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January 27, 2023 25 mins

The Good, Mats are made of human hair that can soak up 10,000 times its weight. The Bad, all the monks at a temple fail a drug test. The Whatever, It is time for another Murdoch family update.

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Brian (00:04):
Hey everyone.
Welcome back to another episode ofThe Good, the Bad, and the Whatever.
Got Brandon Kendall and myself,Brian, and another terrific episode.
Fantastic episode today.
The best you've ever heard.
It's the best we've everrecorded in the last 30 years.
Tell your mom, yeah, mom, and actuallyspeaking, it's gonna be the best
Tell your mom where she can.


Kendle (00:26):

Brian (00:26):
Instagram, . That sounded way better in my head than it
did when I said it out loud.
, Brandon: your mom goes to college.

Kendle (00:35):
That one.
Mom did.
Well, tell 'em where they can find us.
Instagram at good, bad, whatever.
All over case.
All one word.
You can find us on Twitter at gbw Pod.
We also are on Facebook and our PodBeam website where you can find.
Previous episodes and photos.

Brandon (00:52):
All right.
Since it's already off the rails,

Kendle (00:57):
this has been a wild day and we haven't even started yet.

Brian (01:00):
normally, I mean, you can't even, and, and I'm looking
around the table and I, I guess Idon't know what's in your drink.
I know there's water in mine, but.
It's just water.
This usually is the kind ofepisode that would come after
champagne or something like that.
you would

Kendle (01:11):

Brandon (01:12):
it was the bag of mushrooms.
I ate just before I got here.

Brian (01:15):
like, Hey, we started this episode off with some doses and mimosas.

Music (01:18):
So is knocking 'em out.
. Brian: All right, well, after we've just ruined our
. Kendle: I don't even know what we're

Brian (01:27):
talking about.
I don't even know.
All right, so we'll do,I'll do the good this week.
Brandon, you can do the badand I guess Kendall, you can.

Kendle (01:35):
We all know what that means.

Brandon (01:36):
Is it that time again?

Kendle (01:38):

Brian (01:38):
time again.
I think they're just,those updates are gonna be

Kendle (01:40):
rolling off, off there.
So yeah, we're about to get close.

Brian (01:44):
So this is good, but it is a little bit it creeped me out a little.
So this comes from Brussels, Belgium,and apparently there's a new effort to,
there's a company that put together thiseffort to take human hair and create.
basically like bios, safe materialsthat can extract hydrocarbons and

fossil fuels and stuff like that.
It absorbs oil.
Didn't know any of this about thehuman hair, but I guess it can
hold like 10,000 times its weight.
One strand can, it's highly absorbentand so like it'll take in seconds.
So they're basically manufacturing.
I'm using my hands or.
Can't hear my hands.
It was this big . It was this big.
But they basically take the hairand they manufacture it into like a

mat that can be there where there'slike oil spills and stuff like that.
And I guess the hair.
Absorbs the oil better thanmost, like detergents and
things like that to clean it up.
So they're going around andso like if you're a salon, you
pay them to come in mm-hmm.
, they'll clean out the hair all offof your floor and stuff like that.
And then they'll go use it in theirprocess to create what they do.

I didn't try to read this the whole time,but it sounded to me like it's a little.
You know, the hair thing, but it serves a

Brandon (02:59):
good purpose.
I actually watched somethingthat exact same thing on Okay.
The YouTubes and Yeah, they makea mat that's probably about that.
Yeah, about that big . It's probablylike a foot and a half, two foot square.
And they just throw it out and itliterally just sucks all the oil out of

Brian (03:18):
the water.
And, and it's so crazy because like thepart that I think if there's any part.
is gross To me, it's just the mixtureof all people's hair and mm-hmm.
. I already don't like it when it'son their head a whole lot, like
me mixing 'em all together and amat doesn't do anything for me.
Story ? No, but it's just like, Imean, there are some people that I just

would not want to touch their hair.
There's plenty that would you find, but

Brandon (03:42):
What's that?
I said dreadlocks, mostly
, Brian: but they were talking about like the oils in your hair and stuff.
They're, they're hard to reproduce.
. And this is like a truly like biodiverseway to create something that then takes,
I mean, oil is essentially organic.
It has a way to absorb oil better thana synthetic material would absorb oil.

I know ever since I found that out, I always grab my daughter's
head and just rub it on the counter.
, Brian: I don't get all the, all the grease
Look, your hair is shiny andthe the countertops too clean.
, how

Brian (04:14):
don't we clean this bacon tray
. Kendle: Well, and it's something I've never thought about, but like
as someone who has a lot of hair,I'm like, that is all correct, . It
was straight up, soak up anything.
so I, I just, I saw that and I was like, there's a gross element to it
and, and maybe in my mind, maybe it'snot to everybody else, but like it's all

being done to do something that is good.
I mean, they're not like outthere like chastising when, you
know, why are there oil spills?
I mean, We don't want those,but they're not usually
intentional whenever they happen.
But you do want to have something thatcan help clean it up because the results
of that are never good for the seed

Kendle (04:51):
Well, and it is somethingthat's like readily available.
Like every salon has hair in it.
I mean, some

Brian (04:57):
individuals will contribute less and less over their lifetime.
Right To That

Kendle (05:01):
depends on style you're going

Brian (05:03):
But, or, yeah, or if youcan still grow it, there's

Brandon (05:08):
The only way to activate itthough is they have to lick it.
Oh, see?

Brian (05:12):
That, that would move it down my list to a bad story though.

Kendle (05:15):
that one just jumped for me too.

Brian (05:20):

Brandon (05:20):
Should see how muchmayonnaise you can, I'm sorry.

Brian (05:23):
I, I'm all for that.
Throw it in mayonnaise jarsas far as I'm concerned.
Down with the Mayo
. Brandon: Oh, the mayonnaise
. Brian: Well, even before I was on my way here, and I know this place that I ordered
this sandwich from, it distinctly doesnot have any mayonnaise on the sandwich.
I've ordered it 15, 20 times.
except for today.

And I called and I said, they're like, doyou want anything else on that sandwich?
I just wanna make sure itdoesn't have mayo and they're
like, it doesn't come with Mayo.
And I was just making sure the menu didn'tchange since the last time I ordered

Kendle (05:53):
I know.
I just wanna be sure.
You know
. Brian: Yeah.
I wanna be very clear on this one thing.

Brandon (05:59):
I know that, you

Kendle (06:00):
know the Amen is my favorite comment.

Brian (06:06):
that didn't rain.
All right.
We need to move on.
. It's the best.
All right, Brandon,you've got the bad story.

Brandon (06:13):
right, so I don't need, need my phone, so we know this one.
That's right.

Kendle (06:17):
it's a personal story.

Brandon (06:18):
it from your heart.
Nope, it's not a personal story.
Although it could be . So there was amonastery in Thailand where all the monk.
failed the drug test.
Now there's no monks in the monasteryto take care of the animals and the
living plants that are in the monastery.
like where this is headed?
I don't know what they're doing, but Iwant to go hang out with those monks.

. I

Brian (06:41):
wanna go.
They found enlightenment.

Brandon (06:42):
Well, they didn't say what they gottested for, but they basically failed
whatever drug test that's in Bangkokor whatever it was in was it Bangkok?
Something like that.
Bangkok . So this monastery now, Nomonks, even the head monk, which they had.
Yeah, they, they called 'em anAbbott, which I didn't know that

they were called Abbots, but.
No, no monks, no nothing.

Brian (07:08):
Maybe they were eating too many poppy

Brandon (07:09):
seed muffins.
Now they have cats justrunning loose in that place.

Brian (07:12):
Probably need a giant one to

Kendle (07:14):
take care of that.
It's like, why in the world is a monkgetting drug tested in the first place?
Monks like to party . I mean, listen.
And I don't care.
I'm more concerned with like,why do we care if they're
getting, like, I'm curious what

Brandon (07:29):
it must have been.
Wait, like what

Kendle (07:30):
was the

Brandon (07:30):
drug test for?
Like I've

Kendle (07:32):
never heard of, because they're not a drug client.
Drug for like a, and

Brian (07:35):
then everybody fails.
Like that would be somebody likeserved us all food that we're not
supposed to have and it has somethingin it that triggered the drug test.

Kendle (07:41):
Like it makes me think someone made a weird batch of.
And just like , it's very trippy.
Tea, rain,

Brandon (07:49):
harvesting mushroom.
But like why hot

Kendle (07:50):
plants in the back ? Why would a, the mushroom

Brian (07:53):
M soda

Music (07:54):
didn't . Yeah, that's some good miso soup.
. Kendle: It had to be something like that.
But like why, why dothey need drug testing?

Brandon (08:06):
don't know.
That's it.
It was very vague.
That was about thewhole gist of the story.
It was like five lines.

Kendle (08:11):
You know, it could have been that they to themselves.
Well, they live and let live.
So if that means mushrooms, then fine.
I don't care.
Maybe the monks were on

Brian (08:18):
performance enhancing drugs.

Music (08:20):
monk again, for what?
Well, I mean, why do we

Brian (08:23):
care if they would?
Maybe they're starting to squishmore grapes with their feet faster
than the other ones, and theyget paid by the grape athletes

Kendle (08:29):

Music (08:32):
Well that's not drinking wine.
You can't

Kendle (08:34):
either knock that off my list.

Brian (08:36):

Brandon (08:37):
monk wine . Hey, I'm saying you get what you deserve.
Drink wine that's beensmashed by people's feet.
That's all I'm saying.
, Brian: I not all wine is smashed by people's feet.
I understand
Most of it's

Brian (08:49):
not, but you pay extra for that and I have no idea why.
Yeah, right.
You know, to me that's his, thatthat is probably the equivalent of
being the guy that goes and drinksthe spit can after everybody samples
the wine and then spits it out.

Kendle (09:03):
That just got caught in my throat.
. Yeah.
That's horrible.
. Brian: There isn't a person whose job is that.
I'm just saying thatlike that would be gross.

Brandon (09:11):
No, it's just the drunk dude at the end of the night.
. Yeah.

Kendle (09:14):
Grabs the wrong glass.

Brian (09:15):
Y'all gonna finish that?

Brandon (09:15):
What they call that?
The mat shot at the bar for the trash can.
Everything up off the bar mat.

Brian (09:22):
There is a story about a business that was around here.
They had to fire somebody because Iwon't say the business, but one of the
customers asked for the mat shot atthe end of the night and they obliged
and put it in a glass and served it.
And he died.
They fired him.
No, but I mean, you gotsomebody asking for it.
Yeah, but like, if they wantedit, they didn't, they didn't
make him pay, but they still got.

. That

Kendle (09:45):
doesn't seem fair.

Brandon (09:47):
I say you gave 'em what you wanted.
How are you to deny a customer?
? Brian: Every customer's always right.
No, they're not
. Music: No, I know

Kendle (09:59):
Well, the door phone is ringing.
. I was gonna say, like

Brian (10:03):
I'm looking at, none of our phones are lighting up, but yeah.
It's very, yeah, it's very nice.

Brandon (10:11):
It almost makes me want to answer my phone.

Music (10:13):
Half hour.
, I was trying to catch it before

Brian (10:18):
Every episode you get something new.
Don't ever stop tuning in.

Kendle (10:23):
I was trying to catch it before my answer machine kicked on.

Brandon (10:26):
All right, so, yeah, if you're a monk, keep it

Brian (10:29):
Yeah, keep it classy.
Yeah, . All right, Kendall,you've got the, whatever.

Kendle (10:35):
All right, so hope she doesn't need notes for this one either.
No, we all know what it's about.
So we are gonna talk about Alec Myrna.
So the state we're about 30 days outfrom the beginning of his trial, and
I didn't realize it, but I guess whenyou're up for something like this,
the state has to make it known 30 daysprior if it's gonna be like a death.

Death sentence, like they're gonnaseek the death sentence or not.
And so the state did like, issuea statement saying that they
will not, they're just gonnapursue life without parole.
So we do know that, but like, , youknow, he's a dirt bag, but they're not
gonna put him on death row, which I havemixed feelings about it, but I would

like to see him sweat a little bit.
. Brandon: Yeah.
The stress of one day they're gonna put
me to death.
Right, because like you're a scum bag andyou should be with the worst of the worst.
Like fair wait, right?

Brandon (11:31):

Kendle (11:32):
Like I don't know that I'm forthe death penalty, but I am
for making him sweat it out.

Brandon (11:38):
Making his life

Kendle (11:38):
totally miserable though.
And then just one daybeing like, just kidding.
. Yeah.
Like, you're fine.

Brandon (11:43):
Just walk in every day.
All right.
Today's the, no, maybe not.

Kendle (11:46):
it's like, you know they, yeah.

Brian (11:48):
We'll let you know at 10 30 when they do a firing squat.
They'd blindfold everybody andline or you know, line 'em up.
And the torture was sometimes they wouldhave people like, you know, ready, aim,
fire and you'd hear the click, click,click, but none of the guns would go off.
, I mean, that would be mind, like, I can't

Kendle (12:05):
imagine so, but heart attacking, inducing.

Brian (12:06):
And I don't know, those weren'tinstances usually where they were
criminals that was usually like,war torture, stuff like that.
in this case, eh, I could, I couldgo for a little torture, right?
Just a little.
Just just a little bit.
I mean that's, he'sdirty on a lot of levels,

Kendle (12:20):
a lot of levels.
Well, and he's also gottennine new charges brought
against him, so he is up to 99.
Full charges.
The newest ones are for tax evasionof all things, because what I didn't
realize is if you obtain a milliondollars illegal, , you still owe

taxes on those apparently didn't.
I don't

Brian (12:46):
want anybody, I don't want anybody to know I got this, but I am gonna make
sure I'm good with the government, right?

Kendle (12:50):
Like that is the wildest fact I've everheard in my life, but also because of
these new, so he owes $450,000 backtaxes based off of what he has allegedly
stolen and never reported as income.
Right, right.

Like that fact blew my mind.
But because of these new tax evasioncharges there are so Mallory Beach,
the girl who was murdered in the boatcrash, or who was killed in the boat
crash her family has an injunctionagainst Alec for like damages.
A certain, I didn't think to look atthe dollar amount, but they've got

it out there for him, which they'vebeen dealt in a horrible hand.
The least they're owed is dollars,like a lot of dollars in my book.
But because of these new tax evasion, anymoney they can get out of Alex, like a
state, once it's all, I guess, dissolved.

Is that the right term?
Well, we'll say it.
Once it's all liquidated, afterthe, , the government gets their
$450,000 before anyone else does.
That's right.
Which to me is just like salt inthe wound of these like boat crash
victims that it's like not only washe a bad guy and he took from everyone

because he took from everyone anddidn't tell the government about it,
they still don't get their money.
. So like that is wild.
I'm raging against the man today.

Brian (14:29):
So all the men, let's just tear down the

Brandon (14:31):
establishment, right?
? I don't right.
I'm not sure which form isfor drug dealers, but they do.
There's a section iris form for.

Kendle (14:39):

Brandon (14:41):
kingpin the kingpin

Brian (14:42):
Even no matter how we may come afterwe, the money just want our money

Kendle (14:45):
right now.
Like we're still gonna getyou for stealing from them.
But mainly you stole from us.
Cuz you didn't tell usyou stole from them.

Brandon (14:52):
he death and taxes is a real thing.
. It's

Kendle (14:56):
Fact when I heard it, just likeI had to go back and rewind Cause
I was like, I didn't hear that.
Like that is what, yes.

Brandon (15:06):
Unfortunately the government has the only powers
that no one else gets to use.

Brian (15:10):
But the rules can be madeto their benefit as they go.

Kendle (15:14):
So they had another hearing for,you know, his lawyers are saying
that the state's not giving.
The evidence they've asked for,but the timing of the hearings
are literally back to back.
And so it's like the state is beinglike, you asked for this yesterday.
We're working on it.
We said we would because we didn'tget it to you in the 24 hours.

Now there's another hearing.
But it's a lot of.
I, in my opinion, it's just hisdefense team building up a case
that's like, we've asked the state forthis and they didn't give it to us.
When it's like, no, they gave it to you,you just kept whining about it more.

Brandon (15:52):
You wanted it in an unreasonable

Kendle (15:53):
amount of time.
And like there was anissue with the shirt.
Alec wore the night of the thing, cuz.
It had the blood splatterand all of that on it.
Well, in sleds like testing of it,obviously the shirt gets destroyed cuz
it's like they cut it in strips andthey test it with this chemical and
they test it with that chemical andfind out what's blood on there and the
street, the shapes and all the things.

Well, in doing all that testing,obviously the shirt is not.
The same shirt that got turned in, likeit has been bleached and photographed
and stripped and all the things, well,his defense attorneys are like raging
against that because they're like,well, we can't get the shirt tested
because the state destroyed evidence.
And it's like, no, they didn't.
They used it to prove, to test.

Brian (16:36):

Kendle (16:37):
But technically the shirt is destroyed, but it's
just their like media spin on it.

Brian (16:43):
That dude, not all for nothing.
, that dude and his attorney,they're both dirty Earth.

Kendle (16:48):
Earth snakes just doublelike three feet long.
Earth snakes.

Brandon (16:53):
Destroying the evidence.
I mean, the results of the lab are

Kendle (16:57):
right, they become the evidence.
And then it's like they're saying thatall of the photos were photoshopped and
it's like, well, no, they were enlarged.
They weren't like, it's not like theycropped in a ghost in the background.
. Brian: Well, it's, yeah.
It's not like the person in thephoto has like a dog face, nose and
stuff like that.
Like they're.
Edited necessarily, but they were enlargedto show like microscopic blood splatters.

So yes, they used Photoshop to enlargeit, but the photos are not Photoshopped.
Zooming is not a

Brandon (17:28):

Kendle (17:28):
No . Right.
But it's like, that's the phrasethat they keep throwing out
and like it sounds like they're

Brian (17:33):
region Yeah,

Brandon (17:34):
it does.
They keep throwing

Kendle (17:35):
It's just like they'rethrowing shade after shade.
Doubt after doubt anywhere they.
and like part of me is like,I just need people to hang on
I just like, don't listen to 'em.
Don't, well,

Brandon (17:48):
don't, that's, that's the one thing is court of public
opinion doesn't really matter.
The only thing they're gonnado is possibly taint the jury.
But I think they'redoing it wet outside of,

Kendle (17:57):
I think that's still being determined is like where
it's actually gonna be held.

Brandon (18:01):
I mean, aside from this update, Idon't really see anything in the news.
So Yeah.
You took it outside, anywhere.
, South Carolina.

Kendle (18:09):
I think you would.
Well, and it already doesn't bode wellbecause Russell Lafe his banker friend who
just kept handing him money and waivinghis late fees and all the things with
this endless amount of dollars becausehe was found guilty on everything.
I do think that's like a strong.
Lead up into Alex Beginnings.

And he's

Brandon (18:32):
gotta claim all those discounted.
That's right, because apparentlyif you discount something and you
only pay for part of it, you stillpay taxes on the full amount of it.
. Mm.
That's another odd fact, . Yeah.
I don't

Brian (18:44):
get it.
, we're, we're, we're definitelyin love with the establishment.

Kendle (18:47):
Today I'm in a mood.
. . I'm ready to fight.

Brian (18:51):
everyone's corporate taxes Right?
Attack them.
Swarm of

Kendle (18:54):
Leave Beverly and her cats alone.
and send Alex straight to jail.
Directly to jail.
Did not pass code.
Did not collect your$450,000 in back taxes.
Or at least not.
All these other people who he's likeactually physically hurt are made whole.
And then take him for taxes.
Take all the taxes.

Take everybody's tax.
I don't care.
But like you, it's doesn't work that way.
We gotta make, I don'tknow, just bothers me.
, Brian: yeah.

Brandon (19:25):
You gotta, you gotta pay your taxes.
It's all, it's all it's

Kendle (19:28):
moral historian, right?
I mean, I know, and I'm not against it.
I'm just against the order inwhich the taxes must be paid
Well, what's funny

Brandon (19:35):
is this is a good possibility he'll get off on everything else.
And then tax evasion will take him down.

Kendle (19:41):
And honestly, at the end of theday, if that's what puts him under
the jail, then I'm fine with it.

Brandon (19:47):
It's just funny as that's whatwould actually take him down.
. Brian: Right.

Kendle (19:51):
How, that's the one thing you can't avoid male fraud, Eva.
So, but yep.
So he won't, if he's found guilty,he won't have the death penalty.
And that's kind of thebiggest update right now.

Brandon (20:05):
Sitting rotten in jail.
Bartering beef sticks.
, I think is a, is a

Kendle (20:10):
good fate.
I'm fine with that too.
I do feel bad for theson that's living though.
Like even if he knows a bunch and evenif he is kind of in on it, I don't know.
I just still kind of like, he's ruined.

Brian (20:24):
Like his, his life isn't gonna be quite the same ever

Kendle (20:26):
You didn't ask for any of this.
And your, your mom andyour brother are now dead.
So at the end of the.
, you're on your own and

Brandon (20:36):
your dad's a dirt

Music (20:37):

Kendle (20:38):
Like dirt dirty earthworm.
That's a dirty hand.
Dirty earth snake.
Earth snake , dirty earth snake
. Brandon: Yeah, I I, that's funny as taxation, the thing that
you're gonna get taken down for.
All the things you've done.

Brian (20:53):
But was just not

Kendle (20:55):
even that worst.
If I steal a million dollars, I stillowe income tax on the million dollars.
Mine, even though I didn't get it legally.
They don't care.
. Yeah, I know, I know.
And that's the partthat like blew my brain.
. Brandon: Yeah.
Wait, wait, wait.
Hold What?
, Kendle: right?
Like, say that

Brandon (21:15):
I don't know how you claim it.
, Brian: right?

Kendle (21:20):
You've, you're damned if you'redoing, you're damned if you don't.

Brandon (21:24):
How am I supposed to keepthe illegal operation going?
If I have to claim

Kendle (21:27):
the money?
I, Hey, do you just like mail in ana, like a check that's like, this is
from me, so don't ask me about it.
Twitter taxes.
Like an anonymous donation towards taxes.

Brandon (21:36):
Well, that's why you work in thetrash industry or one of those.

Kendle (21:42):
It was just wild.
Like that fact truly, I had to stop.
I was in the middle of organizing mybatteries and I had to stop and pause and
rewind and like sit down and listen to it.
It was wild.

Brian (21:55):
Yeah, that, that, that is a little bit mind blowing.

Brandon (22:00):
I stole this, but here's

Brian (22:02):
your cut.
, right?
But you can't arrest me for stealingit, but I do wanna make sure that
I'm straight with you on taxes.
Yes, because they were

Kendle (22:07):
breaking it down from 2011 to 2019.
, everything he had claimed in incomethat year versus everything he had
allegedly stolen in those years.
And it was like his best year.
He claimed six and a half milliondollars in income, but still
allegedly stole, stole 750,000.

And then it was like the next yearhe claimed like 250,000 in income,
but allegedly stole like, that wasthe year it was like 4 million.
And so, All of the allegedly stolenumbers is now what he owes income tax on.
That's funny.
It's funny that, but in like thenine years, that much money they
listed it, he claimed like 13 anda half million dollars of income.

And so you're making so much money.
Yeah, you made $6 million a year and youstill stole it, but you still stole money.
You don't have enough moneyto do the things you wanna.
Well, there's a private islandI've had my eye on, right?
I just How much, howmuch money do you need?

Brandon (23:15):
About one and a half million dollars.

Kendle (23:17):
and they, everyone wants to gimme some money.
, just a ballpark.

Brian (23:20):
And I could use this in the common section.
We'll, we'll put thebank routing number in.
Account number you can send.

Brandon (23:26):
Brandon doesn't wanna work anymore.
. Kendle: My Venmo is AC Neon.
I'm sorry.
Its almond word donationsare always appreciated.
Apparently the kidsGoFundMe is a big thing.
I didn't know you could do that.

Kendle (23:39):
They take it percentage too though.
Then you'll

Brian (23:42):
probably have to pay, pay the government.

Brandon (23:44):
Well, yes, and then there's 50, 50% to

Kendle (23:46):
claim income.

Brandon (23:48):
So my one point, 1.5 has just moved up to 2.5.

Kendle (23:53):
That way you actually get 1.5.

Brandon (23:55):
Well, that's after everyone takes their cut.
So I'd end up with still 500,000.

Kendle (23:58):
But yeah, so he's still a dirt bag.
He still looks like aweird albino dirt bag.
. And we're gonna, January's gonna be fun.
There's gonna be a lotof things happening.
I feel like Kendall's

Brandon (24:14):
gonna walk out, kick a puppy after she's done with the Yeah,

Brian (24:16):
I do.
As soon as we're done and wrapup, let's just get outta here.

Kendle (24:19):
I am gonna have to open my New Year's champagne, early
I am in a mood today.

Brandon (24:27):
gonna kick a kid's puppy and then trip the kid.
. Kendle: Maybe not the puppy.
. Definitely puppy trip.
That kid.
Yeah, the puppy didn't do anything.

Brian (24:37):
Oh, all right.
You want to.
Let 'em know where they can findus if they're still remotely

Kendle (24:42):
. So if you are curious to see onhow I survived January , you can
follow us on Instagram at goodbye,whatever pod, Facebook, Twitter at
gbw pod, and our website on Podbean.

Brandon (24:54):
And Kendall's website kinds.

Music (24:58):
Rage against the . All right, guys.

You something.
So be crazy.
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