All Episodes

March 27, 2024 56 mins

Settle in for an exhilarating journey with hosts Drea G and the Black Rogue in their latest episode, E60 Heart of the City. Back from winter break, the ladies delve into their turbulent yet exciting lives in New York City, and all the happenings around the city since being back.

Experience nightlife in the Big Apple, as they unravel intoxicating tales of chance encounters, emotional rollercoasters, and unexpected dating adventures. Despite the foray into the whirlwind world of dating, there's a grain of wisdom in every surprising turn.

The hosts keep things fun and enlightening by parsing their visions for the future, while offering fresh perspectives on relationships, heartbreak, friendships, and the complex world of entertainment. Their candid take on topics such as financial literacy and the importance of fostering platonic bonds is infused with relatability and engaging banter.

Join the discussion on urgent societal issues. From the spiraling crime rates in the Big Apple to the growing unease due to migration's impact on housing—nothing is off the table. The hosts analyze these situations with a keen eye, sparking insightful debates and considerations about today's society – all served with a mandatory sprinkle of lively banter.

Finally, don't miss out on their engrossing conversation about turbulence in the entertainment industry in this week's Pour Up and Bless Ya Heart segment. Where the Grits call Drake, Jalen Green, Diddy and others down to the pulpit for a few flagrant offenses. The gritty interpretation of sensitive affairs promises an intriguing perspective on the industry's most concerning issues.

Tune in via Apple Podcast, Spotify, SoundCloud, Podbean, and Youtube for an uncensored, profound conversation spiced up with authenticity, hilarity, and a sense of camaraderie.

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Episode Transcript

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Hey, what's good? It's your girl, Drea G. It's your girl, the Black Rogue. And we are the grid.
What is good? What's the damn deal? What you been up to lately?
Girl, life. And you know, life been lifin'.
Any stories? Man, probably not like yours.
But you know, it's been a minute. I feel like the last time we was here,

it was Christmas break, you know. And so now we're into 2024.
You know, I'm going to tell you, 2023, last year for me, I don't know about
anybody else, but I felt like I was in a pressure cooker.
So, you know, I felt like 23 was going to be like Jordan year.
But actually, I don't know what the opposite of Jordan year would be.

But 2024, Kobe year, since we're giving them these coins, it's starting off to a good vibe.
Still a lot of fuckery going on in the world, but me personally.
So life has been lifin' in some positive ways. So I'm back in New York City.

We're both back in New York City. And so there's a lot going on.
And so we'll get into it. But right now I'm just in grind mode,
you know, trying to elevate with my my business.
So those are the kind of stories I got. What you got going on?
It's the same thing, like, you know, with my business, I had to put it on pause

and now I'm like, OK, I'm about to start, you know, grinding because I got to prepare for the summer.
But also, like, I kind of like use this year, like for my mental or whatever. ever.
And I know we have these conversations about dating all the time.
And I tell you about like how difficult it is dating in New York and how basically

dudes don't never approach me.
They barely holler at me in New York city. And like, yeah, I'd be telling my
friends that, and they'd be like, girl, I don't know.
I'm like dead ass. Like people don't be trying to talk to me.
But when I go outside of New York, I get dates.
People are like on me really hard.
So So recently, I got a story. Story time, y'all. A week before last weekend,

me and Drea was outside, y'all. We was outside lit.
So my homeboy came in town from Charlotte for work. And he was like,
hey, Tasha, you want to go get some drinks? You want to go catch up? So I'm like, ooh.
So we meet at Sweet BK.
And Andrea, I invite Andrea over with us. And at this point,
like I'm thinking I'm paying for the bill myself, but I'm like,

I want to have a good time.
I haven't really been outside like that. So I order like three drinks and the
bartender kinds of makes it strong. You know, shout out to Tim.
He's an amazing bartender. So at this point, I'm a little tipsy. We order food.
Andrea, was you tipsy after a couple of drinks at Sweet BK? You know what?
I was. I had two drinks there. So I was feeling, I was all right.

I had a run punt. I had two run punches.
You know, your boy took care of us. You know, we were conversing with some of the people around us.
Tasha, you was making fun of the dude that you had had run-ins with and that,
you know, had become my fast friend.
But I wasn't, I wasn't crazy at that spot.
But then we went to some other spots. spots yes so my homeboy he ends up like

the first spot he ends up paying for the whole tab for three of us and i was
like damn this nigga got money because we're not over i order food i order drinks
the other girl order food order drinks you order drinks i don't know if you order food,
but i was like damn just like the mean with the girl from abbott elementary
i was like he got money y'all he got money so he like y'all want to go to another

spot y'all want to smoke hookah i Shout out to your man.
You know, we're going to do our roll call to our grits. But shout out to the
grits that I've been meeting in most recent months.
Because, you know, we all cool. We got our own, you know, sauce.
Right. And he was on his, you know, TI shit that night.

Like, y'all can have whatever y'all want. You, your friends, they friends. Right.
So we get to the next spot, Eve's. Eve's is a Black-owned bar.
Shout out to Eve's. so we get there and I'm like
oh let me pay for drinks I'll pay for a
round so he was like nah you know that's okay I'm gonna order a bottle of wine
this man ordered a whole bottle of wine in the establishment and I order some

drinks you order some drinks the check come and he paid for it again at this
point I'm fucked up I'm gonna be real I was like faded you was like all of us,
I was literally like, yeah, I'm going home after this.
I went home. No, we got to get to the story.
So I'm on my phone and I'm literally, I want to still go out.

So I get on my phone and usually how I contact a lot of my friends is through
Instagram. So I'm trying to see what's popping.
So I hit up this guy. I never met him a day of my life on IG,
but we work in the same industry.
And like, he doesn't take good IG pictures. So I never was really interested,
but he seemed cool as hell. So I'm like, hey, what's the moves? And he's like, bed vibe.

So I'm with me and Andrea is walking down the streets.
And I'm like, I'm trying to convince Drea G to come with me.
I'm like, we're going out. We're going out. So we stopped by her crib.
And the next thing you know, I look behind and Drea is flatlined on the damn bed.
Like a crime scene. And you know what?

That's what you didn't tell me. Because I knew, I was like, how did I get home?
You know, I knew shit was fuzzy.
I knew I came home and I wasn't going to bed blind like Tasha was.
Us but side note before we even go further did
y'all know that ben fine they got a liquor license
like i'm late they got it's not just
wines anymore it's not just very potent wines

so if you you know visiting this summer you know you know how they do the tompkins
sunday block party shit about to be on a whole new level now like now that it's
a ball so i see dridgey passed out so i'm like i'm I'm going,
I'm still drunk, but I'm still lit. I'm like on an up. So I'm like, I'm gonna book an Uber.

So my drunk ass books an Uber to the spot.
So it is packed on the outside.
I'm like, damn, everybody up in here. I'm about like, oh, it's people.
This is gonna be popping. So I'm about to walk and open up the door to meet the people.
And who do I see? I see IG dude. This is my first time ever seeing this man in real life.
And I'm like, damn, this man fine. When I tell you this man is tall,

fine, got a beard chocolate I was like
wow this whole time I wasn't even checking for this
man because he was just cool people but now
I'm like oh my god like this is we go together at this
point like I'm in love it was love at first sight so
like me and him we talking and stuff and then he makes
it known like he has a homegirl with him so he's

like hey you know that's my homegirl you know
her her dude is inside I'm like bro I don't
even know all this girl business but I was like he was was doing that because he wanted
to show his interest in me or whatever so I'm
like okay whatever so I'm lit already the dude
giving me a drink and I'm already like gone at this point so next thing you
know we booed up we holding hands and stuff so we walk inside the venue girl

like like we literally go together at this point so we walk inside the venue
he hyping me up making me feel like a whole baddie up in this piece and I'm
not used to this because I don't get holiday like I said,
in New York City they not aggressive.
I'm dead ass you be dismissing people and you don't pay no mind to them until
you see them in real life that is not true,
Well, I didn't know the dude, the dude wasn't literally, he wasn't forward on

Instagram. He thought he was short.
I did. I did. No lie. I thought he was short on Instagram. Let's keep it real. Let's keep it funky.
He wasn't really shooting his shot on Instagram. He was just having like,
you know, he was trying to help me with my business. We just have normal conversations and stuff.
So, so we get inside, the man go to the bathroom and all the men try to holler at me.

I'm like, well, damn, when I'm by myself, ain't none of y'all trying to holler at me.
But as soon as y'all see me with a man now y'all want to holler at me don't make no damn sense,
so then i see a dj and i you know i know
the dj you know i be flirting with the dj so i get a little dj a little hug
or whatever so then i go back and i'm like talking to like a guy i'm just having
an innocent conversation he get out of bathroom he see me he grabbed my hand

to go to the bar so i love taking women they love them that must be it that's
why i need to go with my my homeboy is out, child.
Maybe that's what it is. I need to act like my homeboy is my nigga and then
let my homeboy go to the bathroom and maybe that's how I get chills in New York City.
And like, my feet is killing me because I'm the only girl in this place with
heels on. And you know me, I love a heel. I love a heel.

So I'm like, oh, can you walk me home? Because it's not far,
you know, from my crib. So he walks me home.
And the next day, you know, me and this dude just making out.
We all up on top of each other. It's like love is in the air.
We didn't have any type of, you know, we didn't have sex y'all just made out
yeah we just made out we were just like really like feeling each other like

physical attraction and on top of that when i tell y'all this man,
is tall like i said before he loves the lord he's educated he's really smart
and intelligent well-traveled like this is like what do you call it uh what
does kevin samuels call these type of men.
A chipper kind of i don't know that's i think that's what the jewish people

call stuff where it's like unbelievable or
it's like you know they're rare yeah basically
a high value man yes that's what
it is because i ain't never met a man like this in new york city i always i'll
i'm just saying like an educated man
and then he told me he lived on his own and he got
two bedrooms i was like wait somebody oh my god

because i'm used to people living with their parents or roommates
i'm like oh my god this is like we are literally gonna
go together i done made this dude food leftovers
and i can't even cook like that i'm be real like i i'm okay but i'm not all
the way there yet i tried he ate my food and he liked it girl i was shocked
so at at this point okay we cool and he ended up spending the night like i said

we didn't do nothing so the The next day I made him,
you know, a scrambled egg or whatever, like an omelet.
And he ate the whole thing. And then I tasted it and I was like,
damn, I put no salt in this.
And I was like, damn, he must was hungry. Or maybe he, maybe we like meant to be.
Cause he liked my shit. Chilling, we watching TV or whatever.

And then he was like, oh, I got a game night or some shit to go to.
So I'm like, okay, cool. So I'm calling all of y'all to tell y'all like what
happened and shit like that. And he tells me like the day before that,
you know, we're going to go on a date Tuesday or Wednesday. So whatever.
So I'm waiting for this man to call me.
I'm like, I didn't hear from him. I'm like, where the hell is this man at?
Like, so, you know, we supposed to have plans.

He's supposed to be my husband. Like, is he ghost?
So I hit up a couple of people. And my cousin was like, man,
we grown. Just hit him up, man.
And I don't like to, like, hit up dudes first, child. Like, that's not my swag.
I like the man hit me up first. just so I can know that he's interested.
And it's like manly thing to do. So I was just like, something in my spirit
was like, nah, something ain't right. But I hit him up. I listened to my cousin.

And so we're having a conversation and then he just stopped responding.
I'm like, what the fuck? Because I'm so like on Instagram, we had this whole
back and forth, you know, well, he'll send me memes and I'll send him shit.
So I'm like, all of a sudden.
You know, when you when you take your relationship off of Instagram and it gets
real and y'all got blue messages, it's different.

I don't know why the hell he'll be acting different now. The next day he was at my house.
Like, even when we sobered up the next day, the nigga, I got a nigga toothbrush
and then the nigga kissed me before he left my house and every damn thing.
So like if you wasn't interested so you don't don't be kissing all
up on somebody uh the next day and be like bye what was
that so after that after the conversation like he

didn't even respond so i'm like what the fuck is going on
so now i'm thinking what the hell did i do wrong like
i'm thinking of all types of shit i'm like oh is it because i didn't smash the
man because i'm celibate or is it because of my house was
my house not clean and i felt like my house was clean so
i'm like what the heck is this all these things
that go through a woman's mind we're like

we gotta have all this shit in order and if
you know if we don't get the reaction man fuck
these niggas you do we do the choosing we
choose girl he was he's a king girl
i can't i couldn't let a king like leave girl this
is this is a whole king i have never met a king like ever
my life so i'm telling

my homeboy and i'm like bro like i don't.
Know man this this shit pissed me off and my homeboy was like if
you say he the dude why don't you just respond back and
be like hey just checking in and I'm like nigga I
gotta do this shit again my woman intuition is telling me that
something ain't right like you know what I mean so I
don't know if I should do this shit so my homeboy convinces

me this is why you can't take advice from nobody like you got
to listen to your own woman especially men they be
giving bad advice so the dude I hit the dude
up i don't get nothing from the dude until the
next day and guess what he says the next day
in the text he says hey you
know i'm gonna be honest with you i'm really attracted to you but

you know i got a situation and you know we've
been on and off and i'm about to get back with her my
nigga so you mean to tell me you had this bitch the
whole damn time and i literally was at
the bar and other niggas was trying to holler at me and you up there blocked
my blessings from another man you got
a whole female the whole time and then you was at my house talking

about we're gonna go on a date Tuesday and Wednesday I'm just
so happy exactly exactly and
so by pausing you know and and kind of seeing what it what it felt like or what
you were getting from the situation when reading the room like okay I'm glad

I did not proceed and we let it get you know too carried away so.
I give, at least he was honest about it, but still it's like,
bro, like I could only, and I was the reason why we didn't have,
you know, any type of relations.
I said, nah, like, I'm not going to do it. But like, it was just like,
damn, bro, you got a whole girl.

And I was like sad because he was like a good quality black man.
But then at the other time I was just like, well, I guess it's not meant to be. It is what it is.
But that shit was just like, never again, never again.
When I'm with a nigga, I'm gonna, if another nigga try to holler at me,
I'm just gonna gonna get a nigga my number at this point maybe that's the lesson you know what
and and see me and you we've been

having this conversation I'm I'm not gonna give all the listeners my business
but just saying that not wanting to be intentional but being intentional with
the right person and you know once you guys have that clear communication that
what's what but until then like Like,
we should date and keep it, you know, pretty platonic to see,

like, you know, who you really want to choose.
Because there's a lot of niggas out here.
Right. It was y'all asses. If y'all ass would have went with me,
I would have never been in this situation.
I would have never been sad about my future husband having another woman.
I would have never been in this situation, child.
You know, those heartbreakers, those heartbreakers. Some could say the same

thing about us, but you know, I digress.
You're the one that be breaking people's hearts, not me. please Tasha
stop with the false narratives people
they do whatever they want to do
or they make up whatever they want in their minds but you
know we digress so lesson learned all right so you

know we're going into 2024 the second quarter dusting
off our shoulders and keeping it pushing and so before
we get into anything further you know shout out to all the grits that we've
been meeting over the last couple of months just along the way you know how
we like to do a quick roll call shout out to all the grits that are in New York
City the grits around the globe whether you are in Georgia, Kentucky.

North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, Florida, Texas, Tennessee or Louisiana
shout out to y'all okay because we make the world go round.
All right so y'all know since Since we already done caught y'all up,
you know, Tasha done gave you her tales and I've caught y'all up on what's going on with me.
We're going to move into the pour up. So you know how we like to do it.

We're pouring up to five things that's, you know, relevant to us.
Pop culture news, just just information.
OK, so what we got going on this week.
So the first I'm going to give a shout out to the layout. out they
just had an event called the chill out and it
was by Barclays and I it was Saturday and

Sunday so I went Sunday towards the end
just to see all the dope vendors and it was a it was a nice turnout I like the
vendors I actually bought a couple of teas from two different vendors one vendor
had like flavored tea like she
had like sweet potato and all types of like like different types of tea,

apple pie tea. And I never, ever like seen that before.
So like I bought one, so I'm going to taste it and I'm going to let y'all know
what, you know, you know, how would I think about it? So shout out to the layout.
Yeah, shout out to them. And I like that the fact that they're able to have
that brand and it has been able to go into several different pockets.

They have the layout, you know, we kick it in the summertime,
time, we get to commune, you know, they have these events.
I saw them doing something for Women's History Month this month,
like you said, with the vendors, but they're always doing something.
I see something called the makeout in the winter months.
It's like, you know, they have these different classes where you can design

things from lingerie to perfume to candles.
So I just think that it's a really dope black class.
And I like how they're able to kind of shift and go into all these different, you know, pockets.
So shout out to them. So number two, I just want to give a shout out to Real
Housewives of Potomac because they kind of shake things up lately.

So at the end of this season, I don't know if the viewers, I don't know if,
I mean, the listeners, if y'all have watched this season, it's been kind of
boring. I haven't watched at all.
It was whack. It was even worth the watch, to be quite honest.
It didn't get good until the final, the finale.
Finale and that was only because Mia she brought the energy
and the only reason why I just want to I want
to give a shout out to Mia and also to shake up because they got they

got rid of Robin and Candace so they're
gonna hopefully they'll have new entertaining cast I liked Candace but I mean
it is what it is you know what to be honest Candace got on my nerves and I'm
gonna tell you why like you know Monique and her got into that situation Monique
used to get on my nerves too too. But Candace, she liked to talk a lot.

So it was just interesting that I saw that she was like, I'm going to be taking
a break. And so it wasn't a break. So.
Between her and Robin because people don't I don't know
because so Candace if you follow Candace on
social media and she's been doing a lot like she's
been working with Angela Yee right now on her morning

show so she's been filling in she's been acting she's
been in a couple of movies she's been singing and also she's trying
to have a baby so I don't know if she got fired or it's really like
she got a lot of stuff going on Robin definitely got fired
because she don't have shit going on let's keep it real so you
know robin is about to open up the businesses with
uh with like this okay all right but

she don't want to talk about her personal stuff she
doesn't want to like she's she don't want to talk about her personal stuff is
what it is yeah she don't need to be on the show so but mia mia has brought
the energy so mia is basically on the show it revealed that that she was having
an affair with another guy that she grew up with on her husband.

So basically, the backstory is her husband met her when he was married,
right? And he's a way older man. I think he's like 30 years older than her.
He's like 72. Yeah, he's really older. Let that be a lesson.
Right. So that's a lesson because a lot of men out here, they're like,
oh, well, once you get old as a woman, nobody wants y'all.
We don't want y'all. We want younger women. And look at this situation.

He's an older man dating a younger woman. And she was cheating on him.
He don't know if his baby is his or not. And then she moved on to another man.
That penis works. So let's just keep it real. Like, you know what I mean?
People just need to probably date within their age brackets and call it a day.
But I just want to give a shout out to her because she brought the energy for reality TV.
And I think she saved us from actually wanting to watch the reunion because it was so dry.

But her story makes me want to watch the reunion. So shout out to her. Oh, wow.
I'm going to watch that episode, girl. girl. I wanted to see how that fight
came into play and who was fighting and what, but I digress. Okay.
So moving right along, shout out to Mia and the Real Housewives, the shakeup.

Number three, I am pouring up to, I saw this in recent news,
Rashad Bilal and Choi Millings of Earn Your Leisure, which is a popular financial
literacy show and podcast.
But I thought it was really cool that they are set to launch,

they developed a financial literacy curriculum that's to roll out across 10
public schools in the Bronx.
And I think that is super dope.
Two Black Black men of color, I mean, of course, of color, but to men of color,
they have this big following.
You know, I know that a lot of people have gotten, you know,

more interested in learning about finances and building wealth through this
platform and through some of their discussions.
So I think that it's really cool that it's coming to New York City because.
This is the capital. I mean, this is where it needs to be in the sense that
corporate offices are here. Yep.
That but just the cost of living. OK, that.

And so, you know, finding those ways early and, you know, through school to
learn about financial literacy and the importance of setting yourself up for
success. So I think that's super dope. And what better place?
Again, because New York City is what, eight, nine million people.
And Bronx is a we know is a very impoverished, one of the more impoverished boroughs here.

So I think that it's cool that it's launching there.
So shout out to those two. And I think it's really dope because it's two black
men, you know, doing their thing.
So I just love when black men are, you know, entrepreneurs and they're like
feeding into our community.
So shout out to them. Building and really making impact because that's what it's about.

You know, when you create a platform and, you know, others really benefit and
we're able to move the dime forward because, you know, what what else is it
for if not for progression? So shout out to them again.
All right. So number four, I'm actually shouting out Spellman by HBCU.

Spellman College makes history and becomes the first HBCU to offer cosmetic chemistry.
And I think that is super dope.
Why? First of all.
For years, we've talked about, well, the fashion industries,
entertainment, just talked about representation, representation.

We hear this often. And even with beauty brands, knowing that people of color,
we're high consumers when it comes to toiletries and personal care and things like that.
So to see that an institution like Spelman is getting to the forefront,
yes, we need more cosmetic chemists, Black women of color developing these products

and bringing them mass market and us, you know, putting our dollars towards that.
So I think that's super dope because, again, people of color,
Black women especially, we use a lot of personal hygiene and just personal care type of products.
So I think that this is a great space that we're getting in.

So shout out to Spelman for, you know, moving that forward.
All righty. All right. And number five, you know, just a little razzle dazzle.
I know you ain't really into it and
I'm barely listening but I'm gonna
tell you this a couple of things and so I really don't know if I should be pouring
up to it or if I'm blessing my heart so this is a it is some of it is a pour

up but some of it's slight shade okay I'm gonna be I'm gonna keep it 100 but
the girls are fighting so you know Metro Boomin and Future they released their project.
I want to say it was last Friday. I want to say, what is that? March 22nd it was.
Well, on the track, well, on one of the songs, Really Like That or Like That is what it's called.

Kendrick Lamar, he like, he, you know, he sent shots at Drake's way, at J. Cole's way.
And it's It's all because Drake and J.
Cole, you know, they had that song that they released a couple of months ago.
And they were just talking about how they're the, you know, essentially the big two.
Like, or not the big three, but they didn't even mention Kendrick really in that song.

So, I know. But I'm here for it.
Because I'm here for, first of all, because I'm tired of the girls fighting.
And then being like, oh, okay.
What happened to the, you know, this fake women? What about these niggas?
You know, people love Drake. You like violence. Future as a duo.
People like Drake and Future as a duo. They not, first of all, violence.

I don't, like, I don't. You like drama, girl.
We're not talking about gangster rap. Drake is not a gangster rapper.
So, violence is not necessarily what I am trying to get from this.
What I would like, you know, because Drake been, he he's been all cutesy lately
you know he's been throwing shots and taking shots at at uh women from Meg to

Serena's husband like I I've definitely been feeling a type of way about Drake recently.
And not to mention but I think that
it's a good thing for hip-hop and if it gets you know
Drake in that competitive mode and it it's
not all you know kumbaya okay you
know it's been a it's been a frat club for a minute so i

think you know a little drama is good and you
know if it makes him get in the studio and push
his pen i mean i know that he's been pushing his pen
because he did for all the dogs i don't
like how he had to throw cole on the bus because i fuck with
cole cole is the grits okay and cole was
probably just minding his business and stuff and he want to start our

stuff with jay cole i feel like jay
cole versus kendrick will be better than kendrick
versus drake that would be more entertaining but
you know we'll see i don't be for kendrick kendrick cool so you know and i'm
gonna say this drake daddy getting in it like he's grown ass son to fight his

own battles he's a 38 37 year old man and you know people been talking talking
about Drea, I'm off of this.
So this is a little bit of a bless your heart that I'm gonna take it off into.
But Drake ain't no damn victim.
Let Drake fight his battles. You know, he's very smart, calculating man,
which is why I don't understand why he is being associated with Lotto's little sister, Brooklyn,

who's 21, and he's 37.
Okay, so as smart as he is, what
do they they have to talk about all right so I'm a
so I'm a I'm a stop the pour up and so I will have a bless your heart to Drake
on that because that's a grown-ass man and you know it's been a lot of talking

the news about you know age differences and what's da da da da and what's predatory behavior but,
Men be doing a lot of predatory shit. So let's start with all the double standards.
All right, I'm off my soul box.
All righty. So you're giving number one, bless your heart, to Drake and him
dating a lot of little sister.

I guess number two, I'm going to bless my heart to Jalen Green,
who's Drea's baby daddy.
So, you know, I'm not for what Drea was doing by making this man her baby daddy.
But just recently we found out, and it was on a couple of podcasts.
They've been talking about this. This man has three kids.
He literally just had a baby, supposedly, you know, allegedly, by a bartender.

Apparently, it's a stripper that's pregnant. The same, and her due date is the same as Drea's.
And then I was watching Ocho Cinco and Shannon Sharp on their podcast joke about
this. And this is not a joking matter.
Like, I feel like, you know, I don't know if it's this generation or what's going on.
I feel like people are so okay with making people baby mothers.

They're not scared of diseases.
They're not scared of this. You having three kids within a year,
that is crazy to me. And you're young as hell too.
We need to change this whole over-sexualization of people and how everything
in America and probably the world is just so over-sexualized.
And we're making it be like, oh, it's okay to be a baby mama or a baby daddy.

It's okay to have all these kids by different men or all these kids by different
women. And it's not okay.
It's really like people need to get themselves together. So I want to bless my heart to him for that.
Even though he's been doing good with the Rockets, he's been doing crazy ever
since we found out that he has all these babies on the way. This man, his last man.
Yeah, his last game, he scored like 41 points. So shout out to him on that.

But other than that. He's like, my family and my baby is what's keeping me loaded with my baby.
He said, my family and my babies.
Right. That's why he was talking about, I'm not going to lose this contract.
I'm about to literally be bawling because I got kids to feed at this point.
Yeah, right. So number three, I'm going to bless my heart to Diddy.

Because I don't know if you just saw just today. it was
a search by the feds in his house and two
of his kids got detained and it's like
very embarrassing for your children to get detained because
of the shit that you was doing and on top of that nobody can find
Diddy they say he in an island they said that
they found his flight I mean his plane overseas

in an island even I don't know if you notice about the
whole Diddy scandal and all this stuff you know they said it's
like you know some sex scandal whatever is
going on um you notice how young miami is
taking it she seemed to like
people been like bombarding her today like in
her twitter i've been looking at people saying all types of crazy

shit to her and she just like been completely
acting oblivious so i don't know if like the diddy thing has called jt to separate
from young miami but i just noticed that like she don't kick it with her like
that But like she totally separated from her as soon as this Diddy shit start happening.

And I don't know, maybe I'm looking into this like more than,
you know, the average person.
But there's some weird stuff going on between them. And I don't know if it's
because of Diddy and all the crazy shit that Diddy got going on.
Well, maybe, but it probably has something to do with low performance and not
just of like probably a little bit of everything what you're saying.

But I'm just saying even before this, their their career or their second project,
it didn't perform that great.
So they kind of let it die on the vine.
And so at this point, after her getting some success with her sideways single,
of course, she's like, well, maybe I should be trying to do this separately and kind of free myself.

So who knows, child? But yeah, that's true. Bless the heart of everybody on
this list and everyone involved in a situation where y'all got to come down
in front of the congregation because, you know, some just ain't clean in the
milk. And yeah, we got to talk about it.
This is what families do. so this is gonna bring us
to our southern sound off so this segment we

pick a topic and we just give our southern perspective
of you know what's going on or whatever so
this topic for this week we're going to talk about the state of
nyc since we both came back and you
know i came back in january we have noticed some
changes and some crazy things happen in new
york so we're going to talk about a couple of things

um the first thing we're going to talk about is crime ain't no
love in the heart of the city it's been
crazy crime yeah i did sing that all right
i was like damn girl like that was that caught me off guard a
little bit that was a crime that your voice is the
crime child oh well you'll be all right
i literally just looked on the citizens app and i know drea

g probably think i'm crazy tail i look on this citizens app like
it's first 48 like you see all the crime that's going
on who shot who who stabbed who like if
it's on your block or the next person's block so i'll literally
be on this app so literally i just got alert and an
officer just got murdered in queens a police
officer wow literally wow wow so

sad yeah i don't have citizen app on my phone no more and it was funny because
somebody that came by to take a look at my apartment because i may just put
like shelving up or put my tv on the wall and they were like like he was like
i had to delete citizen app now mind you he from here and it's a big dude.

It's a big six three six six three big dude but he was just like i had to like
because all it's gonna do is make you paranoid.
But he a man. He a grown ass man. But that's what he's- Is he paranoid?
He that paranoid? He can't protect nobody, child. He can't protect our asses.
I'm sure he could, but he's married and he says that he has a daughter.

So I'm quite sure that shit does make him nervous knowing all this shit going
on. He got to protect two women.
Child. Who knows? But all that to say, yeah, man.
So you came back at the top of January, but even before then,
You know, the past six months, like we, it's been a lot of changes around here,

but definitely for this last six, seven months,
uptick in crime, violence in NYC, definitely ain't no love in this city.
And, you know, today, one of the big things or one of the big upticks that we've
seen, and for me, because, you know, I'm on mass transit right now,
you know, and it does make me wish or miss having a car.

But i noticed today when i was traveling i
was feeling anxious and i don't like that i don't
like that at all because you know i don't want to
be jittery you know and i'm quite sure
i'm not the only one that's on edge like that because
so much shit has been going on and so my thing
is mta and all the city
officials getting here like why the fuck are fairs

being raised you know if crime is continuing
to rise too like what the fuck is like
where is the handoff like what are we
getting in return y'all are increasing fares and
fees and it's just you know it's just become worse so subway crime that's just
one the areas that we're seeing these things and for me I am an avid watcher

of this type of stuff because yeah I am you know a woman and I'm I'm traveling on the trains.
So costs, everything, crime is rising, not to mention costs,
but we'll get on that. But where's the National Guard?
Because that was one of the things that was, you know, handed down.
A couple of weeks ago by the governor

you haven't seen a single man i haven't
been on the train in like a couple of weeks so i
don't even know i'd be too scared to ride a train i ain't necessarily
seeing police in like uh like bigger forces like i haven't and i mean i say
that because one of the stops that i frequent sometimes is in bed style and

for example franklin franklin has had a whole whole bunch of shit going on today.
It was a stabbing as I was leaving and, you know, just going away.
They got the news reporters outside. Oh, Jesus.
It's a lot happening. And, you know, before before Franklin,

you know, just two weeks ago, a man that probably was suffering from a mental
disorder picked a fight with some man on a train is broad.
She jumped in, shivved him in the back pissed him
off this man took a gun out of his jacket bringing a gun and and this isn't
the the first incident because we've been we've been seeing incidents like this

really since December because in December in Bed-Stuy on the AC line there were two people shot.
OK, there were two people shot. So like it's been going on. OK,
so this is just this is just more par for the course.
But, you know, we're seeing an uptick of this in the subways.

You know, people bring more guns on a train.
That shit is. That's what it. Well, that's what I'm trying to bring.
Stop and frisk back. But I'm still against stop and frisk because I'm not.
I am because when they first started stop and frisk, it was just as much crime.
And when they they were like racial racially biased
and then when they would check people they found out the majority of

the people that they checked they had no weapons on them they had
nothing on them so i feel like they're just
doing that to you know cause inconvenience towards people of color like i feel
like what they need to do is have actually have more police at these different
stations they didn't have police on the train that's just my point of view i

feel like Like that's just going to mess up our rights.
But I mean, you know, and that's a true stat, you know, they didn't find people like they was violent.
I'm going to tell you this, that, that whole shooting that took place in commute
to Hoy Skimhorn, that's a station that has police. They got a precinct upstairs.
So to me, like when I even heard that, I was like, what?

I was like, what? And Skimhorn got a whole precinct. Like I see them. That's true.
But where were the police at? they weren't even on the
train where they wasn't even on the train people like
pumps the doors people on the floors like that's my
worst fear being in a confined ass
space like that and some shit popping off

and we've been seeing it more and more like this ain't the first time like it's
crazy so more gun violence we've been seeing on a train just more violence period
and even on the tracks they've been pushing people on the tracks lately it's
been out of hand it's just a you Yeah, just two weeks ago,
a man pushed his girl in front of the subway as it was coming into the station, took her feet off.

Like what like what like what
where is people's deductive reasoning
at but you know this is just again more par
for the course and i think that this is just illustrating some
bigger problems in the city yeah you know
financial frustration and and
lack of resources like cost like

shit it it's it's sending people in a tizzy
yeah it's not just subway crime it's
even crime outside of the subway it's like
people like the girls recently the twins that got
stabbed going to the bodega it's because the dude was in his feelings because
you know they didn't want to talk to him he was trying to holler at them that's
scary as hell especially for us like as women and we're walking down the street

all the time like a lot of times i'm be real like it's a corner on my block
and And it's always a whole group of dudes.
I always walk away from them across the street to avoid them because not that
I'm so scared of them, but anything can pop off.
And I'm always like cautious around groups of men. So it's just like scary out here.

It really is like, I mean, yeah, it really is.
I mean, just over the weekend, I was sending you like a report from the news.
They were like it was like three people like
shot back to back from like two people
in Harlem 18 years old 25 and then
a 17 year old shot in Brooklyn like what like

and my thing is Nick City been really violating
because like yo there used to be so
many codes like no women no children
like they like fuck them coves they
like everybody can get it they like kids the dogs
the the like who like who raised you
like who raised y'all like and it's us it's people that look like us and so

that's what's so disheartening that's not true that's not all the killers is
no not not all but that people are dying for example those those twins that
were stabbed it was a young little 20 of your old black dude.
You know what I'm saying? Like, don't have no fucking sense. Like, like how?
How? Yeah. You know? And then,

It's not it is not a cultural. This is just like how even a couple of years
ago, you know, while we don't even want to do sometimes the the the West Indian,
the Caribbean, you know, yes.
Because, you know, the little girl, she was going to what was it?
She went to juve and she didn't

want to get his dude her number shot her killed her
on the spot like so we are seeing these
types of things more and more but not like we're we're just talking about that
like yo it's so much i was telling somebody i have a friend they're preparing
to move to new york and you know i'm trying to give some some you know some

good insights the same same type of insights that we would have wanted,
you know, and that's one of the whole reasons why we have these discussions
and we kind of share these things with people.
But I was just saying like, yo, it's been a lot going on, you know,
and I do want to recommend these areas, areas like,

I like, I love, I mean, I feel like Crown Heights is one of those neighborhoods
in Brooklyn that has a lot of diversity.
It's got a lot of culture. And I think, you know, you can find like like,
good places to live and probably spacious.
But it's been wild around there. And it's been wild because St.
Mark's, that's where those young girls got stabbed.

And on Franklin, just months ago, like, somebody walked in a bodega.
You know, he was mad. Like, the dude tried to get a cigar on the house.
And the dude was like, no, shot this person dead. Like...
Like the regard for life right now is like, it is crazy how there is none and

we're seeing it in real time.
So I feel like New York has been dangerous everywhere, to be quite honest.
It doesn't matter where you live.
It doesn't matter if you live in a hood, if you don't live in a hood.
Things have been happening. Women have been getting assaulted everywhere throughout New York City.
Like it doesn't matter where. you but I do I

was gonna say you put a flat flat bush shooting did you
hear about that couple who was being chased down by a
little teenager last week was shooting
a gun at them on foot and the cops were looking
for him for like seven minutes and they finally like ran into
the neighborhood to where they saw him broad daylight
us living in New York all these years I do

feel unsafe safe wherever I go
it doesn't matter where I go like if I go I
go down the street I can feel unsafe I go to the city I can
feel unsafe today I go to Barclays all the time to go like go to Target and
somebody got assaulted in broad daylight at Barclays in that area or whatever

and that's an expensive ass area it was like off of 4th Ave and shit like that
and I was like oh oh, hell nah, like I ain't about this life.
But it's like, you know, it's not like you said earlier, us,
it's not just us committing crime. It's a lot of people committing crime.
So like, it's just, you know, unsafe.
So you don't even know who, like who is, you know, because I don't like the

stereotype just saying Black people commit crime.
But, you know, just keep your guard up wherever you go, just in general.
So number two, it's been a lot of talk in New York City. It's been a lot of,
issues that people have been having.
With migrants in New York City. And when I say that is I look at a lot of social

media platforms and a lot of people are mad because they feel like,
you know, migrants are taking up housing and they're living for free and all
this stuff in New York and because of New York is expensive.
So Eric Adams was recently on Angela Yee's morning show, radio show,
and he was talking about the real issue with migrants.

And, you know, this is something that I didn't really know. You know,
know I didn't know the details and he was he listed a
couple of bullet points he said it's hard to deport
migrants who commit crime because it's
against the law he said it's against the law to not give
housing to migrants and
he also said it's against the law for them to work and it's also

against the law to stop buses that was coming from Texas to
New York City I saw on the news that I
guess it was like expensive building in New York
City and people were like about to protest and
go crazy because they were going to put migrants in this building
to live because you know right now we don't have a
lot of space we don't even have room out here in New York City I see them building

shit I mean I see them building a whole bunch of shit condos true I don't know
if Eric Adams is lying or not but Eric Adams said that shit is not true he said
that we only got 1% vacancy in New York City.
And he said that we need to build more. And he's trying to get people to build more.
But he said a lot of these, I guess,
whoever's in charge of building these buildings, they're not building.

And he said that's becoming an issue. And that's why housing is so expensive
because we're overbooked pretty much everywhere in New York City. Hmm.
Interesting. I'm like, what's up with all these condos and high rises?
But I guess those are private investors and they've already got this.
I don't know, but I don't know. So you don't believe him when he said it's only a 1% vacancy. Yeah.

In New York City, that's what he said. No, I don't necessarily disbelieve him
because I'm going to say this.
I think that people got a lot of property and I feel like they held it too.
Just like, cause like in my neighborhood, all I see is like brownstones that
were once like boarded up.
They probably were purchased, but they, you know, just now got around to spending the money.

So maybe not true. You know, maybe people bought
up property and you know are just kind of doing them
and they they have them so that's not
it's not necessarily true but i just i'm just saying i see a
lot of activity in my neighborhood so you said one percent vacancy yeah we need
to build more i mean they're building i mean that's what he said that's what

eric adams our mayor literally said he said that we need to he's trying to literally
like like, increased funding.
Trying to get people to build more housing out here.
And then also, like, I know Angel E was saying how, like, the cost of apartments
have skyrocketed in New York City to where a lot of people can't afford.

And I think that that's a, that has created a lot of tension that people have
with migrants in New York City.
I was just on your block, actually. Well, close to your
block well in between us it was like a new apartment i
think it's off of bedford and i was looking at the i googled the cost a one
bedroom the kitchen is my kitchen is bigger than this one bedroom they're charging

4400 that is a one bedroom apartment the the what you call it a bedroom was smaller than mine.
I'm like, I wonder, are those I wonder, are those co-ops or those apartments?
Those are apartments. I literally Google. That's that's crazy.
Like, nigga, which I got in there. I know. Four hundred.

Who out here in New York City can't afford this stuff, especially with this
economy. Like people are losing jobs like crazy.
Out here in New York City. Industries are hemorrhaging.
And, you know, they have been talking about an impending recession for months.
And so that's always the real root

of what's going on people are
it's a lot of distress or unrest around
like people are not financially secure here they can't
they can't catch a break in this city i mean people that are from here they
they know the system they know the programs but at the same time even those

programs get updated so you know what they what what how how it went 20 years
ago when they qualify for certain things.
It's not the same way, but they know how to play the system. But people are angry.
People are walking around mentally stressed.
The cost from inflation to buying groceries in New York City.

Yeah. I don't know if you saw the article. It was an article out recently,
and it was saying that a lot of Americans are defaulting on their credit cards.
Right because the interest rates and they're putting all
the debt on credit because they can't live so
it's just and I think that that
has probably played a factor in crime but

I think that a lot of crime I feel like COVID kind
of messed up New York City to be quite honest I feel
like COVID has created a lot of crime like
that's just my personal opinion I just feel like with
the per I feel like it displaced a lot of people you know
COVID displaced a lot of people and it moved and
then also joe biden he had that law with giving

people clean crack pipes or you know pipes remember
i know certainly on my street they have a a lot of areas for oh we got a methadone
clinic yeah yeah they have a lot and they give them like the free you know the
clean drug pipe because they feel like it uh they'll get off drugs quicker because
that's what be hanging around my my blocks.

Right. So I feel like that has kind of affected New York to be quite honest.
I feel like those, a lot of the, like I said, since I've lived over here in
my area, I've always seen that we have one of those clinics and I would see
like various people, you know, coming from them.
So I knew that in that, that was years ago.

But do you feel like your area before COVID, it had more drug addicts than now? Yeah.
No, I don't. Like I, to be honest, I'm going to tell you my area.
It's, it's the same, to be honest. Like we got businesses, we got new businesses.
You know, our neighborhood is changing though.

You know, it's changing. There are businesses coming.
Now I do see things that I didn't see before.
Like I see, I saw like a little migrant
family outside of the grocery grocery store and it
was you know a woman and her daughters and it was just like damn
like it is crazy and we're homeless I mean
I'm a I'm assuming if they're migrants you know what I'm saying and I'm sure

that you know maybe they go to a shelter but it's like she was you know trying
to get whatever resources she could from people that were gonna donate but it's
just like I saw that and I you know Eric Adams said the shelters are full that's
what he was saying I'm sure that they they are,
it makes for a pressure cooker type situation.
We got more people in our city. So our resources are extended and extended,

you know, beyond what's typically necessary or what they would expend.
And then they're not just being expended on people that are citizens here and
that, you know, are taxpayers here.
So I know what it is, lack of resources and financial when When them purse strings,
when your money not right, when you can't do the things that you need to do

for your family, when you can't support yourself as a man or a woman, can't get a job laid off.
Like we see. You all get out there robbing people, child.
And the crazy thing is, so I'll be honest, y'all. I remember back in the day,
people would hurt people that look like them.
Now it's like, you know, they up there robbing banky child.

And it's getting crazy. And that's why I honestly feel like they was like,
oh, we gonna call the National Guard because a lot of the,
like white people have been getting assaulted robbed i mean
i don't know if they did that to try to make people feel safe
but i mean they've been getting robbed like crazy
i'll be quite honest like my cousin told
me a story about the girl that at her job that got

robbed at gunpoint and she was like a blonde haired
girl and i was shocked because i i rarely
hear stuff like that you know i would get
robbed quicker than you know a girl with blonde hair blue eyes but
it's it's crazy out here in New York City they don't care no
more people are hungry people are starving people don't care
yeah and that's in desperation will

have you see a side of people and humanity that you don't you know it'll have
you regress so I just think that that's just a sign of the times that we're
in and kind of what's going on in the city so New York City is still the city
that we've chosen to be in for the time.
And so it's still very much work-wise where we are and it's still very much

an exciting place, but it's just like, you know, you gotta look alive at all
times. Right, and that's the gem of the week.
Look alive. Look alive at all times, baby. All right, well, on that note, we out. Peace.
Make sure you go check us out on all streaming platforms, platforms,
Apple, a podcast, Spotify, SoundCloud, Podbean, YouTube. All right, y'all.

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