able
to build this massive civilization or massive city, they would have outposts
in other cities, just like the Roman Empire did.

I mean, the Roman Empire spanned across almost half the globe, right? Yeah.
You see structures all over the place, all the way from Europe to the Middle East to Asia.
I mean, and that's in hundreds of years, not thousands, right?
Maybe a couple thousand years, but I mean, who knows? Look how far the British
empires spread in a matter of a couple hundred years.

I think that's what the theory of Atlantis is. I think that's where it's not
really, to me, it doesn't really like pseudoscience.
It's just like, it's more like common sense. Like, hey, this makes the most sense.
There were advanced civilizations, maybe just like you said.
They're not flying around in winged structures with free gravity, anti-gravity stuff.

It would be cool if they did.
Or maybe they knew the hell most, but there was some level of advancement.
That's the most plausible explanation. If you had a society that was good at
navigation and could read the stars and they went around and they set up like
the stones to tell when the seasons are changing, you know what I mean?

Gobegle Tepe where things are facing the thing. thing.
If they went around and they taught people that so that everybody else could
start changing from hunter gatherer to farming agriculture, like that is massively advanced.
And we take that advantage. Cause I don't think we appreciate how far farming comes.

If this was only a couple hundred years ago, most of us would be farmers because
it would take that much to feed people.
You know, if we go to hunter gatherer tomorrow, that most of the world would
die because there's not enough resources and people aren't that fucking good at killing things
like i mean you can't kill something i mean you can but how hard is
it to kill up an animal with your eyes on if you and

me were taken to a field on a on a different planet or in an isolated location
and say all right you guys are going to live here now you have to grow the food
you're going to eat how the fuck would we know when the seasons are changing
how would the fuck would we We know when to plant that would be so far behind,
but like beyond us. That's magic.
Yeah, exactly. A hundred percent. It would be, I'd be like, well,

is there a place to order pizza? That's the first thing I'm eating you,
Tim. I want you to know this.
But i mean i think i think that's really like i
like that idea i think that idea fits and how the world is and
and like you know there was this cataclysmic event
there was an advanced civilization not a

hunter you know it's funny you bring up the advanced civilization because you're
right everybody that thinks about it thinks like oh well they're like you know
they had like they were able to beam from one place to the next in that technology
like no no they They were just able to do things that we could do 500 years ago.
Like, think about the great path in Greece.

Like, that was built by, they didn't have fucking, you know, machines.
You know, they didn't have, you know, they were able to build some of these big structures, right?
And that got all lost for, like, a few hundred years because they forgot how to make cement.
And like some of the cement that they have there
is self-healing because of the the properties
of the rocks that we're using when it gets wet a crack will

fuse back together like that shit that
we don't really have now that they just refiguring out
and like you think about the arabic cultures.
And their understanding of maths and like
that's my understanding is where we get most of our numbers from
is like the arabs had figured that shit out and
then they got spread spread around but like there's this

guy i think he was in texas and
he would just start fucking with people because he was moving around these
massive stones and nobody understood
how he was doing it and like some people
like if you have a society like that how
advanced it was like if they understand how a lever
works in physics and they can pass that

on that's how you get at megalithic structures it's less
fun than saying lasers and aliens and i still want
to believe in that shit but how much more
interesting is it is if there was
a group of survivors that went around the world
spreading society and giving away
math and stuff and like fuck maybe sometimes

like in egypt where you get a ruling class and
priests and everybody else was slaves and they use those
those maths to just build fucking pyramids or like
what are the other societies that came and went like it's a cool thing to think
about and i'm going to back you up on this is all the idea hypothesis and bullshitting
we have no idea what we're saying we have no idea all we know is what we find

on the internet but i feel like but but.
Which may, but it answers a lot of questions, right? Maybe these advanced civilizations
were the ones that built some of these megalithic structures.
They withstood the cataclysm event. Yeah. And then the local population were
able to populate those areas again, right? Yeah.

And then thousands of years later, we're like, ah, those people built those structures.
Okay, well, maybe they didn't.
Maybe there was maybe there was an advanced civilization that was
able to figure out you know levers and and
and i watched this really cool video this guy
trying to explain how they cut these giant rocks in egypt ancient egypt and

they would use this like threaded it's like a thread i don't know how anyways
and they would just move it back and forth against the rock and they would get
a precise cut on the rock it would take a long time but they would get a precise cut on the rock,
If they had hundreds of people doing it, they can cut these rocks pretty quickly, right?
They could build these. And that's how they got these crazy clean right angles,

right? And they just showed it. They were like, yeah, this is probably how they did it.
They weren't floating around rocks and alien ships coming in and moving these things.
That's how they did it. And that's how they were able to move them.
The other thing is maybe they were...
Maybe they had forms of transportation that we don't know about.
Maybe they understood how to move things.
Like that guy in Texas you talked about where he moved a 20-ton piece of rock by himself. Yeah.

And people thought he was floating it or something.
Like he's got magic or something. Yeah, he was just somebody that figured it out.
He moved it with a stick, right? He had this two-by-four.
He moved it around. Yeah, he just had an innate understanding of physics and
momentum and could just do things.

And like, I love magic and the idea of these grand things.
But when it comes down to somebody, some individual's ingenuity,
it almost makes it better when you can like, when somebody could figure that shit out.
Like the same way, like you can love a song, but when you understand how an
artist sings, it makes that so much more.

100%. There's a really cool explanation on how the Mayans did it.
And the Mayans basically quarried a lot of these rocks, right,
to cut them into quarries, and then they would bring them over.
And they probably used the same techniques as the Egyptians.
So obviously, they're, by the way, vastly separated, these two cultures, right?

But it fits our understanding, our model, what we're trying to explain to you and I.
Our hypothesis. hypothesis where maybe there's some
dude kind of or a group of dudes or dudettes you
know going around the planet teaching people how to do
these because this knowledge was lost right it would
be curious to see if like we could identify what the atlantean dna structure

was and with the mass like genealogical databases being spread if these people
were going to these societies and interbreeding like what if you could identify
which people are descended from Atlanteans.
You probably could. We just have to figure out what the original Atlantean was.

It was, exactly. I think that's the thing.
But I just want to go back to how these mines were moving these rocks.
People were like, oh, aliens built them, whatever. No, there's actual evidence
of them actually rolling these rocks on these giant rollers.
Right? Yeah. There's evidence of them moving these rocks on these giant rollers.

Now, they don't know how old that evidence is. They can't really...
Give an exact date to it but it could be
twelve thousand four thousand fourteen thousand years old it
could be more it could be twenty thousand go blankie tepe like
it's literally they go from hunters and gatherers all of a sudden they were
able to build these structures right where they cut the rocks from when everything
was all very local but they were able to build a structure somebody showed them

yeah it's like yeah there's a different way of folks here so we can do it like And that's incredible.
It's incredible because when you think about it, information back then is powerful.
Like people yearned to be, just like you said, part of something or also yearn for answers.

So kind of how people attach to religion, right? Like it's, oh, there must be a God.
The book of Eli, have you watched that movie? Oh my God, so good.
Fucking great movie. But the whole premise of that was like.
That book is like coveted, the Bible, the last Bible, whatever,
after they burned all of them because of some kind of like whatever,
Armageddon, because they're like, that's the way to control people.

But maybe that information was used to, in a good way, not in a bad way,
but in a good way, they're like, hey, this is what I learned.
Come and people follow them.
Yeah. People follow these guys. And then, of course, it could have been poisoned
like we've seen and so many times before.
Good idea, but the wrong people get a hold of it. But, but yeah,
it, it's interesting to draw parallels between this and like,

well, like what you were saying about people wanting to be involved and I was
going to say like religion cults, but like now that people are moving away from religion,
getting all wrapped up in these political ideas or just anything fucking Ford versus Chevy.
There's some people that like, they just need to fucking identify so badly.

They're like yeah my former truck's real better yeah we'll fix on roadside daily
bud chevy all the way by the way fyi everybody for it's two corporations that
don't give a fuck about you,
just just jump on this bandwagon and give me 120 000 for this truck that used
to be 56 years ago but no it's it's it's it's interesting and i've watched that

documentary on that guy in texas by by the way. And it's fucking fascinating.
I encourage everybody who's watching, because who's listening to us today to
kind of go ahead and watch it. Just Google it, Google dude in Texas.
You can just come up and it's fascinating how he was able to,
like he built a mini megalithic structure in his backyard. Didn't he? Yeah. By himself.

And he, he showed them how, how he can erect a police, an, an,
an obelisk, right. He'd be like one in his backyard or whatever.
He has a 10 ton stone and he's just pushing it with one hand.
Hands, swinging it around. He's like, yeah, this is how they did it,
man. This is not a big deal.
Yeah, it took a Tuesday. Yeah. It was a random Tuesday.

But that's, you know, and then I think that knowledge back then, like, that's not...
That's quite advanced, but you don't need to know computers to be able to do that back then, right?
No. You didn't need jet fuel or petroleum or any of that stuff.
You just need to know how.
A solid education system and a society that would help interesting people flourish,

which would be an advanced civilization of either ethical or moral people.
In my opinion i am sure there's
like some version of a fascist society where you could also
get that but i just don't see it happening good ideas
don't often flourish in in a
in a highly militaristic structured society where

people aren't allowed to think although i would love.
If we were wrong and it was aliens for sure
oh my god because they can come back
and fix some shit hey guys you
built this pyramid a little crooked let me just it's all fixed guys we
wrecked the atmosphere we built the pyramids then
we wrecked the atmosphere i don't know what happened in between please help

us but anyway so
going back to that whole story about atlantis and i think that's what atlantis was
like people you know people put this like then they
they like to have this fantasy about it oh it's a beautiful society
and all that oh we don't know what it was no one fucking know where it is let
me know what it was it wasn't like this like pure society i
mean it's just all imaginative but but it

kind of fits the model of there was probably the
advanced civilization somewhere on this planet
thousands of years ago advanced in the sense that
we've just talked about and it fits the model
that there was a chasmal chasmal whatever cataclysmic cataclysmic event that
probably wiped out a huge portion of the population or civilizations at that

time because it's literally written in every single culture across the globe
that this thing happened.
And it fits the model that some
people probably survived obviously because humanity did prosper after. And.
Humans are, although we are very hateful at times, you know,

and that's just our kind of primate nature of kind of wanting to,
you know, be the winner and be number one and attack, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
But we also have this mothering nature, which is like, we want to help people.
And I think that's what happened. They're like, oh, shit, we need to restart civilization.
We need to like, go to some of these like cultures and teach them about agriculture

and how to build buildings. It's like standard stuff that I think also evolved
as people like started catching on and learning and understanding.
They're like, oh, fuck. Yeah. So this is how you can move around.
Okay. Well, why don't we build this giant structure here to control people,
you know, religion or whatever the hell you want to do.
And who knows if somebody like if there was an even older society,
because 12,000 years ago is not that far back on the timeline that taught the Atlanteans.

Because you think about our society, we have things in place right now.
I think it's in Norway, that seed depository for them.
When we're gone, there's going to be a place to go and get fresh,
clean seeds to start over again.
There's structures in the States that they've erected that have very specific

instructions on how to rebuild a society.
It's just, we have this in our DNA to know that things can end and begin again.
Which is beautiful in a way, scary, but like when you think of humanity as a
whole, we can always begin again.
We are resilient, shitty, amazing creatures.

I think that's going to do it for us today on the Midnight Owl.
Let us know what you think. This was kind of unstructured and fun show.
But before I take us out, Mo, let's talk about some tinfoil news.
Tinfoil news.
And we're out. Hey, Mo. That was another great episode.

Now it is time for our regular segment that we're going to be adding in this
year called Tinfoil News.
And each time that we record an episode, we're going to take a look at the recent
conspiracy theories that were popping up.
If this is a weekly show, then once a week, or if it's a monthly thing,

we'll just go back and throw in some of the new and emerging conspiracy theories
that are coming out. I got a couple here for you.
Taylor Swift in the Illuminati. I read that one, yeah. Yeah.
I don't know too much about that one. Elon Musk was touting the great replacement theory.
Okay. Alex Jones and Sandy Hook and the Queen of Canada.

Is it any one of those like really pop out to you if something you want to talk about,
the whole alex jones sandy hook
thing i read a bunch about that just because it was
like i think it was the time when when they were there were
so many of these shootings going on yeah and there was
a lot of questions onto these shootings and
and specifically around like the actors i

don't know if you remember them he he touted on his show that there would
be this person here from whatever was at the
same shooting and this other state and
is this guy an actor like are they are they like states
state actors or whatever so that's uh that's
an interesting one although i think i think he dug himself a really big hole
what an absolute piece of shit so for our listeners alex jones is a far right

conspiracy theorist news anchor man that That made his money off of getting
really angry and shouting shit out.
Not to say that 100% of what he says was always false.
But it was always exaggerated to fill a line.
So Sandy Hook was a mass shooting at a school with young children.

I think 20 kids died and 6 of the teachers.
So absolutely horrific event. And then Alex Jones gets on his show and starts
saying that it was a false flag event.
That these were all actors that none of the kids were actually dead and that
it was a move, I believe, to start

the conversation about taking away Americans rights to bear arms. So.
His listeners and shit got really fucking angry. And these people that were
trying to grieve the loss of their children were getting harassed and death
threats by his audience about what kind of piece of shit they were to be government pawns.
And, you know, like, where's your fucking kids, you fucking assholes.

They ended up suing him and it was settled for $1.5 billion.
Jones would own the victims. Now, Now, the recent news is they're willing to
settle and take $85 million of Jones's assets.
Alex Jones then declares bankruptcy, saying that he can't afford to pay any of it back.

But they have records of him. He's spending over $100,000 a month on his living expenses.
They've tracked over $900,000 in his company assets still going out.
So like this guy's still living lavishly, even though he's declaring bankruptcy.
And yeah, so I don't know.

I don't know what's the end of, if this is truly the end of Alex Jones or if
he'll make a comeback, but in court, he admitted that he was a hundred percent
wrong and the shootings were real.
So at least they got that much out of him.
Yeah. So he's, first of all, Alex Jones is a piece of shit.
Let's just say that right because there's some families with

children that got harassed yeah can i
quote a few things that he said absolutely show people how
crazy he was they're turning the frogs gay that
had nothing to do with saying anybody didn't say that or something to that effect
so here's here's a quote of what he said he said my gut is with timing and everything

that happened this is staged and you know i've been saying the last few months
get ready for big big mass shootings, and then magically it happens.
Another quote is, he says, it's as phony as a $3 bill, the whole Sandy Hook thing. Wow.
And then he says, why did Hitler, this is one of his angry moments.
He says, why did Hitler blow up the Reichstag?
To get control. Why do governments stage these things? To get our guns. Holy fuck.

Why can't people get that through their head? And then he said,
and then, you know, Alex Jones, the whole Infowars thing, it really,
like, really, the conspiracies around some of those mass shootings really started
at at the Boston Marathon.
Remember the Boston Marathon shooting?
Was that a bombing? Yeah.
The bombing that those two kids from some Eastern European country built this

like pressure bomb out of like a pressure cooker.
Yeah, like a rice cooker or something. Yeah, pressure cooker. Pressure cooker.
Anyways, and so that's when that kind of that conspiracy around staged actors
and all that started happening.
And then he would reference when
the sandy hook you know unfortunate event happened

he would actually reference it and say that's that
actor he's in he was how can he be at the mass shooting in
boston and then he'd be here and then and then the las vegas shooting remember
that guy at the um that was a crazy one i like i've never heard like an answer
for that that one intrigues me so much as well as the one out in was Was it

New Brunswick where the guy dressed like a cop, the denturist?
Yeah, he dressed like a cop and then he shot a bunch of people.
He was getting through because he had a cop car and he was dressed like a cop. Cop car. Yeah.
He bought a Ford Crown Victoria or something to that effect,
Ford whatever, like an Interceptor.
And then he went and got the decals put on and stuff like that.

That's some investment into being a psycho. Yeah.
But Alex Jones here's just another one and there's got to be just one from from
the whole some you know he had thousands of shows on InfoWars just surrounding
the whole as he would call it the Sandy Hook Conspiracy and,
He says, you know, after you lose your daughter, then you put on some antidepressants

or something. But I thought those take a month to kick in.
I mean, it's like a look of absolute satisfaction.
Like he's about to accept an Oscar.
Talking about one of the family members. So you're right. He ended up getting
all these families and parents harassed by his followers, which they would threaten them.

In the court case, there's like the detail. I watched a little bit of the court
case, by the way, because I was like so intrigued into it.
Detailed years of torment in some of the families, people calling them death threats.
I don't even want to bring this up because you are a father,
but could you fucking imagine the grieving that hard for something so horrific

and then being told that you're fucking lying about it?
Well, I think he's a troll. The thing with Alex Jones is that he knew what he was doing.
Right yeah he knew that there's there's people out
there that will eat the shit up and you know
in this court case he said well listen i like i like you know this was just

for entertainment you know i was i was just i never said it was false in a sense
that people had to believe me i'm an entertainer which is absolute asinine right
what he's a fucking he's He's insane.
Anyways, people getting stalked, harassed, all the lies.
Anyways, I encourage people if they have read some of the transcripts.

I think some of it was televised. I remember watching some of it on TV.
He's uh he's insane the other piece of news that we really
should follow up on well okay so i
don't think we'll touch on epstein list being released too
much this week i want to get some more verification on
like what's the real lists coming out because like we're hearing some weird
names like stephen hawking and stuff and then taylor

swift making like a billion dollars on a
tour we'll hold off on those two but the other
piece of news that we have to talk about because i think that as
we go forward i would really like to
keep coming back and touching base on this have you heard
of the queen of canada i'm see this
one that one stumped me uh it's it's i've

heard bits and pieces she's somewhere
in alberta or saskatchewan i think somewhere in saskatchewan in
a small town and she's got a little bit of
a following and she's declared herself the queen of
of canada yeah and so i.
Think this is like the starting of a cult a q
anon cult and her name is romana did

dulu we'll get the proper pronunciation another
day but she is a immigrant from
the philippines and she and
her followers have been traveling across canada for
like it seems like a couple of years like ever back since like
the trucker convoys and stuff since like maybe even
bit before then and they have their

motor homes they stayed in parks and then where
this really popped off was one of her followers bought a
school that was being sold in a small town by the the local government maybe
they were building a new one or something or they just had this abandoned building
which there's abandoned schools all over the place so they couldn't even kick

them them out and they would come in and then they started to threaten local
officials with execution.
And stuff, which was really cool. Like, cause she was posting all these like
videos and updates from her, her new little building in there, the school it's yeah.
Someone spotted a fire code violation.

They had like a heater next to a propane tank, which allowed the fire department
to go in and that made them take off, which is kind of scary that they're being
this secretive And that afraid of the police,
the fact that they came through for a walkthrough would force them.
And they think that they're on a farm that's somewhat nearby.

But yeah, she apparently issues decrees on Telegram absolving her followers
from their debts because she is the queen of Canada.
Several have lost their homes and vehicles due to this because they're just
like, the queen told me I didn't have to pay this back.
Anti-vax propaganda she's said

that she's going to execute people that give kids
vaccines and this is
absolutely fucking amazing in peterborough
ontario her and her followers tried
to have several police arrested
like they confronted them trying to arrest them saying

that they were committing crimes against humanity for not
following the queen mean six of her followers were arrested from
that event like you're
right it is a call it is a call for sure i think she's just
it just kind of tells you what what people yearning for i guess bullshit i don't
know but inclusion inclusion into something yeah that's a good way to put it

you know one of the piss-offs that i have is that like q and on yeah people sometimes,
intermingle it with the group Anonymous.
Yeah, that's kind of fucked up, right? It is, because Anonymous has done some
good things in that group.
The plight for humanity when there's injustice or something

they'd hack something or do something i mean absolutely they've done
some things but i'm i have yet to see them
denounce some of those conspiracy theories which
is kind of weird and i they may have but i've never
seen it oh like going after q anon like
anonymous going after okay i never followed the two groups that closely so i
don't i don't know i mean they're kind of like i think it's an offspring like

the q anon i think started in the belly of some chat rooms somewhere and and
and just kind of took off like as a,
like super pseudo reality conspiracies
that led you're like what do you mean like oh yeah yeah like like i'm just making
something up but like it'd be like oh did you know that all people in alberta

have the ability to fly yeah they just don't know it yet and then people be
like really Really? I live in Alberta.
I just lie. What I find scary about the QAnon thing, just to put a button on
the previous thing where we
were talking about this cult with the Queen of Canada, we're laughing now.
I am a little bit worried that this is somebody who's going to try to do something

so that she can be remembered like most cult leaders do.
So I want to keep following this and hoping that it fizzles out.
But I think she's a fucking...
She's something to be concerned about as far as QAnon.
So like I keep hearing this shit about like the pizza place and how it's like
kind of tied to the reptilians, but not because it's like Satan worshipers fucking kids.

And there's this like pizza place where they're like funneling them through.
And like so much of it is just like, oh, that's fucking horse shit.
And you roll your eyes and then you have something like Epstein.
Where Epstein has all these lists of people that visited his fucking pedophile island and now...
He was under guard and fucking killed himself somehow like in a solitary cell i just like,

somebody almost has to tell the truth of what happened
because i do not think that the bulk of
the fucking government in the states is satan worshiper
child fuckers but something true
in there is getting fucking mixed up if these
people are that certain individuals are that afraid
of these lists coming out it's just it's fucked and q

anon is not real but what is the truth there's some kind of kernel of fucking
horrible in here that's scary as hell i think too like good propaganda by governments
usually they try to sully the truth with fiction but also,
create fiction to cause mass hysteria so that people don't know what's real

and what's not and they just accept whatever has been given to them,
right? That's kind of like the tactics.
I was reading this. I was watching this video, The Young Turks.
Check them out. It's not plugging them in, but check them out.
Pretty progressive news organization.
Highly reliable too, right? Very reliable guys. And they're just talking about
how misinformation or how cancel culture has started.

But people, because they're so hysterical, they forget that it just keeps happening.
Like, like there's a, there's like a, and it's even outlined in,
in like the Washington post came out with a, with a, some guy wrote the Washington
post, how he had canceled the two, or I guess one,
the MIT head of MIT or whatever, whatever it was, the lady there who had to

resign because they kept calling her anti-Semitic or whatever,
because, because she wouldn't, she was speaking the truth saying,
Hey, there's some freedom of expression at the universities that,
that, that, that, because of the whole Israel pastime thing.
But the only way to get her to kind of shut up was to counsel her.
And the only way they could do that is to say that she had done it.
Plagiarized her some of her theses like leading up to becoming the head of whatever university.

She's head of but anyways he outlined how how they
do it and he's like oh yeah we've been doing this for a long time this
is how we do it yeah this is how we cancel people we
just get the media on board we just you know we lay these
little eggs of like doubting people and the next thing
you know it's well so it's there's something there you know let's she
needs to speak out she needs to resign she needs to she needs to he or whatever

so which is kind of amazing because i was watching this interview with a KGB
officer in the 70s and he was outlining how it would take like 20 to 30 years
to take down America and it would be turning people against the government,
turning people against each other, creating these really weird dividing lines,

disposing of the truth.
And it was just like these layers of like how you would do it,
how you would kill the American dream.
And it sounds like this ball has been passed to its own people and they're just
taking it and like destroying things for their own means and like always righteous,
always feeling like they're doing it for the right reasons.
But like something like the Palestine Israel war right now, there is no simple

explanation or answer to any of that.
It is fucking horrible all the way around. And you can go back in history and
you can see how horrible it's been on both sides for a long time and how many
innocent people who have nothing to do with anything are getting fucking...
Destroyed in it and it's it's awful and like you can't come out on one side

or the other without thing and like i'm watching because i i have my beliefs
or like i have a bare understanding of what's happening there but then i'm seeing
people that i respect or otherwise would have followed,
posting like these things about somebody that may have spoken out against israel
and like oh oh, they're anti-Semitic, they're horrible, like, lists.

They're driving around universities with people that may have attended,
like, a protest with billboards.
And, like, I tended to come down on, like, a little bit side of the Israel because
they were attacked, people were, hostages were taken.
Now it's a little more confusing with how far things have gone.
But, like, you can't even protest without,

like, or saying something against it without now getting
your face on a billboard and being labeled a jew hater like
that's fucking crazy i think but
that again besides that whole situation which is
a touchy and a massive show on its own yeah it's
just the way that people use media control like the internet was
remember like when we first i mean i

can remember when the internet came out i was a kid people were
talking about like it's going to be the savior it's going
and more information is going to drive and and and get
to one place to the next in mere seconds and it's gonna
you know and it has it has done wonders but
it's there's so much that we don't know about the internet like

the there's so much the depth of of dark net and all that stuff like it's it's
it's full of scum and people that just want to bend the truth but can you imagine
if we actually had ai and like they they can use logic and deduction and we
just kind of like hand over over the reins of government to like logical computers
that can't be fucking fooled.

It's the only way it'll work. It's like, they just take over and we're like, allow us to live.
I don't think we're far off on that anyways. But you know what?
Just to touch on one last thing, there was an article out on,
I think it was the Wall Street Journal as well.
Basically, it's a hit piece on Elon Musk saying how he's like SpaceX executives

are worried about him because he's a huge drug addict and all that kind of stuff.
And complete bullshit, by the way, because he's like, and he came out,
he's like, this is complete bullshit.
Shit like i smoked weed with joe rogan
like i took a puff off his of his joint and then
nasa called me and they told me that i must do regular testing
and i've done it for the last three years and not once.

Did i fail a test i'm not a drug addict or
anything like it was just a show i was yeah but it's
like people use anything right to any small thing
and they'll just write a whole story around it
just to just to cancel you i've noticed more and
more people trying to get get musk in trouble and like
musk is hard to fucking follow right now changing twitter

over to x for seemingly no reason and then
like on new year's he was posting a bunch of weird stuff
of like kind of following the great replacement theory saying like
they're trying to bring in so many more immigrants and have white
people stop breeding that the immigration is
what is the immigration is higher

now than the birth rate of american mothers and
like the guy is an immigrant himself so like there might be more
to what he's trying to say but in 140 fucking characters you
can't really get a point across but it's like fuck and
like immigration is another touchy subject we can't really
talk about i mean we can it's just
i'm not an expert so i wouldn't know what to talk about but it's

easy to talk about conspiracy theories because nobody's the expert it's
all like it's seriously and that's been another episode of beard not bearded
and board and that's been another episode of the midnight owl i hope you enjoy
uh message me if you know me if you don't you can always email us at bearded
and board at gmail dot com take us out mo.

Um thank you and looking forward to our next episode take care hoot hoot.
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