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March 15, 2024 66 mins

Uncover the chilling truths seething beneath the superficial glamour of Hollywood and the music industry in this riveting episode of "Supernatural Junkies". We meticulously unravel a world steeped in secret rituals, manipulative tactics, occult affiliations and disconcerting allegations of demonic influence. From the inception of Hollywood as a Christian entity to its evolution into a contemporary 'Babylon', our discourse is bound to provoke thoughtful reflection.

We scrutinize personalities like Justin Bieber and Billie Eilish, highlighting the deeply concerning effects of industry practices on young, vulnerable minds. Shedding light on prevalent sexual exploitation and purported occult associations among renowned figures, we examine the ripple effects these have in shaping societal norms.

Our exploration of the Illuminati's palpable presence even at significant public events like the Super Bowl halftime show culminates in a discerning analysis of Revelation Chapter 18. We implore listeners to critically evaluate the moral and religious implications of our findings, encouraging a conscious move away from the darkness shrouding Hollywood.

We further dissect the insidious undermining of faith within the church, highlighting the pervasive deception permeating both religious and entertainment spaces. The conversation exposes the sinister allure of worldly systems as seen in the music industry and its detrimental influence even on the steadfast, blurring the lines between sin and temptation.

Drawing from the unnerving tales of artists like 1930s' blues guitarist Robert Johnson and the ill-fated members of the '27 Club', we analyze the alarming intersection of satanic deception and mainstream music. We conclude the episode with a charge, urging listeners to stand resolute against societal evils such as sex-trafficking and championing the cause of righteousness in a world increasingly swayed by deceitful influences.

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Episode Transcript

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Hello, everyone. I'm Alex, and I'm going to be natural.
I am Dr. Dozier, and I am going to be super. Yeah. And I am Dr.
O, and I'm going to be the junkie. He's Dr.
Dennis, and he is a junkie. I am Dr. Kevin, and we are... The Supernatural Junkies.

Well done. Well done, boys.

Have you ever wondered how you could get your hands on some awesome Supernatural Junkies gear?
Well, the answer to that is it's now available on
We have a shop on there for for Supernatural Junkies.
And there's t-shirts, leggings, sweatshirts, hoodies, even a shower curtain.
So if you've always wanted to have a shower curtain with Dr.

Kevin on it, you can just get one with just Dr. Kevin.
We have our logo on there on everything. And we also have all of us as singles.
You can get magnets, stickers, you name it. It's all available on our Redbubble shop.
I will be posting a link to that in our show notes for the last few episodes
and from this point forward.
If you have any questions about anything you want to contact us,

you can do so at SupernaturalJunkies at Thanks, guys.
Hello, everyone. Welcome to Supernatural Junkies. It's Super Alex,
and I'm here with Full House today. A junkie. That's right.
Full House of Junkies. The junkies are here. Not John Stamos.
So it's official. We started it. I told him I was going to take time,

but I was like, you know, if we were the A-team, now that tells you how old we are.
How old they are. Like, who are you? I'm just kidding. If we're the A-team,
which one? Kevin just had a birthday, by the way. That's right.
Happy birthday to me. That's right. Happy birthday.
Happy birthday to you. Oh, my goodness.
We might be hearing a Super Spool song here today. Happy birthday to you.
I'm feeling it now. Birthday dance coming up. Happy birthday, our brother Kevin.

Oh, my goodness. Hear that voice. Dennis Kevin. Dennis Kevin Byron to you.
Happy birthday to you. That's Buddy Byron. Get that straight.
Okay. Anyway. So if we were the A-team, who would we all be?
Well, we decided it would be Dr. Dozier and Alex would both be face. So we'd be double face.

We'd be two face? No, no. No, not two face. That's good. We've got face and face.
Like the face part of our A-team is amazing. And then Dennis and I were like,
oh my gosh, who does that leave us with?
So what did we decide, Dennis? I don't know. I forget. I forget the A-team.
Well, my wife said I'm definitely Mad Dog. Mad Dog Murdoch.

Mad Dog Murdoch. I like that. So I said, well, that leaves Dennis with,
what is it? B.A. B.A. Mr. T.
Mr. T. He's got a bad attitude. That's right. Right.
There's recently a video that surfaced of Mr. T singing his song to his mother.
Oh, my goodness. Have you seen it?
It's hilarious. It's hilarious. It really is. It's Mr. T.

But his mom is going to love it, and we love it, too, because it's very entertaining.
You know, he changed his tagline now. He says, I pity the fool who doesn't know
the gospel. That's right.
Well, the song did have some Christian references in it. Yeah.
Yeah, it was cute. Well, he's a Christian. Yeah, it was really cute,
actually. He's Christian.
Yep. And I wouldn't say it was a good song, but it was kind of funny.

Because it's basically like him talking, you know what I mean,
through the whole thing. It just sounds like, you know. Like I said, I actually liked it.
Really? I did. You want to put it on a soundtrack? Play it all the time?
I did. Maybe we'll make that the new theme music.
It's his song for his mother. Yep. It's kind of cool. Your ears are loud.
Too loud. Oh, I had to turn Dennis' ears down. Why so loud? You guys are coming

in loud and clear. I'm telling you.
So last week, we were talking about some shocking details.
Alex did such a great job of showing you how, you know, these days,
you know, we've known for a long time that there's, you know,
Satanism is becoming more overt.
And the world is becoming more overt.
And it's getting to be black and white. You know, you're either you're in the

light or you're in the dark. Oh, sure, you have to bring up race?
Just kidding. Listen, and see, there we go. That's only proof.
We can't even talk about light and darkness no more, right? No.
But it was shocking, the details of how Hollywood, like Alex was saying,
was originally designated a place that people really wanted to have a Christian community.
Well, initially, yeah. And then later on. And they realized,

like, that ain't working. We need to make some money, sell off this land.
Well, and then you said Edison had all these rights. Yeah, for motion pictures,
moving pictures, essentially.
He called it a moving picture camera, hence motion pictures.
Pictures and so they basically picked hollywood because once
they did something and the prosecution happened they had
a place to get away to mexico quickly right yeah because

you know addison he had a lot of money at that point so he's like if
he heard about anybody making a moving pictures whatever
he would slap a lawsuit on them and so
then they're like yeah we got to get out of dodge and we need to find a
place close to mexico well and what was interesting last
time too dr dozier was talking about the temptation of christ
you know and how you know satan separates him

and shows him all the things of the world and asks him to what
to know that's right and here we
have this same story being told to us over and over
and over tell us some of the people that you remember saying hey look we made
a deal with the devil oh well we're going to get into that this episode there's
there's plenty plenty of those but hollywood constantly makes references even

jokingly but you know the truth is is that i think as an adult you realize that
when people People joke there's some amount of truth to what they're saying,
right? I'm just kidding.
But Conan O'Brien, when he was at the VMAs one year, you know,
basically, or maybe it was Grammys, made a comment about how this was Satan's award show.
Right. Wow. And then Christian Bale made a comment that he would like when he

won Academy Award that he would like to say, thank Satan, you know,
and and they make it under the guise of joking. But really, are they?
You know, and then Taryn Manning was saying that, you know, she was offered
the gold juice by somebody.
Right. And if they are if they are joking, it's foolish. The word calls it foolish.
Justing. Right. If they are joking, it's foolish. It's something that I would
it's something I would never joke about for myself or anyone else.

But there's there's something to it you know there's definitely we
know that and the first of all the fact that hollywood's even
called babylon right you know it's already
like tied to satan you know and wicked deeds already so and we know what goes
on there right all the children that get molested the sex trafficking i mean
not that sex trafficking only happens there but how many children actors do

we know as adults come out and say yeah i was you know.
Groomed and molested right i mean it still goes on all
the time so you detail justin bieber you know
we well we didn't talk about that last time we just we do we always
have to say okay first of all we have to say a legend because justin bieber
has not come out and said that but he has intimated strange things that if you
read between the lines certainly look you guys can look up the interviews he

certainly says that something happened to him and he was taken advantage of
as a child well if we look at the videos we don't want to get too far into this
but who was he also reaching out to defend at that time. Oh, Billie Eilish.
Right. Yeah, Billie Eilish, she sort of wanted to take her under his wing and
mentor her and then someone was asking, why do you care so much?
And he literally started to cry on camera and say that, you know,

he wants to protect her from the things that happened to him he didn't want to have happen to her.
Well, and then... That's a weird thing to say, isn't it? He's very successful.
If you take what Billie Eilish has said about her sexual history, right, you start to...
You can pretty much fill in all the well she's just recently come out too yeah
you know as whatever in a magazine she's like oh i thought everybody already

knew that by now well no she was dating a man not that long ago so how do we
all know she came out she's gay yeah she's gay now yeah.
Yeah and the the woman said she was the way she she answered the question was
like well you know the woman joked about it and she's like well i thought everyone
already knew that like how would they know you were you've been with men you
know right and she's young she's very young i think she's might just barely

be in her 20s just maybe 2021 she's very young.
Well, and it's been on parade, too. I mean, I think a lot of people, Dr.
Dennis was telling me about a website that's already been pulled down that was
just talking about some of the stuff that happened at the Super Bowl.
Yeah well i think i sent you guys those
videos well you can't you can no longer get them on youtube but this
guy has been pulled off youtube numerous times i don't

know the exact number but maybe maybe about
five to ten times and he's had channels
he used to call himself a call for an uprising
then he went to a call for vengeance and all
this stuff but his background is that his sister was involved
in the occult and that's how he started studying the occult and
how he learned learned all their signs and symbols and so

forth and and how it's it's inundated society
throughout and a lot of it has to do with the illuminati
yeah and you know so he he
points out he went through the two videos i sent you
after the super bowl he was reviewing the halftime
show and showing all the illuminati signs they always have an
altar set up they always have the checkered

floor or something checkered you
know it's always you know the black and white checkers you know above
and what is it as above so below so below
that's what the symbol with the one hand up and the other one
down yeah they do the one hand and yeah yeah they always cover one eye the all-seeing
eye they do the triangle hands triangle hands and so forth but it's interesting

when you start looking into the background of hollywood but also it's how it
it is a forefront for the for the The Beast of Babylon.
Which is the scripture that I wanted to read this morning.
I was trying to see if I could make him forget. No, you did not.
Look at that. Amazing. He comes through. He's got it.
But from Revelation chapter 18. Ooh.

So verse 1 starts with, After these things I saw another angel coming down from
heaven, having great authority, and the earth was illuminated with his glory.
And he cried mightily with a loud voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen,
is fallen, and has become a dwelling place of demons, a prison for every foul
spirit, and a cage for every unclean and hated bird.

For all the nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication,
the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants
of the earth have become rich through the abundance of her luxury.
And I heard another voice from heaven saying, and this is to us Christians.
Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues.

For her sins have reached to heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities.
And that speaks of all the things we see happening in the world,
and certainly we can argue about, discuss who Mystery Babylon is,
but you definitely see these things kind of coming back about materialism,

about how people are getting rich about this sexual
nature of what's happening here and you see all
of this happening in america and all of these
are part and parcels so that's why we're trying to help
people connect the dots that the bible's telling
us there is a mystery religion really in the world
and that this religion of course is the exact opposite

of what we believe right and and you have to
start to believe that that's the case because again
we're seeing this stuff happen and so
there's only way anything anything happens either somebody planned
it or was accidental and most people should be starting to see that this is
not accidental this is a group of people that actually believe what they're

what they're promoting and they're clearly getting less and less sensitive about
you know letting you know who's behind it you know When you read,
when you read, should I say, verse five,
it takes you back to what is written in Genesis concerning Sodom and Gomorrah.
It says that sins reached heaven.

It appears that when it gets to that point, your depravity is so great until
you've gone into a state of reprobation.
And so when you see the Lord having John receive this revelation where the angel is saying,
come out of her, my people, we can see a definite need of separation.

When I think about.
The sparkle creed. When I think about all the things that we're seeing, when I think about the,
even I didn't watch the halftime show, I did look at some of that video that
you were referring to when you see the symbols and all the different things that you see today.

What you can see is when the word speaks of a narrow and a wide path,
and there are so many different ways that are leading to destruction.
So when we say, what is it?
Yes, there's religion there, but it's not just religion.
But what it is, it's people following the prince of the power of the air,

the spirit that's working in the children of disobedience.
They remain the children of wrath, orge, your Greek word.
And that's God's judgment upon the wicked.
They remain this. And so when he says, come out, he's letting you know,
if you're going to escape this judgment, just like Lot.

Lot was, of course, Lot, he was so taken aback with the things that he had gained
and making his living there.
God's goodness and God's mercy carried him out where the angels carried him
out. I mean, really taking him out of the city.
We have the grace of God and we should not frustrate the grace of God.
We have the Spirit of God leading and guiding us in all truth,

and he's leading us out of this.
And yet there are some who have fallen right into it.
I believe that's where you see, and now I'm speaking of the church,
I believe that's where you see the religious aspect, the doctrine of demons
and seducing spirits, where we see all of these particular things here taking place.
And even that is so bad until when you see, just like what Alex was mainly talking

about last week, we were commenting on last week.
You now have something that really was a shocker at first, but then we have
to look at the word and say, well…,
I guess we shouldn't be that surprised because you, for me, to be honest, I did not expect it.
I'm a human being, so I did not expect it to be some of the people that were

really considered honorable and credible in the church.
And someone can say, and I always think that way, you know, being not just a
pastor, but a counselor as well.
I think, well, you know, questions, questions come when you say things.
People can say, well, how can you really say they're that way?

Are you not standing in judgment?
No, I'm listening to what they're saying.
And what they're saying is totally contrary to the word of God.
So some of these people that were, be they singers, worship leaders,
pastors, or whatever, now what you're seeing is these individuals end up attacking the church.

This is when you know where they are. Things happen, and you get those people
who stand for righteousness,
who may say something, and they get attacked by those who were highly thought of in the church.
Church and you end up finding out that either these people have apostatized,
they've fallen away from the faith, or they've been of us, but they were really not of us.

For if they really were of us, no doubt they would have continued with us.
That's right. And so this is the kind of thing that I think we're seeing from that aspect.
It means they went out, right? This is the separation come out from among them.
But when you preach the word, like Dr. Dozier is saying, they're also going
to leave us. We have to remember that, right?

Absolutely. And I look at, you know, you look at Revelation,
and I know there's different interpretations of it, but what really is interesting
is that John was writing to a first century church.
And the Babylon of that day was the Roman Empire, right?
I think the Babylon is the spirit, is the world system.

Sure. And that, yeah, we can point to Hollywood as being the pinnacle of the
Babylon in our country, especially with everything they do.
But you look at the subtlety and the alluring spirit of Babylon. Yep.
And it allures, you and I were just talking about this before, how sin allures you.

You know, and we, you know, being in that sin nature, yes, we are born again,
but we still, the flesh still fights against the spirit.
And you still have those tendencies that draw you, and there's sins,
some sins feel better than other sins, and sometimes you can look at it,

I would never do that, but this is okay. You understand what I'm saying?
So Babylon is very, very sneaky.
Seductive. Yeah, seductive. I would take it to be, as you were saying,
it has to be greater than a city,
because it has to be a place with not just entertaining influence,

but with political influence, with spiritual influence.
It has to be such a place. It has to have, it's going to have a religious system
set up, and we're seeing that already.
But you also have to have a political system set up.
And all you have to do is back up. But when you look at all the great kingdoms
of the ancients, and then when you look at the Roman Empire,

persecutions and things that took place, they didn't come down from,
as you would say, the theaters, but they came down from the emperors. Okay.
And so it's going to come from the top.
If we listen very carefully today, and I'm sure all of us do here,

it really is not that veiled anymore when the church is attacked.
Different names are given to us.
And if people are not wise, they'll fall into it. Now, here I'm speaking of
people, I'm going to say church to people, because first who we're hearing,
Christian fundamentalists.

And so what you have to do is look at words. What do they mean by fundamentalist?
So you think about fundamentals.
And so if they say Christian fundamentalist, what they're really saying is Christians
who stand on the Bible, the fundamentals of the Bible.
And that one is used so long and you pick up on it.
And then you go to Christian nationalist, like the thing that you sent me,

Christian nationalist. And then here it is.
These people don't know God, but they decide that they'll determine who the
true Christians are and who the true Christians are not.
But they'll say they're the nationalists. They're not really Christians.
Here are the Christians.
And when you look at what they're saying, the Christian is the one who is supporting
all of the wicked things, which they refer to as natural law.

They're supporting those things. So right there, you can see you're trying to make a divide.
You don't know God. You're deceptive.
And if I went to natural law, if you want to get behind podiums,
you and I, me and that person, and we're debating, I'll say,
well, let's look at natural law.
The word tells us the heavens declare the glory of God. The earth show forth

its handiworks. The word tells us that even nature itself reveals that God is God.
Okay. So you're without excuse. So what natural law are you talking about?
Because God covers it all.
And see, this is the type of thing that I believe the Christian has to get to
the point where they are, where we are apologists.
And when I speak of apologists, you all know defenders, defenders of the faith. I'm saying I'm sorry.

We have to get to that particular point.
And we also have to.
As in Acts chapter 4, if we don't think we have it, we need to pray for the
boldness that we need to stand firm with what we're facing right now.
I do believe that when some of the things that we discussed,
I don't mean to get off track, but when we look at the sex trafficking and all

these different things that are taking place,
I believe we do have something not only to say, but something to do about that. Absolutely.
The Lord says a lot about the children. It's better that you hang a millstone
around your neck, which is very large, larger than all of us,
heavier perhaps than all of
us put together, and jump in the sea than offend one of his little ones.
He has a lot to say about those types of things.

He has a lot to say about abominations. He has a lot to say about sexual immorality.
He has a lot to say about lies.
He has a lot to say about wicked leadership. And so if he has a lot to say,
and what we speak is what God speaks, then we have a lot to say about what's
taking place on the earth.
How can we be a light to the world if we're not shining our light?

What did Jesus say in John 3?
That he came into the world, that God sent him into the world to save the world,
not to condemn the world, but men doing evil deeds don't come to the light.
So if you shine light on evil deeds, it's like cockroaches. You know,
that's what we're supposed to do.
Well, there's no doubt. And the goal of this show is to show you how overt this really is.

And so we want you to see that these guys are hiding in plain sight.
We're going to be talking about the music industry specifically today and why
Satan might be in that arena, right? Oh, boy.
And, you know, you might say that, you know, when you're a hammer,
everything looks like a nail, right?
By that, I mean, when you're a Christian, everything looks demonic. tonic.

No, that's not true. But there are a lot of demonic things in this world.
And so I do believe that there's a precedent set that Satan had something to do with music.
And so therefore, this is a perfect place for him to hide in plain sight as it were.
Because if we look at Ezekiel 28.13, I'll go from there.

Thou hast been in Eden, the garden of God. Every precious stone,
they're talking about Satan, was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond,
the barrel, the onyx the jasper the sapphire the
emerald and the carbuncle and gold the workmanship of
thy tabrets and thy pipes was prepared in
the in the day that thou was created meaning that he there was something i mean

he must have had some musical genius about him that that's the way god created
him to glorify him god made him beautiful because to show his glory right gave
him that voice to to show His glory and what He could do, right?
So, thou art the anointed cherub that covered, and I have set thee.
So thou wast upon the holy mountain of God. Thou hast walked up and down in

the midst of the stones of fire.
Thou was perfect in thy ways from the day that thou was created till inequity was found in thee.
By the multitude of the merchandise they have filled the midst of thee with
violence, and thou hast sinned. Therefore I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of God.

I mean, what is Hollywood and the music industry?
I mean, there are far more talented people that are just not as pretty who have
never made it, right? I mean, let's be honest.
So it's in Hollywood too, right? Thy heart was lifted up because of thy beauty.
Thou has corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness.
I will cast thee to the ground. I will lay thee before kings that they may behold thee.

Um and then it goes on to speak about what god does to him like his beauty was
stripped of him so that other kings can see look at look at what happened to him now right so,
When we look at this, I'm going to do a little bit of a history,
same thing that we did last time, about the music industry, right?
Well, can I say one thing about that? So the part that really struck me,

because I read this when I was a kid, but somebody brought out about the pipes.
And I was like, oh my goodness, how did I miss that? Right?
Music, right? And then even somebody that has really great voice,
what do we say? He has great pipes. That's right.
You see what I'm saying? And so this music connection is really important to

see that this was a part of, and it was a supernatural thing that God did.
It was a gifting there that he received. And so you can see that connection.
And it's easy to read that and
not really put your finger on that he had musical talent and abilities.
Right. Another thing that he had before, because Alex is on a strong one,

I'm loving this. Because another thing that he had, when you look at anointed
cherub that covereth, where covereth speaks of him having authority.
So he had great authority. Wow. Okay, he had great authority.
He perhaps was the greatest, and I know today we call it musician,

but he was perhaps the greatest music maker that has ever been when he was Lucifer.
And he had his authority at God's throne.
And then when you think about his fall, and as Alex is talking about Hollywood,
and just look at when we hear of people selling their souls for this fame.
I will talk more about that. He has authority.

Most likely he has authority. Well, if he's given them things,
he has authority in those areas as well.
Let's want to say that. I think he's made a good point last week.
I think it was toward the end of the podcast when you said that people can't sell theirs.
Right. It's not in their purview to sell your soul. But as long as they believe.
God's the owner of their soul.
100%. But the devil's a liar. That's right. And so I think what happens is he

gets these people to believe they can. That's right.
And so then they corrupt themselves thinking, well, you know,
I made a deal. Bob Dylan's still singing.
That was part of the deal. Is that really singing? Sorry. I really liked it. I don't know.
Okay so let's like the first person who

claimed that and it probably wasn't right but this is who people tend to popularly
come to think of the first musician to ever sell their soul and his name was
robert johnson and he was a blues guitarist from the 30s now his influence to
this I love the blues, by the way, is still felt.
And he had 30 songs that he wrote and recorded.

But after his death, he actually became more popular. And he influences tons
of rock stars to this day.
But he was a blues guitarist. But really...
When he started, he was known for being a songwriter, right?
But also a much better harmonica player, not a great guitarist.
By all accounts, when he got signed with a record label, when he would play

the guitar, they'd be like, please stop.
Please stop. And by this time, he's in his 20s. He was not good.
And other musicians that worked with him, they have recordings of him saying it was terrible.
They're like, he was so bad that they would ask him to
please stop playing the guitar and uh so
then at some point he takes off for a year
he's nobody knows where he goes they said maybe he went home to see his

family um he's from the south i believe initially from memphis and then mississippi
and he's gone for that year he comes back a year later to the same studio and
is playing the guitar but now he's no longer a horrible guitarist he is He is a master guitarist.
He has things that people to this day still can't do that train on this all the time.

Like he had this unbelievable talent.
And so then he gets in and he's recording. Right. And amazing.
All right. There's a documentary about this whole thing. So many documentaries.
Really good ones, too, by the way. I've watched a lot of them.
But the songs that he's very well known for, Hellhound, On My Trail.

Me and the Devil Blues. Crossroad Blues is probably one of the most popular.
And actually, the movie with Ralph Macchio, which was not very good,
called Crossroads, is based on his story, kind of. And Me and the Devil Blues.
And another song, If I Had a Possession, I Can't Read My Handwriting.
But basically, it's talking- That's what happens when you- Right, right.

Damn you, Satan. But all of his songs tend to be about selling his soul to the the devil.
And so the story goes, according to one of the songs, especially because a lot
of his songs are about that.
At midnight, he took his guitar to the crossroads, and I believe this was in
Mississippi, and he starts playing his music that he wrote.
Now, he's not a very good guitarist, so Satan was probably not happy.

But Satan comes up, takes the guitar from him, tunes the guitar, and starts playing.
Now, this is allegedly, right? Then after he plays a song, He hands it back to him.
And I don't know if that's when they make the deal or the deal was made when
he played the guitar for him. I have no idea.
But for whatever reason, that's what people tend to believe.
Now, interestingly enough, after he came back and recorded those 30 songs,

a year later, he dies in very unusual circumstances.
He's had sort of a rough life, but he takes a drink from somebody,
somebody's husband who had been messing around with,
and the guy offered them the drink, the husband, and his friend comes over and
slaps it out of his hand. He's like, you don't drink things from strangers.

And he's like why what's the problem? He's like you just don't do that.
Well, then a little bit later the guy offers him another drink.
He takes it Dies later that night.
And it also right is he's the husband of the woman he's been fooling around with,
so But he was guess what age he was anybody want to guess 33 27 27 27 so let's

yeah interestingly enough,
poor guy but let's talk about nine yes yeah
nine is actually so satanists will say people think that
satan's number is 666 really satan's number is actually to satanists and luciferians.
Is the number nine right now 666 is the number of the man i know but that's
that's what every you know popular right belief is so let's really quickly and

we're just there's actors and actresses that but have also died at this age.
But let's just do a short recap of the 27 Club.
Okay, musicians that have died
at the age 27. Why is Satan obsessed with taking them at this age? Okay.
Robert Johnson, Janis Joplin, Kurt Cobain, Amy Winehouse, Jim Morrison,
Brian Jones from the Rolling Stones,

Alan Wilson from Canned Heat, Jimi Hendrix, Pigpen McCarron from The Grateful Dead,
Pete Ham from Badfinger.
Chris Bell from Big Star. Dale Boone from Minuteman.
Gene, this is an artist. Okay, and then Peter DeFretes from Echo and the Bunnymen.
Now, that's just a short list. There were actually a lot more,

but I was like, let's just sort of stick to something people might know.
What was the guy who played the Joker?
Heath Ledger. He died at 27. Yeah, there's a lot of actresses and actors that have also died at 27.
27 um and but all these people suicide drugs questionable
ways in which they have died right not normal like hey just
died in my sleep right Jim Morrison over OD'd in

his sleep now they say that he had a coronary event but that was due to
the drugs he was doing also his girlfriend a few years later who discovered
him his dead body when she was 27 OD'd in drugs in the bathtub just like he
did well this also brings a really good subject up because there's another song
out there that's a little bit like Mr.

Johnson's where the devil went down to Georgia. Looking for a soldier's steel.
He's in a bind. Way behind.
Willing to make a deal. But Johnny won that, baby. Yeah, but we all know that's a lie.
There's only one song you can sing, and that is The Name is Jesus.
The name of Jesus is the only way. Nobody is going to beat Satan in music.

And that's why when you get that whole idea that you're going to beat Satan in music, that's a lie.
Only the Lord inside of us can do that. Now, Charlie Daniels is a Christian, evidently.
And we know that was probably for fun.
But don't be thinking. Don't be going down the drawer looking. Make a deal.

I think Dr. Dozer just made a good point.
He was saying that maybe we should say that they don't sell their soul,
but they yield their soul.
That's a good point. Yeah. And that's the alluring spirit of the beast.
Yeah. Right. We also will be talking about, I know we mentioned the John Todd video.

I'll make sure to put it in the link for this week's episode so you guys can find the video.
John Todd goes in. It's a really long video, so I'll try and cut it down to pieces to play.
But John Todd, former, so many generations of which, from the Collins family,
the Dark Shadows family, he goes into great depth.

And I had you do that today. Yeah, and he's also part of the music industry.
So he was saying that when they do every master, and of course,
back then, they would produce this master.
They still do. In a very particular room.
It's a very particular ceremony.
They have a temple room at every recording studio. Yes. And it's pressed.
And then there's the whole ceremony ritual to really put demons on every one

of them. Right. And it happens full moon.
They do a whole ritual to it so that every time that song gets played,
it has that little bit of magic witchcraft, demon sorcery on it so that every
single song that gets pressed from that, it carries that out.
Right and so he was saying that he talked he
was friends with crosby stills and nash at the

time too and he said he asked them what you know he's still
doing it yeah and they're like yeah absolutely they're like actually he's gotten
to the point now to where you can't even get a record deal until they make you
a witch he's like you have to be a witch in order to even get a record deal
he was also saying that you can't be a record producer right right so they're
really saying he's saying at that point they had a complete lock on the industry

right and of course you've You've seen that,
you know, how many people like Tom Petty, Johnny Cash talked about how the entire
music industry is completely locked up. You really can't break in.
You know, the last DJ from the last record label to the last producer,
it's completely locked up.
I was the manager of Zodiac Productions, which Zodiac Productions,

names have changed since then, I'm not even sure what to call it now,
but it's the largest music conglomerate in the world.
It owns RCA Records, Columbia Records, Motown Records, owns almost all the concert
booking agencies in the United States.
And that's not even the name of the company that owns it. The name of the company
that owns it is Brenner Enterprises.
Brenner Enterprises is owned by Chase Manhattan, Chase Manhattans,

owned by Standard Oil, and Standard Oil is owned by the Lords of London.
That you can track it all back.
You kind of get the idea after a while. But I was the managing president of
Zodiac Productions. It's one of my jobs as being one of these 13 people.
Thus, I got to know many of the people who produce music and sing the music
and play the music that you play.
Now, one of the closest friends that I got during that time that I obtained

was a man named David Crosby.
I said, David, I'd like to ask you a couple questions.
I said, I already know the answers, but I've been gone for five years.
I'd like to know if certain things are still the way they were when I left.
I said, did they still take the master to the temple room?
Dave said, yeah. I said, did they still have the coven conjure demons into the
master? He said, of course. I said, now, I've got to know something.

What's the main reason for rock music? He said, the same as when you were in,
so that we can play spells on people that we couldn't cast spells upon.
The master is a tape about as big as the top of this podium that looks like
an overgrown eight track.
That the album is cut on and is placed in a machine that produces and presses
the records and the eight tracks and sets that you buy.

After it's been recorded, it's taken in. This is why a master's cut months in
advance before it's released.
On the full moon, it's taken in to a temple room about the size of this auditorium
that is in every one of the major music companies.
Now, I locked the doors up in the executive office.
It's placed on an altar sitting in the north of the room and a pentagram engraved in the floor.

And 13 hand-shouldered witches and wizards in a coven come in and conjure a
principality or a power-up, usually regia or something like that,
and order him to tell the demons under him to follow every record and every
tape coming off of that master.
I said, okay, one last thing. I've been hearing that you must be an initiated

witch now to get a record contract.
He said, that's right. He said, many of us that weren't total witches have to
be witches now in order to produce music.
Courtney, do you know of ever involved in the occult or witchcraft or anything like that?
Absolutely, man. No kidding. She got really fascinated with it,
especially when she was with MTV.

And the head of people at MTV were totally into satanic cults.
The kind of stuff where they were having meetings and wearing red masks and
sacrificing people and stuff.
Get the hell out of here at MTV. The heads of MTV, the people at the top levels
of MTV, were definitely satanic cults.
When MTV first started, there was a cult of black magic or dark magic.

It's called dark magic people at MTV.
Musicians that were going to MTV couldn't get on MTV unless they were vetted by these people.
They had definite proclivities to not let anybody in there unless they were

able to manipulate him through these various cult practices.
Welcome to the Satanic Cult Awards, ladies and gentlemen.
Who wants to pray to the devil with me? Who's in with me? Come on,
hey. Let me see those horns.
Let me see those horns. Now take the hand of the person next to you. Come on, Layton.

Dear Dark Lord Satan, hope everything's good with you.
I'm doing fine myself. Just wanted to say hi and ask you to grant tonight's
nominees continued success in the music industry.
I'd like to, first of all, like to thank Satan. We'd like to thank you for this MTV award.
It will take pride and place on my mantle next to my upside down rubber cross

and my side copy of The Wicked Man.
So this is where you know we talked very briefly
about um taylor swift and whether or
not she is having these women with orbs come out
at the beginning of her show and do like this in in black robes and
do what looks like a witchcraft ceremony and whether
it is or not satan doesn't care right he doesn't care

if she's he'll use it right even if
she's like well this is earth magic magic he doesn't he
doesn't care guys also earth magic
is still not you know you're you're what is earth magic
you're worshiping the earth right that's you so it's dark magic
sorry guys it's dark right it's dark magic um so
we can go into all these things how you know

they're doing all these things i mean doja cat right she's got
the song called demons there's a few songs where she's
dressed literally she had her body just had body paint
and spikes put on her private parts and her her back to
make her look but she looks like the devil right and
whenever people say anything to her she's like oh well too bad
but we know that at 27 she had a giant illuminati eyes

wide shot party right and so ever since then she's been on this weird demonic
trip there's a bunch of celebrities what i'd like to play now though is somebody
that i'm sure a lot of you have heard of and his name is dave mustaine from
mega death and metallica and let me bring up that clip because that one's.
You just place it up. Dave Mustaine is one of the gods of metal,

a founding member of Metallica, and the founder and frontman for Megadeth.
He says he has no doubt about the devil.
The greatest lie he's ever told was convincing people he doesn't exist.
And, you know, you see people think that he's red, he's got a goatee and a pointy
tail and stuff like that.
He doesn't. He's very beautiful. He's an angel.

Why would he look like some monster? or he's capable of looking just like you.
He could be in this room right now.
You wouldn't know it. That's a scary thought. It's a very scary thought.
So, and here's the, let's talk about the lead singer for Korn really quickly.
I'm a rich rock star, and I have everything. The outside world says I have everything,
but, you know, inside, I'm dead.

By that time, I had moved back to Bakersfield where we all grew up,
and my parents were helping with my daughter.
I met some Christians. They invited me to church. I was like,
who cares? You know, I'll try it. And the pastor starts saying, Jesus is real.
He'll come into your life if you invite him in, and all the negative stuff can't stay.
And I was like, I was listening to him, and I was like, I'm going to try this.
I went home with my drugs, and I just poured my heart out to God.

I said, God, these drugs are going to kill me and leave my daughter without a dad.
Please, if you're real, come into my life. Give me a new life.
And long story short, I just had an encounter with God's love within the next
few weeks. And I just felt like Jesus came in and put his arms around me.
I didn't see anything, but it was just like it was a life-changing event.

And I felt like I was at home for the first time.
Amazing. Amazing, right? It is. Yeah, that's a great testimony.
Yeah. It is. So no matter what the testimony of what you just heard about how
powerful and beautiful it is, we have TV shows about Lucifer. I can't even watch.
I can't tell you what's on there. That guy, I mean, there's another clip,
we'll link the whole thing, but where he actually says he and his bandmates

are Christian and before every concert now, they pray.
So Metallica, Megadeth, yeah, he's like, we pray, we're Christians before every concert.
Is he still in Megadeth?
You know, they're- He should call himself Megalife. They're retired. You know what I mean?
I mean, I'm sure he does, he may be doing shows now and then,
but he's largely retired. I'm just saying, I've been in some Christian mosh

pits before and they're just much kinder and more gentle than the average ones.
There's no elbows thrown at her. You're like, God bless you!
No elbows. When you run into each other.
Unless, you know, the Lord is trying to rebuke you of something.
So how do we connect this for our listeners?
Well, I think we have to keep going, honestly, because this is still scratching the surface.

You know, I think, you know, the one that really, my wife showed me the one
episode of one of Beyonce's concerts, right?
Oh, yeah. The newest one. And so here you are, you're watching this, and...
You know, the only way to explain this, it looks like, you know,
a woman's laying on her back.
So it's like a cyborg image of her, these giant screens, right? That's right.

And this woman's laying on her back, and you can see her legs in the missionary position.
The cyborg metal legs, yeah. And, you know, and then where the private parts
are is kind of like where the whole, that's like a tunnel where.
Yeah, that's where Beyonce comes out of.
She's, you know, coming out of this, right? And then we have these,
was it like demons or something that was coming out of there?

Oh, yeah. There's all sorts of weird. Cast comes out of there.
Just weird. Fallen angels. The whole thing.
Some dust, some cobwebs. Was this the whore of Babylon that she was coming out
of? Well, you just. Well, it was herself.
Because she's allegedly a witch. They're high level Illuminati.
She and her husband supposedly.
And so the whole imagery was like a birthing thing.

But it definitely had a satanic lean to it. But there are people who have worked
for her, the bodyguards.
Also, this is where we need to mention, allegedly, P.
Diddy, and a lot of the people in the industry allegedly call him P.
Diddler, because he likes young boys. and there's lots of there's actually the

government has investigated him there's currently four lawsuits five with cassie's
lawsuit against him for sexual assaults or.
The sexual assault of minors this is where we have to mention that he was a
mentor for usher it was a halftime show we also have to mention that he was
also a mentor for justin bieber,

why is justin bieber crying on tv talking about things that happened to him
in his past when there's videos of him hanging out with,
P. Diddy's when he was 15 years old. So I think, I think, you know,
where we need to understand is that a lot of people are under the delusion that
this isn't happening, that that music industry, that these things are safe.
And it's, I guess it's just really about having discernment and really looking

at these things with your eyes open.
It goes back to what we were saying before about the, the allurement of, of sin.
Yeah. Because you can look at this and you're like, Like, oh, wow, it's not that bad.
I mean, look, how many people watch the Super Bowl halftime show,
and they're like, oh, sure, he's so good, blah, blah, blah. The guy's not that good, all right?

And then you look at this, and they say they think, so they try to condone these
abnormal behaviors that they demonstrate.
So they're trying to make it all right, but it's really a form of cognitive
dissidence in that they don't want to see it.
So it goes back to Romans 1 when people suppress the truth and they suppress it down.

They don't want to see the truth. Well, I think, you know, we're talking about
young people that are being influenced by this. These are their gods.
Little G, right? You know, especially like, let's think of the young impressionable brain, right?
And, you know, I remember like music is really a way to escape.
It can, we know this, it can heighten emotions. emotions.

It can make you feel a certain kind of way. It can help you escape your reality for a little bit.
It can get you out of your own problems in your own head.
And so I think for a lot of young people, they're seeing this as their little G God, right?
And that's how they treat it. And that's how they treat those people in that industry.
I want to go back to what Dennis just said, because he made a statement and

I'd like for him to expound on that a little bit more, because he said that
it's like some type of cognitive dissonance.
So it sounds to me like you're saying.
They believe it may not be good, but yet they don't want to see it.
Okay, if they don't want to see it because they don't believe that it's good,

that in itself, okay, that wouldn't be cognitive dissonance,
which you weren't saying that.
So, they don't want to see it, but yet they support it or they back it.
What is it that you're saying? well well yeah i mean in
their in their supporting it but they don't
want to see the the the periphery what's

going on in the periphery like she was talking about with this beyonce stuff
or with this stuff where you hear this and that some of this stuff is in the
news too i mean people know it's like but it's okay yeah you know it's okay
that but this is good they may do this but this is good you know but jesus gave
the you know the parable of of producing good fruit and bad fruit And that would

be cognitive dissonance.
For example, like what you just said, okay, to you, to me, okay, this kid is talented.
He can dance. He can sing.
For the world, he could put on a great show. right but for
for us because we're

born again mm-hmm it doesn't
allure us right mm-hmm and we don't see the benefit watching it but if a person
says they're born again and they're committed to Christ and all and then you
get something like this it could be him it could be anybody else it could be
a rock star could be rhythm and blues whatever you call it and they say you

know I'm I'm committed to Christ,
but I just got to see this. Right.
That's a form of cognitive dissonance. I'm saying I'm one, I'm saying here's
how I am, but the way that I say it, my so-called commitments conflict with what I'm locking into.
Okay, now, if I would go to the music industry and I want to go to the Christians, okay.

We look at the money, and let's face it, you've got some Christians who could flat out sing. We do.
You've got some of the best musicians there are in Christendom.
As a matter of fact, a lot of the groups that ended up going out there,
you can go all the way back to, okay, before we were born.

I'm going to put myself in that group, too. you have people
who started in the church and their
talent was noticed that's right whitney houston
comes to mind and it was like it was like amazing you can make this now think
about matthew 4 okay come to today a lot of your your artists today as you might

say Because they become artists.
They say gospel singing. I do not call it gospel music.
You could say it's Christian, but I don't call it gospel music if the gist of
your music is not about the birth of Christ, the ministry of Christ,
the death of Christ, the burial, the resurrection, and the ascension.
That's the gospel. So now you have these musicians and these singers.

They are awesome. They are awesome.
But they are not making the money that people who are out in the world,
the world out in numbers. Okay.
And they're really willing to pay more for things like that. Yep.
Yeah. So someone offers you something.

Here was the excuse that you would hear by some. I'm going to use excuse.
This is my opportunity to get, to get the gospel to the world.
You get the gospel to the world by preaching.
Okay. Amen. How would he accept they've been preached to?
And so the more you go over with yielding, the more you start that yield by
saying, okay, I'm going to do this contract.

And then you start meeting people and you go deeper and you go deeper and you
go deeper and you go deeper and your music changes.
But then they're even secular artists right now. I'm pretty sure you're aware. They're not saved.
They make Christian music because they know people would buy it.
They're not saved, but they make it. And they make it.

They're not saved, but they make
it. But you get the Christian who crosses over, makes an excuse for it.
The problem is a good number never make it back.
That's true. That's true. Yeah. True. No, it's amazing too. One thing I think
about always is Christmastime.
You know, the Bible says that every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess

that Jesus Christ is the Lord, the glory of God the Father, right?
You see all these secular people singing these Christian songs.
Yeah. You know, whether or not they know what they're singing. But some, most...
Of the Christian hymns and songs, you know, are praising the Lord, you know?
So I just find that a little ironic going back to the other way,

but I just want to bring something up when you were talking about,
you know, cognitive dissonance and how we can be a Lord away.
I think Paul gave us a warning in 1 Thessalonians 5.
He said in verse 16, rejoice always, pray without ceasing, and And everything
gives thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus.

Here's the thing. Do not quench the Spirit.
Do not despise prophecy. Test all things, hold fast to what is good,
and abstain from every form of evil.
I think that, for us as Christians, we need to do that.
And when we don't do that, that's when we could be a Lord away.
Well, and me loving prophecy, you can see how America is despising it,

especially when we're fulfilling it like we're
we're walking down the same path that other countries
in the bible walked and we have what what happened
to them right and so that's part of it
but you can see like alex is saying that that this spirit of babylon has really
come back into the world through the hollywood and music industry and they're

overt with it and i'm going to be very honest when i was christian light meaning
that yeah i mean i love god and stuff and And I believe he is who he is.
And I believe he sent his son and he died for us. And, you know,
I believe all that. Sure.
And that's great, you know, that you get moved by what's going on in church
and all that fun stuff. I mean, that's cool for you.

But I would still listen to secular music and I would play it at my boot camps that I ran.
And I really didn't like Christian music.
I mean, just because the quality, you know, some of that's because they don't
have the money invested in the production.
It's getting better now. So a lot of that was that for me, but maybe that was
just an excuse because when I got really,

really touched, when Jesus touched my heart, I had a hard time listening to
that music, music with cuss words in it. I couldn't do it anymore because it changed me.
It really did change me. And that's when I started to get a hunger for listening to Christian music.
But prior to that, you know, it was not something that I really like, oh, I love this.
It's like, yeah, I'm a Christian. However, so, you know, we have to remember

that like to some of the people that we're speaking to, that might just be the
case that if God hasn't really pricked your heart that way and hasn't had that
change that's truly changed you from the inside out,
you know, maybe that's what's happening. Because I know that for me, that's what it was.
I don't know. That's all I can say. But I did want to play that clip by Cardi
B because I think that's pretty powerful. People need to hear it. Okay. Let me pull it up.

Kevin keeps on giving us hand signals. Hurry up. I know. He's like,
YMCA. We've got to be out of here today. That's not Christian.
That's not Christian Kevin. I actually put time limits on these guys.
I know. He's got to. All right. Hold on. Pause it for just one second.
How long is this clip? Let's go right to it, babe.
I just want to see. Okay, this one is a long clip, though. I know I cut it down

some, so I just want to find the cut down clip. Okay, we're recording.
We're going to hear a little bit. This is from another YouTuber talking about
it. And it's talking about... Favorite artists are being exposed.
Cardi B coming out in the meeting that she's being visited by demons.
Meg Thee Stallion being exposed for her demonic music videos.
Billie Eilish being exposed for being possessed by demons. Lil Wayne being exposed.

Like, it's just artist on artist on artist being exposed for the demonic ties.
But Cardi B, let's see what you have to say, Shreddy.

Like, I just want a little mother. You know what I'm saying?
Like, I don't want to be that old Cardi anymore. I lost that lifestyle.
I don't want to be that anymore.
Like, she's coming back, bro.
Like, I feel like getting a king.

I don't know about the cane either. Do you guys know about the cane?
I don't either, but, you know, of course, people talked about how she was the
greatest actress. No, you can hear her pain.
Yeah, she said she was dead blank, bro.
Yeah. So, you know, this is a great way to end this show because you can't beat

your demons. She thought she beat them.
You see what I'm saying? You didn't beat any. But there is only one way to beat the demons.
And that is Jesus Christ. And it isn't an interesting that she has specifically said her heart.
What was her heart? She wanted to be a mom.
She wanted to be that girl anymore. You are a mom. You are full of love.

You are full of love for the next generation. You don't need to consume it on your own lusts anymore.
You don't need to be up in front of people dancing around while people,
you know, do some kind of, you know, homage to you.
Right. You can see she realizes that life is more than that.
But if you try and find that clip, it's almost, they've scrubbed it.

They've scrubbed it. You can find other people talking about it,
but even if you do a search, it's really hard to find it.
Her PR team has yanked it off there. She's back to her old disgusting ways again.
I mean, I just say pray for her because she clearly knows that something's happening.
And so you guys just pray for her because I feel like if she's admitted that.

Then maybe she'll reach out to God.
Dr. Dozier, can you close us with a last word and then also a prayer,
but to just bring out how God is wanting right now to reconcile with people
and that there is nothing that can keep us from what that redemption that God has called us to.

I'd like to just paraphrase Jesus' words. words.
Jesus spoke of a house being cleaned out and being swept and left empty.
He spoke of a demon being cast out, which is what he was speaking of.
He said, and it comes back and it brings seven more worse than itself.

The latter end ends up being worse than the.
Jesus does want to save you. He does desire to deliver you.
The word tells us that God is not slackness under his promises,
as some men count slackness, but he's long-suffering, desiring that all men repent.
He desires that you turn. He desires that you come to him. Amen.

And I want to say when you, sisters, don't ever think that you can do it of
yourself. You cannot kill a demon. Amen. There are spirits.
Amen. Don't think that you can do it of yourself.
You can't even rid yourself of it, of yourself.
They may deceive you and make you think that they're gone, but you can't even rid yourself.

It's going to take the power of God, the grace of God, the infilling of the Holy Spirit.
And Jesus is willing, he's able, and he is ready to come into your life.
Amen. If you're willing to surrender to him, it doesn't take any work from you.

Nope. You believe and he does everything.
Yep. All of it. Amen. By his grace. Amen.
You can be delivered. You can be saved. You can be rescued.
Amen. From everything that has gotten a hold of your life.
Everything. Yeah. And I'd just like to pray before we end.
Father, we thank you. We bless you and we honor you. I know that this was a difficult discussion.

To some, it may have even sounded like gossip. It may have sounded like TMZ
or something, whatever they talk about.
But Lord, it's giving an awareness, giving awareness of what's out there,
because there are people who are tied up into these things.
There are people who are satisfied by these things.

And eventually they end up bound and having misery, not knowing where it came from.
So I pray God in the name of Jesus.
That you would just shine a light and let this, let this, let this podcast be
a light to those who listen.

They may already be saved, but Lord, they may know someone who need to know these things.
Amen. And I pray Lord that you would grace them to, to share these things with
others and how they can be free as well.
And as we leave this particular podcast today and, and we leave our audience
who's hearing us today, I just pray, Lord, in the name of Jesus,

that you're well pleased with everything that has been said today.
And we do thank you and give you honor, glory, and praise in Jesus' name.
Amen. Amen. So this is where I'm going to insert the John Todd clip.
I'm also going to go then immediately into a Joe Rogan interview,
not with John Todd, aka Lance Collins, but with someone else.

And and also from some of the VMAs and the Grammys, that type of thing, as well as the Oscars.
I'm just putting it all in one just so that it's easy.
That way you can kind of get some of the rhetoric that surrounds this,
where they're constantly mentioning that they worship Satan, even just jokingly.
Whether or not that's true, that is, I guess, up to anyone, right?

I guess if you asked us, the proof is in the pudding, right?
But anyway, just to make it easier, it's all here.
Hey, this is Dr. Kevin again, talking to you about ProTandem,
and it's why we've changed many things in our office to revolve around an anti-aging program.
Not only did it help me boost my thyroid, which is really kind of an untreatable

thing when it comes to nutritional, but we also saw my testosterone go up.
We also saw my cholesterol go down, and of course, my blood pressure go down.
We've seen remarkable things happen in multiple people. This is because there
is more science behind pro-tandem than almost any product on the market.
The biggest thing, oxidative stress.

Just like the silver in your house tarnishes, so does every single cell in your body.
But when you take pro-tandem, you can reverse that process, not by taking more
antioxidants, but by making more antioxidants.
And of course, we're talking about the super antioxidant, glutathione.
Not only does glutathione function as an antioxidant, but it also functions

as an anti-inflammatory, and this can help with a lot of autoimmune disorders.
So go to, the tri-synergizer under anti-aging products.
Hey folks, this is Dr. Kevin Cruz giving you another pump, because guess what?
The Supernatural Junkies are on Rumble. All you have to do is go to Rumble,

go to search, and when you search for channels, you look for Supernatural Junkies,
and all of our stuff is gonna start popping up.
It's great because you're gonna be able to see the links.
You'll get to see exactly why we are saying what we're saying,
but most importantly, this is a great way to share with your family and your
friends exactly why we are living in prophetic times and why we cannot give up access.

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