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October 16, 2024 29 mins

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Can mindfulness truly transform your weight loss journey? Discover the power of being present with Jonathan Ressler on this episode of "Shut Up and Choose," where we explore how mindfulness can revolutionize your approach to health and wellness. Unearth the secrets behind mindful eating, from savoring every bite to tuning into your body's hunger and fullness signals. This isn't just another diet fad; it's a lifestyle change that can help you break free from emotional eating, self-sabotage, and the vicious cycle of yo-yo dieting. We promise you’ll gain practical tips for appreciating the sensory experiences of your meals and making intentional, guilt-free choices that align with your goals.

But that's not all—this episode goes beyond the plate. Jonathan delves into the role of mindfulness in exercise, turning physical activity into a celebration rather than a chore. Learn how to make one smart choice at a time, understand the 'why' behind your actions, and build healthy habits that last. We discuss the emotional and relational facets of weight loss, focusing on self-compassion and the importance of a supportive community. Whether you're embarking on your weight loss journey or maintaining progress, this episode is packed with insights to help you make mindful decisions and foster deeper connections with yourself and others. Join us and start transforming your life, one mindful choice at a time.

Get my video course Live Life- Love Food - Lose Weight Get it Here

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
If you're a whiny snowflake that can't handle the
truth, is offended by the wordfuck and about 37 uses of it in
different forms gets ass hurt.
When you hear someone speak theabsolute, real and raw truth,
you should leave Like right now.
This is Shut Up and Choose, thepodcast where we cut through

the shit and get real aboutweight loss, life and everything
in between.
We get into the nitty gritty ofmaking small, smart choices
that add up to big results.
From what's on your plate tohow you approach life's
We'll explore how the simpleact of choosing differently can
transform your health, yourmindset and your entire freaking

So if you're ready to cutthrough the bullshit and start
making some real changes, thenbuckle up and shut up, because
we're about to choose our way toa healthier, happier life.
This is Shut Up and Choose.
Let's do this Now.

Your host, jonathan Ressler.

Speaker 2 (01:16):
Welcome back to another episode of Shut Up and
Choose, the podcast where we getreal about weight loss,
transformation and the choicesthat shape our lives.
I'm your host, jonathan Ressler, and today we're going to talk
about a concept that is both aspowerful as it is simple, and
that's the power of beingpresent.
Now you might be wondering whatdoes being present have to do
with weight loss?

Well, if you're wondering that,then you clearly haven't read
my book and you've probablynever listened to this podcast,
but I'm going to tell you thepower of being present has
everything to do with weightloss.
In my book, shut Up and Choose,I emphasize the importance of
making conscious decisions thatalign with your goals, and none
of that can happen unless you'rereally fully present in the

So today we're going to talkall about how being present can
transform not only your weightloss journey but your entire
You actually heard that byintroduction, and today I'm
actually going to do it.
So let's talk about what doesit mean to be present?
When we talk about beingpresent, we're talking about
mindfulness, and you know myentire philosophy is about

mindful eating.
It's about immersing yourselffully in the moment, in this
crazy world that we live in andbelieve me, I get it.
It's a crazy world.
It's really easy to getdistracted.
You're constantly bombarded bythoughts from the past.
Maybe you're beating yourselfup about how you let yourself
gain all those extra pounds.
I know I sure did.
I was like, oh my God, how didI let myself get to this place?

Oh my, I looked at myself inthe mirror and I couldn't
believe what I saw.
Or maybe you're stressed aboutthe future, wondering if you'll
ever reach your weight goal.
And I was there, believe me,when I was laying in that
hospital, I was like how am Ipossibly going to lose all this
But let me tell you one thingDwelling on the past or worrying

about the future robs you ofthe only time that matters, and
that is most definitely thepresent.
You've heard me say a thousandtimes that losing weight is easy
, and honestly it is.
But being present is at thecenter of it, and being present
is a practice.
It's not something that youmaster overnight, but it is
essential if you want to breakfree from the cycle of emotional

eating, self-sabotage and, mostimportantly, yo-yo dieting.
When you're present, you canmake those conscious,
intentional choices.
I call them small, smartchoices, and isn't that really
what weight loss is all aboutMaking choices that serve you
rather than hurt you.
If we talk about the power ofmindfulness in weight loss, it

works in every aspect of yourlife, but when it comes to
weight loss, let's break it down.
When you practice mindfulnessin your weight loss journey,
you're paying attention to yourbody, your emotions and your
Think about the last time youreach for a bag of chips or that
extra slice of pizza.
Were you really hungry or wereyou just bored, maybe stressed
or just looking for an escapefrom some uncomfortable feelings

When you're not present, you'rereacting, not choosing, and
mindfulness helps you tune intowhat is really going on in your
What's really going on in yourlife?
It allows you to ask am Iactually hungry or am I just
trying to fill some emotionalvoid or some other kind of void?
That is really powerful becauseonce you start understanding

your triggers, you can break thecycle of this mindless eating.
So one exercise I alwaysrecommend is mindful eating.
Next time you sit down for ameal, slow down, take a minute
and appreciate the colors, thetextures and the flavor of your
food, chew it slowly and noticehow your body feels as you eat.
I know that sounds corny asshit, and if you told me that a

year ago I would have said oh,get out of here with that
bullshit, but the truth is it'spowerful.
When you're present during yourmeals, you'll find that you're
more in tune with your body'shunger and fullness cues, which
makes overeating far less likely.
I was always a big believer ofone tastes good.
Well, two must taste better.
But the truth is I wasn'thungry for the second one of

whatever it was, or the extrabite or the extra whatever.
I just ate because I wasn'treally thinking about it.
And that's really one of themost powerful parts of what I
did was being mindful, beingpresent, being there when I was
And being present is also atool for breaking free from that

I was a big self-judger, eventhough I said I always say I was
never I don't know.
I was always confident, but Ialways judge myself.
So one of the biggest obstaclesin anybody's weight loss
journey is self-judgment.
How many times have you stoodin front of the mirror picking
apart your body?
How often do you feel guiltyafter eating something off the
plan, when you're on one ofthose fad diets or restrictive

diets, and then you punishyourself with excessive exercise
Well, I never did that.
I never punished myself withexcessive exercise.
But we all know you can'tout-exercise a bad diet, but
when we're stuck in the past,reliving those mistakes, we drag
ourselves down.
I did it all the time I waslike, oh, how did I let myself
get here again?
And when we're too focused onthe future, obsessing over the

number on the scale or how we'regoing to look in six months,
you miss out on what's happeningright now, on those small
And here's the thing Progresshappens now.
It doesn't happen in the future.
It doesn't happen in the past.
Progress is all about what'shappening now.
Being present allows you to letgo of all those harsh judgments

about what you did in the pastand what your future might look
like, and instead it lets youfocus on what you can do in this
I always say if you're going tostart, start right now, not in
an hour, not tomorrow.
Right now, just make a smallsmart choice, and maybe that,
for you, is going for a walk ormaking a healthier meal or just
taking a few deep breaths andreally calming down your mind.

That's going crazy.
Whatever it is, it's somethingthat you can control and it's
happening right now.
So, as you know, I've beentelling you this.
I've been coaching a bunch ofpeople on their weight loss
journey and how they can breakfree from the bullshit of the
diet industry and how they canreally use mindful eating and
small, smart choices to reallyget them going on their weight

loss journey.
I've seen a bunch of clientsfixate on the big goal.
In fact, I would say everyclient fixates on the big goal,
whether it's losing 50 pounds orfitting into a certain size,
reaching a specific weight.
All those goals are important.
I'm not saying they're notimportant, but they are far from
the whole story.
The real transformation, thereal gains, the real wins happen

in the small, seeminglyinsignificant moments.
It's things like a decision todrink water instead of soda I
was never a soda drinker, but itwas for me putting down the
fork after I was I don't want tosay full, but after I was
It's choosing to stop eatingwhen you're satisfied, not
It's waking up 15 minutes earlyto go out for that walk or

whatever it is that you're goingto do to move your body.
Those small choices is thatyou're going to do to move your
Those small choices, whenyou're fully present, are what
add up over time.
And guess what?
You start to realize that thosesmall moments are what life is
made of, you'll begin toappreciate the journey, not just
the destination.
And you have to love whatyou're doing.
If your journey, if your weightloss journey, is torture,

you're not going to be on it forvery long.
We're programmed to either findpleasure or avoid pain.
And if your weight loss program, whatever it is whether it's
cutting foods out of your dietor extreme exercise, whatever it
is if it's torture, you're notgoing to be on it for very long.
And when you start to enjoy thejourney, enjoy what you're
That's where the transformationhappens, the real

It's not in some distant future, but it's right here and right
now, as you're making thosesmall, smart choices.
And I think for a lot of peopleweight gain isn't just about
poor eating habits or a lack ofexercise.
It's often tied to some deeperemotional issues.
Maybe you use food to numb painor to escape stress or to fill
a void.

Whatever that void may be.
The weight we carry on ourbodies often reflects the weight
that we're carrying emotionally.
I know that sounds deep, butit's the truth.
If you really sit down andthink about it, if you close
your eyes and think about whyyou're at the weight you're at,
I'll bet you there's someemotional baggage there too, but
being present allows you toconfront those emotions head on.

It's not always comfortable.
I always say that it's an uglyroad, this weight loss journey
It's not a straight line.
It's a twisty, turny road thatthere'll be detours, but it's
When you stop running away fromthose feelings and instead face
them with compassion, youreally begin to heal, and you
heal emotionally.
You'll find that the weightstarts to fall off because

you're no longer using food as acoping mechanism.
I'm not sure if I was doingthat, but I'm damn sure I was
doing that because it's an easycoping mechanism to rely, to
fall back on that food.
So I always talk about theimportance of taking
responsibility for your life.
That includes takingresponsibility for your emotions

When you're present, you canidentify those emotions and deal
with them in a healthy wayrather than turning to food for
And it's also important to bepresent when you're doing your
physical activity.
So let's talk about exercise.
You know I hate exercise, butI'm doing it, I'm walking.
That's my choice, that's thechoice that I make when it comes
to exercise.

I hate the gym and I wouldnever tell anybody to go to the
Unless you absolutely love it,then you should go.
But for a lot of people, workingout feels like a chore.
It's something you do becauseyou have to, not because you
want to, but not because youwant to.
But what if you could bepresent during your workout?
What if, instead of goingthrough the motions, you
actually tuned into how yourbody feels as you move?
I've done that.
I actually really look forwardto my walk and I really look

forward to the way I feel, thesense of accomplishment
So being present during exerciseallows you to push yourself
when you need to and rest whenyour body requires.
It's about listening to yourbody's signals and responding
with kindness, rather thanforcing yourself into a
punishing routine because youwon't continue doing the
punishing routine.
You just won't.
We don't do that as humanbeings.

So maybe try this Next time youexercise pay attention to how
you're breathing, notice howyour muscles feel as they
contract and release, feel yourfeet hitting the ground as you
walk or hopefully, one day I'llbe running.
When you're fully presentduring your physical activity,
it stops feeling like punishmentand starts feeling like a
celebration of what your bodycan do.
I'm amazed at the things mybody can do now.

As you know, when I startedthis journey, I literally
couldn't walk a hundred feetwithout being winded.
There's no way I could walkaround the block and literally
going from my car to the officewas a chore.
I was out of breath.
Forget the social situationswhere the restaurant or bar was
across the parking lot.
Forget it.
So when you do this exercise,whatever it is, you'll be amazed

at what your body can do andwhat it can do over time as you
build things.
So I think you also have to bepresent when you're building the
healthy habits, because at theend of the day, this whole diet
thing is about building healthyhabits.
That's how it becomessustainable.
So a key concept in my book isthe idea that change happens one

choice at a time.
If you try to turn your lifearound, if you make a complete
change to your routine, it's notgoing to work.
You don't wake up one day andmagically have all the habits
you need to lose weight and keepit up.
No, it's a process and beingpresent is essential in building
those habits.
Think about why am I doing this?
I'm doing this because and theninsert your why so every time

you make a choice whether it'swhat to eat, whether or not
you're going to go out and walk,or how to respond to stress
you're reinforcing a habit, andwhen you're present, you're
going to go out and walk or howto respond to stress.
You're reinforcing a habit andwhen you're present, you're
aware of the choices you'remaking and you're able to choose
the ones that align with yourgoal, that are in line with your
I always say if you want to eatthat extra bite or that extra
slice or that extra burger orthat extra whatever, really take

a minute and think about it andsay is this in line with my why
Is this really what I wantright now?
And I would say nine times outof 10, you're going to say no,
it's not, and you're going tomake the right choice.
So, over time, those small,smart choices become habits and
those habits become your newlifestyle.
This is how lasting changehappens not through drastic

measures or quick fixes, butthrough the power of being
present, one choice at a time.
I am living a completelydifferent life than I was living
a year and a half ago.
I think about what I'm going toeat.
It's not like I dwell on it.
I don't go.
Oh, can I have that?
And if you follow my Instagram,you'll see.
The other day I did a jellydonut taste contest.

I eat whatever I want as longas I think about it first.
And the choice is this is whatI want right now.
I eat it.
It's not like a big choice.
You're making choices in asplit second.
You don't have to add time toyour daily routine.
You just have to be clear onwhat your why is and why you
want to lose the weight and whyyou're doing the things that

you're doing.
And once you do that, when youget that in line, you'll find
that those small choices becomehabits.
Another thing that I found inbeing present and this is just a
side effect, I guess is weightloss isn't just a physical
It's an emotional and arelational one too.
When you're present withyourself, you can practice

You know, I always say youcan't fail doing what I did.
You can make a bad choice, butyou can't fail because you can
go right back to making a small,smart choice in the next choice
So now you go a pint of icecream, your next choice can be a
good one.
You didn't fail, you just madea bad choice.
And remember we're celebratingprogress, not perfection.
So you can recognize whenyou're being too hard on

yourself and you can choose totreat yourself with the same
kindness that you know for afriend.
You can choose to have that icecream.
If you're out with your family,you can choose to eat a meal at
a restaurant that's loaded withcalories, because that's what
you want right now.
And your next choices?
You'll make better choices.
You'll make choices that offsetwhat you just did.

So you can't fail.
So being present for me hastransformed my relationships
with my friends and families.
I only have one family, so I'mnot sure why I said families,
but with my friends and family,when you're fully engaged with
the people around you, you builddeeper connections.
It just happens.
There's no way it can't happen.
You build those deeperrelationships and when you have

a strong and supportiverelationship, you're more likely
to succeed on your weight lossjourney.
You don't have to do this alone, and being present with others
allows you to build the kind ofcommunity that will support you
in reaching your goals.
Again, if you read my book, youknow I didn't tell anybody for

the first few months because Iwas afraid that I was going to
fail yet again.
But once I wrapped my headaround this whole thing and once
I started making those small,smart choices, it was incredible
how supportive.
My friends and my family, mykids, were rooting me on.
It's amazing.
So, whether you do it from thebeginning or whether you do it
after you have a little progress, that's up to you.
Only you know how you want todo that.

But being present with friendsand family, even if you're not
telling them about your weightloss journey, absolutely makes
the entire journey easier andmore satisfying and more.
It just makes it a much betterand a much easier journey.
So, with all that being said,here's a couple of tips that

will help to keep you present onyour weight loss journey,
because being present is themost important thing.
So one, the first one is makeevery meal a conscious decision.
Don't just eat mindlessly.
Mindful eating starts withreally intentional decision
making, and that's a coreprinciple of everything that I
Weight gain is tied to mindlesseating.

It was for me and it probablyis for you.
It's just like grabbing snackswithout thinking, eating while
you're distracted, or makingchoices based on convenience
rather than your health.
When you bring that awareness,that presence, to what you're
eating, you empower yourself tomake choices that align with
your why, that align with yourgoals.
So next time you sit down for ameal like.
Just take a second, askyourself hey, is this the best

choice for my body and my goals?
Mindfulness in eating isn'tjust about selecting nutritious
foods Of course you need to dothat but it's about being
present for the entireexperience.
Fully engage your senses.
This practice doesn't just helpyou with weight loss.
It also enhances yourrelationship with food, making
meals more satisfying and makingyou less prone to overeat.

So really be present.
By making every meal aconscious decision, you take
control of your choices ratherthan letting them control you,
and that's critical.
You are in control.
You are in control right now.
So number two is embrace thepresent, not the past.
We talked about this a littlebit, but only you can control
what you do today, in thepresent moment.

Most people get trapped in thesecycles of guilt or regret or
shame over the past behaviors.
Look the bottom line.
You're here.
You're 10 pounds overweight, 50pounds overweight, 100,
whatever it is.
This is where you are.
There's no do-overs.
There's no.
I wish I would have that.
Just that's not real life.

Forget about the weight thatyou gained or the diets that you
might have failed on.
I failed on easily 100 diets.
I was successful, but thenultimately, I failed, and don't
think about the missedopportunities by staying stuck
in the past.
That keeps you from makingprogress today.
Being mindful, being present,teaches us that the present is
really all that matters.

Let go of the mistakes you madein the past, whether it's
overeating or not going to thegym For me, I don't worry about
that at all or not taking careof your health I worry about
that a lot and focus on what youcan do right now.
Today is a new opportunity tomake better choices.
This minute is a betteropportunity to make better
choices, and you're not definedby your past failures.

In fact, your past has broughtyou these valuable lessons that
you can use to move forward muchmore mindfully and by being
much more present.
Holding on to guilt or regretwill only weigh you down.
No pun intended.
The power of choice comes fromthe present moment.
Be here now and you'll startmaking meaningful progress that

isn't hindered by yesterday'smistakes.
The third thing is you got toreally identify your emotional
triggers before you react.
So one of the most commonchallenges in weight loss, I
think, is emotional eating.
People always talk about it.
I don't know if they reallyknow what it is, but it's using
food to soothe your stress, yourboredom, your loneliness or any
other uncomfortable emotion.
I certainly did it.

You have to be accountable foryour choices, and that includes
understanding why you turned tofood in the first place.
I had to understand why Iturned to food in the first
For me, it was a lot aboutboredom or just being mindless.
When you feel an urge to eatoutside of your physical hunger,
pause and check in withyourself.
Ask what am I feeling right now?
Am I really hungry or am Itrying to avoid an emotion I

don't want to deal with?
The simple act of being presentis a game changer.
By identifying those triggers,those emotional triggers, you
take back control of yourreaction.
Instead of impulsively reachingfor comfort food, you can
choose a different copingmechanism Going for a walk,
writing in your journal ifthat's your thing, or even
taking a few deep breaths againjust to calm yourself down.

The practice of emotionalawareness and emotional presence
ties directly into personalresponsibility.
You're not powerless againstyour cravings or your emotions.
When you slow down andrecognize what's driving your
behavior, you can make choicesthat support your health rather
than sabotage it.

As long as it's in line withyour why, it's a great choice.
It's a small, smart choice.
This one is tough for me toeven talk about.
Be present during your exercise.
Exercise is definitelyimportant in weight loss but,
like I said earlier, for a lotof people it feels like
punishment, a chore that theyhave to do to burn off the

Well, here's the kicker, here'sthe newsflash.
You can't out-exercise a baddiet.
It's not possible.
But when you approach yourexercise mindfully, it becomes a
powerful tool, not just forweight loss but for your entire
I can't wait for my daily walk,every single day.
I love going out and I justwalk for 20 or 30 minutes and I

get to listen to other podcastsor I get to do things that I
really want to do and I'm reallypresent in the moment.
I'm thinking about how do Ifeel on this walk and I really
feel great when I come back andI think about what I just
Instead of just going throughthe motions you work out, engage
with your body, pay attentionto how it feels when you move.
It's crazy when you reallyactually show up.

Being present during exercisefor me it certainly did it can
transform your exercise frombeing a grueling task, just
something you hate to do into anempowering experience.
It really gets you in tune withyour body's signals when to
push harder, when to rest.
There are days, honestly, whenI get up and the weather may not
be that great although I livein Florida and the weather is

nice pretty much all the timebut I push myself to go out and
do it and when I get back I'mjust amazed at what my body is
is actually capable of doing.
It's an amazing feeling and ifyou get that from the gym after
a workout or whatever it is youget it from.
That's what you're looking forwhen you're amazed at what your
body can actually do.

The last one, the fifth one, isreally choose to be kind to
yourself rather than judgeyourself.
For me, and I think for mostpeople, one of the most toxic
obstacles on a weight lossjourney is self-judgment.
We hold ourselves to theseridiculous standards, we
criticize our bodies and we beatourselves up for every slip-up

or imperfection.
That's what a fad diet does.
It sets you up for that failure.
You went off the plan, you didwhatever.
That's bullshit.
That harsh self-criticism leadsto a cycle of shame and
ultimately sabotage what you'redoing, where you feel so bad
about yourself that you justgive up on the goals altogether.

So I say you have to reallyemphasize the importance of
self-compassion and kindness andknowing that you can't fail,
and supporting yourself ineverything you do.
The same no-nonsense approachyou use in making conscious
decisions also applies to howyou treat yourself.
Mindfulness being presentencourages a non-judgmental

attitude Just noticing yourthoughts and feelings without
getting caught up in them.
When you catch yourselfthinking these negative thoughts
like I'll never lose thisweight or I'm not good enough or
whatever, it is practiceinterrupting that narrative in
your head.
Say yes, I am, I can do this.
It's really simple to do, butit's really powerful when you

take control of your thoughtsand really choose to speak to
yourself in a way that you wouldspeak to a friend or your
family, with kindness,understanding and encouragement.
You deserve that If you had asetback.
Don't fall into some deathspiral of guilt and
Instead, remind yourselfeverybody makes mistakes.

If you go out, I defy you tofind someone who's never made a
mistake in their life.
People make mistakes all thetime and you're going to make
mistakes on your weight lossjourney.
What matters is getting back ontrack, making that next
decision a small, smart choicethat is in line with your, why I
found that that mindset kept memotivated, but it's right in

line with the thing that I thinkis the most important, which is
personal responsibility.
So by choosing that kindnessand forgiveness over judgment,
you create an environment wherelasting change is possible.
You can't hate yourself into abetter body, but you can love
yourself into making healthierchoices I mean, I'm on this
thing, I don't know, 16, 17, 18months.

I'm down over 140 pounds and Inever feel like I dieted a
single day.
Like I told you, I still eatdonuts and I eat ice cream and I
do all the things that I wantto do and I never beat myself up
for it.
I know that I can make another,a smarter, small choice in my
next choice and it's great.
That's called living life.
That's why I called my videocourse Live Life, love Food,

lose Weight.
If you don't live life and youdon't love food, you can't
fucking lose weight.
If you hate what you're doing,it's just not possible.
I'm sure you can lose it forthe short term.
You can cut out carbs or do thecaveman, whatever.
You can do any of those things,but the reality is six months
from now, you're going to beright back where you started.
Being present and being mindfulis really the only long-term

solution for long-term weightloss, for sustainable weight
loss, weight loss that stays off.
So if you take nothing elsefrom today's episode, remember
this the present is where changehappens.
You can't change the past, andthe future is shaped by the
choices you make right now.
That's it.

There is no time other than thepresent.
We've heard that saying, butthere's no time other than the
This is where it all happens.
Being present allows you tomake the choices with intention.
It helps you break free fromthe cycle of emotional eating
and self-judgment and all thatother shit like self-sabotage
free from the cycle of emotionleading and self-judgment all
that other shit likeself-sabotage.
It allows you to appreciate thesmall moments, to heal yourself

physically and emotionally andbuild the habits that are going
to lead to long lasting success.
So today, look, I'm challengingyou to show up for yourself, be
present, just do it right now.
Just do it.
Make the choice right now to befully engaged in your weight
loss journey.
It's not going to be perfect, Ipromise you.
You're going to make mistakes,guaranteed, but that's okay.
What matters is that you keepshowing up consistently, one

minute at a time.
That's what I did and, like Isaid, I'm down over 140 pounds.
So that's what I have when itcomes to being present.
I hope you found this episode,this my rant, helpful and if you
did, share with someone elsewho might need to hear, because
it's powerful stuff and reallyit's the core of all weight loss

small, smart choices, beingaccountable and being present.
That's what it's all about.
So that's it for today.
If you didn't buy my book, shutUp and Choose, you know it's
available on Amazon.
We're a best seller on Amazonright now, which is really
Check out my video course Ifyou really want to dive deep
into the stuff.
I have a video course.
You can find that it's calledLive Life, love Food, lose

Weight, and you can find that atlearnshutupandchoosecom.
So, anyway, be present, do whatyou need to do, show up for
yourself, forgive yourself and,most importantly, stop with the
excuses and shut up and choose.

Speaker 1 (28:14):
You've been listening to Shut Up and Choose.
Jonathan's passion is to sharehis journey of shedding 130
pounds in less than a yearwithout any of the usual
gimmicks no diets, no pills.
And we'll let you in on alittle secret no fucking gym.
And guess what?

You can do it too.
We hope you enjoyed the show.
We had a fucking blast.
If you did, make sure to like,rate and review.
We'll be back soon, but in themeantime, find Jonathan on
Instagram atJonathanWrestlerBocaRaton.
Until next time, shut up andchoose.
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