All Episodes

February 4, 2024 58 mins

Join the gang as we bare all and discuss surprising nudity in film.  From iconic scenes to actors looking to change perceptions of their images, skin is the theme of the day.

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Obwives are in. Get the fuck out of here. But this is not a Zeitgeist podcast.
This is Cinema Chop Shop. This is a movie podcast and we get together every
couple of weeks and we talk movies and stuff that we find interesting in film
and pop culture, television, what have you.
And today we're doing a special episode that was recommended by our dearly departed Chelsea.

I have a dry erase board in the house that I put down ideas for episodes on.
The big board. It's not a big board. It's a small board. It's on the refrigerator.
And one day she was over and she just simply wrote boobs.
And I thought it was a joke. And I said, why did you write that?
And she said, oh, you should do an episode about boobs.
I said, just boobs? She said, well, you know, nudity, you know,

people that you don't expect to be naked in film that you found surprising.
And the example she always gave, and I agree, was Julie Andrews' appearance in SOB.
It was a surprise. Son of a bitch. bitch. It was a surprise because we did not expect it.
But I'll take a pause there to say welcome to our guests.
We're here with Todd. Todd, thank you for being here. Thank you for having me as always.

And as you've heard, Travis is here. Hey, my tits are up here.
And we were supposed to have been joined by Lee, but he had a conflict.
So unfortunately, our guest Lee could not make it. So hopefully he'll be back
on the show soon. Soon, he has expressed a great interest.
All right, so nudity. Mm-hmm. I like it. It's my favorite. I mean,

it's cool. Elegant in its simplicity.
I dig it. I dig it. But nudity in film, they've been intertwined since the late
1890s through erotic and artistic silent films.
Dante's Inferno was the first of the non-erotic depictions of nudity.
That was, of course, the people writhing in pain from the hellfire.

You know, that was depicted in the early 1900s. You know, one thing about this
episode that I think that I should mention is that we're kind of using our American
sensibilities in this, our American Puritanism.
Because it definitely colors how nudity plays a role in film.
We are more scandalized than our European counterparts.

I don't know if you should say we, because those of us in the room are kind of.
Yes, I'm speaking in general terms, obviously, because Americans are not cool
with naked shit until they are right outside of nudie flicks and erotic shorts.
Nudity in film has largely been verboten and regulated since the Hays Code in the mid-30s.

From 1929 to 1934, you know, there were a couple of nude scenes that were just
incidental to the action.
All Quiet on the Western Front, Sign of the Cross, Cleopatra,
those three featured nudity.
But then once the Hays Code hit, then you started to have to look across the
pond to see nudity in film.
Brigitte Bardot? Unless you're going deep, deep underground.

And then the other crazy offshoot of this is that educational films,
and I'm using air quotes when I say that, they were able to skirt the Hays Code
because suddenly there was this huge number of films being made about the nudist lifestyle.
There are like 20, 30 movies that you can find easily about nudism.

And that was just a way to get nudity on film and get it in people's possession.
I'm told, and I've never certified this myself, but I'm told that there's actually
two nudist colonies on the coast of South Carolina. That wouldn't surprise me.
Never been there. Never certified it. During the Hays Code, Marilyn Monroe,

I think, was probably the first of our big stars to appear naked in film.
We had the unfinished movie, Something's Got to Give, and then there was the
film Misfits. And then almost immediately after you had Jane Mansfield appear
topless in the movie Promises Promises.
And since then, nudity has become more and more commonplace as we get into the

late 60s, early 70s. And then, of course, where we are today, where nudity is just in.
It happens, and we have the MPAA's rating code system to help regulate who sees
these god-awful breasts.
Sometimes it seems like the nudity in film now is almost an afterthought.
Mm-hmm. You know, it's incidental. Yeah. And we're mentioning boobs a lot on

this because we are. I really like boobs a lot.
Oh, yeah. I mean, we're heterosexual. Yeah, I like boobs a lot.
It does appeal to us. However, we should not omit the male nude counterpart
as well. Well, that's something that's a little bit less commonplace.
I would say a lot less commonplace in American football. And when it happens,
everybody's like, whoa!
Yeah. We had that happen to us as a group just recently. We were watching Do

To Live and Die in L.A. Yes.
And we had Gil Grissom from CSI walking around with a pretty chubby hard on.
Yeah, yeah. He was half-masked. Yes.
You've got other guys like Richard Gere in American Gigolo. Harvey Keitel twice.
Ewan McGregor very famously naked in Trainspotting. So one of those is the piano.
What's the other one? B-b-b-b-b-b-b-bad lieutenant?

Yes. Okay. Yes. You know, Sarsgaard, Fassbender. I mean, these guys like to show off the schlong.
And of course, Mark Wahlberg from- The prosthetic? Yes. Yeah.
Baby elephant trunk. And then that brings us to like our modern era of how we
get to these surprising, at least this is my opinion, how we get into these
surprising nudity situations.

You have actresses and actors that are created and backed up by the studios
and PR machines and media and today's social media that create a public persona
that we've come to expect,
whether it be wholesome, prudish or what have you.
A lot of times you have these actors and actresses that make the decision,

well, it's time for me to stop being that Disney kid actor.
I'm going to show my my my I'm not going to show you my Selena Gomez. Yes.
That's kind of where I took a
lot of my inspiration from today and picking the films that I went after.
I was looking for films from actresses specifically that kind of did have that
either young acting upbringing or an image of wholesomeness or,

or being a little reserved and making that conscious decision to bear all for
the sake of saying, I'm, I'm a woman now or whatever.
You going to pay the royalties on that one?
Negative. That was one syllable. Yeah, I do actually think that it hasn't been
this scale where we're prude and then we're just on this ever upward arc of

being more progressive about this stuff because... It fluctuates.
It does. And I think we're actually in another period where people are being
a little bit more modest.
You're having the so-called PC culture where you're having not just with types
of things you're allowed to say, but also with the nudity and And stuff gets scaled back a bit.
And then if you look at movies from a movie like Revenge of the Nerds,

for example, the nudity, the content, you couldn't make that movie today, right?
Well, yeah. I mean, looking back on that movie, there's a lot of things that are controversial.
I mean, there are definitely some things that shouldn't be done,
like, of course, tricking someone into sleeping with you.
But even the degree to which you see nudity and things like that,
there are even films that had nudity in it that would be rated PG-13.

Romeo and Juliet, for example, with Olivia Hussey. Which so many people saw
in high school. I saw in high school, correct.
You had, we got the parent-teacher slip. And you know that that woman is suing the...
Production company now in any case though there definitely
do seem to be you know the 70s seem to be
kind of a heyday for this sort of stuff 80s you

saw a lot of it as well and then you start to me
it feels like it started getting scaled back a bit particularly in
the last 10 to 15 years and the reason i think that we
have that is because of the pg-13 rating being the
popularity point for making money off of
films right because you can get the the families
in and almost almost

be r-rated but not quite yeah studios are
more reluctant to push a lot of money behind an
r-rated film because they know that the audience is smaller and
as a result we get more pg-13 and pg films
out in the open which by result
is means less nudity because of it's
an easy way to skirt the uh the system it's a

lot easier to get away with showing people's heads exploding from
gun shots in america than it is that
is a very poignant issue that
you bring up oh yeah why is it cool to show
violence and not to show you know the things that made all of us right the bosom

of life yeah i mean i was thinking about that before the show i mean we all
regardless of your sexual sexual orientation had an affinity for a female nipple. Yeah.
Engrained in our DNA, whether or not you had a mother or what have you, that was just our drive.
I mean, I breastfed well into middle school. Thank you.
I guess in America, we prefer our sexualization on film to be metaphorical because

our gun is our cock basically in our culture and in our movies.
This is my rifle. This is my gun. Correct.
Well then without further ado, let's jump into some movies and talk about about
what we've watched or what we would like to discuss. You go first.
Me? No, Todd, I want you to go first. Okay.
I'm going to start with a film from 1976, and I actually saw this a couple years

ago on Shudder, and so it may still be on there, starring 13-year-old Jodie Foster.
The name of the film is The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane.
Oh, okay. It's not even Taxi Driver. No, no. We're before this.
It also stars a young Martin Sheen, before he was famous as the heel in the
movie, or so we think. But in any case, this film is directed by a Hungarian

gentleman named Nicholas Gessner.
He didn't really do anything else of note. What's the name of the movie again?
The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane.
That's the name of the film, right? It's a line from the nursery rhyme, Baa Baa Black Sheep.
Oh, is it? Okay. Baa Baa Black Sheep, have you any wool?
Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Three bags full. Okay. One for my master,

one for my dame, one for the little girl who lives down the lane.
Oh, I didn't even pick up on that. Thank you for that addendum.
Well, I just thought titles like this were kind of popular in the mid 70s.
You had like The Last House on the Left, for example, or The House Down by the
Park and movies like that. So anyway, that's what I was thinking.
But that's actually that works for this movie. In any case, Nicholas Gester

was this Hungarian director.
He never really did anything else of note, mostly Hungarian language films.
And so the premise of this movie is that Jodie Foster lives in a house with her poet father.
They have just moved to this town in Maine from England.
So the jodie foster is home alone one day
martin sheen's character stops by who is the

son of the landlady there okay and
he is becomes as the scene this early scene progresses
very inappropriate with her inappropriately attracted
yes correct makes it but in but but
in a rapey i mean yeah obviously it would be this
way way yes even beyond just the fact that
she's 13 and he's you know in in his 20s kind of aggressively
a mean kind of

like he's not trying to seduce her let me put it that way and now the film
came out in 73 you said 76 76 and
is it in the settings present day
of the time yes of the time set in 76
even more not cool so what's
the what's the surprise nudity as the film okay so

as the film progresses jodie foster we never see her
dad who she's supposed to live with the landlady shows up starts snooping around
she goes into the cellar sees something and then gets killed okay so we have
some suspicion going on there this cop starts snooping around but he's like
actually just trying to be friendly to Jodie Foster because you know.

She tells him that her dad's upstairs and he's sick, this kind of thing.
So she's just kind of being nice. He knows that Martin Sheen's character is a creep, etc.
OK, I had to set that up because the nephew of the cop shows up to her rescue
after this one instance when Martin Sheen's character shows up to investigate
why his mother, the landlady, is now missing.
And why isn't why can't he talk to Jodie Foster's father?

Mario comes in, the nephew, and kind of helps her out, saves her.
And so then this leads to a scene where she, quote unquote, thanks him.
And in the scene, and I was very shocked when I saw this.
I didn't know anything about the movie. All of a sudden we see a bare ass getting on the bed.
And we also see briefly the side of the face, which for all the world seems like it's Jodie Foster.

And I'm like, holy shit, Jodie Foster was 13 in this movie.
And here she is doing like a nude sex scene, basically, with this guy Mario.
Now, after the movie was over, I did investigate and there is an interesting
story behind this. So body double.
It was. But here. But there's a very interesting story behind this.
So this was a French Canadian production.

I don't know what the rules were back then. I guess they could legally get away
with having a flogged because they the director did want Jodie Foster herself to do this scene nude.
She was going to walk off the stage. And so Jodie Foster's mother,
as a compromise, offered up Jodie's 21 year old sister. who looks very similar

to her, which is why when they do that little where you see the glimpse of the side face, you buy it.
Do we know anything about her sister now?
Her sister's name was Connie. I don't know. I mean, I don't know any other information about her.
Didn't find out anything other than her mother, I guess was like, hey, Connie, you're 21.
Why don't you give me a call? After that, Jodi just absorbed her back into herself.

Yeah, basically. She's a cop in Alaska. Yeah. Yes. Shut the fuck.
So this is a surprising scene, even though it turns out it wasn't actually Jodie
Foster, because, you know, I was able to do research on the interwebs.
Imagine in the 1970s. Oh, God.
Yeah. You just assume it's Jodie Foster and it's like extreme.
And even even though we know now that it's not Jodie Foster,

it's still a 13 year old character that is performing a very frank sexual scene with this with this guy.
So still, you know, questionable taste at best.
That qualifies as surprising. Yes, definitely.
I'm going to go, I'm going to take a deep dive here.
I'm going to go with like, maybe the first time I ever saw nudity in a movie. Okay.

And it was in, Brian's going to love this. It was in Excalibur,
the movie Excalibur. Great movie.
The Arthurian film with too many famous people. Helen Mirren's in it, right?
Helen Mirren is very naked in this movie. There we go.
And she's fantastically hot. Oh, yes.

There's some other nudity, but it's more controversial because it's like rapey shit.
But Helen Mirren is great in this.
If you have not seen Excalibur and you're not familiar with the legend of the
sword and Avalon and King Arthur and Lancelot and Guinevere and all of that,

do yourself a favor and check out Excalibur.
It's pure 80s. Liam Neeson is in it, and he's already 40 in like 1985.
Have you ever seen Age of Consent with Helen Mirren and James Mason? No.
It's young Helen Mirren. I don't care for the title.

Is that the one where she's nude on a beach or something like that?
Yeah, she's like an island girl in Australia, and she's supposed to be underage,
but I think she's legally of age to be naked in a film.
All right, and so the next one would probably be Basic Instinct.
Basic Instinct. Sharon Stone does the uncrossing of the legs.

Oh, sure, sure. Which is controversial about whether or not she was actually
exposing any genitalia, but it was meant to be that Newman was seeing her vajayjay.
Wayne Knight, yeah. Yeah, Wayne Knight.
Also, I just love that movie. The first one is great. Sharon Stone,
she's the fucking national treasure.

Also, you know she's a certified genius, and she still looks great after having
a stroke. I had a stroke or two. dude.
Janine Triplehorn's kind of hot too in that movie. Yeah.
All right. Well then I'm going to go with my, my first film. This is from 1995.
95 was a year for a lot of squeaky clean girls to get bare ass.

I think Drew Barrymore around that time, she did Poison Ivy.
I think Alyssa Milano did Vampire's Kiss.
Doesn't Molly Ringwald get topless in a movie? Here we go. I'm talking about
Malicious starring Molly Ringwald.
Molly Ringwald was squeaky clean thanks
to John Hughes films and people just had
a certain image of her that she wanted to break free of and so she chose this

vehicle directed by Ian Corson trust me you don't know this guy also in the
film is the actor John Vernon an older actor that you when you see his face
you're like oh yeah that guy John Vernon yeah sure yeah.
It's corny as hell. It is about a med student who is also a minor league baseball
player trying to break in the majors.

Happens to the best of us, right? He looks, the actor looks like a full-size Peter Dinklage.
Whoa. So I call them both. So it's kind of the opposite of that guy that looked
kind of like a shrink-wrapped Hulk Hogan in the movie that I talked about.
So I do not disparage the Hulkster. He just saved a girl from a car wreck.
Right. So I kept referring to this guy in my head as full-size Peter Dinklage.

And he runs into Molly Ringwald at a party. She is an older med student.
She's actually kind of like a teacher's assistant.
And so she puts the moves on him, even though he has a girlfriend. She's an intern.
Even though he has a girlfriend, she's very insistent that they hang out.
She's like his tutor. She's going to tutor him. And she invites him to a houseboat

to get a tutoring session.
I've always loved that style of architecture. I mean, nothing could be more
Skinamax 90s than this film.
Clearly, they're going to do it. And they do it on a boat. She ties him down
and it's Molly Ringwald on top.
And so he doesn't actually have physical contact with her in the shot.
It's just Molly Ringwald's breast kind of swinging to and fro.

And I'm like, well, that happened.
It's it's 24 minutes and 15 seconds into the film. When does Anthony Michael
Hall join in? And he does not. He does not, unfortunately.
But anyway, the plot of the film, she becomes obsessive. This is so derivative of basic instinct.
Yeah. And no, no. What's the Glenn Close movie?
Oh, a fatal attraction. Very derivative of fatal attraction.

Also, you see Glenn Close's boobies in Fatal Attraction, although her boobs look mannish.
She became very angular. So Molly Ringwald becomes obsessed with this guy.
She shows up and she pulls open her shirt and she has his name,
Doug, tattooed on her chest.
It's not a tattoo. It looks like somebody drew it with a pen.
I laughed out loud. Someone, because someone in fact did draw it with a pen. Probably so.

She actually kills the girlfriend's, Peter Dinklage's girlfriend.
She kills the cat and staples the cat up to her bathroom door.
And I'm like, well, there's your fatal attraction. There's your rabbit.
Yeah, totally right. A little bit of single white female in there,
too. Yeah. It's laughable.
There's actual, she actually uses the computer to do a web search,

and it's the fake website Internews Search.
That got a good chuckle out of it. Did she print it off on perforated paper? Is it pre-Google?
Definitely. Pre-Google. Yeah, 95, sure. And then the final, the finale of the film is so stupid.
The girlfriend, they reconcile her and full-size Peter Dinklage.
She moves away to San Francisco because that's where she wants to be.

And as soon as he graduates from med school, he's going to come up and see her.
Well, she has a roommate in San Francisco.
And it turns out to be Molly Ringwald. And she's stalking the sister, the girlfriend.
And there's a big confrontation at the end. It's stupid. It's bad.
I shouldn't have taken so many notes. It's god-awful.
Anyway well fortunately for you i have zero notes

we'll speed right through this movie you're just
are a house expert on this topic so yeah yes you're
like rain man but so let's take a brief moment to talk about the different sizes
and shapes of boobies oh my god we've got the ski slope we've got the ghost
nipple torpedo madonna we've got the torpedo madonna we've got the The,

as we were discussing earlier,
the, the sandbag, the, you know, then we've just got the, the,
the one that the underhang where you could like, maybe in a movie you see the
bottom of the boob. Oh, under boob.
Yeah. Under boob. Under boob's hot. Yeah. Under boob is very hot.

Mosquito bites. Yeah. Well, I mean, the pirate's delight, the sunken chest.
Small perky's. Yeah. Yeah.
Nothing wrong with any of them. I love them all. Short ones,
little ones, fat ones, slim ones, soggy ones, dry ones, sandy ones.
I think this was the original draft of I Wish We All Could Be California Girls,

if you see Brian Wilson's notes.
Thank you. All right, Todd, you're up next.
Okay. My next one is filmed from 2002 by the great director Alexander Payne,
who I finally saw The Holdovers, which is fantastic. I love it.
Yes. Fantastic. Great movie.
Also, you know, directed Election. He directed, that was on the 1999 episode.

Sideways. The Descendants. You know, classic after, you know,
every four years, he's like the Olympics. He puts up a classic movie. Okay.
So this one is from 2002, About Schmidt. Ah, I know who you're doing.
It's starring Jack Nicholson in a very atypical role for him.
He's not manic. We were all really surprised to see Jack Nicholson's dick,
especially when he pulled it out and he said, here's Johnny. Ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Actually, that was a scene that they deleted. He was just the old man at the
gym standing in front of his locker.
And actually, that was basically the balls just sitting there with his legs
spread, kind of looking across the room, maintaining eye contact,
air drying his balls with the, you know, whatever. Whatever.
Anyway, he was that type of character, though, in this movie,

even though we are joshing around, not his typical very subdued Jack Nicholson,
which you don't see him as probably one of his best performances.
Anyway, he plays Warren, a life insurance salesman who is retiring and his job
at the life insurance company they work for Woodman of the World was as an actuary,
which if you don't know that is that's a risk assessment person.
It's also a real company, right? I think so.

I've seen it on the way to the beach on the right as you go to the beach.
Yeah, the little A-frame woodman of the world.
And the t-ball team that I played on as a kid, I think they sponsored us.
We had the WOW shirts. You still have the shirt? Mm-hmm.
My mom might have them, but anyway. The job, of course, becomes a symbol for
this guy, though, because he's a guy that plays it safe his whole life, etc.

He retires. He doesn't really want to retire. They kind of forced him out.
One day he goes to his job because he doesn't have anything else to do,
ostensibly to help the guy who's replaced him, etc. et cetera.
In addition to this, his wife drops dead while vacuuming. His wife held him.
Oh, no, that sucks. And so now this guy who is a very much a Ward Cleaver type
has to take care of himself, which he can't do. It becomes very gross in his house.

He's living in a dorm room or something in his 20s.
His daughter, Jeannie, shows up, sees him living in squalor, is upset about it,
encourages him to come visit her for her wedding. She's getting married out in Colorado somewhere.
Red Rocks. Jack Nicholson's character had bought this RV that he and his wife

were supposed to travel around the country in. Is it a Winnebago?
A Winnebago, yes. And he doesn't give it back. And so it's funny,
like there are scenes before he decides to travel to Colorado where he's just
driving to the grocery store in his Winnie, driving around town, et cetera.
He does not care for his daughter's fiancée, played by Dermot Mulroney.
Dermot Mulroney. Yeah. If you don't recognize that name, Not to be confused

with Dylan McDermott. Yeah, exactly.
So long story short, he travels down to go to his daughter's wedding,
stays with the in-laws, one of whom is played by Kathy Bates.
She plays the mother of the fiance.
You don't say. This is where our surprise, shocking nudity comes in because
if you know Kathy Bates from Misery, you know, Fry Green Tomatoes, et cetera.

Not someone who you'd expect to have a nude scene in a film.
And yet her character is very much a free love type of woman.
And there's a scene in a hot tub where Warren gets into the hot tub and Kathy
Bates, just very nonchalantly, drops trowel.
And we get the full Monty, the full picture of Kathy Bates, full frontal.

You can't really see the bottom part because of the sun. The sons.
Anyway, not to get too graphic, but, you know, not a scene that I was expecting
to see. You're blushing a little bit. I know. I guess I kind of am.
So modest. That's that Puritanism that you spoke of. I do have a great- It's
instilled in us. My great-grandfather was a pastor.

How would you rate your experience of seeing Kathy Bates nude? Was it misery?
At first, it was shocking. But then after a little while, it kind of grew on me. Yeah.
That was a good one. But yes, I definitely remember being shot at the time that I saw it.
Done for laughs, of course, but that's my second. It was effective and people

still talk about it. Right.
We were just throwing around ideas for this episode. She came up multiple times. Right.
It is. She's on the list. She's on the list. That's a good time for us to go
pee in the yard, but not before we say.
Let's all go to the lobby.
Let's all go to the lobby. Let's all go to the lobby and get ourselves some Mounds bars. Nice.

Yum, yum. It's time for a tasty and refreshing snack.
We promise to satisfy your hunger, your thirst, your sweet tooth.
So visit our refreshment center now. Let's go.
Welcome back from the break. We peed in the yard. Actually, Todd and I did.
You just sat there and coughed. Yeah, I was just...

You know, taking in the moment. Thank you. I peed earlier, so I'm good.
Gotcha. Well, what do we like to do when we come back from break?
It's a beer check-in. We got some beers. We got some beers.
Earlier, we were drinking Hearts and Arrows by Lincoln and South down in Beaufort, South Carolina.
And, Todd, you've been drinking a great beer. Yes. The Donut Stout from Burial

from Asheville, North Carolina.
Skillet like a pan? Yeah, like an old-fashioned cast-iron skillet.
Where you're frying up your donuts.
This was one of their original beers when they first opened,
when they had that little closet of a brewery.
Oh, I remember. I saw a groundhog there. Speaking of, we're going to get an
early spring. That's what Phil says.

So it's a dark beer. What else? It's a stout.
It's a donut stout. It's a donut stout. So it's got some sweetness to it,
but I consider it to be a very well-balanced exemplary beer. Right, yes.
Oh, it's beautiful. Quite tasty.
Oh, my God. It's 8% and worth every bit.

Really good. All right, so where do we leave off?
I believe, Travis. I'm up. Travis, you wanted to talk about some movies.
All right, so we're going to fast forward in my career of having an affinity for boobs in movies.
I wish you could get paid for that. Man, I would be so wealthy.
I'd pay off all y'all's mortgages. I'd just be like, look at all my shit.

We're fast forwarding to, I'm going to say 1997.
And I think that's the year that Showgirls came out. 1997. 95.
Well, this is when it came out on video. And... We talking showgirls?
Yeah, showgirls. Oh, shit, man. So I...

Happened to be home alone, just like Kevin McAllister.
Yeah. And I decided that I was going to drive my hatchback into town to go to
the Blockbuster and rent showgirls because my parents were out of town.
In fact, my father was driving my mother to the airport to fly to Oregon to visit her family.

And on the way to rent showgirls i got involved in an automobile accident.
So i'm coming around a corner i may be doing like
38 it has rained the road's a little slick i see an object in the road right

and so i swerve to miss it but i over correct And I roll into an embankment
or sorry, into a ditch with like trees.
So anyway, by the time my car stops moving, the car is facing the opposite direction.
It's upside down and I am hanging upside down in the seat suspended by my seatbelt.

Didn't get a scratch on me, but there was glass in my pockets from the windshield
in the pockets of my pants. There was glass.
So I cussed a lot.
I was like, I can't believe this happened.
And then got a tow, had to call the cops because I was an upstanding citizen.

I was like, oh, you better report this to the police.
And they came. They were like, well, we're going to write you a ticket for,
you know, contributing to an accident or something like that.
Even though I was the only car involved.
Got the car towed. had a very
long discussion with my dad john about

reckless driving but i wasn't even reckless driving i just took the curve a
little bit too fast but that is what a young man will do for some titties now
elizabeth berkeley is in this movie famously and she as we all know.
Endeared herself to us in the sitcom

saved by the bell saved by the bell got
a house by the bayside jesse spano yes
jesse spano and so like it's kind of like when the girl next door decides that
she's gonna flash you on the bus absolutely you know it was a big deal it was
worth it for me to wreck my My car to go to Blockbuster to try to get that movie still didn't get it.

And in fact, to this day, I've never seen it.
Oh, good. Okay. Well, Red Letter Media just recently posted a review of this
and it's, it's kind of developed a cult following.
Yes. When it came out, it was panned by critics. Oh yeah.
We're talking raspberries. Very much so. And on the other hand,
if you look at it as kind of a satirical piece, it actually has a lot of value. Yep.

Which I think if you know the filmography of Paul Verhoeven.
Paul Verhoeven. Verhoeven. He also wrote Basic Instinct and Sliver.
And Robocop. Written by Joe Westerhaus.
Yeah. And so the people behind it. Those two should never have stopped collaborating. Yeah, exactly.
All right. So my film is going to be from 2001 starring one of your favorite

actresses. And she decided to get very naked in the film.
It's Prozac Nation. Rosario Dawson?
No, Christina Ricci. Christina Ricci. Yes. It's directed by Eric Skoljberg,
who didn't do much of anything else.
And it's got Christina Ricci, the Reese Myers actor.
His name is Jonathan Reese Myers. Yes. Jessica Lange is in it.

Anne Heche, Jason Biggs, and Michelle Williams.
Great cast. Terrible movie. Yeah. Horribly written. And before I get into the
nudity of it all, it's based on the very great selling, bestselling book,
Prozac Nation, written by Elizabeth Wurzel.
And it's supposed to be autobiographical.

And I've known lots of writers. I know a writer who gets paid to write books
and stories, our friend Joey.
Joey, I've never met a writer who talks about themselves like Elizabeth talks
about herself in this movie.
Okay. I found this movie to be so extremely vapid and just self-indulgent and

the writing itself was poor. It was terrible.
It's some of the worst writing I've ever heard in a film.
And yet it's supposed to be about a writer. it's set in the mid 80s i did not
know this until very late in the film when they showed the space shuttle challenger
was it hotter than a set of twin babies.

When they showed the Challenger footage in real time, I said,
oh, this movie's set in the 80s. I would not have known that. Otherwise?
Because the costumes were wrong. The costumes were late 80s,
which late 80s, early 2000s clothing weren't too far apart from one another.
Did you get a second opinion on this?
Yes, I did, actually. I consulted my expert.

Outside of all of that, you know, I always liked Jessica Lange,
but I did come to a realization that Jessica Lange has a move that she makes
when she cries in films. It's the snot move.
Most actresses will rely on the tears. Jessica Lange leans into the snot.
I can't believe you're even saying that now. What she does, watch a Jessica Lange film.

She wipes her nose low and smears the snot across her upper lip. Okay.
So the camera lights, the camera can pick up the lights glinting off the snot.
And then when she brings her hand back up, she pokes herself in both eyes.
But seriously, and I was like, wow, I did not notice that until just now that
that is the Jessica Lange cry is to just wipe that snot everywhere and get it all gross looking.

It's her thing. Anyway, to the point of the episode, Christina Ricci,
child actress, Adam's family. I feel like she was naked before this. No.
This is her first nudity? 2001, she would have been. Because she's been naked
quite a bit. She would have been 21 years old. Okay.
When did Black Snake Moan come out? That's after. Later.
And then there was a TV miniseries she was on where she got very naked.

The Story of Everything or something like that. Well, to the film's discredit,
they basically blew their load too early.
Four minutes and 30 seconds into the film, Jessica Lange walks into Christina
Ricci's room and the camera pans around from the back.
She's sitting naked on her bed and the camera pans around and gets you a full

side boob, full boob, pulls back and her legs are off to the side,
but you get a little bit of bush peeking out of the top.
Yeah. And I was like, wow, this is, that's, that's bold.
I would rather you did not like put your hand on your own crotch when you're
talking about Yeah, a little bit of bush and that's it.
That's all we get. That's all we get a Christina Ricci. But I mean,

hey, you know, coming out of the gate strong.
Yeah. I mean, she's amazing. I love her so much.
Aesthetically, I find her breasts to be very appealing. Did you know that she's
born on the same day of the year as me? Yes, I know that you are.
You were birthday twins.
But the movie itself sucks. Okay. I guess if you're in it for the boobs,
then hey, four minutes and 30 seconds and you're done. Yeah.

Nah. Nah. All right, Todd Lee, you're up.
All right, this was a movie that actually came out last year,
and I believe is now available on Netflix, starring Jennifer Lawrence.
The movie's called No Hard Feelings. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Now, this isn't necessarily
surprising because Jennifer Lawrence gets- It's a wrong comedy. Yeah. Yeah.
It's not necessarily surprising because she gets naked because she had had one

of the movie in Red Sparrow. Correct.
It's the way that it happens in the film. So this movie, the premise is it's
it's supposed to be like a Farrelly Brothers movie.
Yeah. Like a gross out type comedy.
There's some underhanded fucking shit that goes down. Yeah.
This 19, 18, 19 year old kid's parents, one of who is the father is played by

Matthew Broderick. Yep.
They put an ad in a paper offering a car to someone who will pretend to date
and basically sleep with their son because he is very socially awkward.
He's never had a girlfriend. And before he goes to college, his parents want
him to have some experience.

It's real fucked up. Yeah. I don't know. I think this is a great way to cure incels.
We're hiring somebody to give you the poontang. Exactly.
So Jennifer Lawrence's character has recently lost her car.
She's kind of a female gigolo, if you will.
Runs through guys, won't commit to anyone. She answers this ad, is willing to do it.

I don't think she's a gigolo, because a gigolo implies prostitution.
It well that's actually though they joke about that in
the movie that's one of the jokes of the movie is her friends to say to her so
you're being a prostitute no i'm not you know but before that i
wouldn't classify it qualify her as a
gigolette right okay no no yeah
she is in the movie one of the early scenes where she loses her

car it sets up why she needs a car is she
an ex-boyfriend is shows up
to tow her car away and she's trying
to talk to him and then another guy comes out of the room you're right
so she's promiscuous but is it all
is it implicit that she's getting money for
no no no not not in those cases in this case though

this is a transaction where she is getting a car and the expectation
is which is yeah they make a they make a
joke about it yeah because they're like she's like do you want me to date him or do
you want me to date him and then they confirm for
the listeners mm-hmm todd did a hip i did a hip thrust that i learned from kindergarten
garden cop boys have a penis girls have a vagina and with a hip thrust anyway

uh also part of this episode yeah anyway so so that you have a penis and girls
do you have a vagina correct.
So the surprise nudity comes in during one scene.
So there's a lot of shenanigans here where, you know, because,
you know, Jennifer Lawrence is trying to make quick work, get this kid into
bed or whatever. But he's awkward.

He's he sprays her in the face with mace and this kind of stuff.
So now they're on the beach and he she gets convinces him to go skinny dipping
in the ocean while they are skinny dipping in the ocean. Bullies. Yes. Bullies.
Drunk kids come by and as a joke, try to make off with their clothes.
It is hilarious, though, to take the clothes of people who are skinny dipping.

To be fair, it's hilarious.
Are you speaking from experience? I'm just saying.
I had a dream the other night. I was walking around with a t-shirt long enough
just barely to cover my balls.
So Jennifer Lawrence, when she sees this, is angry, as one would be,
and comes storming out of the ocean completely nude.

They show full frontal nudity it's aggressive
we got some bush here showing attacking rest and
then she gets into a fight with them and she's fighting with
these characters in the nude while fully naked and there's
no and so i read about this uh there was no stunt w she's doing all it was all
ai no stunt no doubles used either for the nudity or for the fighting or anything

apparently she did it all and so was not expecting that kata was like oh wow
she's okay so for this Because you're in a comedy like that,
you're not expecting Jennifer Lawrence.
Okay, I'm going to, you're expecting an Academy Award winning actress to save that for artistic.
Maybe, you know, maybe do a arm across the nipples. Yes.
Yeah, I would have expected Jennifer Lawrence to go nude in like the sequel

to Devil's Bone. Yeah, right. Devil's Boner.
It's more bone than the first one. Yep. It's boner.
Yep. So, yeah, pretty surprising. Unfortunately, the rest of the movie,
that was the one chance they took. They wanted to be a Farrelly brothers movie.
That's why Jennifer Lawrence did it, if you watch interviews with her.
But they don't really take any chances after that, which goes back to my earlier

point about how movies now, like the kinds of jokes that they made in there,
something about Mary, for example, you know, it would be hard to do. I probably couldn't do.
Remember Matt Dillon using the R word to describe, you know,
the brother of the mentally challenged brother of Cameron Diaz and things like that.
So they didn't have the guts to go that far other than that.

But how did you get the Franks below the beans? Yes.
More surprising nudity, although it wasn't famous people. But yeah,
the Franks. Yeah, that was a great scene, too, with Ben Stiller. Yeah.
Anyway, so it's kind of a mediocre film, but that was the one like chance they
took. It paid off pretty well because I was pretty shocked.
Word. And by shocked, you mean turned on. That too.

Shot Don. All right, Travis, hit us with some other nuggets of wisdom.
So I'm going to have to go with my girl, Madeline Stowe.
Madeline Stowe is the female lead from Last of the Mohicans.
It's probably her most well-known film.
But she was in a couple of bangers in the 90s. One was called Unlawful Entry,

where Ray Liotta was bad lieutenant.
Gotcha. And she's married to Kurt Russell. And I think she's married to Kurt Russell. Yeah. Yeah.
And so there's a scene where she's cowgirl and looks great. Really nice.

And then there's another movie that she did. I guess this is the point where
I should tell the listener that Travis is pantsless.
Called China mood.
All right so here's my issue are these really surprising or you just want to
talk about it he just wants to talk about him it's fine we're letting him roll with it let's go so,

china moon titties look great unlawful entry titties look great same position she's upright,
her nipples look way different in both
movies oh why in one of them they're brown
and in one of of them they're like a rosy like
dark pink and i makeup i don't

know if it was the lighting or what but it's bothered
me for fucking 35 years you
don't want to admit to yourself what might actually be the case which was that
body double i don't think so i would never i would never think that madeline
stowe would deny us the pleasure of her mammography travis has watched Watch them frame by frame.

Back and to the left. Back and to the left. All right. So much the second titty on the grassy knoll.
All right. My last film is going to be from 2005 and it stars an actress that
I was surprised appeared nude.
But I guess I had heard, I guess, that she had.
However, this movie is sandwiched between two very typical roles for her.

The princess diaries and hathaway
and the devil wears prada yeah it's the
film havoc yeah where she gets railed and starring anne hathaway bijou phillips
which we've talked about recently yes it's got michael bean playing her father
joey mr bean no michael bean from terminator and aliens So his full name is Mr. Michael Bean.

Joey Gordy-Levise. J-G-L. It's got Laura San Giacomo.
Channing tatum plays a very small role freddie rodriguez
is one of the latino gangbangers as
well as ray cruz you're not allowed to say that latino gangbangers yeah you
can't say gangbangers why not because it's a double entendre they were in a

gang and they were violent and they were banging but a gangbang is a completely
different thing well that have you seen this film no okay okay,
well then I'll get to that point.
And then Ray Cruz, who played Tuco in Breaking Bad. Oh, yes, yes.
So you've got a bunch of kids who go to school in the Palisades in California,

and they are obsessed with Afro-American culture.
The Pacific Palisades? Yes. And so they're all about hip hop culture and emulating
African-Americans that they see on television and they hear in rap music,
even though these are the whitest kids you know. And Joey Gordy-Levis does the best job.
He is completely committed to this role, but they are completely fake.

I mean, you know, these kids are very well taken care of. Even the African-American
kids in the school look rich. What is this movie? Havoc.
Havoc. And in their obsession with this hip hop culture, the Anne Hathaway,
Bijou Phillips, I didn't enlist the actor who plays the boyfriend of Anne Hathaway

and then Joey Gordy Levi's.
They decided to go to East LA and go buy drugs from the Mexicans.
And that's borrowing from the film.
And so they come across Freddy Rodriguez and Ray Cruz's characters and they
kind of have a little bit of a conflict with them while they're buying the drugs from them.
And then later in the film, Anne Hathaway and Bijou Phillips and their two other

girl friends go back out to East L.A.
To meet up with Freddy Rodriguez and go to one of these parties that they have out on the streets.
And apparently Anne Hathaway has a shine to the Freddy Rodriguez.
So early in the film, eight minutes, 24 seconds in, Anne Hathaway's tits.
Boom. So it's another early, early boobie. Early boobie.

And then 34 minutes in, there's a guy. I'm sorry.
I should back up. there's a guy who like loves videotaping all
of his friends like he's a of course he does he's a documentarian and
this movie became cloverfield he wants to be a
documentarian and he's hanging out with ann hathaway talking about how why is
she so obsessed with this hip-hop culture because it's not who she is blah blah
and she's like lying on a table with her shirt open and her little nips kind

of poking out from her bra and he's like uh you need to cover yourself up i'm like oh son,
Anyway, that happened at 34 minutes and then one hour, one minute in,
we've got full blown Anne Hathaway tits again.
They end up at the gangbangers, I'm using it now, party because they're at a
hotel room, hotel, motel room.

And they're drinking and having fun with Freddy Rodriguez and Ray Cruz and all of their friends.
And it's Anne and Bijou Phillips.
And you get to see Bijou Phillips' boobs as well. Why are you saying Bijou?
Her name is Bayou. It's Bijou.
Well, I think that she's born on the bayou.
Anyway, the gangbangers say, you know, we want to play a game. You roll dice.

And the number that comes up is how many of us you have to fuck. No, that's a bad game.
Don't play that game. Anne Hathaway rolls a one, and she picks the guy she likes.
She was very lucky. And Bijou rolls three.
And Ray Cruz goes in. This other guy goes in. They go at her at the same time.
And then Anne kind of gets cold feet and backs out.

And then so, yeah. And so Freddie decides to jump in too. So she has all three
at once, and it becomes a rape situation.
And then it kind of takes a nasty turn. Yes. I'm realizing now that I've never seen this movie.
I've only seen her naked in this movie. Okay.
To her credit, she looks phenomenal. It's not the most pleasant movie to watch.

I don't really care for it that much. It is directed by Barbara Koppel,
who directed the great documentary from the 70s, Harlan County,
USA. Harlan County, USA is fantastic, yeah.
And that surprised the fuck out of me. I feel like I've seen that.
It's one of the best documentaries ever made. Oh, my God. About one of the worst
parts of the country and the worst time. You will never forget,

yeah, that there's a war going on between the scabs and the- Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
And you'll never forget the wail of a mama in one scene at the funeral of her
murdered at one of these fights between the scabs and whatnot.
So we have a few minutes to talk about other boobs.

It's your- Some honorable mentions. The floor is yours. Actually,
can I go with one real quick? that I just thought of.
The Gift, a movie, a Billy Bob Thornton. Katie Holmes. Yes, Katie Holmes, America's sweetheart.
She's, like me, you watched Dawson's Creek back in the day.
You know, Dawson's next door neighbor, the girl next door, and she lifts up

her shirt, and there they are.
All right, I see you're Katie Holmes, and I'm going to go with Salma Hayek in Desperado.
Now, granted, she wasn't totally naked, though. Yeah, she showed her titties. Did she?
Hardcore, dude. You don't believe me? It's been ages since I've seen it.
You don't believe me? I thought she was still dressed before she turned into the demon. Okay.

Oh, yeah, I do remember that from back in the- There's a full-on sex scene with
her and Antonia Banderas.
And then, of course, I'm surprised you've not mentioned Halle Berry and Swordfish.
Well, that was just a suggestion for the episode.
Well, no, I think- It's not one of my favorites, but I do like- Did Monsters
Ball come out before? Way after.

And the thing about Swordfish, though, that was surprising is because there
was no preamble, there was no buildup, and it was purely incidental.
She just happened to be topless sunbathing. Well, she joked about it,
too, about the money she got for that, that she, you know, $25 million for each
move or something. I have an analog to that.
All right. Right. So Halle Berry in that movie, it's almost identical to the

way Rene Russo just randomly shows her tits in the Thomas Crown Affair. Gotcha.
Mm hmm. I think we would be remiss if we didn't mention and I'm actually going
to quote a different movie scream in mentioning this.
Yeah. Jamie Lee didn't go legit till she showed her tits in Trading Places.

Trading Places. 1983. It's a body switch movie. Yeah.
Body switch movies. We should, have we ever done that? I don't know.
Yeah. For those, surely most of our audience probably remembers the film directed
by John Landis with Dan Aykroyd and Eddie Murphy, where Eddie Murphy is a homeless guy. Yep.

Dan Aykroyd, a rich guy, and these evil millionaires slash billionaires make
a bet about whether or not they can... One of them played by Don Amici.
Yeah. They make a bet about whether or not they can, whether it's genetic or
socialized in terms of... It's nature versus nurture.
There you go. Fuck John Landis.

Fuck John Landis and fuck these rich dudes for doing a human social experiment
about nature versus nurture. I will fight John Landis to the death.
And their whole thing was like, black guy, white guy, nature nurture, you know.
Yep. Anyway, that's the film if you want to see it.
But Jamie Lee, in one scene, she plays a hooker who is supposed to set up Dan

Aykroyd's character to help his demise.
Mm-hmm. And so there's a scene where she just, you know, is talking to Dan Aykroyd,
The point of this movie is never trust anyone.
Don't trust any motherfucker. Including her close confidants.
Indeed. All right. So what about Melanie Griffith in that movie with Paul Newman?

In fact, she shows her tits in two movies co-starring with Paul Newman.
Oh, that movie Bound with- Gina Gershon. Gina Gershon. Yeah, we got that.
But see, I didn't consider that surprising because- I've lost the thread of
surprising. I'm just talking about nudity. You're just talking about nudity now.

I mean, Body Double was great with Melanie Griffith. It's also very meta. It was meta.
The idea of Body Double in the fact that in the industry of cinema- You have stand-ins for nudity.
They have Body Doubles, and there was a movie called Body Double that made its way into this episode.

Yeah, yeah. I'm just saying, you guys, look at the stars.
You know, see those constellations. Now are we done with nudity?
I think so. We're never done with nudity. We're done with the episode.
So right now, all of us and everybody else in the world is completely naked under their clothes.

That's generally the way it works. That's exactly true. Love it.
Oh boy. We've got some fun episodes coming up. I think we're going to do the watch party next.
Which one? With that Dolph Lundgren directed, written, starred Vanity Project. Wanted Man.
Yes. You had me at Dolph. With Kelsey Grammer. We need to tie that into the beekeeper thing.

The beekeeper is crazy. I need to watch the beekeeper.
Can it possibly live up to the Michael Flatley? No, no, no. This will be no
Blackbird, but I'm sure- Blackbird is on a God tier.
Yeah, it's crazy. But I saw this one pop up and I said, yeah,
I want to see Kelsey Grammer in a border dispute.
What the fuck? Come on.

So, yeah, we'll come back with a watch party pretty soon. I think we'll be recovered
from the Super Bowl coming up next week.
We've got some fun times coming up there. We'll do the watch party and we'll
be back with that and some other shit.
In the meantime, please rate, review, subscribe.
Tell your friends and family about us and get them to love us, like us.

And all that good shit cinema chop shop on
most platforms except for youtube we're
cinema chop shop podcast right where you can listen
to an audio presentation of this podcast and watch a still shot of the artwork
or something yeah see if we had been on youtube they could have seen sean rub
his balls when he was describing one scene and you pantsless travis yeah yeah

well People would have seen my goat legs. I'm a cryptid.
We'll be back. And until then, please remember to watch Chop Retrofit.
And Motorboat.
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