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September 27, 2023 29 mins

What happens when life throws you an unexpected curveball?  Mary Ann Morales, a seasoned real estate agent, knows a thing or two about facing adversity. After surviving a near-death experience and dealing with her second child's severe diagnosis, her tenacity and resolve were only strengthened. This transformative chapter in her life spurred her to prioritize family over her budding career and led her to the world of real estate - a field she has been passionately pursuing for over two decades.

Mary Ann's journey is not just about overcoming personal challenges, but also about integrating these experiences into her professional life. Listen to her touching anecdotes about how sharing her struggles with clients has transformed her professional relationships and how her faith journey, helped her navigate through life's ups and downs. Mary Ann's story is an inspiring testament to resilience and the power of community, underpinned by her principle of treating others as she would wish to be treated. Tune in to be moved and motivated by her stirring story.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 2 (00:06):
Welcome to the Leader Impact Podcast.
We are a community of leaderswith a network in over 350
cities around the worlddedicated to optimizing our
personal, professional andspiritual lives to have impact.
This show is where we have achance to listen and engage with
leaders who are living this out.
We love talking with leaders,so if you have any questions,
comments or suggestions to makethe show even better, please let

us know.
The best way to stay connectedin Canada is through our
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I'm your host, lisa Peters, andour guest today is Mary Ann
Raised by a single mother who issuccessful in real estate, mary

Ann saw first hand the joy andhope real estate purchased
brought to people.
Graduating with a businessadmin degree with a year in the
master's program at theUniversity of Maryland, she
started her sales career atXerox Canada, where she
attributes her discipline andconsultive approach she applies
naturally every single day.

She was fortunate to havementors at different points in
her career.
One of them was the first womanpresident at Xerox Canada,
diane McGary, who said be trueto yourself and where you want
to go.
After having her first baby atage 31, going into real estate
became a natural decision.
She wanted a balanced life andbe the mother she was called to

Another mentor gave her thewise advice and told her always
remember your why.
It's been 20 plus years forMary Ann in real estate and she
is thankful she's still excitedas the day she signed her first
She loves seeing the sparks inpeople's eyes when they sign
their agreement of purchase andsale.
For Mary Ann, it is all aboutrelationships.

It is about waking up every day, thinking how she can
contribute to people's lives,how she can bring value and joy
to someone and how she caninvest her time with today.
Thanks for joining us, mary Ann,my pleasure.
Thank you so much.
It is nice to meet you.
A few months ago, I think, weinterviewed your husband, who

then I actually had anopportunity to meet at a global
summit, and he's lovely and hejust he gushes about you.
So it is nice to put a face toyou.
So we're going to begin.
We've been having great successwith asking some basic
questions, and they're not basicat all, it's just really diving

deep about pivotal turningpoints in your life, principles
of success and really talkingabout how those mistakes and
failures can really be successes.
So, are you ready, are you?

Speaker 1 (02:45):
ready All right.

Speaker 2 (02:48):
So we're obviously looking for a bit of your
professional story and how yougot to where you are today.
So can you give us a couple ofsnapshots that were pivotal
turning points along yourjourney?

Speaker 1 (03:00):
Two pivotal turning points.
First was actually when becauseI'm a person who was very
disciplined I was just part ofmy training.
Everything is written out mygoals, five years, short term,
everything day to day.
Anyway, I had my first babykind of early and I was on my

way and I just finished closinga deal with some micro systems.
At that time it was the biggestdeal we've ever landed and of
course, I cannot misscongratulating everybody.
And I had to be there it's justme.
So I decided to leave my babywith the nanny.
You know, I think the baby isonly three months, three weeks

old, but I never made itdowntown.
I was in a really bad caraccident and I was almost killed
, really.
And that's when it's pivotal,because I just thought my baby
would not have remembered me hadI died then and my life would
have meant nothing to nobody,because up to that point it was

just all about success, gettingthat president's club and being
awarded acknowledge and all thatstuff.
So, right, there is when Ithought what is important in
And to me it was more aboutfamily.
I want to be the mother, right?
The second turning point was,and that's when I thought, okay,

enough of corporate world and Iresigned, to everyone's total
surprise, because I was up for apromotion.
But I said no, I'm a mother,that's number one.
And then it got tested againAnother pivotal turn.
I was very successful in realestate.

In three years time or fiveyears time I joined RIMAC's Rio
Tron but the best office thereis in Toronto, right on Rio
There I got the most covetedaward it was the platinum award
and but right the next day I gotin my hands the diagnosis for

my second child and it's to saythat he has severe developmental
He is in the spectrum andotherwise not otherwise
specified, so it's just severedelay.
So to me, having this award andthen having a job where
everything is uncertain, hemight not talk at all or he

might not have a future, I don'tknow my world crashed, and so
then I thought I guess I can'thave career and family at the
same time.
I really have to give up one.
But I was true to myself and Ishared my pain with everybody,
and from there I was sosurprised that people actually

even connected with me more.
I wasn't the agent driving aMercedes Benz ready to sign a
I was someone like them and, asI was sharing across the table,
that this is my priority nowthings have changed.
They knew the pain.
There was a special connection,but they took care of me when I

needed the caring.
So to me that was so pivotalthat we don't live by ourselves
We live in a community and weare not to be alone really.
So from there it became likesales, became a way of life.
It's like me just helpingpeople and people helping me in

And yeah, it become more.
Yeah, the pain that wassupposed to be.
Or I remember my mom sayingwhen life throws you a lemon,
it's time to make a lemonade.
And I need to go to therapiesand whatnot.
But that's where I met people.
And they love me as I had me.

Speaker 2 (06:58):
Wow, those are amazing, pivotal moments and I
thank you for sharing thosebecause as women, we number one
doing what's right.
We think we can't have and whenI say we can't have it all,
Having it all means differentfor everybody, and having it all
meant I wanna be a mother, Iwanna be a real estate, I wanna

be a great wife.
I got that's my all and I wannabelieve that.
And you made that decision.
I love that.
Just doing what's right for youat the time and then sharing
your pain with people.
That's a really hard thing forwomen because we don't wanna be
seen as weak, right, right.
I wanna be seen as the womandriving the Mercedes making the

I'm not sharing that healthproblems or my marriage is
falling apart or my best friendhas cancer it's how important
that is and the success thatcame from that.

Speaker 1 (07:57):
and sharing Because I remember well, like going back
corporate world at Zeras.
I was working with the JFKs thetall, handsome, good looking
and all that.
And here I am, short, oriental,I don't even know what.
I am Asian, oriental and I needto show them and prove to them

that I am good and I make goodbusiness decisions.
I'm tough, I'm not emotional,nothing faces me.
I had to be that.
But then, moving on in withthings that happened, that came
my way.
It was like you know what?
Life is too short, I could dieand nobody's in charge but me.
I have to be true to myself andI have to know what's important

, my priorities.

Speaker 2 (08:44):
And, like Mary Ann, that's brilliant.
I love it.
Thank you for sharing that.
Our second question is give usyour best principle of success
and tell us a story thatillustrates this.

Speaker 1 (08:56):
Okay, it's very basic for me.
It's just due to others.
What do you want others to doto you?
Just the golden rule and I'velearned this along the way, even
when I was young and throughthe different trainings and
seminars that I've been through.
It's just that I want to betreated the way I would like to

treat other people, the way Iwant to be treated, with respect
and sincerity.
And an example of this wasbecause I know life will throw
things your way and you wouldappreciate someone walking
beside you.
So I was referred to someone whojust lost a husband and was

left with three young kids.
She was looking to sell herhouse and buy a new one, but
being a consultant by training,I don't just ask how many
bedrooms you want, but I askedher why are you selling?
And of course she was puzzled,thinking well, did you know my

husband passed away?
I'm like no, but I really dowant to know Money assigned.
Where do you want to move?
What is the most ideal for you?
I need to know the why,otherwise we're just going to be
wasting our time.
And then that's when she toldme that.
That's when she told me that ifit was up to her, then she

would like to keep her kids inthe same private school that
they go to.
I said, oh, which one?
Because she said I need to looksomewhere close to that area.
If that's what she wants, right.
And she said a withfieldChristian school or academy, and
I'm like that's where my kidgoes to.
And then she started crying andshe said she was praying for a

Christian realtor Of course Idon't go around saying I'm a
Christian realtor, but you knowand she started crying.
She said the husband used tolook after everything for her
and she's just overwhelmed.
She doesn't know where to start, and you know.
So, anyway, what I did was I satdown with her, I spent some

time, I looked at everything Imight show me and towards the
end I recommended what Irecommended was contradictory to
what I was doing.
I told her enough to sell.
I recommended that she staysput.
You know, look after the kidsfirst, put things into order,

set up a plan at least for oneyear, and then I will come back
and revisit.
So they tell plan, how muchdoes it cost you to stay in this
house and everything else?
Look, you have enough money fornow.
Look after the kids this andthat.
So she was so, so happy and ofcourse that proved to be so
rewarding for me.
She has been a source ofreferrals for me at the time,

especially that I was attendingto my youngest son.
You know I have to attend tohim and therefore less time in
real estate, but she keptsending me business year over
So to me I'm like, you know,what goes around comes around,
and I have been so blessed.

Speaker 2 (12:09):
Yeah, and I don't think.
Sometimes we feel that well,maybe some people don't, when
you're helping someone in themoment and you lost that sale
that day, but you gain 10 foldIn the moment.

Speaker 1 (12:21):
We In a moment I was like what did I do?

Speaker 2 (12:24):
I said don't sell, stay.
This is what I would do, right,like that's how you felt is.
I'm sure she was overwhelmedand that was just another thing
to put on her plate.
So slow down.
Oh yeah, great story.
I can only imagine this nextquestion because your stories
have been so good.

But we learn more from ourfailures and mistakes than our
successes, and I think we allknow that.
Would you share one of yourgreatest failures or mistakes
and what you learned from it?

Speaker 1 (12:56):
I have so many stories, so many failures, lisa,
but the one thing that is Onething that I'd like to share and
haven't shared to much people.
The family knew about it.
One of the failures we'veexperienced is losing our house.
I was forced to sell our ownhouse and then rent for a few

That was very Well.
It is very humbling because,after all, I'm a realtor and I
tell people if you're renting,you're paying someone's mortgage
And then I was.
I'm signing a lease contract.
But looking back from thatfailure failure because there

was a number of things thathappened during that time and
there was a reason for it Duringthat time I actually I became
more creative.
I then have a need, like I havethis burning desire.
I need to get back on track.
I can't be a realtor and nothave my own property.
So what happened was I did allI can to learn about leveraging

money, about investing, aboutpre-construction, but I do.
I only recommend things,opportunities where I truly
believe and I'm also invested inBecause I've gone through what
I've gone through.
I think it added morecredibility when I talk about

something and when I recommendand I say this is what I've done
and this is what happened.
I bought, I sold and reallyreal estate is all about.
It helps in the financialindependence of people and helps
them in having a really bit ofsecurity.
So, yeah, so from there I seethat failures made me more, like

I said, made me more credible,but at the same time, after just
a few years, I was able to makeall the money that we've lost
and also all the red.
I recuperate all the red thatwe've paid and even more, and I
was able to even get the housethat we've always wanted, in the

right neighborhood too.
And, of course, all praise toGod, but yeah.

Speaker 2 (15:23):
It is so hard to step back, I think, and give up the
house and the rent in your case.
In that instance, where did youturn to?
And I just, like my mind goes,what were the steps you took?
Who do you talk to?
Did you surround yourself withpeople that were knowledgeable,
or did you just do it allyourself, because we're women

and we do it ourselves?

Speaker 1 (15:47):
How did you do it?
First I turned to God becausewhen you kind of hit bottom
right, there's no place else togo and besides, you can't go to
your neighbor right away andtell them what happened.
But also I surround myself witha few trusted friends that I

could really be honest with andI'm secure that I will not be
judged and I'm not afraid toshow myself my real self.
So I have a couple of those andyeah, they said you know, like,
like Marianne, you're smart, wetrust you and we believe in you
, and when it comes to planning,looking up problems and having

solutions, I'm good at that.
So with that I like, andknowing that you know, and also
having a mother who's gonethrough so many things, she just
dusts herself off and start allover again.
I knew things are temporary.
It's not gonna stay that long.

Speaker 2 (16:52):
So yeah, and I think it's so important to surround
yourself with those people,because those people have people
right and in a conversation,hey, I know someone I can
connect you, you know, so justcontinue to surround yourself.

Speaker 1 (17:05):
You actually even gave me money to invest.

Speaker 2 (17:09):
Good people.
Hey, oh, that's good, all right, so at Leader Impact we want to
grow personally, professionallyand spiritually, and I know
you've mentioned your faithalready.
We do this for you know,increase impact.
Would you be willing to sharean example of how the spiritual

makes a practical difference inyour life as a leader?

Speaker 1 (17:35):
Okay, Well, for me, this is the key to living a life
of impact and significance, youknow.
So the best story yet althoughall the time I even tell
everybody the best is always yetto come but the best story so
far for me was during thepandemic, and that's where my
faith actually got deeper,because first time in my life,

I've got nothing else to dobecause there was a time we
couldn't go out.
So I was able to catch up witheverything.
Everything has been crossed out.
Still, we cannot go out, butthat was the time that God has
called me and I just felt Ineeded to do something more for
That life is not just aboutbeing successful and getting the

awards and, you know, having mygoals reach for my kids and all
There's far more than that.
And I didn't know.
I didn't know what God wantedme to do, but it was just
bugging me Because I hate having, you know, not knowing what I'm
supposed to do.

So during that time I wasreconnected to an old
acquaintance of mine who happensto be a pastor, and I just saw
him online and his sermon backthen was about story about
Esther, who was called such.
You know, who was called to dosomething, and the main lesson

was that we, that God works inwonderful ways and he has great
plans for us, that we have apurpose in his kingdom.
And so from there, whathappened was I've become
consumed in knowing more, inreading the Bible, because my
friends is read the Bible and Iwill pray that you find what

you're looking for.
I had nothing else to do, so Idid that, and I was so surprised
that everything that I'velearned and paid you know people
doing seminars everything wasin the Bible.
So I got so excited.
I got nothing else to share topeople except that.
So, but what happened wasduring the pandemic.

So mid year, sales picked up,but I was still in my Bible mode
So I'm sharing to my clientseverything.
So how was pandemic for you andthis and that?
And then I just shared in mystory.
That just continued till now.
Business to care of itself Everytime God sent me people my way.

My question is God what do youwant me to do in this situation?
What do I need to uncover foryou?
Most of the times they have aneed, and it's mostly spiritual.
So God takes care of everything.
First things first again, andbut this time it is to do as
well, and then he'll take careof everything else.

I have a great big Bible studyright now of clients turned
friends Turned.
Like you know, this sidedisciples as well, just like me.

Speaker 2 (20:39):
Love that.
I love your.
I Think it was maybe six monthsinto COVID, I did some
interviews on a local talk showabout your COVID bonus.
What did you?
What are you getting?
Because we are stuck at home?
What are you doing with it?
What are you, what are youlearning?
What can you do?
We all had a lot of time on ourhands.

You know what are you doing.
So your story resonates.
It's amazing.
You definitely had the beststory yet to come and I, you
know, I think that's still.
That is your life, though,listening to you, I think every
day you will find great.
The greatness in every day Ithink that is Mary Ann Morales

Like that's what I'm getting isjust Something happens in your
You will, you're gonna keepgoing and you know the best is
yet to come.

Speaker 1 (21:31):
I look forward to every day.
Really, I see, like I'm, like I, I just see everything as
miracles, as gift from God,truly.
And Now I'm just more bold totell people that.
And if I think people are notinterested, then I hesitate and
I'm like not unless you'rereally interested, then I will
tell you, and they will tell me,tell me, I'm like okay, okay,

this is the truth.
And and then I give back allthe glory to God.
It's not me, like it's not.
Yeah, I'm taking the secret.

Speaker 2 (22:02):
Yeah, when you said gifts from God, they're not
always the good right we, we getthese gifts, and Right,
sometimes they're the diagnosisof something which makes you
Turn your life around, orwhatever it is it.
You think it's bad, but itactually maybe was meant For you
to learn something, or yeah, Ijust I think of things going on

in my own life like what I seethem as negative or hurtful.
But I need to step back andreflect and pray and I'll get to
the good side yet.

Speaker 1 (22:37):
I know it will.

Speaker 2 (22:38):
I mean, I understand it now, but I know, I know I
know better, so we always asktwo final questions of all our
I believe you're involved inleader impact, so you know we're
dedicated to leaders having alasting impact.
So, as you continue to movethrough your own journey in life
, have you considered what youwant your faith legacy to be

when you leave this world?

Speaker 1 (23:03):
Yes, well, I want to be.
I want to be of influence andencouragement To other people to
actually know God and to knowhim, to know him more, because
people search for excellence andhappiness that this world
cannot give True happinessthrough.

True happiness comes fromknowing God, because he is our
He has that purpose for us.
So we need to go back.
We could I mean, I've hadsuccesses before, before even
knowing God, but through God,he's the only one who could get
you Through that breakthrough,right to that real happiness.

I've been exposed to manypeople as well, really rich,
wealthy, successful people butthey find themselves unhappy or
incomplete, but not until theyfind God.
So to me, if I could live mylife as a testimony of you know
what God can do, you have.

You can't live with justpersonal and and professional.
You need to put in thatspiritual aspect as well see,
you are that influence in light.

Speaker 2 (24:19):
And my final question is what brings you the greatest

Speaker 1 (24:24):
My greatest joy right now, um,is really when I share the good
news to other people, I sharewhat God is doing in my life,
and then when I lead them In, atsaying that prayer, admitting
that we're all sinners and it'sJesus, accepting Jesus as our
personal savior.

I've just done that and itnever fails.
I'm filled with so much joy andI'm like, wow, this is
unbelievable, the greatest dealever.
Nothing could top it, you know,not even no money.
It's priceless.
When I've seen the prayer and Iasked them to repeat after me

and they Say exactly those words, it's, you know, it's so much

Speaker 2 (25:14):
Yeah, I think um many people are afraid to share
their faith.
We're afraid to step up and saylet me pray for you, or you
know, and or some people areoffended.
Have you ever?
Have you ever been in thatsituation?
Because it brings you joy, butto the other person, do you know

how it's?

Speaker 1 (25:36):
I think it's being willing, Imean being available, just being
available and praying to Godthat, if it's that, whenever the
right time is, just Let youknow.
You can't force it on people,but you will know when it's the
right time and the words willcome.
Because I get asked about that.
The same question.
I mean you know you can't.

Just I can I pray for you?
Know, like huh go away.
You know we only pray before weeat.
You know no, but you will know,when we make ourselves
available, we become more, more,more in tune.
And I have someone recently youhad to go out of the country and

leave it, but I can't just lether go and I know what she's
going through.
I can't just let her go withoutpraying for her, not knowing
her that much.
I just ask her can I pray withyou?
But I shared with her firstwhat I've gone through and she'd
say yes, and then I walked herthrough.
She's again, she's at thebottom, she's got nowhere else

to go, she's feeling depressedalready and whatnot.
And I'm like God is with you atyour lowest, at your weakest.
He's there.
You can ignore it, but he'sthere.
But he'll only answer you ifyou call on him.
And then, and then she, she,she said okay.
So then I asked she want me topray with you?
And she said yes, I'm likealrighty.

No, I'm never prepared, but butI'm always really.
And the words just come out.

Speaker 2 (27:11):
Yeah, I Remember the first time so this was 20, 20
years ago and someone had saidthey asked if they could pray
for me and I, okay, it was myfirst time ever that someone
cared enough to just say that,and I wasn't where I am today,
so it was very new.
Obviously, my language maybesaid something that you know I

Believed in God.
I, you know, at that time Ican't say that I was very strong
in my faith, but I'm like, okay, and but I think of, if someone
cares enough, it's free, itdoesn't hurt anyone, you know.
So, keep praying on people,keep praying with people.
Mary Ann, I want to thank youfor joining us.
It has been an absolutepleasure, pleasure to sit and

talk with you.
I can see why Angel just gushesabout you and and everyone else
I just want to thank you.
If people want to find you,touch base with you.
Maybe you've said something andthey're just like, oh, I'd love
to speak with her.
Where can they find you?

Speaker 1 (28:12):
I am in LinkedIn, so, morales, and even if they
Google me, it will come up, butit will be my profession, mary
Ann Morales, at your 21, but I'malso with, I'm in LinkedIn and
every now and then I'm withAngel bit with Power not power
to change, but leave your impactright.

Yeah, just just my email, maryAnn Morales at belt.
That meant awesome.

Speaker 2 (28:40):
Well, I just want to thank you again for joining us.
It has been an absolutepleasure, oh, thank you so much.

Speaker 1 (28:45):
What a pleasure to be interviewed by you, all right,
all right.

Speaker 2 (28:49):
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You will also find on ourwebpage chapter one of Braden
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