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February 23, 2024 65 mins

In this thought-provoking episode, Supernatural Junkies hosts Alex, Dr. Dozier,  and Super Kevin dismantle Hollywood's glittering façade to reveal its dark side. As they trace the evolution of the entertainment industry, the hosts analyze its impact on societal norms and values and how this reflects in modern culture.

From the shocking lyrics of rising music artists to controversy over the podcast's Instagram presence, the discussion is both enlightening and alarming, revealing the moral decay rampant in the entertainment industry. In response to this disturbing development, the hosts discuss the importance of adhering to God's teachings and draw parallels between the downfall of past civilizations and the current state of America.

Despite enduring censorship, Supernatural Junkies remains committed to promoting truth and providing impactful insights into the world of entertainment. This balanced exploration of serious, humorous, and informative topics results in a critical examination of the entertainment industry's reach, influence, and dark undersides.

This episode is a must-listen for those interested in an alternate take on Hollywood's influence on society and our moral compass. As you venture into the depths of Hollywood's dark history and its power of manipulation, it forces you to reflect on the true cost of fame and success.

Featuring discussions about Hollywood's harmful narratives, personal stories of exploitation and abuse amongst its stars, and the music industry's exploitation, this episode goes far beyond the screen. It underlines the need for mindful consumption of media, encouraging listeners to question the status quo and strive for change.

In the final segments, the hosts continue with a discussion about musicians who died young due to destructive lifestyles, an example of the extreme glamorization of dangerous behavior in society. A riveting tale of a boy's journey from experiences of satanic rituals to finding redemption and hope in Christianity further amplifies the need for responsible choices and highlights the possibility of change, regardless of one's past.

This episode not only exposes Hollywood's dark shadows but also emphasizes the promise of salvation that exists even in the face of despair and hopelessness. Join Supernatural Junkies on this journey of truth and transformation and help spread this important message.

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Episode Transcript

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Hello, everyone. I'm Alex, and I'm going to be natural.
I am Dr. Dozier, and I am going to be super. Yeah.
And I am Dr. O, and I'm going to be the junkie. He's Dr.
Dennis, and he is a junkie. I am Dr. Kevin, and we are... The Supernatural Junkies.

All done. Well done, boys.

So to Supernatural junkies, this is Super Alex, and I'm here with With Super Kevin and Super Dr.
Dozier. Hello. What happened to the junkies on this podcast?
Okay, we can all be junkies today, too. I don't care.
Oh, Dennis is going to be the junkies because he's not here right now. We do.
We have a candidate for the junkie because he's not here today.

Don't be tardy for the party.
He had to go to the neurologist. I got to hear about his whole life this week.
He's having stuff closets putting in. I got to go to the neurologist last week, too. Wow. Yep.
Stuff putting in his house closets or something, you know. What?
All the stuff? He's a busy guy. He is. Totally busy.
And I was really... We're lucky to get him. I was really looking forward to
this week in particular because, you know, today we're going to be talking about

what, Alex? Holly Weird.
Holly Weird. A little bit of the music industry too. Yeah.
Well, we're going to jump in a few different directions. What about the demonic
creeping in of the whole thing?
I mean, you just see the demonic Hollywood side.
So many people are coming out with that. You're going to hear that, Alex, today. But Dr.
Dennis, he was going to make a special episode today, just about the Super Bowl halftime show.

And he was going to demonstrate all of the moves. He memorized it.
Yeah, he memorized all their moves.
He's been practicing all week, guys. He was going to practice all week,
and we were going to get to see it and then tell us what the demonic implications of all that was.
So I'm missing Dr. Dennis today. Done. Yeah, maybe next week.
I'm doing, we'll do like a little video clip that we'll put in. And Dr.

Dozier is going to take over with the verse for the day for Dennis.
He didn't even send us a verse. Can you believe that?
Rude. That's rude.
I want to take us back to a period that we did not live in, the antediluvian
period, that is prior to the flood.
There were some things that were happening in the earth that God was not pleased
with, just as there are many things that are happening today that I'm sure he

is not pleased with. But in Genesis 6, verses 3-4.
Through six. The reason the Lord said, my spirit shall not always strive with man for that he,
also is flesh, yet his day shall be 120 years.

There were giants in the earth in those days.
And also after that, when the sons of God came in until the daughters of men
and they bear children to them, the same became mighty men, which were of old men of renown.
Now, here we go. And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth,
and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. Wow. Wow.
Well, you know, when we start to talk about Hollywood, I mean,
isn't that what we tell our kids today?
You know, this is America, the land of the free, right?

Well, it's stopping being the land of the free because it's no longer the home of brave.
People are just willing to go along with anything. You know,
we're really at this point.
So we can see this wicked imagination has
really crept into especially hollywood because
you know really now with movies we can make that
a reality right we can sit down and watch a movie of virtually anything that

we can imagine and i think isn't that isn't that interesting that oh dr dozier
he's finally noticed he's looking at my dolly parton it's coffee cup that we
have his coffee and it's so i was like what kind of coffee Could I give him
a coffee cup? Could I give him today?
I give nine to five. A cup of ambition.
Give him a cup of ambition today, so he's going to have to live up to that.

My Dolly mug. I love Dolly Parton.
Yeah, but speaking of that verse, those verses that Dr.
Dozer just read, as you go further into that, one of the things I find super
interesting is that it says that they taught, right, those fallen angels taught their skills.
To their wives, and they weren't supposed to, right?

And that's one of the things I always try and point out to people,
that those skills that they had, because they still had some powers,
right, are things that can be taught.
They are literal skills that can be taught to just an average human.
So when people say that there's no power, no presence in worshiping demonic
things, things that's entirely false, in my opinion, because of those particular

verses that very clearly tell you that those skills, in fact, can be taught.
And they're real. And there's a real power there. Right, exactly.
Why would they, if there was nothing there, why would they bother teaching them,
right, to their wives? What would be the point of that?
It'd be futile. It would just be, what, just a ceremony.

Well, and it's interesting because if you just take, you know,
the Lord's Prayer, when And he talks about thy will be done,
right, on earth as it is in heaven, right? Yeah.
Well, why is the world the way it is right now?
Why do we see this, you know, presence really taking over our entire society at this point?
And especially as we talk about today some of those specifics,

it's because there is another entity in the world.
And there's another war. There's really a war that's going on.
And this cosmic war, you know, Satan has his minions. If you really look at
their side, they actually teach that it's Yahweh who is the evil God.
He's kind of like Prometheus.

Satan's like Prometheus. He's the one that's giving us fire.
He's giving us power because he just wants to share that. It was really God.
And God didn't want to share.
God didn't want to share. He didn't want to share. That's why Lucifer got so
mad because he was like, God, why won't you share this?
Exactly. And it's the same today. day, remember, they want us to have what?
The knowledge of good and evil, right?

Well, we talked about two ways to learn. You can learn the easy way,
or you can learn the hard way. The hard way is to find out that, guess what?
God and his ways are the only way to live life.
And so America, you know, as we depart from that, you can see the reason we're
departing is because his minions, Okay.
Really do worship him. They are following his, their father's plan.

Jesus said, he called them your father, the devil, that there was a group of
people that were following this.
And so this is how they've crept into our country. They've crept into our church
and you can see this, that they're carrying out their father's will.
So this is kind of what, where we're going.
Right. But before we get too far into that, I do want to let people know that
follow us on social We have been pulled off of Instagram.

I'm not really sure why. They didn't give us a reason. They said we have so
many days to appeal this decision.
Also, if you've been on our Instagram, we don't...
I repost a lot of stuff. I don't tend to post a ton of stuff for the actual
podcast unless an episode comes out.
And I just use the headline. So I don't know why they've pulled this.

There's actually no actual reason.
There are other podcasts that post hate, that post other things,
but all I can think of is because we are a Christian podcast.
And I know there's other Christian podcasts that, and I've seen some of their
posts, they don't strictly identify as Christian podcast in their posts.
And so maybe that's why I'm not really sure. But anyway, when we try to appeal

it, they actually won't send us the security information that we require to
actually appeal it. So they've, they're playing this game.
So I don't know if we're going to be back on there. We are, which is interestingly
enough, because for those of you who don't know, Instagram is owned by Meta,
right? Facebook, Facebook.
We're, we've not been pulled off Facebook, but we have been pulled off Instagram.
Not really sure. We are working on it we do know if you want to keep up with

us the best way would probably for now you can always email us we always put
all that information in the show notes right and we do have supernatural, on the internet right the interwebs so just follow us there i just
want to clarify that before we got too far into it and i also because the super
bowl was just last weekend And for those of you who watched any of it,

there's, you know, as always, the halftime show is always interesting.
And aside from perhaps getting to watch Dennis recreate the whole thing.
Maybe next week. Yeah, maybe next week. Well, Alex, I've done a personal audit
as to why we were pulled off of Instagram.
And I had to, in doing this audit, there were some questions that needed to

be answered. As I said, personal audit.
So don't go look for it unless you want to text or email me or hit me on Facebook.
Here are the results of my audit, okay?
On Supernatural Junkies, do we use profanity? No. Nope. On Supernatural Junkies,

do we speak perversion? No.
Nope. On Supernatural Junkies, do we use some sarcasm? Of course we do.
Of course we do. On Supernatural Junkies, do we use some humor?
Of course we do. People can use some humor.
On Supernatural Junkies, are we informative? Of course we are.
So after coming, after going through that particular audit, here's the conclusion that we came to.

Supernatural Junkies was canceled by Instagram because we speak truth.
That's all it is. Yep. I agree.
And we don't purport hate, you know, so there comes to a line to where they're
like, oh, well, we don't tolerate hate speech.
We've never, you know, even views that are completely opposite ours or that

we don't agree with, it's not coming from a place of hatred, right?
No, no. The fact is, is that we want to be close to what God wants us to be.
And so that means that we don't agree with what the world is doing.
That's right. That doesn't mean it's hate.
It just means that we have a different point of view. We have a different moral compass.
And so, but, you know, and even looking at the posts that we've had,

we have never, we've never had any hate or like you said, perversion or profanity
or explicit content, any of that kind of stuff on there.
So it makes no sense that we're being pulled like this, but we're kind of used to it at this point.
Podcast has suffered some of the same things because of the content that we have.

In what world is being a Christian the crime?
This is what we're turning it into, though. Well, let's be specific.
We never got up on YouTube. Never got up.
No, we got straight right away. We had 50,000 people downloading us a month,
folks, and Anchor Podcast pulled us down.
Yeah, for no reason. And then we tried to get up on Lipsyn, and they converted

all of our MP3s to A4s, which are unplayable. Even for them.
Even for them. So how did they do that? And then they said, we did it. Right.
And we can show the files. We're all MP3s. And that was another wasted month.
So they literally shut us down for three months until we were able to get back
up. There was almost six in some places.
Yeah. Up on Podbean. So the reality is, is that Satan minions are in the world

and they are willing to censor us.
So this is what I'm going to say. If you watched the Super Bowl,
getting back to the point, they showed Taylor, of course, ad nauseum, right?
Whatever you think of her. I don't care either way.
And they showed a lot of Ice Spice in her booth, who we'll get into what she had on.
But I just, I want to read you some of her lyrics in case you're wondering who Ice Spice is.

She's a new rapper that's come up in the world that is getting a lot of hype
and a lot of attention. attention.
People are really digging her. She's like at billboard, probably top 15 hits right now.
And I just want to read you a bit of her poetry.
Now, I'm going to have to replace some of these words. So if I use the word
B, it's in place of pregnant female dog.

And the F word. So we'll just, but I just, I want you to hear this.
And this is the stuff that doesn't get yanked off these social medias, but here we go.
What the F I must say in the intro. Ha ha ha. You want me to say something so bad.
Stop playing with them, Riot. Can you please?
Thank you, the poop, bee. You not even the fart. Grr. I'll be going hard. Grr.

I'm breaking they hearts like bees be quick, but I'm quicker.
Bees be thick, but I'm thicker. She could be rich, but I'm richer. Wow.
Taking, taking her man, taking her man. Don't give an F.
Don't give an F. Out in the yams, out in the yams. I'm the one keeping one tucked, keeping one tucked.
Unlocked i'll make some jams i'll make me

some jams unlock that advance i said
400 bands i said 400 bands just do my little dance be i'm like a brand wow deep
those are deep thoughts huh well somebody explained to me though with very okay
whatever you want to say about that writing Let's be honest. It's crap. Okay.

Any college English major will tell you that's horrifying. It's so bad. I can't even.
It's like on the level of really just an angry toddler. It's so bad.
Why is she a star right now, guys? These are the people, though, that are being pushed.
And Candace Owens did a whole thing on this.

She feels, and there's a record producer out there who says that they are lifting
up these Black voices intentionally.
That don't help the Black community, right?
This is who they're pushing to them, though, because it keeps perpetuating this
cycle, this prison cycle.

These are not heroes, right? Is this person a great writer? Is she that?
Have you heard her rap? It sounds like she's bored.
Frankly, I feel like all rap nowadays sounds like they're bored.
There's no intonation. There's no inflection.
That's really poor writing. I mean, say what you want, but there are rappers
out there who are incredibly skilled at the flow, the poetry of it,

right? Is she one of them?
But she's a huge star right now. Right. Huge. Someone explain that to me.
Satan is definitely involved in that one.
If you would look in John 3, many of us, and I believe every true believer knows
John 3, 16, whether they know where it's coming from or not,
where it says, For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son.

That whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.
But it goes on to say that God sent His Son into the world not to condemn the
world, but that through Him the world might be saved.
And then you go on through the 19th verse where it reads, this is the condemnation
that light is coming to the world.
And men love darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil.

For everyone that doeth evil hates the light, neither cometh to the light,
lest his deeds be reproved.
This is what we're seeing. We're seeing people who love darkness rather than light.
And even before the money came, the money makes it worse.

But even before the money came, there was that darkness.
Black, white, Hispanic, whatever it may be, there was that darkness even before the money came.
That's right. What the money does is enhances it. Yep, no doubt.
Keep going, baby. All right. So, you know, we want to start a little bit of

Hollywood's downfall, too.
So initially, I don't know, I did a little bit of a history dive.
So we'll just go back in time and look at some history.
So in 1883, Harvey Henry Wilcox and his wife bought a couple hundred acres of
land in what is now known as Hollywood.
And they, when they signed up the name, they used to be called Hollywood Town.

Right. And then they dropped that part. But the wife came up with the name because
she heard two women talking about it on the train and just thought that was
an interesting name. So they named it Hollywood.
And what they initially wanted to start in that community was they were hoping
to make it a Christian community. Did you know that? I didn't know that.

Edison owned the rights because he had created a camera that captured moving
pictures, motion pictures.
Okay. So, and his offices, I believe were up North in Pennsylvania.
And I think it's at that point they were in New Jersey and all the movies were,
Because he had so much power that if you wanted to make a movie,

you were essentially using his camera to do it.
So if he heard about that, he would immediately slap a lawsuit on you.
And people wanted to make movies because they were like, hey,
he shouldn't be the only one.
So then what they did is they came, they scouted out land in California and
they realized like, hey, there's desert, there's beach, there's everything.
But the most important thing was that it was really close to Mexico to make

a run for the border, not to get Taco Bell.
Okay. But that way they could escape any lawsuits that he might slap on them.
They were far enough away to where they could get a heads up,
then they could head to Mexico if necessary, and he couldn't do anything.
So they saw Hollywood and said, hey, this is the place. It's a really great place.
It's kind of in the central area to the beach, to the deserts.

We can do cowboy movies, which were really big at the time because they were
still silent movies. movies.
And so that's how it happened. And when they came in, the people that wanted
to make movies there, they brought in a whole industry and they said,
hey, I'll move to this town.
So they all moved to Hollywood, the makeup artists, the set designers,
all these people. And that's how Hollywood got started.
I just think it's really interesting that initially it was something they wanted

to start as a Christian community.
And of course, you know, Satan comes in and takes it over.
So one of the first movies, and let's look at some of the most famous movies.
And one One of the first, the first blockbuster was called Birth of a Nation, right, by D.W.
Griffith, who Griffith Park, Griffith Observatory, named after him.

It was huge. And it was, it was basically a very racist story.
Okay. It involved the Ku Klux Klan.
Yeah. It was, you know, it's what he understood history to be at that point.
And you have to remember, this is like 1910, 1950, right, 1918.
Then he comes up with a movie to where and so Hollywood is often called Babylon.

Well, why is it called Babylon?
It's probably it's a very appropriate name. Yeah. Yeah. Right.
Well, the reason it's called that is because that movie Intolerance was such a big hit.
It was crazy. It sort of swept the United States because there weren't many
movies that were blockbusters at that time.
So that was the one. Well, then he came up with another movie that was called The Birth of a Nation.
I'm sorry, called Intolerance. And Intolerance was four different stories.

I believe one of them is the story of Babylon.
So he had an entire giant set built to look like Babylon.
Do you know that that set became a design piece for that city,
wherever it was filmed, until very recently? All those were still up because
he wanted giant elephants.
He wanted everything. He wanted to make it look just like Babylon.

And so that's what they did. So that movie, also another very big hit.
Also kind of racist, right? Because of his knowledge.
And if you're thinking... I want to just interject and not say so much because of his knowledge.
Because Birth of the Nation, I believe, is the worst movie that's ever been
made in the United States of America.

Wow. And even the president of that time held that movie as a great movie.
Mm-hmm. And it was a terrible movie. They had on the sheets.
They had on... It was a very terrible movie.
It was about... Don't watch it. Forty so many years, 40 so many years after the Civil War.
So it's still it wasn't sort of racist. It was it was hyper racist.

And it was still really what it was doing is it was projecting what was taking place. Right.
Because you still had the Klan at that time.
So even though it was it was a blockbuster. Yeah.
It was in my estimation.

And I would think any perhaps any black person who knows about it.
And I don't think you just have to be black to to think this.
It had to be perhaps the worst movie ever made. Yeah, don't watch it. Yeah.
So here's another thing that I want to say here, though, is that it shows you
that right from the get-go, everybody realized that this media was powerful.

Right. Okay? And it was a way to really start the brainwashing and propaganda machine.
But that's why I wanted to go into some of the history, so that we realize that
initially it was meant to be a Christian community, but what happened was Satan came in, right?
And we see that from the very beginning. Also, D.W. Griffith,
known to be a pedophile. Wow. Right.
Liked very young girls. Liked them. Yeah. Liked to rape very young girls.

So this and he got hugely famous on this.
But I just want to show you that the origins of this were always,
always operating with Satan. It was never right.
It was never going to turn out any other way. Right.
Because and that's why I want to go into the history. It's not so much because
I want to do a deep dive into the movies that he made.

But because he was a piece of garbage human being that made a piece of
garbage film and and because it was and
i think it was maybe even gosh i hate to think that people were that racist
back then because that's awful but i think maybe because it was the scope of
the thing because it was this huge picture on a huge screen i mean i don't know
i perhaps you know sign of the times right thank god that's but don't watch

it because it is a piece of garbage um no you can You can watch it, though.
I would say it would be good to watch to see the mindset, to see where it was then.
And I know, once again, you said you're not trying, but to see where it was
then. Yeah, to what it's become. And what it's become. Yeah.
It's silent, by the way. Yeah, yeah. They weren't talkies at the time,

as they call them, which is fascinating.
But then we delve further into it. And as I started doing research on this episode,
it got really overwhelming.
Because the truth is, is that as Christians, and I think most of people listening
to us nowadays realize that Hollywood is demonic in nature.
If you think otherwise, you've got your blinders on.

Because there's just no way. Look, I went on a very depressing deep dive because
now I have to look at modern stuff, what's happening, right?
And then we have to look at the sex trafficking. And then we have to look at
all the pedophiles in the industry.
And it's really disheartening because it is awful.

Corey Feldman, Corey Haim, right? He ended up committing suicide.
He was molested from a very young age. Elijah Wood. And you guys can find all
this. Fill in the blanks about who they played first. Oh, okay.
The movie Lost Boys, Corey Feldman and Corey Haim were both in the movies,
The Lost Boys. And also, Corey Feldman was in Goonies.
Corey Haim was in a lot of teenage movies at the time.

Very popular actor. I mean, I remember he was, because I'm quite old,
I remember him being very popular when I was young.
You know, he was really cute. And I do remember him from Lost Boys because he
played a really cute part.
But very popular actor back then. And as he got to be an adult,
it was something that this, it deeply affected him.
He ended up getting addicted to drugs. I mean, Corey Feldman as well, right?

Very strange. Elijah Wood, I'm sure that's a name some of you are probably more familiar with.
Know who he lord of the rings that's right lord
of the rings he's a great actor but he was in so many movies as a kid especially
if you google it i'm and i didn't want to i could have come up with clips the
truth is is that watching all this this whole show would have been nothing but

actors talking about this kind of stuff and look if you want to find it find it but anyway,
so elijah wood he was a child actor started very young and his mother was his
agent or manager and And so she was always present on set.
And he came out and he said he was never molested. He's like,
but because he was friends with all those boys, Corey Feldman,
Corey Haim, he said he saw it. He saw it all happen. He saw it happening at the parties.

They would literally invite these little boys to parties and their parents thinking
like, oh my gosh, this is an opportunity for my child.
This is what my child really wants. Meanwhile, your child's being groomed.
I mean, Kevin Spacey. Right. Just look at all the allegations against him. How many allegations?
If you really want to get wild into this, look at the music industry.
Okay, maybe we'll do more on that later.

The music industry, who was the worship leader in heaven, right?
Lucifer. Right. So wouldn't it make sense that he would also be using the music
industry? I mean, it's just, it's so perfect. It's too perfect. Right.
But there's all sorts of clips of celebrities, I mean, and musicians talking

about how they sold their soul to the devil, Bob Dylan. Right.
He said the reason he is where he is is because he sold his soul to the devil.
And somebody said, well, why are you still touring?
Because he's, you know, a thousand and one probably.
But he said, well, because that was the deal. And the guy goes,
what do you mean the deal? And he goes, well, that's the deal I made. He goes, you made a deal.
And this was on 60 Minutes or something or, you know, one of those type news shows.

And he's like, yeah. He's like, who'd you make a deal with? he goes,
you know, the main one, the one.
Now, he didn't come out and say Satan, but he said, you know, the main one, the one.
And he's like, okay. He's like, what was the deal? He goes, well,
that I would get to where I'm at today and I would keep doing this.
So that's why he's, you know, so old and keeps touring. Willie Nelson has said it.
Christian Bale had an award show, and maybe he said it jokingly,

but he said after he won an award that he'd like to thank Satan, you know?
But there's no scorn there, but Chris Pratt gets up and thanks Jesus,
right? And tells people how to be saved.
And he's instantly canceled for everything he does, you know?
Wow. That's a pretty good parallel.
I mean, think about that. But nobody cares if you say you worship Satan.

They're happy about it. They're like, ah, that's so great. You know?
I want to give a history, short, that should really give some great clarity to this.
When Jesus came into the earth, there's a recording in Matthew 4 and Luke 4,
and it speaks of Jesus being led in the wilderness by the Spirit of God.

Fasting 40 days and 40 nights, he's led in the wilderness to be tempted of the
devil, to be enticed to sin.
And the devil challenges him with a few things. If you be the son of God, do this.
If you be the son of God, turn these stones to bread. If you be the son of God,
cast yourself down from the mountain force and he will give his angels charge of what he to keep thee.

But then when you get to the eighth verse in Matthew chapter four,
this is going to show you where the people who worship Satan fail with Jesus' triumph.
And in verse 8, it says, Again, the devil takes him up to an exceeding high
mountain and shows him all the kingdoms of the world and the glory, the splendor of them.

And then he said to him, All these things will I give you if you will fall down and worship me.
Wow. Now, worship leads to something.
We praise God. We worship him for who he is, for his mighty acts,

and everything that he does,
everything that he is, everything that he has made us, how he protects us, how he provides for us.
And for him, once again, going back to him being God.
I can say it in the beginning, and I can say it again, just to keep emphasizing it.
Satan desires the same thing
That's right That is due God He

wanted to be as the most high And so
what he does He's the God of this world Okay And the world speaks of this cosmos
The inhabitants of the earth And everything that is hostile towards God And
so what he does Is he offers them Great material things He cannot offer them eternal life Right.

But he offers them temporal things in this earth if they will worship him. Yep.
People worship him for things.
Those in Hollywood who worship Satan and become great, they worship him for glory.
They worship him for splendor. They worship him for success.

It's temporal. But during this temporary time period, they don't realize,
I don't believe that, they don't really realize what selling your soul actually means.
Because everything that he is characterized by, should I say,
everything that is within his attributes, they are going to act out.

Be it homosexuality, be it perversion, be it greed, be it white swapping,
as you see a lot, whatever it is, that's not like God.
This is what they're going to act out because now they owe it to him because
what they have done is to render themselves over to him as him being their master

and them being his slave.
Isn't it something? An earthly rich slave.
And he deceives you into believing that you're happy being just that.
Maybe you are happy from a natural standpoint, but the end point,
the end is going to lead to tremendous regret and tremendous suffering.

And it started with the forbidden fruit, right?
To make you into what? God, right?
What did they have to do? They had to go along.
And you see he's still making the same offer to people today.
And he is able to actually fulfill his promise.
You fall down and worship me and I will give you what? He's making good on his promise.

These people have made it. So here you have modern testimonies of people that
went through a testing just like Jesus. and they accepted the offer.
Can I go just a little bit further with this?
I want to take this over to James 1 because I really want us to see this. Now.
When people go to Hollywood, I would say they have a desire.

And we'll just use a simple four-letter word, a desire for fame.
It's not just fame. It's the money, the riches, the glamour,
the mansions, the cars, all of this power.
So now notice what James wrote. But every man is tempted.
Every man is enticed to sin. Every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his

own lust, his own cravings. Lust speaks of cravings for things that are illicit, illicit desires.
So he's drawn away of his own lust. And then when the person is drawn away,
they are enticed. In other words, debate is there.
And debate is exactly what they're thinking. This is how you're going to get it.

And then when this lust is conceived, it brings forth sin. And sin,
when it's finished, brings forth death.
So we see a lot of suicides. We see early deaths. and still Satan manages to
put blinders on people and they don't get it.
And then year after year after year, the person can be dead for 20 years and

you'll keep showing things on the television screen as though this person is still here.
And you show all the greatness of this person and never is there a lesson to
be learned how great this person was, how wonderful this person was,
all the great things this person did.
The question is never asked, why did they die? at such a young age.

Well, and think about it. I mean, it goes on and on and on about the suicides, right?
Oh, yeah. There's something called the 27 Club and the 33 Club because more
musicians end up dead by 33 than other areas of the entertainment field.
Between 27 and 33, there's so many suicides, but there's actually something

called the 27 Club because so many died at 27. Like Kurt Cobain.
Janis Joplin. Yep. The Doors, the guy from The Doors. I forget his name.
Well, you know, this stuff. But there's a long list, guys. It's not.
The guy from Linkin Park that just committed suicide. Yep.
So another one that I know we've talked about, I know you don't want to go into

so many of these, but there's so many people that have basically been letting
out of the bottle, right?
But there was a big lawsuit, and one of the guys we just saw was on this,
that movie was, what was that, Better Off Dead with?
John Cusack. John Cusack, and of course, the guy that's in that movie ends up
being the producer of Victorious, was it? Oh, yeah, Dan.

Dan something, we won't go. But I'm not going to mention his last name. Yes.
So, yeah. He was a producer.
There's some allegations about inappropriate sexual behavior.
There's also allegations that.
Ariana Grande. Okay. Sometimes, like looking at Ice Spice, there are certain
people you look at and you go, but why?

But why? And Ariana Grande does have an amazing voice. She really does.
But it is said that the reason Victoria, that girl that was Victoria Jackson, where's she now?
Right? She refused. She actually wrote a letter because she was being sexually
harassed by that man, and he's in his 40s.
Mind you, these girls were very young.

Ariana Grande was a minor. The other girl, Jade, also a minor.
And she married... She ended up, at 18 years old, she ended up marrying the
music producer on that show.
Because... Well, she was pregnant, right? I don't know if she was pregnant at
the time or she got pregnant shortly after, but she was 15 when they met.
Right. Okay, and her career did sort of start to take off, but then she ended
up getting married and I guess had a baby and all that. But Ariana did supposedly

had something going with this older man.
I don't want to necessarily go too far into speculative things.
But, you know, the main star of the show, who the show was named after, she went nowhere.
She complained. Actually, she had her lines cut. She had her part cut down to almost nothing.
Guess which two celebrity or two of those after that got most of the lines in

the Showtime? Well, you just watch the last few years of that show to see who the big stars were.
It was Ariana and the girl that played Jade. They got the most lines.
They got the most everything on that show. And I can remember there was another
big one that was out that just, you know, particularly named people and producers.
Well, I want to talk about Taryn Manning, who was an actress in Hollywood,

who was on Orange is the New Black.
She was also in the movie 8 Mile. She was also in the movie Crossroads with
Britney Spears and Zoe Saldana.
And she came out recently, you guys can find the clip, and she's talking about
the gold juice. Just type in Taryn Manning gold juice.
She was on Whitney Cummings' podcast, and she was talking about how in her career,
now she's in her 40s, that she had been offered, quote unquote,

the gold juice at least three times. And she turned it down every time.
And, you know, Whitney Cummings makes a joke about, what do you mean, like golden showers?
You know, she's like, there's lots of that in Burbank. And she's like,
no, no, no. She's like, the gold juice. She goes, I don't know if it's metaphorical
gold juice or if it's actual literal gold juice that you drink.
She goes, but But she goes, you can always tell the girls that took the gold
juice. She's like, especially on Orange is the New Black because they blew up.

Well, who blew up from Orange is the New Black?
Laverne Cox, right? The trans actress, right? She got huge.
She was in that movie with Kate Beckinsale. So you are going to have to tell us what the gold juice.
Well, she said that she wasn't sure if it was a literal or figurative gold juice.
She's like, but they told her that if she were to take it, she would live forever.

And she'd be famous forever and she's like
she didn't know if that meant she would actually live forever she's like because you know
she never took it she she's a christian and
she's like and she's off her rocker a little bit but you know she's an actress
what do you expect but she said she never took it so she doesn't really get
no she's like but what happens is they get a glow up right because if you look

at laverne cox before in the beginning of series and then at the end when she
became a huge star there is a glow up there and i always call it the hollywood
makeup makeover, right?
Because they get super skinny, super, super skinny.
They get super tan and they get like stuff done to make them more attractive,
right? See, Dr. Dozier, they could help me.
Anyway, so and she said that she's been offered it three times.

She's turned it down every time. She's like, but if you take it,
she's like, you know, the girls that take it, you know who takes it because
they instantly have a...
Friend for hire a best friend for hire who follows them around
everywhere wow and controls who's around them
what they're doing she's like but you instantly know because that's the next
thing that happens as soon as that happens that friend comes in
that's for hire to monitor all your

stuff and watch out and what you're doing and report back she's
like but you could always tell who did it she's like she did she and
she did say she's like there was a movie she was on which she was
intimating crossroads that all the stars got huge after that
after that incident well who was in
in that movie with her britney spears and zoe saldana
who got huge after that zoe not zoe i

know we love zoe we do love zoe and britney
right i mean somebody explain britney's rise to fame not
a great singer she's not a songwriter she doesn't write her own music right
i mean that's all you have to do is look at the line so we
want to talk about one other actress and look up the video if you want and
it's angelina jolie talking about her
ties to the illuminati the video's out out there she's at dinner with

friends she doesn't realize she's being recorded and she's
talking about the orgy slash rape
that happens for hours and the
fact that they take pictures of the whole event she said because they use it
as blackmail if you try and come out later she's like and they have pictures
on everybody so it's equal right it's not like anybody in that that's attending

that thing is any more innocent than the other right because they have pictures
on all they all went through it already she's like and then she had to kill her pet snake.
And and she talks about at least it wasn't her pet bunny yeah
she didn't have pet bunnies she had pet snakes but she also talks about how
the pain is so intense that a lot of times the people will drop out halfway
through and but she didn't obviously because she became a huge star right and

that is a very old old clip right it's not like in the last 20 years even it's
probably probably like at least 20 to 25,
maybe 30 years old now, you know, because she's been famous for a long time.
There's, and if you look at, you know, the ties, there's a lot of people that
used to work with Beyonce and Jay-Z.

We've got to bring that up because her former drummer brought lawsuits against
her saying that she killed her cat.
She's done witchcraft rituals against her.
Their bodyguards say the same thing, that they partake in some really weird
stuff and they've sacrificed actual living people to get where they're at.
And that is the other reason. You You don't mess with those two.
You just don't. Because they have power. They have the money.

They have power. And it's being backed by something. Right?
I mean, when's the last time Jay-Z did anything musically? Right.
Well, why is he such a huge star? Right. Beyonce, I mean, she just dropped an
album, great, that she dedicated to the fallen angels, by the way.
And all their unacknowledged contributions to the world and culture. What?

Yeah, just, you know. And all the things she says where she uses the Bible as a tampon.
Like, sorry, but she said it. You know, it's in one of her songs or something
or it's poetry. It's really weird.
You just have to look at these things and what these people are actually telling you.
Lady Gaga said she one night after being broke, really crappy gig,
someone came up to her and offered claiming to be.

Something that could offer her power, riches, money. She took it.
Katy Perry also admits that she used to be a Christian singer,
got nowhere with it, and then she did something.
Maybe she's tongue-in-cheek, who knows, but she mentioned selling her soul to
the devil, and that's how she got famous, right?
She's very clear with it. A lot of them admit it.
And I know there's a whole Taylor Swift, Anton LaVey thing. I have no idea.

I will say that the biggest threat to Christianity Christianity way back when
was actually the Beatles.
The largest falling away from Christianity, probably up until now,
that happened was when the Beatles came in because they were so anti-Christian.
And if you look at their Sgt. Pepper's Only Heart Club album,
they actually have a picture of Anton LaVey in the mix on there.

Intentionally so, because they were very much anti-Christian.
That was not their message.
That's why they were such terrible singers. I actually liked the Beatles when I was a little kid.
Yeah. I think everybody did, you know, back then. My parents listened to him.
No, Abba. We liked Abba. My dad was really big on Elvis.
Elvis was actually pretty decent. I loved Elvis. Even those gospel songs,

they didn't feel like, they didn't feel like his, you know, he was, you know.
Yeah, but, so the whole thing. I almost gave you a little Elvis.
And he can sing, too. He can sing. So, you know what? Next week,
we're going to have him singing. We're going to have Dr. Dennis Danson.
Wow. That could be good. I could stay for that. Well, I'd stay for the singing.

I'm not so sure about Dr. Dennis dancing. Sorry, Dennis.
It's impersonal. But yeah, to hear him sing, you should stay because he's got an amazing voice.
So if you want to do Elvis, please feel free. Well, you know,
just look at the number of people that have come out of Hollywood and also sounded the alarm.
Of course, the bigger ones right now are Denzel Washington.
Of course, Mel. Mark Wahlberg.

He's working with Denzel. John Voight. His name is Denzel, by the way.
It's not Denzel. That's how we pronounce it. but he actually clarified it's Denzel.
Oh, my goodness. Which I kind of. All of these people named their children after
him or I pronounced it wrong. Totally.
Because he came out and he said his name is Denzel. Yeah. Wow.
Yeah. Well. But is there something not powerful about Denzel?

But you're like, Denzel.
It sounds so exotic. But Denzel. It's true. Yeah. It's like Hansel.
Hansel and Denzel. Yeah. It's very weird.
I don't know. Well, and you got Mel Gibson, right? Oh, yeah.
Mel Gibson's been very vocal.
And also, you know, you have to look at what he's done. Jim Cadizal. Right. Right.
It's some of the backlash that they're facing because they choose a Christian message.

Mark Wahlberg, also, he's very open. He goes to church every day. Dean Cain.
Dean, oh, yeah, Dean Cain also. Mark, Kevin Sorbo? Kevin Sorbo.
I mean, why are these people- Totally blackballed. Right. Why are they not, they're great actors.
I mean, Dean Cain, okay. I mean, but he's really cute, you know?
But, okay, maybe not all of them, but, you know, but some of them,

yeah, Yeah, they're great actors. I mean, Jim Caviezel, how could you argue? He's a great actor.
But he got dropped by his agent of 17 years.
His lawyer dropped him when he signed on.
For Sound of Freedom. That's right. And why is that? You know, he's an A-list, right?
Right. Why would your agent of 17 years not return your phone calls?

Wild. So there's a whole slew of this going on.
And we did mention briefly Ice Spice from the Super Bowl.
I want to bring that that up because she was wearing an upside-down cross that
supposedly her boyfriend had given her, and they wanted to say the next weeks
or so had nothing to do with...
Satan or Satanism. But the fact is, is every time they showed her in the booth,

you can look up these clips. She's making the Baphomet symbol with her hands.
And she is, oh, that's Chewbacca reminding me something.
Sorry, that was chewy. I thought it was.
And she, not only making the symbol, she kept calling attention to that necklace
that was that black gold upside down cross.
She kept pulling at her collar, you know, to, you know, the camera's on you.

You know, she's clearly doing that for a reason. Her boyfriend that gave it to her,
by the way, is covered in tattoos that that say bad religion no really
like a cross with the slash through it no christianity and
also he has the baphomet symbol that tattooed on
him right you know what was it black china she also had the baphomet symbol
um tattooed on herself but since she's made a conversion to christianity she's

having those tattoos removed and it's a very painful process good for her but
she's had all the weird things she had done to her face she's trying to have that all reversed Wow.
Yeah, she got baptized. Kat Von D the other day.
Yes, Kat Von D, yep. Wow. I'd like to say this.
When it comes to serving Satan, yeah, I just don't think that a person would

make such a profession if they really didn't believe they were doing it.
And if they say it, then most likely that's it, unless they think that's the
thing to say to keep people off of them. them, but I do also want to say this.
A person can save them, I mean can serve Satan, and,
not really recognize they are. The word says, whomever you yield your members

as instruments to serve, that's whose servant you are.
Because remember, he is a deceiver.
And so he can deceive you and take you down the wrong course.
And you could be serving him and not realize it. But then there are some who
just sell themselves out totally.
And as we were talking, I was thinking And I ministered on this recently,

Ecclesiastes chapter 7, verses 15 through 17.
I won't really quote them, but there Solomon is speaking of all the things that
he's seen in his life, and there are some things that he just don't understand.
And he speaks of this thing, how a person can live wicked and yet have a long life.

And some people can be righteous and have a short life.
And then he brings out what he is saying is when he says do not be overly righteous
He's not saying that there be some moderation in your in your righteousness
and moderation wickedness mix it What he's speaking of is that not to become
an extremist because you can
become an extremist and nobody want to be around you That's right. Okay.
We know what extremists are You know people you want to sit there and you want

to give every you a believer that person believe you won't give every person
A litmus test and if they don't pass your litmus test, then they're really not
safe So some people may not want to be around you.
But then he also says something about being overly wicked.
And he says this. He says, do not be over much wicked, neither be foolish. And then he says this.
Why should you die before your time? A person can't really shorten their life.

And I think when we, just like some of these people you were mentioning who
were musicians and dying early, and you'll see the, what do you call them,
the documentaries or whatever, and they'll say he died way too early, way too early.
It would be great if somebody popped in the question and said, why?
Because he didn't just die early just to die early. Why?

What type of life were they living? Why are you making a hero out of someone
who lived a foolish life, a stupid life, and destroyed it with much wickedness?
And so when a person says you can die before your time, you can.
You can. You can be so wicked until you die before your time.

And there's a, listen, there's a day when, listen, Satan is not making a deal
with you without saying, saying, okay, now it's time for you to pay up for everything
that I did for you. Mm-hmm.
Yep. Well, you know, and here's, as we're starting to run out of time here, I want to remind,
and this is a story that Alex also shared with me, and this is about a young

boy that was brought in really to a Satanist group and all these horrible things that he did.
Oh, Zachary King, not the magician. And this kid, you know, what they were always
taught is that there was no hope for them, right?
And, of course, he later becomes a Christian, right?
And even though he did these ritual sacrifices and all these other things,

you know, the reality is that these people that think they've made whatever
they think they've made with the devil, right?
Yeah. They really believe that it's not redeemable, right?
And we don't understand all that. But this young man comes out of this.
There's just no way to explain the horrible things.
And he was kind of initiated when he was about 10 years old.

Is that correct? Yeah, well, it started when he was about 11.
He had been molested by his teacher, right? So it sort of started him down this path.
But yeah, by the time he's an adult, he's now committed, as part of the process
of becoming a Satanist, they asked him to perform a live abortion at 14.
And he did. And he said from that time until he was an adult,

he actually performed over 140 live abortions.
And this is pretty graphic, but after the abortion, and it was done at a satanic coven, right?
They took the baby and they threw it to the crowd for them to cannibalize.
So now his mission, now that he's been saved, is to save these unborn children.

That's right. He's got a mission to where, because he feels a certain amount
of guilt, but when, and he signed a contract in blood saying that Christ died
for everyone, but not for him.
Do you hear that, folks? that Christ's blood washed other people clean,
but not his sins. They don't get washed away by that.
And the last part of the contract, there was three different things.
The last one was that he agrees to give his soul to the devil.

And so when he came to the point of being saved, and this is on my What's Your
Origin Story podcast, I talk about it in the last episode, and he, please follow.
Anyway, but he said that when he did get saved and he got brought to a a place
where Mary and Jesus were there,
he said when he turned around, he knew in an instant, he thought he was irredeemable,

that he wasn't savable, that it was too late for him, so he might as well just live his life.
But he realized in that moment that he was saved and that.
Jesus basically told them that Satan can't take what he already paid for.
He's like, I bought you. I ransomed you with my blood.
Satan has no rights. He's like, I bought you basically before you were born.
I paid for you before you were born.

He cannot take what is mine.
Amen. And that's what he got out of it. So he was forgiven. And then he,
you know, he's given his life over to Christ.
And they asked him, they said, aren't you worried? And he said, never.
He's like, because I walk in the light now. He goes, if he's like,
and I have to. He's like, I have to live my life in the light.
He's like, because the minute I go to the dark, I know what's waiting for me

there. He goes, because that's where they hide. He's like, that's where Satan's hiding.
It was a really beautiful story. His name is Zachary King.
He's got a really powerful message. He has done some awful things.
Well, and you have to remember that these kids, some of these kids,
like him, were ritually abused.
Yes. Yeah, they got him. They got him. The cult got him doing child porn. Very young, right?

And they completely molded him and ritual satanic abuse was happening.
And this is a kid that's coming out of something like that. So the point with
all that is he loves to show you other stuff and how these rituals actually
have meaning that they're doing.
And that's, of course, in the videos that we see.
That's in the movies that we see and so on and so forth. But I love what Dr.

Dozer had to say, because, you know, let's say that things like that maybe Taylor
Swift is when she's doing these things on stage that look like a ritual or other
like Lana Del Rey when they're doing things that are that look like a witchcraft
ritual. It doesn't matter. Right.
Whether they intend to serve Satan with that purpose or not,
Satan uses what he needs to use.

And if you are doing things like that, he will use it for his purposes.
And so that's really, you know, and the other thing when people are like,
well, she practices white magic or he practices dark magic.
The truth is, you know what the difference between white magic and dark magic is? Who you serve, okay?
If it's anyone other than Christ operating in that, then it's dark magic, folks.

I don't care what you call it. It is not white magic just because you,
think it's benign and are doing things to help the earth.
It's who you serve and glorify with it. And if you don't serve Christ,
it's black magic, folks.
That's all it is. So, you know, that's something that I think young people are
being confused about because places like Sephora sell like makeup with tarot decks,

or we see just places passing out these things or these weird crystals.
Look, I love crystals. You know why?
Because God created these beautiful, beautiful beautiful stones.
That's the only reason. It's not for worship, but they're doing it as part of a magic ritual.
That magic ritual will lead down a dark path. Maybe you don't intend to serve
Satan. Maybe you're just like, oh, it's for the better. It's not.

And that's the thing we need to show people. There's a difference.
I do want to play the clip of Cardi B, because I think that's really powerful,
where she talks about a song of hers that activates demons.
And it's a very recent clip. She ended up deleting it almost immediately because
it, I don't know, people started to have have a problem with it,
but she admits that she's 100% telling the truth. So just give me a second to find that.

So, you know, you hear that clip and I know Alex has got a few things to say about it, but go ahead.
Yeah. I mean, not much. The clip pretty much speaks for itself.
You know, my, I will say that when Cardi says she believed those were demons
that she had killed, you don't have the power to do that.
None of us have the power to do that. You know, who does have the power to do that, Christ, right?

So if he took those demons out of your life, he did that.
He has the power for that. So he might have taken them away from her for a little
while or, you know, they were playing with, my feeling is like a lot of times
they were just playing with her and they back off to make her feel like she
has power. Cause a lot of times I think that's what they do to us.
For her to be saying that, that's huge because a lot of people don't realize like music does.

Well, and she got called out by somebody else, you know, making fun of her.
Right. That said another rapper that said, hey, and the Academy Award goes to Cardi B.
And she replied because it was that same day. And she said, I was,
excuse my language, dead A bro. I was dead A serious.
Right. And that, I believe that's a direct quote.
Yeah. How she responded to what he had to say. So the quote I want to leave

everybody with is that while we have talked about the satanic underbelly of Hollywood,
and this is where it's coming from and the ritual abuse that's even happening
to the kids that are even brought into this, the ones that are coming to light,
these people are told a lie.
And the lie is that Jesus died for everybody but you.
Right. Right. And so here we have people that think they're unredeemable.

Right. Right. And that's what we we still have the hope, the gospel to share with these people.
And so that's what I want you to remember, no matter what you've been dabbling
with. And what you've been through. No matter what you've said yes to.
You can repent. What's been done to you or how filthy you might feel. You can repent.
Yep. God did die for you. And he will visit you that you can walk back into the light that there is.

Is Jesus is waiting, open and armed, and he wants to come in and basically have
dinner with you. He wants to have a life with you, right?
And so please don't, while we talked about this, remember that we still have the hope and the light.
And I know Dr. Dozier has a few thoughts, and then he's going to pray us out.
I want to put out a word of caution here for a number of Christians who hold

to a certain doctrine. Just hearing the story of this young man.
There is a certain doctrine that is taught, and I do believe that this can lead
people who have lived what they would consider very heinous and wicked lives,
leave them in a state of despair and hopelessness.

And that is this doctrine which teaches irresistible grace.
And what it teaches is that there are there are some people who are going to be saved.
Whether they want to or not and and because because of the fact that god has
chosen them this grace is irresistible they cannot resist it so it's like he's

forcing them to be saved yep and then there's another group that even if they
want to be saved they have no opportunity to be saved.
And they call this limited atonement. That is disgraceful.
It is saying that when Jesus died, he didn't die for all.
He just died for a select number of people.

Just because all will not receive his atoning sacrifice, his atoning act,
it does not mean that all cannot be saved. We know that all will not receive it. That's right.
But as many as believe on him to those, he gave the right to become the children of God. That's right.
And Satan does not have more power than God.

Satan cannot claim a soul and say, God, you cannot have them.
I demand it. He cannot do it.
But God can say, I demand that you take your hands off of them.
Amen. They believed on me. So I want to bring that out. Stop going out there
with this thing where you're telling people that there is a limited atonement.

You are leading many people in despair who've lived bad lives.
And it's arrogant because the ones who are teaching it, you're saying, but you were chosen.
So, and then the last thing I want to say is this was a very powerful episode
and Alex started out telling you what happened with us as far as which one was it?

Instagram has censored us, blackballed us, whatever you want to call it.
We don't know what these different entities are going to do.
But we know and we are sure that what we're doing is lining up with the purposes and plan of God.

We are standing on his word. We're standing on his truth.
And we are praying and believing that he is well pleased with what we're doing.
We ask that you continue, continue to listen in and tell others about us as well.
Tell others about us as well. And wherever we are, we'll make sure that we let

you know, because we believe that this candid, uncensored God talk that we give
to you is important for you to receive.
Father, we thank you. We honor you. We bless you now in Jesus name.
Lord, we repent of anything, any thought, any words that may be displeasing in your sight.

And we also pray for favor, for divine favor, divine grace,
that people will hear what's being said and not just hear, but even seek your
face, research, look in your word, stand on that which is true.
Pray for those, Lord God, who may feel that they're in a hopeless situation or hopeless place.

We pray this now in the name of Jesus. And even those who may listen or not listen,
who have the power to put us on or take us off, even when they begin to listen,
before they can make a decision to censor us,
Lord, we pray in the name of Jesus that your grace will be there so that they

can have the opportunity to hear and turn to you.
We thank you, Lord. Lord. We thank you for this opportunity and we thank you for the boldness.
We thank you for the wisdom. We thank you for the guidance.
On this day, we do give you honor and glory and praise.
I lift up Alex to you, Lord God. I pray, Lord, in the name of Jesus,

that your hand will be upon her, that you will be well pleased with her for
the research that she does and the heart that she puts into getting information for people to hear.
Bless her, Lord God, in ways that she doesn't even and expect.
And I thank you, Lord God, for Dr. Kevin, for the sacrifices that he made, thinking it.

Nothing, nothing for the opportunity to serve you and do your will.
And even Dr. Dennis, Lord, no, he's not here with us today.
We lift him up to you, Lord, in the name of Jesus. We thank you, Lord God.
And his dancing feet. We thank you for his candidness in the name of Jesus. Amen.

And I thank you, Lord God, for gracing me to heal myself, to be a part of this awesome broadcast.
And we do give you honor, glory, and praise. We thank you for our audience as well.
In Jesus' name, amen. Amen. Amen. Thanks so much, Alex and Dr.
Dozier. Thank you for refuting the idea of somehow limited atonement.

Lord Jesus, thank you for atoning. Amen. Amen.
Have you ever wondered how you could get your hands on some awesome Supernatural Junkies gear?
Well, the answer to that is it's now available on
We have a shop on there for supernatural junkies, and there's t-shirts,
leggings, sweatshirts, hoodies, even a shower curtain.

So if you've always wanted to have a shower curtain with Dr.
Kevin on it, you can just get one with just Dr. Kevin.
We have our logo on there on everything, and we also have all of us as singles.
You can get magnets, stickers, you name it. It's all available on our Redbubble shop.
I will be posting a link to that in our show notes for the last few episodes
and from this point forward.
If you have any questions about anything you wanna contact us,

you can do so at supernaturaljunkies at Thanks guys.
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