All Episodes

March 23, 2023 29 mins

The Good, Jeremy Renner is on the road to recovery. The Bad, a man gets trapped in a porta-potty and then gets busted for drugs. The Whatever, it is time for the Murdaugh grand finale.

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Music (00:00):
Ah, Ben.
Winning a long time for this.

Brian (00:05):
Hey everyone.
Welcome back.
Another episode coming to you ofthe good, the Bad, and the whatever.
We've got Brandon, Kendall andmyself, Brian, ready to talk
about stuff other people did.
Nothing that nothing that we did today.
So shock and awe,

Brandon (00:19):

Brian (00:20):
So, All right.
Well, I mean, it's, it's fairto say this this may be our last
broadcast from this location.
We're not going anywhere,just up the street.
But Kendall, do you want to at leasttell 'em where they can find us?
Since that didn't

Kendle (00:31):
matter to them at all.
Virtually you can find us onInstagram at Good, bad, whatever
pod All Over Case, all one word.
You can find us on Facebook.
You can find us on Twitter at GW Pod,and you can see our Pod Bean page
for show notes and previous episodes.

Brian (00:49):
You're getting really good at that, by the

Brandon (00:51):
Like I said, I can barely remembermy actual company's phone number.
I remember the The Californiaone, but North Carolina,

Brian (00:59):
No chance.
No, I wasn't gonna putthat one to memory to begin

Brandon (01:02):
So 7 0 4, that's all I got.
. Kendle: That'll get you close.
That really narrows it down.

Brian (01:07):
Only sure.
There's only like 4 billioncombinations you can have after that.

Brandon (01:11):
Yeah, yeah.
I mean, it's close to 714, so itwasn't hard to change out one number.
That's good too.
Fair one digit down.

Kendle (01:16):
Would they not let you keep the number and just change the area code?

Brandon (01:19):
I don't know.
I've never, never reallylooked into it that

Brian (01:22):
Well, and it's never aboutkeeping it because it's more
about if it hasn't been taken.
, like, so if, if somebody had thelast, the seven digits after the
area code already in the 7 0 4 or 98 0, I guess you could have chosen

Brandon (01:34):
two 13 Beachfront Avenue
. Brian: But if you, if those were already taken, you're, you're done.
But you can, if it wasn't, Isuppose you could ask for it.
If they seem to be able to port you, likeif you go from at and t to Verizon mm-hmm.
, they could like an at and t's like,why'd you have to put us first?
But if you did that, Takeyour phone number with you.

When you do it.
yeah, mine was just in hold.
You knew that.
But I still have my old California numbercuz we still have everyone out there.
But when I came out here and addednumbers, I was like, ah, these.
It's two different numbers.
I'm never gonna remember . Right.
I get the luxury.
You don't have to, howoften do you call yourself?
I don't, but when somebody asksme, what's the phone number?

Brian (02:15):
here's my website.

Brandon (02:17):
And I have two of thoseand I can only remember

Brian (02:20):
one of them.
If you need, need me to come in anddo some work, I'll happily figure out
what my number is and let you know.
Yes, yes.
, you're just curious and I

Kendle (02:27):
don't know.
Right off the top of my head.
It's gonna take me a minute.
I have business

Brian (02:31):
. Well, I was gonna say, because Kendall'sher store is moving up the street.
, this will hopefully bethe last broadcast here.
It should

Kendle (02:40):
It should be.
It has to be . Well, we have, we haveto be out of here by first . So then

Brian (02:44):
I would suggest then the next recording that we.
We should kick it off withsome champagne because mm-hmm.
, clearly it'll be better forour listeners, obviously.
We'll be better.

Brandon (02:54):
She had and to celebrate.
Yeah, she had the acousticsset up specifically for the

Brian (02:58):
I would expect nothing

Kendle (03:00):
There'd be, I will haveactual chairs for everybody.
I already bought them.
. We're designing the space right now.

Brandon (03:06):
In no sushi place next door doing construction.
Like they're coming through the

Kendle (03:10):
Although they are doing constructionon Jack Beagles . So there will be
that for a brief moment in time.
I just seem to take itwith me wherever I go.

Brian (03:21):
Oh, that's okay.
I, I mean, I still remember whatwas the other podcast you and I.
Brandon and I are in another one andwhat was there like a helicopter that
was like flying over our location, likehovering and it's just like . Yeah.
Who'd have thought we'd had ahelicopter issue recording this

Brandon (03:35):
. I moved to North Carolina andI've heard like two helicopters
since I've been here, you know.
Back in LA it was constant.
Oh yeah.
So we call 'em theghetto Birds flying over
, , Brian: you know, I was sitting in, this was in Belmont.
There's like a pretty big thoroughway of tracks, like multiple tracks.
So there's, it's not just like onecrossing, it's like three or four that

you go over and may only be two, but whenit's more than one, it seems like a lot
But I was in a coffee shop thatwas facing the train tracks.
And when those trains go by, th this isn'ta, they're not stopping anytime soon.
Oh yeah.
So they're flying.
And I've seen a million of 'em go through.
One time I was sitting there andI just happened to look up, and I
don't know where it was headed, butapparently this is a common path.

It was transporting all sorts of likemilitary equipment, and I'm not talking
like Jeeps, like they had like the Abramstanks on there and stuff, and you just,
it's not every day that you see like35 tanks like whizz by, like right on
the train.
It's South Carolina's under attack.
. Brian: So I just, I'll, I'll never forget.

When you said the helicopter,I was just thinking like, yeah,
like an attack helicopter.
Like covered above, waitingfor you to come out.
. Maybe it was just a drone.
just a big one.
You voted wrong.
Yeah, wrong.
Oh, all right.
So we probably should get to thegood, the bad, and the whatever.
So this, this one, I've got the good.

So I guess I'll kick us off.
We always start out on a high note andthen it just goes downhill from there.
. Kendle: Oh, we're gonna end on a high note today.
Don't worry.
All right.

Brian (05:06):
Uhoh, . People are just like, well, can I just skip
ahead now to when Kendall talks?

Kendle (05:10):
She's my favorite part.
. . Brian: Now that we know that she's going last.
We've had these conversations onsome layers before, but Jeremy
Renner obviously an actor playsin some of the Marvel movies, so
I'm just making that connection.
That's mm-hmm.
, I like him for some other things, but notfor his Marvel, not for his, I don't think
I've ever seen him in a Marvel movie.
I just know he has been in one.

I'm not sure which one is he.
I don't know which character he is, but

Music (05:34):
Oh, guy.

Brian (05:38):
I'm not, I'm gonna forward through that part.
We're not gonna listen , so, okay.
Apparently he was in Reno and he was out.
Plowing snow with his truck.
, which one?
That already doesn't sound likea thing a normal actor does.
I mean, at least not that I'm aware of.
And he came across a stranded vehicleand I guess he went to help the
vehicle, but he got into an accidentwhile trying to go help the stranded

vehicle and went off and was actuallyhospitalized for it and had some pretty
substantial injuries like forced traumato the chest and he had, I think some
cracked ribs and stuff like that.
And his eye was like, justlike, looked like a big piece of
steak should be sitting on it.
type of thing.
And even when it happened,like he couldn't type anything.
So he was having, doing voiceto text to respond to like

tweets and stuff like that.
. So I listed it as good because I mean,clearly one who's already out doing
a good thing, plowing roads, I mean,I'm not sure how much snow they get
in Reno, but it must have been enoughthat you needed to plow that day.
Second, he went to help a strandedperson and didn't have to do that.
And then third, obviously it didn'tpay off for him, but you know, I
think he got a lot of recognitionfor that and I don't know.

I don't see, usually if it has anythingto do with Marvel, I stopped there.
But I'm glad I read a little bit on

Brandon (06:49):
to hear that.
Your mission impossible guy, no,
. Brian: I don't actually, I don't think I've seen those either.
I mean, I've seen one of 'em, butanyways, so I just thought that was
pretty cool because basically he wasbeing recognized by the city of Reno
and, and stuff like that for heroics,even though it maybe didn't pan out,
but now there were two people strandedand, and hurt rather than, you know.

He actually got ran over by his snowplow.
Yeah, yeah.
It actually rolled overhim in his neighbor, which.
doctor had to fly atourniquet and they had to fly

Brian (07:19):
a helicopter.
I mean, I'm looking at pictures

Brandon (07:21):
and Yeah.
He got mangled, I think they said hebroke I something like 40 or 50 fractures.

Kendle (07:28):
I saw the headlines likeright after it happened.
I never, I never clicked on itand like read deeper, but it, I
think he was like almost dead.
Like he almost died several times.

Brandon (07:38):
Like tourniquets, when youhave to put a tourniquet on.

Brian (07:42):
out shape.
That's, that's like field

Brandon (07:45):
hospital work.
That's where the doctor came and savedhis life because he applied the tourniquet
and got a helicopter in and Yep.
Did all that.
But I was like, woo.
. Yeah,
. Kendle: See what

Brian (07:55):
Isn't that crazy though?
You help people.
I mean, I mean, that's, that's, that's,it was just a thing that's a, he was
doing a good deed, then he went todo a better deed and then, you know,
it doesn't always work out like.

Kendle (08:08):
of 'em, but yeah, that's why you shouldn't live where
snow is like a way of life.
I just you kind ofbrought that on yourself.
There are other options.
, Brandon: I yeah.
I often used to think when I wouldbe dropping my kid off and I had
barefoot driving them to schooland it was, you know, 50 was cold.
, I still do it here, but there's no snow.

It's 27.
I should have put shoes on.
. Kendle: The sidewalk is colder that

Brandon (08:33):
I thought it would be.
It's not the sidewalk, oddly enough.
It's the gas pedal.
Mm mm-hmm.
. Brian: Oh well.
So that was the good for today.
I'm glad you guys had atleast heard of the story too.
Yes, cuz I, I was trying toread as we typical fashion, try
to pull this up on our phones.
I'm trying to read as I goand my phone was loading slow.
Thanks for the Save
. Kendle: Yeah, I definitely heard of it and knew it had happened.

I just didn't really know the details.
Very near death, I believeis the moral of the story.

Brian (09:00):

Kendle (09:00):
That's wild.
But I'm glad he is like heseems to be recovering nicely.

Brandon (09:06):
He won't be hawk eyeing anytime soon, I don't

Brian (09:08):
Or Yeah.
And then the question is like, as thathappens, like do they have to change like
the narrative in the stories or anything

Brandon (09:15):
like no.
They'd get away with him cuz theywere kind of phasing it out anyway.
All the older people theywere kind of getting rid of.
But he has a series that's on likeright now, like a crooked politician.
He's a mayor, I forget what it's called.
The mayor of Oh, Kingstownor something like that.
Yes, yes.
That's what it, so like that'sactually an active on hold series.
. Brian: Yeah.
That would have to.
Unless they had pre-recorded thewhole season and then they're

just waiting to do the next one.
Just jump in like

Kendle (09:39):
his face?

Brandon (09:41):
Like what do they do for the crow?
They had to flirt in his face.
. Yeah.

Kendle (09:47):
With like old scenes, they just put his face over somebody else's body.

Brian (09:52):
All right.
All right.
Well, we've got the badthat's, that's up for Brandon.

Brandon (09:56):
There's so many good ones.
I, it's hard for me to pick
All right.
So, It was a toss up between you guys.
Tell me which one I should use.
There's a man who gets trapped in aporta potty and gets busted for drugs.
Or there's a man who got caught or no.

Who stole a footlong sandwich byshoving it down the front of his pants.
. Brian: Did that give him a total of 14 inches then or what?
No, they just
said Footlong.
. It was cold that day.
, nevermind.
All right.
I think I'm gonna go with theporta-potty, cuz this one's pretty good.

Kendle (10:37):
Listen, we love a weird poop story.

Brandon (10:39):
Well, you're in luck today, . So , a man gets trapped in a porta-potty
and then gets busted for drugs.
So I was like, there's no porta-pottythat could hold a normal person.
You rammed the door hardenough, you're getting out.
So I guess what had happened is hegot his foot wedge between the door.

and the porta potty itself.
Oh yeah.
So it was like a lobster trap.
He couldn't pull it back.
Oh geez.
His foot back out.
So someone, a bystander orsomeone that was walking by
heard someone screaming for help.
. So they called the police, they came,unlocked the door and got 'em out.
And then when they were searchinghim, which I don't know why they were
searching 'em, , unless he was allkinds of sketchy, which I'm probably

guessing that was the case, if he

Kendle (11:22):
got locked into a porta potty, I feel like he was all kinds of sketchy.

Brandon (11:27):
how do you get your foot trapped between the door?

Kendle (11:29):
Well, but that's, it locks from the inside.
I know, that's what I'm saying.
Like you were in there with the

Brandon (11:34):
The only thing I can think of is he hadthe door wedge so hard that he couldn't
o, you know, with so much pressureagainst the lock, he couldn't slide it.
Still, I ain't getting stuck

Kendle (11:44):
in no part.
Pot . Same.
I would hope I lay outthere . That's exactly

Brandon (11:48):
Hulk is the right

Music (11:50):

Brian (11:53):
I come

Brandon (11:55):
hell or hot water that I'm getting outta that thing.

Brian (11:57):
And if you've like heard likepeople tipping them over, Nope.
Don't want any part of that.
Absolutely not.
Yeah, I wouldn't.
You wouldn't, I wouldn't even be withyou if I thought there was a risk.
You were gonna tip over a porta potty

Kendle (12:08):
if I was in it.
That is one of my greatest fears in life.
Mainly that'll tip over onto the door.

Brandon (12:14):
Do you guys wanna go to the concert?
, Music: not with you.
It's my treat.
I tell you the story of a lady whodropped her phone in a porta potty.
You did?
It was at a concert.
Yeah, we did.
And she actually contemplatedreaching in there and grabbing it,
and I had to talk her out of it.

There's nothing on that.
Worth it.

Kendle (12:37):
No, don't do it.
Also, it's already done.
You can't get what's onthat phone anymore, anymore.
It's poopy,
. Brandon: Yeah, and God knows what else in there.
Oh, all the things.
But yeah, so they ended up searching theguy and he had Fentanyl on him, so he went
to jail and been arrested for multipleuh, Multiple crimes, let alone being a

nu and getting stuck in a porta potty.

Brian (12:59):
, that should be, you know, yoursentence should be, you've gotta then
spend like 60 days in a porta-potty.

Kendle (13:05):
I feel like fair.

Brandon (13:06):
That does feel like fair.
I feel like time served as you'realready stuck in the porta-potty, so
however long you were in there, youcould take that off your sentence.
Hankey's staring at you
. Music: Oh man.
Oh, that's ha.

Kendle (13:25):
so bad.
It truly is my nightmare.

Brian (13:28):

Brandon (13:30):
This is 110.
Is the penalty box
? Brian: Yeah,

Kendle (13:34):
it's a porta potty in the sun.

Brandon (13:35):
. Oh, they wrote a song about that.

Brian (13:37):
Well, have you ever seen this app?
It's called What?
The Forecast?
Oh yeah.
And it has like,

Kendle (13:43):
I think you told us it was hotter than blue water.

Music (13:46):
It's hotter than water

Brian (13:49):
In a hippie festival.

Music (13:51):
. Kendle: That's such a specific like example that everyone
is like, oh my God, no.
What makes it so worse?

Brian (14:02):
It was already bad, but like, would you throw in the hippie festival?
You're like, oh,

Kendle (14:05):
It's extra bag.
It has that whole otherlayer of funk on it.

Brian (14:12):
That can't be RINs like that's the otherthing is like if that water ever got
on it, I would never feel clean again.

Kendle (14:17):
I would have to lose my arm.
, Brian: just cut it off.
Whatever it landed on, just, just do it.
I don't need that finger

Brian (14:24):
I'll look away.
You don't even need to give me a

Kendle (14:26):
Just go full Fergus.
Cut it off.

Music (14:33):

Brandon (14:35):
all right.
It's Kindle

Kendle (14:37):
It's my turn.
So he's guilty.

Music (14:44):

Brandon (14:44):
is guilty.
Very guilty too.

Kendle (14:46):
so the most guilty.
Guilty times two.
He went and got his hair shaved.
He got himself a new mugshot.
He's so guilty.
And ah man, it felt good.
It felt so good.
So we recorded the Monday of likethe last week of trial and the
verdict came out that Thursday night.

So I had been watching on YouTubehere at the store, obviously paying
great attention to my customers andjust added up in the background
and they, the jury let out at likefour 30 that day and I kind of
turned it off thinking, okay, well.
End of business day is five.
I doubt we'll hear anything tonight.

And it was like seven o'clock.
Those people were like,nah, he's been guilty.
We knew it while we were in ourchairs, but we had to go like eat
dinner and kill sometime and make itlook like we debated a little bit.
Hell yeah.
. It was like the fastest, I saw onestat that it was like the fastest
guilty verdict, like handed overin the state of South Carolina like

in the last 50 years or something.
No hook, line and sinker.
He is a guilty man.

Brandon (15:55):
I mean, with the defensestrategy is I'm a liar.
Who lies?
I mean, how could that go wrong?

Kendle (16:00):
Well, and so then I immediately starteddeep diving into, cuz like I know what I
thought, I know what my reasons were inhis guilt and like what my like stances
pivotal moments were, essentially.
But I wanted to know, like as ajuror for you, what was it like?
There had been this one scandalright before the jury let out

about a juror getting dismissedand over like eggs or something.
I, it was a whole thing, , someonehad like given her eggs and then
she got dismissed for like talkingabout it outside of the courtroom
and she was telling people thatshe thought he was innocent.
And so when that got out, Istarted getting a little nervous.

I was like, wow, why?
Like, what are you guys.
that like we are not seeingto make you think he's in it.
So then that last day I was nervous.
I was like, oh, it might not belike it, it only takes one, right?
It only takes one to like hang it andthen you have to start all over or
it just gets thrown out all together.

So, that, that's when I started deepdiving into like juror's opinions and
basically all of them were like 5050 on the fence until he took the.
Like his testimony and hisbehavior and his like not crying.
He does a great show ofcrying with no actual tears.

Brandon (17:24):
And then he looked like thesketchiest person I've ever seen.
I only saw like five minutes ofhis testimony and I was like, dude,
this guy is so sketchy and guilty.

Brian (17:34):
So sketchy.
Well, and that like liar'sgot a lie type of approach.
Like that only draws more attention to.
Because everybody else is like n n.
No, they don't.
Not about this.
I mean, it's one thing tolike, you're a habitual liar.
Like you exaggerate every story, right?
No liar.
You don't kill family membersand then like hide it, you know?


Kendle (17:56):
and it was like, You know, he had that whole theory
of like, oh, I'm on drugs, I'm onopioids, I have pills everywhere.
Everyone knew about my pill problem.
The only people who allegedly knew abouthis pill problem were Maggie and Paul.
Maggie supposedly found the pills,and Paul was supposedly making
him detox, and it's like, really?

You had a decade long opioid problemand no one in your family knew except
the two people who now can't argue.
, like, yeah, . Yeah,that's, I don't buy it.
It's just a, a story of somebody, becauseeven Buster was like, well, I mean,
Paul might have mentioned it to me onetime, but I never really saw anything.
I didn't really know about it.

, Brian: he just thought he was smarter
than everybody else.
So what I do love is the one brother,Randy, so John, Marvin, the wormy brother,
he looks, he's very skinny, very wormy.
He was on the stand,
. Brian: It's a great, great way to put it.
He just looks warmy.
I bet.

Take a look at him.
You'll know what I mean.
The description fits.
Is it like moving
? Music: It's
just like, Easy.
I don't know.
I can't put Worm Me.

Brian (19:07):
Worm me is the worm.
You really can't see the examples.
We're making trying toconvince each other of it,

Kendle (19:12):
let alone you.
He's my body . Ouraudience is like worm me.
I'll just go with that.
Yeah, he's very wormy.
He got on the stand and you know,his whole deal was Alec is a
family man and blah, blah, blah.
He could never do anything like this.
All the things he didn't believe him.
Randolph, the brother or Randy.
The other brother that's alsoa lawyer at the law firm, he

only went to court like one day.
He was, he didn't come for the whole time.
All of his other brother, orhis other brother and sister
were there all day, every day.
Also, I missed this detail at one point.
So during the trial, he got another chargefiled against him for contraband because
his sister tried to slip him like a JohnGrisham novel during one of the break.

in front of everyone in the courtroom.
Was there a

Brandon (20:02):
file like in the middle of the, the

Brian (20:05):
It was, it was Andy Dre'slittle pick hammer to like
chew through the wall for like

Kendle (20:09):
I think he literally went hey andlike handed it to him, like . I
don't even think it was sneaky
. Brandon: I didn't know I
couldn't do that.
And they were like, obviouslyyou, you're a lawyer.
You know, you can't have like,No, people can't bring you snacks.
People can't bring youbooks like you're in jail.

No snacks.
. Brandon: So he got and my gold
What about beef jerky?
? Yeah.
He got another thing filed against himfor like owning contraband and like the
sister got in trouble for like slippingcontraband all during the trial on
It's like you're alreadyin enough trouble, sir.

Brandon (20:48):
What the hell?
A little

Kendle (20:49):
bit more, but Randy, the other.
Totally thinks he did it.
Like there's a whole articlewhere he's like chopping wood with
the reporter for like two hoursand he's like, you know what?
He did a lot of things wrong.
And I think he isn't sayingeverything that he did wrong cuz
he is the one who's having to pickup all the pieces from the cases.
Alec just like left open.

He's the one trying to like get himclosed and get people justice and like
get the money where it's supposed to.
because, I mean, it's, it's his name,so he's kind of this like collateral
damage off to the side and he thinkshis brother is guilty af and I look
, Brandon: right?
He's like, no, I'm deflecting guilt
He's like, but he, he never was in court.

He didn't testify.
He tried to stay as faraway from it as he could.
Other people

Brian (21:37):
have lives after

Kendle (21:37):
So, yeah.
And he's still gotta keep going.
Like he's still got a busy.
, this

Brandon (21:43):
is what I imagine Kendall's house.
There's like glitter, BLS and

Kendle (21:50):
I was so excited.
So I, again, I, you know, assumed itwouldn't happen that night cause it
was already kinda late in the day.
Went home and was likeplaying around on Instagram.
And a girl I know, wasshe lives down or she's.
Down near Charleston.
So she'd been kind of following it too.
And me and her were like textingabout it and sh, I got a notification
that was like, Chrissy's now live.

And so I clicked over to it andshe was like talking about the
verdict and I was like, wait, what?
And so I immediately like turned the TVon and was like searching and pulling
YouTube up and like watching the pressconference because I just kind of.
Do you know?
Turned it off for the day.

Brandon (22:24):
think before or after the couch dancing.
I, cuz I pictured some couch dancing too.

Kendle (22:28):
couch dancing was happening like in the middle of it.
. I like couldn't type in Murdochcause I was too busy dancing.
. Brian: Well it was, I mean I did hear that there had been a verdict.
I didn't hear what itwas, so I was waiting.
And then the text fromKendall came through.

Brandon (22:45):
funny is I actually literally just.
The button to shut it offand then I get a text.
I'm like, I, that was quick.

Kendle (22:58):
No, I was watching Love Islandand like onto something else.
And then That's a

Brian (23:03):
whole nother episode.

Kendle (23:04):
Listen, love Island is the jam , but

Brandon (23:09):
it's my, it's my filler between.

Brian (23:12):
I tell there's another murder I'm tuned in.
It's my

Kendle (23:14):
palate cleanser, . So yeah, it was like my little Instagram
notification popped up that she wasgoing live, and I was like, oh, I
wonder what she's going live about.
And it, the caption was my thoughtson Murdoch's verdict, and I was like,
and immediately started searching
. Brandon: Oh man.
. Music: Yes.

Brandon (23:34):
Well, and now he already kind of screwed himself because he admitted.
embezzled a lot of money.
On the stand.

Kendle (23:41):
now we get to go through all that and

Brandon (23:44):
well, I guess at this point it doesn't matter cuz he's guilty and can
be in jail for, did they run concurrentor not that it matters cuz life is

Kendle (23:53):
But yeah, I think it's two life sentences.
I saw something where it was likeover a hundred years, like Yeah.

Brandon (24:02):
So they must have ran it concurrent.

Kendle (24:05):
I can't ever keep.
straight and well.

Brandon (24:08):
Concurrent means they run both sentences at the same
like, so his gun charges mm-hmm.
, those will run concurrentwith the life sentence.
So he doesn't run, like, let's sayit was a 30 year sentence, they
don't have, it wouldn't be 30 yearsplus another 10 years after the 30.
Got it.
It'd just just be the 30 cuzthey run all those sentences

Kendle (24:23):
So like any one day you're servingtime for multiple things, correct?

Brandon (24:27):
I'm, I'm multitasking.

Brian (24:29):
. So, so, so when they ask 'em, like on.
F 400.
You know, somebody comes up tohim and says, what are you in for?
And he's got a long list ofthings he's gotta go through.
Cuz currently I'm servingtime for all of them.
All these things be

Brandon (24:42):
like that.
Ace Ventura.
. Brian: Yeah.
. Well the best part is that might givehim jail cred where they're like mm-hmm.
Oh man.
All right.
, sorry.
You know, and walk away.
Oh yeah, yeah.
He's got license.
He just shanks people cuz of it.
? Mm-hmm . I ain't going nowhere.

Brian (24:55):
The question now is like, what are you doing with this much time back in your

Kendle (24:59):
life, Kendall?
They have reopened the casefor Steven Smith, the boy
that was found in the street.

Brandon (25:07):
For For Buster.
Bus Buster Rhymes.
. . Kendle: Yeah.
It was like loosely rumoredwith Buster and the police
literally never investigated him.
They did everyone else but him and he wasthe one mentioned like 47 times by people.
So that is reopened.
Trying to stay on top of it.
So maybe they could be bunk

Brian (25:27):

Brandon (25:28):
well they did as Murdoch was going into the van, I believe to leave.
You heard somebody in the background.
Your son's next . Yourson's gonna be a roommate.
Your son's next
. Kendle: Yeah, I did see a thing pop up cuz So, you know, Buster was very like low key
before he wasn't really in the public eye.
The trial started and then I've seenseveral articles since that he's like

filed police, like court orders andstr restraining orders about like
paparazzi's and people like standingoutside his girlfriend's house and
you know, Allegedly harassing him.
And I'm like, yeah, cuzwe got more stuff to do.
Yeah, we got more things to talk about.
And sorry, your timeis up, . We're coming.

We shall now take

Brian (26:15):
the spotlight and move it upon another family member.

Brandon (26:17):
The court of Kindle has spoken.
Yeah, you just.

Kendle (26:20):
Think I've got free time.
, I'm just shifting my free time to you.

Brandon (26:26):
I maybe Kendall has this hyper-focused Yeah.
If we can get her focused on like, coldfusion, there might be something to that.

Kendle (26:34):
maybe I've never been tested for a d d, but I watch a lot of videos that's
like, if you do this, you might have it.
And I'm like, I have all of those things.
, Brandon: check and check, check.
With an extra splash of the HD

Music (26:47):
too, like I think

Brian (26:50):
I might . Oh,

Brandon (26:53):
that's good.
All right.
All right.
Any, any, any closing words onyour now that it's like pulling
a thorn out, it's, it's, it is

Kendle (27:00):
instant relief.
It is kind of, but thenalso a gaping hole.
And I'm like, what do I fill here?
. Brian: Oh, they'll be, we wouldn't have the good, the bad
and the whatever for nothing.
There'll be somebodyelse who fills the belt.

Brandon (27:10):
I'll, I'll, I'll find you something.
. Brian: Yeah, I just, in the meantime we'll fill it with gators and
drive-throughs and stuff like that.
, Kendle: it was just, satisfying to like see justice come out in the right way
this time because there was, there wasmoments in time during the trial where
I was like, he might pull this off.

Like he might get away with it.
In my gut and in everyone else's guts,I feel like they all know he is guilty.
Oh, yeah.
But that like

Brian (27:40):
aj, I mean, I don't think anybody's second guessing his guilt, but Right.
He didn't get

Kendle (27:43):
convicted, but he didn't get it and like he got
off on a weird technicality.
And so it's like there could bethe Robert Blake effect, , yeah.
There could be this like weird loopholethat they somehow fit him into and
he walks out like it could happen.

Brandon (27:58):
was at a real estate agent and they.
, all of them were in oneroom talking about it.
some houses today obviously, but Right
. Kendle: Well I told you we had a whole group chat in here at the
store one day cuz when the Netflixdocumentary LA launched, this lady
was like, yeah, I was watching it.

I had no idea.
And supposedly there's gonnabe a trial and I was like, you
wanna talk about it right now?
, you got anywhere elseto be this afternoon?
All right guys.
I think think that's gonna wrap it up.
Take us home

Music (28:45):

be crazy.
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