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April 28, 2024 42 mins

Dive into an engaging discussion with Big Nick and his co-hosts in another rip-roaring episode of "The Big Kid Show". This episode centers on the much-anticipated movies of 2024, providing intriguing insights that will pique the interest of all cinephiles. Listen in as the hosts passionately discuss cinematic nostalgia with the Ghostbusters reboot, marvel at the captivating silence in the "A Quiet Place" series prequel, and ponder over cult classic "Donnie Darko". From the upcoming "Beetlejuice" remake to the much-anticipated "Deadpool and Wolverine" spin-off, this episode delivers laughs, thrills, and unique perspectives. So, whether you're a movie connoisseur eager for 2024 cinema previews or you simply enjoy light-hearted movie discussions, this episode is not to be missed!

Tune in for another Sunday Fun Day on The Big Kid Show!

Episode #162

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Thanks to Cincinnati, Ohio band Two-Bit for providing the BiG KiD theme music - "Simple Life". Find that song and more on their album "Acoustic?" available on Apple Music and Spotify. 



Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Hey now welcome to the
big kid show I'm your host big Nick I got two of my best friends with me here
hanging out kicking it big kid style we got sweet water mark actually cinemark
for you to the mark ladies and cinematic mark yeah also joined by the one and the only mr.

B we want to talk a little bit about movies with all of our Big Kid friends here today.
It's another Sunday, another fun day. Thanks for joining us for another week end of the Big Kid show.
Tell your friends to join the Big Kid clan and tune in every weekend.

All right. What are we doing today? We want to talk movies. Let's do a little top three action.
And today we got a very, this is what I would refer to as a unique topic.
Right? Agreed. little twist little turns let's
hope that it doesn't burn all right here we
go top three movies that i well not me specifically that each one of us top

three movies that we will watch in 2024 okay so i think we need to dissect this
a little bit and what does that entail what that
means explain explain this necessarily
does not have to be a movie that is coming
out this year the only requirement is that it be a movie that the person who

puts it on their top three has never seen this movie before maybe there's been
a movie for years that you've been wanting to watch or many friends have recommended
and you've just not gotten around to it yet,
it's as long as it's a movie that you've not seen before it could have come
out in any year But it's not just
like makeup movies that nobody knows if they're ever going to come out.

Okay. So top three movies that I will watch in 2024. Cinemark.
We're going to jump leapfrog you, my friend. We're going to start with Mr.
B on today's show. In your face.
We'll count it down three, two, one style.
So, Mr. B, why don't you tell us, inform all of us, what is the third movie

on your list that you have swear on a stack of Bibles you will watch it this calendar year?
Yes. So, there is a movie that's coming out in, it would be July 26, 24.
That I am quite looking forward to watch, and it's called Deadpool and Wolverine.

Ooh, I didn't even know about that. Yeah, so I don't know much about the movie.
I just know that it's coming out then.
Obviously, Ryan Reynolds, Hugh Jackman are in it, and so I'm intrigued by that
because I love the Deadpool movies.
I love the Wolverine movies, and so the fact that they're going to do some kind
of mixing of the two characters, I'm intrigued.

Will I watch it in the theaters? I don't know.
I have a very nice TV at my house. So sometimes I'm like, is it worth going to the movie theaters?
But I will be watching that one in 2024. Oh, show.
Oh, yeah. So I, I, oops, sorry, big Nick.
I didn't even know that was coming out. I just pulled up the trailer real quick

and seeing Ryan, Ryan Reynolds face, like the, the makeup and the,
Wow. And him and Hugh Jackman always have this back and forth,
even on Twitter and Instagram and stuff.
I think that's going to make it even more of an interesting movie.
But again, I love the Deadpool movies. I like the Wolverine movies.

The fact that they're going to do some kind of collaboration movie.
I have no idea what the plot is. I have no idea.
It could be garbage. But that's one that I will make sure I watch in 2024.
Admittedly, not a huge Marvel guy. but this pairing is intriguing because the
best of the Marvel movies I've seen have been the Wolverine and the Deadpool.

Yeah. Like I I'm guilty of, I haven't even watched a lot of the Marvel movies.
Like I, I tried to do the whole like sequence and like after a couple of them,
like that's too many moves, but this is one I'll make sure I at least watch
whether I buy it on Amazon or wait till it comes on HBO or something,
but I will be watching Deadpool and Wolverine.

I would like to vouch for Mr. B and his statement that he has a very nice TV.
I remember going over to his house and seeing this very nice TV.
And I said, whoa, man, that is incredible.
Where'd you get it? He said, fell off a truck. Yep.
The old fell off a truck. And what I said, I said, first off,
I said, don't talk about it.

So the fact that you're saying there's a whole other situation, but okay. I forgot.
I forgot. God bless America.
Don't talk about it. that's what you want to hear when you see a new appliance
at your friend's house don't talk about it that's what you say maybe we should
leave yeah hey hey friend hey lifetime friend of many years yeah where'd you

get the tv hey you ask a whole lot of questions.
What's with all the questions here how about you just watch the tv and enjoy
what are you writing what are you writing a book all right what are you wearing
a wire deadpool and wolverine coming in at number three for mr b cinemark.
Tell us your number three movie that you plan to watch between now and the end of 2024.

And I have to preface, Marcus, that listeners that have been with us for a while
know that we've given Mark a huge list of movies to watch over the course of many,
many months that I'm curious if any of these will make his list because it's
been a substantial list of movies that Mark needs to watch.
I will i will say mark impresses

me on the friend level that like out of you know you're
always recommending movies and tv shows to friends right that's
natural conversation mark is the one true
friend that actually watches the movies that are recommended
to him like he does he does yeah like
we'll talk to him he's like hey guys uh you know two
weeks ago you mentioned that i should watch blah blah blah watched it

loved it like so mark's mark's the the the
cool friend that actually watches yeah i know
i'm fond of the big nick's heart because he mentioned glass
and i went and watched glass and then he mentioned uh split and
i was some of his favorite movies so i went and watched all those my heart swells
for you there it is but also the i feel like you're just watching big nick's

choices and not mine well there's only some people i listen to on this podcast
fair enough i think mark listens to one third of this podcast and it's not mr b.
I'm kind of surprised mr b is still even on the other side
sometimes yeah you know my office keeps
getting smaller and moved into the basement it does if you

guys keep taking my stapler i'm gonna burn this building down this stapler can
i'm gonna burn the building down so spoiler alert guys yeah none of your recommendations
are on my list today uh this is all all future and there There was some that I considered,
you know, pulling in.
But again, to Nick's point, I've actually watched quite a few of them.

And there's a couple that surprised me for this year that I just I couldn't leave off my list.
The first one being this one that I actually sent you guys a trailer of that.
I had no idea it was even coming out that it was even a plan to come out.
And it has very serious boom or bust potential.

Oh, intriguing. Intriguing. And it's one of my favorite movies of all time.
It's a remake of one of my favorite movies of all time, I should say. And it is The Crow.
So they're doing a Crow remake. And based off of your guys' reactions,
you never read my text because I sent you the trailer.

But it's basically, for everybody out there, soulmates Eric Draven and Shelley
Webster are brutally murdered and given the chance to save his true love by sacrificing himself.
Eric sets out to seek revenge, traversing the worlds of the living and the dead
to put the wrong things right.
That's their description, not
mine. So, Marcus, who's playing the Crow in this movie? I have no idea.

And I think that's actually what I like the most about it is that because I
feel like sometimes they try to get these big name actors and it just,
it ends up being like, no,
he's not, that's not the guy that you should be picking.
Even the face paint isn't quite the same. That bothered me a little.

Cause that's like the one thing where I'm like, at least nail the face paint,
but then look at the Joker.
Joker you say the same thing about the joker and look
at it now it's like well they messed the face paint way
up if you were a jack nicholas fan and it turned out pretty good touche all
right you know oh did you did i miss when you said that was coming out so this

one is coming out august 2024 okay all right oh actually i'm wrong so eric draven
is going to be played by bill
scars guard oh so he's the guy that did he played it correct.
Let's see nobody else i reckon fair enough there is one guy danny houston but

he's more he's been like more on show like tv shows is he from texas he sounds like he's from texas.
No he's from cleveland he's from texas yeah exactly i'm
danny houston about from cleveland from Cleveland but
no I think you know to me the crow was such a
great movie and the one thing they're gonna
have to nail they're gonna have to nail the soundtrack exactly I'm

thank you for hitting on that the soundtrack has to hit hard because that is
probably still one of my favorite soundtracks of all time well both of the movies
had awesome soundtracks yeah oh the crow crow two even had an awesome soundtrack
exactly that actually had deftones in the movie so yes maybe Maybe they could
bring Gino back up there.
Danny Houston, I just looked it up real quick. He is the first bad guy from Yellowstone.

He's like the first guy that kind of moves it out with them and that.
So he kind of goes away quickly.
But anyway, he's a good actor. I recognize him. People recognize him.
But yeah, I think it makes me a little nervous.
The trailer looks extremely intense. Yes.
You should also be leery if the trailer's ever bad, then they're phoning it

in. Because you can always make the trailer good.
But still, I didn't even know that they were coming out with the Crow this year.
So cheers to that, buddy. I'm going to make a little note.
Yep. So surprise. Go check out the trailer. It looks sweet. Like I said,
it comes out August 2024.
All things considered, it stays on track. But yeah, let's hope it's a banger.

Yep. Or it could be terrible. Or it could be terrible.
As with all of our movie choices because crow
two and three were not that great now if
the big kid show directed the crow it would probably be
amazing exactly exactly excellent pick
did you say that you sent us the
trailer i did i sent you guys a

link i will have the research team and you forward that and you
question so i'm scrolling through a very long thread here and i do not see a
ah you you must have sent it to you uh to another work all right you try to
call us out as not being like good friends and then it turns out that maybe.

Maybe you didn't send it you made a mistake i gave it to billy all right and
billy was supposed to share the trailer with you guys and if he didn't do it
i'm gonna be very oh nope here it is March 14th at 9 11 p.m.
He's Billy's got receipts. Thank you, Billy.
So it was an X. It was a link to X, but it says the crow 2024.

I'll reforward it to you guys because I'm a gentleman like that.
But no, check it out. It does look very intense and it looks it looks like it
could be that could be good stuff.
I mean, it looks very like John Wick esque, which is kind of what I'd expect from a crow movie.
You know what I mean? So, yeah, let's hope it lives up to it.
Good pick, buddy. Thank you.

Big Nick, I got to hear your number three. Well, we can after I find this text
from Mark. I'm going to make sure.
Nick still doesn't believe it exists. He's got lost in the Twittersphere.
Click on the live stream camera. Let's get a live look at Nick's phone as we
scroll through there. He looks so serious right now. I've never seen him so serious.
March 14th at 9 o'clock. Oh, my God. Here it is.

I told you. Gotcha. March 14th. That was a Thursday.
What were you doing, Big Nick? Well, at 9.11 p.m., we were probably just getting
done recording the Big Kid show.
Or Big Nick was asleep. Ah, yeah, that's right. That was after we recorded,
I think, the Girl Scout episode.

So he says the crow...
Trailer quote is here's his text the crow 2024
trailer exclamation mark and then
he puts thoughts question mark to which nobody replied
absolute crickets i i won't take it i won't take credit though that's actually
the the tweets that i shared that has all those uh trailer and thoughts comments

on there but you're yes i asked you guys for thoughts through somebody else's
tweet and i I ain't got nothing. Hey, Mark, I apologize.
I apologize as well. Unbelievable. Well, I guarantee a trailer you guys are going to watch in 2024.
That's for sure. We're going to watch that soon. Absolutely.
I am promising to you both and to all the listeners out there that I'm going

to watch these three movies on my list in 2024.
And you know what else I'm going to promise you? mark i
will be a better friend to you going forward for
the rest of this year for the rest of this year this show
just improves our lives in all aspects there we got better people all right
for the big nick pick for number three i'm gonna go with this new gus ghostbusters

deal that they got coming out the frozen empire right yes that looks cool that's
coming out soon actually isn't And I think it might already be out.
Oh, so spoiler alert.
This will likely be a watch from home situation for Big Nick.
Yeah, it came out in March of 2024. It came out a few days after Mark sent us that text that nobody.

This is called Ghostbusters Frozen Empire. And we get a one Bill Murray as the legendary Dr.
Peter Venkman is going to make another appearance in a big, in a big Ghostbusters
movie. He's 73 years old guys.
And he has achieved a title that is very rare.

I think that Bill Murray might be a living legend, right? It's one thing to
be a legend, but he's a living legend.
Mm-hmm i don't know if that's agree i was choked on my and and namelessly all
agree living legend mr william murray we get a little dan akroyd back as ray stance dr raymond.

Paul rudd looks like he's the kind of the main character driving force maybe
he's the leader of the ghostbusters in this movie everybody likes paul rudd
we should do he doesn't age,
we should do a Mount Rushmore, like nicest guy, like nicest celebrity guy sometime,
because I think Paul Rudd is an argue.

You could argue his face onto that Mount Rushmore, I think.
And we also get the kid from, he's probably well into adulthood by this point,
but we're always going to call him a kid to me. Like I'm never going to learn this actor's name.
He's just the kid from stranger things to be like, so he's in the movie.
This one looks great. And I have a little bit of a confession. I have not seen.

There's been some other Ghostbusters movies that I've not seen.
I've only seen one and two.
Well, so there, because I know there was one that came out and it was like all
female Ghostbusters. And then there was a one before this that came out, right? Yeah.
So Ghostbusters. A newer release. Yeah.
Ghostbusters Afterlife came out and that one had Paul Rudd in it as well.

And somehow I slept on that one. It was 2021. And I, and that one,
I said, I was going to watch and again, had the kid from stranger things in it.
And we, we know that that kid is great at like fighting a ghost and strange
beings and things. So he's a natural fit for the ghostbusters.
A side note. He's in the music video. Uh, when Weezer covers the song, uh, take on me by aha.

And you know what he's in, he's in that video. So a little side note though. Check that out.
You should check that out because I actually think that that is his best act.
Like, I think he's a great actor, but I think his best acting is in that video.
So I showed that video to a few people like years ago, and they thought he was
really like performing the song.
They're like, oh, my God, I didn't realize how talented he is.

He's such a good singer and guitar player.
I was like, yeah, he's not doing any of that. That's acting, baby. Yeah.
He's like, my parents aren't home, so we can turn the amps all the way up.
See i'm a little behind on the new ghostbusters i
haven't i'm not up to speed i think i'd have to
put all the new ones on my oh third one
big kid fun party

we watch all of the ghostbusters in
a row there we go about that for a
second on the tv from the truck dude and
we will spend a bunch of money and buy those backpacks
with the god bless america
the the lasers because we have have to get those yes yes
i like big nick is that in the budget it is

in the budget we'll get some things to celebrate we'll get some things that
fell off trucks to help us with our uh with our evening so we'll talk about
it so the kid from stranger things his name is finn wolfhard yep Yep.
That's him. That sounds right. Finn Wolfhard.

Don't say that too fast. Wolfhard. Wolfhard. Wolfhard.
He just sounded really weird. Yeah. Don't do that again.
So he is a musician. So maybe he was really playing when they were filming that music video.
Hey, you learned something. And you know what? I forgot too. He's in it as well.

So Stephen King's it coming up a lot already just through one round of picks. Alright, so we get.
Deadpool with Wolverine for Mr. B. We get a little crow. Did you say this is number four?
The crow number four? Well, it's a remake. So the other ones were actual sequels.

This is a remake of the original.
Yeah, this is a remake, a true remake of the original.
That intrigues me even more because, like you said, two and three weren't so great.
And the best part of two, by far, the soundtrack. track
like one of the arguably greatest like if you
love 90s heavier music one of the
greatest soundtracks of all time nailed it so all right

excited for both of those and also excited for our ghostbusters party that we
are going to have very soon very soon all right round two number two pick here
mr b what's a movie that you guarantee that you will be watching in 2024 all
right so So we've talked about,
there's two of them in this series.

It was A Quiet Place, right? The John Krasinski movies.
So they're coming out with a third one.
It's called A Quiet Place Day One.
Yes. And so I'm super intrigued by that. So this is going to come out June 28th, 2024.
And it's supposed to be like the origin story of how all of that happened in,

With the, like the, Oh, this might be the best one yet.
This might be the best one yet. Like, I don't even think John Krasinski is in the movie.
I think it's going to be a whole different set of characters,
but it's going to be like a, it's like a prequel of a quiet place film series.
And I'm super intrigued by the, just because I loved apply, excuse me,
a quiet place one and two. That three times fast.

Yeah. I barely can't.
So you have to do it.
I can't, I choose not to.
So, yeah. And again, I think John Krasinski was still involved in the kind of
production or writing of this movie.
But I love the one and two so much that this would be one that I would make sure I watch.

And whether it be in the theaters or when it first comes out on Amazon or something.
But A Quiet Place, it's called A Quiet Place Day One.
So two things one i
never i never really watched the
quiet place movies at first because i thought like how
good can a movie be where there's literally no talking the

entire movie and then i was like at one point i was like all right i'm gonna
put the first one on as like background while i was multitasking multitasking
very quickly ended and i like very quickly sat down and watched it and then
i watched the second one and it was like oh shit i cannot wait for number three
which which is why it's also my number two. Yeah.

Got it. Got it lined up. Nice buddy.
I, this one to me, I think is going to be awesome. The trailer looks fantastic.
And yeah, there's another new female lead who I've seen in the trailer.
It just, it looks amazing. Like I, from what I've seen of it,
I can't wait because my question for these movies has always been,

how the hell did this start? Where did this even all come from?
Yeah, because they show the first one, and then the second one gives you a little
bit of insight into how it started in that town.
But I think this one's going to go into even more of a prequel of maybe what
started the whole apocalyptic kind of scary thing.
So I'm really looking forward to this. I feel like this one should also be a big kids' research.

I was going to say. we should do a field trip this could
be a this could be a theater worthy potential field
trip especially because like like you said because it's so
quiet but then when it's loud it's like exactly it's
in your face yeah so keep that in mind guys what are you guys in june we're
gonna figure out something yeah june 28th you said yeah keep that in mind yeah

so yeah that's that's my clear number two pick i i can't wait for that one yeah a quiet place day one.
That's right edge of your seat that's the kind of movie you
say i'm worried about watching a movie how excited could
i get for a movie that doesn't have any noise or any sound in it or
damn near you know hardly any sound at all edge of

your seat baby right like once we talked about it before right here at the the
start of the first one right when that toy he puts down the toy that starts
making all the noise oh my god right after that you i hope you didn't spend
waste too much money on your couch because you're going to be sitting on the
edge of that baby for the rest of those two hours.
You might be standing up in peace. And it's such a good premise for a movie, too.

Again, horror movies sometimes have these terrible premises.
I love the premise. And to me, premise and plot, that's what drives me into
movies. So again, that's one.
I will make sure I watch that when that comes out, maybe. It's going to be good stuff.
I'll give you my number two pick here.
Since you guys both teamed up and picked the same number to pick,

I'm actually going to go. I'm going to go back in time to a movie that I've not seen yet.
And this is a movie that I must have had somewhere between one dozen and two
dozen people tell me you got to watch this movie or or shocked to hear that I've never seen it.
Now, I have a lot of intentions of seeing it and have so for many years now.

Now I just, there's, I'm a, you know, like the Stooges, the three Stooges, I'm a victim.
I'm a victim of circumstance, right? Victim of circumstance here.
I, every time that I've set out to see the movie, something happens and it doesn't,
it doesn't, it just falls through and I don't get to see the movie.
So don't make me poke you in the eyeballs.

This, this one. And look, I
should have had every opportunity because this movie is like 23 years old.
I can't wait to hear the movie. Please tell me the title.
It's in October of this year. The movie will be officially 23 years old.

And it was not a hit, but it's like the cult following type movie.
Donnie darko oh you haven't seen that yet oh don't know i mean i've been attempting
to for 23 years wow i've seen all of them what i think i've probably seen that like five times.
Who's the star in that was it johnny depp that was jake jill at home jake jill

it's like it's a very it's a very cult class because it's a very weird movie
like yeah that's what i've heard very
weird and but it's like it's one that when you watch it you just be like,
like either you're gonna really love it or really hate it too i think i've heard
that from a few people too yeah and but i i really liked it but i'm also mr
b likes weird and so i like weird,

yeah you do we are weird very well too we we all know that now oh thanks buddy i think it was,
i think it was last year yeah it must have been last year maybe it was the year
before but you know how sometimes the theaters will do these oh it's it's october
we're gonna run a bunch of like scary or sci-fi type movies for the halloween

they'll do the re-releases and stuff,
i even like tried to find a couple people to go with me because i'm i'm not
going to the movie theater by myself right come on hey what are me and what
are me and sweetwater mark chopped liver here you could just ask you're not
you're not chopped liver but you you happen to be about an an hour and a half,
two hours away from me, which makes it a little inconvenient.

All I got to do is call the Big Kid research team, get the helicopter going. We're fine.
The chopper. Get Mr. B to the chopper. Yeah, I could be there in 18 minutes.
Let's meet halfway, right? You take the chopper.
I'll, you take your car. Take the big kid.

No, Big Nick, I hope you watch that one because it's very interesting and I'd
love to get your take on it too, buddy.
It's long overdue, and I actually can remember a friend of mine,
the first time I, like, it's, this one slipped past the goalie, right?
Like, whenever, it came out in 2001, I didn't know of the movie,

hadn't heard of it, and somehow I found myself in a conversation about movies,
and somebody had recommended it, and I can remember the person,
and remember having the conversation, like, oh, you gotta watch Donnie Darko.
That conversation probably took place in 2004
20 years ago so long
overdue for me i i should watch it drew barrymore is

in it it's got a cast that's fairly
well known jake gyllenhaal has gone on to i think even uh
seth rogan's in it seth rogan is in it yeah like like one of his early movie
roles he's in it like he has a smaller role but he think he's in it which is
kind of of interesting maggie gyllenhaal who is universally known as the best

actor in the gyllenhaal family.
And patrick swayze is in it as well yes patrick swayze is in it but see i think
it's also one that like it doesn't appear on streaming services very frequently
because it was kind of a weird,
cultish classic kind of movie like you know not necessarily popular but it's

definitely worth watching buddy i will if you don't if you don't watch it soon
i'll just send you the dvd,
well and i think that like drew barrymore owns one of the companies that was
in charge of like producing the movie so maybe that has something to do with
it but yeah it's kind of been a that could be,

It's one of these artsy-fartsy deals, I think, that just doesn't become a freebie
for us freeloaders to watch here.
So Donnie Darko will be my number two pick. That circles us back around to Mr. B.
This is a big one. Yeah, so my
most excited movie I'm looking forward to watching is... Number one pick.

Yes, it's the Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice remake.
Remake coming out
in it's coming out in september 6
2024 of course our
man your man michael keaton is in it reprising his role as beetlejuice winota

rider's also into it in it i believe the person that played it you guys seen
the show wednesday yeah on netflix katherine o'hare hair O'Hara is going to
be playing Delilah Dietz.
Hang on, that's wrong. Jenny Ortega, excuse me.
Jenny Ortega is playing Lydia's daughter.
And then Catherine O'Hara, she was the mother from the old one.

But the fact that it's just Beetlejuice and they're going to redo it,
I'm very excited about this.
It also could be complete garbage.
But is it a redo or is it an actual sequel? I thought it was a sequel.
Yeah, it's not a redo. If I said redo, I apologize. apologize
it's good it's just supposed to follow that it's like
a sequel of the beetlejuice from 1988 all right

so i'm sorry if i said redo i apologize you're fine you're fine but i love we've
talked about beetlejuice many times on many episodes here we love that movie
and do this again i can't wait for this thing to come out this this one i might
go to the theaters to watch yeah this one um.

I'll just say this was my number one. Yeah, that's my dog.
I mean, are you guys like going to do our minds together? Yeah,
our minds are melded together.
This is like, again, I wanted to pick some stuff that wasn't coming out this
year, but there's some good stuff coming out this year.
And Beetlejuice is one that like I went into.

It was like a Bravo restaurant and
they had an advertisement for Beetlejuice in like
the front lobby part of like an italian
restaurant so like you can tell they're pushing this thing hard
but you don't even have to push it you just tell me there's another
beetlejuice coming out you've almost got me you tell me that michael keaton

is playing beetlejuice i'm there my only thing would have been if michael keaton
wasn't playing beetlejuice i would have been like i don't like it so the fact
that they got him to do it and they got winona rider and Catherine O'Hara.
So they have like three of the main characters from the first one in doing this one.
It's going to be awesome. And that's actually Willem Dafoe, isn't it?

I don't know what. I thought I saw that. Yeah.
It says he's playing a ghost detective.
I'm kind of surprised that Gina Davis didn't get a call or maybe she just wasn't interested.
She's way too busy. Yeah.
She's far too busy, Mark. with some of that
stuff of it sometimes it's like can we afford the whole

cast like the same with like alec baldwin like how come they didn't
but also maybe when they were filming this is alec baldwin was dealing with
this whole shooting situation so they're like we're gonna we're gonna shy away
from you alec baldwin yeah we're gonna well and i would believe he is too busy
i was joking about gina davis but i would believe that he's literally too busy a little too tied up

with other things going on here. So I.
I thought I was starting to wonder because we had talked about this Beatles
used to before many, many episodes ago.
And I think, I think we even tweeted it out. Follow us on X at the big kid show
at TCG. And I see Mark's got a confusing handle that I don't remember right now.

Tweet it out. Like the 13 and seven. There you go.
The like the teaser picture that came out a while ago.
And so this month months this
one did not make my list because i was starting
to think it was just a hoax like like oh this
was just a teaser it's never actually going to come out big nick big nick i

thought the same thing i thought like they were thinking of doing it but the
fact that they actually have a release date and everything is like oh okay it's
happening so i had told someone earlier today that i was like oh i'm doing a
big kid show later today and they're like Like they want to know, oh, what's the topic?
What's the, you know, cause the topics are so random that people always want to know.
I said, oh, we're doing a top three movies that, that we're going to watch in 2024.

And this person says, oh, I, well, I can guess one right now.
Beetlejuice two is going to be on your list.
I said, my jaw dropped and I go, I, I already got my list. I didn't include
it. They said, why? I said, I.
It's drug on so long. I was starting to think it was just a hoax.
That's never going to happen.
So that person rightfully informed me that I was wrong and that it is coming out this year.

However, I decided not to alter my list to stick to my guns with what I originally good for you.
So I did pull something up here. It says a brief description of what to expect here.
So for the Beetlejuice two movie, which I know we're all so excited to see three
generations of the Dietz family return home to Winter River after an unexpected family tragedy.

Still haunted by Beetlejuice, Lydia's life soon gets turned upside down when
her rebellious teenage daughter discovers a mysterious portal to the afterlife.
All right, enough said. I was already in, especially like you said, Mr.
B. You got Michael Keaton in it, one of my favorite actors of all time.
Of course, I'm going to go see this. And I remember when we talked about this before.

We had found some articles that had said that
you know he was openly talking and telling tim burton
and telling other people like that was some of the most fun i
ever had filming a movie i would love to do it
again and it's one of those things it's like damn why
did it take you know why did it take 35 years
or whatever it's been since the first one because i think what 1988

might be the first one correct 1988 and also just it's directed by tim burton
so he's still involved i mean like who knows the delay but i i have a lot but
the problem is i have this thing built up so high that will it it can't my expectations
there's no way it could be good.

Danny elfman who we have a much appreciation for is doing all we've talked about
danny elfman a bunch as well danny e danny e big time big kid listener we're
big time followers of danny elfman and everything he's done.
We love it. He actually, he offered to do our intro music, but we turned him
down because it wasn't that good.

Wait, wait, you shut your damn mouth, sir.
That's not how this went down at all. Sorry, Danny.
I will sell you the rights for a million and a half. And once again, Mark came up short.
So we didn't, we weren't able to use that music.
Instead, we went with some of Mark's music called Simple Life, which we love to, Mark.

We love to, but we're not giving you a million and a half for Simple Life. All right.
That leads us to the big Nick number one pick.
Nick i can't you guys have so you're you're just
sharing a brain at this point in life aren't
aren't we well we've played in a
lot of bands together so unfortunately or fortunately we
spend a lot of time together so it just it kind of happens the big

nick number one pick movies that i'm
going to see this year we've already
discussed it deadpool i was calling it deadpool three but
it's deadpool and wolverine oh there it
is i i'm with mark like so i'm more of the avengers right like everybody was

huge into the avengers one is in that like one of the avengers movies the the
number one box office oh yeah the last one was crazy it was.
Billions of dollars yeah the avenger
franchise doesn't do a whole lot for big nick i'm
an x-man guy and x-men the deadpool

is i don't want to get into like marvel history
and i you can you can call me out if i'm
wrong because i'm i'm probably wrong like but my understanding of like the x-men
universe deadpool's like kind of a spinoff of the x-men universe and so that's
why you see him now paired up with wolverine he was paired up with colossus

in the second deadpool movie and i.
Loved him in the comic books but loved him
10 times even more like i put off watching the first deadpool for probably a
couple years like i just like he wasn't really a big character in the comic
books and i watched it it was so vulgar and funny and hilarious like a whole

different spin on like I hesitate to say the word superhero,
but a whole different spin on kind of a comic book movie.
And I love that they really kicked up the adult factor big time with the Deadpool franchise.
Boys, the Wolverine thing, he's
a great character. I think it's a little played when it comes to movies.

But because I like the Deadpool so much, I think I might see this one in the
theater. I think I might drive my butt to the theater and watch this one.
I'm so stoked for it. I remember it was the Super Bowl.
This last Super Bowl, they showed a commercial during the Super Bowl for it,
and I nearly jumped off of my couch with excitement.

They only showed like a little quick glimpse of Wolverine during that Super Bowl commercial.
That's why I put this one on my list as Deadpool 3. but now we know that it
or believe it's going to be called Deadpool and Wolverine.
But nonetheless, I am super stoked to go see this and be frank with you guys. I'm,

Very excited to see all of the movies that everybody has suggested and mentioned here.
And yes, we did share a lot of them. We shared a lot of the same movies,
but it just means that there's a lot of excitement building from a lot of people about these movies.
Exactly. Well, and for anybody that's a listener out there, I mean,

I know you guys, I'll just, I'll spoil it for them. And for you guys,
I know you already have a 1A that you're going to be watching in 2024, and that's Fury.
Because I know you guys are absolutely dying to watch Fury.
I can't wait. I know that's 1A on top of both of your lists.

Because when you guys watch that and you come back on the episode,
on the show, you're going to be like, wow, why did I wait so long?
Mark says, if you don't watch Fury, you're an idiot.
Brad Pitt is going to come to your house and frown at you. I mean,
very just. Peel back the curtain a little bit.
Mark has suggested to both Mr. B and I about four times to watch the movie Fury.

Oh, like 400 times. Come on. I mean, at this point, you better hope it's good.
I know you'll be breathing down my neck if it's not, but that's how confident
I am that you guys are going to be blown away.
Go watch it. I still got to watch the trailer you sent me for the new promo. Start small.

I'm not sure that got sent, but yeah. Baby steps. Oh, I'm looking.
Our list of movies I'm looking forward to because there's a lot of good ones
coming up. And luckily, if you guys notice, we kind of picked them out spaced out.
You know, got some in May, some in June, some in August. It's going to be a good year. Absolutely.
There's a lot to look forward to in the world of movies there's a lot more to

look forward to in big kid world as well so make sure you join us back here
next weekend for another fun episode of the big kid show.
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