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February 28, 2024 19 mins

In this insightful episode of Success in Mind, we dive into the psychological barriers that often impede our ability to reach our full potential both personally and professionally. Discover the power of confronting and conquering self-made limitations and fears, whether it's the fear of failure, judgment, the unknown, or even success itself. This episode encourages listeners to challenge their self-doubts, embrace change, and chart a path toward a brighter, more successful future.

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Key Takeaways: 

1. Fear, often stemming from past experiences, can hold individuals back from business growth and life fulfillment.

2. Clinging to past titles and versions of oneself can hinder personal and professional progress.

3. Releasing past negative emotions is essential to move forward and manifest new opportunities.

Show Resources:

When Things Fall Apart by Pema Chodron

The Mind Your Business Podcast (Feb 19th episode)

How to Find Your Purpose with Paul Davis



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Episode Transcript

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What are you holding on to that's slowing you down, stopping you,
or standing in the way of building your business and creating the life that you want?
You're listening to Success in Mind, the show for high-performing leaders,
changemakers, and entrepreneurs ready to take your life and business to the next level.

If you're ready for whole life success, keep listening.
Hey there, podcast enthusiasts. Before we dive into today's episode,
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podcast that the world can't wait to hear.
I ask this question to every client when they're starting to work with me and
they always start with the surface level things, right?
They'll tell me that they don't have the tools or the the systems in place?
And then I ask them again.
And they say, well, they'll give me some other answers, usually a little bit deeper.

And then I'll ask them a third time, what do you think is holding you back,
slowing you down or stopping you from growing your business the way you want?
And it always comes down to fear. They'll say one of two things.
They'll say fear or they'll say myself.

And I'll say, how are you holding yourself back? And they'll say, I'm afraid.
So it comes back to fear every single time.
And I'm sharing this with you today because I want you to ask yourself that question.
What's holding you back, slowing you down, or stopping you from building your
business and having your life the way you want it?
And journal on this. Journal on it three times, ask yourself the question,

write down what comes to mind, ask the question, write down what comes to mind,
ask the question, write down what comes to mind, and do this as a point of reflection.
So in my experience, it always comes down to fear.
Fear of success, fear of failure, fear of judgment, fear of who will I be if

I get what I want, fear of the unknown, fear of uncertainty,
fear of self-sabotage, fear, all fear.
So why do we have these fears? Well, we have them because at some point in the
past, you had an experience that didn't go the way you wanted,

where you were judged or ridiculed, or you failed at something and it didn't
feel very good, or you tried something new and you you didn't get the outcome you wanted, and it hurt.
And so we develop these fears, these very irrational fears.
These are fears that don't keep us safe. These are the fears that keep us small.

And so at some point in the past, something happened, and you became fearful of it happening again.
So then we spend our lives making decisions based on this fear,
and often it's not even unconscious.
So you might think that you're making decisions based on a gut feeling,

an intuition, based on your instincts, but more often than not,
those decisions are being made out of fear.
Something happened in the past and that past is beginning to shape and mold our future reality.
So this is a work that I do with my clients one-on-one and I take them through
a process us where they can release that fear and other negative emotions that

are holding them back as well.
But with entrepreneurship, fear always seems to be the big prevailing scary
one in the closet that stops them from making decisions accurately.
Fear really clouds our judgment. And while fear does have a purpose for us.
And fear is usually linked to safety. It's not keeping you safe.

Really, it's not keeping you safe if it's stopping you from showing up in your
business the way you want and creating the life that you want.
It's not keeping you safe.
All fears, and this is something I read from Pema Chodron in her book,
When Things Fall Apart, Heart Advice for Difficult Times.
I'll link it in the show notes. and this is

something I read in her book many years ago where she said all fear is the fear
of death but in some way you think you're going to die if you do this thing
that you think that if you stand on stage and speak in front of people you will
die and there might be some.
Biological roots in that because maybe there was a time in history where people

spoke up and they they had their heads cut off.
And in fact, in certain parts of the world, that's still a very likely probability
today that if you say the wrong things and you speak out against certain powers
that be, you'll lose your life.
So, you know, I believe that there is a deep biological connection to this.

As a hypnotherapist, maybe that stems from past lives where maybe that did it
happen to you in another lifetime.
Or maybe it came down to you through genealogy where maybe that happened to
one of your ancestors and so this fear was passed on genetically through you.
Or maybe it's from this life, this reality, and you've developed this fear and

you've connected it to, if I speak up, if I show up, if I show myself,
that will be the end of my life.
Life, maybe we can look at that fear metaphorically, that maybe it would be
the end of a version of you that you're not ready to let go of yet.
So we form these attachments to things in the past. And I've been thinking a

lot about this over the past week.
I was listening to another podcast, James Wedmore podcast, Mind Your Business,
the Mind Your Business podcast, James Wedmore.
And he now co-hosts it with his girlfriend Jen.
And she was talking about her experience of this and how she was holding on
to this version of herself in the past.
And now, guys, this is the work that I do. I help clients let go of their their

past realities, their past traumas, their fears, their, you know,
their failures, their fuck ups all the time.
This is what I do with clients. And yet, listening to her talk about it,
I realized that I've been holding on to some attachments in my own past that
are keeping me from moving forward fully into a new direction I want to go with my business.

And so I've been been thinking about this all week, what are the things that
we attach to in the past that stop us from moving forward?
You know, we all have blind spots. And this is where I realized I needed to
hear Jen talk about that experience that she had on the Mind Your Business podcast
so that I could see my own blind spots through her story and go, oh, shit,

that is me.
And, and I really encourage you to listen to that episode.
I'll link that one in the show notes too. I'll make a link for you so you can
go listen to that episode.
But it really resonated with me when she was talking about how we attach to
these past versions of ourself.

And at that point, I was thinking, yeah, yeah, of course we do.
Of course we do. This is what I talk to my clients about this all day,
every day. Yeah, of course we do that.
And then she said something that hit home for me when I realized, Oh, I'm doing this.
Was she said to James, when I met you, I'm paraphrasing, this isn't a direct
quote from what she said, but she said something along the lines of,

when I met you, you were a bartender.
Now you're a seven-figure business owner. You don't go around telling people
that you're a bartender, that's not your identity.
And it was like a ton of bricks coming down on me, and I realized, oh shit,
I've been hanging on to titles in my past that were from a past version of myself

that I've been clinging on to and clinging to them out of pride because I worked
really hard to get these titles.
Now, I'm not ready to say what they are in this show, in this episode.
You might have an idea of them, but I'm not ready to say it yet.
But I've been hanging on to these titles that I achieved because I felt really

proud that I achieved them and I put put in a ton of work into them.
And I feel like there was a level of status with these titles.
But as I've evolved, and over the last couple years, as you know,
if you've been listening for a while, you know, over the past couple years,
I've been dealing with some health issues.
And that has come, not coincidentally, that has come during a major shift in

my business at the same time.
It was like my entire reality has been shifting over the last couple of years.
And this was sort of the final thing I needed to hear was Jen talking about her experience,
and I realized I'm holding on to these
titles this version of me in the past and it's stopping me from creating this

new version of me that I'm wanting to step into because there's a part of me
that thinks it's not big enough or good enough or that I can't do it or that
so many other people are doing it. Why would I do it too?
There's an element of it's not special enough. And yet, it absolutely is.
And it's what's lighting me up right now. So it's kind of silly, right?

But I'm hanging on to this past version of myself. And so listening to an end,
oh, oh, by the way, I have spent the last couple of years trying to figure this
out and trying to think it through.
That's what drew me into listening to the Mind Your Business podcast as I was
trying to like figure out what is my new niche? What is my thing?

What is my thing? And another episode of James Wedworth's show,
he said, if you've been thinking about your niche for more than three days,
you're overthinking it.
And I was like, oh, well, I've been thinking about it for like,
well over a year. I'm still confused.
This is what led me to interviewing Paul William Davis on the show a couple

years ago, sometime around this time of year, two years ago.
I had him on the show and we talked about purpose and I worked with him after,
which was absolutely phenomenal.
And he helped me to get some clarity on what my purpose is, but I've still been
holding on to this past version of me.
And now I feel like having listened to that episode, that show,

it was like the final thing, the final pin to fall into place to allow me to move forward.
So what are the things that are holding you back?
What are the things that you're clinging on to from the past,
the attachments that you have that are shaping and coloring your future for you?

You know, often when I'm working with clients and I start talking to them about
the stuff in the past that we need to release for them to move forward in the
direction they want, they go, oh, Terry, I don't want to talk about the past.
I don't want to focus on my past. I just want to move forward into the future.
I hear this all the time. I'm working with entrepreneurs.
They just want to move forward. They just want the magic success secret to create

their future success and create their business and their life the way they want it.
And I don't want to talk talk about the past. But the thing is,
is that we tend to project our past experiences into the future.
And that creates our future, unless we resolve the past completely,
resolve those negative emotions we're hanging on to the limiting decisions,

which are things like I'm not good enough, or I'm not worthy,
I can't have what I want. Those are all limiting decisions.
A lot of people call them limiting beliefs in personal development.
We call them limiting decisions in NLP, because because how could you believe
it if you didn't first decide it was true?
And that's a much more powerful position to come from, because if you decided

it, that means you can undecide it.
That's your personal power. That puts you in the driver's seat.
But if it's just a belief you believe, well, who knows where that could have
come from? You can blame anyone for that.
But when you accept that I decided this, and if I decided it,
now I'm in a position to undecide it, because if I made that choice,
I can make a new choice and move forward.

So that's the work I do with my clients. And I do that through a very specific
process of releasing past negative emotions and limiting decisions.
You don't have to keep holding on to the stuff that's slowing you down,
that's keeping you stuck where you are.
And I would say a good majority of the clients that come to me say, I feel stuck.

These are the things I hear most commonly. Terry, I'm doing all the right things
and I'm stuck. and nothing's working. Or they tell me.
I've made this amount of money, and no matter what I do, I can't seem to make
more money in my business.
I always end up in the same position.
Or I hear, I make money, and then I lose it.

Something happens that takes all the money away from me, and I keep playing
the same cycle over and over.
I don't know how to stop it, and I don't know why I'm stuck in this.
So these are some common themes that I hear with my clients,
and it all has to do around, I'm stuck.
I want this thing in my future. I want my life to be this way.
But I feel like there's this barrier, this ceiling, a limit to my capacity that I can't move beyond.

So we do some work and I do this typically in a personal breakthrough session
where we move from where the client is now to where they want to be in a very
short period of time by letting go of all the stuff in the past.
Energetically, this opens them up to now receiving everything that it is that
they want, everything that they've been working towards, visualizing,

doing the affirmations on, doing all the things to get, now they're able to receive it.
You know, I think that's one of the most important things that people miss about
the law of attraction is you can attract it all day long.
And it's like it's right there. It's right there, just outside of your grasp.
You've attracted it, it's waiting for you, but you're not going to get it until

you do something to get it.
And you have to bring it down into the physical world.
That's what the law of attraction really is about. And that's what most people
miss when they're working with the law of attraction, or then they read the
secret, is we live in a physical reality, you actually have to do something to make it happen.
And part of doing something means

letting go of the restrictions that are stopping you from getting it.
So it's kind of like, you know, I think of it as being like if you're a marionette,
you know, and you're attached to all these strings that move your limbs,
move your arms, move your legs, move your mouth in a certain direction,
maybe they even change your facial expressions, but you're limited to the movement of those strings.

And that's all the baggage, that's all the stuff that's holding you there and
suspending you in that reality,
reality the reality you're now experiencing and when
we can let go of those strings now you
are free to create something completely brand new to express yourself differently
to create and shape your life the way you want it to be but as long as you're

attached that past holding you back those strings suspending you there you can't
move in any direction or in any way that the strings don't allow you to move in.
If we look at this from a quantum perspective, between now, this moment in time,
and the furthest point in the future, there are an infinite number of probabilities.

And yet, as soon as we project our past experiences onto that probable future
and all the infinite possibilities that exist,
we collapse down every single probable outcome that doesn't match the past.
And then we become destined to repeat the same patterns of behavior and to do what we know how to do.

So if there is an infinite number of probable outcomes,
probable futures between now and the end of time
and you get rid of all the positive
ones all the ones that are magnificent beautiful
extraordinary and if you collapse all of those down because of what you're projecting
from your past reality is coming forward now you have very few probable outcomes

that you can choose from you have inside of you 10 to the the 10 to the 11 possible
neurological connections.
That is your human potential. I don't know, I don't know if you know how big that number is.
That is more than there are stars in the sky that we know of.
That is your human potential. Now, it doesn't mean that you're using every single

one of these neurological connections, but you have the potential to tap into that.
You can tap into a greater potential.
You can tap into a completely different version of you, a different future.
Now, in saying this, I want to make it clear that there's nothing wrong with
the version of you that exists right now, except for the parts that you're not satisfied with.

But you as a being, you as a person are already absolutely magnificent.
But you might be carrying some stuff with you from the past.
You might be holding on to some old beliefs, some old emotions,
some baggage, if you will.
That's blocking that magnificence that's making you believe that you are less

than what you actually are.
So what are you holding onto from your past?
What are those attachments you need to let go of so that you can move forward
into your future freely and easily?
Something to think about this week. I encourage you to journal on that question.
What's holding you back, slowing you down, or stopping you from having the business

and the life that you want?
Journal on it, do it three times, and just see what comes out.
And that's where the work needs to be. and if you need some help with that work
you know where to come book a consultation with me,
and we'll see about working together to move you forward in the direction that
you want and to create the future and the business that you want all right thanks

for hanging out with me today I hope you enjoyed this episode by the way if
you did please leave a five-star review,
and share it with someone who you think would benefit from this episode I'll
be back next week Next Tuesday, we have a fantastic interview with Lindsay Epperle.
And we're talking all about imposter syndrome, building a business,

building a team through challenging times. And you're not going to want to miss this.
It's a great interview. Lindsay shares a lot of valuable insights,
and I know you're going to enjoy it. So make sure you come back for that episode.
And until then, I hope you have a fantastic day and a great rest of your week. Bye for now.
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