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April 16, 2024 84 mins
Stan Norfleet and Chris Gordy of Next Up react to the Houston Astros losing 6-1 to the Atlanta Braves on Monday at Minute Maid Park. Spencer Arrighetti had a strong start in his home debut, getting 15 swings-and-misses out of his 87 pitches, but things fell apart when Josh Hader took the mound in a non-save situation with the Braves leading 2-1. Hader allowed four runs on four hits and a walk in the top of the ninth inning. Hunter Brown will start game two of the Braves series Tuesday. Stan and Chris talk with Houston Chronicle writer Jonathan Alexander as the Texans begin organized offseason workouts, review the WNBA Draft, discuss Applebee's becoming the Official Grill + Bar of the NFL and more.
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Episode Transcript

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Now what's next? Next up?It's the next man up, next stop,
the next step, take the nextstep, next up, stop next,
next stop. This he wants tobe next. This is next st
up with Tad Northfleeten Chris Gordy.Let's see what's next next next? All

right, man, let's clock inon a Tuesday line from the Sports Soux
seven ninety studios, staying north Fleet, feeling good, feeling great. We're
in the gallerya area if you didn'tknow, beside me along for the ride
for the next two hours in hiscustomer position. That's Chris Gordon. He's
one of the fearless leaders around hereat iHeartMedia Houston. Appreciate him. Connordie
McGovern looking quite spry, got hisears lowered, brother got a haircut.

Appreciate that. Looking good, lookslike he's feeling all right. Thanks for
everybody hanging out with us again forthe next two hours. So I got
to show some love to the ShawnSalisbury show. Each and every weekday morning
six to ten am. We wakeup with him, We hang out,
we laugh. Sometimes I shake myhead. Those guys are crazy, but
they do a really good job ofmanual assist them in the program and the
production chair. Today's gonna go byfast. There's a lot we hear we

heard yesterday. Excuse me from Demico, Ryan C. J. Stroud,
Will Anderson, Junior Texans in thebuilding. A lot of guys working out
over the NRG as we get readyfor twenty twenty four. I heard some
things, some things I like,some things head scratching. Gordon, you
asked a question yesterday about the Texansin a particular position group that I want
to revisit today because it was reallygood conversation. NBA playing tournament begins tonight.

Will the Rockets be there at thistime next season? We may talk
about that. Jonathan m Alexander goingback to the Texans. He's gonna drop
by. You know, he's gonnabeat for the Texans. Courtesy of the
Houston Chronicle. We call the fromthe Rockets. Later this afternoon too.
They're having their end of end ofseason media elbow. The Stone general man
Jenny mail A Doka head coach,are gonna address the They're gonna address the

nation. I'm gonna go and I'mgonna ask who a you're trading this off?
See why are you trying to tradepeople? Because to try to get
better. Say I do want toget better. Rockets should be in the
playing tournament at a minimum next season. Congratulations to what they did over their
forty one wins. It's been threeyears before since they've had this type of
success. So I know they're notin the postseason obviously, but we'll get

to some Caitlin Clark, I thoughtabout you as well when some stuff came
out last night. But we start, Gord there, I have a saying,
I bring it to the air wavesoccasionally, you know, growing up
in the Southeast, I'm Atlantan bybirth, but Texan by choice. I've
been coming into the Great State overtwenty years, have lived here, two
markets, four different times. I'velived in Texas. So I'm in.

Y'all got me. I'm a partof this thing, this old long star
I'm in, which affords media abilityto be able to ask certain questions.
What Astros in action last night?Let me do my due diligence. Astros
in action last night game won threegame set versus the Braids. Of course,
I'm going for the Astros. I'mnot going for the Braids, but
I do like a couple guys overthere, sixty one. It was two

to one. When they give theball to Josh Hater, arrag Gaddy,
I'll come back to you, Joseand bray you jaremyr pinyon. I'm gonna
come back to you, your dun. We played baseball every day, baby,
al two bay. Love what you'redoing. I can always count on
YouTube a bud spencer, Eric Getty. Let me get some sound, give
me some irra Getty, if Icould connor as I come to you,

Gordy. Yeah, the overall conversation, overall take for me, well,
yeah, I was gonna say,we can get the hater, we can
get the Aragedtty. But but tome, the bigger, the biggest,
the biggest storyline still is you're gonnalose ninety five percent of the games.
You scored one run, and tome, that was that was the story.
No stop. This hater pitched ascoreless ninth third, losing two to

one. They were losing two toone when he gave up runs. So
like the news flash, they weren'tcoming back. They can't score runs,
they can't find the time, likeit's it's the thing that is plaguing this
team. The eight runs in allthree games, against the Rangers. Was
uh was a fraud because you comeout against some dude named Vines last night
who just shut you down. Weget so excited, bregnant they bregnant drives

and Tucker the first in You're like, oh, one run and then that's
all you got the rest of thenight, second inning, third, fourth,
fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, night like they weren't coming,
so like, look, the Hater'snot been good, and yes, we
do need to talk about that.But to me, the story of the
game is, where's the offense thatif you had put this by stand,
if you were if you had athree to one lead, and Hater does

that and blows it. Yes,absolutely, that's the that's the story of
the day. But you were losingto the one, so your closer can
only come in when you're ahead yourclose. With this offense, you're telling
me that it's unrealistic to ask haterto come in. Holds sr the bottom
of the night. But the batsdidn't do what they do last night,
but they sucked the whole night.That's cousin the top of the night then

and it went hey, but that'sthat's besides the pot you were losing two
to one anyway, you were gonnago on to losing him to the one
you weren't gonna score. So roowhoa. Are we at a point right
now in the twenty four astros whereyou're telling me down two to one at
home? Who came up the bat? Who was the last order in the
bottom of the night? Who cameup? I don't know. I got
to pull it up here in justa second. Are you telling me it

was McCormick? Penya a bray,you dubon And you're telling me I can't
get one run out of four becausethey still didn't get one running. But
I'm asking they're down two to one, sixth to one. It didn't matter.
So Joe Spotts taking some heat.Why are you putting hater out there?
He pitched yesterday? Well yeah hegot one, dude. Now like
it's not like he's got it,he's you have to put him out there.

So now I will say this,and I have some numbers here.
Let me get into this Connor ifyou if you get some of that hater
up, let me you know itwent a arrive in the knife in.
Let me hear from Hayter. Ifyou didn't hear it is two to one.
Hater comes top of the knife,and then we get this. I
love technology. It plays exactly whenyou want to play the middle endfielders halfway
the pitch that's hit off the hands, blooped in the left, that's down

for a base hit. It scoresAcuna, all the stops at third.
Arcelo Zuna now has a fourteen gamehit streak and the Braves have a five
to one league. Damn it,you know what, play that next one
too, because this was made atsix to one and that's when I lost
my bleeping. But play this otherone. Play by play two g lynfielder's
back breight been back at third,one to one, ground ball right side
charging al Tuove clips a second forone, painting on the first safe.

Another run comes home as all theseprocessed the plate and it is six to
one Braves. I appreciate Robert Ford, Steve Sparks, Astros Radio Network,
Gordon, I'm not disputing what you'resaying is true. Coming off a weekend
where you had eight runs, nineruns, twelve runs, and I'm going
backwards, how do you didn't comeout the new next series over at many,

mate, and you put up onerun. Well, the thing is,
the Braves' bullpen is really good,so I knew if if you're not
getting after Darius Vines, who isonly in this rotation because of Spencer Strider
being out, I was like,you're gonna have to do your damage against
Vines. And like I said,out of the gates state. You know
two, Ve gets first pitch,he season the game, hits a single,

and then what Jordan grounds to doa double play, But then Tucker
gets on, and then Bregman he'sstill second, and then Bregman knocks him
in. You're like, all right, we're in business. But they didn't
do anything the next several innings againstDarius Vines, who goes four and two
third innings. But then from Bummerto Johnson to aj Mintor, who I

think felt like he was lights outevery game he pitched against you in that
World Series. To that point,I thought, Jordon, for sure,
I don't know what inning it was, I have to look it up,
but I thought you, and II was like, okay, this is
what you do, Jordan. TakeMenta out of the ball park. They
they kept getting ducks on the pond, they kept giving the fans were getting
excited. I mean they kept givingthem doing the wave in the damn eighth

inning, down two to one,What the hell is going on? Bottom
of the bottom of the seventh withtwo outs to Bond singles and now two
a singles and Jordon is up.You were down two to one. Man
one crush of the bat from Jordoncan make this a a you know,
five or no three run Homer wouldmake it. It could have made it
four to two. Yep, andyou're on pops out. I mean,
like, dude, come on,come on, what are we doing here?

Okay? And so it's just exacerbatedbecause again you score, you score
one run. State, I'll goone run in the first run a limb
and say this team is gonna lose. I would say, like normal teams,
normal teams that score one run ina game are gonna lose probably about
ninety five percent of those games.I think this Astros team is gonna lose

ninety nine percent of the games theyscored one run, Like this team isn't
built to win one nothing games.So like when they got there and score
one run, you were gonna loseninety nine percent of those games. This
year and that's what you did yesterday, and you got a couple of them
already on the season. It's justit's this, it's this offense. It's
so confounding that it's like with allthese big bats, it's like two guys

can be on, but six guysare off. So you will get to
I am done on him. I'mstill over here with Hater. I gotta
bring this up now. I stillchoose to believe that Josh Hater is going
to be what they paid for.He has a large enough sample size in

this league. Yeah, I'm gonnaI'm gonna give some numbers to quantify why
my confidence remains. That Hater allowedfour Henson on top of ninth. He
hadn't allowed all last season. Hedidn't allow three plus hits all last year.
Fifth MLB game, just his fifthMLB game with three runs scored in

three hundred and fifty eight last nightwas an anomaly for Hater. Now,
He's had some other questionable performances inthis short season thus far, so I
understand some people saying I don't know. However, I choose to believe he
will settle in to a new spot, new team, new spot, you
know, what's going on behind,don't know the comfortability with Presley because Presley

don't seem real comfortable. Hey Toclearly is not gonna pitch tonight, So
you're gonna see Presley in that roleif the game presents that opportunity. I'm
not ready to build on Josh Hater. People are saying that's a ninety five
million dollar a mistake. I'm notthere. Yeah, I mean it's again,
it's it's small sample size. We'renot even a full month into a
season. The odds say he'll settlein and he'll be that guy. So

again it's again it wasn't good.I'm unhappy with him. But again to
me, I'm I'm not. I'mnot making him the enemy today because again
like you weren't, the bats didn'tshow up. So again, if he
blew a save last night, ifit was if you are for four to
two and he blows it, yeah, absolutely he's getting rimed today. But

I just I'm looking more at thejord Hans than those guys, going what
do we have to do? Guys? What is it? Where al tuove
Alto's I'm bating four hundred on theseasons. Then like he's leading the league.
Four O three's leading the league,no question, And it's like what
I text you guys last night,hold on, let me go back for
four John, thank you, Chasmccormicko for three braid or not even again.

He deserves his own segment. Youknow what, Let's do that on
the other side, because I wantto get to a couple other storylines.
You hit on something just then,the Bats did not do what they needed
to do, coming off a weekendwhere they were electric basketball all over the
place, fireworks all at Mini MayPark. He come out there last night
like that. So in his firstever home matchup Spencer Arengaddy's home debut,

let's chronicle the young man versus thatbraids lineup and I got some I got
some intol to share it with you. Let's do that on the other side.
Next up, getting warmed up onthe TUESA appreciate y'all hanging out Staton
north Fleet and Chris Gordy this nextup on Sports suck Watcher. You know

he's getting after it. He's youknow, just missing locations and you know,
but you know his stuff is prettygood, just location behind behind the
count, leadoff walk. But youknow he's he's been successful for a very
long time. Each help stuff willclick. Yeah, Astro skipper joe Ah

Spoder saying that he's not discouraged,alluding to he is not discouraged by what
we've seen from Hater. He saysthat the stuff is there and he's not
concerned and quite frankly, nor amI reminded by a tweet here on the
X platform from our very own AdamWexler, one half of the eight team

in the afternoons, he on sevenninety he's excuse me wex put out last
night, Gordon after twenty two pitchesof Spoder pulls Hater. Hayter has allowed
more than four hits the game onlytwo times in his career. Yeah,
he leads with the bases loaded,Astros down four. I was listening on

the on the radio. I wasat home, but I was listening to
Robert Ford and Steve Sparks and whenhe when they got the fourth single on
the Robert Ford goes, that's probablythe first time that's ever happened to his
career. Like, I had togo look it up for myself and win
game by game. You know,we have a sight that allows us to
do that. That's just there's noway that's ever that's ever happening to Josh
Haden. But what's crazy too iswe're just looking up the numbers. How

many how many saves does Josh Haderhave in the year one one? Do
you know? Ryan Stanneck has twosaves for the Seattle Marrier. Craig Kimberl
at eighty years old, has four, ken Lee Janssen, I mean,
there's it's you know, there's aton of guys. It's just crazy to
look at and see he's he's waydown that list bottom of the league and
total saves on the year, anda guy like Ryan Stannick's already got two.

He's not even closer. He's gottwo for for the Maritors. Wow.
Astro is currently sitting at six andtwelve on the season, three and
a half games back of the Rangers, who are still a top of the
division. The Astros only lead theTwins four and a half games back in
the Chicago White Sox nine games back, both of those opponents in the AL

Central obviously, so the Astros froman al standpoint, it's not great.
Also, what is this and wecan need to move off Hater, But
tell me why I was expecting thefireman production last night. I'm watching the
game on television, but I'm listeningto the Astros radio network. Why did
I not hear Lil Wayne's Fireman whenHater comes in? Because they were losing,

so they only do the fireman andthe whole presentation. You're doing the
whole presentation when you're losing a game. So was it the same way last
year for Presley? Presley only gotI think they do it in like a
tie game. If it's two totwo, then then they probably still do
it. But why would you doit when you're losing because he's coming to
put the fire out and the andscore four runs too. But no,

he could. Well, he's supposedto keep him from scoring more runs.
So anyway, that's where we are. Stroll is still at bottom of the
al Wes and uh, you know, Game two of that series resumes this
afternoon. I'll say, though,Arraghetty, I thought battled for facing one
of the best lineups in baseball.I thought he did everything he could that
that second inning kind of he gota little bit labored there, but limited

the damage, got Riley to groundout and it was two to one,
and he pitched a scoreless third andscoreless fourth, And how about picking him
strikeouts. I mean that fourth inninghe strikes out Gillormo and and and a
couon you to to keep that thingscoreless or keep it two to one.
I thought, I thought that wasan encouraging start after getting rocked in the
third inning last time around, Ithought that was an encouraging outing for for

Arragetty. Uh again, you'd liketo get him into the fifth and get
that. Yeah, you know,but but I thought for facing one of
the best lineups in baseball, hebattled well. And I look at what's
coming ahead and seeing like the Nationalson the schedule in the Cubs, I
butt my arm around Spencer Raghetty,going, hey, brother, it's it's
gonna get a little bit easier,not easier, but like more, you
know, palatable in the next coupleof weeks. It's supposed to facing this

brains line. A good point byyou. Let's mention Arraghetty getting his first
career start at minute may part,God bless him. He gets the ranges
the first go round, and nowhe gets the braves. Brother did handle
himself let me hear Robert Ford andSteve squats Bragg on air again to two
to all these breaking ball, Trumpsaid for strike three, a curve from
Araghetty, back to back punch outsto start the evening two away, good

call. I'm thinking about Uh,who am I think about? Hendley?
Yeah, I'm thinking about face KansasCity. They were teeing off on all
the Astros pictures anyway, But no, look, it was it was exciting
for him because he's a Houston kidthat all you know, family and friends
in the stands all rooting for himand cheering for him. It's it was
a tough ass to go up againstthat brain stet. But again he did

what he was supposed to do.Seth Martinez, you know, works out
a little trouble. Rafael Montero,you actually got any almost you know,
an inning and two thirds out ofhim. So like the bullpen did their
job. Man Brian and Bray youbattled. Josh Hader didn't. But again
it was all mood anyway. Youwere losing two to one. You couldn't
scratch across any other any more runs. Let's come to the phone lines,

I think I said, coming offof his debut. Thank you for reminding
me against Kansas City that they puthim just in a tough spot. I
didn't think he was ready. Istill think they rushed him a little bit
by by circumstance. However, withface with that lineup, I thought Irrigating
went out there and pitch admirably.It wasn't great. I would not call

it a solid outing. I wouldcall it a second career outing, first
time at home in front of areally good, brave team, the best
offense in all of pro baseball,all the Atlanta Bright. Two runs in
five strikeouts against that lineup, I'lltake that. What was it, four
innings, pitch four hits, twoearned runs, struck out five. So
that's what we have there for.And there is eighty seven This a year

goes along if he stays on thisroa that second end and pitch count thirty
nine pitches in the second way toomuch. But like in other words,
eighty seven through four, and ifwe had been halfway through the season,
he you send him back out therefor the fifth like you get a little
bit more out of them. Ithought Acunya did a great job, and
I thought Aaron Getty did a greatjob, just fighting, fighting, fighting.

I think Acunya won one, andthen Arrogetty's last pitch he strikes out
Acunya, and I believe that inthe inning. So that part was cool.
So Arrogaty's here, He's on theforty man roster. He will continue
now, I don't know. We'lltalk about this rout the course of the
show, throughout the course of theweek. As it looks like Verlander's gonna
return this weekend. We know Blanco'snot the odd man out. Is a
Hunter Brown and Arraghetty, one ofthose guys is not going to be in

the starting rotation anymore. I leaveGeorge Spotter to do that. I want
to hear also from George Spotder.Once we take these phone calls seven one
three two one two five seven ninetyAstro's bats go quiet. We got some
issues closing at Mini May Park yesterday. What say you all, Let's go
to the phone lines now, ConradeJames get in here on a Tuesday.

Okay, okay, oh well great, great blass Okay. Two things,
Uh, there's there's a positive Okay. Even though last night's game was not
good, I like the way aSpot is shaking up the lineup, and
compared to last year, I thinkwe're getting more men and scoring position whole.

Okay, Dusty was very set lineup. He stayed with it,
and we stranded a lot of people. Okay. The second thing I wanted
to say is, you know,I watched the game last night and I
have to tell you the Braves area better team. We're not quite there
yet. We're not quite there yet, con James, we had literally a
whole staff on right. I'm withyou. I get it. The Braves

are good. They're the best offensein baseball. We get it. But
can we also be fair that theAstros are operate with one hand behind their
back? Is that fair? Well? That is fair. That is fair
with the with the pitching. LikeI said earlier, from an earlier call,
it's going to be a whole lotbetter when Verlander and Fromber are back,

things will fall into place. Butyes, you're right, we got
that problem with pitching absolutely now.I don't think thank you for the call,
Comrade James. I don't think it'sunrealistic to expect and Gord down I
know you and I did for alittle bit here the Astros and the experience
that they have even with some youngpitchers. The Astros have got to be
able to go gut out some gamesthree one, two, one four three,

Like they're gonna have to go crankout and manufacture some offense when it's
crucial time to win ball games andthey aren't doing that now. Yeah?
Is it a spotty and pinch hittingfor the wrong people at the wrong time?
Is it just like Jay Pinion,what the hell were you doing?
He getting picked up? Like,stop being lazy. Every game we're watching

me or every other game, letme be fair, we're watching the Astros
had these snaff foos that just it'suncharacteristic of championship baseball. And I don't
get it. Last night it wasJeremy Pinyon Ellen, what are we doing
here? Yeah, no, it'sit's it's uh again, Like it's it's
confounded when nobody else is hitting ina sline and bother and jose l two
v Alex pregnant young again, welcomeback to the lineup after being ill all

weekend. He has two hits,but you know, everybody else Jordan Tucker
on her Diaz, Penya or Peniahad a hit. I mean, but
stop right there, Jordon, JordonTuck and Yon here. Those are three
of your four best hitters. You'renot gonna win games when those guys are
giving you absolutely nothing. So again, and that's why I said, like,

I wish this team had had alittle bit in their arsenal to be
able to go all nights with thebig boppers. Aren't big bopping that some
of the other guys could go smallball? You know, It's like when
they had a Miles Straw on theteam. Miles Straw was leading off at
one point and he would find away to butt single or work a walk
and then he's stealing second and thenhere comes L two V behind him and

he's knocking them right. You know, it's like, find a way to
just get that runner around. Youknow who I missed last night And I
can't believe I'm saying this. Imiss Michael Brantley last night. I kept
thinking to myself him, somewhere inthe bottom of his lineup would have found
a way to keep this thing.And the biggest thing, they leave eight
men on again last night, andit's just that they have got they were

and I haven't looked at the numbers, but they still have to be one
of the leaders at least top tenand men left on base in baseball,
you would think they would be allright, Let's take some more phone calls,
mich lenn Heights, Larry and Galleria, the rest of you seven three,
two five, seven ninety. Ialso want to hear from Joe Spotta
and this promise of a young prospectthat could be coming to save the day
at first base. I want tohear more about that as well. Next

up, rolling right along your homeAstros Baseball and your home for Houston Sports.
A legend there, KB and mestantnor Fleet Tech Chris Orty this this
next time on Sports Talk seven ninety. I try to treat every game the
same. I think that the morethat I can stay in my middle,

stay in my process and kind ofjust make it more about executing there between
pitches, I think that I getbetter results that way. Obviously, when
you when you make it into somethingsomething bigger than it might be, a
lot of times it's easy to letthe moment get big. And I feel
like what I did a good jobof tonight was was was reminding myself that
I wouldn't be here unless there wasa reason, and that I just need

to be myself and execute pitches inthose situations. A young Spencer Arraghetty,
in reaction to his two starts againstKansas City on the road and versus the
Braves lineup as offense in baseball atMinute May Park for the first time.
Congratulations Suspense Araghatty. And he wasclearly better than he was his first outing,

So I want to make sure thatwe celebrate that wasn't great. I
wouldn't classify it as solid outing.I'd say it was all right. And
I'm putting in context. He's justbeen called up, he's at home.
Those are the Braves over there bythe way. The first time the Braves
have been vacuument in May Part sincethe World Series some years ago. What

was that Game six? I believeit was, so some of those guys
were nobody remembers. So some ofthose guys were reminiscing about that. Erase
that from my memory. Speaking ofpitching, I would be remiss if I
didn't do these two things. OneC. J. Stroud threwout one of
the ceremonial first pitches yesterday, threwa strike from the mound. I saw

him warming up. He threw itstraight down the pipe. He who called
it. John Singleton was the catcherthere. I thought that was cool to
have CJ. Stroude out there.He and the family stayed right there behind
home plate, down there in theDiamond Club scene. I stayed until Josh
Hater gave it away. Kyle Callouson the broadcast kept saying that he's like,
I'm impressed c J. Stroud stickingaround for this whole game. But

he was of his mom. Yeah, and you don't go. You don't
go until your mom says let's go. So well, mom might have been
ready to bounce CJ. And Ihope he's getting a text from his agent,
Hey, look, you do knowlike you are right in the line
sight of the TV, hay tight, don't bail yet, because you don't
want people walking out of n igon your ass when it looks playoffs.
A few years ago, we hadJames Harden and Chris Paul were sitting down

there and tell me the seats,and they hear what they and they stayed.
They stayed till the whole game.What did Chris Paul and James Harden,
Well, that's when they were onspeaking terms. That's when they were
they were getting along. That whatthey're talking about it. And then a
few months later Hard goes Darryl tradehim, get him out of here,
but don't tell him. I saidit also from a ceremonial nature. First
pitch also thrown out by gentleman J. C. Hartman. He's Houston's first

black Major leaguer. He was withthe Cold forty fives. It was also
cool Darryl Calvin Murphy jumped in thebody. I did not realize his ties
to the Robinson family on Jackie robYeah, he grew up with Jackie Robinson's
kids. Did not know that.All. Right, back to the phone
lines we go as we react tothe Ashtros taking an al in game one

of a three game series here atMini Ma Park versus the Braves. Who
we got, Larry and the Galleria. You're next up? Yeah, Hi,
I was calling about Verlander. I'mjust curious about something. I've been
watching baseball for my whole life,and that's long. Yeah, And I
assume that they're going to decide thathe's ready to pitch and put them back

on the roster, and perhaps startingthis weekend, that's the plan. That's
what I understand I don't know ifthat's true or yeah, that's what that
was being reported. Yeah, exactly. But I'm kind of concerned because,
you know, while I understand there'smore to rehab than just balls and strikes,
the time to LinkedIn his pitching outyou get his ball, get his

his ability to throw more pitches up, so on and so forth. But
the two rehab outings he's had froma from an outcome point of view are
pretty bad. Well, the onethe other day, Larry was it was
terrible defense, Like it was groundballs that they threw past first base and
so a guy was safe. Thenanother ball that they didn't relay in right,

and so they said Erlander was frustrated. It was it was double a
baseball at it's finals. He wasdown in corpus and it was just bad
defense behind him. So you can'treally go by I get that, but
the the fact is he's still pitchingthe double A hitters, gave up like
six hits, five urned runs orwhatever the whatever the count was, and

the first game was even worse,and he's also walking a bunch of people.
So I don't know that he's actuallyready to come back yet. I
just wanted what you guys thought,Well, if you heard me yesterday,
Larry, and I know Gordy andI I said a word yesterday and it
triggered Gordion a little bit. AndI use the term rush, not that

organizationally they were rushing him, butmeaning like Verlanders clearly wants to play baseball.
That's first. Second of all,he definitely wants his money. He
knows he needs to get his inningsto do that. And then thirdly,
he's watching this team lose games.He knows that even seventy five percent of
Verlander is better than Hensley and HunterBrown and Irrigatty. So I presume,

excuse me, that he wants toget back in the saddle. I'm not
concerned about Verlander. He's gonna do. He's gonna pitch a bullpen session today.
They anticipated in Washington over the weekend, he'll go out there and get
his first start. So yeah,so I trust Verlander. So they said
he's gonna he's gonna throw aside todayand they won't a spot wouldn't commit to

him throwing Friday or Saturday. Italked to a couple of people, said
he's going, He's going Friday.I mean it's I don't know why they're
doing the whole like he's going togo this weekend, but we don't know
which day, like it's Friday,single Friday. So and again the Nationals
who have one of the worst lineupsin baseball, or you know, on
paper, one of the worst lineups, so like a seven and nine on
the year. I just I lookat it and say, look, this

is a this is a great timefor him to come back and pitch.
So I'm cool with Verdlanda. Let'skeep the calls moving. Shouty friend of
the station, friend of the show, My boy Michael in the heights?
What up on a Tuesday? Heyman, you know that's seat CJ Satin.
I sat in that seat one time, but when the Astros were bad
and it Man, that is sucha sweet, awesome seat. Dude that
the Diamond Club is for ballers.But uh yeah, like you that's why

you were down there. Go ahead, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
yeah. You know me. Youknow the guy that calls the radio
station every day. You know,man, what a you know what number
concerns me? One run? Whatwhat is happening? Like we can't you
know, we can't right get anRB. I like one run, although
I will say the Braves, theBraves fishing is pretty good. And I

also say this, I hate thisis kind of making excuses, but dude,
the Yankees are on fire this year. The Kansasity Royals look really good,
and the Braves and the Rangers arealso like really good teams. So
kind of trash yeah, yeah,I mean our pitching has been trashed and
you and we've kind of hung inthere. I mean, yes, our
record's not that great right now,but there's still a lot of meat on

that bone. Where are the OaklandA's and the Mariners and the Angels games?
I want those? Bring up thoseYeah, those White Sox. Yeah,
dude, come on, you knowman Hunter Brown, God, I'm
nervous man because the Braves and youknow what gives me gets me helped though
that team that the Braves have onthe field. Guess who guests who drafted

and brought those guys in Our guys. Yea. Brown was a part of
that brain trust. He and Alexanthopolisis the general manager in Atlanta. He
came from Toronto Blue Jays and helpedthem become relevant. To your point,
now here's what we don't know,Michael, how much power and authority does
Dana Brown really have because every timeBagwell opens his mouth, hell, it's
somebody else that used to play inHouston or playing the majors. That's the

part of his decision making power.Dana Brown might have the most scouting experience
in the room and he the onewith the smallest voice. Yeah, hey,
one more thing, man, Iwatched his Brady bad last night.
Oh boy, and god dude,every time, so he hit like he
struck out once, he broke hisbat once, and he and then he
hit just like a soft grounder rightthe first base once, and like the

look on his face is just likehe knows, he knows, he knows
he's a turd right now. Andit's and it's yeah, it sucks,
but maybe pull him out, getget that first basement. I mean,
I'm sorry, man, you know, I know we're paying that guy,
but man, we got to getsome fresh blood, like we can't let
the season get so far out ofcontrol, you know. And and also,

hey, you know, we beatthe Rangers. They're actually not doing
too great either. And even thoughI think they're in first place, they
lost, they lost the series tous. Yeah, They're still in first,
so this is still this is stilldoable. But hey, Kyle Sucker
meant you want five hundred million dollars, buddy, you better start hitting the
Mike. You gotta go. Mike'sbeen sipping and tripping, he mentioned,

did michaelen Heights Rendo the station friendof the show. He mentioned he was
referencing Triple AA Minorliga. Joey Lopafido. Gordy has some mentail whole tight.
We need to hear from this onthe other side. Sports Talk seven ninety
Next up continues on your Apple TV. Listen to Sports Talk seven ninety on

any device with our free iHeartRadio app. Yeah, maybe the ray too again?
Head off the hands stared on onehot eye of pray You steps on
first to get the out and didhe tag Ozuna? He did? He
tagged Ozuna before he got to backto the base, double play unassistant for
Jose A Prayu. They didn't knowif he'd caught it in the air or

nod, so he touched the bagfirst. Yeah, that place worth nineteen
million per year. What are wewhat are we complaining about here? Jose
bray You in the field doing whatformer MVPs do Gordon nineteen million bucks defensive
stalwart. He is, wow,it's fleeting Gordon, by the way,
that standsport man at Chris Gordon.That's Conneddy McGovern. We are at Sports

Talk seven night and I'm sorry,go ahead. It has reached uh,
it has reached a point now whereI mean the bat is so bad,
so well, where's he at Gordon? Point eight point zero eight three?
Is that what I saw this morning? Where does it break you? At?
Jose air Bray? You is currentlybatting point zero eight two point zero
eight two. His slug is pointone oh two an over four ninth.

The playt last night two strikeouts.He now has sixteen strikeouts on the year
and forty nine at bats four hits. The show for it in a lineup
that's loaded and cut us to JoeSpotted. They've they've tried everything. They've
moved him down down, I mean, he's he's as low as you can

go. And and now on theflip side is going to be betting from
checking at Kirby on other side ofthe highway in a little bit. The
defense is hurting as well. Andyou know, I was reading something yesterday
and in some of the advanced metrics, he's one of the worst, Like
he's the worst first baseman defensively inseveral advances. Had great play last night.

Well he's not the one couple weeksago. He's on the seat of
his pants for every very good one. He's got two bad ones this year.
So it yeah, it's I thinkit's in all. Seriously, I
think it's reaching a fever pitch.And I think at least from people I've
talked to have said they think they'refast tracking the slow Braffito thing. And
again, I want to I wantto lower expectations on Joey Loperfino. He

is not considered a top one hundredprospect in baseball. He's the Astros I
think, sixth best prospect in theirsystem. So the Astros only have like
one prospect of the top one hundred. It ain't Low Berfiito, it ain't
Spencer Araghetty. So let's loader theexpectations a little bit on these guys.
Is if we think he's gonna comeup a big babe ruth but uh,
Low Praffito that there's a reason whywe saw a wee could go. They

said, Okay, you're exclusively playingfirst base. They are. I would
say stand within the next within thenext two weeks, and I might go
as far as to say within thenext week. If this keeps up,
they're gonna outright a break a bray. You see you hit the road,
here's your We're gonna we gotta payyour money, but hit the road and
they will call up Joey Lo Perfito. I think I think we are on

the doorstep in the next two weeks. We're gonna see Lo Prafito with the
astro. So the problem is thatyou're gonna go to Mexico City. I
don't think we'll see Lo Pafito there. This home stand versus the Guardians at
the end of the month, goinginto the first week of May. That's
kind of the target for me thatthat could be low Baffito territory, cause
you get what's that three three,you get they come back, so they

get to twenty ninth of this monthoff, then you get the Guardians and
Mariners for three and three, andthen you get another day off before you
have to go to the Bronx.Somewhere in there. I can see local
Fido. If this persists from JoseA Bray you Liva, I'm gonna say
he joins him in Chicago on thetwenty third, twenty four to twenty five.

I think somewhere in there. Lopafito, who was designated as Pacific Coast
League Player of the Week. Thispast week, he slashed four to twenty
three five point fifty nine and onepoint zero seven seven one point six three
six with two doubles, five homeruns thirteen RBIs. He's currently the league

leader in home runs with ten.Joey Lopaffedo Brian mctaggett. Last night,
Jose Bray you oh for four twostrikeouts, dropping his average to point eight
two. A little site that's kindof a parody site on social MLB metrics.
It says the real conversation that's notbeing at in Astros Baseball on social

media's can Jose air Bray you gethis jersey get his batting average to match
his jersey number. He's currently battingpoint zero eight two? Can he get
down to point zero seventy nine.That's messed up. That's tough. Okay,
here's why I'm not ready to presse jack just yet. And I
was there, I was like,get him out. And then I listened

to a story last night on thebroadcast, and it's the story of Marcelo
z Owner. So I wanted togo do some arithmetic here and I was
like, okay, Marcelo Zuona lastyear, and I had to call some
of my boys that are doing radioin Atlanta. Same thing we're saying about

Jose Brad you they wanted him out. Marcelo Zuna, who's crushing baseball's right
now among the league leaders in offense. Marcelo Zuner April of March last season,
his batman average was point zero eightfive. He warmed up and made
a point two nine seven and thenit clicked. Here's three oh nine in
July two o nine, and thenin August fourth, thirty three, September,

October two ninety nine home runs,five in June six, in July
nine, in August nine, hecame on at the end. Well,
but that's that's it. That's whywe you know, we get mad the
of the comment from Dana Brown andJeff Bago when they say, look on

the back of the baseball card,you know, the the regression to the
mean, like the guy is thisisn't who who he typically is now again.
A lot of times we say,well, you know, you get
to you get to a certain ageand just father Tom takes its toll.
Yeah, but we also saw brayou be pretty bad for much of the
last regular season. In the playoffs, he was one of your better hitters.

So the difference to Marcela Zuna's thirtythree Jose Brady's thirty seven, So
it's it's there is a big differencethere in the age. I'm glad you
did. I was looking at thesame thing. But you know, it's
just it's one of those things whereit's like, Okay, you know we're
paying a ton of money, you'reall the books this year, next year.
Maybe you do just need a littletime, But how much time can
you continue to give now? I'mall for being patient. I don't want

to flat out release him now.I can get his ass out the lineup,
but I don't gotta put him outthere every day. But the thing
is, if you're gonna if you'regonna move on and you're gonna bring up
a little praffito and say you're gonnaplay first base like you're gonna move on,
like you just it doesn't behoove himto sit on the bench. Yes,
it does, because I may needhim at some point. You know
what I mean, Like I'm notgoing to just eat. You're giving up

on him as the starter. You'regiving up on it. I don't see
it that way. I respect thatyou do, and I presume there.
It doesn't happen in baseball. Youdon't pay got nineteen million to go sit
on your bench every day. Iknow I paid him to be better,
but since he's not, I'm goingto call up my young guy. See
what my young guy's got. Ifmy young guy looks like he can't cut
it, I send little Praffito backdown to sugar Land and then maybe the

time away gets his mind together,and then I put Jose Brad, You're
back out there. If I havethe baseball people tell you you don't.
You don't break out of a funknot playing like it's if he's gonna break
out of it, he's got tobe playing every day. But if you
decideed, I push it back beside. It's time to move on. You
move on. I push rag onthat. I've heard a whole bunch of
baseball people saying there are times youneed to just get away from it,

watch it and fold, get outof your own head, and then you
resume. I don't know, Andthis is where we look at a spotter.
Can a spot to press the buttonto get jose A Bray you activated?
Because they're not winning games. WhenJordan Alvarez, Yanna and DZ and
Kyl Tuck are going over, they'renot. You're not winning games like that.
This team isn't good enough in otherand I got a hold at first

base. Now you just can't dothat, all right, Gorde, let's
do this. We need to switchgears a little bit. We talked a
lot of Astros on the front endof this thing. I need to get
over here to NRG where I gotJonathan m Alexander was over there at the
press of yesterday, Demiko, willAnderson Jr. And I as they see
j Stroud. However, Braves andAstros Game two tonight OVI at Mini May

Park. All covers begins with Astroon deck at six, and that'd be
a good time for you to popthe top on something cool and refreshing.
Good. Yeah, you need tohave an ice cold Crawford Bock from our
friends at Carbock Burring. I wasat the ballpark last night. Connor McGovern
was out there with manusright. Well, he wasn't drugging, he was doing
the media thing. We were bothdoing the sunrise. Yeah, but nonetheless,

Yeah, there were a lot ofpeople drinking the Crawford Bak out there
at at Mini Made Park, likethey always do. It is the sweet
taste of victory when you watch anastro's game. Pairrot with Crawford Box from
Carbock Brewing. It is perfect withpeanuts, hot dogs, whatever you're eating
out there, brisket knock you,yeah you might, or the the Pluckers
wings out there, whatever it is, Crawford Box's gonna go down great with

it. And just remember it's ahome run every time. Get your hands
on the Crawford back from Carbock Burring. Now, what's next? Next up?
It's the next man up, Nextstop, the next step, Take
the next step, next up,stop, next next stop. This team
wants to be next. This isnext up with Tad Norfleeten, Chris Gordy.

Let's see what's next next next,All right, let's keep things pushing.
Find it out on a Tuesday herefrom the Galleria area. Nesting in
between Uptown Park and River Oaks.You're home in Houston Sports right here on
seven ninety. Thanks to everyone thathas us preset number one in the automobile.
If you go back, catch thefirst hour Sports seven ninety dot com

or courtesy of the free iHeartRadio app. Demico, Ryans, CJ. Strid
will Anderson Jr. Took to thepodium yesterday for more insight on that and
a seventh round mock draft in theHouston Chronicle. We go to the Chronicles
O my brother, Jonathan m Alexanderwe call him Jay and May around here
to get more detail on what theTexans are talking about. JMA, Good

morning to you man. How youfeel? I'm good. I can't complain,
brother, I feel you know,I get rejuvenated. The Astros pissed
me off. I'm okay with howthe Rocket season ended, but when I
see the fellas over there NRG,it gives me a little pep to my
step. So let's start there.Let's start with the head man. Demko
has been praised on all off season. The Texans woo look with Casario Dell

cooking. What is Domko saying aboutexpectations for twenty twenty four and how they're
handling this success. Yeah, allright. So the thing about Demko is
he doesn't want his players to feelany differently. They know the formula to
winning, and that's staying focused andgetting better each day. And they think
they have a chance. But youlook at the outside expectations and what they've

done this off season. The Texansthat have added major reinforcements to their roster,
including Stefan Dick, Daniel Hunter,Denico Autrey, Joe Mixon, and
that makes the Texans super Bowl contenders. And I talk to people within the
organization and they said, the stealingwithin the organization is that the Miko wants
to win right now. He thinkshe can win right now. That was

the impetus behind a lot of theirdecisions because it came so close last year
with an eleven and eight record anda loss in Division Round, and they
thought if they could just upgrade atcertain areas, then they could really give
them a chance to compete for asuper Bowl. And they're here right now.
Go yeah, Jonathan, It's sointeresting just look at this team getting

back at it and the positivity.I mean, you know, look,
we were excited after Draft night lastyear but really before the draft, you
know, we were intrigued to seewhat they were going to do, but
there was I mean, it's it'scrazy what a difference to your makes.
I remember this time last year therewas talk that they might take the defensive
end out of Texas Tech and mightpass on a quarterback and we might roll
with Davis Mills for another. Imean, these were topics of conversation that

we're being had last year. Soit's just crazy how different, you know,
what a difference of year makes.And when we heard that from Demko
yesterday talking it just having the franchisejust solved a lot of problems, is
it. Yeah, it changes alot. I mean last year, few
people really knew what the Texans weregoing to do in the draft. You
know, not many people even hadthe Texans taking CD Strout and he thought

they were going to pass on CJ. Stroud to even take Will Anderson.
But the Texans knew from the beginning. They kept it, they kept it
on a hush that they were goingto take a quarterback whichever quarterback fell to
them at two. And they grewto really like c. J. Stroud
at that top thirty visit, andhe changed it. He's he's a lot
better than even most people expected,like evaluators who who evaluated that draft class

thought Brice Young was the number onepick, but c J. Stroud became
that guy and he exceeded exchanges thatarguably the greatest rookie season of all time.
And when you have a quarterback andyou have some complimentary pieces around him,
and that solves a lot that thatsaw they had their biggest issue that
they that they that has hindered themthe past few years is solved. And

now you just have to continue tobuild around c J. Stroud and build
towards that super Bowl that they hopethey're gs. Jonathan m Alexander on the
beat for the Texans courtesy of TheHouston Chronicle, dropping by next up here
each weekday on seven ninety from tento noon, standing North for This is
me and Chris Gordy as him Jmah. I find it just odd. I'm
gonna just be frank. You know, I don't hold punches on anybody in

the city. Why haven't I heardfrom Stefan Diggs. The best I can
get is the Miko Rans and CJanswering question by Diggs. Stephan Diggs had
to be brought up yesterday. Whatare they saying in NRG. Yeah,
they, I think the biggest thingwith the Texans and you've seen this since
Nick Caceio has arrived and continued withthe Mik O'ryans. I think they share

the same philosophy that they don't wantit to make it about one person.
Anytime you ask to you know,ask about Stephan Diggs, they talk about
the totality of their moves and that'strue. You know, they don't want
to make about hell. No,JMA, stop it right there. That's
whack as hell. Hey, theTexans organization in the league that gets damn
two time All Pro at wide receiverand we're gonna just act like he's one

of the other guys. Stop thishere, this is something to get that
out. Go ahead. And I'mnot saying I agree, I steal you.
I want to hear from Stefan Diggstoo, But that is that is
their philosophy. That's how they howthey run their organization. You remember,
I don't know if y'all remember,but we didn't talk for to uh see
J Strouder will innocent for a while. Yeah, So that's just how they

operate. You know. I thinkat some point though, we will hear
from Stefans, and we ought tobecause I definitely think it'll happen before training
camp sometimes Oka, but it shouldhappen sooner uh than later. But he's
a crucial part. I think he'sgonna be a crucial piece of this roster.
Uh. You know how things endedthat at in Buffalo is still a

mystery and h you know, I'dbe interested to hear how he thinks he'll
fit into a team that has asother weapons that are really good as well.
It's addressing when we look at thisteam and obviously not having a first
round pick, it loses a lotof the excitement on on next Thursday night.
The name is Stefan, he's thefirst one well you know, the

one year one year of Stefan Diggs. Why not. But it is addressing.
I mean, they they still dohave them. Looking at the depth
chart, I mean there's a lotof new pieces, but it still feels
like there's holes here. Man.I mean, just because you sign Jeff
Okuda and CJ. Henderson like doesn'tmean that, oh we don't need any
more corner depth. Just because yousigned h fully Foughtacasi at Tim Settle doesn't

mean oh, you know, wedon't have any interior d line. Oh
yeah. Hole. So I mean, is there is there a position or
two john that you look at andsay they absolutely need to draw somebody at
this position. Yeah. I thinktheir biggest hole of that defensive tackle.
I think they know that. Myunderstanding, the Texas really wanted Sheldon Rankings
and he chose to go to theBengals because he got a better offer,

and you know, they tried hardto bring him back. Nothing that they
feel like they're in a in aThey feel like Tim Settle will have a
good year, They feel like Faziwill have a good year. But I
think they also know that they haveto address defensive tackle, and I think
you'll see that happen in the draft, whether that's with the forty second pick
or whether the Texas trade back orwith the fifty ninth pick. I also

think cornerback. I think they're goingto give Okuda and Henderson a chance,
but neither one of them has proventhat they can be a legitimate starter.
But I think I think those twopicks forty two and fifty nine, whatever
version of those picks they'll be becauseNick Saire is known for trading. I
think those need to be cornerback anddefensive tackle, whichever whichever one you want

to you find best value at all. Right, you tease it, let's
dive in. I'm on the chroniclesite right now because y'all get my money
every month, largely because you KarraHorra vision excuse me, Rajan, y'all
get my money over there. Fagandoes a great job on the rockets,
so I pay. I'm looking atthe mock draft for you seven rounds.
Walk me through this thing. dBshows up. Okay, I ain't gonna

spoil it. What do you peoplewant? What do you want the people
to know about your mock draft?Seven round mont for the Texas. Yeah,
I tried my best to address theirbiggest needs, like the first number,
forty second pick. I had themchoosing Kamari last year from Georgia,
So now it will depend on who'sthere and who the Texans like the best.

I think he's a legitimate Yeah,he's a cornerback from Georgia. He
gave up the few passing yards andfbs had a very low percentage allowed,
so he was one of the issueswith him though, is he hadn't had
a lot of interceptions, but Ithink he could be a legitimate starter opposite
of Derek Stanley. And I hadMichael Hall at number ninety three. Since

I've published that, I've had afew evaluators who I really trust and said
they think Michael Hall is gonna begone by that time. But I do
know the Texans like Michael Hall,and I think if I had to redo
it, I'd put him back atat fifty nine. Michael defensive tackle Ohio
State. He would put him inthe second round. Yeah, I would

put him at at fifty nine.I think he's a guy that the Texans
like. He's a guy who wouldaddress one of their needs. You know.
I mentioned to f and Dre Sweat, which was a you know,
he was a guy who could havebeen a guy at the Texano target,
but he messed himself up when hehad the DUI or you know last week,
do you get the sense that theTexans have pushed him down the board

or is he off the board?Yeah? I think the Texans were a
little bit iffy on him even beforehe had the d UI. Because it's
become become well known, you know, around some league circles that he had
been known to party, and thenyou have this dui and that further uh,

you know, complicates that issue.And I think I don't think he'll
fall super far, but I thinkthe Texans would be one of the teams
who would not want to take achance for somebody who knows who has known
to a party and then would endup getting be allegedly you would be arrested
for. Do you are all right? I'm looking down here and I noticed

some things as I go through yourmock draft. I'm not gonna spoil it.
There are some offensive linemen here.I'm not upset at that. There's
a tight end in here. Notupset at that there's also a running back
in here that I really like alot. Running back Braylan Allen out of
Wisconsin. If you go look athis YouTube and his Instagram videos brothers in
the weight room, he gets twoNo question about that. Yeah, one

position that isn't here. JMA,you do not believe they're adding another receiver
to this unit in the draft.I think they could, you know,
after hearing the Miko Ryans yesterday,he said that the fact that they added
Stephan Dave wouldn't preclude them from draftingreceiver, but I don't think that they

need a receiver. I think thisdraft is deep with the receivers, but
I don't think you have to,which is why didn't include it. I
wouldn't be surprised if the Texas diddraft a receiver, but they don't need
it. Like you look at theirtop guys who I know will make the
Ross Stefan Dicks, Tank Dell,Nico Collins, John Matchi Brown, Nor

Brown that's gonna make it as areturn man. He'll either be he'll either
make it or he'll either be onthe practice squad. They'll try to probably
try to fit him on the practicesquad and hope he doesn't get away.
And then you got Xavier Hutchins.Hutchinson who they you know, invested the
six round picking. Are they readyto let him go? I'm not one
hundred policy. You also got RobertWoods, who's under contract. It could

save some money. He's a bigteam leader. I just think they got
too many pieces that are wide receiverthat they don't really have to draft a
wide receiver. All right. That'sthe voice of the Houston Chronicles. Jonathan
M. Alexander goes by Jay andMay around here joining Northflet and Gordy Hill
Next Up ten to noon each weekdayhis seventh Round Monk, along with other

reaction and commentary too Demiko, RyanCJ, Stride and Will Anderson over at
NRG speaking yesterday. You can findit up at the Chronicle his social media.
John J O n Letter M Alexander, appreciate you Jay and May Man.
Let's do it again. So appreciatehaving me. All right, man,
we're gonna slide on their side.Gordy brought up something yesterday and I

I just asked Jay and May aboutit this wide receiver room. I'm still
perturbed by having heard from Stephan Diggs. CJ was asked directly about Stephan and
the plan moving forward. Gordy broughtup something. I want to get this
on the other side, real textof talking. Listen to Sports Talk seven
ninety stand Northfleet. It's just afive Chris Cordy, next up, the

next up mentality on your radio.Everyboll that you go through prepares you for
the next one. Welcome back tonext Up on Sports Talk seven night.
I was very excited. I methim at the Pro Bowl and you know,
just gone to meet each other,to meet his kids, and you
know, to see what type ofperson he was, and you know,

just being able to grow our relationshipfrom there. You know, it's really
cool just to be able to notonly go from that scene to now him
being a teammate of mine and justreally excited to get to work with him.
Welcome back in the next up.But we got about forty minutes from
now Matt Thomas and Rossville. Iwould be bringing you to Matt Thomas show.

In the meantime, we'll keep doingwhat we do. We just heard
from Jonathan m Alexander. He's onthe beat for the Texans and some of
his commentary and most specifically his mockdraft. He's got a seven round mock
up on the Houston Chronicles site andone of the positions that's being omitted.
And that's just Jonathan's belief right now. I presume there'll be different versions of

that mock draft. Wide receiver notone of them, and that wide receiver
room is pretty thick in there now, heavy competition in that wide receiver room.
More on that in just a second. Because Gordon planted something inside of
my head yesterday that I keep thinkingthrough, which leads me to believe even
with the addition of Stefan Diggs,we might need to consider also adding a

wide receiver somewhere, maybe Day twoof the draft. More that to come.
I want to hear if I could, guys. Demiko Ryans was asked
about Stefon Diggs edition. I've heardeverybody on Stefon Diggs now except Stefon Diggs.
Unbelievable. Houston tex the only teamthat will act like we didn't sign
a damn four time Pro bowler andtwo times second of one thousand yard season.

But don't tell anybody like the restof the league doesn't damn know.
Nonetheless, let me hear Demiko Ryanson the addition and the process, the
thought process that is that went inthe sign to Stefan dis yea again,
when we watched the tape on stepffun and the playmaker that he is right.
We always go back to the tapeand we look at a player in
totality. We don't look at,you know, this amount of weeks or

that those weeks. We look atthe entire season. We look at the
guy's entire career and what he's done, how he's been productive. A guy's
been an All Pro player, He'sbeen a Pro Bowl player over a thousand
yards for multiple seasons. So we'reexcited about it and Digs our team.
All right. That was Demiko Ryansyesterday NRG when asked about Diggs, he

would continue on the edition of CJ'sNewest Weapon. Yeah, with Diggs adding
him as one of those guys Italked about. He's been a great player
in this league for a long time, well respected. He's been a great
teammate. He's been a leader,a captain, and you know when you
look at him and you watch thetape and you put it on, you

know, no one doubts the playmakerthat he is. Right, he changes
games for team, for the teamsthat he's been he's been a part of,
and we're anticipating the same thing forus, all right. Appreciate de
Miko there again yesterday NRG. Oncewe wrapped up here, Gordon, the
more I think through the wide receiverscenario for twenty twenty four, Joe Brady,

who I covered Joe Brady when hewas the OC for Matt Ruhle in
Carolina a couple of seasons ago.Didn't go great, and I said it
was a disaster real time. Theyjumped on me. And then I still
get text messages about staying you wereright about ruling Joe Brady. They both
were just in over their heads.You could clearly see it early. Okay,
fine, Joe Brady lands on hisfeed, he gets they move on

from who's the quarterback? They moveup from the offensive coordinating Buffalo quarterbacks,
and they moved on and then elevatedJoe Brady to bdoc. Joe Brady completely
changed how stef Von Diggs had previouslybeen used. I come back and go
here. I have full optimism andbelieve Ken Dorsey, Ken Dory say thank

you. I believe Bobby Sloyd isgoing to use Stefon Diggs exactly how he
should be used in this offense.I think Stefon's skill set compliments Nico Collins
and Tank Dale perfectly. You addin a guy that can control the middle
of the field, that can excelin some intermediate routes at the tight end

spot like Dalton Schultz. Oh,and there's Joe Mixon not only in past
protection being able to help you,but also dumping the ball off to him
moving some change there. I thinkthis offense has the potential to look the
best of any Texans offense we've seenin this franchise's history. And Stefan Diggs
is not the most important piece obviouslythat would be CJ. But if this

offensive line can give him a chance, Gordy, I think this is gonna
blend together beautifully for twenty twenty four. Yeah. Absolutely, And you know,
again, just whatever the issues werein Buffalo where you know, he
got mad at Josh Allen about certainthings, you just hope, you know,
fresh start a lot of times.You know, a guy embraces that.
And again I think Demiko is theright personality to handle that. You

know, it feels like, youknow, having a just this team the
way it's built, like they canhandle this kind of thing. Bobby Slowick
isn't gonna be the type to belike, you know, oh yes the
fuck, get your ass out there, you know, like I a type
of guys. I just think Ithink everything seems harmonious right now. And

you're right, I mean, juston paper, the weapons they have.
Now again, they get into aseason and Nico Collins it's halftime and he's
only had one target. Does hestart going, hey, give me the
ball. You know, like,does that kind of stuff start happening and
somebody's tougher tougher games where they maybe down at halftime, and so I
don't have a problem. Would awide receiver as decorated as Tefon Diggs or

any player when Joe Mixon, IfJoe Mixon goes to Joe Brady, Joe
Brady, look forgive me Bobby Slowickat halftime, it says a coach slow
remember those games this year. Wewould look and they would have six combined
runs in one half of football.I would have no issue. If Joe
Mixon goes, hey, wait aminute, I know I can get us

yardage here. Look out, they'redefending us. Let's make some adjustments.
Same thing for Stefan Diggs. Samething for Nico. If Nico goes in
the offenses meeting and Nico goes toslow and it's like, look man,
if he goes to Bill Laser,hey they're shaving the coverage to step on.
If we come back to me onthis adjustment, that route combination da

da da da, then we canget something. I don't have an issue.
It only becomes an issue when it'san issue and it becomes contentious.
I don't foresee that happening at leastin this twenty four season. Ce Jay's
personality, Nico's personality, Tank Dale'spersonality. I just don't see that being
a disruptor. Do you think maybethat's why they next next the remaining years

on Stefan Digg's deal and just inKate like this is a trial. Let's
see how this works and if itworks great, if we talk long term
collegs, some of that is inthere. I think this is more let
me get Diggs happy. TiO usedto say something when we win Dallas.
He used to say, I getcoaches that try and change who I am,

Like Bill Parcells is the most notable. Like Bill Parcells wanted to break
you down to build you up too. Is like, that's not how you
coach me. You coach me bykeeping me engaged, by by like making
me play up to the idea ofwhat Teo is supposed to do. In
other words, yeah, you gottakind of blow me blow smoke, right,
you gotta kind of love on mea little bit. And I wonder

if Stefan is built that way,like make me feel good so in other
words, this is Casario saying,look, bro, you want a chance
to get to another bag. I'mnot only paying you this year. I'm
giving you an opportunity at free agencynext year. Just come do what we
need you to do and we'll gofrom there. So it could playing out
to could work out just as Caseriohas planned it. You brought up something

that I think, since we're onthis wide receiver space, that needs to
have some attention cast on him.I want to do it on the other
side. We'll take your phone callson the Texans as well. Seven three
two five seven ninety Drew in westChase. This is next up the legendary
KB and me. Next seth continuesit was about to happen next Okay,
here's chat north Fleet time Chris Cordy, He's about to happen next Okay on

sports sucks turn me on. YSee. He has a ton of value,
a huge impact. I think thathe'll bring this season. I think
last year was good to get hisfeet back in the water, you know,
coming off of a injury, thensomething so traumatic like being sick and
how he was and his mind scentis just you know, he's ready to
come back and ball. So notonly is he a great fall player,

but he's a great person and Iyou know, I wouldn't want to be
anywhere else with anybody else other thanthose guys in that room. So uh
Met, just looking at everything thathe'll put on this field will be no
surprise. But you know, Ithink everybody in in his room knows how
special he can be, and he'llput it on the field. C J
Stroud Yesterday at NRG referencing, Johnmentioned the third big year for match.

C J. Stroud says match lookedthe best he's seen him. Did you
hear his story too on how hefound out about the Stefan Diggs. I
did asleep, said, people kepthitting him up, ask him how he
felt well, he said yeah,he said he had his phone was on
disturbed, do not disturb. Butthen when he started getting text people like
how you feeling, He's like,I'm good. Say he's back in LA.
He's relaxing enjoining the off season,taking a nap. I think,

he said. He pulls up Instagramand then he sees Stefon Diggs. So
think about it. That news brokeas you and I were taking the air
so that's ten o'clock Central time,so that's eight o'clock on the West coast.
He's still in the man off season, got nothing to do, so
he's getting hit up. He's thinkingall these people trying to check on him.
He's like, man, what areyou talking about? Get up,
CJ. Come on, Tom Bradydidn't achieve good. Tom Brady was up

at five am in the Please TomBrady's greatness. I've seen Tom Brady off
that. What was that? Whattype of tequila was that he had that
time on the boat? Lemon grasstequila or something whatever Tom was drinking.
Do we think that was one ofthe few times he was like piss aster
on? Oh yeah, well oneof the few. No, I bet
you Tom has had more than acouple of days that he was like,

yeah, I need some assistance.I ain't gonna make it good on him.
Nonetheless, I met you. Ido hope the best for John Matchew
the third. I really appreciate whathe did for the University of Alabama,
what he has battled through with theACL as well as the cancer. John
MATCHI had three catches in a playoffgame. I was like, all right

with that, But this wide receiverroom. You posed something yesterday and if
you go look at the way thecontracts are spread out right now, after
the twenty twenty four season, theonly wide receivers under contract are I met
you the third at two and ahalf million bucks, Tank Dale at a

million and a half and Xavier Hutchinsonat a million bucks. They got three
receivers under contract after this season.I will be surprised if they don't go
draft another. Okay, even ifyou extend, either it be Nico or
re signed Stefan Diggs, that's stillonly four dudes. You better get some

youth in that somewhere. So Ijust wonder, and I have not seen
a single mont draft recently since theaddition of Stefan Diggs. That leads me
to believe that Texans will add areceiver. You brought this point up.
Do you think they should add awide receiver early in this draft? Well,
I mean what's early? You know? I mean, is one of
the second round picks? Yeah,I mean this this looks like a deep

draft for wide receivers. I'll justsay, if there's one that you absolutely
love that is there for you,and you know you had you had another
player or two in mind, andthey just went off the board. You
know, I wouldn't. I wouldn'tsay's out of the rum of possibility,
because again I think we we believethey're gonna pay one of these guys.
Like there's this scenario where they StefanDiggs has an awesome year, they signed

him to a long term contract,and then Nico Collins has an awesome year,
but they decide to franchise tag him. You do that, now,
that's a lot of money to commitfor when you're Nico. On top of
you know, you're back ending theSteffon Diggs deal because again that's a lot
of money. But that's what I'msaying, Like, if you're get a
franchise Nico and you're front loading Stefan, that's huge portion of your cap.

Take it up right there? Now, how do you cap go up?
Yeah, but but not that significantly. Have two number one paid sieversing it,
but on top of you have numberone less taxing it. Right now,
I'm just saying like it almost feelslike there's a there's an either or
there, Like if Stefan blows upand Nico kind of comes back down,
maybe you go all right, Well, Nico will let the same play out.

If you walk, you walk,But let's lock up Stefan Diggs and
then you still have Tank Dell,who looks like a really good, you
know, number two option. Andthen maybe you know, no Brown walks.
Maybe one of Mechi or Xavier Hutchinsontakes his league forward this year.
That's a lot of maybe maybe there'san undrafted rookie you signed this year that
that ends up being some Yeah,you're gonna have some developmental guys, I'm

saying after you bringing that to myattention, Stan, go look at the
future years of that wide receiver.Get just just don't And I went and
looked like, wait a minute,like, don't be under contract, don't
be weirded out of fun draft night. Yeah, you know, in the
second round they go wide receiver,wide receiver. We just traded for Stefan
Dicks. Yeah, but this iswhy you signed him to a deal that
was reworked and basically you eliminated thefinal three years of the original four year

deal. Look at pick eighty sixin the third round, I would totally
be okay if that's a wide receiver. I'm like, all right, you
got to bring some of You can'tbet that Mechi is going to take the
next step. And there's no disrespectto John. I've spoken with him,
man the man, face to faceon one occasion. He's a good kid.
I cheer for one, I do, But the business of football mean

I can't bank on that same thingwith Xavier Hutchinson's development as a six round
pick, I can't be banking onthat. I've got up to invest and
commit resources to more lottery tickets sothat I'm not caught in a situation down
the road where I'm having a scramblecount of lot They were this year trying
to get somebody in the room.Now I think they're going to resign one
of the two. We're in agreementthere, but I like, let's be

clear. Who is that Robert Woods. This is his last season on the
Ross. He's making nine point seventhis year. He's not on the Rosster
next year anything close to that.Yeah, who's field? Yates? He
did his mocked er when and Kuiperwent back and forth. I've got so
they got them going detackle in corner. That's the two. That combination is
what you see in some order.They've got the two second round picks.

Almost every mock draft I've seen,it's some combination of defensive back and defensive
tackle. Okay, at fifty nine, am taking Caamari Lassiter from Georgia.
Two picks later Javon Buller, thesafety from Georgia who they brought in for
a visit, and two picks afterthat, Drew Phillips, the corner from
Kentucky who they run it for avisit. So just kind of interesting.
They've got Chris Braswell, the outsidelinebacker from Alabama, falling all the way

to around three. It picked sixtyfive. That's one I just look at
No, No, I know,I'm just I'm just curious. That was
a guy that was projected back intothe first at one point. That's a
guy that he played opposite Well AndersonJr. I just wonder, like value
if you if that guy is therein the fifties, like you already said,
I know, I have the nilHunter I know, but like you
ought to have that guy. Hisname is Henry to Toe. So what

Braswell's like they've used. He's moreedge, Like where's he gonna go?
Well, I'm just saying it doesn'thurt to add good players. Well,
let I let the Miko do thatpart. The Migo's gonna do his job.
I just think adding wide receiver tothat room in the draft, specifically,
it would probably behooved him. Now. To bring somebody in means you

have to move somebody out. Soforty two, who's on the board,
and they're mocked. They got onepick later the kid from Western Kentucky,
Malachai Corley, one of the biggestarisons out there. He had an awesome
week to the senior ball and youknow he's a guy that that uh was
certainly good. Transfer. Ricky Parasolthey have a few picks later out of
Florida. He's a little bit.He's he's smaller. He almost reminds me

he's not Tank Dell, but he'slike Tank Dell in size. He's he's
just a small guy. I can'timagine having a bunch of small receivers on
the same team. Just something tothink about, especially an offensive had debo
and you know, guys like thatvery fair. I'm gonna save that thought.
Seven one, three, seven ninety, y'all good. If the Texans

add a receiver in the draft.We are one week away as of this
Thursday from the draft. Obviously,the Texans don't have a first pick,
a first round pick as of now, likely talking about a week from Friday,
when the Texans have two picks onDay two and one uh three picks
on Day two, two second rounds, one third round. Of For now,
we cool with the Texans taking awide receiver. I have the further

review. I think one of thosemid round picks, perhaps one of those
early picks could go to a receiver. Let's go to the west side of
the city, Drew Westchase, whatup? Hey was going on? So
those things. Having the end,I just wanted to talk real quick about
that press conference yesterday and my bigtakeaways from each person that spoke, And
the first one kind of coincides withwhat you're talking about right now. With

the Mico, he came out andsaid, Hey, you can never have
enough playmakers, you can never havetoo many. So with that being said,
I think they will look at receiverbecause he said that, Hey,
with this addition that we got,we are our draft evaluation doesn't change.
If you see a player that canhelp the team, we're gonna pick them
up and we're going to bring themin. So I think with that being

said, receivers definitely on the boardand I wouldn't be mad at it.
I trust them to make the rightdecision. With CJ, he said something
along the lines of just him cominginto his second year and how comfortable he
is and how he doesn't have tolearn earn anything. He just needs to
improve on stuff because last year,I mean, obviously as a rookie,

you coming in, you have tolearn the speed of the game, you
have to learn the playbook, yougot to learn the teammates, you got
to learn the organization in the city. Basically. So with all that out
the way and him being able tous to come on, come on in
and focus on improvement, I thinkthat's gonna be huge. And then lastly,
probably the biggest takeaway from that pressconference was Will Anderson, and he

said that at the Pro Bowl,you know, guys were saying, hey,
yes, tell nko on coming in. I'm on the way, you
know, uh woo to woo.And he was like, hey man,
you got to be a special typeof person. You have to be a
special type of individual to be aTexan. And and Cordy you can hear
with me on this four or fivesix years ago, no player saying that,

you know, saying that Bill O'Brienand Jack East that that's just saying
it that you know, he weMiko has created a culture where players feel
nothing. But it just kind ofcame out. I don't think it was
rehearsed. I think I think thatculture is it is in them, not

on them, in the words ofDJ. But yeah, I just I
just thought that that was I thoughtthat was very tackular. That got me
probably more pumped than anything, becauseI mean, hell, a few years
ago, I would have begged anybodyto come in and now we now we
can be Now we can actually beselective and what we're trying to do because
we know what we're trying to be. So uh that that test conference got

me pumped up. You know,you know, you can take them with
a grain of salt if you want, but that Tress conference got me jump
pumped up. Appreciate y'all having meon my man, Drew and Westchase.
Let's continue a couple other things asrelates to the Texans and really more so
NFL a couple of NBA nuggets aswell. We will revisit that Astros conversation
real quick and get ready to handyou off to Matt Thomas and rossby let

me appointment set for you real quick. Ross is out the rest of the
week, by the way, guestsjoining them throughout the week. Coming up
in twelve thirty, Joe A.Spota gonna join them out Time show.
Coming up at two thirty, JakeMyers going to join the Matt Thomas Show,
and then coming up at three thirty, Jeff frank Core former Brave now
on MLB on TBS. He willjoin the eight team. So just want
to set your set your line upfor the day. We know you guys

are locked in on seven ninety,but keep it locked here. Touchdown Texas
coach Stark Here, you're next upwith Stan Norfleet. From Chris Gordy on
Sports Talk seven ninety, Houston's homeof Longhort Football. Oh my goodness.
Yea we fancy like Applebee's on aday night gets a Burmester. He stayed

with, Yeah, we were gonnago a different direction, and then I
saw this post right before we cameback to break. By the way,
stand North for Chris Gordy. I'mat stand Sportsman. He is at Chris
Gordy, we are at Sports Talkseven ninety breaking news involving the Houston Astros
and pitching. Nope, not verlandanope, not from Burr, Nope,

not something that ain't Blair Henley.The Astros are calling up former number one
prospect Forrest Whitley to join their bullpen. According to a source MLB's Brian McTaggart,
Whitley's long road to the majors isfinally over. Forrest Whitley, previously
the astros number one prospect. Isthis you know what, I'm gonna get

pissed off the end of the showinstead of getting some insurance on the front
end in the preseason coming out ofspring training, Gordon, this is what
we're not doing. We are relegatedto calling up Forres Whitley. Well,
it's a great story for the kid. I'm happy, of course. It's
a kid that has battled throughout theyears. And kid, he's forty three.
He's me, he is he's literallyforty three years he is twenty.

He's forty three. Gordon, thatman has been a number one prospect for
seven seasons. Yeah, I thinkhe got He got drafted the same year
as Lance Berkman got drafted the sameyear as Jeff green He. Uh yeah,
yeah, put Jeff green Man justgo full. Whitley was, you

know, the former former top prospectfor the Astros and has dealt with just
so many issues from injuries to suspension. Yeah, little going on, correct
everything, and you know, lookhe's he's given up some runs here in
Triple A, appeared in a coupleof games and uh, but you know
one of those is in Albuquerque.I don't put it that that ballpark in

Albuquerque is stupid. Everybody hits there. He gave three runs out there,
give one run against Las Vegas here, and then had a scoreless outing,
uh, scoreless inning in Albuquerque threedays ago. So you know, numbers
aren't great, but he's gonna getopportunity to show what he can do,
probably, you know, just aninning an inning here. They're kind of
giving you what the seth Martinez hasgiven you and Parker Maschinski's guys like that.

But happy for a dude that thatthe dream is fine, not not
the way he wanted it to write. I mean, he wanted to come
up as a as a top prospectstarter and be in the rotation and I
think his dream is still to bethat eventually one day. But yeah,
very cool that fort Sweatley is gettingthat opportunity. How about that. We
will see if one Joey Loperffido anotherone of the higher rated not the highest,

but one of the higher rated prospectsfor the Astros. That is,
he's been crushing it on the PacificCoast League just gave him Player of the
Week where he's been dominant. Andwith the way that Jose Brau is not
batting, then we got to dosomething with this first base scenario. So
we'll see if will we get ForrestWhitley and Loperfedo and we've seen Irrighetti and

Blair Henley. Hell, it ain'tnobody else to call up anybody else.
That's the thing. I mean,it becomes you know, you you talk
about trade that line, there willbe nobody to trade in your farm system.
I saw something once. I sawsomething I wanted to bring up today.
I saw somebody in Major League Baseballmention this. This is early MLB
twenty twenty four trade deadline preview forall thirty teams. This is ESPN's plus.

This is David Schoenfield. He's anESPN senior writer from Major League Baseball.
So when you scroll down here tothe Astros speaking of prospects, that's
what triggered my thought about this.Astros. Astros, Astros, where are
you at when I need you?Let me let me have this from go
Yeah, this is from a ChandlerRome. He brings up the uh he

said, the Astros to call it. Forrest Whitley wants baseball's top pitching prospect.
He gets his first call up afterand during a myriad of injuries.
He will work work as a relieverfor a bullpen that needed a fresh arm.
At Channeler reiterates the Astros needed afresh arm. Forrest is on the
forty man roster, and there aremany other optionable relievers in Triple A haven't
been down long enough to be recalledwithout putting someone on the il. So

this is an issue of we needan arm, we need you know,
we've had all these bullpen guys haveeaten up innings the last few nights,
and it's like, you need somebodywho's going tow he's on the forty man.
Bring him up. Who's going downthere? We'll see, we'll see
that. The corresponding move is.But yeah, it's just that you need
a fresh arm. You need somebodywho can trade deadline moves for all thirty

teams. Houston Astros trade candidates BryceMatthews. Uh, this is shan fair
Wrights. Are we witnessing the demiseof the Astros. It's been a horrific
start, witness Hunter Brown's recent ninerun first inning disaster. With pitching problems
and injuries up and down the staff. It might just be one of those

years, although for now I havethe Astros looking to add at the deadline
rather than subtract. Bryce Matthews,an athletics shortstop with powering speed and strikeout
concerns. How was their first roundpick last year, the team's first round
picking twenty twenty three after putting uphuge numbers at Nebraska. No, they're
not trading him already. You can'tget any run as short because of Penya.

He's not gonna get any run atsecond because of two V so he's
potentially trade bait. Last part,if the Astros continue to struggle, their
big pending free agent is Brego,who certainly will add some spice to the
trade deadline if he becomes available.So are you willing to move Bryce Matthews
to get somebody else in there.Let me just shut this down. They're
not trading Bryce Matthews. So numberone pick a year ago, they traded

Drew Gilbert, the first round picktwo years ago. And the last thing,
who's the other prospect? It wastwo of them that was given to
somebody. The last thing Dana Brownwants to do is we just traded last
year's first, we're not trading ortwo years ago first, they're not trading
this past years first. You gottayou have to build up the farm system
at a certain point and start gettingguys back together. So, uh,

that was so stupid about that lineabout well you got Penia. I'm sorry,
did I miss where Jerry Peny iscemented as the shortstop for the next
five years? Who He's fine,but I'm not committing myself. Oh,
it's so stupid when they do thatcrap, like there's no obvious whole farm.
If he had stuff out a wholeform, they would probably say,
low perfido, Oh, low perfito, I'll feeler. Suddenly he's the first
baseball snike. So you guys canmove. It's it's fine. Who are

the two pigs. Oh my gosh, I had it in here. And
Bryce s Matthews dressed in the firstround last year. I'm sorry he's not
coming up anytime soon, like heneeds a couple couple of years in the
oven. Drew Gilbert and Ryan Clifford, along with Cash went to the Mets
to get verlanda last season. Allright, So the minor league guys,
they aren't making a ton of money, which takes us back to the NFL

Gordon where if you're in the minorleagues and nothing wrong with it, you
gotta eat, you gotta live.I imagine those guys frequent places like Applebee's,
who the NFL announced this morning isthe official grill and bar of the
National Football League for twenty twenty fourand beyond, as they've signed a multi
year agreement. Yeah that apple Bee's. It's a big day for Applebee's.

I mean, look, you knowChili's you were close, but no cigar,
Buffalo Wall Wings, I'm sorry youwere, you were knocking in the
door. But Applebee's the official parkgrill grill and that makes you say grill
first, this grill. I don'twant to promote bar first, you promote
grill first. With the new partyapple Bee's, I think food. I'm
not going there to drink, butI guess you could do the they do

bottomless margaritas or something. With thenew partnership, apple Bee's will leverage the
entire NFL calendar, beginning with thedraft fifteen hundred restaurants nationwide, Da Da
Da da at home tailgate or tailgateto go with Applebee's Da Da Da Da
Da. So we'll see what happensthere. They're doing some appetizer. Now,
you know who else might need tolook at apple Bee's Kitland Clark,

she was taking number one last nightoverall. By then he could be the
face of apple Bee's. And hercompensation suggests what's she making in year one
seventy six K? Well, letme look at this second. What the
Applebe's manager makes it Here, I'mpulling this up because we sent this to
each other. Caitlin Clark's four year, three hundred and thirty eight thousand dollars
contract. She's making seventy six,seventy eight, eighty five and ninety seven

K, respectively. It would behoover her to be on a budget.
She needs to go to Applebee's more. Why I'm giving Applebee's this love and
they don't do anything for us.Somebody contact Applebee's in sales and make something
happen. All right, let's getready to get up out of here.
I see Matt Thomas, he's roamingaround Indiana and Caitlyn Clark. It's going
to get super white in there toIndiana said that I didn't uh. For

God, it happens to be whitecotting mcgovernor. The other guy happens with
white. Chris Guard standing North Bick. We appreciate all of you by hanging
out with us for a couple hours. Thanks to so much to all I
guess, Jhonathy and Alexander, allof our callers. You guys allow us
to maintain our status as your homein Houston. Sports. Have a great
weekend. Astros in action tonight beginningat six Right Hill Sports Talk seven ninety.

Enjoy your lunch. God willing willdo it again tomorrow. I'll be well
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