All Episodes

February 29, 2024 63 mins

This week, Devin Stewart is joined by “Mad” Matt McCay, resident writer and analyst, as we bring you the longest-running podcast following WKU athletics. 

On the latest episode, we discuss the MAC Talk, Baseball and Softball updates, discuss the frustrations of losing to MTSU, the Lady Tops’ continued slumps and chances against FIU, and Men’s basketball’s has its last few games left till CUSA Tourney Time. Could WKU end up in the driver seat? or in the middle of the pack?

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Devin Stewart (00:02):
Welcome into another red out podcast Devin, Matt, here. We're gonna talk some Western sports kinda upsetting 100 miles a hate week for us kind of sad.
But anyway, emotional. Yeah, just
anytime you lose to middle. It is always a bad day. And my, and that's my opinion any. I mean, we could play be playing checkers or anything else, and I would be completely upset about it. So

checkers, yeah.
kings, they are kings.
our queens.

Matt McCay (00:44):
Are they still in defeated?

Devin Stewart (00:46):
Yes, yes. they keep their back rows locked in. So they're set. They're good to go. okay.

Matt McCay (00:55):
in college. Do you have to jump when you have a
I don't know. I don't know seriously, though, like the I don't know house rules how that works. What's like the real rules of checkers.

Devin Stewart (01:08):
II don't know, like
I don't know how you played as a kid, but, like my strategy, was always to keep the back row.
Never let the back row go, and then once they, you know, once you can start getting some jumps, then you can go in there and take care of business. But it's like, okay.

we've kind of had some interesting news pop up, and I will link the article.
But as the Mac Conference expands, keep an eye on Western Kentucky, popped up on Fan Nation here. And
It is a very interesting article that kind of proposes or props up the question of Western Kentucky to the Mac

Matt. What are your thoughts?

Matt McCay (01:58):
Well, I think I mean, it's interesting, because the first time this came around a couple of years ago we were in like complete disaster mode.
where we were just like dumb with Conference. U.S.A. We didn't know who would be coming in, and we didn't know how good the teams that they had talked about coming in would be. And now.
like you have it. I mean, these teams will come in and done a pretty good job for the most part. Sam Houston is contributing in multiple sports. Jacksonville State

Liberty's been amazing. For the conference. You know, going to New Year's 6 bowl in the first year they're there, and all their programs are competitive
New Mexico State was a surprise and football, so like literally, every team that came in contributed, and seems like they could actually do something for the conference, and so that was different than we. You know, we have a few teams left from Conference, U.S.A. And we don't know who's coming in.

Now, you know, you got the TV deal that you know. Some people feel like as a
shackling us down from going anywhere. I don't know
but I mean it's a lot different, a lot more stable.
I think, as far as how I view the Mac, I still view it as an option. I'd like more information, like. for example.

the geography stuff like obviously actually adding umass which was the team that was added. so gives them 13 teams. Is probably not great geographically for us, but all the rest of the teams
are within 10 h drives. So like we in theory, you could drive to to whoever

in the Mac, and also the teams could could drive wherever they needed to.
So if that was the case, like, my questions will be, how much do you save by not flying everywhere?
You know. How much money does that save? What's the TV deal with the Mac? What what's in the works? Because I think they renegotiate their deal in a couple of years. So those are the kind of questions that come through my head immediately.

So I'm kind of like, let's get some more information. But I'm I'm actually okay staying in conference U.S.A. At this point, unless the Mac just blows us away.

Devin Stewart (04:12):
I mean, I agree.
I'm not it. To me it seems like there's 2 camps. So you have the people who are oh, my God, the world! The world's on fire. Western can't go to the Mac. This is the worst thing I've ever heard of in my life, and then you have people who are like if we don't join the Mac Western is gonna have to close their doors and you go.

You know I don't see it as it's not black and white, it's not all or nothing. I'm kind of like you. I want to get a little more information and see how things are gonna play out. But
you know, looking at the map.
they've got 5, 6, 7 teams.
6 or 7 teams that are in Ohio. Essentially.

Matt McCay (04:55):

Devin Stewart (04:56):
I don't know if you'll know this or not. Cousin Todd is from Ohio.
so that's going to be appealing to him.
and he's ad.
I'm just saying I'm not saying but like you said with the grant of right steel, it almost to me seems like a promise ring, so to speak.

You know it's a promising. So
yeah, it well, here's my, how big do we wanna go here?
Well, how much is it going to cost for us to get out of it.
So you know. Yes, this is not a literal thing, but in, you know your middle school, aged, I'm just saying, Prom, promise rings get unpromised.

They do. And that's probably what's gonna happen.
We gonna be. We're gonna be walking off with the the metaphorical meme of the guy looking back like and that's the Mac, and we're holding hands with conference, U.S.A. going.
So there's that give you all the visual. But you know

II don't know if it's an advantageous or not. I am still a huge advocate for Hawaii to the Big East, so I will keep pushing for that one day. It will happen.
You know the Pac. 12 is not the place for them.
You know. They need to come to the big East. They need to fly to every game. The world is flat. What's the big deal?

yeah. So anyway. Oh, sorry hilarious joke.
anyway. I mean. But yes, there are. There are aspects to
the Mac that are not appealing buffalo in October.
because I'm pretty sure it starts snowing in October. There.

you know, they get 4 foot of snow in January, and they don't blink an eye.
yeah, I you know. And to the people who are
well off enough to drive or fly with the team to Miami
to go to games. I tip my hat to you, but you know, if we change conferences. Things are gonna happen. So there's that

I don't think Eastern Central Toledo, Akron, Bowling Green, of Ohio, Miami, of Ohio. They may not be appealing. But
you know, if they're more competitive and they help us out. So be it.

Matt McCay (07:23):
Yeah, I mean, like competition, wise and stuff like, there may be some downgrades. There are some people that are like. It's an absolute downgrade, everything and stuff. And it's like, Well, I don't really think that's
necessarily true. There, there have been some.
Their their football has at times been better than converts. U.S.A. There. You know they've been down recently, but they had. They had Western Michigan

in the New Year 6.
Well, before any comach U.S.A. team ever made it.

Devin Stewart (07:55):
I believe they had another. Maybe it was Western Michigan again. I can't remember. They might have done it twice a

Matt McCay (08:01):
I don't know but anyway, that I mean, they have some quality programs. Some of your other stuff is gonna be comparable.
I mean to me it comes down to
You know. What
if we get into the Mac.
is it? We're actually gonna be helpful? Or is it literally just going sideways

in the name of stability. you know? And will it actually be stable? I mean, those are all questions that like, there's perception that the Mac means stability.
But it also could mean a, you know, basic death sentence to any kind of growth for the program. So I mean, it's just kind of how you look at it right now. I don't have enough information. I want more more

details. That's just kinda where I'm at like I don't. I don't know which way I stand. I certainly don't think we need to make a hasty decision. Just jump in and go for it
but like, for example, if Yukon joined the Mac, and then there was another team that was decent. And then Westrim was invited to be like, well, shoot! We can be in a conference with Yukon and basketball. And

you know, that would be interesting to to have some quality really quality programs in there. So I just managed to see how it shakes out. Let's wait a little bit and see what happens. Well, here's my thing. You know, a few years back, 2 and a half years back, whatever.

Devin Stewart (09:25):
when the alignment really shook conference, U.S.A.
And we had teams like Marshall, who jump ship Odu, and you know several others who went to Sunbelt, who went to other conferences, or whatever. You know, we had people saying, well, let's go back to the Sun Belt.

Matt McCay (09:45):
and I think for the average fan going back to the Sun Belt would be a detriment.

Devin Stewart (09:54):
You know what I'm saying. I mean, if you're average Joe Fan. Yes, we see Marshall's gonna be there, you know. Odu, North Texas, whoever. And you go. Okay.
you know we're like, that's competition. Those are good teams.
But as to the average fan, who goes well, the Sun Belt is
where we were.

why are we going back? Are we stepping back? That's my thought. Does the average fan see that move and go? -Oh! Whereas.
you know, you see the conference like the Mac, and they go. Oh, well, the Mac! That's new.

Matt McCay (10:29):
It's a new thing. Oh, it looks so much fun in Buffalo, New York.
The bottom bottom line with the sun belt. If we got offered to be back in the sunbill, I think it would be a beautiful fit again, I mean, II think in hindsight we made the mistake of leaving because
big one.

because we were looking at a better, newer, bigger. Yeah. yeah, I mean, I had the better reputation and whatever. But as soon as we left
we ended up finding out that the programs that were left
we're kind of in the doldrums, and we're going anywhere. So you had. You had some really bad timing and stuff like that. But the Sun Bell also made really good decisions and brought in like coastal Carolina and you know, bringing in. Marshall was a good move recently. You know Louisiana. Lafayette is a good program, even though they try to act like they're only Louisiana.

You know, like, I'm trying to think of Appalachian state Madison, like those were like huge.
massively needle moving.
awesome moves for them. Especially in football. But they're they're also good in other sports. I mean.
really, really solid football conference, arguably, possibly going to pass

the Aac in quality. So I mean we if we got a chance to go back to the Sunbell, I mean, people can
boop the fact that we're going back. But II would jump all over that if I was odd, Stewart. But we will see how leadership goes.

Devin Stewart (12:09):
So question for you, do you think?
Well, let me start with this? Which conference do you think would be the best conference for Western to move to other than the Mac.

Matt McCay (12:20):
it'd have to be the Sun Belt. I think I think the A. C. Made mistakes.
I said this the whole time. I think they went to market grabbing and stuff, and that might help them have some decent TV deals and stuff
and and all that. but we'll see if it ends up working out for them. They obviously have more money right now.

But how's that gonna work out when Charlotte goes down? When Fau comes back to Earth.
you know, when Utsa proves that they're not a sustainable model. I mean, there's a bunch of them that is kind of like these are. These are all risks because they're not.
They're not proven
programs with longevity. And so I think the Sun Belt has programs that have proven that they can sustain a model. And like, actually

be really good programs. I think that's what ultimately matters is competitive. pretty, even solid conference versus. Oh, we, we can draw more PE more people to our games, but we have no brands, and we have no tradition.

Devin Stewart (13:27):
I mean, I agree. For the most part, I think the Aac. Could be a a competitive conference for us, though with some aspects.
and then but there, I think there's aspects of both that are non competitive
case in point. Arkansas state your favorite place to go.
I like. I don't know if they've been competitive in since we've been gone.

Matt McCay (13:54):
Monroe is another one.
trying to think who else? But yeah, I mean, there, there's some. There's some low end
stuff like the commerce. U.S.A. has some more
Southern Alabama, maybe

South out Georgia State, Texas State, I mean, I won't say they're deadweight, but they're new new meat. Well, okay. Texas State is looking like one of the. They're better football teams. The team that won championship
couple of years ago when we played them in New.

I mean, Troy is one of the top.
and and Monroe both that are abysmal other than that. I mean, they have a pretty, solid. pretty, solid conference all around, especially in football.

Devin Stewart (15:11):
I just I was just looking at a map to kind of give myself a view of what or where like teams were in each conference. And now I'm sitting here, and I just pulled up a map for
Monroe, Louisiana. I did not know that was towards the top of the State.

Matt McCay (15:28):
I swore it was down towards the bottom. But
no, no, they're up there
the middle of nowhere.

Devin Stewart (15:36):
Yeah. But I mean, like like you, said Appalachian state. You know Marshall Odus decent some years.
Odu, I feel like, is like the middle of the pack.
and at least in a sun belt. Coastal Carolina.

Matt McCay (15:53):
Well, you know ultimately is a good example of one that could go either way.

Devin Stewart (16:00):
Yeah, Georgia. State's one that was strong

Matt McCay (16:04):
and basketball few years ago, but they haven't done much in
anything. Their football's pretty good, though. So I think, like, it depends on what you what you're really worried about. If you if you love football.
and that's your focus, like I would think sunbelt is
home run compared to converts, U.S.A. But if you care generally about all sports converts, U.S.A.

Bring some things that are better than what sunbelt offers. And in some ways better than A/C in certain areas. So I mean.
I think U.S.A. has done a pretty good job of finding a way to be remotely relevant
to all these other conferences compared to what they were a few years ago, because Thomas Jose was a joke. And now it's comparable. It's not quite there, but it's remotely relevant.

Devin Stewart (16:59):
course, there are teams that are in the A. C that are competitive, too, in football. Uab, we've always had some form of issue with them.
Faus been decent several years, and then you got the bulls South Florida bulls. and then, of course, you can't forget San Antonio, who's smacked us around the past couple of times.

sorry I'm having to look at some of these, because I'm like who the heck is. That?

Matt McCay (17:33):
I mean Wichita state is normally pretty good in basketball. Normally.

Devin Stewart (17:37):
And Memphis is really good in basketball, too.
So there are aspects, I think, of both, as far as the Aac is concerned, that are decent. You know the conferences definitely decent.
They definitely have. I mean, the A/C right now, I think, is overall.

Matt McCay (17:55):
probably the best conference, but it's really really close because of how good the Sun Belt is in football

Devin Stewart (18:02):
now, the rumor was, and I don't know if it's true or not, because I've had conflicting reports that we were cuffed to Mtsu to go for the Mac
Changeover. and Mtsu barked. and you know we lost our opportunity.
I don't know how true that is because I heard reports that say, well, we really weren't tied to them, but we they wanted to, and since you know, Mtsu said no, that they couldn't afford it so. But go ahead. Umass has already joined.

Matt McCay (18:40):
They have an uneven and uneven number of schools. You can't do anything with 13 like when you try to sort out a schedule. That's a
it's a prime number. So it's really hard.
Do you learn that in math leads, or what?
So, anyway? But if you add one school now a quality school. Then. It's a possibility that Western could be considered who knows if they actually would be interested, or if we would be interested.

but I mean we were tied to Middle because the Mac wanted to have
it'll attach if if we were coming, so that we had geographical partner. So we brought in the national market fully, whatever all that stuff but
I think it was stupid to sell us attached to middle, or to actually allow us to be really completely attached to middle in that conversation, cause it was like, we don't need middle. You can add someone else. We're a quality, add. But instead, we just kinda like

it's our wag in the middle and hope they would play ball, and then everybody will be okay with it.
But Middle is not an elite athletics program. They just bring Nashville sort of. And
I mean, not even they don't. They really don't. But that's the perception. They're sitting there in the national market, or whatever.

And so.
but they bring huge negatives like having sucky programs
and being on the de on the decline when they were looking. I mean, now, you can see only program that's worth anything with middle is their women's basketball program.

Devin Stewart (20:25):
definitely true. Speaking of other sports, let me pull up some slides here. We're gonna talk softball for a couple of minutes, and then we'll talk some baseball. Just very quickly. Go over softball
and sorry I'm looking through my slides here to make sure we got all these.

There are so many frickin.

Matt McCay (20:54):
But basically softball baseball. Yay, winning.

Devin Stewart (20:58):
Yeah, yeah. Pretty good sports.
Pretty good, both doing very, very well. Speaking of. I got the slides pulled up here. Wk use softball. Last Friday, the twenty-third they had a double header. They played Detroit, Mercy and Western 1 8 to 0 and 5 innings.
and then Western beat St. Louis Billicens, 6 to 5 in 8 innings, and then wk, you beat eastern Illinois 12 to one and 5 innings and we beat the Detroit mercy in 5 innings again on Saturday.

and then on Sunday
we played. We lost to the Billiken, so I guess they were rubbing that Billiken belly and Western lost 10 to 7, which is a very interesting turnaround.
and then Western played Louisville on the twenty-seventh, which was Tuesday, as in yesterday and lost 4 to one. So that's always good to see and

very quickly here, that's baseball. Sorry? Okay. So Lady toppers,
this is okay, so this is what always drives me nuts with the Westerns baseball and softball. They have like 45 games in a weekend. And so I'm trying to include all these. So if somebody can go to them, you know you, you can go and support them.
So western it's gonna be at the Wk. Use softball complex for all of these, unless it's noted and then the Indiana game will be at Indiana.

But on March first, which is
Saturday. No. Friday. I'm sorry.
That is Friday. Western has a double header well, they're playing Dayton.
and at 3 Pm. Central standard time, and then at 5 30 pm. They're playing Northern Illinois
on Saturday, the second, at 1230 they are playing Southern Illinois.

and then at 3 Pm. They are playing Northern Illinois.
and then on Sunday, the third they're playing Dayton at 1230 Pm. Central standard time, and then
next Tuesday, the fifth.
we will be playing Indiana at Indiana, and that will be on the big 10 network, plus everything's a plus now

and then quickly gonna go over baseball real quick.
and then we'll talk about it. Wkk you lost to Purdue Fort Wayne first game on the 20 third, last Friday, 14 to 13,
and then Western beat
Purdue, Fort Wayne on Saturday, both games, 10 to one and 7 innings, and 9 to 5 the second game there and then. On the 20 fifth Western beat Purdue, Fort Wayne 5 to nothing. And then yesterday, because we're recording on a Wednesday.

the 20 seventh Wk. Lost to Uk. 5 to 5 to nil
rather quickly here. Western alright back up
on the first Western is gonna be playing West Virginia. And that's it, Nick Dennispiel. and that's at 3 Pm. Central standard time. So go show up
support the hilltoppers there. It'd be a pretty interesting day you got those hillbillies from West Virginia coming down so you know, go support the tops. And then

on the second I got a typo here, but on the second one Pm. Central standard time and 4 Pm. Central standard time. We're playing West Virginia again, and then that should be, if I can see if I can.
That should be the third.
There we go. That'll be 3 3. I can write this

with my John Braden hands Central Standard time Wku versus West Virginia, and then they can go back home.
And then on the fifth, next Tuesday Westerns got Bellerman in Louisville, and then that game you can listen on one or 2 Espn radio. So

Matt McCay (24:52):
all right, let's get out of this.
I'm sorry. I know you don't want to talk about baseball too much, and I'm with you. But big deal to play West Virginia.
Yeah, it's pretty cool. So this side side sidebar there, there's a huge opportunity to go see a power 5 team in baseball.

And I think they have like a really big recruit or something. They have a guy that's like one of the biggest draft picks or something. Somebody said something about that.
You may be right. I have not heard

Devin Stewart (25:25):
I like, I said. Baseball.
They just have so many games. It's just so hard to follow, because it's almost like, Hey, did they just play with Virginia? And you're like, yeah. And they're playing them today tomorrow, and then they're gonna play them later today. And then they play them on the third Friday of the fourth month, and you're going. Good Lord! Can we slow down?

yeah, they it. It's almost. It's it's almost akin to Western playing Vanderbilt at home, which we did several years back.
You know, to have an Scc team to come to Western, even though it's Vanderbilt to have them to come to Western. It's it's always a big deal. so question for you. I know this is a little sideboard.

When do Western or when does Western become that school that is able to say.
Hey, little school! We're not coming to you. You come to us.
you know. Like, if we said, you know, if we set up an agreement. When do we become that school that goes, hey? We'll play you in Nashville. But we're not gonna play you at home.

Matt McCay (26:32):

Devin Stewart (26:36):
Oh, good talking!

Matt McCay (26:40):
Put a little digit.

Devin Stewart (26:41):
So anyway.
I mean to get to that point in most sports, like I mean, you're gonna have to be nationally

Matt McCay (27:04):
like elite
to really be able to demand that as wk you like.
I mean, Gonzaga can do that, you know, like built up their program the last like 3 decades decades, the last 25 years. Yeah, in basketball.
I mean, they can. They can legitimately be like, no, you're gonna come to our place. And that's how it works. You know, we're gonna work a home and home.

you know, Tennessee, or whoever you know, like they're able to do that.
I mean Western.
I'm sure. Ganz, I'm pretty sure Gonzaga's football team goes wherever though.

Devin Stewart (27:42):
Basketball, they could say whatever. But football they're just like, yeah, I mean, they're obviously a specialty case of only basketball. But anyway, it's still a good example of a team that, like came from nowhere that had no name. And then, 25 years later.

Matt McCay (27:58):
is like they can do whatever they can demand whatever they want, because they're an elite program.

Devin Stewart (28:03):
Yes, yes, completely agree with that. Completely. Agree. Now, now the meat and potatoes today. We've got some ladytopper basketball to talk about real quick.
We've got sorry. Let me see, that's softball.

Matt McCay (28:21):
And, by the way, I was looking real quick. JJ. Wetherholt.
from West Virginia is the number one projected overall pick in the 2024 Mlb. Draft. So it is.
Yeah, a chance to see the best player in America play it, Nick Venice Field.
That's pretty cool.
Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

Devin Stewart (28:42):
I wish I knew how to switch these off instead of just having them up here, so I could just go with them anyway. So Lady Toppers fall short to the months 59 to 41 like that's almost like a football score. Right?
Western. I mean, if you look at these stats, I'm gonna mark these up like Espn does. But if you look at these stats over here, do these not look like men, scores or stats

like they had 13 turnovers, which that's pretty good, you know. 35 rebounds we did out rebound them like I noted, but
you know we out rebounded them, but that was about it. They had 7 files. They were shooting free throws out the Wazoo.
you know. They're they're hitting them, but almost 3 out of 10 on 3 points, and they're almost hidden every about half their shots. So you know, that's just wild to me to look at these stats.

and you know, see how well that team plays. I mean, I hate to beat that person. But
you know Mtsu just came in and took care of business like you should do
when you're that kind of caliber
women. Yeah, I mean.

Matt McCay (29:57):
here's the thing is, this is what concerns me. Okay, what Western actually played
real tall. They played their best defense of the year against middle. I think they played their best defensive game against middle this game. They they held them 59 points.
you know. They held them to the low forties and shooting, which is fine like that's completely acceptable as a good team. you know, they they held them under 30% shooting from 3. They forced them to shoot outside. I mean.

they took 14 more shots. The middle part of that's because they break a whole lot.
But I mean honestly like they
they did a pretty good job defensively. What frustrates me and scares me concerns me, alarms me whenever you want to put it
is, they look like they were scared offensively, like they just they didn't know

what they I mean. They like, if you wanna beat a good team like you come in, and you act like you're better than them, and you come straight at them, and you you take up you. You go at them. Toe to toe, and you you have some attitude, and whatever well on offense like we, we did that defensively, and it kept us in the game enough that it wasn't a complete disaster. Score wise and everything, but like we only scored 41 points, and it was

most of it was in the second half. I mean it was.
It was rough. Let me see if I can find
within the first half. Here.
yeah, we scored 20 points. So we're 20 points on the first ever score 4 in the first quarter.
It's 14, wow!
And then second quarter. We kinda got going a little bit was more even. It was 1716 in that quarter.

and then the third quarter was we couldn't buy a shot, but we were engaging a little bit, but I mean
until this second half. I think we were just kind of it. Just look like we were scared, or we're tentative thinking about everything, and it's like you can't do that.
I guess. A good team. Well, you gotta. I mean, if you got a shot, shoot it if you wanna be aggressive and get inside like, be decisive and do it. And instead, it was just a lot of like passive.

scaredy cab
basketball. And that's just not you. You're not ever gonna win against a good team and diddle and excuse me. Middles
defense was just so.
I mean, it was constricting, and it made it difficult, and when you don't have acacia Hayes.
we talked about that several times. Now it's different. But I feel like this game was within our grass, we would have shown up offensively and acted like we could have been. You know we belonged. We wouldn't had a chance.

And that, that's what alarms me is like Caitlin Staley, who's your freshman center? Yeah, is still like freaking out when she gets a foul call against her. She's like, you know, like visibly just
wound up about bull crap. That doesn't matter.
you know. Like, there's some stuff. Yeah, yeah, like, I mean, you're, you're now not really a freshman anymore. It's good acting like it.

you know, like, be aggressive and and shake off that stuff and get test, or whatever you need to do.
and and go, go, move on and and be good. The rest of the game be competitive. That was what was concerning to me was like the the lack of awareness
that this is what we needed to do to win this game, and we didn't do it. And II don't understand why it's inexplicable to me.

Devin Stewart (33:41):
So I am. What I'm writing down right here is
I just noticed a pattern, and it's just kind of a I don't know if it's a guy thing, or what. But
Western did better in the even periods than they did the odd period. Okay, here comes my math.
sorry. Let me get this last number 46 and 59.

So Western actually outscored them on the even periods.
So in the first period, we scored 4 points, you got to the end of the period. Like you said, we had 4 points. So 17 to 4, we get to the second period. We outscored them 1614
pretty decent if we didn't

goof around and get scared, and whatever so coming out of half or coming into the coming out of half there, it's 3,120
when we finish that western scored 6.
They scored 6 points in the third period, third quarter, whatever, and Mtsu scored 15, and then the last period, western Mtsu scored 13. We scored 15. So every like we scored 30. If we had played up to our potential and actually match these other 2.

So either 1516, whatever in the first and third.
we're in that ball game. We're probably winning that game. You know easily that 60 points right there. We'd one about 1 point like you said. I don't know if it's maturity. I don't know what it is, but it's it's very frustrating. And yeah, I get it. You kind of get wrapped up in the game you get, you know.

adrenaline's going, you getting your testosterone rolling, or whatever. And you're just like, and you know, you get a foul call on you. And you're just like that's Baloney, because I play for Western. I can't get a phone call, but
you know, it's just like, come on.
it's part of the game. Just move on, you know, you just you just gotta make to go to the next play, you know, because people are watching you.

Matt McCay (35:47):
I mean, that's what I learned in athletics years ago is you have people watching you. You have people who are gonna emulate you. You've got little girls. You've got creeps and trench coach who are gonna emulate you whenever they see you do stuff like that, that's for you. But

Devin Stewart (36:05):
yeah, seriously, you've got little girls who are gonna emulate that. And they're gonna go out to their games. And they're gonna do. They're gonna get a foul call, and they're gonna be like that was horrible Ref. And he's gonna be like.
I volunteer here? Why are you cussing me? But my point is is that Western, if they had actually done well.

you know, and they're scoring here, you know they would have actually.
you know, if we could have matched the play that happened in the second period and the fourth period
and the defensive stand that they did, because I mean honestly, defensively, they did really really well. That is the second lowest amount of points they've scored all season, the only other and and on a win, I'm saying, on a win specifically,

well, shoot! I pulled up the wrong one. I was at ours. I was like, Oh, man, that's not
But Western. Actually, you know, I think the only other game that was this low of scoring points was Mtsu versus utip, and that was 56 to 41 again, 59 was us. But that's the that's the lowest amount of points they've scored all year

Matt McCay (37:26):
was 56. Yeah, I mean, it won't win.
Yeah. it was a quality defensive performance like, it really was like, there was nothing that we did
that I was like this. This was terrible, or what a disaster on defensively. It was fine. But one thing you know, my dad and I were looking. You know my dad's kind of join Rack, and he's he's now written a couple of articles just focus on the land within last few hours

while we're recording this. And we were looking at the late topper statistics, and one thing that stood out that was really interesting, that he noticed that I hadn't notice yet.
He said that wk is second in made 3 pointers per game. really, also in conference. U.S.A.,

but also seventh in 3 point shooting percentage.

Devin Stewart (38:20):
Yeah, so yeah, so what happens is

Matt McCay (38:25):
they're just cranking threes. And yeah, they make some, but they take so many that they that they're complete detriment to themselves when taking threes.
And so
it goes to, you know, like Coach Colin said in his press conferences and stuff that earlier this week, he said that you know he wanted to get inside the post. No kidding, because you're like one of the worst shooting teams in the League, but you crank it every time you get a chance.

You know. It's kind of like Mtsu's men like they're they're men
shoot terribly, normally from 3 and
but they they take a ton of them. And so they're not a very good team, because
I take a bunch of threes and miss them. you know. And so it's just interesting that the Lady toppers, have not

I figured that out, or found some kind of way to turn that around a little bit, because you are screwing yourself by doing something that you're not good at over and over again.

Devin Stewart (39:26):
So what I was just writing on there was Western, like Matt said, we're second and made 3 pointers. But we've shot 4 for 25 in this in this game, specifically. And Mtsu shot 8 of 28.
So I mean, yeah, they're hitting double what we are, but they're not taking near as many, I mean. They took 28 shots, but they made 8 of them, so they only missed 20 shots where we as we missed 21 shots.


Matt McCay (39:55):
it's just really bad. When you see 16 from 3, it's almost like you really want to go stop shooting the 3. Okay, in this game is actually not a good example of what? Like
percentage wise. You know, we we took 25 threes, but we took 64 shots. So it sounds like we were just over loaning it from 3 which couldn't buy shots, I mean, as part of it was, we didn't make anything, but I think it was more

the body language, the attitude, the F, not effort, but like the focus. Just wasn't there? Yeah. No. But yeah. The Fbms were were issue, too.

yeah, it was just it was just.
But you know it's frustrating that you finally get a good defensive performance.
But you can't do Jack offensively, and it's because of you. Really, I think it. It really was them. That was the problem. Middle was good.
They were good defensively, but they were probably like it probably should have been more like 59 to 50, 59 to 55 whatever. And then at that point, like you're in the game. You're in the game the whole time. Instead, they weren't even close

and never really were, and it probably could have been a little worse than what it was.
I mean. Middle completely controlled the game whole time, and it's just frustrating like we should be at this point with great Collins in a 6 year. You gotta be toe to toe with middle. Yeah. Middle is a freaking good program, good for in cell and whatever. But you ought to be toe to toe with them, and you ought to win once, like twice out of every 5 times. You plan.

you know. At least.

Devin Stewart (41:51):
Okay, so real quickly. We gotta. We're gonna try and do a quick preview for this. But lady tops basketball will be playing
they got law tech that is tonight. So we're kinda talking about this in hindsight on Espn plus. But we are gonna talk about Western versus fi you that game is gonna be in diddle, I believe? Both those are on espn plus if you can't make it so definitely show up and support the lady tops there. If you can be

so we'll skip law. Tech. Western is one game ahead of law tech
in the conference standings we're 7 games out, and they are 8 games back. So what are you thinking about? Fi, U,

Matt McCay (42:40):
fi you is. I mean, it obviously depends on how law tech goes. It is a big game. It does matter. So hopefully, wk, does win that game. But fi you basically, the situation is.
Western needs to win one of these

3 games for sure, and they're not gonna be favored in any of them. They're at Lotte. They're against Fi. You. Second, they're against liberty. Who's third and been playing great?
Really big and Western had no re, no. really no business beating them early in the year, but they did.
which is was nice. But I really don't see them being liberty now, but they're gonna have to pull off an upset. And fi you is a tough team.

It's in diddle. So hopefully, there's a decent crowd and stuff and people are supporting them. But it's gonna be it's gonna be tough to overcome a the loss of confidence, but also the loss of really good player that could cause some problems for better teams.
Indication. So
I'm hoping that we get at least one of these 3 to avoid the 8 seed. It's I think we still could lose all 3, and still not end up 8

but also it's ridiculous that we're even talking about this

Devin Stewart (44:04):
considering that Western has been top

Matt McCay (44:07):
2 or 3 the whole season and has basically just melted it down, and now is flirting with disaster
of being in the playing game on Tuesday, instead of having to buy or being a top to see like they probably should have been
so. Anyway, I think
I mean don't expect much against the far you to be honest.

it'll be really, really quality win if they do
but I would, I would expect, I mean.
if you're just looking at how
how it should probably go. I mean, you should probably be thrilled if it's within single digits. And I wouldn't be surprised if it's if it's a blowout sadly. Yeah.

Devin Stewart (44:52):
Oh, yeah. Preview, Bro, yeah.
Kinda depressing here. Let's see. And then, of course, the
actual depressing part is men's basketball. Here. We'll do real quick recap for the men's
Western loss to Mtsu lost about 2 74 72 down in Murfreesboro. You know.

the 25% from 3 point land is definitely a detriment when they shoot 10% more than you do and then we had 23 fowls.
you know. And of course we're making free throws. So you know it's one of those that it's I I I've heard a couple of. Well, we got some bad calls at the end. There was some ridiculous stuff that happened. What were your thoughts, Bud?

Matt McCay (45:43):
Yeah, well, I mean definitely, first of all, yes.
that that crap at the end where they they call time out. The official tries to give it to him, and then changes his mind and calls a jump ball
when went back and looked at it, and Western wasn't even on the ball. The guy clearly had possession, and his call and time out should be a technical file. Westroom was down one so Western should have gotten free throws to hire, take the lead, and then they should have gotten the ball

after the free throws with 2 s left.
so it directly changed.
completely change the game. However.
Western should not have remotely been in that position. It was one of the worst played games of the whole season, not in terms of effort, like. Honestly, I was proud of them in terms of how they played. They played hard, they fought, they got down, and they came back twice

all that stuff, but they did not actually play well, they they couldn't make anything.
You know. Sometimes.
you know, made some questionable.
hasty decisions offensively, especially in the first half. There were some lapses defensively allowing middle to shoot 50% from 3.

If you notice on the stats. I mean, it was 50% to 25% from 3 generally western shoots, about 33% that shot 25
generally, we shoot in the well into the forties and shooting percentage. And we shot in. I think it was the thirties.
Yeah. and then and then middle generally shoots about 30% from 3. And they shot 50% and a lot of it was because, especially early in the first half, we allow them to get a rhythm by getting way out of position. I remember Jack Elim one time was supposed to be covering the guy in the corner, and he's outside of the lane on the other side

of the court, and then they pass it over the defense, and he and his little
5 foot 10 legs couldn't make it over to even get remotely close to to contested tegan Moore did the same thing where he got out of position early in the first half. So it it was

it. It wasn't
that well played you know, and we allow them to make those threes. The effort was there like it wasn't like we weren't trying. It wasn't like we didn't play hard, but like we just didn't execute. We had 7 or 8 stupid turnovers like, yeah, we only had 12 turnovers. We probably should have about 7 or 8 with how.

with how? That honestly, they weren't really pressuring us like other than the dumb turnovers, we probably had, like 4 or 5 turnovers that were legitimately like caused by middle
it just it was frustrating. There's so many ways that you could dice up those statistics dice up the way the game was played that Western should have won by simply playing a little better, making a couple of shots.

finding a way to get certain players going, whatever it is.
you know, not fouling like 1. One thing that got me was, you know, Bob, a car already has one foul, and he's been playing a couple of minutes right? So what are you doing? Being mega aggressive when they when they pass the ball in on your guy, and you got your hands on his hips.

Well, they called a foul, which you know. Yeah, it was. It was Borderline, but like he was on him, and he was up on him, and they called the file, and he sits the whole rest of the house.
Well, that change! How the whole rest of the game was played. Change the fact that Marable had to come in
and he throws a lay up off the side of the backboard from the front of the rim.

Which is whatever stuff happens, he thought. He got fouled, whatever you know, not hating on on Marable, but he probably doesn't really need to be in the game very much. And it was because Bob, a car, I think, got impatient.
And, you know, aggressive. Just little things like that. Just kinda like, yeah, this was

yeah. The rifs
probably called a game that was really tight. And it that definitely plays the Middle Tennessee's favor in terms of jumping up the game and making it less flowy, you know, than than a typical Wk game. But I mean, ultimately
we had our chances, anyway, regardless of the Refs. And that was, that's where I'm blame

92% of it. It's just it was our fault that we lost really well, I mean at the end of the day. Yes, it is our fault, but

Devin Stewart (50:35):
Western's full. But you know the thing is is
when it is a close game like that. And you do have a
screwed up call, which is basically what happened there, especially technical. And the timeout and all that
which do they not do? A review play?

Matt McCay (50:53):
Somebody could do some of those.
I don't think you can review that as like a
I mean, I don't know, but to me it's like a it's a official judgment call. What did he see? He thinks he saw a jump ball, regardless of whether they try to call timeout if he thinks it's a jump ball, but he's just like I thought it was a jump ball, and you can't, really.
You can't really refute that.

Devin Stewart (51:15):
like even the even Mlb Review stuff now.

Matt McCay (51:21):
which would have been the last

Devin Stewart (51:23):
group. Whatever I would have assumed would have had reviews of any sort. So you would think that, like college basketball they could. The coach could at least say, Hey, man, can you look at that? There was nobody around him. You're calling Jump, ball! Who's jumping for it? You and him?

Matt McCay (51:38):
Yeah. Well, I mean. there are things that can be reviewed. But that's just one thing that I think it's like, I'm trying to think of another example. But like
it's just something that you can't.
If he saw, like the the the rule for the official is, what did I see first that see? Time out called us see a jump ball.

whatever. So if he thinks he saw a jump ball. That's his call. It doesn't matter whether they call timeout. He saw jump ball first, so that's his call.
And so
whatever he can get out of that and not get in big trouble. He's just like, well, I just made a mistake, you know, even if they show on the replay, and they're like it wasn't even close. He's like, that's just what I saw. That's what I called.

you know. If he knew there were no timeouts, and he knew it was gonna be a technical file, and he knew that it was gonna change the direction of the game. So he didn't call it. Because and let's chance.
you know, take its take its course. I don't know. He, and he knows he knows that you know the people at middle who paid him to do that aren't gonna pay him. So he had to do what he had to do.

Devin Stewart (52:50):
Right? I mean, he got us. He got a bag of

Matt McCay (52:54):
chucky cheese points and toggins, and he wasn't gonna miss out

Devin Stewart (53:01):
waiting by his car at the end of the game.
But real quick. Here we'll go over western latte. I mean, there's not a lot for us to talk about, cause y'all are. Gonna see this before the game. I'll try to get it out, but I can't guarantee anything
is western is

essentially tied with Sam Houston right now, cause II don't know the tie breaker situation, but record wise. They're both Todd. So beats law tech at home, and that puts us up a game. And I think we've actually beaten them once this year right at Rustin.

Matt McCay (53:51):
we we would have if we'd be law tech. We would have a time breaker on them if we finish time with them.

Devin Stewart (53:59):

Matt McCay (54:01):
I believe Sam Houston would have the tie breaker on
law tech, no matter what. Even if they split, this Western is likely gonna be the third seed and law tech will do no better than splitting. Sam Houston
beat Western twice, but anyway, so like, if Western beats latte, then it puts Western

with the ability to put some pressure on law tech. They play like law tech play. Sam Houston on Saturday, I believe.
they plug in the next game. I'm pretty sure it's Saturday, or like next Thursday, or
or something. But

Devin Stewart (54:44):
yes, they have them on the seventh, which would be next like you said next Thursday, I think. Next Thursday. Yes.

Matt McCay (54:51):
anyway, they they get a full week off, and then they get to play on. But it's that that one's for all the marble. So A is locked looking past us also. If Sam Houston beats them and Western beats them, then Western will be even as long as we just win the last couple of games.
So I mean, Western still has a great shot to possibly take that 2 seed which is really important. So that's what it's about. If Western loses, there's a 3 seed and possibly could follow the 4 seed. If things go wrong because

the the the 4 spot is kind of creeping up behind Western. If we keep losing here
so, especially with that lost a middle, the lost.
it would be middle that would have taken care of a whole lot of stuff. And we could have basically taken care of business beating lot tech. And we would have had the 2 seat pretty much. But now we're gonna have to scrap and fight to even get the

the 2, and we need to win something to hang on to the 3,

Devin Stewart (55:51):
I mean, I'd almost. I'd almost be.
you know. I think if we do win against law tech, then we could get the 2. However, you know, some things have to fall into place that are out of our hands with same Houston law tech cause same Houston business twice.
so they've got there. However, you know.

No, they've they've got us, you know, as far as that goes. But we could get past logs. Here.
go ahead. Actually, we can pass. There has to be like an 8 game parlay that happens for us to pass. So technically, we can pass them. That would make some money right there, Buddy, you get you 8 game parlay going

but yes, the game Saturday fi, you 6 pm. And that's in Miami. So if you're in that area, go ahead and go to the game. Support them in but fi! You is 6 games back, but you can't take. You can't take. You gotta just go down there, take care of business and then sit on the beach and enjoy for a day, and then come home. So.
Yeah. yeah, let me tell you what.

after having a 4 year old, that would be my motivation. I'd be like, All right. If you win, we will stay. We'll stay at night, and then we'll come back Sunday afternoon. If you lose. We're getting on the plane. We're going home because we had beaches at home.

Matt McCay (57:16):
that's it. Yes, you can go sit at the lake and freeze your butt off like the rest of us.

Devin Stewart (57:25):
But yeah, if I use gonna be a big game
we'll talk liberty next week. But you just gotta finish out these last 2. Western is technically above both of them. But like you, said Jacksonville, state and Mtsu actually are knocking on our back door as bad as that sounds they're both 4 games back from us.
So you know, if we

screw around, you know, they could actually come up and pass us like you were talking about. All we have to do is win one game and last 3, and we won't be less than 3 C,
yeah. But

Matt McCay (57:59):
we have to win one. And they I mean, they definitely could could pull something off, especially Jacksonville state. I think Jacksonville State plays the easiest schedule.

Devin Stewart (58:09):
Yeah. Okay?

Matt McCay (58:10):
So they they actually have a chance. I mean, they do play Sam Houston at the end. But that may be after Sam Houston's already wrapped up the conference. So
who knows but
I mean they they are the one that poses the most threat. Middle has to play law, tech

and Liberty
and Sam Houston. So they're really unlikely to do anything
to catch us, but the point is like we seem to have momentum heading into converse tournament. If we get the 2 seed or the one seat, the one seat would be incredible. But that would be like like I said, an 8 game parley like it literally has to be perfect for 8 games to go right? And but the 2 seat is more realistic would probably maybe have, like a maybe

35 to 40% chance of getting that if we went out a great chance.
But it's a chance, and we need to, you know, take care of business. So
yeah. And if I, you and Liberty both are dangerous.
We're barely favored against Fi. You're not favored against liberty at all. So I mean, we we really

are gonna have to buckle down and find a way to win at least a couple here at the end, hopefully.

Devin Stewart (59:33):
So gonna go over the upcoming days for sports. But softball they've got some
games going this weekend the Dayton, Northern Illinois, Southern Illinois, Northern Ireland, Dayton, and then they got Indiana next Tuesday on the Fifth. So if you go to the dedication softball complex, they'll probably be playing and then.

sorry baseball is like, I said, I got a little typo in my notes here, but they've got West Virginia this weekend, the first at 3 pm. On the second, it's one Pm. Central, 4 Pm. Central, and then on the third. It's a second there, but on the third, the Sunday
it's 12 Pm. Central versus West Virginia, and those are all at Western, up Nick Dennis Field, and then on the fifth, they're Gonna be playing Bellerman and Louisville, and let me back up there we go

lady Tops tonight at Rustin Rustin, Louisiana lawtech on espn plus. You can't make it watch, support the girls.
And then on the second, which is Saturday, they got
fi you in diddle. And then both those games on our IP. And then tonight, law Tech got it. And we need to win this one. It'll be finishing out the series.

Is that game? No, that games at home. I do have a typo there, too.
Goodness gracious! Dude, anyway! But yes, money. One actually has law tech for 2 and a half. That'd be a good bet.
I'm just saying.
yes, they have Western at they have Western at plus 2 and a half Lotte, minus 2 and a half

but the money lines 1 10. So you bet 10 bucks you make 10 bucks tonight if I win so you know it could be easy money, for if you put your money on it but and then Western is gonna be playing fau on Saturday. Both those games on Espn. Plus if you can't make it
to those. But if you're in the boling area, go support the tops, make it crazy. You know Matt will be there without a shirt on, so go support the tops.

and then we will be back next week to talk more Western sports. We do have a tick talk now. So I've have started a tiktok.
Okay, cool.
So it's more or less my ramblings today was the question of, should we go to the Mac or not? Or is it just inevitable that everything's gonna turn into the sec?

So there's that question. It's gonna be the major sec. Or the minor sec. But yeah, if you wanna give us a follow on that Instagram
Twitter, Facebook, Tiktok, Linkedin. I'm sure we've got one of those somewhere but yeah, appreciate you, man, for coming out and talking and check out. They've got articles up all the time.

and you can check out their twitter. And they do a game
alert text tweets whatever that's called. And yeah, so definitely follow us around, and we will keep you up to date on Western athletics. So we appreciate you listening this far, like sharing subscribe, and, as always, go tops

Matt McCay (01:02:43):
go tops.

Devin Stewart (01:02:46):
Yeah, I'm not gonna say beat anybody this week, because last time it didn't work out so well.
that's true.
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