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February 19, 2024 41 mins

On this insightful episode of The Dental Wealth Nation Show, host Tim McNeely is joined by digital marketing expert Steven Marinkovich, who brings a wealth of knowledge on attracting the right patients to your dental practice. Dive deep into the world of dental marketing as we uncover the secrets to effectively showcasing your practice online and creating powerful connections with potential patients.

Tim and Steven discuss the evolution of digital marketing strategies within the dental industry, touching on the critical role of SEO and Google Ads for sustainable patient acquisition. With practical advice and compelling examples, Steven lays out his approach to optimizing your practice's online presence and drawing in your ideal demographic.

Learn why video content is becoming increasingly important in online marketing and how different types of videos—ranging from banner background videos to patient testimonials—can enhance your website's appeal and conversion rates. Discover how to craft high-quality visuals that resonate with viewers, evoke an emotional response, and build trust in your services.

Moreover, Steven cautions against the saturated market of digital marketing agencies and highlights the necessity for authenticity, urging dentists to prioritize transparency and measure the effectiveness of their campaigns. He provides actionable tips on integrating analytics with practice management software to maximize return on investment.

The episode also features practical advice on marketing budget allocation. Steven advocates for starting with fixed costs for essentials such as website maintenance, social media, and SEO before moving on to variable ad campaign budgets, dependent on performance for higher traffic.

Steven further shares his experience with "that Bucha," revealing how content creation and personal connections have shaped their marketing successes, offering dentists an analogy with their practice growth methods.

Avoiding common pitfalls is also a major topic, as Tim and Steven outline what to steer clear from when looking to enhance a practice's web presence. With the added bonus of marketing demonstrations and a $25 gift card offer, this episode is packed with substantial value for any dentist aiming to thrive in the digital space and appeal to desirable clientele.


Discussion Questions:


  1. How can dentists best invest in their practices to attract their ideal patients in 2023, according to Steven Marinkovich's expertise?
  2. What specific marketing strategies did Steven suggest for dentists looking to stand out in a crowded digital marketplace?
  3. How can dental practices create content that fosters personal connections with potential patients, similar to the approach Steven uses for his kombucha company?
  4. Steven warns against posting surgical videos to attract patients. What other types of content does he recommend that would be more effective and less intimidating for potential clients?
  5. What are the key components of a high-quality video that evokes an emotional response, according to Steven, and how can this contribute to patient acquisition?
  6. Given the saturation and sometimes false claims by digital marketing agencies, how does Steven propose dentists ensure transparency and accountability when choosing a marketing partner?
  7. Why does Steven Marinkovich emphasize the importance of tracking specific marketing campaigns, and how should dentists tie this data into their practice management software?
  8. SEO is likened to dental maintenance by Steven. Can you delve into how a dental practice should approach SEO to consistently attract new patients over time?
  9. Steven and Tim discuss the effectiveness of different advertising platforms. Can you compare the benefits and drawbacks of using Google Ads versus social media channels like Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram for dental practices?
  10. Considering the four different types of videos suggested for Wealth landing pages, could you describe how each type contributes to patient trust and practice growth?


Tune in to The Dental Wealth Nation Show to gain vital insights that can transform the way you approach patient attraction and online marketing. Reach new heights in 2023 by embracing the power of digital engagement and building an undeniable presence in the dental industry.

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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As a driven dentist, you see the world differently where some
see scarcity. You see abundance. When others wanna give
up, you keep going. You're building an amazing life
of significance. That means you can't rely on ordinary
advice from ordinary advisers to get to your goals. You want
advice that's going to help maximize your net worth so you can

take even better care of the people you love, the causes you care
about, and make your dent in the universe.
But the fact is this advice remains hidden because
relatively few professionals are well versed in them, and the extremely
affluent don't care to let you know about them. Join
us as we pull back the curtain to reveal the often

hidden advice and strategies used by today's most
successful individuals and families. Welcome
to Dental Wealth Nation. Here's your host, Tim
Hey. Welcome everyone to the show. I am so excited to have you here
today. And as a driven dental entrepreneur, you know that

the lifeblood of your practice is your Nation. But not just
any Nation. You want ideal patients. You don't want those grumpy patients.
You don't want the patients who grind you over fees or question what you're
doing. You want ideal patients, patients that you can serve
well. And that's what today is all about. And by the time we finish today,
you're gonna know how to really leverage your online presence to

attract your ideal patients. You're gonna have the best
practices for creating ideal video content to generate more
traffic to your Wealth, and you're gonna gain insights into if this
is actually working for you. But most importantly of all, you're gonna feel
empowered to put your trust in digital marketing so that you can attract
those ideal patients to your practice. And when it comes to helping

you create amazing video content and working through some of those best
practices, I am so excited to have Steven here from Lasso.
And and I could tell you that Lasso is a digital marketing company that's
partnered with Benco. They're partnered with Seattle Study Club, Dental
Nachos and many many more. I could tell you that Steven has over 9
years of experience of helping doctors build amazing

online presences and attracting those ideal patients. I could also tell you
that he's personally worked with over a 1000 dental practices. But what I
really wanna share with you is that Steven has a passion for rescuing
dentists from marketing that's not working. Steven, welcome to the
show. Tim, thank you so much for that amazing introduction.
Oh, hey. You're so Wealth. And Nation what an amazing topic to to

talk about because, right, you can have the best practice in the Wealth. You can
have the best technology in the world. You can have you can have the best
staff in the world, but what happens if you don't have any patients?
That's right. It's a great it's a great point. Essentially, you have a you have
a billboard in the desert at that point. Right? Exactly. And and, right,
in marketing, it is an ever changing space. And so, you

know, I'm I'm married to a Dentist. Her father-in-law, I remember
they still talk about, you know, doing Wealth page ads, and we've moved way
past that, haven't we? Definitely have. I mean, it's the it's
really an in it comes to a point where you think what more could be
done to evolve the the playing field of digital marketing, but it's
ever evolving. You could see that now, especially with, you know, different

tools being utilized in different technology sectors such as AI is huge
now, and now that's revolutionizing every facet of technology we
use. Yeah. Nation it's so exciting, and I love the theme for
today. Right? It's dental marketing in 2020 three. And
so so let's just start off. Right? What should we be doing in
2023? How can we think about our marketing? Where do we start? Like like like,

how do we even think about these things today? Definitely. So I'd
say, really, I mean, the whole concept of digital
marketing hasn't evolved a ton. It's just that we have better
resources to really tell what's working or not working.
And we have enough data collected over the years to really know
this is the the the Dental playbook to get this to be an

efficient marketing campaign. Okay. Wealth do you mean by that? Like like,
what kind of data have we collected? What do we know? Right? What works? What
doesn't? Definitely. So with Lasso, we've been at it for the last
6 years. We are working with over 600 dental offices throughout the country.
With that, you know, what's evolved is the ability to really tie into a practice
management software and track the exact return or track

track really where the specific marketing campaign is
working. Sorry. Is is the Facebook ads working at a high level? Are the Google
Ads? Are the Instagram ads? Is the SEO? Then how
much are we really getting down to a dollar in production from each of
these campaigns to really determine is this a worthwhile marketing strategy or
not? Okay. So so tracking. Right? That that's a huge

thing. Because I remember that's something they've always talked about, but, right, you
usually have to log in to multiple platforms, multiple places. You have to get
reports. You're telling me we can get this all tied into practice management
software so we actually know if our ad spend is generating a
real ROI for us? Yes. So with Lasso,
what we're able to do is tie into the practice management software. With that,

we could show you all the leads we're generating, which is a very
basic, measurement, meaning, you know, how many leads came from a specific
source or how many requests came. Right? But none of those
really mean a lot because any any company could give you those different
data points. But what happens now is we tie into that practice management
software to show you, hey. Did this patient actually schedule

into Dentrix from this campaign? 1. 2, did they actually show
up to that appointment? And 3, how much production stemmed from
that patient? So I'm able to show you any given month how much production stemmed
from that whole month from any given marketing source down to the patient
who came in, the service they came in for, then the amount of production, the
amount of money they produce for your practice. Wow. Now now it may seem like

a kind of obvious question, but I really wanna dive into that because I, you
know, I I like to joke all the time, dentists, you're really good with note
not long as it's one to 32. Anything beyond that, it gets a little
fuzzy, but 1 to 32 you got nailed. And so so Steven, why
why are those analytics so important? Like, why does it actually
matter for a practice? Yeah. It's a great point because

traditionally, you know, a lot of practices are they they
themselves could be doing this. They could have could have hired an agency to do
this, but they're running multiple campaigns. Essentially, they're throwing
spaghetti at the wall and hoping that it's gonna stick. Right? Because if you're
not specifically sourcing which campaigns are working or not, then you could be
spending 1,000 of dollars a month on, let's say, Facebook ads. But if you're

not tracking that this new patient came from this specific marketing
campaign versus the other, and then the quality of patient that was
generated from that campaign, then really, you know, you're you're you could be
wasting a lot of McNeely, or you could be spending that money on
the campaign that's actually working to amplify a result.
Wow. Wow. Very, very powerful stuff. And so so what are

some of the campaigns? What are the things that are working today?
Definitely. So, I mean, to be candid, the the ones that are working the best
are the ones that have been working the best for a while. So definitely, your
your best campaign is gonna be search engine optimization, which
is essentially Google's, credit score for your website
determining how to rank your website. The the way I kind of you

know, the the way I paint the picture of SEO is I compare it to
your oral health. Right? So if we're brushing our teeth 3 times a
day and we're, you know, flossing every day after each meal and
we're using mouthwash, we're getting our routine prophy's and cleanings,
then we're typically gonna have, like, some pretty solid oral health. Right? If
we're not doing any any of those things, we have some pretty we're gonna be

a bad situation. It's very similar to SEO. If you're doing enough of the things
Google's looking for, you're gonna put yourself in a position to rank higher.
It's just you have to know, 1, what things are they looking for?
2, can you do those things with your bandwidth? If you're a dentist, you're
probably not gonna wanna be sitting up all night, correcting directories, and writing blogs
after a long day of, you know, your your work. Then 3, are

you doing it the most efficiently? Okay. And and so, right, when it
really comes to to to the website and the SEO, like
like is that the starting point? Is that the equivalent of like kind of brushing
our teeth like just the website or like where do we start? How do we
figure out what platforms to get on? Is it Facebook or TikTok? Should I be,
like, doing dances and stuff? Like like, how do you work those things out?

Yeah. It's a great question. So SEO, I'd say, is the traditional best.
Right? That's essentially the best for your long term
patient acquisition. And and and SEO stands for
what again? Search engine optimization. Okay. And and
and that is what? How you get found on the different search engines. Correct?
On Google. Correct. So for my for my purposes, SEO for

Google. Outside of that, you have Google Ads,
which in terms if you're gonna spend money towards an ad campaign, you know, you
could be doing Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram ads. I think you can even get
on TikTok with ads now. But your best bank for for
for your dollar in dentistry is gonna be Google Ads. I've
I've worked for multiple companies. I've seen multiple campaigns run,

and it's that holds true to today that if you're gonna invest dollar per dollar,
Google Ads for an ad campaign is gonna see the best return for your dentist.
Okay. So that's doing better than the the Facebooks and the TikToks and the
Instagram and all that kind of stuff. In this point in time, much better.
Okay. But that could change at some point in the future, which is why I'm
guessing measuring the campaigns and measuring your ROI

and the different channels that you're on is so important then. It's
crucial. You always want to try different avenues because sometimes in different
demographics in different part of the country, a different ideal patient,
maybe the Facebook ads work better for you. But, really, the idea is that
sometimes you hit a you hit a really, you know, gold pocket there for the
Facebook ads. But if you're not measuring and quantifying is it working or

not, then you're probably just gonna shut them off. Right? So it's important to
try different things, but ensuring that you're measuring to see what's working or not
working. Okay. So so the the we we kinda started. Right?
If we wanna do AdSense, we we wanna look at at doing some Google Ads
to to drive traffic to our Wealth, do we wanna drive them somewhere Wealth?
Like like, where do we wanna send people once they click on that Google

Ad? Absolutely. So it's determining it's really gonna be predicated
upon, what you're targeting for. So if I'm targeting for as a
general patient, I would just want them on the home screen of my website in
which I'll show you how we take that traffic and convert it in a in
a moment. But if we're going for something like a dental implant patient, I'd probably
want them to go to the inner page or a landing page on my website

that's beautifully crafted to convert somebody for a dental
implant. Right? I don't want them to have to search around the website to, find
our content on dental implants. I'd rather just get them right to that page that's
built to convert them to a paying patient through our video.
Okay. And so then then generating that that traffic
then is the best way to do that using Google Ads, or are there other
ways to

Most definitely. I would Most definitely. I would say if I was a dental
office and I wanted to, you know, put my budget towards what is most likely
gonna work the best, it would be search engine optimization, which
is Google's organic rankings, which is your website's credit
score. Outside of that, I'd be doing Google
Ads. Now outside of that, there is Facebook ads. There is

Instagram. There is, you know, TikTok. There is YouTube. There's these different avenues
that you could, but I would say, you know, your core
focus at this point in time as a dentist should be in those 2 avenues.
Okay. And then, right, kinda coming back to that ideal
patient also, how do we tie in generating traffic with
actually attracting our ideal patients? Most definitely.

So with Google Ads, we're we're we're essentially
able to target a specific age range, a specific part of them,
a specific circumference around our practice. There's a lot of different
variables that we can incorporate in that campaign to ensure the person we want to
see that campaign is getting that in front of their eyes. And then through the
specific, you know, ad text, the quality of ad you have out there

that they're gonna see, the quality of landing page they land on,
that's gonna attract that person who clicks into actually coming into the
practice and get most likelihood of targeting a specific ideal
patient. Right? So what I mean by that is that if you're if
you're a higher end practice and you're looking for a higher ticket
patient, doing a lot of ads based around free, free,

free, right, is gonna attract maybe more like we I call them,
like, the Groupon patient, right, who's coming in for just something free and doesn't come
back. If we're doing campaigns oriented towards a higher ticket service,
like giving a discount towards that service where it's not free, but there's still a
discount, there's an incentive that's gonna attract more of that higher ticket
patient. Right? Because they understand the value of spending a bit more once they

see the quality of the campaign, the quality of the landing page, and the videos
we produce. Okay. And so right
we we talked a little bit about even video. Right? Is video a good
tool for conversion these days? Video is the best tool for
conversion, but a 100%. So, I mean, there's endless
reasons why I'm a huge advocate of video. Video and production of

video and photo is Lasso's best tool for our clients. That's kind of, like, what
we're known for in the industry. And we do, you know, the best
job at it and really the power of video is it it's comes in
many forms. So when we do video, and if I could share my screen, I
can actually Yeah. Absolutely. I'd love I'd love to have that happen.

Alright. It is up. Alright. Perfect. And
so when we land on a Wealth, we do 4 different kinds of video.
Right? So the first kind of video is what we call a banner video. So
you could see here as soon as I hit that website, we have a rolling
video, high HD quality production. That's about a
15 second clip out of what we come out and shoot for that practice. Right?

And this is something that I land on this. It'll make sure I'm I'm showing
the quality of the practice. It's modernized. It's grabbing my attention
to hit these different conversion tools as far as, you know, scheduling an appointment or
calling. Now from there, I wanna hit you And that
that first video, right, it's kind of the banner, and I'm doing this for the
the benefit of people who are listening and not watching. But, right, really, we're

seeing pictures of the practice. We're seeing pictures of the patients. We're
we're seeing, you know, pictures of the doctor in there. Right? Really showing
off what the space, what the practice looks like. We're not showing videos
of of doing implant surgery here, are we? Correct. So
being that this is the home page, we want it to be
very welcoming. I want you know, essentially, the dentist is a

scary place for a lot of people. So I wanna show the
warmthness of that practice, of the dentist,
and essentially make them feel like it's a much more welcoming experience. Right?
Excellent. Okay. So that's that 1st video. And and what'd you call it? The the
banner image? Or Call that a banner background video. Okay.
Excellent. And then so that's really the 1st starting point is show off the practice.

Exactly. Show off the practice a quick 15 seconds, and then we get them to
scroll some more. And then we're gonna get into what we call the, you know,
the office tour or the about us. Right? So quick commercial,
essentially, highlighting the actual office itself, which I'll I'll play this quickly
for us, and it has some audio for those listening too.

Welcome to the Minnesota Center For Minimally Invasive Dentistry,
your home for biological dental care. With a unique
holistic approach to dentistry, doctor Mark and doctor Rachel
are the highly skilled family team to help you achieve whole oral
wellness and a smile you'll be proud to share. Known
around the Twin Cities for being a caring and comprehensive dentist,

we provide care from general dentistry to intricate cosmetic work,
all while taking your whole body wellness into account. Discover your
healthy smile today at the Minnesota Center For Minimally Invasive
Dentistry. Alright.
That that was short and sweet. That wasn't a 3 or 4 minute production, was
it? Yeah. That was that was a a quick intro

to the practice, but something enough where you're showing, you know, it's a nice clean
office. You're showing that patients are smiling. The staff is
smiling. You're introducing where the practice is located.
You're really getting, you know, essentially, that introduction to your practice where I feel like
I've met you. I feel more welcome out of your practice. I'm more likely to
pick up the phone and call. Right?

A new

I'm getting every other
Full connect
I I can't hear anything you're saying. It's it's, going in and out. I don't

know if you can hear me. Can you hear me now? Hello?

show. Alright. Live show. Alright. Let's give this another go. Okay. I
can hear you. Alright. Switched real quick
to the the backup mic. So that's what happens when you do a live
sometimes things go sideways. That's right. But
we're back. Alright. No. I I was just mentioning, I noticed
over to the right hand side, you've got something that says complimentary new

patient certificate. You're not advertising a free exam, are you?
No. So that that is not something we do. Right?
Yeah. So I I think that's fascinating on the the language that you're using. So
so walk us through now the the the 3rd kind of video that you put
up on a on a site. Yeah. Absolutely. So the 3rd, I like to call

them service explainer videos. So, like, let's say I'm coming to you for
a dental implant. Likelihood is I I've just heard I
need 1, and I don't really know a ton about dental implants.
So we want this to be an ability in which, you know, we're getting the
patient educated on it. We're letting them know the experience the doctor has
that, hey. You came to the right doctor's website, and he's very, very well

credentialed to do the best implant possible. And he's gonna make it, you know, as
painless as possible. So I'm gonna and and, really, what it comes down to is
that when someone hits a landing page on a specific service,
they're 80% more likely to click on a video
and watch that video than to read your text. So this is the best way
to increase the conversion rate because, 1, obviously, the the

value video, but, 2, they're more likely to actually consume this content. So
this should be 1 on dental implants. In our
office, we've been using dental implants for,
believe it or not, since 19 87. So we
have a lot of years of experience going into
placing implants, and I've seen a huge transition

between the types of materials and the designs
of the implant systems out there. And we've settled on a
really nice implant system that allows us to
get very predictable results for our Nation, and
consequently, we get long lasting implants.

You know, when So without going too deep into the video, it's about a minute
and a half there, but I'm I'm sure you understand the value of that, having
the doctor attest that he's the right guy to come to and explaining, you know,
his experience and Dental, the way that his practice does it. Right?
Yeah. Absolutely. So so this is really how you do leverage video
to to make your your website a much stronger tool for conversion

is by, right, once again, focusing on the practice, focusing on the human element.
Who's the doctor? What are they doing? And having simple and easy to
understand procedure videos. A 100%. Right?
So as far as the service, the procedure video, that's how we carry
that out. Now what we wanna do is not just have the
dentist explain, you know, what a great job he does, but we wanna back that

up with social proof. Right? So the way we do that is
gonna be through testimonial videos. So what I'll
go into now, it'd be a testimonial video on, dental implants.
Doctor Mark even was disappointed that he had to pull the tooth,
but I do have acid reflux. And the acid

seeped into my root and actually destroyed
the tooth. So he had to take the whole tooth.
My name is Mitch Moseman, and I'm currently receiving a dental implant from
doctor Mark. He's
explained everything, and my husband has had implants put in, so I'm pretty

familiar with implants. But it's, it's going very
well. In fact, I was in here yesterday to have the stitches removed,
and he said that I'm healing beautifully. So that made me very
comfortable. It is a big
treatment, but I'm so comfortable with doctor Mark that I trust
anything that he's gonna do.

Wow. Powerful. Exactly. It's really
powerful stuff. Right? So the idea there is that, you
know, you can have a ton of Google reviews, Facebook reviews, Yelp
reviews, but oftentimes, you know, nothing's gonna give the
same impact as somebody on explaining what a
great experience that that doctor provided for them. Right? Yeah.

Now, right, I I know when I start seeing videos, especially with the
the doctor and the staff and putting all those things up,
right, I know if I'm a doctor, I'm thinking, man, that's
gonna take a lot of work. What do I say? How I put the script
together? How do I showcase these things? Like like like, is that something
you help with? Is that something they have to come up with? Like like, how

do you come up with that messaging? Yeah. Great question.
So we, we have fine tuned our
process for this to the the perfect level. So I've
had a ton of dentists say to me, hey, Steven. I had a a
production crew came out. They they didn't prepare me at all. I felt like
everything was on the spot and really it it came out to be a poor

quality video, whatever it may be. Right? So the idea with us is that
one, we're at the practice for just one day. Within that one
day, the the content we capture in video is gonna be the
banner background that we spoke about. It's going to be the office tour
video. We do 4 different service explainer videos. So if
they wanted to do a video on implants, a video on crowns, a video on

veneers, and let's say maybe a video on, you know, sleep apnea, we could do
that as well. So 4 services, and then we do 4 separate
patient testimonials. So they get a lot of different content. Now with that
being said, we're only there for one day. So
within that one day, we have an agenda set of exactly what
needs to happen at what time. With that, we help them with all the

scripting, all the staging. We're the ones interviewing the
patients. So in that video, as you could see that that that patient giving that
feedback, we're essentially queuing that patient up with questions
and letting them answer, then clipping that interview together to make it
look like it's it's an amazingly profound and and
impactful review of their practice. Right? So we

take care of all that, which is awesome. And we make sure that practice is
well prepared. We do a meeting before we fly out to let them know a
to z what needs to happen. And a bonus with that is that we
capture enough content that one day that we can also
do a full social media campaign and management from that
that media we captured. So with that, we then are able to do 2

posts per week on Facebook and Instagram, completely custom for that
practice from the filming we did from the photo and video for the the
YouTube channel and the Wealth, those those different avenues. Avenues. K.
That's amazing. And so, right, when you start putting this together, what are what are
the results that doctors actually start seeing when they are
doing marketing correctly, when they are investing in the the video and

in the practice and attracting their their really ideal patient?
What starts happening to the practice? A lot. Right? So one,
the conversion rate's gonna skyrocket. So meaning that if they're tracking how
many clicks you're getting to their website, which, you know, anyone can do pretty easily,
they're gonna see a lot more of those clicks. They're gonna turn into phone calls.
They're gonna turn into request appointments. They're gonna turn into appointment schedule, people showing

up, and then a higher level of production a higher level of
production per patient now because they're able to attract more of their ideal
service as well. So all those different avenues get hit. And then with
that, a really great bonus of having a video on their website,
which I've had multiple, of my clients tell me this is that they're
getting a better conversion rate with their staffing. So more

of the people who if, you know, obviously, staffing is a crisis in dentistry right
now, but more of the people who are interested in in working
for them now are more likely to actually fall through with it because they're able
to see the quality of practice. It's a fun practice. Everyone's smiling. People are
having fun there. There's a good culture. Right? Yeah. Well, I
and the other thing, and I'll just throw this in there because I know this

has happened to me all the Tim. And if you're listening, you may have experienced
this awesome, especially with video, but maybe you've got a favorite
show that you watch on YouTube or, you know, a favorite interview
program or or whatever it may be. But but I find over time,
right, I become very familiar with these people and almost feels
if I know them even though I've never met them in my entire life so

much so that, you know, I've been at conferences where, you know, all of a
sudden a speaker walks up and like, oh, yeah. I know that person. Like, wait.
They've never met me in their entire life, but I've watched all their videos. So
so it creates that familiarity and comfort. Doesn't it?
Absolutely does, and that that's a fantastic point. Yeah. And and and right
and that adds to, I would argue, a better patient experience

because if they're familiar with you, if they know you, even though you've never met
them, they they have a sense of what that office culture is like and what
you're like as a doctor in there. So so right, when it comes to
the the practice and the budgeting and investing, what do you see the best
practices out there doing when it comes to actually spending on
marketing? Are they allocating a fixed dollar amount? Are they doing some kind of

percentage? Like like, how do you start thinking about how much should I be investing
in this? Yeah. It's a great question. And really
what it breaks down to, we for our specific services, we we
have it all broken down into plans. Right? With that, as far
as your marketing, now those are for marketing packages and the
website and for things like SEO. Those are all a fixed rate. Now as

far as your ad campaigns, now that's something that should fluctuate. Right?
Because the idea is that, you know, maybe you don't wanna start
with a $5,000 Google Ad spend. Right? Maybe you don't have the budget to put
that up upfront. So starting with a smaller budget with different
campaigns and measuring which ones are successful or not is definitely
a better strategy. Right? Because you're not just, again, growing.

You're specifically measuring the different campaigns and seeing what what's the front
runner and then putting more of the the funds from these different campaigns
into the specific campaign that we see to be that we see the most
success. Gotcha. Okay. And and so really, Ray,
kinda starts with the those fixed cost. Right? Getting the the assets up so to
speak. Getting your website done. Getting your social media presence. Right? Getting all those

things dialed in. And that's gonna be kind of a fixed cost. And then from
there, you wanna figure out, well, hey. How much do I wanna spend on a
on, I guess, a monthly basis to really be pushing that out to
attract the traffic to the Wealth? Exactly. Correct. Okay.
Gotcha. So so we've been talking a lot about, right, what do you do to
be successful with your web presence? How do you attract

those ideal patients? What are some common mistakes that you see doctors
making when they when they attempt to do this? Yeah. I mean,
there's a lot. So so, I mean, in terms of video, I would say just
producing very low quality videos, you know, that there's
you as you saw the quality of video we produce, I mean, that's something where
it really, you know, licks an emotional response from somebody.

Specifically just poorly filmed. Right? So that would be an avenue within that.
In regards to maybe using a company itself, I would
say this industry, a lot of different practices have been burned. Right?
So it's really the the digital marketing agency is saturated by
companies saying they're doing one thing. They're not actually doing it. Right?
So I would say hiring a company that

obviously up front looks great, but ensure that there's 1, you have an account manager
who's showing everything that's happening every month is very important.
2, ensuring that all the different tracking methods are in place so you know
exactly where your dollars are being spent. And then, Thrive, just
ensuring that you're finding a quality company to
have an all out campaign, measure it, then show you what they're doing every month

or or definitely all avenues that need to be explored with with a with a
company Nation that a lot of people aren't doing. A lot of people are just
spending, you know, $500 a month with the company. They're never checking in with each
other. They don't know what's actually happening. Oftentimes, that company is really
not doing anything behind the scenes. Okay. And I think that's a
an important point too. It's right. So many doctors, especially if you've been in business

for, you know, more than just a few years. Right? You've probably worked with some
companies that actually delivered. They they look great upfront.
You hire them. You start working with them, and all of a sudden, you find
out they're just not delivering. How do you avoid making that
same mistake again? Right? How do you do the vetting upfront so that you
actually know you're working with a quality company? Because, you know,

advertising is tricky. There's no guarantees, but there certainly are best practices
you wanna follow. So so how do we do? How do we think about that
vetting process? Definitely. I think a a great initial
question is do I have an account manager, and how often is that account manager
check-in with me, and what is that check-in call Dentist of? Right?
So for us, for Lasso, you do have your own account manager, your own

person that essentially you could call, email, text about whatever, you know,
immediate needs you have. Then that person's checking with you every month to show
you, hey. What's happened? This campaign's working. This one's not. This week
generated this many patients. Hey. This much production stemmed from this
campaign this month. All those things are being presented to you. Right?
Those are very critical. Outside of that would be getting a company to

show you up front what they're gonna do over, like, a calendar year.
So what I do for each client is that I'm able to show them this
is the marketing plan for the next year. Right? So this is what I'm doing
for your SEO for the next year, and this is happening every month. So I'm
not just setting up a Wealth, then kicking my feet up, and you don't you
don't hear from me again and nothing's happening every month. You know exactly what's happening.

Okay. And and should these account managers, should they be reaching out proactively?
Do I have to reach out to them? Like like, what are the best companies
doing? Yeah. Practically I mean, obviously, if I'm waiting for
a dentist to call me to check-in on something like a back burner item like
a website, it's it rarely happens. So we actively
reach out to them every month and get them on the calendar. We're insured at

the end of that meeting, we get them on the next, calendar and get on
their books. Right? Okay. No. That's that's very, very helpful.
So, hey, we've been having such a great conversation so far talking about, right,
the power of video, how to attract your ideal patient, how to avoid
working with marketing companies to just spin the wheels and and actually waste your money.
We've talked about tracking. So for for people who are listening,

where would you tell them to to dive in? How do they start just even
reanalyzing their marketing to figure out if something needs to change or if there's
room for improvement? Like like, what's the starting point for that?
Great question. So I would be the starting point. So, essentially, what I'm
more than happy to do and what I typically do is we do complimentary demos.
We'll actually pay anyone listening to this specific podcast. We'll pay

them, $25 just to listen to one of our demos. We'll send them a
$25 gift card. But what I Wealth personally do is I'll do
research in your current web presence. I have different tools that analyze
different facets of of your web presence to see it are these working or
Nation, and this is how we can Thrive upon them. We'll determine, you know,
what specific services of ours you think would be a good fit for your practice.

I'll tell you what I think would be a great fit with the amount of
experience I have. Then we'll get you a quote and see if it's a good
fit for us to work together. But it's that simple. And that can be done
by you know, you can email me directly, which is gonna be my first
name, s t e v e n, at,
or visit our website, There should be an ability to

schedule a demo from there as well. Alright. Yeah. And both your your
email address and website are in the comments right down below for anyone listening
to this. And so what I hear you saying is you'll take
a look at the the Wealth. You'll take a look at the marketing, and you'll
actually pay us to do that. Correct. I will. And
then at the very least, you know, if if if we're not the perfect fit

for you, you're gonna have some ammunition to come back to your web developer if
they're not doing a great job and say, hey. Why is x y z not
happening? Yeah. Well, Nation and and this is so important,
and I would encourage all our listeners. Right? Take advantage of this. I talk about
this all the time. Right? It's the power of a second
opinion. And it's crazy. Right? When it comes to medical issues,

you and I, you know, we don't hesitate to go get a second opinion
from a doctor when we're facing something serious going on. But when it comes
to our financial future, when it comes to your practice marketing,
when it comes to, you know, just other things that really matter, we
hardly ever get a second opinion. And that's that's crazy
because these are things that we're spending on all the time. And so, you

know, the worst case scenario that happens is you you go, you get the 2nd
opinion, you hear everything's great. And I don't know about you, but I've never
gotten upset at my doctor when I go in for an annual review
and he calls me back and says, Tim, all your blood works fine and everything
looks great. I'll see you again later on. Like like, I've never been mad at
that. I'm like, cool. Everything's working. Right? That's a great thing to confirm

you're on track even if it's not with the company you're getting the second opinion
with. So so I encourage you get a second opinion, take a
second look at these things because the worst that's gonna happen is you're gonna hear
you're on track. Agreed. A 100%.
Yeah. And so, Steven, before we sign off here, any kind of closing
thoughts or or or things? And and then real quickly, I wanna dive in and

I wanna talk about a little, Kombucha because that could that that sounds like a
fun little thing about you. Definitely. So sign off
is really you know, I know dentists are really busy, and, you
know, oftentimes, we get caught in the day to day, but I'd say really
and reinvest in your practice. If you're not doing any marketing, you know, try to
give a marketing campaign a shot. If you are spending a lot on marketing, ensure

it's working, but, you know, definitely just talk to us. Let us let us give
you some direction, and we'd love to be an asset to the practice.
Excellent. And so we'll come back to to marketing here in just a
moment. But kombucha, what can you tell me about hard kombucha? Yeah.
So we, part owner of our hard kombucha company here in
San Diego. It's called that Bucha, hard kombucha. But, yeah, we have

a tasting room, a brewery, and we just got everything set up. And Dental, we
have, ready to go in a bunch of different bars in town and
and local grocery stores and liquor stores where he signed on a ton of
accounts. So definitely really exciting stuff. Oh my how did that all
come about? I just think a group of friends, one of my really good friends
who works for another, company in this industry, actually,

is, the COO. And, essentially, he told me about this great
opportunity, and the the main, man behind the the
scenes here, has been doing it for over 5 years and just started
as a as a passion out of his house, and he's really fine tuned everything.
And now we have, you know, a full brewery that we're creating all this in
distribution and, all from whole fruits and and organic,

and it's it's really a tremendous thing. It's all local local fruit here
in San Diego. Oh, how beautiful. How wonderful. Nation, and I'm gonna tie
this back into marketing too because this is we're talking about, right, best practices, good
ideal Nation. And I'm guessing you guys have ideal
kind of customers that you're looking for too. And and are you implementing some of
these same strategies to market that company? Yeah. So

definitely, we are we're getting pretty big here on on creating all the content and
optimizing that content Nation then specifically, you know, creating a lot of different
video Dentist, fun things like that. But for us, a lot of, you know, boots
boots to the ground here and leveraging the people that we know in town that,
you know, own bars or are bar managers or specifically friends
who friends who who own different, you know, stores who could

utilize what we have and go in there in person and introducing ourselves and, you
know, it's all local. Right? So it's a bit easier for us to to hit
those things on the foot. Yeah. But but I would argue even locally. Right? You
go in, you see that local bar owner or you you talk to that local
store to get them to to to carry your product, chances are they're gonna go
check you out on the web because they wanna know like who are you, what
do you offer, what does this look like, And my guess is they're gonna find

some great looking video. Correct. Yep. So that that is definitely true,
and we're continuously producing content forward and ensuring that, you know, looks cutting
edge, looks hip, looks fun. It's something I wanna carry in my store. Yep.
Yeah. Alright. And and then one last little thought that that came up is,
know, when it comes to kind of the doing the video, you know, one thing
I see all the time is I see doctors posting pictures of their surgeries that

they're doing online. Is that a good strategy to attract patients?
I mean, that's I I would I would argue
no. I mean, if you're just in, like, if you're just in academia
and that's that's your whole, you know Mhmm. That's where you focus on, then, you
know, that's fine. But if you're in a private practice trying to attract patients, you're
going to scare patients. So you wanna make them feel as though it's gonna be,

you know, as pain free as possible. And when when I see somebody's, you know,
mouth getting, you know, drilled on, that's that's maybe not the most
doesn't doesn't resonate as something very comfortable with me. Yeah. Right. When when you run-in
a private practice and all of a sudden, the first thing on the video is
warning graphic content, That may not be the best way to attract Nation.
Oh, absolutely. And I used to where I used to do a lot of, plastic

surgery practices and Thrive never seen no more
disturbing videos than the some some of the ones they have on their website. So
Yeah. Well, hey, Steven. Thank you for sharing so generously with us.
And I know I certainly have a much better understanding of really how to
leverage the the online presence to to attract
ideal Nation, Certainly have some best practices in terms of creating

video and generating more, you know, traffic and really
generating those ideal patients. And I feel more empowered than ever to
really put my trust in in not just digital marketing, but actually putting myself
out there and putting the practice out there and really sharing that in a compelling
way. And so thank you once again for for being a great guest and sharing
so much. Once again, tell us how we can find you and take advantage of

of that that offer of kinda overviewing our marketing and looking at it
again. Yeah. Again, so incentives we have laid out,
$25 gift card just for listening to me during a demo. Another
thing we're gonna do is our initial investment of $3,000. We're gonna
completely waive that, for coming from us from the Dental Wealth Nation.
With that, the demo to set that up, shoot me an email at stephen@lasso

(39:59):, or we have a booking link on
as well in which you could book that that complimentary demo. Excellent.
Well, hey. Thank you again, and thank you all listeners for tuning in. And remember,
don't just listen to this. If you just listen to the last 40 minutes and
you go back to your practice and you don't do a single thing, you have
wasted your time. And this is a a a waste for you, but this is

not why we do it. We do it because we want you to take action.
We want you to build that amazing life of significance so you can take even
better care of the people you love, support the causes you care about, and really
make that meaningful impact in the world. So get out there and make it a
great day. And until next time, we'll see you again here
soon on the Dental Wealth Nation show. Thanks, Steven.

Bye. You've been listening to Dental Wealth Nation. We hope you've
gotten some useful and practical information from the show. Join
us next time as we pull back the curtain to reveal the
often hidden advice and strategies used by today's most
successful individuals and families and help maximize
your net worth so you can take even better care of the people you

love. Till next Tim. Make sure to hit the website
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