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February 6, 2024 • 110 mins

Welcome to a thought-provoking episode of Epic Loot Radio, where we delve deep into the world of gaming. This episode is a deep dive into Xbox's strategic shifts, PlayStation's potential future, and the overall landscape of the gaming industry. Join us as we dissect rumors, reveal surprising game reviews, and discuss the potential implications of the latest developments.

In this episode, we cover a wide array of topics from the recent Xbox controversy to the success of other games like Granblue Fantasy Relink on PlayStation 5 and PC. We discuss the competitive nature of the RPG gaming market and explore upcoming trends for the gaming world in 2022 and beyond.

We also share insights into the tactics and motivations of tech giants in the gaming landscape, reflecting on past strategies and examining future potential. As we delve into the shift in Xbox's strategy, we extend the conversation to the impact of such moves on dedicated gamers, touching on contentious issues such as the future of console reliance.

This comprehensive dialogue extends to the speaker's personal gaming journey transitioning from PlayStation to Xbox and his subsequent experiences, disappointments, and learnings. We conclude with a broad-ranging conversation around the future of gaming, pondering over concepts like console's decline, the rise of diverse game access, and exploring the implications for gamers.

Stay tuned, participate actively, and let your views be heard in the gaming community. Enjoy our riveting discourse on the future of gaming, brought to you by Epic Loot Radio.

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Everyone and welcome back to epic loot radio brian
kirk and once again making his second debut
j-dub talking about video games
especially the heated rumors that have
been floating across the internet not just this weekend
this weekend i think everything just went over into full tilt but we're gonna

be sitting down today talking about xbox did phil spencer lie i know kirk has
some feelings i've got some different kind of feelings the internet is this
is just the hot topic we We were planning originally just to be covering Persona
3 and Granblue Fantasy for you guys.
And maybe we'll get to that if there is time.
And if there isn't, we'll be sure to just kind of roll that into another podcast

for you guys here on Work to Game.
Jay, dude, welcome back, man. How was your weekend?
Oh, you know, my weekend was lovely, sir. You know that.
Listen, I had a fantastic weekend, by the way. been playing
some grand blue fantasy relink on my
playstation portal as i should great game

i recommend if you own a playstation 5 or pc go
ahead and pick up that title i mean do we do we want to just get it do we want
to just devote 10 minutes like tease everybody a little bit like the the drama's
coming it like in 10 minutes and do you guys just want to talk about grand blue
for for a little bit because i didn't realize j-dub was playing as well oh yeah
so guys so j-dub what But tell me, sell me on this game.

Like, why should I go out and buy Granblue right now?
Because everybody loves this game. It's like top three best selling on Steam right now.
It's a big deal. Well, I can tell you this.
For one, it's multiplayer. You can get your friends to jump in and join in.
For two, the art style is very beautiful. It's in the likes of some of the other

games that you've seen, but mostly like Zelda and things like that.
The combat is, I mean, it's just, it's epic.
Once you use some of your special moves, you can combine them with some of your
friends moves and to destroy these big behemoths.
I mean, you can look at the background now and see some of the characters you're
going to have to fight in battle.
And this game is no pushover. It's not, you know, it's not easy. It's not hard.

It's just really up to you and your skills and knowing when to dodge,
when to parry and everything else.
This game doesn't reinvent the wheel with anything, but what it does,
it has a freaking great story to go along with it. And the fact that you can play with your friends.
I mean, that's that's always a plus. It's a great RPG.

I mean, it's everything that I was looking forward to just from the original
trailer that we saw when we first seen.
I thought I think they showed this back in 20, 20, 20.
I think it's back in 2020, 2021. it was
when they showed the trailer and i was like that game looks
like it's going to be epic and i had my eye on

this game and and sure enough it came out and
the demo thank god for the
demo because that demo really sold this game on a lot of people
for a lot of people that want offenses and stuff like that i'm a
firm believer in demos uh we got a demo
for final fantasy 16 and for you know
in and for spoken and stuff like that even if

you're not interested in the game at least you got to try it
at least you have an actual hey i like this
or this is not my type of game i'm a
firm believer in demos they gave us this demo and it was epic
i put in hours into that demo
and and i couldn't wait for the game on a lot so i was gonna follow this up
with kirk with just one second with a question like do you feel like this is

the best version of final fantasy 16 on the market right now no i mean no i
wouldn't say that listen final fantasy 16 i believe it stands Stands on its
own as being a great game.
You don't have any of the story beats either.
I shouldn't have, you know, Final Fantasy XVI doesn't need justification for its being.

It is a great game any day of the week. It's a solid 85.
It was my game of the year for last year, my personal game of the year.
This game here is a parallel. I would say it's a parallel.
But a lot of people are just this would be their first Granblue Fantasy game.
Right. So if you're fresh into the franchise, you never played the fighting

game that came out previously, and you never played any of the previous versions,
you can pick this game without knowing absolutely nothing.
Pick it up and go on your merry way and have a great, great time.
I believe this game is going to be in the Goatee contention.
I know we're early in the year, and a lot of people say it's too early to talk
about Goatees and stuff like that. We still got a bunch of games to go. but,

that metacritic score on it is high it's well received across pc and playstation,
i don't see anything negative about this game now this
game is fantastic the reason i brought up final fantasy 16 is i've seen a lot
of online chatter regarding kind of the combat and the fact that you have like
a party of players rather than just clive and you know and you know a connection

to what else is going on and it's like because i agree like i've having played
final fantasy 16 i I adored that game.
It was everything that I was hoping it would be.
And then this in and of itself is like, if you like 16, I think you're really going to love Granblue.
And if you didn't like 16, I think you're really going to love Granblue.
It doesn't split the audience in this regard.
It's like 16, definitely, because it also, 16, going into it, has a lot of history.

A lot of people who want just the turn-based. A lot of people who want to see them expand.
And so I think this is one of the things like this, is like
i had no preconceived expectations or notions
this is my first uh grand blue but i've been following this
game since it was announced because oh that looks beautiful yeah
yes and and they knocked it out of the park they they knocked this one out of

the park kirk you were gonna say something earlier oh i was gonna ask like j-dub
and and ginger you can weigh in on this but can you help me out like understand
like what like it like what is this game like is it a final Final Fantasy XVI?
Is it a Genshin Impact? Is it a Monster Hunter World?
I mean, I know you're probably going to say, like, it's all of the above.

You know, is it a Tales of Arise? I mean, to say it's all of the above doesn't
really give a depiction of, like, what it is for somebody who is unfamiliar
with this franchise and hasn't dived into the demo.
So can you describe, like, the specific experience that, like,
Granblue is giving you as a
game that you may not get somewhere else or is comparable somewhere else?
It's a Tales of Arise meets devil may cry

may meet one or
two other games it's a combination a lot of monster hunter comparisons
as well yeah and i'll be honest it's hard
to we play so many games right in in our hearts are so stuck on this is my favorite
game or that's my favorite game or this and that and so i try not to make the

comparisons because once you mention the game then a person either they're turned
off Or either they're turned on you like oh,
I love this game or like for example if they did if they hate it Final Fantasy
16 you say hey, it's like fun fan 16.
They were like nah, it's not you know, so that's why I don't like Throwing the
other games out there this game again can stand on its own But I would say it's
a mixture of Devil May Cry and Tales of Arise And even a little bit of Zelda.

Mm-hmm in there. So I.
Yeah, I see a lot of Genshin and Monster. Because of the art style.
Genshin's going to get that art style.
Well, and the characters. We talked about this last week, Brian,
with the fact that it's using that kind of you're trying to unlock characters
style of gameplay that compels you, pulls you, and motivates you.

Oh, I want to grind more on the game so I can unlock these additional characters
and play as them that Hoyo versus games get you with,
but that's more incentivizing you to play and play and play and play and you
don't get the character that you want So you drop 20 or 50 or however many dollars
to get roles and get that character.
This game is providing that grind and that motivation system,
but it doesn't have the pay structure. It doesn't have any microtransactions as far as I know.

And that's really cool. Yeah. And it's really a story focused game.
Okay. And so I would say it's a story that is going to, you know,
of course, the combat and the creatures and everything else.
But it's the story that's going to kind of pull you in a little bit more than
some of those other games. And I know people look at the art style and it's
like, oh, it's just like, like you said, like the Hoyverse and some of the other free-to-play games.

And it's like, oh, well, people can get easily turned off by stuff like that.
And that's unfortunate.
I hate when people are turned off by just comparisons and things like that.
But I think, you know, you're asking me, someone who's never played a,
you know, a game like this, well, why should I go out and spend X amount of
dollars to play this game?
Well, if you're into RPGs and if you're into action games, if you're into games

with a great story, that's going to, you know, bring you in this beautifully
well voiced, well animated, well paced.
And I kind of feel like it's funny.
Like the kid in me was like, you know, you could take like 10 hours to beat
the main story. And then there's like a secondary kind of story chapter that happens after that.
But the adult in me with, you know, with as busy as I am, I'm like 10 hours,

man. All right. I can commit to that.
And then and then what it does is then I get addicted and then I'm just I'm
like, oh, I can't wait to go and play.
And oh, by the way, here's this multiplayer component so you can play with your friends.
Yeah. And those fights, as we saw already in the game footage,
for those of you watching the video footage and not on the audio,
but you guys listen to the audio. Thank you so much for being here. You are amazing.

It's so much fun. And I'm just like, I can't wait to go back in.
And it lets you play and it gives you options.
Like you can choose to have your party balanced out and level synced.
Or if you just want to like melt things down, which is one of the things we did.
I have my friend Chili, who's, you know, a friend of the podcast comes on from time to time.

He is overpowered. And we were just going through and just absolutely having a blast.
And I was like, this is fun. on yeah like all three of
us could play this game and and
we could just have a blast i mean just just partnering
up and and taking yeah i wanted to ask you guys like how
is the multiplayer is it is it very drop in drop out

like how does it work how do you queue up for missions do you
need to link up in like in this hub area that we're seeing on
screen yeah like how does all that work basically you go
to the yeah basically you go to the hub area right there which is
like a little market and you go and um and enable
it and send your invites and that's it
now this also multiplayer

fixes the problems that i had with with monster
hunter yes yeah because i was like you would get into a
hey are you on my server and i can't see you
this one is like no you're we're together we're in
a party i can see you we can actually communicate
with emotes and you know little stickers and even
chat in text that we need and then we

could just queue up for the mission so it is it is a
separate kind of thing but it's like it is just built into
the world you just say go online and say hey i'm
going to invite my friends or i want to get match made into a
group and the best thing about it this is all is that let's say you want to
play with your friends but you don't want to play with randos you can you and
your friend will then take in two of the bots yeah so you still have a four-man

group and it's great it's just it just it does everything i wish Final Fantasy
XIV would do with their trust system? I never understood.
Why a lot of the the japanese games their invite system is so convoluted and difficult,
i just i never understood that you know even
like if you play games like demon souls you know some of some of those games

it's just really kind of difficult of like listen i just want to play with my
friends why do i have to go through this complicated thing to to this it's almost
like a ritual just to just to get people to jump in there should be a central
place we could just go So click there and say,
hey, I want to play with my friends, select my friends that are online and just move forward.
Yeah, exactly. I really hope that Monster Hunter Wilds draws inspiration from

how Genshin handles their multiplayer.
Yeah, that's a day one game for me. I love Monster Hunter, Monster Hunter World.
I think this game, since it's going to be a next generation game and it's going
to utilize the power and stuff of the current gen consoles.
Consoles for one i hope it's mandatory
60 frames a second i hope yeah base and

and i hope of course the graphics have a huge overhaul i hope it's not just
it looks just like the monster hunter world i hope they really go in with the
next generation features and stuff like that i agree kirk you have any other
follow-up questions or is there anything because like i cannot recommend men, Graham blue enough.
Like I am in a, this is a must own game, whether you're on PC or on console.

The one weakness that I do hope gets corrected with time is no cross play with
PC and to see PC doing so well,
that was a concern I had because this isn't a known IP and to see over a hundred
thousand people concurrent on the PC version makes it say like,
yeah, you're not going to be worried about not being able to find people to
play with, which is good.

But in the long-term health of it it should just
be like just play we're you know just let you play together go
ahead yeah it's it's number one in there it's number
one in the eu last week
i believe from what i saw on twitter it was number one
eu we haven't i will see once mpd comes out where it charts on playstation here

in the united states but i think this game is going to do well i again i don't
think it's going to do like spider-man i got award numbers but i mean if they
can hit a million or two for for a brand new IP that's kind of new to the bigger market.
I can see that being a huge success. Yeah, I agree.
And of course, stuff like that leads to sequels. So, yeah, I'm all for it.

Yeah, be good. I mean, side games is pretty small, right?
So it's a good story for them to to sort of get bridge over from mobile and
have what looks like a really polished experience.
I'm really happy to see that available for people on PC and console.
And you know it's unfortunate it's not on xbox which might
be a lead into our next topic but yeah no it's

it this seems like a win for everybody i mean i love
seeing like these niche type of games like like the tales
series like the the trails series yeah ease
you know stuff like that atelier like those
games getting more attention i think is only good for the
industry because you know there's people that put a lot of work into those
games and they do do get sort of unnoticed a

lot of times in the west so i'm all for those
games getting a lot more recognition and this
one's weird i think it's like a timing thing like i think they
did they did really well as far as getting this out in late
january you know it seems like a lot of games
are getting the spotlight right now so good on
them kind of kind of i kind of am a little bit

salty that it stole stole the spotlight from my
boy ichiban and infinite wealth but that game definitely
got its flowers and yeah yeah it looks like it's grand blues time in the sun
and it also looks like it's well deserved so props to that i'm glad you brought
up side games because i'm glad this game is doing well because they have a game
that's in development or i hope it's still in development called project awakening

that's a supposed to be a playstation 5 exclusive.
That they announced back on the ps4 and and
those guys been tweeting about it for quite some
time time and i want that game to come out and it was
the one with the knight fighting the dragon and it
looked like ultra realistic and i
wonder why did that game fall off the radar we hadn't heard anything from

it and then they finally said oh you're talking about deep down was that them
no well a lot of people said that it was deep down but deep down was by capcom
okay but the game is is reminiscent of deep down yes but it was the project
awakening the guy was walking on the Cliffs and the dragon. He was fighting the dragon.
Again, it looked realistic. It was a next generation looking game.

They finally announced that they've moved it from PS4 to PS5 and here we are. I'm still waiting.
Hopefully, now that this game has come out, they can start saying,
hey, this is when we're going to release this game here.
I know there's small teams, small development.
People but so i guess final thoughts both of

you if you had to put a score out of 10 on
the game what would you give it and then also what do you think its odds
are for for being nominated for rpg of
the year and then also i mean what what do
you how do you think it shapes up against something like final fantasy
rebirth and i know brian you're probably less familiar
with it than jade of an ir but infinite wealth which is

you know get done gangbusters across the board
as far as the critical reception everybody seems to be absolutely in
love with that game so yeah i'm curious to know like your sort
of sort of verdict on the game and where do you think it's going to fall
as far as critical reception nine out
of ten unfortunately i think it's
going to fall off the radar a little bit because it's the

first of the year and all games in the beginning yeah
people forget about them because there's more and more games people
are going to keep talking about the successive games i think it'll
be there it'll be in the running for rpg of
the year but i mean let's face it i mean it's it's a shoo-in for
final fantasy 7 rebirth that is
going to be not only the rpg of the year but it's more than likely going to

be the game of the year unless you know playstation decides to drop something
that they hadn't announced yet out there that just kind of takes everybody's
mind away so i mean i don't know when is monster hunter monster 25 okay Monster Hunter Wilds 2025.
That's next year. And Dragon's Dogma 2 is also in March. So this is going to
be a big year of good competition.

And honestly, I'm all for it. Like, let's, you know, this is going to be great.
Let them compete. Yeah, exactly.
I think we all win when they're all competing for us. I think to answer the
question about score, I struggle with score because I find the numbers,
like people get weird about it. So like I fall into the.

Buy this is an own must own game and it's
not even a full price game it starts at 60 and
that's actually something really surprising that they did because
i think people have been conditioned to the 70 aspect
so when it comes down to all of
that yes but if you're gonna have to put a score on
it like i would i'd say 9.5 like this is this is an amazing game an amazing

experience and like even chili and chavis say like rather than a sequel he'd
rather then put more content in this this game and that is something would be
really interesting to see a non's game as a service game,
have features that are something like a
games as a service where it's like every couple years maybe or there's
a new chapter that you know you can play and play through

the story and you got your characters and and they're just gonna let you be
overpowered as all get out i'm all for that as an option as well so this is
really fantastic and late in the game hit in the membership over on on youtube
thank you so much for that support guys i really appreciate you doing that dude,
we make the content for free and i'm just glad that you guys get some value

out of it all right kirk is there anything else that you want to talk about
grand blue because there is also big big,
big big drama news i think that covers it for grand blue probably,
all right well i'm gonna keep the gameplay let's give the people what they want
let's Give the people what they want. Why are they here?
Jay, how was your weekend?

Oh, my weekend was fantabulous. Oh, my God.
Grace. You know, I got vindicated on a lot of things. A lot of people,
you know, had to go out and delete some tweets, even though I keep receipts. Yeah.
We just, it's just been a great weekend, but I think the bigger thing in my
weekend was finding out that my preferred console platform could be getting

a boatload of Xbox games.
And I just wanted to, but we're talking the whole slate and I have a list here.
If you want me to give the list of games that are being considered to be either in the process.
Give us the list. Cause this, it's not like going to take 30 minutes to do.

Yeah. No, this is Indiana Jones, Starfield, Doom, Year Zero,
which is their new coming game.
High Five Rush. Of course, we kind of talked about that previously.
Sea of Thieves, Flight Simulator, Halo Infinite, Halo Master Chief Collection,
The Pentament, Grounded, Gears of War Series, and Hellblade 2.

So this is a combination of some older titles, some newer titles,
and titles that we literally have release dates for.
Guys, this is not a nothing burger. Where there's smoke, there's fire.
You know, we kind of heard the rumblings with High Five Rush and As Dust Falls,
but Jesus, every day, every 30 minutes, I'm getting up-to-date lists and more

information, and now it's like literally every insider, Every insider, every journalist,
every all the who of who's on Twitter is confirming a lot of this stuff.
And so I'm dumbfounded at the moment. Of course, I thought I would brag,
gloat and be happy and yada, yada, yada.
But I was talking to a friend of mine post up. Shout out to post up earlier. Earlier.

I'm not necessarily happy as I thought I would be, you know,
as being a fan boy of Twitter and the antagonizer in chief.
But there's a little bit of sadness there. There's also a little bit of.
It's kind of like when the Lakers like the Lakers Celtics rivalry,
the Lakers just got real bad.

Yeah. And like all the Celtics fans, they were like happy for a little bit.
Yeah. But then they realize, oh, like this is we're not going to sit with you.
We're not going like it's not going to be a big deal when we play
them anymore and it's kind of like that sadness when you realize oh
that rivalry just kind of it's not going to exist anymore because
there is a pageantry to it yeah there's something special about
it and when when you see a competitor like that

that you know you've been dunking on you've been trashing on but really
in your heart like you had a lot of respect for because like absolutely
all the all the all the controversy and
all the conflicts that you know was was sort of
engaging and riveting to be a part of is gonna
fall away because they're not comparable and
and a worthy competitor anymore like it it

does it is sad to see that i think for
a lot of the plate like i've seen pretty much just sympathy
from playstation people out there like i really haven't seen like
there's been a few people that are like you know rubbing it
in and stuff but yeah i mean you got guys like puerto rock guys
like nicola and some other guys that are just
like you know i mean they're just like this sucks dude

like this sucks for y'all well because we're because
we're gamers and we all own playstations i mean
on in xboxes right but you know as much as
trash you know that i talk i have a gang load of xboxes and everybody knows
that right and so they see me playing the games that other xbox dudes don't
want to play right like the sea of thieves the high five rushes well no not

high five rush i'm sorry the bleeding edges and the battle tunes and and you know a lot of the.
The lower Metacritic score games, but I do give them a fair shake and I stream
them to see, you know, is it worth it?
Before I crap on this game, let me actually play it for myself instead of taking
somebody else's opinion for it.

But yeah, it is kind of somber and it's not just because the console war is
over, but it's really, I actually thought, you know, and I can't speak on anyone else.
I actually thought that them spending $100 billion on Activision Blizzard was going to bring,
it was going to reinvigorate the brand it was really
going to you know give a big morale

and huge injection of i guess
pizzazz in the console space that would allow me hey i'm going to be getting
these brand new games on my xbox and then i got my playstation to give me this
and we're back to competing right even peter moore said the console war was
was great gaming because it actually caused gamers to get off the couch and

and engage, and talk, and spread the word.
So I know a lot of people say, oh, you're just a fanboy, and you're just rah-rah,
but guess what? Word of mouth is everything.
We just got through talking about Grand Blue Fantasy Reelink.
There's somebody watching who's never heard about that game,
and now they may go check that out, right?
That's Microsoft and Sony couldn't buy that type of advertisement.
And so we go and tell our friends and our family and everything else.

Just, you know, it's just, I don't know, man. I just, I felt like,
why would you, you know, The time that Microsoft, if they were going to give up,
They should have gave up last generation when everything was down.
Why would you wait to, you know, wait till you get, you become,
you get all this stuff, right?
You have like the biggest and you have the biggest IP in the world.

You literally own the biggest IP in the world.
You literally own several of the biggest IPs in the world. You own World of
Warcraft. You own Candy Crush.
I mean, you own all of this stuff. And this stuff is, it should have an Xbox
only logo stamped all over it. And they decided, eh, give it to Nintendo and PlayStation.

And I felt like, man, I do feel sad for my Xbox brothers across the aisle.
I do feel sad for them because they have dedicated their time,
their lives, and their money.
Money. But repping this brand. And the brand is no longer the brand that it once was.
It hasn't been that for 10 years. It hasn't been that for, just true.

It hasn't been that for 10 years. This has been the destination,
right? And it might not have been understood by everybody.
I, 10 years ago. Ginger, you're so wrong about this.
And that's why everybody disagrees with you online. You were in a Twitter space
earlier and nobody agreed with you. It doesn't make me wrong.
I have been telling this and this has been happening for 10 years and I've been

told I've been wrong and continually getting proven right.
It's not saying that I wanted this originally, but I grieved 10 years ago.
Y'all are all in where I was 10 years ago. I have a head start.
It means that i need to bring that integrity and tell
you guys the truth not what you want to hear kirk but
we will i know that what i'm saying is that there's a difference between your

mentality of knowing that this was going to happen and not believing what was
being publicly stated in very
forward-facing presentation type of ways by xbox executives and by their.
Public relations department and at these showcases at
the showcase that they did after the bethesda purchase where

they directly stated that the purchase was about bringing
exclusive games to the xbox platform when they
bought ninja theory and they bought double fine and
all these other studios talking about how their plan was to
bring xbox exclusive games to the platform to justify
that platform's existence i'm fine with you
saying that you were saying hey this is not this

is not what's really happening like they're gonna go third party
or they're gonna they're it's not in the box right that's not what
they're invested in they're invested in a larger ecosystem i'm fine
with you saying that you were championing that the entire time and that
you predicted this just not just communicated the outcome at least trying because
people would would hear that and the thing i've been critical of them is in

the marketing and this is where it's like it's been weirdly vague because you're
right that the concept of exclusive what does that even mean anymore as soon
as they went day in date with PC,
that word does not mean what it used to mean.
And I still think of it as what does it mean? There's no reason to buy an Xbox and there hasn't been.
And so this, this, you know, this movement isn't about me championing it one way or the other.

I'm actually very neutral on it because it it's, there's going to be good things that happen.
And there's probably gonna be some bad things that happen because of it.
It's just what is happening.
And I feel compelled, held you know algorithmically suicidal
because people will be like this guy he doesn't know
what he's talking about turns out he does you do
know what you're talking about what i'm what i'm trying to convey

to you is that foreseeability of
a negative outcome does not excuse the
outcome like you are saying that it is it
was foreseeable it was predictable this is
where you saw the xbox brand and their business
strategy going this entire time i commend
you for that i applaud your your your foresight

in that regard i in no way am i
taking away from that in no way am i not trying to give you credit
for predicting that this would happen i think a
month ago and and and three months ago we we
hedged on this conversation and i said no way
and you said yes so i was wrong and you
were right a lot of people were wrong and you were right hold
on i'm trying to say i'll take my i'll take my there's like

somebody somebody clipped that there's a difference between that conversation
i don't think anybody nobody at least has a right to to say that that's not
true what i just what i just went over there's between that and then understanding
that the foreseeability of a negative outcome.
An outcome that has an adverse effect on the

community on those that invested in the ecosystem
yeah the foreseeability does not excuse the
outcome itself or the people that brought it about i agree
if xbox is going to go out there and say hey this is what we're doing this is
why you should invest in our ecosystem not only that they said it before the
launch of their console yeah brian They said they were buying Bethesda to to

improve the Xbox and to improve that ecosystem.
And that's why you should buy in. I agree with everybody who's upset.
Like, I understand that upsetness. I just don't share in it emotionally because
I had that that that happened to me 10 years ago.
Well, it makes you it makes you come off like an apologist. It really does.
Well, I can't help that. I have to say you can. You cannot do that.

But you're choosing to do that. I could choose to lie to people.
Yes i can i choose no we just we just
want you to call them out for for causing a negative outcome
to all of us i have said that i understand and it is perfectly reasonable to
feel and mad and that like you're that reaction is a very natural reaction i
don't know how to state it another way i think it's getting lost in the sauce

but if you really do that's my brand that's my brand getting lost in the sauce is...
That sounds perfect for me.
Jay, we have to... Put it on the box.
Ginger Prime gets lost in the sauce. Lost in the sauce, baby.
See, listen. I get what Ginger is saying, but Ginger...
You understand, but you also don't realize how you, as well as I,

and as well as Kurt, have invested a lot of money in this platform.
And we were promised things. And those promises have recently changed.
It didn't happen 10 years ago. It happened recently.
For whatever reason, even in their statement, that kind of came out as their
change of strategy. Satya Nadala said it.

Tim Stewart said it very clear. This is very clear. This is a change of strategy.
So you sold us right on the promise of something and you're going to do X,
Y and Z and give us our exclusives and do this.
And you're going out. You have people parading, watching freaking C-SPAN right for days on end.
You have people arguing with politicians on stuff. You really riled up the crowd

and this crowd that you riled up.
Now you tell them there's really no benefit for them. But the people who didn't
want that deal to go through get all the glory and get all the benefits.
And that is a big F you. And it's going to be interesting to see how feel Satya,
whoever comes out, Sarah, whoever comes out. It's got to be Phil, in my opinion.

Yeah, but it can't be Sarah. Not this month. Right.
It better not be.
I'm going to hold the line for her. I'm going to hold the line for her because she's a newbie.
She's she's she has no, you know, it's not.
Not no she didn't cause this problem so she shouldn't take the
brunt and the feedback that's going to come from the fan base the
dollar though and this could be a perfect time to for phil

spencer to exit is to take that brunt hand it off and here in like to sarah
and then you know the system goes forward i think that the other thing too is
if he leaves he can say this was not my call you know if he's got to stay he's
got to do the the march in tow of xbox this is our plan we're moving forward, whatever.
If he resigns, he can say, this is not what I thought would come to pass.

That's saving grace. That says this is not my plan. This is not what I want.
I was fighting for the gamer.
This is what was promised, and I'm a man. I stick by my word, X, Y, and Z.
He should do it. Jim's going out with his golden handcuffs going on some island
somewhere. Phil should do it, too.
I said this, and I'm on record for saying this. I said, what if,
because we don't know right behind the scenes, what if,

Because Jim Ryan, like right after the deal went through, Jim Ryan decided to
retire. And I said, what if?
And I know guys said he was fired, but we'll come to find out he's not fired.
They threw him a party and everything else.
He's still running the company until April. But he's let the man retire.
That's a good thing. You know, he did a good job. John Layden retired on top.
He said, listen, I travel. I did all this stuff.

I did my decade of fighting the good fight for this console.
It was number one. We meet expectations. expectation.
Jim Ryan had did the exact same thing. Plus Jim Ryan said, listen,
I have to be awake for three different times on, I have to travel from three
different time zones, right? I've got to be in Japan. I got to be in California.
Then I got to be back at home in the UK. I, I just, I'm old now. I'm tired.

I did my, the company's in great hands. It's making more money than it ever has.
PlayStation five is a super exceeding the previous generation.
It's doing and everything the competition and
i said this what if the competition has
said without saying it publicly that hey
listen we want this deal because we're going

to become a third-party publisher we no longer want to compete with
you we'll be pulling out of the console space so there
is no more reason for you to object this
and and what if they made that
that deal and said okay and they you know and
they're like hey well you're gonna get all our games so what is that there's

no there's no reason you should keep fighting this and so jim ryan and i was
like okay we'll if that's the plan we'll no longer fight it and then all of
a sudden field name starts saying hey we're gonna put our games on gfn we're
gonna put our you know we're cutting deals with nintendo,
and so they just started putting deals everywhere they cut it everywhere and
i was thinking about i was like is this just.

Him just cutting fake deals and later
he's going to retract and now we fast forward today he meant
business he stood on business when he said everything so
many people so many people were really
pissed at me because i didn't have an issue with microsoft and
the abk deal they're like you're anti-gamer it's like
no they're gonna put these games everywhere like this

is what they're signaling which that would have been fine brian
if it was just activision we were we talked about that a
month ago and said that that was fine if they're just
putting call of duty everywhere they had they promised in
court they do that people forget phil literally swore under oath that they would
put diablo everywhere you know diablo 4 diablo 5 whatever and you know what

also happened under oath that yeah you know what also happened under oath which
will be really interesting because i don't see them getting out of making consoles
but we know that the console is a lost leader,
and you make it up on game sales.
And you have to have a big volume of it.
I could see this being something where it actually tricks up an antitrust case in the future.

And I talked to Hoag Law about this, because at some point, let's say PlayStation,
it's a one console monopoly, and Xbox still has their platform,
just like Xbox in the 90s supporting Apple, so that they didn't get hit by antitrust.
I could see something where it could end up being a massive of legal power play.
It's a gamble, but a massive legal power play to get PlayStation games publishing

over on Xbox and that the term exclusivity evolves into what means just timed exclusive.
Play this game first on PlayStation.
Play this game first on Xbox. We need to have a come to Jesus moment right now
on this show. Okay. I think we all need to hold hands, right?
We all need to have a come to Jesus moment.
The console is going away. They no longer care about the console. It's going away.

Less and less people will buy this next iteration of the console, the refresh.
Less and less people are going to buy the Xbox Series X and S right now.
As of today, less and less people have no reason to buy it.
Because they did this. That's why. They were always doing this. Look, can I?

I've lost the chat. So I want to address the chat.
Because, look, I get it. there there's two
sides to this issue and then there's whatever side ginger's on
he's on his own island doing his own thing where he predicted this 10
years ago that's fine it's just called i have a
i have a weird brain and it compels me
to tell people what's happening no street domus over here dude nobody likes

the profit man and it sucks because i'm like fuck excuse my language oh i can't
and i have to in any case yeah go ahead that the the idea that games that that
we're unavailable for other people going somewhere else,
them being able to play it, being bad and people being angry about that.
Yes, that's dumb. I understand that that is dumb. I agree that that's dumb.

I am happy that people that do not own an Xbox or a PC will be able to play Starfield.
I genuinely am.
That is there. That is separate from something else, something else that we're talking about.
So no, it, and no, way am I grabbing a pitchfork and saying I don't want PlayStation

gamers to be able to play Starfield. No, no, no.
Happy for that and that's not what it's about for me and I think that the community
gets a bad rap because that's kind of the perception,
is that oh Xbox people just hate it when PlayStation people get to play their games and vice versa.
I'm not in favor of that I'm not in favor of gatekeeping gamers from games.

However the fact of the matter is and Satya Nadella addressed this in court
is that That PlayStation,
as part of their business practices, keeps games on the console,
whether they're first party or they sign deals like with Square Enix for the
Final Fantasy VII trilogy and for Final Fantasy XV.
That's something that happens. So in order to be competitive over the last five

or more years, Xbox has needed to have exclusives.
And they acknowledge that publicly. and they bought Bethesda to address that
publicly and then acknowledged that publicly after the purchase,
two months before the Series X and S were coming out.
They announced that and they said that this was about,

out of Phil Spencer's own mouth, that this was about bringing exclusive games,
sort of the implication being to counteract, to be comparable to,
to complement PlayStation's own assortment of exclusive titles,
which they could not match in the xbox one
era the xbox one era got sunset overdrive

rise son of rome dead rising and
like a couple others halo 5 that like didn't
matter compared to the the swath of i mean ps4 crushed them on excuses it was
insane and so here i am trying to trying to make this personal so you can like
maybe maybe understand what it's like for people who who Who are really affected

by this in a negative way. Again it's not about.
Me not wanting other people to be able to play these games.
Me who. Was never invested in the Xbox ecosystem.
Never. I didn't own an Xbox 360. I picked one up on Black Friday. For like 50 bucks.
Like I don't know. In 2018. Or something crazy like that. Just you know.

I want to play through Halo 3 campaign finally.
Because I'm not a PC guy. so I really never had an Xbox I was never invested
in that ecosystem and I didn't have a One I had a Playstation 4 and so.
Now it comes the time where it's like do i double down
with playstation or do i go into the

xbox ecosystem it's a big decision it's going
to be a 500 console and i have to decide and then that's going to be the platform
where i have all my games i've already bought a bunch of games on playstation
so i'm inclined to stay with there but i really love the elder scrolls franchise
and i really want to play starfield honestly maybe bethesda games are more important
to me than last of us and Horizon.

You know, Forbidden West, we didn't know the subtitle yet, and the slate of
PlayStation exclusives.
And now they're saying, I've got to pick.
Yes, they're saying it's going to be case-by-cases for exclusivity,
case-by-cases, case-by-case basis for exclusivity, but the implication being,
hey, we didn't buy, we didn't spend seven, what was it, billion?
I don't know how much we didn't spend. Seven billion on Bethesda to let the

games go everywhere. That was the discussion.
And Phil heavily implied that. their executive team
heavily implied that they made this purchase for a reason
it was for the gamers for the community of xbox
they're like here we're gonna do it we're gonna fight the good fight get
behind us come and buy this new console that's what
they really meant come give us your money and so

the value proposition of the marketing for playstation in
the jim ryan era and that being very business focused them kind
of resting on their laurels not really trying to you know
appeal to me the gamer just saying oh you're gonna
buy it anyway right we're playstation versus what xbox
was saying and them saying hey we're gonna have to lock
away hell blade and the indiana jones

game you don't know about yet and the blade game that you don't know about yet
and elder scrolls 6 and starfield because we want to compete for you guys we
want to be a worthy alternative in the market to keep that competition up that's
what we're gonna do they told me that so i went out and and bought a $500 console.
Not only that, I subbed a Game Pass for three years up front and have maintained

that pretty far out in advance because I think it's a good service.
And I re-bought probably like $300 or more worth of games than I had on PlayStation
because I'm like, okay, I'm moving my library over to Xbox.
And they're like, the games are coming. Fable's coming. Halo Infinite's going
to be dope. We're going to have all these Bethesda exclusives. It's all coming.

I keep comparing it to this South Park episode where George R.R.
Martin's like, the dragons are coming. No, they're coming.
Like, that's like, it's just like, it's far off in a way. We keep promising it.
And we're, and I put all that money in. I re-bought a bunch of my games.
The Witcher, I re-bought it.
The, you know, like a bunch of games, I re-bought them. So I can,
Red Dead Redemption 2, I re-bought it. So I can have it on Xbox.

I'm going for it on Xbox. I said, I'm not buying a PlayStation 5.
I'm moving over to Xbox. I like what they're doing. I'm going to,
I'm going to, I'm going to go all in on Xbox.
I think that's the ecosystem that I want to be in. i'm i'm buying
what phil is pitching and then
three years it's been three years and
i was like basically forced to go out and buy a playstation

because like i'm looking at like the games
that they're putting out and the games that are gonna come out like
a death stranding 2 like a rise of the ronin of
you know the the the final fantasy remakes and
like all these games that playstation has xbox has
had nothing they've had red fall

and and nothing because starfield is
not going to be exclusive indiana jones is not
going to be exclusive hellblade is probably not going to
be exclusive sure maybe halo infinite stays but that
game didn't deliver that game was a terrible flop so
what the what the hell is it
what the hell how am i supposed to feel like you

had me me buy in on a false premise on a lie
where i probably spent 800 or more dollars
i forgot about the freaking two the the terabyte storage so that's 750 for the
console plus rebuying probably 200 to 300 worth of games to move my library
over because they're telling me that that's a good idea only for for phil to

come out and say on kind of funny xcast oh well we don't expect anybody to move their library away.
I did that! I did that because you told me to!
Because you got up on a stage and you said, believe in us and invest in us.
So I paid my money and then two years on, two and a half years on, I feel like a.
Bleep an idiot because i'm like you know what i

gotta go out and get a ps5 because i want to play god of
war ragnarok and i want to play good games i want to play
spider-man you know what xbox has got jack shit
is what they've got they don't have anything at all and now they're telling
me that the stuff that they were the fable and all that stuff that they were
like oh it's coming down the line look at all the great stuff we got for you
look at all the great stuff we got for xbox games they're telling me now that

all that i could have just bought a playstation 5 i could just bought a PlayStation 5 for $500,
not had to move my library over, not had to invest in any of that. I didn't need Game Pass.
Sure, it's great that I could play those games, but I didn't need it.
I could sub to PlayStation Plus and play those games six months later. It's fine.
Like, I mean, like, there's so much money that I've invested in this ecosystem

because of the lies that they told me.
It doesn't help me, Ginger, that you knew 10 years ago. That
doesn't help me that doesn't help the community that they
lie to like i could have stayed in the
playstation ecosystem never gave them a dime but
they told me that it was worth the investment they directly said you will get
return on this investment if you believe in us and and this is a betrayal of

the highest order that's why tim dog is done that's why every like everybody
on twitter that is known for supporting Xbox,
Jez Corden they're all done like there's no coming back from this like people are literally saying,
and I'm with them, I was literally looking at the Xbox store the other day looking
at sales looking at like, you know, is there anything that I want to get,

like I was looking at Destroy All Humans 1 and 2 packaged together $25,
pretty good deal for 2 games 2 brand new remakes.
I was thinking about buying it on Xbox. Do you think I'm going to buy that on
Xbox now? Absolutely not.
You think I'm going to buy anything on Xbox now, knowing that I'm not going
to have the next Xbox, that I'm definitely going to have a PlayStation 6? Hell no.
Like, they literally just made my Xbox Series X a glorified Xbox One X.

Because it ain't got any new games on it that I need the console for.
It's literally just so I can play Forza Horizon and stuff from years past.
And I can play the stuff that they did FPS PS boot like
that's all great and everything that I've got FPS boost
and I've got Xbox One enhancements and I've got all
these like great things they're doing for game preservation but as

Puerto Rock said last night to you and me J-Dub like
that's all in the past like what how
am I supposed to be gaming now and like Paul Tassi
said it on Twitter like this is embarrassing like this
is embarrassing for Microsoft and Xbox
to do this like it's they look ridiculous
ridiculous i mean they have literally completely negated

the value of their entire ecosystem and
and and and have spat in the face made a
laughingstock of the people that have spent hundreds if not
thousands of dollars investing into their ecosystem
building up a library in that to basically say you'll be
better off you go play on the other box because you'll be getting the
games that they have that they won't let us have like final

fantasy and everything else and you'll get our games too so
why the hell did i buy an xbox there's no reason for
me to have one whatsoever and like i don't have
extra money lying around like i could have paid my my
rent two months with all that money i could have paid
three three months of my car insurance i mean that's ridiculous so i don't know
if it's a privilege issue and people that got money to buy a pc and an xbox

and a playstation everything else they don't care about this because oh well
it's i like having I haven't gained pass and I can play the games where I want
to, whatever for people who would money is tight.
And it matters like i'm pissed that i had
to go out and buy a playstation after i bought into xbox because
xbox didn't give me any any good value
off of that investment and then they said we'll stick with us stick with us

stick with us and now you come out and do this you you literally just went back
on everything that you promised everything that you promised like you have delivered
nothing absolutely nothing for me and and that's that's insulting and it that's
why we the Xbox people out there,
we feel disgusted. We feel gross.
Like, can you just conceive of what it would take for someone like TimDog to

scrub his entire Twitter profile of anything Xbox-related?
He said he doesn't even want to talk to anybody at Xbox right now.
I mean, this is just, this is bizarro land.
I mean, I've never seen corporate self-sabotage of this level in the gaming industry.
I guess you know I mean I don't even think Sega was

like this Sega tried and they just they just couldn't make
it work they couldn't make it happen there is a timing issue
and a production issue and a lot of things that play
and Nintendo caught on fire at the right time PlayStation caught on
fire at the right time they just didn't have it this
is just Xbox like taking themselves out back
and shooting themselves in the head like this is insane they

just made their entire player base overnight not
want to buy another game on their platform it is
ridiculous all right i will shut up now and let y'all know i i
really am glad that we got to see my uh my thought process
10 years ago right now here in real time but that doesn't help anybody that
you already went through this i can't travel time travel and i can't help that

people ignored my messaging but you can empathize with them now even if they
didn't listen to you it doesn't have to be an i told you so moment it's That's totally.
And I told you, he's too far gone from that, from, from way back when he went,
you know, and it's perfectly reasonable how you feel, but I cannot pretend that
I feel that now, you know?

And so it's like when it, when it's all said and done, yeah,
there isn't a reason to do that.
And I do would, you know, say that they lied.
Yeah. Like they, and their marketing, not directly because they were specifically vague.
That in and of itself was, I was like, this is, I'm concerned.
I don't like how they're wording things.
I want them to be more succinct. I want them to be more clear.

And I think that is absolutely valid.
The thing that is, is like, Tim Dogg, you, like, the world, as they process
this shift in the gaming landscape, there's going to be that anger.
That's the first thing that happens whenever this information is brought on.
And then eventually that transitions into acceptance and then under like,

oh, this is actually working out better for me as a gamer.
Like Vet Cloud says, because if you're still buying like Xbox games on other
platforms, that's still a win for Microsoft.
And it gives them the ability to do so much
more they have so much more leverage now especially
with the abkd i disagree i disagree i'm gonna

i'm gonna i'm gonna push back on that brian because it's exactly
what phil said in court where he said when we sell our games he he got asked
this by the judge the judge said why would you not let some games go to playstation
because you've said publicly that it's going to be a case-by-case basis why
are we here why is playstation saying that you're not going to let games go on their platform?

What is the incentive there? Because we have emails that we're looking at where
you're conversing with Matt Booty saying, no, Minecraft's fine,
but we shouldn't let other games go over there.
It's not a good strategy for us. Why is that the case?
And he laid it out. He said, when we sell our games on PlayStation.
They get a 30% or more cut from those sales.

And then what do they do? They take that money and go
use it to pay Square Enix to sign a deal
so that we can't get their games so no that's just
patently not true it will not give them
leverage it is the opposite of giving them leverage it makes them
lose their leverage their only leverage was to
it's exactly what i said to you and alex brian i

said as good as indiana jones looks they
better hold on to that for dear life and
never let it go to playstation and literally like
two weeks later it comes out from tom warren
that it's going to go to a playstation they have no leverage they're
cooked they're done like there's nothing
you have to talk about yeah no there is because you

are and a lot of people are still locked into
this this hardware mindset the future isn't hardware
driven and this has been and this is me continue
like you know if you guys are like in 10 years like i wish i listened to
brian 10 years ago listen right now the future isn't
hardware the future isn't mobile the future isn't cloud the future
is just all of that yeah but that's an existence i'll be

honest that's like 20 years 30 we don't know what right we
don't know what's going to be in the future we're in the now we're in
the next five to ten years and if you look at sony if you look at nintendo these
guys have a new console that's coming out this year and they're they're making
money hand over fears they're selling their hardware even more than their predecessor

so when that trajectory is going like this for nintendo though in Sony.
But it's like this for Xbox and you're saying, well, the whole industry is like,
no, Xbox is going in that way.
Nintendo and sony gonna do what they have did for the last
30 40 years let's just
let's separate them out from this conversation slightly because they're

the only platform that makes money by selling
the platform that's not me and microsoft they do
they make they make money on the cell money off of
their ps5 within the first year yes with
it no within the first year they put out a statement like
six months after launch saying we are
now and i'll send it to you just so you'll know i'm

not making this up seeing that yeah i believe now profitable on
your hardware in each revision they had like porter
rock said before each revision of their
console even though it's slightly like sometimes the internals internals
and change and stuff and you kind of never know but each one
of those revisions is a price change

because components get cheaper all the time so they're putting the
price drop they put the components in there and that's just even
more money that they're making and guess what they take that money
and they're investing in the playstation portal a
new playstation portal hand a native handheld a
psvr and the headsets the
earbuds and everything else all of that comes from the

ps5 it's surrounding the ps5 playstation is not going anywhere they're doubling
tripling and quadrupling i'm not stating that they're going away a playstation
7 playstation 8 and on this is you know fortunately i guess fortunately and
And unfortunately for Sony, PlayStation is their bread and butter.
So they have no choice but to do what they're doing, right?

They can't just say, hey, we're going to let the console go away. No, they have no choice.
This is it. They need you buying a PlayStation 5.
They don't want you going anywhere else. They don't want you going to Nintendo.
They don't want you going to PC. They don't want you going to Xbox.
So at this point, Sony's looking like, well,
if Microsoft gets out of the hardware business, business

a lot of their gamers are going to come
over to us and guess what we'll nurture
their games that's gonna we'll host their their halos
the gears and forzas and their games why not now these guys are over here they're
gonna sign up for playstation plus they're gonna buy some earbuds they're going
to you know buy vr and other stuff this is you're getting the company you're

giving the competition you basically give it up like what kurt said they've
literally given up and and,
I understand what you're saying in the future, in some future. I don't know.
I'm not saying consoles are going away and or hardware is going away.
I know that it's like that is that's a tricky thing that I'm definitely not elegant at in speaking.

I'm saying the future is not those things because those things will continue
to exist, but they're not going to be the be all end all.
And so to your point with PlayStation, hey, you know, I believe you stand corrected.
So let's put, I don't think Microsoft is making money on the sale of the,
of the Xbox, you know, console.
No, they don't. They, they, they, you know, over 24 years of their existence.

They haven't made a dime on the PlayStation is going to have a cloud offering and a PC offering.
Right. So when it, when it says that it's only starting now and it's only going
to get better and it's only going to get better so that the gamer,
whether it's Kirk or you or me, like you're going to end up having way more choice.
If you want to invest in a console then you there's

an option and yes i would say the ps5 the the
console to buy this is the console to buy if you're
going to buy a console then you shift into that and go
and say like well if you end up having the ability
to have a gaming pc well guess what you're
not you're not cut off right we've seen so much hardware
innovation because of the removal

of exclusivity and this is the rogue ally this is
the steam deck this is the logitech g cloud within the
handheld space which was formerly dominated dominated by
nintendo you could not release a handheld and find
any success ask sega like they're like
yes you would have some niche success you'd have some people who are those handhelds
are just pc they are just right that's all right but meaning that it's that

they they can exist because oh they can't like because they now have to sell
themselves on like oh this is
the only place that you can play this game which was and is the current,
especially Square PlayStation model. Yeah, so let's say this, right?
Nintendo Switch has sold over 135 million Nintendo Switches.
If you add up the Rogue Ally, which I own, the Logitech G Cloud that I own,

the Steam Deck, which I own, and the new Lenovo handheld or whatever, I don't have that one.
If you add those up, right, the combination of those sales may be maybe 2 million, right? Yeah.
They're not making any massive dent. They're just extension.
I mean, they're basically mobile PCs.

There's not this massive fluctuation of people. I'm buying this in any massive drop. It's not.
It's just not compared to Nintendo for various reasons. The reason?
Because Nintendo has exclusives.
It's an exclusive thing. You know PlayStation?
Sure, they could have made their PlayStation portal where it does this with

PC and Android and all this stuff.
But guess what? But matter of fact, you're the one that asked me,
you say, hey, can you do GFN on that thing? And I was like, no,
guess what? I'm getting a PS5.
I have a PS5. And I was like, oh, if I could do GFN on the Portal,
that's actually much more preference
because the PlayStation controller is fantastic, especially the 5.

It would be great if you could do that.
But you know what? But Sony, again, just like Nintendo and just like Apple believes,
why would I give people another reason to go somewhere else? We want you here.
So this is going to be an extension of your. And Xbox believes the opposite.
And Xbox believes everybody else is.

And I even heard people out there talking about, well, the new Xbox,
they're just going to outsource and let everybody make an Xbox.
So you'll have Lenovo making an Xbox.
That's just a Steam box. That's just a Steam box. I'm thinking to myself,
who in their right mind would invest...
In a piece of hardware that they

have to share with a bunch of other manufacturers that
the gamers don't even want to buy its own
hardware that's proprietary right now like that's
a dead car that's a crazy investment who would who would do that like paul tassi
needs to be stopped yeah like come on he posts he says the year is 2025 and

i'm consulting a spreadsheet spreadsheet two pages long to figure out which
games are or are not currently xbox exclusive.
We are proud to announce all xbox original titles are coming to our friends
at playstation except for redfall they didn't want that one,

we do have a little breaking news uh it's finally
confirmed that the next halo is going
to be multi-platform and are you serious that's
that's our website yeah no no shot
dude this is happening oh my god
it's happening yeah it's it's happening i mean
that great fantastic i was

honestly i was really worried that phil was going to come out today and
say this is not happening yet this is not an official
decision like we're still doing case by case like
some mumbo jumbo that lets them straddle that neutrality line if
they're committing to this great fantastic because
i just i i i'll do my paul
tassi spreadsheet that's fine i'll do

my spreadsheet and i'll buy my ps6 and when
the game comes on ps6 i'll buy it because i like i i don't want to do this half
i in out i don't know whatever like so now i know like if i can play halo on
the playstation i'm just gonna have a playstation and that's what i'll have
i i don't maybe i maybe i'll I'll get a Switch as well, but,
like, I don't need an Xbox anymore.

Like, that's why this is insane.
It's like, Ginger, I don't know if you believe.
That people are not going to have the box, but they're still going to be involved in the ecosystem.
But I don't. I think that's wrong. And I think a lot of people think that's wrong.
And hey, you're no Sir Damas, so you might know better than us.
But what I'm saying is they just told everybody, you don't need our box anymore

and you don't need to be involved with us anymore.
And like at that point, Game Pass just becomes Netflix, Paramount Plus, Max, Peacock, all that.
And guess what? But when people feel like they can get off those and stop paying
that money, they jump at the chance to do that.
If they ain't got a show that they're watching right now on one of those,

if they don't have a reason to be on one of those right now,
and the data backs this up.
That's why Paramount and Peacock got exclusive NFL playoff games because that's
the only way they can get people to subscribe.
They can't keep people because as soon as they're
done watching the show that was on that season that
was the only reason they got the subscription in the first place they cancel
it because they don't want to be on that so as soon as

i can go to playstation and play my starfield and
play my halo and play everything i don't need xbox
game pass anymore it's not convenient enough
for me to shell out 15 to 17
dollars a month for that service when i have a
console and i can just drop money on sales
on it on the playstation games that or i can go

buy this hopefully for one more generation from gamestop
or on ebay or wherever and i own it then
it's mine and we can get it although it's really a license or
whatever but like at least it's it's not a subscription model
and so like yeah there's i mean they've just they have literally decisively
told me you don't need to give us any more money you don't need to to f with

us anymore you you're good you can just you can just cut clean you're good to
go and like It's going to be a mass exodus.
I mean, I think...
A lot of us are bought into like i'm bought in for to game pass for like two
more years because i do like the black friday when the cards are like what they
used to cost basically so i'm like bought in for two more years but let me tell

you what if i was paying paying month to month for game pass i mean when i roll
credits on hellblade 2 i'd be canceling it.
As soon as i roll credit credits on hellblade 2
in may my game pass subscription would be over
and i would not be resubscribing because i know that all
the games are going to eventually come on the playstation and why do i
want you know the footage in the background is is my

uh starfield playthrough you know when i first started playing
the game checking it out in 4k like i've got
30 hours in that game i'm gonna have to restart that now on
playstation 5 because i want to be able to have my save that it will inevitably
have you know 120 hours or whatever of a bethesda rpg goodness on the ps6 and
in the playstation ecosystem because there is no xbox ecosystem they just There's

going to be a neat. No, they, there are still going to be an Xbox ecosystem.
Like it's not a part of the Xbox ecosystem.
That's what this move is. Right. But the save is how, so what I'm going to be
able to bring my save over to PlayStation. That's not going to happen. It's just the reality.
It didn't mean anything just because you say something.
That's what Microsoft is saying. That's what Phil says. They count Steam Deck.

They count PlayStation. They count all of this as a part of their ecosystem.
And as long as you're engaging with their ecosystem, that's what they want.
And that's what they've said very clearly to me. Okay. So this is what it is.
They've only said these things when they were in a position,
when they were not in a favorable position.
Right. They, that, that was their way of coping and trying to get us to,

you know, these guys are good at words to where they give you talking points.
They give you the talking points. For example, I remember they said, what was this?
There was this one saying that I always kind of tease Phil Spencer about. out. And.
You always put these buzzwords out. And then so people rally behind it and they

go out in the public and they speak this.
But then behind the scene, you're doing something different.
And when that for, oh, the user exclusives matter until they didn't have exclusives. Right.
And then it became about user engagements until they didn't have the user. Right.
And then they change that until it's about the ecosystem until they realize nobody was doing that.
And they'll always find some kind of other way to spend it. that's why

i i just i see it for what it is as a
gamer how does it fit with me how does it resonate with my
friends and family and things like that there is no way to spin this there is
no logical way to spin this the fact is it's not it's driven by money but it's
driven by unnecessary money because they are the de facto world's richest company

they just bought the world's one of the world's biggest company.
They had the world's largest acquisition for video games.
It's just so many big things that just happened.
And for them to say to their fan base, now I'm speaking, I'm speaking for the
average Xbox guy, for them to say, Hey guys, thank you for rallying behind us,

for supporting us for all these years.
But guess what? You don't matter. You know who matters? The Nintendo fan base
and the PlayStation fan base.
They're finna get all your games. They're They're finna get all the perks. And guess what?
Their games, 9, 7, and 10, they're probably going to run better.
It's probably going to have the dual-sense haptic feedback support.
It's probably going to have the 3D audio, the instant loading.
Guess what? The PS5 Pro coming out, guess what? It's going to have all kind

of other stuff because at this point, they have no incentive to make a game
run worse on PlayStation, right?
It's just like Ooni Sensei said in the Twitter space earlier when you were talking to him, Brian.
If they give us our money back, We're all good.
We're fine with Microsoft Xbox. They're not giving the money back.
This is a money play. Exactly. So they can go to hell.

Like, that's how we feel at this point. Like, they can go to hell.
And ain't nobody paying for Game Pass and buying Xbox games anywhere unless
it's on the PlayStation Store.
Like, that's how it's going to be. Like, it's like that now because they did it to us like that.
I mean, sure, whatever. But as far as the people that game in their living room
that either own an Xbox or a PlayStation or both, we're not messing with Xbox anymore.

And they will see that hit.
They will see that hit. They will feel it. The Game Pass subscription is going to go down.
It's not going to stay stagnant or go up. It's going to go down.
They're going to feel that hit this month. They're going to feel that hit.
We can't feel that. they're going to feel that we're not going to fear monger
and say because microsoft made the decisions that they

made well now sony is all of a sudden going to
jack the price no i'm i'm not making the argument that they're going to no
no no not from you i'm talking you said on twitter you're like well the ps6
what if it's a thousand dollars and i was like i'm not i'm not touching that
no no no no no it's and i'm bringing that up because of moore's second law the
like the the massive increase of doubling of costs to be able to produce that level of power.

And something has to give. Either you have to migrate to the cloud so you can offset that cost.
You have to use some form of cloud compute so you can keep the base hardware,
the local hardware, as cheap as possible because it is still about mass adoption.
They don't want to sell less consoles, especially PlayStation.
So the question is, as a theoretical, I don't know if they're going to raise

up the price. They could just end up raising up the cost of video games to like
they like they even were talking about one hundred fifty dollars from Sony.
You know, like maybe games will cost one hundred fifty bucks.
They already do. If you actually buy the, you know, like the the the full edition, everybody will listen.
There was this discussion back when GT, before GTA 6 trailer came out,

there were rumors that GTA 6 was going to be 150 bucks.
Everybody, there was no outrage. Everyone said, I'll buy it.
I'll buy it. Yeah. So I don't want to hear gamers.
If a game is good, people will buy it. People buy collector's editions in the
top premium of all the time.
Call of Duty every single year, the same person by the top tier freaking Call

of Duty, all of that. Listen, gaming is an expensive hobby, and there's an unlimited
amount that people will pay for a great console and great price.
It's just unfortunate that Microsoft had the cheapest console on the market
for $139 this holiday season, and they really didn't sell anything.
And according to Jess Corden, that's part of the reason. They see nobody's buying these consoles.

Yeah. Well, and they're not selling consoles because they have been signaling
that there's no reason to buy the console because they don't have those.
And again, that's where I think that we'll see the timed exclusive where you
could play first on the next Xbox or play first, but they want to shift you.
Well, it's an option to the gamer. People, you know what you want?

99% of people will just sit there and just wait. And exactly.
But so why even do that? Day and date and call it a day. You did day,
day. Oh, okay. You clearly, I see what you're saying. You know what I'm saying?
Like that, that, hey, you get to play it here first on Xbox.
Box like people are not gonna you know we're busy playing other games we can
wait three months six months pc guys freaking kirk will sit around and wait

for two years to play the last of us on pc so you don't think these guys will
wait a couple of months to that they they effectively.
Have killed the xbox it's jover it's over
so it was over there was there is no logic
there was nothing they can do even if they come out today and say hey guys
we were backtracking we have a change of direction we're

gonna guess what it's over the they let it
sit out too long people don't trust them in the
future sometime they'll flip-flop again and they'll
end up there the mind share is they just all the mind
shares out the door this was this this week
and last week was probably the biggest win for
nintendo and sony by doing absolutely nothing they didn't

have to do nothing they just sat back and watched microsoft shoot themselves
in the foot and effectively kill off their consoles and i still i still came
out with the biggest win for microsoft as well but it's there oh my god dude
this is here microsoft no they're done dude are you kidding somebody clip this
because i'm gonna give it to i'm gonna give this clip that's fine every anniversary.

Microsoft is a six trillion dollar company or a ten trillion dollar company
we don't we don't care about that they didn't get that way from they got that
way from everything else We don't care if they don't make a lot of money.
No, no, I'm talking, Kirk. One second. Their gaming division now is their third
largest revenue-producing division. And we're going to...

Because they bought Activision Blizzard and they have King. They're going to be bringing Game Pass.
Pay attention, guys. This is what's going to happen. Here's the roadmap.
They're going to be bringing Game Pass to mobile and breaking into that market
of which they have struggled to break into.
Not us as the 5%ers. We, us gamers, people watching this show,
listening to these words, we represent maybe, maybe 5% of the gaming market.

Microsoft wants 100%. They want to be able to hit all these different avenues.
And yes, I don't like mobile gaming.
I'm not a fan of mobile gaming at all. They're going to end up at zero.
When you can't even maintain your base, your hardcore, it's a wrap.
You're trying to tackle this pie in the sky, thinking that cell phone gamers

are going to save you, thinking that cloud gamers are going to save you.
You're thinking everybody else is going to save you. you bill already went
on the stand and said that that they the mobile their
mobile enterprise was defunct yeah that they'd
had no success and that they were hoping that they have king could
give them an injection sure but that's a hail mary play
that's not guaranteed a billion dollars

it's been a hail mary play because gaming is
this weird unique thing that i'm going to use a term that people
are i gotta i'm going to try to be very articulate and communicating
this i'm going going to say preferred monopoly because social
media is also a preferred monopoly people like the
platform that they go to getting it and this doesn't apply
to like burger joints and things like that so i'm not making the

case that like everything has that level of preference but
video games instill in us this connection this relationship to the ip itself
there is no playstation equivalent to mario there is no you know halo on nintendo
and if microsoft wants to to go that direction and bring games to everywhere,

like that is actually a win for gamers, whether they choose to want to play
or not, whether they want to play, you know, and experience a game or not.
The archaic design, how video games have evolved and just in terms of cost and
what business and how businesses think it, the writing has been on the wall.
I'm actually, the only thing that surprised me is we're actually having this

conversation today and not sometime here in the next year.
I was thinking that this was going to be something that was going to be more
prevalent later this year, but it is what it is.
But the, the preferred monopoly mindset is that if Phil Bill Spencer came out and said it.
He says, we've lost the console wars. This is what's happening.
Even if they release 10 out of 10 out of 10 games, that people aren't going

to just sell their PlayStations and move over. They should have tried it.
They should have tried it first before they knocked it. They have been trying
it, and they haven't been good at it.
So let them be the company and let them focus in on the work and where they
are good, because they have good skills, right?
But they have struggled in certain areas. And honestly, I saw a chat talking about Amazon.
Amazon has a console. It's a cloud-only console and it's additive.

We're gonna see all kinds of different stuff But I'm not saying that it's good
at like it doesn't necessarily mean it's going to be the mainstream But PC gaming is in the mainstream.
He's gonna like remain remain that for the foreseeable future I want to address
a sir in the chats point here saying that Xbox is the new Sega Sega is crushing it now. I

But like what we forget is Sega was terrible for years.
It took them years, like almost multiple decades to get back in the game after
they collapsed with the Dreamcast.
I mean, the idea that Xbox is just going to make this roundabout 180 pivot and
all of a sudden be an amazing publisher after they were terrible at making consoles.

Sure, turnovers is long-term.
I mean, like Sega is just now with Yakuza and Persona and Atlus,
which I'll throw that up there.
And and those games like oh we
got some music that yeah with with atlas and and
yakuza and their other franchises like sega
is finally getting to the point to where they're respected they're

doing well people get excited about sega properties they're
a very good publisher they're comparable to like a capcom or
you know a ubisoft or one of those outlets and like
to think that xbox who has failed at hardware
who has failed at being a
competitor in terms of oh you should you should buy
your games on our platform who has failed in

the mobile market who has failed in cloud is now
somehow going to be good at being a third-party
publisher i'm just not buying it like they're just
going to disappear until they figure it out and then
they'll come back in a much smaller form but that
that doesn't give me any invest return on the investment of almost
a thousand dollars that i put into xbox and it

doesn't help the rest of the people that are in the same boat so
they're they're offering nothing and and
and and they have been offering you know
the world supposedly and now they just they're just going to come out and be
like oh actually we figured out that we suck and you shouldn't have given us
that money and we're just going going to disappear into the ether now and yeah
and we're gonna be they're still gonna be around more breaking news guys i hate

to break it but every 30 minutes by all means 30 minutes.
But Microsoft is backtracking on the day one game pass where the games were
going to go. Oh, that sucked.
That sucked. It's a little fishy. It's a little different now.
You have a link for that? Because I want to know. Yeah. Oh, you're like, what's up?
By the way, this was posted by Tim Dogg. This was posted by Tim Dogg.

So, I mean, he had no doubt.
If they pull out a game pass, that means they're pulling out a game pass.
All aboard the PlayStation 3.
Things have changed drastically just within that hour. We've seen multiple things happen.
So, Ginger, I'll tell you, man, listen, man.

I get what you're saying, but man, that's a horrible hill to die on because
this stuff happens every 30 minutes.
I don't know how this is me dying on the hill. No, no, no. What I'm saying is
the next 30 minutes, Microsoft can say, hey, they're giving up on the cloud
initiative and the mobile initiative and everything.
These guys just don't know at this point.
I don't see them saying that if they do. I didn't think that they would say

that they're going to not do a day and day in game pass. They're not doing day and day game pass.
Like that is in and of itself. Like that is awful.
Well, because like their platform and what they've been communicating is that
game pass is that platform.
That's where like, yeah, the console, like I'm not, I'm not worried about it.
They told us years ago that this was going away.
But again, I know that not everybody was following around that time.

Do you have, do you have any more context on that?
Yeah. If that ends up being true, like that, Like, why would I be subbed to their Game Pass?
Like, the reason I'm subbed is because that is the offering that they bring
in. And if they're going to go that direction, then the value proposition isn't there.
So I'm not going to be a Game Pass subscriber. And that's perfectly fine.
You know, you have a fluctuation of 350 potential new customers coming in.

Game Pass is not on their service. So therefore, they have to change the way
with what they said to fit that narrative.
So it kind of makes sense, but it doesn't make sense because why does that leave?
What if it was like, here's the just like, obviously, I don't have all we don't
have all the information about that.
But what if it was that the information is that, yes, Game Pass is coming to
PlayStation, but it's not going to include the day and date games if you're

part of that on that platform. And if you want that feature,
that's an Xbox console feature.
I don't think that'll happen because, for one, PlayStation is not going to allow
a competing store, just like just like the Apple.
They're not going to allow. They don't want they don't want that.
Yeah, they'll allow the games because they get a cut of that. Right. Right.
So that's that. Right. And then for two, this is Tim. He said, yeah, day one game pass.

He said it's changing to the same guy that got all this information right before
the original leak is saying this right now.
So this is really breaking news.
Well, that's going to save me some money on, on a subscription to Microsoft.
If that's the case, because there's
no, no reason that I'm going to be subscribed to that, that service.
If I don't get day and date, I'm telling, I'm telling you, Ginger.

Man, this is, this stuff is too crazy.
I'm a, I'm a pro PlayStation guy, right? I'm that's my main,
but me seeing this stuff happen, knowing I got three Xbox series X's and a bunch of series S's.
I'm gonna basically take them to game stop see
what kind of credit i i can i can get in i think
that sounds like a smart move so so here's another

here's a right and just add some context so the leaker who was right on all
of this xbox stuff confirms that sony nintendo will not be getting game pass
and microsoft will backtrack and not put first party games day one in game pass so in In essence,
so PlayStation and Nintendo get all the exclusives, and those exclusives won't

be in Game Pass Day 1 on Xbox.
That's the so that's what we just come to that we don't we don't get it day one on game pass.
But they're gonna make they're gonna compel us to buy
we're incentivized to buy it on xbox because it's like a year of
exclusivity is that what we're thinking i don't even think it's
a year of exclusivity if they're doing that then why not go day and day because

from the market like one of the things that microsoft has the advantage of at
this time right now that playstation doesn't is is that a dollar on a Microsoft
marketing campaign is magnified because they hit so many more devices.
They hit PC, they hit streaming, they hit handhelds, like it goes everywhere.
So you spend a dollar on marketing and you have a much broader base.

Sony, because they stagger, they do their marketing for the PlayStation launch
and then they either need to spend more marketing when the PC launch comes out
or they just don't market the PC version.
And from the sale through on PC, I think that it maybe is a part of it,
but I thought that the PC sales were actually quite, quite well.
So the, yeah, that's, that's, that's, that would be where this isn't just that,

that, that is where I get frustrated.
If that ends up being the case, if they do pull out of day one game pass, then well, fuck them.
You know, it's just like, all right. Like, I'm not going to be subscribed. hey
come on ginger come on over come on
the water's fine over here we're welcoming you
news no like again like i get

what how people feel i just can't feel that now
i felt it 10 years dead inside no no
it's like my the reason i'm subbed and will remain subbed
to game pass is if microsoft games are day and day that that
is the that's the proposition and that i believe is there
to be the future if they pivot from that and completely
change that then who cares like they're gonna come

out yeah go ahead more breaking news a little bit more break you know keep it
coming baby hey breaking news freaking crazy co-founder of xbox era says he
couldn't sleep because xbox is going third party entire business models are
going to collapse because of this.
Yeah which well who is that over is that jesse

norris or his name is john
clark yeah yeah that's the guy that broke the article
yeah so yeah maybe he he's got
a little remorse over there he did see i watched their live yesterday
xbox eras they're the ones that broke the original story and the original and
the leak the original leak the original story about god i can't oh starfield

and then and then it seemed it seemed to me that connecting the dots it seemed
like what's that I was telling people Starfield was gonna sure I mean so was J-Dub so was J-Dub right.
Let's go,
I'm just saying that the comfort, the confirmed news from inside Xbox,
like that was broken by Xbox era and the connect the dots.

Tim full hat of that is that they didn't want to release. They said they did
not want to release that story yesterday.
However, about 30 minutes later, Tom Warren comes out with an article about Indiana Jones.
And then he also came in the live for Xbox era and said, you ruined my weekend.
So apparently Tom was maybe going to release it on the information on Monday.
And then Xbox era was like, well, we're small.

The verge is going to get it. We better, we better go ahead and run it.
And so it sounds like they're like, what have we done?
But like, I mean, like if this is what they're going to do, like the people
have a right to know. So the, the silence for Microsoft is a deafening, right?
It's deafening. Well, Phil's supposedly going on CNBC in 30 minutes, right?
That's fake. Oh no. I know.

And so there's all kinds of right now. I was told that he was going to address
everybody today by a couple of sources that I trust, but maybe that's changed.
Maybe they're like, oh, this information's out. We weren't ready to communicate
and now they're scrambling, but the silence is deafening.
And if they do not say anything today on this subject, that I think is in and

of itself the biggest red flag.
Like, how can you not? Because it's not even, there's no tweet from anybody
within the Xbox ecosystem that's coming out saying guys calm down it's not like
that except we're gonna have sarah bond opening up her,
persona 3 reload collector's edition.

Well right i'll tell you this the fact that they haven't said anything,
lets us know it's all true let's face it and tom warren and all of these inside
sources they've been right about everything else previously there is no reason
for them to just make this stuff up to make Xbox look bad.
It is what it is. Microsoft has previously, when there were negative rumors,

they've come out and cleared the air.
Right. Pretty much, like, pretty quick, in my opinion.
And something tells me that, you know, something tells me that because Phil allegedly,
Phil had the interview with Jazz Corton and said, you know, what Phil has always
said before, our games will not go to, our games, Game Pass will not go to PlayStation,

Nintendo, which Phil has said, which is true.
Game Pass is not going to Nintendo and PlayStation.
But he never once said the games weren't going to those.
And you know Phil, he's very tricky with words on what he says and what he doesn't say. Right.
That's why the frustration that Kirk has, the hurt that he has, is justified.
Like, I'm not trying to say anybody who feels angry isn't justified.

I'm just saying that, oh my gosh, like, okay, this to me, especially with how
the industry has been moving.
It just i i don't see it ending in another way and
so so if i had known you in september of
uh in in september of what 2020 and
i was like should i buy an xbox or a playstation and i've

got a playstation for a library i would say like i say today
if you want to like if if that is
like your like if you prefer the controller like
if if if you want to which i did i applaud the option that is given it's not
a requirement and they're the only ones that are doing that and so the industry
in and of itself would be interesting to see do we see a change do do we see

playstation you know change their path or are they just going to be the the one console future.
Supported with pc as well because like when
it's all said and done the thing that i continue to to bring up is why
do why would i want a console when geforce now
like it just crushes and
i get there's still hesitancy with people in cloud gaming

but i play with zero lag zero latency and it is just an incredible experience
on a graphics card that keeps getting better and i look around i go and especially
as it saves the life of my pc so i'm not always running games games on my computer
and thus increasing the heat and reducing its life.
So like, I'm just like, there isn't a downside when all of a sudden you say

like GeForce Now is on my, my smart TV.
Like that's exactly where I, I will game.
Not that this is mass market. PC gaming isn't also the answer.
I know it's like, I like PC gaming, but I know like Kirk makes valid points. Like.
Not everybody's got $3,500 or $4,500 in their pocket ready to just throw it a computer.
Yes, it has other functionality, but it's not going to be mass market.

That's where consoles and price points are what make games mass marketable.
And that requires volume.
That's why it's really admirable that PlayStation continues to invest in VR.
But VR will continue to struggle because it is not yet mass market.
So you might have the best VR game possible, but you don't have the biggest

audience that justifies the development cost of said game.
Who knows? AI could change a lot of all of this. AI could disrupt this entire conversation.
And here in the next 10 years, it's like Kirk and I are just generating games
at a push of a button that we want to play.
You know it's like hey i want to play a game that's kind of like this and then

it's like and then you're like all right you know like that that in and of itself
is a real reality that we could be seeing play out in the next decade.
Oh my gosh this is big day brian have you commented on the the final fantasy
game pass requirement thing not in this not in this podcast i released a video

about it and i I would like us to talk about it. If you guys have a couple more
minutes before we wrap up.
Sure. I got, I got to run some errands. I can go as long as you want to go.
I mean, I can keep it going if you want.
We got a lot of viewers right now. Let's, let's talk about final fantasy 14 on Xbox.
We have the release date and it's beta February 21st. And do we want to go there?

I mean, I do because this sucks. This, this is, this pisses me off.
I'll be, I'll be right back. I'll let you, I'll let y'all deal with this. Okay.
So first and foremost, release date beta. If you have an existing account,
they advise you not to step into the beta.
And I'm guessing that is going to be one of the factors just to make sure that

you're protected in case there's an issue because you cannot unlink your Xbox
profile to your Square Enix profile. So keep that in mind.
However, for some unknown reason, in order, not the free trial,
free trial, you don't need any
of the Xbox services, but in order to play Final Fantasy XIV on the Xbox,

this is going to affect very little of the Xbox community, but it's still annoying
AF because you will be required to have the Game Pass core at a minimum.
And who knows, maybe there's some other news that is around the corner.
Like maybe like if you have Game Pass, you have this game. I don't know.
I'm not expecting that announcement, But this was one of the key issues that

Yoshi P himself communicated as to one of the reasons why this game is not on Xbox.
And this is also another, you know, just visual opportunity of non-parody with PlayStation.
PlayStation does not require you be subscribed to PlayStation Plus to play Final Fantasy XIV.
So back to Kirk back to this entire conversation if you

want to buy a console don't buy an Xbox as opposed
to before I was Xbox is optional if
you want to buy a console I wouldn't recommend buying an Xbox namely because
of this especially with this with Final Fantasy 14 this one thing it's I know
it does not it's not gonna be like wide-ranging and impactful MMOs are a niche I I get that.

But this is Final Fantasy XIV, and it just seems like just an extra tax that doesn't need to happen.
Now, Chili, I was talking with, and he speculates that the reason why we might
see this happen or this is happening is maybe because this was a part of their
deal that they struck with all the cloud servers.
Microsoft and Square Enix are working together with cloud servers.

Final Fantasy XIV is now hosted in the cloud for some of their data centers
or something like that, which is a real win. win, but maybe that was the deal.
It's like, okay, let's, you know, we're going to go ahead and make this required
on this platform, yada, yada, yada, because it is a paid game. It isn't a free game.
However, the fact that it's a subscription driven game really does irk me.
And that's, that's my piece on it. That's, that's just where I'm frustrated.

I think Final Fantasy XIV coming to Xbox was such a huge deal.
Obviously, you know, right?
Dude, I've been fighting for that for 10 years. That's how you and I met,
basically. Exactly. Because of that stuff.
But when I talk about 10 years ago, I have been on the front line for this.
I've been attacked over the 10 years.
But I'm like, guys, no, I'm not going to sit here and lie to you. So you sub to me.

I make videos that I know I'm going to lose subscribers.
But they swear to me swear to me
but the uh great line i
love that and so with final fantasy like fighting it's
like guys like this this benefits the game i think
about it in terms of the gamer the community not the
platform you know because again like people go into debate and people think

i'm going to bat to defend microsoft but people also think i go to bat to defend
sony or an amazon it's like no no no no no right we don't companies right like
i don't think you're going to bat for them what we don't people do i'm just
saying i've read some of the chat well i don't think.
No the chat's way more against me than
you i think because it's no no no so that's understandable but we're

everywhere man we got all kinds of opinions no what what j-dub and i are trying
to make you see the light on is you you just laid it out like all this news
like the final fantasy thing hits the closest to you i mean you literally were
so moved that you were brought to tears by By realizing that it was going to
be on the Xbox console. That was a big deal for you.
So that's sort of where.

You're getting affected most. When you realize oh.
This is definitively not the best way.
It might be the worst place. To play Final Fantasy XIV. Is the Xbox console. So you feel it there.
That's central for you. That's where it hits you.
Because that's new information. But for everybody else.

This news that's coming out about starfield and indiana
jones and gears that's how they feel about that
that xbox is not going to be the best place it's
going to be the worst place to play those games in the
same way that the game that you really really care about final fantasy 14 that
you basically made a career off of in large part is the worst place to play

after you waited and waited and waited and literally wept because it was coming
it's now going to be the worst place to play that game because Xbox makes stupid decisions.
And what we're trying to make you see the light on, I think J-Dub will agree with this.
When that is the case, when Xbox is no longer the best place to play Final Fantasy XIV,

to play Indiana Jones, to play Starfield when it is not a good place to play
those games, why would anybody want to play those games on Game Pass on their phone or on their PC?
Why would anybody mess with an ecosystem that already has this concept attached
to it of it's the worst place to play those games?

Like they go hand in hand. Like you're trying to act like they're going to spin
away from the fact that everybody realizes you just said, don't buy an Xbox.
Right. Don't play Final Fantasy 14 on Xbox.
Don't, you know, don't invest in that console. And by extension,
we're trying to convince you people are going to look at the ecosystem that

way. Like you're basically trying to say that.
Right. Like this is there's a couple of things going on. and it's one of the
things that we clash on it and we've clashed on it before is just like our view
of sympathy versus empathy.
I'm sympathetic to everybody's view, especially their outrage today.
That means that sucks. Like, yeah, I'm not empathetic because I don't feel angry because I already did.

Like I've already gone through the grieving process. I've already gone on that
journey and that's what everybody's going to go on that journey now today too.
So I'm not going kind of pretend that i feel what the anger today i don't feel
angry about like all the news today i am sympathetic to the right because your
sphere of care is like is right here.

Well, you can only bubble around you and what you feel in terms of,
well, I already, I already went through this.
You guys got to go on your own personal grieving journey.
All I'm doing is just telling you guys what, what's going to happen.
I'm, I'm Nostradamus thing, this whole thing, as I, as I tend to do,
uh, Jay, where can people find you do?
Do you have any final thoughts? I'd like for you to be able to put a bow on this.

Let's put a bow on this. Okay. You guys can find me at JW city 16,
man. I'm always trying to keep you guys laughing with the gifs and the memes.
You know what I'm saying? going back and forth with the console we're having fun with it
you know always you know respectful just having fun with it you know
fortunately unfortunately you know that's i guess that's coming to you i
guess i'm out of a job you know who i'm gonna
are you kidding me this is gonna be material for the next two

years true true but that's that's just you
know that's short term you might yeah you might need to you might
need a future plan you might need to to come up with some stuff
after that but you're you're set for now hey man i
may be there with with ginger you know and gfn you know
cloud come over i am trying to become an
affiliate or something because i love that service so

i can't believe you're not honestly like yeah i have sold
so much gfn and i have
no idea who to talk to so i was a stadia me
and a good friend of mine on on twitter moss at mm2k
we were i was riding die hard with
him we were stadia buddies we were going to do the stadia thing and i
was with stadia for a while and then i saw the right on the wall and i backed out when

google when google shut down their their studios i was like
oh this is they're not gonna make their exclusive
games again it goes to exclusive once your exclusive stuff is no longer exclusive
then you know it's so it's just an optional service yeah it's just i'm sure
so here's the thing yeah you guys can find me on twitter i'm gonna start back
on youtube doing more videos i did it you know you guys can check the video

i did last night with with Kirk and Porter Rock.
Of course, I had technical difficulties, but I'll work on it today,
get everything back up and running. I'll be full speed. Just so much news coming.
Doing this whole program. I mean, I even got new information that's coming.
I don't even want to tackle it right now. I just started a whole other conversation.
Guys, stop doing this YouTube channel, please. I'm a big proponent.

And if you're on the YouTube side, he's actually tagged in the description already.
So it's not even something I'm going to do after the fact. His information's
already there. Kirk's information's there too.
Please give these guys a follow. I think like outside, I know Kirk is like,
I wish J-Dub would handle Twitter a little bit differently.
It's like, dude, you're the most entertaining for me. And I love being that

we've become friends and that you've been able to, we've been able to collab a couple of times.
And I, if I can help your YouTube grow any which way, stretch the imagination,
that I think is a real big win.
I jumped in. I didn't mean to cut you off. Go ahead. No, definitely. I appreciate it.
To sum up everything. I think God would just for the naysayers out there,
we need to just stop being a denial about it.

We need to, you know, step back, breathe, figure out what this means for what
going for you as a Xbox console owner.
Nintendo has a new switch 2 coming out playstation has a
ps5 pro coming out you know and so on and so on
where does that leave you and you know if you have a digital xbox
library you know hey if you're microsoft how can

you get that digital library to travel with these guys across all these
platforms you need to be figuring that out you know
if you're going to get out of console space kurt has
like three generations of games that's attached to
his id what he's going to do with that you know he's going to have
to buy playstation to start all the way back over and all that stuff if they
what if they find thankfully i've got thankfully i've got my ps4 games

that you know it's like i might have re-bought them but at
least i bought them in the first place so i don't have to like re-rebuy them
or you know like if i was in on the ps3 and
they didn't have the ps i'd be really screwed right because you know
you ain't getting a ps3 backwards compatibility ever we
talked about that last night so at least i bought a bunch of
playstation 4 games and you know now i'm i'm set on

that and but but but listen i think i'm coming
to to to terms with what's happening happening personally in
my life i've come to terms with it but hopefully everyone else gets some closure
and they can you know they can start figuring out what they're going to do and
how this is affecting they've spent thousands and thousands of dollars on games
and stuff like that and and unfortunately everything didn't pan out the way

that they thought it was going to pan out and so for me as a.
PlayStation first guy, you know, I kind of feel sorry. I have that empathy for them.
And I think it's wrong for Microsoft to do that. But if this is the direction
I'm going to go, this direction I'm going to go.
Make your voices heard. Let them know. Don't spare any, you know,
any comments or anything. You're the consumer.

You know, it is what it is. And I will say this.
Don't fear that because microsoft may
no longer be in the console space that that playstation
and nintendo is suddenly going to start to suck and and
stuff the reason the reason those companies can't afford
to is because their bread and butter is their consoles

if their consoles go away they literally that's it
the company go out of business so they have no choice but
to invest in double down and triple down on it and yeah
they're going to get a big inflectuation of xbox guys coming
and over and that'll help them keep going forward and
stuff like that and and just transition over to i
mean even if you go to pc at this point in

time i mean just just just find something
man i mean don't you know spend today
crying about it but tomorrow come back positive and and
just just move on but please i hope it's a
clean break you know i hope i hope i hope that whatever
they come out and say makes me very comfortable don't
string us along don't string us along yeah don't like

no no no let's let's do it if you want to put your games on playstation
tell me to go buy a playstation and i'll go buy a
starfield and indiana jones and all your games maybe i'll
even buy them day one you know like whatever you know and you'll get your 70
of the 70 dollars or whatever it is you know so you can keep because they do
own these studios i do want to support these studios because they're going to

make games that we're going to want to play in the future but it's It's absolutely
horrendous, disgusting.
Unacceptable that they told us that the point of them accruing all those studios
and doing all this was so they could provide a product that they are simply
not going to deliver now.
I mean, it's like the Theranos thing with the girl in Silicon Valley that promised

all the investors that she was going to produce the blood reading machine that was going to do it.
One drop of blood, you could figure out if anybody has a disease.
It was a scam it was a fugazi fugazi the
the the the matthew mcconaughey meme
it's it's fairy dust that's that's what xbox
has been for the last five years and you

know gender the fact that you called it that's great and all j-dub the fact
that you called it that's great and all but that doesn't mean that the discourse
that is happening today shouldn't be happening i'm very glad that's happening
yeah and and xbox needs to be held accountable and i think that either you This
24-hour period between yesterday and today,
I think it'll forever be remembered as the day that Xbox died.

It's done. And they will live on, to your point, Ginger, in some other form or shape, but...
You can also see them partnering up with Sony. Xbox is done as we know it.
Yeah, because they've already partnered with Sony when it comes to certain things.
And like Acer, like maybe we see a Sony Xbox release.
I wouldn't even be surprised, Brian, if they changed it. We will probably see

third-party Xboxes and who knows what else.
Because whenever you don't have to sell off of exclusives, you open up a huge
market of people who are like, you know what, I want to make a device that I
think I can make money off of selling that does this thing.
And I don't have to create, you know, years and years and years of nostalgic
driven IP so that people will go buy this exclusive because that is hard.

If it was easy, Stadia would still be around.
If it was easy, Microsoft would have been doing it this whole time.
It's not. Sony has meticulously built the reputation that they've built for
their first party at great cost. And that I think is admirable.
But at the same time, I still remain concerned when it comes to the cost of

Spider-Man 3 and And they're AAA games because that does tend to mean that we
see less innovation because innovation means risk.
And when you're spending, I don't care, $300 million, you've got to make sure
that you're not sitting here and selling the farm on a gamble. You know?
Yeah. I wouldn't be surprised if they pivot and change it to Microsoft Game Studios.

Like they may just leave the whole Xbox. They just drop behind.
Yeah. Yeah. That's possible.
The xbox brand has been their cool brand that
was essentially why they it ain't cool anymore i'm just
saying what they've said i'm that's why i'm using it's very uncool right
now anyway it's great show guys kirk where can people find you they can find
me at my youtube channel i'll throw it up on the screen one more time that's

what's new video games yeah we didn't get we didn't get to persona 3 persona
3 is really great yeah it's maybe maybe we'll talk up maybe we'll talk about it,
10 out of 10 basically but yeah maybe we'll talk about it at some point later
on work to game but if you want full reviews that I put a lot of work and effort
into you can go find a Tekken 8 review over there and a Suicide Squad Kill the

Justice League review over there,
and I should have some reviews going up of some games that I can't talk about right now.
I can say that I'm going to try to do a skull and bones view in conjunction
with us talking about it in two weeks.
I think that game is going to be a wild ride. That could be another suicide
squad situation or it could actually be good.
Yeah. That'll be interesting. But yeah. And then to make it 10 years.

Yes, man. That does not bode well from just an HR process.
Yeah. We got Kirk and I got over there and check that out. And then my,
My, my, uh, my Twitter at is, uh, is on, is on the screen there.
Oh no, it's not on the screen for some reason, but, um, yeah,
my Twitter, uh, oh yeah, there we go. My Twitter ads on the screen at warmer gray.

Yeah. I'm slowly collecting, trying to get to 300.
I joined Twitter in like, in like September. So I've been entertaining people.
Yeah. Welcome to that guys. If you also enjoyed the show and you haven't already hit like,
or like the tweet repost, post clip it up meme
on it i look forward to it hopefully tag

me in anything i ran in hour one i want
to see that somewhere i like how chow was like this is this is the
spice that worked the game need is like well i mean we can't
manufacture the news we can only just cover it and break it down jay don't have
to right now yeah jay thank you so much for your time today dude you are like
honestly a real treat i know a lot of people meme on like you know like the
twitter thing is twitter thing but like you are just an absolute class act of

a guy kirk you're You're awesome. I love your passion.
And it's going to be fun to watch how this, how this process is,
because, you know, I'm not trying to diminish anybody's feelings.
I'm just, just me, you know, and it is very much you.
Yeah, very much me. Yeah, exactly. So guys, thank you so much again for tuning in.
Hopefully you enjoyed the show. Hopefully we will see you in the next one.

But until then, take care.
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