Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to the Lift
One Self podcast, where we break
mental health stigmas throughconversations.
I'm your host, nat Nat, and wedive into topics about trauma
and how it impacts the nervoussystem.
Yet we don't just leave youthere.
We share insights and tools ofself-care, meditation and growth
that help you be curious aboutyour own biology.
Your presence matters.
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Let's get into this.
Oh, and please remember to bekind to yourself.
Welcome to the Lift One Selfpodcast.
I'm your host, nat Nat, and Ihave a special guest with me
Her name I hope I don't butcherit, so please forgive me if I
do Her name is Vandana and Iwant to know how she got to.
Vandana and you know, know alittle bit about what you bring
forth in the world and what youcreate.
So if you can, let thelisteners know a little bit
about who you are and what youhave to offer, Thank you, nat.
Speaker 2 (01:08):
Nat, well, I've just
been following my soul's calling
probably since 2006 when Ibecame a Reiki master.
I used to be a Reiki masterteacher.
When I became a Reiki master, Iused to be a Reiki master
teacher and then that's probablythe same year that I discovered
Ama, who has been my spiritualteacher since then and that's
where I got this name, whichmeans basically it kind of means
a blessing.
It carries a very highvibration and also could be
translated to namaste, so it's avery sacred, devotional name.
Most of my clients and studentsactually all of them know me by
this name and, yeah, I justknew that I had to find a way to
authentically like,authentically be myself, but
also to follow my true path, myhighest path and my really
reconnect to my divine identity.
And so over the years, I'vebeen a teacher of various
healing modalities, like accessconsciousness.
Also, I created my own healingmodality.
I created my own healingmodality, which used to be
called Rich Healing, back inlike 2013.
I've been on lots oftelesummits, podcasts, have my
own podcasts, and these days I'mreally focused on reconnecting
and reparenting our inner child,our inner teen and all the
parts of us that really stillhaven't had our needs ever met,
the parts of us that feel exiledand vulnerable and really
unsupported in the world,disconnected from our higher
power, from our higher power.
I've also been doing my owninner child work for the last
couple of years through a groupcalled ACA.
We have a 12-step process and alot has come up, but it's very,
very it's been very liberatingand it really has helped me to
establish much stronger,healthier boundaries in all of
my adult relationships.
We call adults who still sufferfrom the symptoms of childhood
trauma, repeated childhoodtrauma, so many small T's
instead of necessarily one big Tfor trauma.
So this group actually helps usto kind of process this trauma
but also to talk about ourfeelings and to even really
understand you know why we'rehere and really to heal those
damaged relationships that manyof us suffer from as a result of
dysfunctional parenting.
So a lot of my work isancestral healing.
I also studied a lot with areally amazing teacher.
His name is Daniel Forr andhave my own ancestral altar.
Also I studied with Thich NhatHanh.
I'm still a member of the RockBlossom Sangha.
I've been a Buddhist for 17years now with the SGI and then
with Nichiren Shoshu andNichiren Shu.
So I've also been a Sufi.
I've also been practicingSufism, as well as learning
about Hinduism through Amma'sgrace, amma's grace.
So I've explored pretty muchevery spiritual tradition.
So I guess it's for me it's notjust about one thing, it's
about seeing the beauty andrecognizing the value in all
things, you know, and reallythat's what I'm all about for
the most part.
So I've been teaching, I've beenhealing, I've been, you know,
writing, researching andspeaking, but also listening,
trying to listen to, you know,my soul's whispers, to see, like
, what's next for me, which issomething it's a practice, to
stay present in the momentBecause, as you know, this world
is, is really this timeline?
This world is really thistimeline.
This planet is suffering a lot.
And being an empath, I alsofocus a lot on empaths and how
we can navigate our abilitiesright so that we don't absorb
all that toxicity, the duality,the negativity that keeps
accumulating on our planetglobally.
But really how to feel safe,feel heard, feel like just
connected to our higher self.
And that's really importantbecause a lot of us are really
struggling in that area, arereally struggling in that area.
So I mostly work with women, butmen too.
I teach all kinds of workshops,from chakra balancing to, you
know, akashic readings, tomediumship, to psychic
You know, I just really try toempower everyone as much as I
can to remember their own powerand also to get unstuck from all
of those blocks.
You know the blocks, thecontracts, the vows and
agreements that are reallypassed on to us.
We really inherit them and theyare transmissions in themselves
They become, they actually getlodged into our nervous system,
even in the womb.
So I like to take people onjourneys that's really what I
enjoy doing to really kind ofground people but also to
regulate and calm our nervoussystem.
Because these days I think mostof us especially energy
sensitive people, I think we areall really flooded and our
nervous systems are reallydysregulated and what happens is
that leads to just more andmore overwhelm and also not
making very good choices aboutwhat the next steps are.
A lot of us are stuck betweenworlds and that's why I help
people to kind of get clear andjust more present and understand
the deeper meaning of this life.
Speaker 1 (07:39):
Would you be willing
to come into a mindful moment
with me so that we can groundourselves in our breath and open
our hearts and dive a littlebit deeper into?
Oh yeah, let's do that for thelisteners.
As you always hear about mysafety spiel, uh, most of you
are listening to this whiledriving, so please do not close
your eyes.
Safety first, yet the otherprompts you're able to do while
driving, biking, walking orwhatever you need for your
So, um, bandana, did I say itproperly?
Bandana, bandana, bandana,sorry close.
Speaker 2 (08:18):
very good, very good.
Let's, let's um, yeah, let'sjust really settle down and into
our seat and feet and feel thefloor underneath you, but at the
same time let's expand andreally open up and deepen,
soften into our heart space.
So let's do that, but at leasttry to do that for a few minutes
Speaker 1 (08:40):
If you're willing,
close your eyes and begin
breathing in and out throughyour nose, and don't try to
control your breath.
Just bring your awareness towatching your breath go in and
out, watching the rhythm,allowing it to lead you in your
There may be some sensations orfeelings coming up, and that's
Let them surface.
You're safe to feel.
You're safe to let go.
Surrender the need to control,release the need to resist and
just be, be with your breath,drop deeper into your body Now.
There may be some thoughts orto-do lists that have maybe
popped up in your mind, andthat's okay.
Gently, bring your awarenessback to your breath, creating
space between the awareness andthe thoughts and dropping deeper
into your body, just allowingyourself to be Again.
Those thoughts may have comeback up.
Bring the awareness back toyour breath, beginning again,
creating more space between theawareness and the thoughts,
dropping deeper into your body,into the breath, into being Now,
while staying with your breath,at your own time and at your
own pace.
You're going to slowly openyour eyes.
How is your heart doing.
Speaker 2 (10:38):
My heart is open open
Speaker 1 (10:52):
My heart is curious.
My heart is calm.
So you mentioned that you weregiving a spiritual name and I
know maybe some of the listenersare like what are you talking
We don't understand what thatis.
Could you explain what thatprocess was and what got you on
that journey?
Speaker 2 (11:05):
it was my three-day
vision quest, um, because all
three days until I received myspirit name, basically like a
soul name, a high vibrationalname, a name that aligns with my
soul, my soul identity, my, mysoul, my soul identity, my soul
truth, my soul voice I was in abattle with my ego.
My ego was really trying totake over, stay in control, to
help me feel safe, but I keptcoming across lots of obstacles.
Once I asked if I was allowedto have a spiritual name, a soul
name, um, which I really feltwould shift my vibration and
shift and raise my vibration,but like open up a new pathway,
a new doorway for me, which itdid.
A new pathway, a new doorwayfor me, which it did.
But it took three days of thesestrange obstacles where I kept
being told that, well, almadoesn't give a spiritual name, a
spirit name, and you'll have togo to her retreat.
She doesn't do it in New York.
And I've been seeing Alma andreceiving her darshans, which is
in the form of a spiritual hugand a mantra that she whispers
in your ear for about 14 yearsprior to that, or maybe at that
time it was about 12 years, andso I felt like I was ready and I
really yearned my heart, yearnto grow closer to her because
also my own experiences with mybiological mother that raised me
Her transmissions areunconditional love and I've
never felt so held, embraced andnurtured by my own mother as I
did with her, and so Idefinitely felt like I was ready
to do it.
But again, and I kept beingtold, like she doesn't do it,
come back tomorrow.
You know, I couldn't reallystay in the now and really
appreciate all the transmissionsthat I was receiving, with a
hug, or without a hug, with avirtual hug Right that she
always gives thousands of people, just by being in her presence
I couldn't stay present.
You know, it just was like inthe future, like what's going to
Am I going to get my name ornot?
You know.
So my, my inner, you knowtormentor was really kicking up
and really wanting to be heard,you know, and and I, I just
noticed that part of me and Ijust kind of sat with it and
listened to it without likefighting with it, with that part
of me that just wanted to beheard and seen, and and and and
also to have this need met thatthe inner child was still
struggling with so long storyshort, because I could talk
forever about this.
It was difficult.
There was definitely aninternal battle and conflict and
the more I was told no, themore I pushed back on that.
And then, finally, the thirdday, I kept coming back because
it's like I needed to have thatname and it really wasn't about
the name it was about.
Now I understand in retrospect.
It makes perfect sense.
This was part of my spiritualjourney.
Some may call it a test, like aspiritual test from the
universe, but it was reallyabout not about the name and not
about ama, but really about meand all the parts of me that
still felt unheard, unseen andinvisible and really not enough
or not even worthy enough tohave a spiritual name from this,
you know, this ascended master,basically.
So I finally got my name andbut it took a long time of
waiting, a lot of patience, alot of self talk, you know, and
it was.
It was almost like it wasstretched out those three days,
but like three years or threelifetimes, and it was.
It seemed like it was takingforever.
Because I wasn't really in mybody.
I wasn't really, I wasn'tgrounded, I wasn't present.
I was either pulled back topast traumas, unhealed wounds
and memories you know that thisreminded me of again I'm not
being heard, I'm not being, I'mnot being given what I deserve.
So, finally, at the end of theday, you know and I had to have
many talks and push throughshyness and self-consciousness
and go to the front of the roomand talk to these high level
Rishis and you know her, herassistants, her devotees and and
say, hey, you know, I was toldto come back.
I was told I can get aspiritual name.
Alma told me yes, and everyoneelse is saying no, I'm like, I'm
not crazy.
She told me yes and thenfinally, yeah, after being
pushed through all of thatuncomfortability, she pulled out
a book.
She gave me a, which is ablessing, as I mentioned, and
then she pulled out this blackbook which has names in it I
guess I have no idea to this dayand she pointed to a page which
seemed like randomly, but I'msure it wasn't um, and then I
was given a piece of paper withmy name on it and I got what I
wanted and I still didn't like.
I was happy, but I was stilllike processing everything that
that came up for me.
All the karma was still in theprocess of lifting, clearing,
releasing, and everything wasbeing reassembled in my psyche,
So it felt like everything thatI've been struggling with was
still playing out, but I justhad to sit with that experience
and integrate it, which I did.
And then it wasn't until aboutsix months later that I had a
business partner when I createdRich Healing, which later was
changed to Accelerated LightedHealing that my former business
partner suggested that we useour spiritual names, my name
coming from spiritual names, myname coming from Amma and his
name coming from his higher self.
No one really gave him the namehe named himself and I thought,
well, I don't know, but yeah,and then it just stuck and this
has been.
You know, I've been Vandanasince 2013, formally, and so
this is this feels right now.
It feels like I've grown intothe embodiment of whatever the
frequency of this name is meantto do for me.
I've grown into this identity,right, and so that's the story
behind my spiritual name, andthe reason why people um desire
spiritual names is because theydon't feel they feel like
they've outgrown their birthname and because every time your
birth name is said by anyone,it just brings up, it carries,
it encapsulates all the energyof everyone else who has ever
said your name, from the momentyou were conceived, basically.
So it kind of reminds people orit kind of brings people back
to the past, which is not alwaysso pleasant for a lot of people
and because we're shifting andaccelerating and awakening so
quickly, so rapidly, that a lotof people feel that they don't,
that their name doesn't evenfeel like them.
It's like a vibrationalmismatch, if you understand what
I mean.
And when people call me Meryl, Imean what I mean.
And when people call me Meryl,I mean I used to really dislike
my name because I never feltlike Meryl.
I never liked my name.
Even growing up I didn't likemy name at all.
But then later I startedfinding things about my name
that I do like, that I do, andyou know that I do honor,
because it was my parents, mybirth parents, that named me
this name.
And when I started looking itup, it's like oh, mer means
light and you know, or like,like mermaid.
Well, you know, like mermaid,merman, merman, but it's more
like light.
So mer, depending how you say,it definitely feels like a
better match than it used to.
But Vandana, it's like all ofthese parts of me are still
inside of me, mm-hmm, butthey're connected to different
sources, if that makes sense,and I think, like I said, you
asked me.
Well, maybe people don'tunderstand what a spiritual name
It really is like when I becamea Reiki master, I realized that
I was able to more easilyconnect to my higher self, my I
am presence, but also to myspirit guides and to the other
hundred and four, 43 versions ofme, my soul extensions, other
soul versions of me, um, andthat's why I think people ask
for a spiritual name, whetherthey give it to themselves or
whether it's from a teacher.
Um, I have a Sufi name.
I have a lot of different names, but Vandana is the one that
feels like the most me.
But it took a while for me toaccept this and receive this
blessing and really expressgratitude for even my birth name
and all the parts of me.
Yeah, so that's, that's my,that's my story how did you find
Anna Mama?
Speaker 1 (21:47):
Yeah, how did you
find her?
And what, what?
Speaker 2 (21:50):
Oh well, I was
working at the Deepak Chopra
Ayurvedic center and spa, whichwas also a blessing.
I worked there for about twoyears and I was actually
handpicked I think theyinterviewed about 200 people and
I was one of 10 that wereselected and that was a
wonderful, enlighteningexperience.
I learned a lot about myself.
I had a lot of downtime becauseit wasn't like a very active
environment, so I had a lot oftime to meditate there and to
teach other people how tomeditate as well.
And then I had a coworker andshe was an Ayurvedic doctor from
India and one day she was veryexcited and she told me, and she
told everybody, that we must goand take time out of our work
day or go after work or beforeand see Amma.
And I had no idea who that was.
I mean, I was still likeknowledgeable about different
spiritual traditions and I thinkI've heard, I had heard of her,
but she said it in such anemphatic way that I couldn't say
no, she's like your life willcompletely change, like she'll
be able to.
You know, she can clear allthat negative karma and social
karma and and your whole lifecan open up in a whole new way.
And then I, I went in and, likeeverybody from my job also went
, like all the massagetherapists and the estheticians
and the the staff.
We all went and it I, you knowI've been going every year,
except for this year and theyears that she wasn't able to
come to New York because of thepandemic.
And, yeah, I still have picturesof her all over my bedroom and
I have a little doll thatrepresents her that actually is
made from articles of herclothing.
Okay, yeah, it's, it's love,it's pure love.
If you watch any of her videos,you'll see her hugging babies,
the elderly, the disabled, andit's just, there's no difference
, like, and she's able tosuperhumanly do this for 24
hours, sometimes a day, and, no,no other person that I know of
has the ability to do it.
So this is her mission and Ijust feel really blessed to be
able to carry her name.
Speaker 1 (24:18):
Yeah, Now some
They may know about Reiki, yetsome of them may not really know
in depth of what that is andhow it's used as a modality for
your energy.
Could you simplify it for thelisteners?
Speaker 2 (24:35):
Absolutely so.
Reiki is thousands of years old.
It's a natural healing systemthat was brought to the West by
Mrs Takata, but it actually wascreated in Japan in the late
1800s by a Japanese monk namedMikau Yasui.
There are many differentlineages of Reiki, different
traditions, but it's all thesame.
Reiki just is loving light,life force energy, it is
vitality, it's life force energy, it's pure love, it is vitality
, it's life force energy, it'spure love.
It is something that you know.
They say Jesus was the firstReiki practitioner, because it's
really a laying on of the handsin a very gentle way.
It's really like the activationof our healing abilities
through the hands, and not onlythrough the hands can also be
sent at a distance, but alsothrough the eyes and through the
So reiki can be performed inperson.
It can be performed at adistance, remotely.
You can even send Reiki withthe four healing symbols which I
teach and I also teach animalReiki as well and that could be
sent at a distance, even to yourinner child, to a past life, to
a doctor's appointment oranything coming up for you, to a
world situation, war, genocide,whatever is going on in the
Um, yeah, so it is.
It's vast, it's infinite and itit's a natural healing system.
It's it's we all have thisability, um, and it can be
performed in a chair, on lyingon a table, you're fully clothed
, and it's just peace.
It's just peace and it's space,and it is allowing us to become
a hollow bone and a vessel ofthis light.
So the practitioner, the Reikimaster, the teacher, um, says a
prayer, connects to spirit,connects to source, connects to
I like to call in white light,but some people call in gold
light or pink light.
It doesn't really matter, butit's a.
It's a, it's a higherdimensional, higher vibrational
light, it's source light or it'sintelligent.
It's intelligent light, um, andum, it's really changed my life
I remember offering, when I waslearning it, to my mom, who was
struggling with medical issuesat that time, and she was
sitting on a chair and I wasvisiting her, and she said she's
never felt so relaxed in herwhole life and she was almost
crying, which she never did.
She was, um, just very shutdown emotionally.
And she and I said well, whatdid you envision, did you?
You know, because a lot of this.
When I guide people throughmindfulness journeys, I always
like to check in and ask like,what did you experience, right,
just like you did earlier?
And she said, oh, I saw, youknow, her father, my grandfather
at the time, just walking downSandy Beach and you know, just
feeling really at peace andreally close.
And she felt that intimateconnection and she felt very
And it was such a blessing forme because I was first, I was
still learning and I, you know,I was, of course, I was very
happy for her, but I it wasconfirmation, that confirmation
that, hey, this stuff reallyworks, you know, and anybody can
become a reiki practitioner,even children.
I've also taught children reiki,I've attuned them to reiki, as
well as my cats.
So, you know, reiki is foreveryone.
You know, there you don't haveto be a spiritual person, you
know to to receive this and toconnect with Source.
Because it's really about areconnection to Source, to our
Creator, god, goddess, whateveryou call the universe, the God
Goddess of your understanding,whatever that is.
I call it a higher power andthe thing is we're so
disconnected from our higherpower that it's kind of like a
remembrance, it's a journey ofremembrance, remembering like,
wow, I do have this higherversion, this ancient, immortal
version of me that was neverborn and can never die, and so
Reiki is used.
I've used it in hospitals, I'veworked along hospital staff,
nurses and doctors.
I'm also a medical Reiki masterand so that allows me, with
this certification, to go intohospitals to see patients who
are having in or outpatientsurgery as well.
And what it does is it createsthis immediate sense of relief,
this release, this calm, thispeace, that everything is going
to be okay.
So if you're in overwhelm,stress, anxiety, it's a definite
stress buster and it's kind ofmagical and mystical because we
don't really know how it works,but we know that it does work.
Speaker 1 (30:30):
And, from what I've
experienced, what it is is it's
a regulation of the nervoussystem.
If the nervous system is activein the fight, flight, fawn or
freeze, you're not connected toself and the whole thing is the
journey of connecting back intoself, which is part of God,
allah, universe, whatever youwant to call the higher power.
Yet defense mechanisms blockthat vulnerability because it
wants to protect you.
Yet it's to learn to createthat safety in your body so that
the nervous system doesn't haveto hijack everything and go
into protection mode, that youcan open yourself up to spirit
and have that trust withinyourself.
And in that connection, I knowa lot of people are like, oh,
energy or Reiki or light, andit's like, okay, well, it's
fusing the two, like there's aspiritual part and there's a
human part, and a lot in thisworld it's either choosing the
spiritual or going into thehuman part of mindset and it's
really being able to integrateand blend the two, not choosing
one over the other, and beingable to maximize time as a tool.
That that's our most valuablecurrency that we have.
Yet a lot of us think that wehave to earn time and it's like
no time is your tool, yet it'sreally understanding your
nervous system and how it'sactivated.
And when people talk about pastlives, it's like really
understanding Nervous systemscreate other nervous systems, so
those energetic charges areplaced in the nervous systems.
So a lot of times, you know,when people talk about past life
, regression, or they're a childand have these dense emotions
and dense experiences that youknow their present life didn't
have these experiences but theycan relive them.
It's like these charges thatcame from the lineage of their
nervous systems.
So really, when we canunderstand how to tap into
energetically what thisintelligence of in our body,
that we can blend the two ofspirituality and the humanness
aspect, does that make?
Speaker 2 (32:41):
sense it does and and
to your point, um, it's for
There are no requirements, like, no prerequisites.
And what reiki does that otherhealing modalities miss is that
it actually, with its ownintelligence, can move into the
core, the root of where thistrauma was first formed, the
origin of the trauma, and manytimes it's also inherited, it's
genetic, it's generational, andit does help to override or move
beyond the fight-flight systeminto the sympathetic nervous
system, into the parasympatheticnervous system of rest, digest
process, integrate, right, whichis our natural state of being.
And since this is a naturalhealing system, you know, of
course it's going to help youreturn to your natural state of
well-being mind, body, spiritand get you back into your body
again and also get to the rootcore of where the pain, whether
it's physical, mental, emotional, spiritual began.
So it's kind of a rewinding oran unwinding or repatterning,
whatever you want to call it,and it helps to really drop a
lot of that heaviness anddensity and a lot of the armor
that we lug around with us,which doesn't even belong to us.
So, and Reiki is eternal, Imean, it's always existed, you
And when people say you know, inthe metaphysical community and
I've heard this over and overfor years.
Well, oh, reiki is so yesterday, or what I do, carries a higher
I just laugh because it's allone, we're all.
There's only oneness Like.
There's no like better or worse, there's no good, bad, right,
You know.
There's no like better or worse.
There's no good, bad, right,wrong.
You know, everything is energy.
Energy can't be born, it cannever die.
So when I tell people that it'sjust, you know it's not about
better or worse, you know, andand that is more, about ego, and
reiki is not about ego at all.
Reiki helps you to put your egoaside, right, yeah, and reveal
your true self.
Speaker 1 (35:02):
Right, and see for me
the definition of ego is your
defense mechanisms of thenervous system.
Because when you're in thatactivation of fright, flight,
freeze or fawn, you are in astate of fear and think that
you're of this world, not beingable to access that.
You're in the world but you'renot of it.
So when you regulate thenervous system and release the
protection aspect, that you nolonger need this protection,
then the body's like are yousure we're safe to feel our
authentic emotions?
Because many of us don't evenknow how to feel our authentic
emotions, we're just in reactionand patterns because it feels
that it might be toodebilitating to feel that
intense energy that's coming upthrough the body.
And you know to do healingmeans you have to feel, and
feeling sometimes is going to beshitty, it's not going to be
And you know something withyour mental because you
understand there's parts of youthat are hiding from you that
you know you're, you're creatingthis, but you don't know how to
access, how to uncreate it, andso that's why it's really
important to face that nervoussystem so that it doesn't go
into activation and that there'sthat disconnection, so that you
can be in flow and you can bein connection and not separate
from self.
When these big emotions come upand you feel it and you
articulate it Because many of usdon't even know how to
articulate what we're feelingit's like I don't know, I don't
And then, once you can listenbecause those emotions are data,
they're information surfacingto try to give you information.
Yet we've been habituated toignore that, to separate, to
feel like that isn't going toserve me in any way where it's
like, well, you're splinteringparts of yourself and it's to
come back into a whole with a W,all the parts that they
integrate and they come as awhole not a hole with an H but a
hole with a W and come together.
Yet you know, I think in societytoo, because of technology and
you know, the same day, serviceof prime, everybody wants it in
a snap of a finger that amiracle means everything's going
to go my way, and it's like,well, no, you'll get clarity.
Yet you still have your work tobe able to process and
understand what the activationsand what the triggers are and
and really start trustingyourself, to come out of the
validation of others andvalidate yourself, to access
your own power and your ownpermission of what you are
experiencing and to honor yourgift.
Many of us don't even know whatour gifts are because we've
been told it's invalid or it'sit has no relevance or it's not
going to earn you money intothis world or whatnot.
So people are separated fromthat and not able to access that
light, that energy in its fullcapacity.
That is mind-blowing it is.
Speaker 2 (38:04):
It's mind-blowing, um
, many of us are shut down and
we want things right away, wewant that red pill or whatever
blue pill and we want, like, um,you know, but these like
instant fixes are not, theydon't really work.
I mean, they might make youfeel better for a day or two,
but then, you know, you're backwhere you started and it
sometimes can make it worse,make you feel worse, and healing
is not always fun, and you know.
You know, but it doesn't haveto be serious and it doesn't
have to be overwhelming.
It can be gentle and it shouldbe gentle, and that's hopefully
what I facilitate for othersthat come to me to have more
compassion for themselves andeverything they've been through
and, to you know, get back onthe journey to wholeness and
wellness again.
And that all boils down tochildhood trauma.
Um, and, and that's all boilsdown to childhood trauma.
It all boils down to unhealed,untreated, um, childhood trauma
and that's passed on to us fromgeneration to generation.
And, um, it also has to do withthe type of energy that we're
exposed to growing up, andthat's a whole nother, probably,
But you're right, we aredefinitely in survival mode and
we're all being re-triggeredevery time we watch social media
, every time, you know, we seelike wars and genocides and
occupations being played out infront of our eyes, mass killings
and murders.
How does that make us feel good?
It doesn't, but it's a familiarthing that our brain and our
nervous system is used to.
So it's kind of like woundedadult children tend to replay
the drama.
They're excited by it.
It's a familiar, old sensation.
So we feel like we have to keepreplaying that old drama and
trauma over and over again.
But it's the opposite.
It's the opposite of what wetruly need.
You know, and that's a wholenother conversation, but inner
child, you know, we need tolearn how to reparent those
exiled parts of us, the mostvulnerable parts of us, so we
could, like you said, we can'theal unless we can feel, yeah,
and you know, and we have tostop hurting ourselves just
because we were hurt.
As they say, hurt people, hurtpeople.
When I heard that, I was likeblown away, like oh, yeah,
that's true.
So it's kind of like a journey.
It's a journey of unlearning orkind of redirecting our energy
where, you know, we're beingshown like a new reality, where
we could actually co-create anew reality.
Yeah, and we all have thatability, yeah.
Speaker 1 (41:02):
We do, we all, and
that's where the empowerment is.
A lot of people think it'soutside of them and they go
seeking for that co-regulationof regulating and feeling safety
and feeling peace.
And it's to recognize that youare doing the activation of that
Somebody is just holding thespace so that you can remember
what's inside you.
Yet when they remove from yourspace, you're not recognizing
the power of choice of how do Iwant to feel, how do I recreate
safety and recognize the harmthat you're doing towards
You know I leave people withremember to be kind to yourself.
When a nervous system isactivated in fight or flight, we
think harshness is going to getus out of the issue, the
situation, and it's like no,it's reprogramming that there's
safety and there's kindness andasking why are you activated?
Why are you in fear?
What are you in fear?
What are you feeling?
Where most of us don't evenknow how to hold the space to be
honest about what we're feelingwith fear and afraid, or the
embarrassment, or theabandonment, all these different
We don't know how to give itverbiage because we've been told
to be something other thanthese feelings and sensations.
So it's, you know, reconnectwith those parts that, oh, you
mean, we could come into thelight of your awareness and
you're not gonna, you know, spinout in spirals and everything
else and we can process and wecan integrate and it's like,
yeah, and that is a choice thatyou have to make.
You know, like you said,sometimes people will get a
clarity and an opening, and thenwhat?
It lasts for a couple of daysand then everything downloads
again and they don't realize.
Well, you have to do the workto create this safety in your
body and it can do a lot ofdamage because the overwhelm of
everything coming back in with adysregulated nervous system.
That's where suicidal ideationcomes in, that's where
depression comes in, becauseit's too overwhelming in a
density that I don't know thatI'm not.
This, these thoughts, I don'tknow that I'm not, these
emotions or these experiences,or the identity that you have
created inside you with thebelief systems, identity that
you have created inside you withthe belief systems.
And to you know, go through thatand create that process.
Sometimes it's accelerated forsome, sometimes it's a long
Everybody has a different pathto this connecting into self.
Yet that gentleness, thatkindness, that's where we come
to learn the change and come tolearn about our nervous system
and the familiar things that itwants to be fed.
That it's like no, we don'tneed that any longer.
We can surrender into somethingthat's more and that has more
Yet it's easier said than doneLike this is why I call it
warrior work To be gentle.
Your're nervous, it's bucking.
It's like nothing good willcome from that.
Yet until you do it, you don'trealize what the value is and
the lived experience of it.
Speaker 2 (44:09):
Yeah, and it's kind
of like taking charge of not
taking charge so much.
But you know, telling thoseinner voices that are screaming
at us and criticizing us, likethe inner critic and a judge
that you you know, just to tellthem, like, give me, like you
need a break, go into thiswaiting room and let me work on
myself, like, just, I'm going tobe okay, I'm okay, I'm an adult
now, I'm not a child.
You have to actually talk tothese parts of you that are
they're actually just trying tohelp you, they're actually just
trying to protect you, becausethey still think that you're a
five-year-old child.
You have to talk to them andhave these two-way conversations
Even though it sounds a littlecrazy crazy, it's actually not,
because these are all of thevoices, the repressed voices and
These are like, uh, these arecopies of the voices that we
heard being told to us when wewere scolded, when we were
silenced and all of these things.
They're not actually real partsof us.
They're just reverberations ofthe past that are living within
us and in our brains and our inourselves and our organs and our
muscle memory.
And so, yeah, it's, anybody cangive themselves Reiki.
It's the most natural thing todo is just putting your hands
over your heart and over youryou know, your solar plexus,
your abdomen, your power center,and just breathing.
And also, you know, I alwayslike activate my healing hand.
So I rub them together so itfeels nice and toasty and warm,
you know, like a heating padwarm, you know, like a heating
And then I just go through allof my chakras like morning and
night, to clear myself,especially in the evening, of
everything that I've absorbed,being an energy sensitive empath
So I want to smudge myself, Iwant to clear myself of all that
But I also want to give myselfthat healing, therapeutic touch
that many of us, unfortunately,are not really receiving as much
as we need that.
So, whether it's booking amassage, a Reiki session, any
kind of hands-on body work, isperfect.
But if you can't do that or ifyou don't have the funds to do
that, you have your own hands.
So you can practice theseself-care exercises every
morning and every night to startyour day and just to get back
into your body, just to embodyyour body, right, because a lot
of us are way outside of ourbodies.
Yeah, we're a winner.
Yeah, exactly Right, there's adisconnect.
Yeah, exactly Right, had toshut them down.
We have to freeze them and numbthem.
That's why I have these emotionwheels.
That is really, really cool andI've used it myself.
I don't know if you know aboutthe emotions wheels, but they're
so complex and nuanced, rightthat it's not like happy, sad,
I mean, it's so much deeperthan that.
Speaker 1 (47:38):
And then what we can,
yeah, and the multitude of
emotions that you may be feelingall at once.
Speaker 2 (47:45):
Underneath that and
underneath that and it's like,
oh yeah, when you actually takethat emotions wheel and I
believe it's available anywhere,like on Amazon you know and
then feel it where you'refeeling that in these different
body parts, like where do youfeel sick to your stomach?
Oh, in your stomach, that makessense, right.
Or where do you feel like achyor sore?
Oh, in your heart, you know.
And then you just like tap intothat, breathe into that feeling
until you could release it andhonor it, you know, and embrace
it and hug it, like Thich NhatHanh always says, like just to
like really sit with yourfeelings and not run away, not
fight them, not run from them oraway from them, but just sit
with them until they pass.
Yeah, and that's somethingwe're not taught growing up, so
we have to become our own lovingparent.
Speaker 1 (48:38):
Yeah, and go to
places that will help us learn
to do it, like my event iscalled.
My event is called GiveYourself Space.
So I hold the space so that youfeel the permission to give
yourself space to feel theseintimate parts and that you
don't feel alone in doing that,because a lot of us we didn't
get the right parenting to holdspace for these big emotions.
So when we can do this incommunity and other people can
witness and they're notdisconnecting from us, that
allows us to connect even moredeeply within ourselves that oh,
somebody else isn't going toreject me because of this.
Speaker 2 (49:13):
It's not just me,
that it's not me that I'm like
broken or defective or somethingwrong with me.
And that's why any kind ofsupport group like what you're
doing, what I'm doing, any kindof community, is so important,
especially to try not to isolate, cause that, just you know,
that's when we really beatourselves up and punish
ourselves with our own dissonantthoughts.
You know that are, you know,black and white thinking.
They're like they punish us,you know, because they're false,
they're, they're programs andthey're false beliefs and a lot
of them are just bold storiesthat were never healed.
So, yeah, to come together incommunity, any, any kind of
community, so that you're heardand seen and and not just you
nothing wrong with you and itdidn't start with you yeah, yeah
, well, I know the listeners arelike okay, nat, nat, you've
been talking a lot, yet wherecan I find vandana?
Speaker 1 (50:10):
did I say it right?
Speaker 2 (50:11):
yeah, congratulations
Well, you can find me on mywebsite and also on Facebook and
on YouTube, but they're allVandana Light Healing.
So Vandana V-A-N-D-A-N-A light,like the light healingcom, and
I have a YouTube channel.
I have a podcast.
The podcast is called AdultChild, the Adult Child in
Recovery, the Adult Childpodcast.
So, yeah, I would love for youto subscribe to my channel, like
it, share it, because this workis so important and it's not
just for me or you, but we're inthis together, so it's really
important to kind of uplift,like the name of your podcast,
all of humanity right, and sonobody should be left behind.
And so, yeah, vons and Alive,healingcom is my website.
You could find all my classes,my offerings, my sessions,
what's coming up.
Actually, this Saturday I havea workshop called Sending Lost
Souls to the Light, because I'malso a medium and so it's been
like such a powerful program,and all of my classes are
available on the replay as well.
So, even if people can't makelive broadcasts, they can always
just receive the entire twohour replay and just a lot of
people do that and it helps themto sleep better and to you know
, they just like to take thingsslow at their own time and so
yeah, so that's what I'm doingand I will continue to do as
long as possible will continueto do as long as possible.
Speaker 1 (52:01):
So I want to thank
you for giving the most valuable
gift you could give in yourlife, which is your time, and I
want to thank you for doing thealchemy, taking the impurity in
your life and turn it into gold.
Yet not just keeping the goldfor yourself you're sharing it
with others.
So I want to thank you foreverything that you are creating
and the warrior work thatyou're doing in the world.
Speaker 2 (52:22):
Thank you.
I really appreciate andacknowledge your gift in the
world as well, and thank you forshining your light to so many
people who really need a light,a guiding light in the world.
So I appreciate you as well,and thank you for having me on
your show.
Speaker 1 (52:41):
It's been a pleasure.
Please remember to be kind toyourself.
Hey, you made it all the wayhere.
I appreciate you and your time.
If you found value in thisconversation, please share it
If there was somebody thatpopped into your mind, take
action and share it out withthem.
It possibly may not be themthat will benefit.
It's that they know somebodythat will benefit from listening
to this conversation.
So please take action and shareout the podcast.
You can find us on social mediaon Facebook, instagram and
TikTok under Lift One Self, andif you want to inquire about the
work that I do and the servicesthat I provide to people, come
over on my website, come into adiscovery, call liftoneselfcom.
Until next time, pleaseremember to be kind and gentle
with yourself.
You matter.