All Episodes

March 13, 2024 100 mins

Hey y'all and welcome back to the QueerLBC podcast! In todays quick tea we discuss the controversial Missouri House Bill 2885 and the dangers these pose to the transgender community, Nex Benedict, the reintroducing of conversion therapy on insurance coverage in Florida and reflect on the arresting first-ever federal hate crime trial based on gender identity.

In our main topic our hosts navigate the vibrant world of leather with the help of special guest HomoClown, a multi-dimensional drag artist hailing from East LA. Today we scratch the surface of the leather subculture, its practices, aesthetics, and attitudes. Open your mind to a fascinatingly unconventional world.

The episode intensifies as our hosts boldly share personal experiences and opinions on BDSM - its allure, different roles, power dynamics, safety protocols, and much more. This is indeed a can't-miss episode filled with valuable insights, humorous anecdotes, and powerful discussions on acceptance and understanding.

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Hey y'all, this podcast contains potentially disturbing content.
Our show includes graphic references to topics such as sexual abuse,
self-harm, violence, eating disorders, explicit language, and sexual acts.
Listener discretion is advised.
This show is for mature audiences only.

Good morning and slay, slay, bitch, slay all day because you're listening to
the Queer LBC Podcast. podcast.
I'm Nino, local construction daddy and podcast fatty.
My pronouns are he, him. Thank you for asking. I have with me here, my fabulous cohorts.
Hey y'all, it's Christophe Hill, your city top liaison. My pronouns are he,

him, and that motherfucker.
Dr. Mikey here, your professional quesmoso. Tell me all your secrets.
My pronouns are he, she, all of them. So what do you have for us today,
Nino? Oh, you know, just some.
Take a sip You big stupid bitch.

This week today this week,
today in gay gay whales are
gay drag queens marry in montana today in homophobia lgbtq plus people protest

in florida over republican conversion therapy bill today in transphobia texas
ag paxton demands p flag provide names,
addresses of trans members. The fuck?
Insane. Also in transphobia, Missouri Republicans want to force teachers to
register as sex offenders for supporting trans students.

Also in transphobia, murder of black trans woman Pebbles LaDime Doe becomes
first federal hate crime trial held on basis of gender identity.
And Westboro Baptist Church blames Next Benedict for his own death and will protest his school.
Today in What the Fuck, RuPaul's new online bookstore faces backlash for selling

anti-LGBTQ plus and right-wing titles. What the fuck?
Do any of you bitches know about any of these cookies?
Do not. I'm just gonna, like, talk about RuPaul real quick.
RuPaul, their bookstore, for some reason, it's, like, selling all these titles, including,
like, shit from Adolf Hitler is selling Mein Kampf and

just like shit from Matt Gaetz and other
random right-wing conservative shit so
like they're not vetting anything I guess that they're
selling they're just kind of selling everything even though they're claiming that
the business is like supposed to be like LGBTQ plus voices
kind of like type of or like minority voices you
know uplifting is this like online or is

this like a online bookstore okay i mean
alstora a new online bookstore
co-founded by rupaul adam powell and eric cervini is facing backlash for stalking
anti-lgbtq plus and extremist right-wing titles the site previously operated
as with the aim of protecting and promoting lgbtq plus literature

while offering authors fair fair compensation.
However, since Powell and Cervini launched it a year ago, the business has grown
so rapidly that they needed some help from a legend, namely RuPaul,
who joined as co-founder and chief creative officer.
The Emmy award-winning drag star was announced as the newest member of the team

on March 4th, as also confirmed its rebrand to AllStora.
They show like a post from this thing, AllStora. While unveiling the changes,
the marketplace maintained that its mission to empower all authors and elevate
all stories, especially those from marginalized communities,
with writers reportedly earning double what they receive from other outlets.

AllStora further pledged that queerness would remain a core part of the company's
identity, adding, in quotes, we were founded by two drag queens and a gay historian after all.
With this new chapter, the shop's catalog of books have grown from 3,000 to 10 million titles.
As part of its launch, the company's Rainbow Book Bus will travel across the U.S.

Aiming to fight book bans by teaming up with local LGBTQ plus organizations
to distribute thousands of books by the end of the year.
However while the company's
expansion was initially celebrated eagle eye shoppers have
been quick to call out alstora for stalking anti-lgbtq
plus and extremist right-wing texts including from riley

gaines robbie starbuck kirk cameron and even adolf hitler wow let's see one
commenter wrote so i just went to the website for the first time you're selling
nazi and anti-woke books and calling this safe this a safe space for queers
question mark question mark question mark please fix your website.
Let's see let's see another express this is not a queer bookstore at all typical

rainbow capitalism another person described it as a scammy online bookstore and hot hot garbage.
At the time of writing garbage the right wing titles remain on the site and
the company has yet to make a statement the controversy surrounding the bookstore
comes as rupaul today releases his new memoir the house of hidden meanings from gcn gay community news,

i mean they got 10 million fucking books on
their online store i don't think that
they like approved for them i mean they had to do some and
anything new you still have to do vetting things gonna happen
i guess so it's not like right it's
not like they did that shit on purpose that's fucking funny though but
not funny but like of all the things that

you that like got onto your website that you're selling is
like legit like i
get it like you probably have no idea right you're probably
just like signed up for some shit all titles right
technically and then yeah that's funny let your shit guys figure it out right
dang yeah fix that shit out is it still up i'm trying trying to search for it

for what if the books are still up they probably oh no because it looks like
this article was probably from yesterday.
Ain't no telling what this shit happened it's hot off the press girl right fresh,
that that's funny i mean okay i understand like y'all grew very very quickly but like,

i don't know right they should have some fucking keywords like
filters like yeah like we're not selling these right i mean i feel like it's
obviously a mistake right well yeah i yeah i would think it's obviously a mistake
i would hope so rupaul's like no right i defend this freedom of speech bitch.

What else is out there that all stupid i i don't even want to read this one
but of course we had to expect crazy motherfucking shit from westboro baptist church,
it's like they just say the stupidest shit and do the stupidest shit,
but the anti-lgbtq plus westboro baptist church intends to stage a protest at

next Benedict's Oklahoma High School this week, accusing the teen,
his parents, and his grandmother of being responsible for his death.
On this website, the Topeka, Kansas-based hate group currently lists two public
preachings events for Wednesday, March 6th in Owasso, Oklahoma.
The group, which is famous for God hates the F word sign, is members will protest

the Owasso Public School Board as well as on Wednesday.
But benedict a
16 year old transgender student died on february 8th we
all remember unfortunately that happened
and i don't think they even continue to say if them little bitches is going

to be charged but on friday the public school superintendent dr margaret coats
responded Responded to the news of West Barrow Baptist protest.
OPS is aware that the church is the activation based in Kansas.
OPS is aware that West Barrow Baptist Church, an activist organization based

in Kansas that routinely engages
in disruptive protests, has planned to visit their school on the 6th.
But technically, they ain't doing shit.
I guess since they're not going to be on school property, ain't nothing going
to fucking happen. All of a sudden, protests are protected.
Yeah. So, it's like district leaders are working closely with our law enforcement

partners to monitor the situation, and I will provide you with updates as needed.
But following outcry from the LGBTQ plus community and other organizations,
and the Department of Education said Friday that it will launch an investigation
onto the public schools to determine whether the district failed to appropriately
respond to alleged harassment of students.
That doesn't really make sense. Like, how are you protesting the death of somebody?

Like, that doesn't make sense to me. Like, I protest you dying because I just
hate everything you stand for.
So now, like, you already got murdered by people who hate you.
But I'm still bitching about it?
Correct. Like, what the fuck? They have no fucking moral. It's not the first
time. I think they've done this to several people, right?
Where they go and, like, protest their funerals. Like, I don't know. I don't understand.

You know. special hell in the place for them but right like
you know i i love to believe like the best
in people but like there's just no explanation for this
or for westboro baptist church like i just don't understand
it like and like if you're like how
do you follow something that like has so much hate
behind it you know that's the

thing for me it's pretty disgusting it's ridiculous
following the tragic death of next benedict a
trans teen of choctaw ancestry the u.s
department of education has opened a formal investigation into
whether the 16 year old's oklahoma school district failed to
appropriately respond to alleged harassment according to a letter
released friday benedict whom's whom friends said used both he him and they

then pronounced was reportedly Reportedly attacked in a bathroom in Owasso High
School by three girls on February 7th.
Benedict collapsed at home the following day, after which they were rushed to
the hospital and pronounced dead.

His death sparked national outrage in weeks since, with protests and calls for
the removal of Oklahoma Superintendent of Public Instruction.
On February 21st, HRC President Kelly Robinson wrote to the Department of Education
asking the office to investigate whether the documented instances of bullying, violence,

and harassment against NECs that had taken place over the course of their previous
school year violated NECs' rights under Title IX of Education Amendments Act of 1972,
1972 which prohibits discrimination on the
basis of sex the department of education
responded to hrc on march 1st stating that the letter

they would open an investigation in a
press release on friday robinson expressed gratitude to the
department of education for investigating the incident next benedict
deserved to go to school without fear of bullying and should be alive today
robinson said no investigation will ever be able to make up for the loss of
nexus life but but the investigation is an important step toward ensuring that

all students in Owasso public schools can learn free from discrimination or harassment.
As the investigation continues, we can all honor Nex's life by fighting against
the wave of anti-trans bills and rhetoric sweeping the country.
Many of these efforts are focused on demonizing transgender and gender-expansive
youth specifically, including the false suggestion that the presence of transgender

or non-binary youth in girls' restrooms is inherently predatory. The letter reads.

Friend because of the way that we dress next said they poured water on the girls
and in response they said the girl started beating the shit out of me the officer
interviewing next and their mom,
interviewing next and their mom told them that if next had not
poured water on one of the girls thereby initiating the fight
next would have been a true victim of assault

and battery benedict was discharged from the
hospital but collapsed at the home the next day he was
pronounced dead after being rushed to the hospital while the owasso police department
initially stated the next did not die a result of trauma they've since stated
that they have not ruled out the fight as a factor of nexus death so yeah and

then you're gonna go what protest the fuck fuck you ridiculous,
they don't get no fucking sense no way like i don't know and i bet are they getting like,
tax are they like considered a church right so they're getting all these tax
cuts yeah huh that's some bullshit that is some bullshit how the fuck maybe

we should get a a church called Eastboro after church.
We should. And just employ Mormonist tactics on them. Eastboro Gay Church. Eastboro Gay Church.
That will be the name of our church that we begin. You know the one that I keep
talking about starting?
See, there you go. Boom. Thank you for titling our new church.

Tax-free, baby. Thank you. Way to be.
What's next? Any thoughts on that?
I just i just want to i know anytime i see a video of them it just makes me
like my blood boil it makes me
want to fight them i don't know what if i would do if i see them in person.

I don't know to see like such like obscene and vicious and violent hate i don't you see it,
touche but i also feel like i don't even give them the
time of day like i don't even want them them
to even think that i for some like i don't even
because i feel like they get joy off that shit yeah like
i don't even hear you my guy like i can block you

out and but there are people who like go out
and like you know do stuff in front of them and shit like that
that takes courage and it also i
feel like it fuels them like oh yeah i'm
making a man look at him drop that ass low like there's definitely
that type of person who just likes who gets
off on like upsetting other other people right yeah just being

anti and bitchy and stupid because if nobody said nothing to them
the whole the whole day they were like damn like i
just waste my time like i feel like you
know like nobody came up and argued with
me today yeah because we don't give a fuck we got more shit to be
worried about than your little fucking hating ass i think my concern is just
in like it normalizes things you know like it normalizes like heteronormativity

and like anti-gayness and anti-transness yeah they're extreme but they are on
that they're on the enforcing end of like.
The nasty shit that the the like lame homophobes
won't do right right i feel lame homophobes would
be like i agree with you but you know you don't gotta say it like that
you know i feel like they would just be like and they can do whatever they

want and they just let it go you know what i mean they're like well i
agree i'm not gonna get my hands dirty but i don't
give a fuck someone's doing the work right so i
think that's that's my concern you know because like they go and
protest like these big events and and they're
out in the streets and a lot of people pass by you know like that's a
lot of like influence and then also like the queer people that see this too

like i think us as a older queer adults like we've built up a certain level
of resiliency but yeah the youth still haven't developed that they're still
trying to figure themselves out that's true not even just Just the fucking families. Like how?
Oh yeah. I mean, I'm talking about like more of a, like at a parade.

That's the, I'm not talking about like at different like scenarios of like next and whatnot.
Give them hell. You know what I'm saying? But like when they just have like,
when most like at pride parades and stuff, they'll be out there.
Yeah. And everybody, that's what like, don't even pay no mind.
We all having a good time.
Be with our family and friends and loved ones. that's the

i'm not talking about like that otherness yeah
i remember one time i was protesting for
i think prop eight and someone came over to our side and they started like praying
over over us yeah gross as we're protesting it was ridiculous cast it out right

gay be gone pray for yourself I remember once when I was at Mardi Gras and we were in like the gay part,
there were these yeah like I don't know if it was Westboro but there's definitely
some crazy church people with signs saying that we're all like going to hell
we need to repent la la la la la I'm like oh god yeah,
get me out of here they had like a like a loudspeaker oh yeah they love a fucking

loudspeaker right gotta kill everyone's vibe go to the mountaintop den motherfucker right.
Shit this is not the way,
And that's fucking crazy. So, oh, the Missouri Republicans want to force teachers
to register as fucking sex offenders for supporting trans students.
Excuse me. Now, what kind of job is this?

So if I support somebody, I got to now label them. I got to go and register as a sex offender.
Yeah. So a new bill proposed in the Missouri House of Representatives is one
of the most extreme pieces of anti LGBTQ plus legislation against educators yet.
Yet House Bill 2885 introduced by Republican Rep Jamie Gregg will charge teachers

who support a transgender student social transition with a Class E felony,
threatening them with a fine of $10,000.
You take half their pay? Damn near.
And then up to five years in prison and forcing them to register as a sex offender.
The bill defines social transition as the process by which an individual adopts
the name, pronouns, gender expression, such as clothing or haircuts that match

the individual's gender identity and not the gender assumed by the individual's sex at birth.
A person commits this offense of contributing to social transition if the person
is acting in his or her official capacity as a teacher or a school counselor
and the person provides support.
Regardless of whenever the support is material, information,
or other resources to a child regarding social transition, it reads...

First of all that's so you trying to get somebody who their job is to support a student regardless,
you know i'm saying like you gonna now do what charge me as a fucking sex offender yeah.
Why my my concern is like why

do they want people to out all
these trans people like like okay you
find out and then what are you going to do next yeah what
is the next what is the next thing you know you're not i
don't right you know like you're not gonna stop people from being trans you're
just gonna you're pushing them into the closet you're you're harming them psychologically
but like you're not getting rid of trans people is it just to send the message

to the next generation like don't right that's pretty much it see and that's
why i mean but But even still,
like, you're not going to eradicate trans people from future generations,
right? It's a natural process.
It's part of the spectrum, you know? Right. Like, trans people are always going to exist.
Because in the same note, they have that attorney general in Texas who wants,

like, the names of all the trans people from PFLAG.
Oh, yeah. Yeah. And I'm like, what the fuck? And he's trying to,
like, get fucking hospital information from, like, out of state, too.
What? I'm like, what the fuck? you're really going out of your fucking mind
out of your way and out of your motherfucking mind just to attain a list of
trans people for fucking what for what,

extermination purposes like what the fuck it's like the lavender scare all over
again like that's insane what do you need that for see that's why voting is important,
not to happy voting day.
Happy voting day go make a change y'all but yeah that's fucking crazy.
But yeah i don't know it's just i just don't get it what else is in there oh so ironically,

they this missouri they have over 550 anti-lgbtq plus bills the fuck in 2023.
What in the fuck so oh so introduce people
and trans people do still and 80 of the 80 80
and the motherfuckers was passed into law the state currently has

32 no 35 anti-lgbtq plus
bill advancing all of which were first introduced this
year according to the american civil liberties union attorney and
activist alejandra corbello called the
legislation insane in a post on x formerly twitter writing
a teacher in missouri could be charged with
a felony and put on the sex offender registry for using them

they pronouns for a student that is insane respecting a
student is now a crime so she's
the journalist erin reed added to it it's rare to see an anti-trans bill that
haven't been written before she said that will something like this compares
even in the republican dominated state legislature in a much more fastest right-wing

anti-trans government so they win it wouldn't surprise me.
That's fucking so then then you ain't gonna
have no teachers then you're gonna then the only thing you're gonna have to
have is have these fucking crazy motherfuckers being teachers now now they teaching
your kids all type of crazy shit i mean that's their goal like that's what they

write have you heard of a project was it 2025 no what was that one project 2025 is where they're saying,
there's going to be a rush of christian nationalism i think you did you send
me something on that maybe it's
very conspiracy theory but like so that's what the whole thing is like,
that's going to be set into motion when trump gets elected.

None of them are like this i just see no love because i thought,
no heavenly father was all about love and understanding
yeah i'm looking at florida again through and
they're like so they're saying that they want to
put conversion therapy back on so insurance can cover it the fuck yeah so even

though it's already been like debunked as bullshit they're like no we want you
to be able to pay for it through insurance so they're going to charge a bunch
of people extra money just to be more anti-lgbtq plus,
and it's kind of like where all of these are is there just not going to be a
great migration of Of, like, LGBTQs into, like, places that we probably can't

afford. Well, if you're coming from Florida, I don't know.
No, Florida is, like, way lowest compared to, like, California.
I think most of these anti-gay states are way lower cost of living.
I mean, I guess you just have to, like, research and just be like, where are the, like...

The quote-unquote friendly states shit ain't
no more friendly states where the fuck yeah the ones
that's classified as friendly or like labeled as
friendly is this rainbow these motherfuck right
these pants these motherfucking anti-lgbtq plus laws they're
not friendly i don't know but i
don't know i like i think i don't know something

but like i think like if people move then like you're
creating a divide not a divide but it's
like yeah it feels very civil war-y but it's
also like you can't like like straight
people keep regenerating gays like even if
all the gays move the little babies will grow
up to be gay adults right they're certainly stuck there

and stranded yeah so they can move out or
just like grow up closeted because then that's the
world you're gonna live in is you're gonna like all the gays are gonna
move away and then you're gonna be extra isolated right
and then it's already gonna be so taboo and it's
like you've already been like traumatized through everything you've heard about
like anti-gay shit so you're just gonna be

closeted i guess forever until you can move that way and we've
that's happened before we've tried that unsuccessful cycle
repeats it does i feel like we're like in
the 50s again it's so weird right
right like thinking like we have to
be doing this again and i think

there's an issue with politics like we're fighting for all these things.
But then like they get threatened again yeah and.
I'm like why how how can you go no takesie backsies like how can you do that.
Yeah it ain't even been like how many motherfuckers it ain't even been 10 years
yeah probably not like it's still in the fucking grow growing phase like yeah.
We just been had the right to marry and do all this shit and And then everybody's like, oh. Mm-hmm.

Like, how can you just take it away? Yeah. You already ruled that you believe
that, yes, you can have it. And then, oh, just kidding.
And then they're very particular about which ones, like, which things can be
changed and which ones are, like.
Have to stay you know like yeah it's way like
they the the people who are poc

or queer those wands are like you're able
to change you know it's very selective okay even
if florida passes that bill of conversion therapy to
be covered by insurance therapy guidelines
it's unethical to do conversion therapy with the
license so okay like even

it shouldn't in theory happen and if someone one
is doing conversion therapy then they probably don't have a license right
so you shouldn't be seeing them and if they do have a license doing
conversion therapy report them to the board and they'll lose their
license because they do not need to be no therapist that's good
to know but they'll just probably hire
some fucking hoo-ha out the street yeah

i mean they'll be a life coach coach right
not shit on life coaches y'all i
mean but but people like
people use these titles and power
to do harm you know not that obviously
psychology has its own issues but like
yeah yeah like i just don't understand that like

how we can get it right and then it's like okay never mind we're gonna
change it and that goes into my issues with politics lately is
that like we're having parties that are like leaning into that it's like oh.
Yeah we'll get you your rights and they get us our rights but then we lose them
right away because they're not really protecting us like if they want to protect
us they need to protect us on the federal level and no one's doing that yeah

like every four years your rights are up for.
Like my fucking license and shit depending on who you vote for like yeah legit it has been.
That's not fair no I'm not I'm not gonna pick that up,
I'm not gonna do it that shit fucking sucks.

Oh yeah but for the first time in America history a
federal hate crime is being held for
a gender identity based murder on February
24th 2024 in a process that took an estimated four hours a jury found the 26
guilty of murder in Pebbles LaDime Doe a 24 year old black transgender woman

who was killed in Allendale County South Carolina on August 4th, 2019.
The U.S. Department of Justice alleges that one day of Doe's murder,
Ritter pursued the woman into driving to a remotely populated rural county in South Carolina.
Ritter shot her three times in the head after they reached an isolated area
near her relative's home.

Prosecutors accused Ritter killed Doe because of her actual and perceived gender
identity and to hide their sexual relationship including his own sexual identity.
In February of last year, Ritter faced a five-count federal indictment charge
with one hate crime count, one federal firearm count, and one obstruction count
involving the investigation of Dole's murder.

So they go on to say that another individual was involved and was charged with
two obstruction offenses for providing false and misleading statements to authorities
investigating the murder.
His name was Xavier Pinckney, admitted that he hid information from state authorities
regarding the use of his phone to call and text, though, the day she was murdered
and lied to state investigators about seeing Daquan Ritter on the morning of her death.

The hate crime count against Ritter can carry a maximum penalty of life imprisonment.
Imprisonment. The county, the counts charged against both men were obstruction
of justice, carry a maximum penalty of 20 years of imprisonment.
The count charged in Pinckney with lying to federal investigators,
carry a maximum penalty of five years imprisonment.
We want the black trans community to know that you are seen and heard that we

stand with the LGBTQ plus I community and that we will use every tool available
to seek justice for victims and and their families.
That's what the Assistant Attorney General Christian Clark of the Justice Department
Civil Rights Division stated.
Federal hate crime laws did not include offenses motivated by the victim's sexual
orientation or gender identity until 2009.

The first conviction motivated by a victim's gender identity was in 2017.
So currently South Carolina has no hate crime law. As a result,
the state relies on the Federal Bureau of Investigations and Federal Prosecution
to address crimes that are motivated by prejudice on ethnicity,
sexual orientation, religion, or in this case, gender.

Fatal violence perpetrated against the transgender community,
especially against black transgender women, has been a constant tread across
decades and continues to be on the rise.
Cultural stigma and an inherently transphobic global society fuel these hates, crimes,
and dehumanize trans people, People resulted in a higher suspect ability to

violence, sexual assault and aggravated or simple assault compared to cisgender people.
At this time of Doe's passing, her death was the 15th known case of deadly violence
against the transgender community in 2019 and the second in South Carolina within
the past several weeks following the murder of Denali Berries Stuckey,
a black trans woman who was fatally shot in North Charleston.

According to the human rights campaign Doe loved and once remembered her on
social media a bright personality who showed love and was the best to be around
a friend also posted if I knew my friend was Friday was going to be my last
time seeing you I would have hugged you even tighter.
Let's take a moment out for the dime moment of silence.

And hopefully them motherfuckers get the full maximum life.
They probably, I think, I mean, yes, that is.
Cause I mean, that's the first, I mean, who knows the judge,
you did these judges. You don't have to say so.
Interesting. It's fucking crazy. Yo, I'm sick with America.

Well, now you've been outed. Yes.
Like, it's like, right. Right, so now you're about to go to prison, bruh. Yeah.
So you could have just came out, been with her, and called it a day. Right?
Guess that seems like a better choice to some people.
Yeah. That kind of just goes to what we were saying before about it doesn't

matter if they charge these mass shooters that they're they them.
It's still a hate crime. Right. You're still going to get charged with a hate crime. Yeah. Yeah.
But also, I mean, but this county doesn't have, they don't have,
they don't have that law.
North Carolina don't have that
law. So if the FBI or the FBI has to investigate and do all that stuff.

You know, I think. That's probably why it took so fucking long since 2019.
Yeah. I also like, I get like state rights.
Get it. but i think there are just some rights
that should just be equivocal across the whole
country like hate crimes yeah like

the right to marry like anti-discrimination laws
anti-discriminatory housing laws like right
this should not be up to debate from state to state you
know it should just be a national like yeah anyways is that it for these fucking

quick teas i am no longer thirsty i think i had enough for tea okay let's go
on a break right break it is break time.
Hey, y'all. Christoph here. And we at the Queer LBC just want to say thank you
again for all your love and support.
But we also wanted to let you know that you can hit that like button, boo.

But we really, really, really do appreciate a five star review on Apple and
Spotify podcast or wherever you listen to a podcast.
You can also follow us on Instagram at Queer LBC to get updates on the shows and more.
Also shit tell a friend about us get
the word out you know we your favorite lgbtq

plus podcast in lbc baby and we're
back so today i wanted to talk about
leather and bdsm yes today
we're getting down and dirty but first off i wanted
to introduce you to our very special guest everybody i'd like like to introduce

you to homo clown welcome homo kind of the studio everybody please identify
yourself would you like to tell us about you are you part of the rainbow mafia
what's the deal who are you why why that's a really good question too well i'm
not really part of the rainbow mafia,
i'm more so like i had a lot of gang bangs closer to the back oh as a mafia.

I didn't have to be italian as well or like mafia
is italian only no no that can't
be of any they're just different i think mafia is like the
italian word for a gang i think it
just signifies organized crime in general in general yeah i mean we could appropriate
it's fine yeah we'll do that no but i would say like i'm a multi-dimensional

artist from east la and currently i'm really exploring my kinky side of drag Ooh.
Nice. So I wanted to bring Homo Clown around because he's, one,
discovering his kinky side of drag.
And so I wanted to ask some questions.
Are any of you into leather? What do you think about BDSM? Is leather controversial, do you think?

What about leather gets you going? When's the first time you noticed leather in a sexual sense?
What's the deal with leather fetishes? What's the deal with leather fetishes?
What about BDSM? What are y'all into, if anything? And more.
Go off, queen. I've always been attracted to leather.

I'm not a part of the leather community, but I
always like go to like the leather bars and whatnot
and I know well no I like to go there I like to see individuals in leather and
shit like I've won well then also I'm a vegetarian I'm not vegan but there's
also animal free leather too right vegan leather yeah yeah maybe so.

Leathered individual so but yeah I think it's amazing,
amazing more please explain why i
mean i don't know i'm just i i just
find it sexy it's almost like tom what's the
tom finland tom finland so when i was in mexico city i ended up going to the
tom bar it's called yeah tom finland bar it's in mexico city yeah they had one

in mexico city i did not know that actually yeah it was interesting how interesting
i mean and so So that's what it,
I mean, well, first it gave off the first vibe of like, it was,
you know, it was, it's like a regular bar.
But also if you take either staircase up or down, you can go into different parts of the bar.

I didn't do that that day. Are those like fucking areas? Yeah. Like dark rooms.
Yeah. But also it was, they had go-go dancers and whatnot, but it wasn't a lot
of leather individuals at that time. Leather individual.
Well, you know, people in leather.
At the bar it was just like you know passerbys yeah
people who aren't in the leather community so because i

feel i don't know like it's mostly just because like the.
Events when you'll see a lot of more individuals in.
Leather at most bars unless it's.
A real leather bar what makes you part of the
leather community versus like someone that goes to
like a leather bar are dropping the
dime on a harness i don't right i don't know to

tell you the truth because i just feel like it's a
i think it's more of a community like yeah right it's
like a community for sure community because they
do like a lot of fundraisers and a lot of events that brings
awareness to leather but i think
since i don't be part of those what are
you doing march 16th huh what are you doing march

16 i don't know oh you know
what i'm a saturday i might be
back in town yeah that's
like two more weeks right well if you're down and to explore what leather
is for you or just trying to figure out if that's
your vibe uh-huh i am doing a performance in
recita at sea friends night club have you heard about sea friends

night club what's in recita and my
friend your ear is throwing a latin leather
bar at recita and he invited
me to go and perform and do a number and i
think if y'all are down you can all go and
check it out and see if this you know leather experience is right for you okay

i'm open to that we open march 16th so what is a leather experience since you
are experienced are you would you consider yourself a leathered individual i
would consider myself I call myself a novice. I think I'm still new to it.
I don't know the history, like, specifically of Talmud Finland,
but I've heard of Talmud Finland, but it really never resonated with me.

So I would say I'm more of a novice.
A novice for lack of better words oh okay i feel like you're probably still more.
Knowledgeable than we are oh wow what makes you say that because i don't really
delve too much in leather myself what about you um no i think it's hot yeah tell us all you know,

why is leather hot so i mean like what's like the leather community like is
it like is it like a subculture or like how would you kind of describe it like
this discussion of like Like what makes you part of the community versus like an admirer?
Oh, can I repeat the question? I'm kind of like lit right now.
If you're a novice and we are considering ourselves below novice. Yeah. Okay.

Like what are things that you do that would be, I guess, different than somebody
who's like not looking for leather?
Who's like, like, what is, what is your deal?
What is your deal? We're all lit. so no basically like what drew you to the
leather community what made you want to venture out and see if this may be something

that i keep like asking myself that question constantly because it's constantly
changing for me oh nice i think it's like starts with.
Being like really really catholic as a kid and it
was very i had to like hide away from
like all my gayness and when it came like and into

adulthood it was really hard for me to even like think about having
sex with another guy so i kind of like said well
i'm gonna try this like taboo thing like how does that work and
lately it's been like really receptive and i
kind of just buy with whatever receptive it is okay
so you actually just went into it with an open mind and open heart

yeah i try to so far so good they've been so
welcoming so i'm gonna like try it
so how long have you how long have you well how long ago did you start you know
into leather oh my gosh the last year i actually dove in head on without even
like researching anything about leather when i i actually competed for mr precinct

2024 i think nice is that true.
Yeah okay sorry i had to ask someone else i have verification
yeah 2024 and i
didn't know anything about leather but i was like i'm gonna
try to do it because it's kind of how my drag is it's like
like weird obscure and for some reason when
i applied they're like we want you to go and like

compete for this title nice so i dove in not knowing anything and so far they've
been really really upset with and because i have a gig on march 16th i proceed
to check it out plug it do it nice nice that's amazing so that.
Damn so that's like is this like a like a

uh state because i know
they do a lot of leather competitions in regards of that so
are you it was like a local bar because sometimes bars
have local titles oh okay like there is
another title bullet bar have you heard about bullet bar why
that sound familiar yeah is that in san francisco no no north
harleywood actually damn you see i don't go

past the 91 my bad oh yeah it's way out of
the 91 just take the like
101 north i think universal studios and
like it's looking right next door it's really
funny but it's a bullet bar and north hollywood and they also have their own
title called mr bullet oh shit are you gonna do is that a leather one as well

it's also a leather bar a leather title and you can like check it out too oh
nice so people different at different titles different bars compete.
Mr la leather which is coming up i think this year actually i forgot what month
but all these bars have these titles and they all compete for mr la leather
nice how can we vote for you vote for me oh my gosh i don't think i want to go back into it oh yeah,

and hidden quit it sometimes i know that's right
i mean okay it's a little bit intimidating to
be honest i mean it was your first time it was you was
in there just but i was like if i'm not gonna do this now i'm not
gonna do it ever okay and i was like fuck it and what did
you enjoy the experience i did nice i think
the most fun for me was like doing a performance at

precinct and it it was called a category for what
is it fantasy like you had to have like a fantasy category okay
so i was like well i'm a clown and i want to do something stupid so
i was like what if i had like a kiddie pool and i
dress up like a leather mermaid and i
asked like my my friend your ear and blown to like

go and pee on me on stage and i was like that's fucking funny so did they pee
on you on stage yeah but i can't do it with actual piss because it's like a
health violation but I was just like my friend here is like well have you heard
like they all the shit that they do at their precinct leather bathrooms oh my
gosh I shouldn't even say this,

I'm gonna get cancelled.
Very interesting have you been to oh let me ask you this so cause I've,
to what is that shit in san francisco fulsome fulsome
for the first time last year and it
was an experience oh my god did you
like it i so i did but i also was like i needed to ease on in there somehow

but i also was like with my i have a brother and it was our birthday weekend
it was like oh let's just go to this street festival you took your brother yeah
oh my god he's straight he He got more played than I did.
Because you think it's something totally different than what it is,
and it's just like pretty much just a great festival. What are you saying?
Oh, he had a good time. I feel like you left that part out the last time you

told us about this. No, I did. Because he's the only one, yeah.
I also don't listen. I know.
That I know. But yeah, would you ever think about going to Folsom?
If I had the fucking money.
Have you driven to San Francisco or did you like take the airplane? Oh no, we flew.
My knees can't take no long ride. No, I'll probably go back if I have like a plane ticket.

Oh yeah. I can't like drive like eight hours just to go and get.
People still do that shit. Mm-hmm. Man. No.
I could be naked at home i could be
naked on my camera on insta live if i
want to so y'all never been to
like eagle la either i've been to the eagle i've been

to the eagle yeah yeah how'd you like it have you been to eagle too
yeah i've been to the eagle there was this fucking i fucking the last time i
was there it was like i started at akbar and i met some weird satanist and then
he got me to follow him back to there and then he was an asshole and then i was like of course,

and then ended up leaving that situation
like almost as soon as i got to the
bar because he was just like a psycho anyways it's interesting
it's cool i like the giant monster wolf man is
that still there is that the eagle or the bullet eagle because i've never been
to the bullet because i remember the last time i was there there's but the last

time i read it the last time he was there was probably in fucking daisy mays
day like yeah she old i feel so young man,
right i would think like the last time i was out there was probably like 2016.
Right that's how that's the last time i was out in the streets nice but

no i've been once but i wouldn't like on a sunday it was like
i think like a beer bus probably yeah because i
rarely go out that way but i had a good time i always have
a good time at those spaces have you ever been to mineshaft here in low beach
no i've never been to mineshaft or the falcon oh wow okay or the i mean they
don't rally or falcon north falcon north it'll be more like a that's more leathery

leathery scene not leathery no that seems like i'm being disrespectful and i'm not i'm sorry
Yeah, it can get cancelled I also felt like the eagle gave me like a weird An STI Like a weird.
Like a everybody's kind of like,
got like a bitchy vibe attitude or like but
like a shitty vibe attitude but maybe

that's just like the i'm a tough guy in
leather the aesthetic of it all so but i
don't know i kind of like it the chase of it all because
it's you have to put like a facade and you
know these are all bottoms at the most part so like
you kind of know what you're getting yourself into most of them are bottoms
um the bottom chiming but you know it is what it is it is what it is yeah as

far as like leather i feel like
i've never had like too much experience with it like i feel like my my,
boyfriends have all alleged that they've been into leather oh but then it's like they really don't,
like i think the furthest we i've gone was like there was like some cheap leather
harness and And it just like didn't, it wasn't looking good.

And I was like, let's ditch this. And it's kind of like, now I got to pull it
out. And I'm kind of lazy.
So I'm like, oh, now I got to put on this whole outfit. Just to fucking.
Yeah. Prance around. Just to prance around. Or get it took and right the fuck off. Right.
Just to get what? These titties sucked? I don't know.

Anyways. But yeah, it's always like, I've never dropped a dollar for like a
real leather harness. Because that shit's expensive.
I'm like, to get fitted at like a proper place, to get a cute one.
I got mine at Rough Trade for like $600 at the time.
And I'm trying to spend only $45. Oh yeah. Your shit gonna itch.
Yeah. I can eat nothing. Doesn't even fit me.

I feel like leather bars or leather in general has like a very certain like vibe or aesthetic.
And for me, it's like very like sketchy, seedy, you know, like,
you know, like sex is going to go down.
Like I always pair sex with leather or leather with sex.
Yeah. Are you into that hat? That like pseudo Nazi hat they wear?

Oh, the thing. Yeah. I don't know about that hat.
You mean like just a rubber suit? what head is he talking about they wear like
a leather cap yeah oh like a like an officer or something yeah oh yeah my bad
i don't know why there is like a group of people who do like strive to look
that way because it's like going back to like what is it world war ii.

Okay that's like i don't know i can't fucking say that actually i'm like saying shit for no reason,
well if you look at like tom tom finland like
the leather that they portray a lot of
it has like aesthetics to like police and
military yeah like even precinct downtown la like
precinct like a cop station you know

so it's like i feel leather all has a tie to
like masculinity and like uniform you know
we love this like masochistic like let's fuck the cop
now after like they beat us right what the fuck calm down
is it because of
authority or just because they're cop you're getting off of
i think it's definitely authority because i feel does

that come into play with leather like authority well
let's talk about it what's your hot take well what are you into like are you
into like dominance or you just like the idea of fucking a cop no i don't want
to fuck a cop oh but i say just in general the vibe of it also like in the vein
of tom finland has like Like, these cop aesthetics.

Actually, I got pulled over by a really hot cop the other day,
like, the other couple months, because I turned left when I wasn't supposed to.
And so he got out of the car, and he was extremely hot.
And I was like, oh, shit. Like, I forgot all about this.
You meant it another way. I was like, fuck, take that nightstick,

baby, and ram it in me now, please.
But I was very nice to him. And I was just like, oh, yes.
What happened? Yeah, what did he pull you over? Oh, no, I didn't know what I did.
What? Oh, where am I going? Oh, I'm just going to the store.
Yeah, I didn't have work today, officer. Thank you.
I don't know, but like I wanted him to rape me in that moment, but.

I don't support the police at the same time, so I don't know what it is.
Maybe it's the authority part, because it's obviously not the cop part, right? I think so.
I don't know. Because I also want to fuck a fireman. That's pretty hot.
Like hose you down with water or like jizz. Saves you from a fire and just like...
What's the scenario for you? No, it's like we're in the firehouse.

We're in the firehouse? Okay, what else happens? Yeah, I'm his like,
I'm a fireman too. We're fireman buddies.
Not firemen. And we're bored because obviously there's no fire going on.
It's raining today. And so we're like in the fireman basement or whatever.
I don't have no idea. And we're going to go down this pole at the same time. We're going to gyrate.
And then it's just like, you know how like pornos just like start and it's just

kind of just, it just opens up and then we're just sitting next to each other.
And then the hands just go on each other's thighs.
But we're already like with like the suspenders and everything.
Yeah. It's very aesthetic. It's very fireman aesthetic.
I guess for me in that scenario i feel like we're gonna die so we're gonna hop
like get suited up and then we're gonna talk about our feelings before i die

and then we're gonna go fuck inside the fucking building and it's gonna come
down on you and that's it we go i love chaos i think it's so hot.
Literally because it's a fireman you know it's a fire burning on you what about
you mike Like, what are you into? What are you and Sheldon R into?

I'm really excited about to hear about that, actually.
Is he like an orchestra teacher and you're like a student?
Are you wearing a skirt? Are you like Britney Spears? Tell me about it.
That's so funny. We have gotten into like lingerie and stuff like that. Nice.
Yeah. So I've done that. That's fun.

Please, more details.
No, like wearing like... what does this piece
look like i was just like like panties like
lacy panties what color are they are they black or like
pink or these ones are beige beige i know it's so weird is beige a hot color
i don't know i guess i just i don't know that's just what i got it's okay yeah

just like haynes white right yeah so yeah that and it's like a little little thong
long oh it's hot nice any other pieces
i had i tried skirt like a little leather skirt that got off a timu it was a

piece i guess like and you know what i paid for is good quality she said it
worked it worked it did what it needed to do it did it that day yeah,
nice i think i don't have any pieces like that but i did buy like a few harnesses but like,
not like it's not expensive ones my shit is like i use the ones that like can stretch sometimes.

And like with it it's like connected with a cock ring and shit and i didn't
i don't really don't use a cock ring so i was like what the fuck is this thing doing just dwindling,
but i also bought like
a so when i went to what's that fosum
i was like okay let me you know i bought a couple of different
harnesses so my

brother really didn't know what it was either so i had
an extra one and so he put one on and the
one that i was going to originally wear was too like
he's a little slender to me i got big shoulders
so he wore
that out to the festival and i
didn't wear anything because the other one broke so that was

that and so yeah i don't really have any other kind
of like sexy harnesses or
items or clothing i have a lot of like like sexy
underwear i mean who don't are
you a briefs kind of gal i'm a everything kind of
gal i just don't like boxers me neither those are
disgusting i like it for the aesthetic though the aesthetic is a good one i'm

more of a what am i i am a boxer briefs at work she's everything she says and
a briefs at home i'm a calvin klein briefs at home kind of gal but i also bought once.
Like these... It was like...
Like a... I guess... What's the fabric? I don't know what the fabric was.

But it was kind of like a thong material.
But it had like a hole in the dick. So then it was just like a dick popping
out of my underwear. Which kind of defeats the purpose of the underwear.
But I got it. I don't really like it. I got it. And then I have...
This one underwear that is like sport themed and it like almost look it's like

giving like football vibes on the crotch where there's like a like almost like a crisscross of like,
flags or something oh no like the of like football
pants no no yeah i don't know it's like
it's tied where it looks like kind of like yeah
i don't know how to describe it i don't know sports sports so i
can't give you the actual terms what else

do i have um just like
a bunch of random underwear that i never wear sometimes
but not all the time extra spicy so what about you homo clown so do you what
kind of underwear do you have i'm more of a briefs kind of gal and if i really

want want to feel sexy g-strings oh okay yeah g-string is really it's really
comfortable in drag as well,
because all you have to do is just like tuck your dick behind it you just pull it up.
Does that not hurt it does but you
get used to it after a while then huh yeah unless you have like big balls like
me oh okay so you probably got a meaty i

don't know yeah just don't punch me on my tank do not
punch drag queens in the tank they will pass this
is a psa have people done that
before no that'll be funny though he just told the conservatives the
secret what about bdsm bdsm
doctor are you into that do you know what

that is i don't know what no i know
like i feel like i know it but it's like dominant
master servant that it it's
what does it stand for bondage b bondage
domination sadomasochism sadomasochism bondage

domination sadomasochism oh yeah oh
is it discipline okay discipline who
said that there we go bondage discipline
sados and masochos all
here wait have y'all have y'all ever

taken that test where you had to determine kind
of like oh my god yeah i did i did too i forgot
my what it changes over time does it yeah because you change and evolve yeah
what is it like you answered a bunch of questions and it like tells you like.
Your sexual preferences like like if you're a voyeur or an exhibitionist or a sadist or masochist.

I got Brat. Do you know what Brat is? I got Brat too. That's what I got.
But I don't think if I took it now I would get that.
I think I'm a brat for sure. That's like my guilty pleasure. I'm a brat.
You don't know what brat is? No. I got that also. That I was a hundred percent.
Like you're whiny. You're like a pillow princess.

They also said that I'm a hundred percent brat. A hundred percent switch.
I could switch it up. Oh, okay. On a dime.
Switch it up to what? I don't know. Do you agree with the brat aspect?
Sometimes. I think so. So, I don't know.
I really don't know. I don't know. It's kind of like your horoscope.

I don't know if I'm just feeding into it.
Or if it's actually... You can be anything you want. What is your horoscope?
I'm a Virgo. I don't know what that is. Beyonce.
Beyonce's a Virgo? Oh, Virgo's groove, yeah.
I feel like I have to ask everybody, like, the zodiac sign because it's an LA thing.
What's your sign? Chaotic Aries? I wish. I love Aries.

Sagittarius I don't know anything about them Horse cock I feel that like I'll
try anything once but like I'm into being if anything I would probably be like,
dominant I remember there was this one guy
that I was talking to online and he wanted me to put him in like a
cage and leave him in my apartment while I was gone and

I was like I get it but like I don't trust you you're probably gonna right you
could probably get out this cage steal my shit dumb psycho bitch but that's
gotta look a lot of trust you have to have with people i mean that's also true
you have to have trust and understanding with all of these things yeah,
i i had a one of my girlfriends she was into bdsm where she had an exploration

of it and she was telling me that her partner that she did this with like he
would want her to tie him up and and wrap him up,
and gag ball eyes,
and just leave him there for hours.
And they'll wait for him to escape. Have you seen, what's that movie by Stephen

King about this couple who got into a sex position where she tied him up to a bed frame,
and then he died, or something like that?
But she was still chained to the bed frame, so she had to like escape his dead
corpse out of her oh my god what it's a stephen king like film i don't know

why i brought it up but i thought it was like wait what if that happened to me,
what would you do oh my god i always think about that too have you heard of anyways um,
but yeah that's always weird right like what if one of you dies there was this
other guy who was was talking to me and he wanted me to punch him in the face

and i was like i get it and i'm okay.
Sorry i was looking like to my head gerald's game it's called gerald's game,
Oh, the movie? Stephen King, yeah. Gerald's King. Rent it on Netflix today.
I think it is on Netflix. Oh.
Yeah. So she ends up, like, escaping, but she had to, like, her handcuffs,

she had to, like, escape it by, like, peeling off her skin.
Ugh. Just to get all the bondage gear. Like, cripple your hand.
Dang. You said you're into rape. What is it like?
Sorry, but that was just, like, so casual. I love that. The sexual position.
That little direction. I mean, you're right. Oh, I was talking about the police officer raping me.

Yeah, so if, like, against your will, if I was, like, chained up with,
like, handcuffs, and if you have to, like, leave, I would have to pull off my
skin off my hand, but, like, you're into that, you wouldn't pull off your skin?
Because you're into, like, rape?
I feel like if I was in that position.
I probably wouldn't be, like, that freaked out, where I'm like, oh, my God!

Because i like i already know the person i know they just died it's not like
it's like it's like you bump into a dead body in the street you're like oh my
god that's startling but i was there when it happened but i probably just shout out the window.
Help i need somebody
i live in an apartment where i'm

pretty sure somebody would be able to hear me too yeah so and then
then i would just calmly explain the situation and they
would probably i understand what's the
kickiest like fuck you ever had let's talk about that there
was this pair this couple
and it was his master and his slave

and they wanted to lick
the bottom of my shoes and i was like i guess so
i went over there and the slave
had he had a belt and so
i was choking him with the belt oh shit and then
i was like having him like blow me
i was just he was just like a skull fucking him as

his daddy was watching and like
i don't know enjoying it i guess and then then he wanted to lick the bottom
of my shoes and they're like my dirty ass fucking sneakers you know that i'm
walking through the fucking la in oh that's intense and so like i'm I'm choking
him with the belt and he's like licking my shoes.

And I'm like, all right, if that's what you're into, you fucking depraved bastard.
Yeah. And then I ended up getting his master to blow me too.
And I was like, that's your stupid master, bitch.
I'm both your masters now, fuckers. And then. Got the two for one special. And I said, peace, bye.

I always wanted to put on a rubber suit. Can you hear me? Oh. Yeah.
Speaking of. And also the reason was because it makes you feel constricted. Right.
It's like a nice hug. How has it taken it off? Oh my gosh.
That's why I feel like it might be crazy. You have to wear this specific silicone-based
water. Not water. What am I talking about?

Silicone lubricant. But afterwards, you'll be sweating so hard. Oh my God.
Taking it off, it's like, damn. it's a
process it's like waterworks everywhere so what
kind of gear do you have oh okay so i have like
that whole rubber suit i also have like my drag masks actually a lot of people

like associate my drag with bdsm i think because i typically just wear masks
and usually i use that That also,
sometimes to express my sexuality,
coming from like a really Catholic household,
it was easier just to hide behind a mask when coming to terms with my gayness.

See, and that's a segue for, you know, therapy session. Me and my ex, we used to use masks.
And then it was fun because it was like, it actually like helped him get out of his shell more.
Because he's just like, I can be whoever I want. Oh my God, he sounds so cute. Yep.
No he was horrible but yeah so

it's fun masks are fun yeah
mask for mask mr christoph you
don't do any mask no i was just looking at
you because i wanted to see some of
your photos of your drag because i haven't been pleasure to
see you perform yet which i've hopefully
will put that on my to-do list but these are freaking nice

man thanks yeah but yes i
don't have any mask the only mask that i had got it was during covid and i thought
i was the coolest motherfucker because it was like like a zipper so like it
zipped and it was like leather but i think it was pleather because of course
it wasn't gonna even fucking say nothing but i was able to open it up and talk with the mask still on.

So it gave that vibe of like a sex mask or like a almost like a blowjob mask.
But like it was pretty cool. I liked it. Didn't use it to for sexual purposes.
Unfortunately, didn't have the chance. Then I lost the motherfucker.
You want to get your dick caught in that zipper. I know. That's probably why

that wasn't a good idea. Sounds dangerous.
Damn. I didn't think about that.
That's the one thing I always notice is there's a lot of dangerous sex.
Are you going to hurt yourself with like that gigantic fucking dildo?
Oh, definitely. I'm Catholic as fuck.
Like I seen, like I was just watching a video yesterday of this guy and he's

just like basically shitting out pool table balls.
And I'm like, lady, that like, and you could tell like some of them weren't just coming out.
Like he had to like fish them out. Oh, damn. And I'm like, imagining like how that feels inside of me.
And I'm just like clack clack and it's just like you have to like shift it out

like it looked like force it are you into that?
No I'm not I haven't even bought them so what?
I mean no she a total top so like I can't even yeah remember the one time I

told y'all like I used to dildo once and that didn't really go as good.
So, you know, I got to stick to what I know, I guess. But like I'm into like, I'm a pleaser.
So I feel like, you know, like I want my partner to have a good time.
So like regardless of if they into some freaky shit, then I'm about to be into some freaky shit.

I remember like one time one guy was messing around with, wanted me to piss
on him. So after we fucked, we went to the tub.
And he pissed on him. your wish is my command so but yeah I'll try I won't do
like scat and blood but same other than that I'll give it a give it a twirl you know,

You know, because they do a lot of crazy shit in bail houses,
too. So, I've traveled to a few of them.
I haven't engaged in some of those.
Have you ever been fisted? No, I have not been fisted. Why did that come to my mind? I don't know.
No, I have not been fisted myself. I have fisted many a whole. You've been the fister?

I want to be a fister. When I first got with my boyfriend, I was like,
maybe you could be the one. But that never happened.
I never even like attempted but no i've fisted many a hole they have to like
use this like veterinarian like grade like lubricant that's really fun they
have in like this like weird,

squeeze bottle that you like squeeze like you know those like those subway.
Like oh like bottles yeah yeah it's
like full of like veterinary lube and then you like squirt it are you saying
veterinary lube yeah it's like for like giving birth or
something oh it's like calves house yeah and then
it's like this extremely like highly viscosity
like lube and you said

you have done two homo clown yeah i did it was
really fun you were the fisty i was the fisty no
i was a fister oh you weren't the whole no i
wasn't the whole no i was like fisting this
daddy and he was really into it
but i'm a very silly person so sometimes.
I can't get into it so i started like like chuckling a little bit a little

bit bad why you get fist deep
in them yeah because i was also enjoying it
but i was just like i don't want to make it seem like awkward or like
i feel like i'm making fun of you i just like i think it's silly sometimes i
think that's why they're like more
of a community because it's like there's only like so many people
who are into this shit that makes sense and then it's like

you kind of gotta get with whoever's into it yeah
because i remember there was this one dude i was fisting
and he was in hollywood and he
like had a whole setup like a whole sling you just like walk
in smash smash but he was like
telling me about this group that he would get together with and
they were like all it's fisting and stuff and he was like

i don't know if you'd like it they're like a bunch of like gross old guys and
i'm like well then why if they're gross like you're
saying why are you going but it's like well there's only so many many people
he's like you're gonna have a hold of him i'm like i guess you're desperate
enough for the action because he wasn't like he didn't need to be desperate
for somebody he would be calling gross oh but i guess there's only so many people yeah.

Tips for any and all fisting, inquiring individuals.
Simple tip. If you are wanting to be a fister or a fisty, simply just put it
on your fucking profile first thing.
And then they'll find you, bitch. Trust me. They'll fucking flock to your profile. Trust me.
It's worked for many of our friends. What's the kinkiest scene you've ever been in, doctor?

I mean, I've done orgies. yeah
like there's been like den la where it's
like like you go and there's a bunch of people like there's like
different rooms you go and have sex and there's like one
there's like a room that smells like nothing but poppers and it
has this huge bed and people like the
bottoms will get on on it and like people just come like fuck

them yeah and there's like dark rooms
too and there's a swing there that
was fun it's cool
like it's also like a community because only so
many people are into like group play in that way that's true
i have a terrible story about
that actually okay so this one time i

was at an orgy and i got super fucked up
so i started like fucking everybody right so you
have to do it at our orgy and then
i slipped on some lube and like what the fuck oh shit yeah it was publicly damn
not acceptable it was so hilarious not your fault though like i know but it

was like a dispenser it was just all over the floor oh shit yeah yeah that's
like the least thing i would expect to happen at my orgy like fuck imagine yeah sad,
it was really funny epic fail busted that did so did it end your night no i can't fucking.
Nice to say i'm gonna bust these motherfucking nuts fuck that but i have a scar

on my lip and i was like oh how'd you get that scar i was like funny enough
too bad that sounds like a story nobody would believe i got it at an orgy like what.
It's a funny story but like like those orgies like the one i went to at den
la like Like, a lot of people there wore leather.

Like, predominantly people had leather gear there.
Don't know. What's the kinkiest shit you have been a part of?
Ooh. It was for San Francisco, but it wasn't at Folsom.
It was this event called Horse Market.
Have you heard about it? Mm-hmm. Have you? Mm-hmm. Okay, so basically they...

So I happened to be a volunteer there because i really wanted to see if i really
liked it and i was in charge of like hooding the people,
from separating from the tops to the bottoms and you have to hood them with
specific colors so the bottoms were like red and the tops were like white so
like and on sex yeah oh wow.

It was at San Francisco. That's fun. It was great. I like that there's like
an outfit part. Right. A little costume.
It vibes with me because I'm like a fallen Catholic.
So it's like hiding the shame. There's no verse color? There's no verse color.
It's either red or white, I think. Right.

Dang. Can you trade out the hoods? Yeah, you actually can trade positions.
So after like the first two or three hours, you can
like change into positions nice so the
plus is that you get to see like the pickings and
see the faces see if you're
into that i always wanted to try anonymous

sex but for some reason i just gotta
open my mind up to doing it like i just
feel like i gotta like what do you
mean exactly like like you've
never gone into like you've never like gone into like a grinder hookups
house and you're just like there's like face down ass up no
meat no greet no now i've done that

but i've also seen this person so it's like i've
never done it like that okay you know what i'm saying but like sometimes when
i was so when i was go to a bath house sometimes it's a dark room and i'd be
fucking i was like you know what i just can't like i i just i think i'm probably
in my head but yeah i was just like yeah sorry.

Like i literally like slid out i was like so all
scurred but yeah i'm gonna open i guess it's probably
more of a mental thing or like a mental like barrier
of some sort probably that you want to
know them really bad like i don't need to you see
a face right you need
a connection yeah some kind of connection are you

a real person who needs a connection yeah but
you know it's still time we got time
what about like uh would you want like
that person waiting like ass up for
you just for you or would you be okay with like
a cum dump as well i mean i i could i mean shit i've done a cum dump but not
like in that setting where so what's the story tell the the story i mean i was

at the bev house so like i how is that anonymous yeah because i still seen their
face i mean what depends you don't have to like talk to them you don't know their soul.
That is a good one no like i don't know i don't know i don't know that person

as an individual but you know i've seen them because i mean technically i've
seen everybody's pictures on Grindr before I went to their house.
Oh, okay. So you haven't done anonymous sex.
Because I feel like anonymous sex is just like, you don't get to see nothing but this hole and...
In and out no no no yeah i have done like
no because i've everybody i've hooked up but

that has been like through a grinder so it's not like i can't
just like walk into a dark room and start fucking oh so you ain't live
through the craigslist days oh my god but then
that's still like getting a quick second because i've
never been to a bathhouse oh you never been to a
bathhouse huh you should give it you should at least try it once in life i mean
hey i just haven't and when we do our international trip wait so what is a non-sex

and like yeah to my knowledge i thought it was just hold the dick like you don't
get to see like mostly if you go to a glory hole,
like you don't see who's yeah i would
consider that you know right you know you don't see who's sucking
your dick depending on where you're from depending on
your accent yeah i mean the most that i remember i went
and hooked up with a guy and then his like room was like completely dark

dark and it was like where are
you i don't like what are you doing are you
like trying to like hide that you're like ugly or something like what
are you why it's so dark in here if i can mark in polo but i swear like i had
i don't know i had a weird vibe that there was like a secret camera like in
process and i felt weird i wasn't too upset i'm like whatever but nice i was

just like Like, you could tell me. I would have agreed.
What about you, Mikey? For what? What do you consider anon sex or anon sex?
I mean, probably seeing not their face, right? Because I'm not going to...
Like, me, I'm not going to meet up with someone if I don't know what your dick looks like.
That's, like, true. You need that. So...
Because there's one person i met up with and

they asked that i just be like waiting for them ass up waiting for
them and what i
did is i like create i show them like how to get into where i was and then they
just said we just said thing and i never saw them because i was just on my hands
and knees i tried to be super anon one time during like pandemic and i came

in because Because I was actually just trying to be like, you know, normal.
Because I had my mask on. And I was like, I don't want to take this off.
Can't I just like pretend this isn't a non-scene? I felt so guilty.
Like going out and have sex during COVID times.
Because we all have to like stay indoors and like quarantine.

And at the time I was like a COVID tester at the same time.
So I felt guilty for like telling everybody, you know, six feet away.
While I'm fucking guys at night with fat masks on because it was so horny.
I'm sorry. Continue. No, that was it. A non-sex.

Yeah, I don't know. I mean, I feel like I see most people's face.
I don't think I've... No, there was...
Was that guy wearing a mask or a hood? No.
There was one guy. One of the fisting guys.
He had a mask on i think am i
imagining this i don't fucking remember let's pretend it's

true i think the guy had a mask on his head
like like a like a like a hoodie like a
like a something like was it like a puppy mask no i
do get one of those too do you yeah so are
because some of the pup the pup masks are made from leather right so yeah or
neoprene neoprene oh yeah or neoprene are they like linked or are they like

separate communities it's like pup oh the pup community yeah cause like they wear leather too right,
it's like a subgenre yeah I think so I think they become like part of like.
The community they're definitely doing titles and
being more in the scene it's not
like a popular as like before but you

know it wasn't popular as furries furries okay
wait who's a furry i can't tell who's a furry how do you know i don't know but
sometimes okay balto i thought was balto was pretty cute as a kid does that
consider furry no robin hood in the The Disney Robin Hood with the fox? Yeah.

Him. Did you thought he was cute? He was fine as fuck.
Do you consider yourself a furry because of that? No, because I don't dress.
I feel like you have to dress up.
Like, if I, yeah, because I'm not part of leather if I'm not wearing leather.
Do you think there would be part of the leather community regardless of what they wear?
The furry or the? The furry being part, because that was part of your question?

No the pups like the pups that were the
little pup mask okay yeah i
feel like they're just like a niche right a niche of the leather community i
don't know what subsect it's not leather but they're like doing a certain leather
thing i like the idea of the puppy play it's cute and fun yeah what part of

it i don't know i don't i haven't analyzed why i think it's about you since
you have a mask or like oh yeah,
I could never and for some reason I have masks sorry to make it up no I mean
I think it's interesting like I said I'll try anything once so I think somebody
had an event and I went to it.

And just had to I couldn't really breathe in that motherfucker that week but
it was like one of the ones you pull away,
to breathe and shit but then you ain't in uniform
or like costume not costume but uniform or
I don't know know what to call it but yeah you're not mad
would you be a puppy doctor no maybe are
you guys just cat people maybe that's what i'm totally a

cat but when i went to a furry party that so
went to a furry party i mean you can out be any animal
yeah all right what part what part
of like you being into dog pup play
that's cute because i don't see it and like i'm a cat person but like i don't
see I'm trying to think I don't know really because you think they're adorable

when they're like acting like a dog,
you can also tell a dog what to do so you're also giving orders sit down and then,
there's lots of like big sloppy lick kisses well don't do that I don't know
I like a lot of sloppy wet Tongue.

No judgment just just an observation just an observation.
I'm just saying darling just saying see and
cat people know they can't control their cats that's what they
give no fucks maybe it
could be a fish a fish play a fish a fish person a

bird play birdie play
tweety bird what else
is there yeah but i feel like i don't have like like enough trust
you like bdsm or like even like pup play because it's
like about like dominance and i don't know do you ever get like
do guys ever like want to like hit you slap

your ass yeah no they ask
oh did do you does anybody never ask no anybody
was just like pounding no surprisingly good thing
though i would not like it but yeah like i just asked me to
like spit bit like in my mouth or like like smack
me or like choke me are you into that no it
depends on the moon sometimes i'm not sometimes i am

yeah it just depends you christoph
i mean the same that's when you're in the mood for it but mostly in the mood
has anyone ever has anybody ever like tried to dominate you no never you've
never had well you know what i one did it's a flip that motherfucker like the
fuck is you doing and I just fucked him harder.

Yeah because he was older than
me too so I think he felt like since he was older that he could try it,
would you consider yourself a sub or a nothing or like a not you're not in that
nothing I think it depends on on the person,
like I think I think, yeah, I think it depends on the person.

And then do you have a persuasion?
More dom or sub? I'm like both. I get bored real easily.
You're a switch. So what did I say? But I also have two tattoos next to my junk
that says dom and inverse.
Angel and devil. Yeah, I have like sad and happy. Two clowns.

Smile now. Cry later. Deal with the repercussions later.
Yeah, I would get off on, like, the adrenaline. I think that's part of,
like, sexual gratification. Are you into getting beat up? Oh,
absolutely. I grew up super Catholic.
So, for me, it's, like, easy to fall back into that.

It's getting beat up. Yeah. It's like repenting while you're doing it. Absolutely.
Because it's like, if you're not doing it, they're not really closer to god
do you ever do anything like do you ever do anything religiously like religious
religiously with your like art yeah since bdsm is you know dominance.

Masochism i do relate to the
pain of gratification it's scary how
far you can go and sometimes times there's breath
play into it where breath play is you suffocate yourself and do expaciation
and how hard it not hard but easy is to fall back into it and people have died

just to like suffocate themselves just to get hard oh damn it's pretty hard.
Could do that bill carradine yeah someone died
from that right i think a couple people died i think
china died from that the wrestler oh
i don't want to sound familiar don't factor

it could be a law any other
bdsm or leather thoughts right is
it one that you haven't tried yet that you are open to
trying open to
trying i would say like bondage rope but mummification is pretty great because

they just wrap you around like with cellophane paper not cellophane paper wait
what mummification yeah mummification where they put you in wrapping like.
Plastic wrap like if you plastic wrap your tv or your
couches you get a home depot saran wrapping you sarans thank you saran wrapping
and they've had you with bubble pie and they put you like it almost i'm a mummy

and the idea of like not the idea of not being able to like move,
and just like you have pure control over you at any moment the idea of it i can get off of.
That's funny i'm not funny but yeah interesting
mummification but you

haven't tempted attempted i've been taking classes
at reach la so reach la and i
don't know if anybody knows there's like a non-profit for the lgbtqia plus people
of la many resources and recently they had like classes of BDSM where they had
people show us you know the background of how BDSM started,

and ways where you could participate safely with
bubble wrap and saran wrap oh nice and
I hope they're bringing it back but I've been taking classes there
as well interesting if anyone wants to
check it out how long is a class like 30 minutes
30 minutes to an hour I've attended three
I got to know great people

from LA who like experience with guilt
and not being able to let go
from their traumas and from there I'm able to express like your boyfriend yourself
and lately it's been good nice interesting check it out you want to check it

out crystal if it's below the 91 you out where is that.
I'll just be talking crazy oh my gosh I would ask you like to fuck me and just
do like Mufasa I am so down,
in a mummy in a mummy suit in a mummy suit no in a lion in a furry suit in a

furry suit oh my gosh oh my gosh,
and so all they all come together see 360 180 80.
Any other BDSM thoughts?
No, not on my end.
I'm always open-minded about.

Thing so we'll do some more research does that
make me a furry that's gonna be the
question like does this make me furry i think the
furry community has to tell you yeah how
do i find out it's like you have to be a part of our club we
decide oh yeah are you a furry i'm like

he's the secret president if you were a furry what would
you be what would your animal be what costume would you wear i'm gonna probably
be like a like a panther yeah i think like i want like a tony the tiger vibe
because i'm a fucking see okay so it's not just me tony the tiger's pretty hot,

balto's pretty cute you're validated yeah it's
about acceptance okay the bdsm leather committee is
about acceptance y'all what would you be doctor i don't
know my favorite animal's a duck imagine a
little duck furry that's really cute that's a
really awkward animal as your furry i know that's what i would do i'm a platypus

i'm platypus what would you be me yeah that's another quick question i would
say like a snake a snake because i'm more like footsie sleek,
shedding skin,

s is a nose.
Funny executive suite has a furry night once a month i wouldn't go but like
yeah i don't know if they still do it tonight no i don't know because i know
before covid i was a motherfucker that's how i i'm scared if i walk in it's
like all plushy yeah i'm so overstimulated by so much color.

Oh, yeah, you will be. Yeah. Oh, and they feel so soft, too.
Can you be a furry if it's, like, a registered trademark? Like,
can you be a Hello Kitty furry? No.
This is, like, they're not walking in and... I mean, you could be whatever you
want to be. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? But I don't think...
Yeah if you try to make money off of it probably if i came in as mickey mouse does that count.

Because he's trademarked or not trademarked i mean tony the tiger is obviously
also trademarked right see but these but he's acceptable,
what's yeah i don't think that's i don't think that's how that's gonna go it's
because no one finds mickey hot no what about who there's like porn that's like
bara porn it's oh i like that But there's not enough of it.

It's like Tony the Tiger, but he's like being like sexualized.
And I am... Oh, sorry. I hit the mic.
Sexualized Tony the Tiger, but he's like muscly. If you're into that.
It's like gay muscle hentai. Mmm.
There definitely needs to be more out there.

More? Yeah. It's not enough content. I consume a lot of pornographic content
you went through all the genres he's started back over we need more I saw this,
this person on Instagram this insta slut,
fucking their hole with a dildo but then I mean no judgment but then he's like

on Instagram with his wife and his newborn baby and I'm like what does she know this it's kind of hot,
Yeah, because he's a dad. Because he's a dad. He's a dad.
No one's into dad porn, or just me. I want to know.
Not specifically, like, father. Like, he's saying father.

I don't know, because everybody says daddy. Yeah, exactly. If you say daddy,
you're kind of into, like, dad porn. Are you? Yeah. I guess.
That's what I figured. That makes sense. Thank you. Right, like...
The doctor. Y'all are the doctor.
Damn y'all are really like.

He's like I ain't giving me shit damn do we have any other questions that we
did not ask let's see what's in your kink future me or anybody anyone,
the future's wide open I'm open to absolutely,
mine is being taken care of I want to be a sugar baby for real I'm like,

boy, you, right. Full real.
It's hard. That's the kink I want. My kink is sleep.
Like, now they got these, like, money subs and money doms and shit. I wish. I'm like.
Money subs. Oh, I have heard these. That's good. Yeah.
Explain. I'm like, I mean, shit, you got to ask them hoes because I'm over here broke.

I guess they like just how you are dominant.
You dominate with asking for money. Yeah. you're like send me send me five hundred
dollars now give me that money yeah but it's also what i guess is in the i mean
i've actually done that too but they never want to give you the fucking money,

that's true they always want to fight you for it they're gonna be my king are
brats oh my king shame i'm like 25 that's all i could get from you you gotta
work up now fuck Because we're in a recession.
It was the pandemic. Rent is expensive. Sorry. That is true.

I mean, if you're claiming to be a pictureless rich man from halfway across
America, you can at least shell out $100.
Minimum. If I'm cursing your pathetic ass out.
I always was confused, though. i'm like am i actually abusing

a person who doesn't know that this is part of the game or it's like
an innocent person that i'm abusing or is this an
actual give me an example let's get into it huh give
me an example like well it's a it's a thing where it's like they're the sub
but they're like wanting a real relationship and getting mad that i have a boyfriend
and you're getting off on that idea or i wasn't getting off i was assuming they

were getting off you were so Like the bag.
Like the Dom Master do.
The baddie bitch do. You gotta collect the bag. And it was like,
nope. But they weren't trying to get me the bag. It was a very weak game, I guess.
Gotta work on that. Phynexia.
Is that it, folks? Yeah. I think so.

So, can you tell the listeners where to find you on your socials and if you
want to get some follows or some likes and check out your work?
Yeah, you can follow me on Instagram, homocloud.
You can find I mean, next March 16th, Reseda at Sea Friends.
It's a Latin leather party.
I'll be doing a drag number.

My friend, your ear is hosting it. And if you want to learn more about LA leather,
especially Latin nights, come out.
Awesome. Thank you, Homo Clown, for joining us today.
I'd like to thank myself, Nino, Christoph, Dr.
Mikey, Mikey, and once again, our very special guest, Homo Clown.

Thank you for having me. From all of us here at the Queer LBC,
you're good enough. You're smart enough.
And doggone it, people like you.
Good night. Good night. Go to sleep.
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